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Topics - GoblinFae

Serendipity / Rylan Silvanus
March 04, 2013, 06:38:46 PM
______________QUICK STATS
Name Rylan Silvanus
Age He's forgotten how many centuries it is now
Gender Male
Species Demon
Ethnicity Serenian
Height 6'7"
Occupation None
Residence Ravensway

______________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

At 6'7", Rylan is the gentle giant. His features are softly angular with an aristocratic quality to them. His eyes are an inhuman pale gold that darken and flash with his moods and mark him as someone who requires respect. Silky hip-length hair hangs loosely, in shades of pale gold or silver depending on how they are seen in what light.

Rylan prefers to wear full gentleman's attire despite his choice of home terrain. His only concession is that they are in earthy shades of tans, browns, and blacks which best hide him in the shadows he so much prefers. His only jewelry is an earring in his left earlobe with two purple braids and two tinkling bells.

By: Heise


Rylan has a wolf-like personality. He is stubborn, curious yet shy and can be either playful or defensive depending on the given situation. He likes to keep to himself and is afraid of humans, for reasons he will not say.

But, above all else, Rylan is a gentle soul. He finds great joy in nature and with his companions. He would do anything to protect them and is loyal to a fault.


~Shifting between demon and humanoid forms
~Closeness with nature, specifically wolves
~Demonic strength and speed
~Fast healer


~Gos Hawk: Iolana has been raised by Rylan since she was a fledgling, fallen from her nest. Now fullgrown, she travels everywhere with him and will bring an occasional "present" to try and cheer him up or distract him on a moody day.
~Wolves: Rylan has three blonde wolves that tend to hang around him and therefore it is not uncommon to see them in his company. It has taken many years to gain their trust but they view his as part of their small pack. They heed his commands, making him very careful about what he asks of them. He feels very much responsible for them and does not wish to abuse the power he has over them as a demon. The largest wolf is the male, Liulfr. He is broad-chested and very much the alpha personality. He is also hot-tempered, not even backing down to Rylan without a fight at times. Wesser on the other hand a ever much the submissive male and can be seen hanging around Rylan the most, seeking both affection and protection. He is a very playful wolf and often gets himself into trouble with his puppish antics. The only female is Peidan, Liulfr's mate and the mothering figure of the group. Unlike her very muscled mate, she is lithe of form and long-legged. Peidan is the quickest on her feet and when hunting is traditionally the one that runs the prey down to wear it out.


Rylan only remembers bits and pieces of his past as the last centuries have all been a blur of routine, before that is nearly too far back to recall. He remembers that he had a family once, friends, siblings, parents and all was laughter and mischief back then.

But, over time everyone drifted away for some reason or another until Rylan was the only one left who remained in the ruins of his people's woodland home. As the years passed he would occasionally run into another of his kind however, it has been nearly a century since that last occurred.

From time to time in the rare moments that Rylan chooses to sleep, he will dream of the past and recall not only the way things were but how they came to be as they are now.

______________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads
Slave to the Moon

Slave to the Moon
Zantaric / Maverick Alinari
February 28, 2013, 08:44:51 PM
______________QUICK STATS
Name Maverick Alinari
Age 903
Gender Male
Species Demon, formerly human
Ethnicity Serenian
Height 6'2"
Occupation Assassin
Residence Zantaric

______________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Despite his human-like appearance there is otherworldly quality about Maverick when he looks at you or moves. It is primal and fierce, like the hunter before his kill. His eyes bore intensely into the unlucky one who catches his mercury gaze. His features are those of a stony-faced man in his mid to late twenties. His hair is white as snow and just long enough to stand up on its own but not enough to be tied back.

Maverick is quite tall and built of a strong stock. His hands have a large splay quite capable of crushing a windpipe or breaking a neck should he feel like resorting to such levels. His clothing choices depend on where he is and what he is doing. However, he prefers his outfits to be inconspicuous and to allow free range of movement.

By: Kerem Beyit


Maverick is reckless and aggressive. If he wants something, he will take it rather than miss the opportunity for he is arrogant enough to believe he is entitled to whatever he wants. He knows his strengths and the power that he controls and is therefore confident in his capabilities, without fear of repercussion.

For better or for worse he is passionate about all that he does, giving his whole self to a task and allowing himself to be swept into so much so that the need for food and sleep are far from his mind. He does have a cruel streak however, he prefers to reveal it sparingly so that it does not lose its effect, or so he says.


~Demonic Illusions: Can create illusions that affect all five of the senses, although this ability works best on humans and weaker creatures
~Demonic Fire: The other gift he received from his transformation was the ability to summon and manipulate a blue fire that burns everything it touches and cannot be put out by any mortal means.
~Demoncraft: Maverick still has the capability to summon demons from other planes although he does this less now given that he is now one and that the act of using his old mortal rune magic gives him blinding headaches.
~Ventriloquy: He got bored and found it amusing to throw his voice around and annoy Senji...turns out it's pretty useful in the longrun.
~More to come as played


~Senji and Maverick have a rather complicated relationship. They are friends and partners-in-crime however they are also on-again, off-again lovers. For 697 years they have known each other, quarreled, cheated, lied, adulterated, and vied for dominance. It was Senji who taught him to become an assassin and who has always managed to both rile him and to engage him. Secretly Maverick is jealous of those who receive Senji's attention and will whether consciously or not strive to regain his placing in the other demon's life.
~Amdoska is Maverick's pet. The red, chubby imp serves him and assists with spying and small errands. The creature however can be quite mischievous and cause more harm than good.


