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Topics - CounterfeitFish

Plotting Center / Plot Ahoy 6: A Running Joke
July 13, 2022, 09:27:08 PM
Howdy howdy, y'all! I just made a new charrie! He's a mischevious lil goblin thief, but a pretty fun lad to hang out with! Anybody wanna talk about plotty stuff?
Wanderers and Independents / Vrisz, Goblin Thief
July 13, 2022, 08:38:57 PM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Vrisz, no surname. Hopes to gain a title someday.
Age: 16-ish, a decent age considering how easily goblins die. At least, in most fantasy settings, anyway...
Gender: Male
Species: Goblin
Ethnicity: I forgot to add this earlier so take a big ol' N/A
Height: A modest 3'4".
Occupation: "Legendary" Thief, Spell-Slinger and Waiter.
Residence: The Open Road.

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description: Vrisz looks like many of his kind- short, green-skinned, pointy-eared and sharp-toothed. He is quite thin, but is less..."pointy" than other goblins. His eyes are a bright yellow, even seeming to glow in dimly lit areas. His clothes are simple and unadorned, a set of dark-grey pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Finally, he has an old, tattered cloak with a metal skull mask attached to the hood, which covers the upper half of his face.

Personality: Vrisz is somewhat untrusting of others, and for good reason! He is weak, he is a goblin, and he is a criminal- a combination of things that makes it very easy for people to hate and exploit him. However, despite the many dangers of doing so, Vrisz enjoys meeting new people. While je won't be as friendly in a public setting, catch him alone and he'll be far more cooperative. He will almost always try to avoid fighting, even against someone weaker than him- unless he is cornered, Vrisz will usually flee in the face of danger. last thing- Vrisz is far from picky with his food. If it is necessary, he will resort to eating humanoid corpses, giant beasts, anything that would allow him to see the next day.


Goblin Nimbleness- As a goblin, Vrisz is far more nimble and agile than most others. He can fit in small spaces, scale large walls, things like that.

Spellcaster- Vrisz has picked up a few spells in his lifetime, whether that be through stealing magic tomes, or from pure experimentation.

Thieves' Knowledge- Vrisz has compiled a large amount of information, mainly related to criminal activities. He is highly versed in acts such as lockpicking and pickpocketing, and is skilled at getting out of(or into, if necessary) trouble when things go south.


Valsthet, the barkeep of The Open Road. Trusted like a father, possibly even more so.

Nana Tildy, Valsthet's mother. Especially close to Vrisz.

Hilda Greenwood, one of the waitresses at The Open Road. Rather close to Vrisz, originally brought him to the inn.

History: As a young goblin, Vrisz was most definitely different than others of his kind.

He wasn't interested in raiding settlements, nor did he find enjoyment in inflicting pain like other goblins. He didn't like killing- hell, he disliked violence altogether! The only thing that was even useful about him was his skills at stealth, and even that was too niche to be used very often...

He was quickly shunned from his tribe, left outside to fend for himself...or rot. And, in all honesty- Vrisz didn't do so well. He was small, fragile, and had only the barest hints of arcane and combat knowledge. Within weeks he was left in the woods, starving, close to death.

After two weeks of endless wandering, Vrisz finally collapsed on the edge of a dirt road, devoid of any sort of wanderers or helpful travellers. Surely, he would die here, alone, lost, looking for anybody who could help his eyes closed for what he thought would be the last time, Vrisz heard the faint sound of...footsteps...a voice...and then there was nothing.

He awoke a day later, laying in what was probably the most comfortable bed he had ever been in. It was warm, softer than a cloud, and was cleaner than anything he had been in before. He was about to fall back asleep, when he heard a woman's voice calling out to him...

He begrudgingly opened his eyes, and scanned the room around him. It was small, simple, plain- and better than his entire village! He heard the voice call out to him once more, and he looked to his left, finding a young woman. Her name, she said, was Hilda...


