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Here There Be Serpents [Open]

Started by PenbladeJW, January 16, 2021, 12:18:47 AM

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Korada grumbled to himself and furrowed his brow as he counted the pieces of silver in his hand. The smell of fish, both raw and cooked, hung over the town's small market as his last buyer walked away with their basket full of fish. With an empty barrel now the old, surly fisherman took a moment to tally up his earnings for the day. It wasn't much. His catch for the past few days hadn't been much either though, to be fair. Fishing had been sparse recently, and even Korada's spartan lifestyle was suffering. He had fish to eat, sure, but rigging, nets, fishing lines, ship repairs, and metal fittings cost money. He'd need to come up with funds from somewhere, and soon if this dry spell continued.

Stuffing the coins back into his pocket he popped the lid back onto his barrel, tipped it onto its side, and began rolling it down the street and past the town's only two story building, an old tavern that stank of fish even worse than the market, and back to the docks. He walked past a few other docked ships to his lonely boat near the end of the row, rolling the barrel back aboard, before righting it and taking a seat on it to consider his options. A hand idly toyed with the green bone-earring in one of his ears, considering the possibility of calling the fish to him, but he scowled to himself at the thought, discarding it and rumbling in thought as he watched the bustle of the few streets that ended at the docks.

Part of him considered trying for some night fishing but he wasn't quite that desperate yet. As his boat bobbed lazily he looked out over the docks for some inspiration, arms folded over his hard chest and feet planted firmly on the deck.

Not much but I need to start somewhere to get back into the swing of writing. Hit me up if you need passage along the coast, hired muscle, got some other job for Korada to help with, or any other hook really.

Lilly Blackwood

At first glance both animal and man would miss her or dismiss her as a random deer, for she was at the edge between land and sea, with her cloak on her, a deer skin with both head and horns intact resting on top of her own. It wasn't until she fished like a bear that she would look out of place. Once she had her fill she tied a few to her hip and with that, exposed her appearence beneeth the deer skin, with the height of a hobbit (3ft), the appearence of an elf with bark for clothing..

She was the child of the wild and civilization was too.. too lively, for a lack of a better word. Too much she didn't know or understand at the same time, but she didn't have anything against people, even if they where different. So when she saw the lone person she wanted to find out more, curiosity like a bear, finding out if it is edible or playable, though she knew people where not for eating, they stood on two legs, like her.

While she could stand and walk like other people, she opted to run on four, which you'd think would be harder or slower then on two legs but she had had years to adapt. She didn't yet do well with a crowd of people but they still intrigued her so it was pure chance that she went after him. Of cource she didn't intend any harm and stayed at some distance, three arms lenghts at the closest.


The low rumble of Korada muttering to himself mixed with the low creaking and shifting of the small ship as he scratched his chest and thought. His green eyes roved over the town and the surrounding landscape as he thought, only for movement along the shoreline to catch his attention. His muttering tapered off as he squinted at the strange deer hobbling toward his vessel. The closer it got the more unsettling it became until the old fisherman stood up and walked over to the side of his boat, on the opposite side from the gangplank that still rested between boat and dock. From this side he looked at the gravelly beach that stretched away from town and peered at the deer.

Once he noticed the fish hanging from its... hip(?), he realized that it wasn't a deer, but rather a small humanoid dressed in a full deer-pelt, head and antlers included. A shudder of unease ran up his spine and he swallowed a bit, briefly considering whether to pull in the plank and get out to sea before it reached him. It didn't seem hostile though, despite its headdress. As it approached Korada sucked on his teeth in consideration before spitting off the side of his boat. When it was on the shore closest to his boat he let out a gruff, bearish grunt of acknowledgement, eyes fixed on the curious sight.


He raise a scarred and battered hand in greeting.