Born the son of a relatively wealthy father and a witch mother, Maverick did not want for much growing up. He shared his mother's gift and thirst for knowledge, delving deeper and deeper into the arts until even she feared what he was becoming. He found peace and solace in the rituals and the raw power coursing through him.

It was therefore only a matter of time before he went too far and became corrupted beyond repair by it. While in the process of summoning a powerful jinn, his concentration was broken and the demon possessed him, consuming all that he was and everything he had loved. By his own hand, he murdered his mother and father before tearing down the very foundations of their home and ravaging the land in his rage.

For what felt like centuries he fought a losing battle against the demon within, watching as he was torn asunder, chunk by chunk until suddenly it all stopped. Maverick cannot say how it happened and both he and Senji have debated it extensively but, somehow he was "reborn," as it were. He became the demon, free of planner bonds and human mortality. He was fifteen.

Unable to pick up the pieces of his broken life Maverick was driven from his place of birth by what remained of his village. He would never return to Altas Verde again. Much of the period directly after his flight is blurred in his memory for with the intoxicating power overflowing through him, he left a path of destruction in his wake. Therefore not much is known concerning what he was doing during that time period. Although Adelan legends speak of the curse that came from uttering a certain unspeakable word that would bring the black jinn's wrath upon all who had heard it its syllables.

Maverick came to learn to control his magic but was dismayed when he first realized that his beloved mortal magic was locked away from him. It would take years before he could do the most basic and smallest displays of it that would then result in exhaustion and full-body pain that would last for weeks.

Centuries later would permit him to tolerate the more advanced spells with only a blinding migraine. Despite the loss, he would also continue over the years to study and glean all he could about both his fate and magic in general. The intoxication that came from more knowledge and power had not ended with his old life. Maverick continued to practice his old rituals without purpose simply for a sense calm, much like meditation.

It was around this time that he first met the demon, Senji Yamada, a man who would forever change the course of his life.

Note: Maverick is loosely based on an original character by Moonie who has given me permission to expand and shape him into this. Special thanks to her for allowing the adoption of one of her characters

______________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads
Of Love and War

Complete Threads
Cat and mouse (Partner Deactivated)

Senji's Lost Chapters-Written by Moonie
Cat and mouse
Of Love and War
Absences/Returns / Fae-napped!
February 21, 2013, 05:19:23 AM
So the goblins got unruly and decided that I needed some more mischief in my life. Things have been crazy! As soon as I figure out how to escape the containment area I should return...well as long as I don't fall into the bog of eternal stench >.<

In all seriousness I know that I owe nearly twenty threads...still. I will get to them I promise. Thank you everyone for your continued patience and support. To the newer members (if you're reading this) YES I would still like to start new threads/continue the ones we JUST started. But...goblins man...get you every time :P

I'll be back and slow but I'm going to find a way out of this I swear!

Happy writing!
Serendipity / Donovan Cabello
February 11, 2013, 02:54:36 PM
______________QUICK STATS
Name Donovan Cabello
Age 22
Gender Male
Species Human
Ethnicity Serenian
Height 5' 9"
Occupation "Night Guard"
Residence Northwatch

______________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Blond hair, green-eyes, and an unblemished boyish complexion makes Donovan seem the part of a perfect little angel. He has a baby face and a slender, long-limbed frame that complete the image of eternal boyhood.

His source of manly pride is the very light blond, baby-fine "stubble" on his chin. In reality the Cabello twins have only managed to grow at most a total of three hairs, but telling them that is sure to send them into a fit of indignation.

The armor that the boys both wear on their "nightwatches" was scrounged together from their meager allowances and Donovan's fine craftsmanship. The swords were won in a gamble against a pair of young soldiers who are very miffed at losing their prized possessions. The boys make sure to stay as far away from them as possible.

Donovan is the elder twin.

By: Moon Hyunsoo


While both twins are physical carbon copies their personalities tend to differ. Both are mischievous and cheeky and will of course share everything nicely with each other. But, while Oliver and Donovan have no problem with pretending to be the other they do recognize each other's differences.

Donovan is the hot-headed twin. He does not take to being put down and would gladly brawl to settle a score. However, he is generally the complete opposite of his brother when it comes to the ladies. He is quieter and more shy, letting Oliver take the lead.

However, he is a hard-worker. Donovan loves working with his hands, whether it be with wood, metal, or leather. He is best at wood-carving though and once in a while is permitted to sell some of his pieces in his family's store. As the more work-inclined twin, Donovan does most of the heavy-lifting around the shop while Oliver handles the customers.




~Twin Brother: Oliver Cabello
~Mother: Living
~Father: Living


Born of a pair of working-class parents, the Cabello twins lived a hard-working yet fruitful life. Their dreams however, were always bigger than their station and as such they have often been caught with their heads in the clouds as they dream up tales of adventures they have never been on.

They are currently masquerading as soldiers, the "nightwatch of Northwatch," they call themselves. This consists of mostly skulking about the city at night and fighting with each other during their watches. Their parents of course have no idea about any of this and believe their sons to be upstanding citizens who run the family storefront during the day. In turn the boys like to tell tales to any that will listen that they are poor little orphans who overcame hardship and adversity to become the strong and charismatic men they are today.

______________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads
The Northwatch Nightwatch

The Northwatch Nightwatch
Serendipity / Oliver Cabello
February 11, 2013, 02:54:09 PM
______________QUICK STATS
Name Oliver Cabello
Age 22
Gender Male
Species Human
Ethnicity Serenian
Height 5' 9"
Occupation "Night Guard"
Residence Northwatch

______________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Blond hair, green-eyes, and an unblemished boyish complexion makes Oliver seem the part of a perfect little angel. He has a baby face and a slender, long-limbed frame that complete the image of eternal boyhood.