Seasons pass, years go by, and time marches forward. Vrisz had easily fit in at The Open Road. His unique charm and kind demeanor distinguished him from other goblins, meaning that he was gladly accepted within the inn. The barkeep, an older man named Valsthet, was especially attached to Vrisz- he must have thought himself a father figure of sorts, constantly providing advice and allowing the goblin to confide to him. Nana Tildy was one of his closest friends, along with his savior, Hilda.

At last, he had found a home, a place where he was welcome, a place where he was truly safe. Where he was happy, loved, and had a duty he truly enjoyed: waiting tables and providing entertainment to patrons of the inn! For now, it seems Vrisz's story had ended...or had it?

__________________THREAD TRACKER
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Plotting Center / Plot Ahoy 5: Do I have a problem?
February 24, 2022, 12:34:15 PM
Greetings, esteemed friends, hated enemies(this section of the seats is currently empty.) and unspeakable eldritch horrors! With my return to the server, I have created a new character! They are Syr Morgan Bloodbane, and they're a spoooky undead cavalier! Currently, they would probably be found roaming Fausteth, though I am sure that if you don't want to visit the undead zone, I could think of a reason for Morgan to be wandering, exploring or otherwise away from their home. So...yeah, anybody up for meeting a spoopy ghost knight? :D
__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Syr Morgan Bloodbane
Age: Very old. Very very old.
Gender: Nonbinary
Sexuality: Asexual
Species: Undead
Ethnicity: Faustethen
Height: 6' 5", may vary depending on what object they are using as a head.
Occupation: Combat Instructor, Knight, Scout, etc.
Residence: They have no permanent home, but generally remain within Fausteth.

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description: A tall, ghostly figure in spectral armor. They are often seen riding an undead horse, wreathed in black smoke. They have an old-looking sword on their hip, along with an equally old shield bearing the Bloodbane family crest(a crossed flail and sword). They lack a head, a small cloud of ethereal smoke in its place. Generally, Morgan keeps the cloud of smoke within a helmet, though it generally fills whatever space is available, within reason. Meaning...a pumpkin(or lantern) head is 100% possible. Despite their age, Morgan sounds rather young, like someone in their mid-thirties. Perhaps this is an indication of when they died? Perhaps.

Personality: They are a very...well, fancy, prim, formal, all that jazz. Old habits die hard, after all. They speak in a way that would be considered very old-fashioned by today's standards, though they aren't fully aware of the difference. Morgan will sometimes forget that they are dead, occasionally startling their more...mortal friends by phasing through them. Morgan has very little tolerance for "tomfoolery and slacking," as they would put it, especially during a job. They put personal honor and bravery very highly, and refuse to resort to "cowardly" tactics like sneaking around or thievery.

Despite all of this, Morgan isn't a complete bore. They know a lot about animals, and are willing to spend hours telling you about what a horse eats for breakfast, if you give them the chance. They are an adept chef, along with being a decent writer with several books under their belt. They feel a deep attachment to those they befriend, often taking people under their wing as apprentices. They are slow to trust others, but are a steadfast friend and companion.


Manifest/Demanifest- Morgan is a ghostly rider. So, they are often able to phase through most nonmagical objects, including people. This applies to their weapons, though their steed is exempt from this. They can temporarily manifest into a more physical form, though it drains a lot of energy from them. Plus, that leaves them vulnerable to physical damage. Most weapons and magics cannot harm them, except for those designed to deal with spirits or undead.

Chill Touch- Becoming a ghost has its perks, along with the drawbacks. Although Morgan is often incorporeal, their touch can be dangerous to those who are unprepared. While it doesn't outright hurt people, Morgan can quickly chill something that they are in contact with, sometimes unintentionally. If left alone for long enough, a living being could experience something similar to frostbite. However, that often takes a long time. In most cases, it is not much worse than dunking the object(or affected body part) into snow for a few moments. Cold, but not painful.

Combat Mastery- Morgan is still a knight, and that isn't a title granted to any old knave. They are incredibly skilled in battle, both mounted and otherwise. They cannot use this skill as often anymore, but they can teach others if it is required of them.

