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Dusk, Healer

Started by DragonSong, October 31, 2015, 07:28:33 AM

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__________________QUICK STATS
Name Seraphinata AKA Dusk
Age 18 (when she left home, current age TBD)
Gender Female
Species Mostly human...probably (technically demifae)
Ethnicity Unknown, probably Serenian
Height 5'4"
Sexuality Bisexual
Occupation Healer
Residence Wherever she can find a place to sleep

Credit: my awkward sketchbook

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Dusk has a number of distinct physical characteristics, the one people usually notice first being her hair: at the root it is a deep purple-black color and fades to an almost lavender shade near the ends, usually worn loose and long with a gentle wave. She has bright blue eyes with a ring of soft green around the pupils, making them appear almost teal. She is fair skinned with a smattering of very light freckles that sort of glitter if the light catches them right. Her figure is what most might deem "slender" or perhaps even "waifish".
Since she dislikes attention, she usually wears a dark gray cloak with the hood up to obscure her rather eye-catching hair and eyes. She also wears a pouch at her hip filled with different herbs, potions, and poultices she uses for healing.

By nature Dusk is a gentle, timid soul. She is soft spoken (if she speaks at all), and has a bit of a stutter that becomes more pronounced under duress. Despite her shyness however, she craves companionship- she's usually just to nervous to ask for it. She enjoys music and art and sunsets and waterfalls and really anything that could be considered "tranquil". Though she tries to avoid conflict, if confronted with it her first instinct is to negotiate in an effort to bring about peace. Failing that, she usually runs away. Her connection with the natural world gives her a deep respect for life, in all forms.

Healing: Dusk can heal both magically and by more conventional methods. She tries to use herblore and the like as often as she can because using her magical talent to heal tends to be tiring (the more serious the injury/illness, the more tiring it is). However it goes against her nature to leave someone hurting, so if mundane means fail she will use magic to the best of her ability.

Mother Earth: In addition to her healing magic, Dusk has a connection with life itself. She can make plants grow and talk to animals; sometimes this connection even allows her to sense the emotions of the people around her (though she usually tries to keep this aspect of her gift on lockdown as it feels like spying).

Fighting: Dusk has never been much of a fighter, but if forced to she's pretty handy with a bow. She avoids taking life whenever possible however, which occasionally comes back to bite her in the ass.

Raised in La'marri, Dusk has a soft spot for the village's residents. Unfortunately though, her shyness makes it hard for her to bond with two-legged people, so she really doesn't have any companions on her travels.

A baby was left at the La'marri orphanage with a name stitched into her blanket: Seraphinata. A mouthful of a name, and as the girl grew she earned the nickname "Dusk", for the color of her hair. She had a reasonably normal childhood for a La'marri orphan, and like most in her position she began to wonder about her parentage.

So, when she was eighteen, she decided to leave La'marri and set out to find whoever had left her all those years ago. Two years of travel has taught her much about the world, though there always seems to be more to learn.

Unknown to Dusk, she is actually the half-faerie child of Ilona's faerie godmother. Whatever happened to her mother that caused her to leave Dusk in La'marri has passed the connection between herself and her goddaughter on to Dusk herself.

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A Warrior, a Healer, and an Accidental Adventure [Archive]
Out of the Woods