His source of manly pride is the very light blond, baby-fine "stubble" on his chin. In reality the Cabello twins have only managed to grow at most a total of three hairs, but telling them that is sure to send them into a fit of indignation.

The armor that the boys both wear on their "nightwatches" was scrounged together from their meager allowances and Donovan's fine craftsmanship. The swords were won in a gamble against a pair of young soldiers who are very miffed at losing their prized possessions. The boys make sure to stay as far away from them as possible.

Oliver is the younger twin.

By: Moon Hyunsoo


While both twins are physical carbon copies their personalities tend to differ. Both are mischievous and cheeky and will of course share everything nicely with each other. But, while Oliver and Donovan have no problem with pretending to be the other they do recognize each other's differences.

Oliver is the more reserved of the two when it comes to confrontation. While outgoing and flirtatious with the ladies he wants absolutely nothing to do with the fights that can arise from ogling the wrong girl.

He is a generally lazy individual, leaving most of the work around the shop for his brother to do. Oliver hates getting dirty if he can help it. Instead he waits on the customers, well the female ones at least, regaling them with adventurous tales and poetry. For while Donovan is the laborer of the two, Oliver is the thinker and the planner.




~Twin Brother: Donovan Cabello
~Mother: Living
~Father: Living


Born of a pair of working-class parents, the Cabello twins lived a hard-working yet fruitful life. Their dreams however, were always bigger than their station and as such they have often been caught with their heads in the clouds as they dream up tales of adventures they have never been on.

They are currently masquerading as soldiers, the "nightwatch of Northwatch," they call themselves. This consists of mostly skulking about the city at night and fighting with each other during their watches. Their parents of course have no idea about any of this and believe their sons to be upstanding citizens who run the family storefront during the day. In turn the boys like to tell tales to any that will listen that they are poor little orphans who overcame hardship and adversity to become the strong and charismatic men they are today.

______________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads
The Northwatch Nightwatch

The Northwatch Nightwatch
Connlaoth / Lorcan Dempsey
February 11, 2013, 11:41:43 AM
______________QUICK STATS
Name Lorcan Dempsey
Age 29
Gender Male
Species Human
Ethnicity Connlaothian
Height 6' 4"
Occupation Mordecai
Residence Connlaoth

______________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Lorcan is a man in his prime with youthful looks and strength. He does not have a bodybuilder's hulking body but he does have muscle definition. There is not an ounce of fat on his body. His hands are callused and scarred from years of swordwork. He also bares various other scars all over his body but the most noticeable ones are the two on his face.

There is a pale notch in his left eyebrow and directly below his left eye down to the middle of his cheek. While faint and thin this scar was given to him in a knife fight with a particularly vindictive Mage intent upon gouging his eye out. Lorcan is forever grateful he missed. His other facial scar is a small one on the left corner of his mouth. This one was earned during a drunken brawl that he was trying to diffuse.

His only other distinguishing body feature is an intricately designed tattoo that he has on his left arm. It starts on the left side of his neck and runs down his arm to about his wrist. Part of it also marks his shoulder blade and the front of his shoulder, above his pectoral muscle. Lorcan likes to keep this tattoo hidden most of the time, although he is not ashamed of it. He had it done one night when he was drunk and still mourning his parents' deaths.

He keeps his dark blond hair short in a crew cut and shaves his facial hair as best as he can although the inevitable blond peach fuzz is unavoidable on long tours away from the barracks. His eyes are very dark brown in color and have a piercing quality about them when Lorcan is unhappy or displeased.

By: Eve Ventrue


This Mordecai is well-suited for his duties. Lorcan is both loyal and honorable. He is not excessive in his tasks, doing what is necessary to keep the peace and never more. His family's teachings have led him to be indifferent towards magic-holders. However, over a decade of work as a Mordecai has left him feeling a mix of disgust and pity towards those that break the law and use their magic.

Yet, while firm and commanding in the line of duty, Lorcan is fun-loving and kindhearted. He loves a good night out drinking and gambling with his fellow soldiers. But, he also enjoys his peace as much as his socializing. The soldier is a lover of beautiful things, no matter how simple. Lorcan has a real softspot for children especially and is a good mentor and role-model to the young ones.

The only thing Lorcan does not talk about is his family. He will defend his little brother Luke before his men but he will not bring the boy up in conversation. There is a mixture of guilt and resentment that Lorcan feels towards his brother on bad days and so tries to make up for it as much as he can on better days.


~Knowledgeable about metal strengths


~Little Brother: Luke


Lorcan Dempsey was born the eldest son of two. His younger brother, Luke, was born not long after his starting Mordecai training at the age of eighteen. Life was good growing up; Lorcan had no complaints. His parents were loving individuals who taught him the upstanding values and qualities he carries throughout his life now.

While they were always very proud of their eldest son's career choice, they made sure to stress the importance of not losing oneself in a cause. Wrong or not, evil or not, a person is a person. Mages are sick individuals who should be helped, not treated like vermin. The wrongs that some commit cannot always be helped. For Lorcan it has always been a challenging lesson, but one he has worked very hard to uphold as well.

Sadly tragedy struck the Dempsey family when a fire from the family forge burnt down the family home, taking the lives of the Dempsey parents. That night at the age of twenty, Lorcan became both an orphan and a father to his then two year old baby brother. The child had been saved from the smoke and flames by their father moments before the roof caved in on mother and father both.