Animal Handling- Morgan may be undead, but they were an expert animal handler in life, and that still applies to them in death. Some animals(think stuff like cats, dogs, etc.) hate them, but they can often calm down and even train others.

Summon Steed- Morgan has a somewhat-magical steed bound to them, which they discovered soon after their death. This steed can be summoned or dismissed at any time, and is functionally the same as a regular horse, though it is a bit faster than most. Unlike Morgan, this steed can be harmed, and even killed. If it takes too much damage, it vanishes in a large cloud of black smoke, and cannot be summoned again for three days.


Beyond the occasional soldier or trainee, nobody that is worth mentioning. In death, they have but one goal: to serve their home, and drive off the mindless undead however they can.


Long ago, in the land of Fausteth, Morgan was born. They were among the common folk, with enough to survive, but there was little distinguishing them from others of their status. Morgan lived amongst the common people for years, though they always felt like they didn't belong. They had a fire in their blood, a thirst for adventure that could not be quenched in the life of a commoner. So, as soon as they were of age, they joined the army. As soon as they were accepted, they felt a sense of peace that had never been felt before. Here, they would have purpose, a way to sate their thirst for action.

Morgan quickly rose through the ranks, proving themselves time and time again. As a soldier, they were useful. But as a cavalier...they were unstoppable. They rode to battle on a grim steed, cutting down all who stood in the way of their allies. For years, it seemed like everything would be perfect. Then....the curse of Fell hit the Barony.

Morgan cannot remember much of what happened after they were affected by Fell's curse. One day, they were returning to Fausteth after a successful raid. The next, they were dead, left as naught but a spectral husk, vaguely resembling their living form.

Luckily, the "life" of a Faustethen soldier is never a peaceful one. Even as a ghostly rider, Morgan had some use to the Barony. As of now, they reside within their old home, training new soldiers and acting as a scout, doing everything they can to combat the shambling hordes. Aaaand that is it, for now.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads: N/A

Complete Threads: N/A
Serendipity / Aella, Necromancer(WIP)
October 12, 2021, 05:38:19 PM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Aella(Pronounced "EYE-aylla")
Age: 32, give or take some.
Species:Human, though he plans to become a lich.
Ethnicity: Serenian
Height: A decent 5' 7".
Occupation: Necromancer, Lich-To-Be
Residence: Zantaric, cuz I can't think of anything better.

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description: Aella looks...surprisingly healthy, given his occupation as a necromancer. Most people think of them as thin, gaunt and pale, but Aella looks pretty good. His hair is a light blue in color, mainly because of his fae ancestry. As for his eyes, they are a similar hue. He often wears a set of long, flowing, obnoxiously fashionable gray robes that are common among fantasy wizards. No, I'm not jealous!

Personality: Aella is a pretty chill fellow who doesn't really give a shit about (most)stuff. Good or evil doesn't matter to him, as long as you aren't a dick. He doesn't like loud or annoying people, finding them to be irritating. You wouldn't catch him dead saying it, but Aella deeply respects and treasures his companions, even though they annoy him from time to time.

Magic/Abilities: Necromancy, and variations thereof.

Life Siphon- This ability allows Aella to drain the life of his opponents, or willing friends. It has a range of three feet, though it gets weaker the further away he is from the target. When using this ability, his hand takes on a skeleton-like appearance.

Summon Undead- This spell is mainly necromantic in nature, though there is a bit of good ol' summoning magic in there. By infusing the corpses around him and within the ground, Aella can bring them back from the dead. Most of the minions are mindless husks under his control, though there are a few that keep their personalities.

Command Undead- Depending on the strength of the creature, Aella may be able to impose his will upon undead that aren't already under his control. Whether or not it succeeds is up to the other people in the thread.

Sir Reginald Bloodbane the Third- The skeleton of a knight. He was the first creature that Aella raised, and basically acts like a butler. He's pretty good with a sword, though.