Since then, Lorcan has juggled the tasks of raising his little brother alongside of trying to rise in the ranks of the Mordecai. Up until recently Luke had been his elder brother's constant shadow, hanging on his every word and assisting in any way he could. Now however he is working as a stable boy in the barracks, lessening the strain on them both to explain Luke's puppy-like presence.

______________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads
In Light and Darkness

In Light and Darkness
Wanderers and Independents / Margot Lemaire
February 11, 2013, 11:19:15 AM
______________QUICK STATS
Name Margot Lemaire
Age 25
Gender Female
Species Human
Ethnicity Adelan/Serenian
Height 5' 6"
Occupation Blue Sleeve Sirch Runner for The Runner's Society
Residence Adela

______________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Margot has short, shoulder-length blue-black hair and soft, green eyes. Her body is pale-skinned and rather compact with long, thin limbs. There is always a playful smile lighting up her face and eyes as she loves to laugh and jest.

Her only jewelry are two necklaces given to her from each of her little brothers. One is made up of Boniface's favorite little round pebbles. The other is the claw of a badger that Hector found in the forest one day while they were all playing. She also carries a pair of twin handswords, given to her by her eldest brother Timothee.

By: Bionic


Margot has a very big sister attitude about her. She takes her duties very seriously but is quick to mentor new runners and to bring a smile to the faces of even the surliest. She is not afraid of anyone and will therefore speak her mind freely without concern for consequence. Margot does not back down in a fight or argument, standing her ground to the death if she has to.

Otherwise she is a rather laid-back and easygoing young woman. She cares greatly for her charges and keeps an eye out to protect them but is more than willing to let them make their own mistakes. When not fretted with danger, Margot also takes to playing pranks on other runners, much to the chagrin of her victims. Her one serious quirk though is her love of jumping from heights. Be careful about challenging her, she has no qualms concerning cliff-diving or tree-jumping.


~Good with swords
~Strong runner
~Basic plant healing knowledge


~Parents: Alive and well
~Older brother: Timothee, Dragon-rider
~Younger twin brothers: Boniface and Hector live at home


She is the middle child and only daughter of four. Margot's father is a woodsman and his wife takes care of the home and children. There is not much to say about her history; her home life was good if a bit chaotic. Much to her mother's amusement, Margot took to the forest and trees more than to her household duties. It is from her days of running through Draconi Forest and climbing trees that gave Margot her love of adventure and jumping from daring heights.

______________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads
Lazy Days

Lazy Days
Serendipity / Oddmund Greatdrool
February 10, 2013, 10:24:09 AM
______________QUICK STATS
Name Oddmund Greatdrool
Age As if he has time to tell you!
Gender Male
Species Goblin, Mudhopper Clan
Ethnicity Serenian
Height 2' 8"
Occupation Servant to the King (The Royal Pain in the Ass)
Residence Blood Fort, Tirial

______________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Unlike many of the larger breeds of goblins, Oddmund is of the lowest and smallest-sized ones known as the Mudhoppers, so named for their small den-like homes made in the soft mud, traditionally near tree roots. Like the rest of his kin though, Oddmund's skin is a mossy green and he only has three fingers and a thumb on each hand. He has no nose but two small nostrils instead, below a pair of nearsighted beady black eyes. His ears are long floppy appendages that reach all the way down his back much like a basset hound's ears. These he keeps carefully rolled up and hidden at all times beneath his little, toadstool red cap. Oddmund does prefer to go barefoot. However, he does wear a formless, unadorned, grey gown that reaches down to his ankles.

Doodle by me!


Oddmund is a truly sweet and well-meaning little goblin, if a bit forgetful and easily confused. He takes his job very seriously though given that its own ranking as well as his own status as a lowly Mudhopper. He is therefore at times seen as high-strung and a bit obsessive about time and organization. He only wishes to do well to please his king as well as keep the king on track with his duties.

Due to his size, poor eyesight, and constant hurrying, Oddmund is rather clumsy. It is best to keep precious antiques and mother's rice dishes as far away from him as possible. The Royal Pain in the Ass to the Goblin King is an excitable fellow, often seen scurrying and hopping about in excitement or panic as well as gesticulating wildly with his and walking stick while speaking in an increasingly squeakier voice as he expresses himself. He works hard to be helpful but can be more of a hindrance despite his good intentions.

But, at the end of the day, Oddmund enjoys nothing more than curling up in a small, warm, dark place to spend a few moments in still peacefulness away from the rigors of his duties.


~Night Vision
~Resiliency: Mudhoppers have a thicker skin that makes them harder but not impossible to harm. They are bouncy in nature (a good trait for the clumsy Oddmund) and therefore have made good sport for other goblin breeds to use in games much to the Mudhoppers chagrin.
~ 3-foot tall walking stick used for prodding, whacking, and walking of course
~Plant lore: while sporadic, Mudhoppers are weak manipulators of nature around them under extreme duress. Not all can do it and it cannot be done in every dangerous situation. It comes and goes. It is an incredibly draining capability that leaves the poor goblin weak and unable to defend himself afterwards.


~Royal Pain in the Ass to his majesty Goblin King Ruxatag Ironrot


Oddmund was born on the outskirts of Blood Fort, living with his parents and other siblings in the thicket that surrounds the mountains of Tirial's back border. There he lived for many years but was never quite as content as his siblings to stay home in his little den. He always believed there was something more out there for him, even though such beliefs got him into heaps of trouble on more than one occasion.

His family do not really understand his desire and joy to be serving the king. The Mudhopper Clan while deferring to their leader's decisions tend to keep to themselves and are not concerned with the other goblins. They are a peaceful breed which is why Oddmund's interest in the world has always been seen as odd.

______________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads
Hail to the King! (Partner Deactivated)
Dwarves? Dwarves!

Dwarves? Dwarves!
Hail to the King!
General Discussion / Food For Thought
January 05, 2013, 10:02:36 AM
So I have noticed something about my own writing habits and was curious about others. As anyone who threads with me know, I love writing and I love to do so with anyone who is willing to partner up with me (so that's nearly all of you at this point). I have 34 currently active threads with 5 still in planning processes. 2 have been started by other partners I have not replied to yet, making a total of 19 threads I owe.

So here's the question. How do you do it? I always used to post in order but then you get stuck and BOOM line hold up. And then those are those nastily addictive volley sessions where everyone gets left in the dust. THE GUILT! I swear it kills xD So how do you go about juggling all those stories all at once?
Matron's Hallow / Wooden Swords and Horseshoes [Nam]
December 25, 2012, 12:47:07 PM
"Certainly good to be home," the great beast sighed, his chest heaving with the breath that passed out of his lungs. Enormous hooves pounded the earth as the centaur giddily pranced in place. Iorwerth's last trip to La'marri had certainly been a relaxing one. The children there always served to lighten his spirits, but home truly was where the heart is and Connlaoth would always be where Iorwerth's heart would remain.

He loved the land no matter the attitudes of the people that lived on it. As long as he was a free spirit and able to run and sing, he would. Not even imprisonment would keep him from his work. There would just be more stories to recount in the future, provided of course he could ever manage to get free. But, that was something to worry about another time. Getting out for a run or rather a ride was sounding awfully enticing right now.

The centaur excitedly shifted forms right there on the edge of Athervann Lake's treeline after a hasty and cursory glance about. It felt good to be in human form for a change and he relished the ability to stretch his different limbs and to give Ylli a gentle pat on the forehead.

"Good to be home indeed!"
Wanderers and Independents / Squeaker
December 12, 2012, 09:28:42 AM
______________QUICK STATS
Name Squeaker
Age Currently 1 month
Gender Male
Species Dragon
Ethnicity Unknown
Height Currently 1' from snout to tail and has a wingspan of 1'5"
Occupation None
Residence None

______________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Squeaker is a baby green dragon with big amber eyes. He has long triangular ears and thin flimsy wings that he can flap but not fly with yet. When he is older and full-grown he will be a length of 27' from snout to tail and have a wingspan of 54'. There are also small spines on the that jut out of each set of bones in his wings, that will be stronger and sharper as he ages. For now though he has small teeth and claws that can do no more damage than a piece of parchment. As of yet he is unable to breathe fire but he will gain that ability with age. Right now he is only capable of smoking when he hiccups or sneezes. Growls are also more of a squeaking sound, hence his name.

By: Gloria Scholik


He is a very curious little dragon who is both a bit shy and a bit adventurous. Just like a child he is very trusting and playful.


~Can send telepathic images
~Eventually will be able to breathe fire when older




Squeaker hatched from an egg in the middle of a leafy nest all alone and has been wandering in search of his mother ever since.

(Image by: Trutze)

______________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads

As much as she hated returning to her Uncle's home, Primrose would be lying if she thought for just one second tat she did not miss Jadenshine. There was just so much to be experienced here that Ketra sadly was lacking.

The library on the other side of the city was an excellent example. Primrose could remember her father taking her there to escape the social climate her uncle wished them to all associate in. For hours the two of them would sit and look over book after book on anything and everything their heart's desired to read. She could still feel the crisp parchment under her untried fingers and her father's close embrace as he whispered the words over her shoulder and into her ear.

Even after his death, it had remained one of her favorite places to hide as she got older. It therefore was no surprise that that this is where she had sought refuge from her Uncle's incessant talks of marriage. All she wanted was to do was to continue pursuing a life of healing and serving. Her Uncle's idea of a husband would only hinder that. Primrose wished to marry for love whereas he Uncle Engilram wanted it to be for money and social status.

From her perch on one of the library's many ladders, the young noblewoman rolled her eyes at the thought and reached for another book, just past where are fingers could reach. Taking her thoughts off the disconcerting matters of home, she strained further, tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth in concentration. 'Just a little bit further!'
Wanderers and Independents / Jypsei Danzer
November 26, 2012, 04:00:28 PM
______________QUICK STATS
Name Jypsei Danzer
Age 19
Gender Female
Species Human
Ethnicity Adelan
Height 5'5"
Occupation Red Sleeve Soar Runner of The Runner's Society
Residence Where the crossroads meet.

______________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

She has dark brown hair that is cut short into a pixie cut and frames her heart shaped face and dark blue eyes. Jypsei also has a healthy athlete's body that suits her well given her trade. Her slight, trim figure is both strong and flexible, able to maneuver quickly and efficiently on various terrains for long periods of time without strain or fatigue.

Her limbs are long and finely muscled, attached to slightly curved hips and defined torso, with a very slight chest. Her skin is lightly dusted with some freckles but otherwise has a light-coppery tan and remains rather unblemished save for the few tattoos she bears.

On the outside of her right ankle is a tribal tattoo of a sea turtle with a pattern of a wave on his back. The other rests on her back between her shoulder blades and depicts a dragon and phoenix intertwined with each other so that their heads rest against each other forming a centered heart. While the turtle is all black the pair on her back is black and red.