Boney Anne- A headstrong, boisterous lass who doesn't take shit from anybody. She often annoys Aella, but she's a damn good shot with a crossbow, and she refuses to go away.

Dead Tom- Don't ask about Dead Tom. He usually eats the people who ask questions.

Falenas- Aella's elven husband, the love of his life. The necromancer met Falenas when the human was in his early twenties and knew that no matter how cheesy it may sound, this was "The One." Huh? Elaborate? Nah, not until I can actually think of something cool.

History: Nah, not right now.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
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Essyrn / Need a hand....or six?
September 29, 2021, 06:05:18 PM
Drakmor was not having a good time. He had spent all day trekking through the desert, just to make it to Essyrn. After finally arriving, he had to say that it wasn't that good. Oh, the place was beautiful, as were the people and the goods they were selling. However, it had some problems.

Firstly, he had gotten many odd looks and muttered comments due to his appearance. Of course, he had to expect it by now. With his long white hair and eyes combined with his height, he was already a rather odd fellow. Oh, and there was the fact that he had six arms. Can't forget about that. Luckily, he hadn't had any true trouble with anyone, so that was nice. It still irritated him, though.

The worst thing, though, was the crime. He had seen multiple slaves throughout the city, along with a few people attempting to sell them to others. Every time he saw a slave, his fury grew even more. How could this happen? To force someone to work for you, to hold them against their will. Plus, some were even worked to death! He managed to keep his anger under control, but he knew that he couldn't do anything about it, and it pissed him off. If he had the chance, he would have killed each and every one of the slavers he saw. For now, though, he could do nothing. Not without drawing the attention of others. His methods were far from discreet, but he would rather not get any innocent people involved in this.

The city had some upsides, however. Drakmor hadn't seen any thieves or murderers, and the people themselves seemed to be alright, if you ignored the gladiator pits, slavery and the like. For the time being, Drakmor simply wandered the city, ignoring most of the people. He was left alone, so he saw no reason to not do the same. He kept an eye out for anyone trying to sell or transport slaves, though.
OOC STUFF: Aaaagh its a mediocre starter post but I think it works for now, just lemme know if I gotta add or remove anything!
Plotting Center / Plot Ahoy 4: Cuz why not?
September 28, 2021, 06:16:53 PM
Y'know what? Ima do four threads at once. I have a new character, and I'm lookin for a new rp. His name is Drakmor, he's the fine lad at the end of my signature. Anybody interested?
La'marri / Drakmor, Explosive-Wielding Vigilante
September 28, 2021, 05:28:48 PM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Most people are unable to form the sounds that make up his name, so he goes by Drakmor.
Age: 53
Gender: Male
Species: Karvach Ichtas
Ethnicity: Yes.
Height: 7' 3"
Occupation: Self-Proclaimed Vigilante
Residence: A hut on the outer edge of La'marri.

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description:
Drakmor is an incredibly tall man with pure white eyes and hair. His hair is shoulder-length and suprisingly neat, given his occupation. Like the rest of his race, Drakmor has six arms instead of the usual two. His skin is a bronze-like color. Finally, Drakmor is covered in scars, most of them due to his own explosives.

The majority of the Karvach Ichtas are typically good-aligned, nonviolent people. Drakmor is not like the majority of his race. He is a good person, yes, but he rarely solves things with words or politeness. Having seen it firsthand, Drakmor does not deny the effectiveness of persuasion. However, he believes that it is a waste of time when a fist could accomplish the same thing. Filled with a strong sense of justice, Drakmor often takes matters into his own hands when he sees criminal activity.

Gift of the Karvach Ichtas- Like the rest of his race, Drakmor has been gifted with six arms. Combine that with his height and muscular frame and you have a very strong lad.

Fury of the Karvach Ichtas- This ability is powerful, but it has heavy drawbacks. Once per day, Drakmor can fly into a rage-filled frenzy, significantly increasing his physical strength. However, he also takes more damage from any and all attacks. Along with that, it also shuts down his other ability while he is in the frenzy.