Jypsei Danzer
By: Kentaro Kanamoto


A runner in both life and occupation, Jypsei tends to keep to herself. She is not sociable and is very private about her personal life. She cares for others only to the point of duty and not beyond that. She does her job and will protect a fellow runner in the field but that is where the line ends.

However, while not a flirtatious individual she does not mind having a bed partner for the night, or at least part of it. Jypesei has been known on occasion to either leave or kick out her partner once she has gotten bored with them.

It there fore comes to no surprise that she comes and goes with the trade and owns very little in the way of luxury items. Her "home base" room is bare save for the essentials everyone is fitted with upon arrival.


~Good with knives
~Fast runner



She became a runner for TRS when she was 17 and has been running for them ever since.

______________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads
To Catch a Runner (Partner Deactivated)
A Slice of Paradise
Let's Go For A Run

Let's Go For A Run
To Catch a Runner
A Slice of Paradise
Plotting Center / Reaper's Chalice Under Weigh!
November 22, 2012, 11:36:56 AM
Continued Reaper's Chalice Plotting

This was made to help condense some points we have made and to continue our plotting. If you are interested in joining. PLEASE feel free, more players are ALWAYS welcome. Positions are listed below. More sailors are always welcome. Other positions depend on availability and are marked in italics as being open.

Crew Members

Special Notes
Part of the plot, not open for play
Sailing Master
With GoblinFae's Approval
Master Gunner
With GoblinFae's Approval
Only One
Only One
Only One
Multiple Welcome
Cabin Boy

The Story So Far....
~A Pirate's Life For Ye?-Where new pirates-to-be signed up for the adventures aboard The Reaper's Chalice [Complete]
~Welcome Aboard Ye Landlubbers!-Current thread running aboard The Reaper's Chalice

Once you have registered if are ready you can have your character mosey on over and board the beautiful Reaper's Chalice, a caravel vessel that's just waiting for her next trip on the high seas.

Here is also an excellent reference for all things nautical and pirate related should you desire it.

Current Events:

~Nearly underweigh at last my fellow pirates! Come mornings light we be setting sail!

~The plot of the missing Captain. Due to personal life, CastlesInTheSky, our creator of both ship and Captain has left us at this time. A backup plot has been in the making in case of this unfortunate scenario and will now be put into place.

The plan is that we will continue as we have been with the two threads and get everyone aboard the ship and settled before starting a new thread that takes us out to sea. I'm going to share some of the details now as they are a) likely to change with play and b) makes it more fun as things are revealed bit by bit.

A note will be received by the officers along the lines of stating that the Captain orders Morgan to continue with their plotted course without him and he will meet at the rendezvous point. The rest of the crew will not be made aware of his absence. Rumors, overheard conversations, and general suspicion then has room to set in and allow us to have a good long adventure.

More details to come as needed. Do not worry so much about this right now. We will discuss it again when it is time to start the new thread. ^.^

~Due to the activity check we have lost a few members. A new thread will be coming soon for a new dawn and a new day FINALLY out to sea.

Answered Questions / The Map
November 11, 2012, 03:15:31 PM
I just noticed that the older map in the plotting center is gone. At least for me it does not show up when I click on the old link. Just the text does. I know that we were working on renovating a new more up-to-date map. But is there anyway we could have the old one back in the interim? I was using it to track where my assassin has jobs and I lost the paper I was keeping track of it on >.<

Thank you!
I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that while I am working on posts (I swear it!) I may lose power for a long extended period of time. We have a lovely little storm system coming in and my area is supposed to be walloped and parts of it have been evacuated.

I am safe and will continue to remain so. I just might be eating canned fruit and doing reports by glowstick and candlelight for the next few days and bailing out our basement >.<

Have a great weekend everyone and Happy Halloween too if you celebrate it and I miss saying it!
Absences/Returns / The Abyss
October 14, 2012, 09:18:55 AM
My apologies to all of you. I have been drowning in work and been too exhausted when I get home to do more than check my messages, do more paperwork, and then go to bed. I have started trying to catch up again on my posts but progress is slow as some of you have already I am posting and posted back :P I think from now until November-December things will be slower. Then when the true craziness of work starts up I'll be back posting in monster-loads xD.

Forgive my slowness. I'm still working on them, I promise!

Serendipity / Ro'or Dvorak
September 23, 2012, 02:03:30 PM
______________QUICK STATS
Name Ro'or Dvorak
Age 32
Gender Male
Species Human
Ethnicity Serenian
Height 6'1"
Occupation Necromancer
Residence Tirial

______________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
As a boy Ro'or had looked very much like his sister. Pale blond hair had framed boyish features and purple eyes. As he aged, there was always a sort of sadness about him, brought on by the hardship his family was undergoing.

However, once he began delving into the darkest forms of magic, his body began to pay the price. Wheat-colored hair turned black as raven's wings and purple orbs lightened into demonic bloodshot red eyes. His features became sharper, his intentions crueler.

One of the only things to carry over from boyhood to manhood were a set of piercings in his left ear. Other than that he was a completely changed man. A form that had been filling out changed, becoming thinner and muscular like that of cat. In fact because of the stalking way in which he moves, many speculate that he can shape-shift although neither he nor Amleah have ever confirmed or denied such rumors.

Young Ro'or Dvorak
By: Yue-Iceseal
Ro'or Dvorak
By: Heise

Where his sister is warm and light, Ro'or is dark and cruel. He is very calculating and patient with his moods, waiting years even before striking out against someone who has wronged him. In public he prefers to remain on the borders of conversation, not a memorable active participant but still very much able to hear and know everything that is going on. Ro'or maintains an indifferent but polite exterior in the presence of others even as he strategizes their demise.

The only one who knows the full extent of his nature is his sister. Amleah is his only recognized family and his closest tie to humanity. He often manipulates even her though to gain what he needs. He preys on her sense of good and loyalty to achieve his goals. She is but a step above a pawn to him. She is an enticement to others to join his cause, although he is in turn fiercely protective of her and many potential suitors have either disappeared or left in the middle of the night after making it known of their intentions towards the High Lady.

~Telepathy with twin sister


~Twin Sister Amleah: He has a very strong tie to his sister. The two are inseparable. While she is the face that is always seen, he is always close at hand. Ro'or is very territorial when it comes to his sister. He is obsessed with her and uses her for his own gains. For the most part he is ignorant of his sister's attitude towards him and takes her for granted.


Ro'or and Amleah were born to a lowly noble mother and a deceased father. Their mother was one of the few prized tutors of the province used to teach high noble children of the land's history. Wishing for her children to have better than she ever did, the woman ensured that both her children were well-educated and had a chance for the honor of high lord and lady. In all her hopes and dreams she never actually believed it to be a possibility. The ruling family had been in power for so long, it was doubtful anyone else would have that right.

She died from a ravaging illness that had her wasting away for five long years of suffering. The Dvorak family had not had the money to pay for a good doctor. While Amleah was the one who slaved by her mother's side, Ro'or buried himself in studies, hoping to save his mother. Even after her death he believed in hope and delved into necromancy.

A once fair-haired, light-hearted boy became the dark, brooding man he is today. The magic took a toll on his body, blackening his hair and leaving him with red bloodshot eyes. The death of their mother united the twins into an inseparable force. They swore to stick together no matter the outcome. It is a promise they both uphold even as their hearts turn with different visions of the future.

So when the opportunity arose that the high lady of Tirial seemed to no longer be capable of fulfilling her duties, Ro'or made inquiries and managed to secure his sister with an audience before the council that would chose the next high lord or lady. Despite her lowly birthright, Amleah had been trained well and shone like a star, her brother ever-watching from the shadows.

Amleah won not only the hearts of the council but also her people to be. To Tirial Ro'or is received under a range of attitudes. Some pity him believing him weak and broken while others are suspicious of his seemingly dark nature. He is the mystery that has yet to be solved, the point of intrigue that every good government seems to have.

______________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads
Yule Tidings
A Spoonful of Sugar Helps the Medicine Go Down
Pucker Up, Buttercup!

Yule Tidings
A Spoonful of Sugar Helps the Medicine Go Down
Pucker Up, Buttercup!
Serendipity / Benjamin Hase
September 23, 2012, 02:03:19 PM
______________QUICK STATS
Name Benjamin Hase
Alias Benji, Ben
Age 24
Gender Male
Species Human
Ethnicity Serenian
Height 5'9"
Occupation Alchemist and Inventor
Residence Fallial

______________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Benjamin is a tall and slender young man. He never had much interest in the kinds of activities that caused one to break a sweat and therefore has a wiry frame instead of the more muscular ones of his peers.

His hair is a soft, fiery red with choppy bangs in the front and on the sides. In the back his hair is just long enough to tie into a messy ponytail at the nape of his neck. A small amount of stubble is not an uncommon sight on Benjamin's face as he often is too engrossed in what he is doing, to shave.

His eyes are a warm, lavender color that often are seen staring unfocused out into space. Benjamin also wears a pair of spectacles that when in thought he will mouth the earpiece of distractedly.

In childish retaliation to his mother's efforts to marry him off to the first pretty noblewoman she finds, Benjamin went and got his left ear pierced from cartilage to lobe. He refuses to remove them and wears them as a badge of honor much to his mother's chagrin. However, if he is to be completely honest with himself, it irks him greatly to know that his ears are not symmetrical. On the other hand, he cannot bring himself to get the other ear pierced and further disturb his mother. Once was more than enough.

Benjamin Hase
By: yuumei

If Benjamin had his way he would never have to deal with another human being ever again. He is a very introverted individual and tends to lock himself up in his study for days on end. If it was not for his mother's incessant prying he would forget to eat or sleep because of his intense obsession over his work. He is very distracted from the real world by anything that could assist him in his work.

Incredibly intelligent, he is always thinking of a better solution or a new way of doing things. Benjamin is not above pointing out when someone is wrong or that they should be doing something differently. He knows many things and at times can become so focused that he forgets who he is talking to and speaks as if they understand everything he is saying.

His social interactions are usually awkward. The young noble will do almost anything he can to avoid them. He is rather oblivious and can often miss social queues or intentions. Unless you are a book or a rare plant, the likelihood of keeping his attention is minimal.

Benjamin cares very deeply for his mother though. As much as she annoys him, he works hard at what he does to keep them both living comfortably. He is a kind-hearted and caring individual; he just does not always do things the way others would expect or in an acceptable time frame.