Magic Bomb- After spending years studying, practicing and honing his craft, Drakmor has managed to create explosives which he uses for battle. He can have a maximum of six bombs out at once, the older ones vanishing if he goes over the limit. The explosion's size is about ten feet in diameter. Although there is an infinite supply of bombs, every new one summoned weakens him just a bit.

"My family's a bunch of slakvoshts. Don't worry about them." -Drakmor

Nobody really knows how or when the Karvach Ichtis came to be. In fact, very few people even know of their existence. One day they were just...there. Little is known about them or their culture, though the few people who have seen/met them know they are kind and welcoming. But, this story isn't only about this ancient race. No, it is about Drakmor. He was born into a typical Karvach family, but he was not the same as the rest. The Karvach Ichtis are a peaceful, kind species focused more on meditation and self-improvement than anything else. Because they do not require food or water, most of them spend their days pursuing their interests and hobbies. Drakmor, however, wasn't content with the quiet lifestyle the rest of his people held. In his many years, he had seen the horrors of the world. Thievery, murder, slavery, and much more. He swore to try and eliminate these injustices wherever he could find them, preferably by beating the shit out of the criminals involved in them. During his travels, he came across a place called "Connlaoth." He had seen the weapons they used, more specifically the guns. The firearms seemed useless, at least to Drakmor. However, the gunpowder within was much more interesting to him. Perhaps, if he had more of it, he could use the explosions? After spending even more time coming up with ideas, tinkering with the gunpowder to make bombs, and perfecting his plans, Drakmor had done it. By infusing his magic power with the bombs he created, it allowed him to summon more without having to spend weeks creating them! They had lost some of their potency, but it was a price worth paying for a solid method of attack. Against the wishes of his family and friends, Drakmor left his home, vowing to end crime wherever he could find it.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
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Complete Threads
Draconi Forest / Swords and Songs
September 05, 2021, 03:06:57 PM
Draconi Forest. A lush, magical place filled with all sorts of wonders. Dangerous, yes, but most beautiful things are. For the bard, Arix, it did not matter how dangerous this forest was. Forests were his home, so he was able to avoid most of the things that came his way. Plus, it was worth the danger to be able to see all of the great things it had to offer.

The kobold had his lute in hand, and was playing a merry tune upon it. He had not come up with any words for the song yet, but inspiration would come in time, as it usually did. For now, the instrument alone would do.

He travelled through the forest at a moderate pace, here for the experience, not to reach a specific destination. Because of that, he would occasionally turn back or intentionally enter a thicker part, simply to see as much as he could. However, carefree as he was, he wasn't stupid. If he found something that posed a threat, like a bear, he knew to find a different path. He had very few defenses against anything larger than a wolf, and even that was still dangerous. Luckily he hadn't invoked the ire of any of the local wildlife. For now, at least.

The lad continued to walk, still playing his lute. As he strolled through the forest, he realized something. He hadn't seen anybody else in here! Dangerous or not, there should've been at least one other person, right? Maybe he just hasn't gone to the right place yet. So, he promptly turned around, heading in the opposite direction.
Plotting Center / Plot ahoy 3: Return of the King
August 31, 2021, 06:26:23 PM
Hello hello! I have a new character, and I am seeking a new roleplay! I can't help myself, I really like this server His name is Arix, he's the kobold lad in my signature.

So, is anybody interested?
Wanderers and Independents / Arix, Kobold Bard
August 31, 2021, 05:37:17 PM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Arix. No surname.
Age: He is 23, which is decently old. Kobolds die early a lot.
Gender: Male
Species: Kobold
Ethnicity: Haha none, because I am bad with choices. He was born in a forest or something.
Height: 2' 1"
Occupation: Musician/Bard, Small-time Thief
Residence: He has no true home.

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description: At the towering height of 2' 1", Arix is often underestimated or made fun of. However, he honestly doesn't care. He has bright, solid-yellow eyes. He is often seen with a cheery grin plastered on his face. His body is covered in dark green scales, but it grows somewhat lighter in color as it moves inward. He often wears simple attire, garbed in a dark green tunic and brown trousers, with a pair of somewhat-worn leather boots. He has multiple bags, satchels, and loops of leather to hold his belongings and instruments.

Personality: Arix is a cheerful, outgoing person. He is thick-skinned(metaphorically), most insults just flowing off of him. He's willing to be friends with just about anybody, though jokes and playful mockery are guaranteed. While it is difficult to anger him, his draconic heritage truly shines when one truly upsets him. He lashes out at whatever caused his anger, swearing to get revenge, even in the pettiest of ways. Once you befriend him however, he is a steadfast ally and a pretty fun person to be around.


Flame Breath: Due to his draconic heritage, he has a much weaker version of a dragon's fiery breath. It takes little effort or time, but it only extends for about a foot outwards. It is more a thing for utility than offense, but it is still useful in some situations.

Musical Talent: Nothing magical about this(though the people who listen to him say otherwise), but he is rather skilled with a few instruments of his choice, namely the violin, accordion, and lute. He scavenged his instruments from those who had no use for them, and is incredibly protective of them.

Sik: Arix's mother. Died in battle.
Taklak: Arix's father. Died with Sik.


Arix had a rather unremarkable childhood. Like most kobolds, he was expected to spend his entire life doing things that benefited the tribe. For a while, he was content with just that. He would do things like build traps, gather herbs, and hunt the occasional person who entered their forest. Also like most kobolds, he was expected to fight-and die-for the tribe. However, he was always a clever one, smarter than most others around him. He specialized in trapping, often able to take out any interlopers without having to fight. Because of that, he was able to live much longer than the rest, reaching the age of 23. After a while, he started to grow...bored. Bored with the same life, the same routine, the same situations. He began interacting with some of the people he was supposed to hunt, though he was rarely able to hold a conversation for more than a couple of minutes. When he was 19, he discovered music! The violin, ohoho! The lute, with it's wonderful strings! And the accordion, too! Every day he practiced and practiced, and grew quite good at playing them. He had an innate talent, not seen within many people. After a few years, he had decided to leave. The rest of the tribe paid little notice to Arix when he left, simply waving goodbye then going back to their jobs. Bringing out his life, Arix began to strum a little tune as he walked, searching for greater things.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
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Complete Threads
Plotting Center / Plot Ahoy 2: Electric Boogaloo
July 31, 2021, 07:21:44 PM
Hello there! After lots of work and waiting, I have a new character! His name is Krenth and he is in my signature! So, anybody interested?
Connlaoth / Dark Priest Krenth
July 31, 2021, 07:12:12 PM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Krenth Sarthin
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Connaelothian
Height: 6' 2"
Occupation: Cleric of Yxdes
Residence: He doesn't have a fixed home, but he tends to stay in Zantaric when he requires rest.

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description: Krenth is a tall, thin man with very little mass, muscle or otherwise. He is well dressed, with long, hooded black robes. He is always seen without any dirt, dust, or grime. He has black hair and a beard, both of which are short and neatly trimmed. He has one green eye, and one pure black eye, his left one. The black eye has an eldritch symbol burning within it, signifying his servitude to his god.

Art by the wonderful Nephero!

Personality: Krenth is not a good man. While he isn't chaotic or psychotic, he is cold and calculating. He is willing to sacrifice anybody who doesn't directly benefit his cause, and will switch sides on a dime, depending on who is willing to help him more. However, he is willing to meet people, for constantly carrying out the will of Yxdes, god of madness often isolates one from others. Despite what some may think, he often resorts to bribery or persuasion before violence.

Magic/Abilities: Unholy Magic. He has access to various spells granted to him by his God, Yxdes. Spells will be listed below.
Dark Communion: By enacting a dark ritual, Krenth is able to communicate with his god. Gives 1 stack of Madness. At 300 stacks of Madness, temporarily brings his god into this world, but may kill Krenth in the process.