  • Has and will randomly fall asleep at the worst of times simply because he's tried to sustain himself on coffee and sheer willpower for days at a time.
  • Has accidentally mixed up alchemy ingredients and tea before. Is no longer allowed to have food in his lab anymore by his mother's orders after he almost poisoned himself for the 12th time.
  • Horribly allergic to iron. Even standing too close to it can make his eyes burn and him sneeze. Touching it causes an instant burning and hive reaction. Wearing gloves prevents some of these symptoms for a short period but he still can get burned and often will have a rash long afterwards.
  • VERY much likes his personal space thank you VERY much. Is less aware when he is invading other's space though.
  • Hates carrots with a vengeance!
  • Will climb a chair (or the nearest person) should there be a worm present. (Snakes are okay but the worms know what they did!)

~Minor parlor trick magic

Mother: Uncomfortably coddled by

Benjamin was born to a pair of higher ranking nobles in Fallial. However as time passed they lost much of their wealth and currently hold naught but their titles and their family estate. Young Master Hase has been helping with some of the income flow as he covertly practices his alchemy and makes new inventions, much to his mother's dismay and disapproval.

Growing up his family had connections with the Firrikash family of Tirial. Many summers and some winters he had been made to spend with their daughter whether it be in his home or hers. Neither wanted anything to do with the other; she far preferred time spent climbing trees and he hiding in the library.

At the time it was a relief to him when a falling out between their mothers years later ensured he would not be seeing the now grown woman. Benjamin never knew the full extent of what occurred between his mother and her supposed closest friend other than it having to do with the scandal that brought to light the daughter's illegitimate birth to a man that was not Lord Firrikash.

______________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads
Yule Tidings
Boys Will Be Boys (Partner Deactivated)
Forever Lost (Partner Deactivated)
Tools of Conquest

Yule Tidings
Boys Will Be Boys
Forever Lost
Tools of Conquest
Zantaric / Artorius Winterbottom
September 22, 2012, 05:43:20 PM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Artorius Winterbottom
Age 31
Gender Male
Species Human
Ethnicity Connlaothian
Height 5'9"
Occupation Drifter
Residence Zantaric

Playlist: Warning May Contain Explicit or Mature Lyrics and Themes

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Artorius is heterochromic, having an ice-blue left eye and a molten-gold right eye. A scar that divides his right brow in half and moves diagonally across his face over the top of the bridge of his nose to the top of his left cheek bone, makes his face a hard one to forget. As a rule, he keeps his dark chocolate brown hair shaggy in the front so that his bangs end up covering one of his eyes from view.

Despite his lean frame, Artorius has a muscular build and is not ashamed to prove it in a fight. Overall, his body is of a medium tan, weathered by his time spent out of doors. His hands are not those of a noble, they are rough from manual labor.


He is a very cynical man. Every man can be bought; every man has an incentive and ulterior motive, in his mind. Some of this comes from experience, although much of it has to do with the fact that Artorius himself is this way. He is used to getting what he wants through manipulation and on the very rare occasion, force. 

He prefers to stray away from causing in-exuberant amounts of violence simply because he is too lazy to actually follow through with it all. Artorius is a massive risk-taker however; if there is a chance to win something then he is in. Much of his money has been lost and re-won due to his gambling addiction.

Artorius carries a very flippant, devil-may-care attitude about him. Everyone and everything is a bother to him. He likes to keep to himself, taking what he desires, uncaring of what the consequences may be. The only one that matters is himself, everyone else can find their own way.

~Adept bluffer in gambling

~Mother: Estranged
~Father: Estranged
~Several siblings: Estranged or never met including Hilarius Winterbottom
~Hilarius Winterbottom: Younger brother
~Brie: Ex-Fiance
~Levester: Deceased Best Friend


Born into a comfortable, financially-stable home, Artorius grew up without serious hardship. There was the occasional nuisance but nothing worth of long and serious discussion. As a young adult, he joined the Connlaothian army as a swordsman. There he would meet the man he would come to see as his friend and later down the road of time, a traitor.

Artorius and Levester became an inseparable pair, always seen frequenting pubs or sparring side-by-side. Much to Artorius' parents' displeasure the pair were prone to getting into small brawls and squabbles wherever they went. His mother's threat was that it was a wonder he was still permitted to be a soldier what with his wily ways.

The two men shared everything together, drinks, boons, bedmates, and on the cold, lonely nights far off on the borders, a bed.The arrangement worked for them both right until Artorius first fell in love. Then everything changed.

Brie was the belle of the town, an unmatched beauty who captured the rugged soldier's heart the moment their eyes met. Artorius found himself at a loss as to what to do once he met Brie. Their encounters were always awkward and never as he planned them even with or maybe because of Levester's assistance.

The proposal was such a comical disaster that Levester would later jest that it was a miracle Brie ever said yes at all. But, yes she did say and the two were in a state of pre-marriage bliss on the home-front while the boys continued their own relations away from it.

The breaking point came though when Artorius arrived to surprise Brie only to be surprised himself with both his fiance and his best friend tangled in the sheets together. Words could not describe his sense of betrayal and heartache. He stormed up, speaking to neither of them, always avoiding Brie at all costs.

A fight broke out between the boys that resulted in Levester as the loser of the brawl but otherwise the friendship was effectively rent in two. They still fought side-by-side but there was always a tension between the two. Artorius wanted nothing to do with either of his lovers.

In an insurgence, Levester was killed while fighting a Mage. Artorius fled from his duty after attending the funeral and demanding the return of his ring from a weeping Brie. He has never returned to Connlaoth, nor has any intention of doing so. He is an outlaw for defecting but, it suits him. He has forever been hardened by the betrayal of his loved ones and now sees the world through jaded eyes, always searching for the first signs of selfish greed in others.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads
Bad Decisions
A Dish Best Served Cold

A Dish Best Served Cold
Bad Decisions