Darkbolt: Krenth calls upon Yxdes for power, releasing a bolt of unholy energy. Inflicts one stack of Madness. At five stacks of Madness, this becomes Darkblast, a greatly empowered version of Darkbolt.

Cursed Restoration: Krenth asks his god to lend him dark power, channeling pure unholy energy into an ally. Krenth uses this energy to heal an ally or himself, though the healing is only temporary. Upon the spell's expiration, gashes reopen, scrapes reappear, and bruises return. Applies two stacks of Madness a turn, may be channeled to heal more.

Blasphemous Bulwark: By channeling dark power given to him by Yxdes, Krenth creates a shadowy shield in front of him. This spell can block a few hits, but not too many. At 10 stacks of Madness, this spell gets stronger and larger. Gives 3 stacks of madness.

Madness: Krenth's main fuel for empowering his spells. For each spell, the amount of stacks it takes to empower is battle-only. He must get new stacks for every fight. However, the more stacks he gets over time, the more deranged and insane he gets. At 50 stacks, he starts feeling the effects of insanity. At 100 stacks, he is fully insane, but maintains his sense of himself, and the world around him. At 200 stacks, he starts to lose his grip on reality. At 301 stacks, he becomes completely feral, losing everything that he is and once was.


Yxdes, god of Madness and Chaos: Yxdes is an enigma. As a cast-off, scorned god worshipped only by the evil or insane(sometimes both), it is a wonder that he manages to hold any sway in this world. However, the occasional worshipper or follower will be granted dark powers by this unknowable being.

Initiate Scrathus- One of the initiates that was purged in the fire. Currently dead.

Initiate Vaert- Another initiate, purged by flames.

Initiate Krask- One of the few surviving initiates. Human, goblin-raised.

Brother Oernt- Senior member, went down fighting. Dead.

Brother Althrin- One of the only surviving priests.

Dark Magi Rolen and Relia- Twin mages who worked for the cult. Survived the flames. Currently in hiding.

Krenth was born in Connaeloth, a very religious place with a heavy distrust of magic. He, however, was different. While his family and friends saw magic as something horrible and applauded those who gave it up, he simply saw it as a tool, a means to an end. Those who had it were using it like one would use a hammer, or an axe. He made sure to keep that opinion to himself, though. One day, while he was studying religion, he came across an old and dusty tome titled, "Booke of Ancient and Cursed Gods." He wasn't sure how it got into the library, but he decided to read it anyway. Within it he found mainly the insane ramblings of a madman, but something caught his eye. It was a passage about an insane cult who worshipped a god of madness, someone called "Yxdes." While he normally would have skipped past it, something about it caught his eye. He took the book home, determined to learn as much as he could. Over the next few months he started disappearing for longer and longer periods of time, eventually vanishing altogether. He had joined the very cult he was researching, having discovered it's location in another old book. At first he had done nothing, having been sent on increasingly trivial tasks to "prove himself." However, after almost two years of said tasks, he was approached by Brother Oernt. He said that it was time to truly join the cult's inner circle. Following the priest, Krenth silently rejoiced as he knew his work was going to pay off. He followed Oernt into the inner chamber, a dark, dank cave with eldritch runes and circles carved into it. Almost immediately, Oernt shoved him into the inner circle, where he, Brother Althrin, and two others began chanting. Krenth felt dark energy begin to fill him, indicating that something was going to happen. In front of Krenth, a form made of pure chaos emerged, constantly shifting in appearance. One moment it was a beautiful woman, the next a pool of blood, then a thorned bush. This was an aspect of Yxdes, the god of madness. Krenth heard nothing, and yet he heard everything. He was blind, but could see for miles. Deafened, but able to hear a spider crawling. Unseen forces began to tear at his mind, seeking to rip him apart. However, Krenth began to repeat his mantras, locking down his mind. After what seemed to be hours, he felt a pain unlike no other in his left eye. The god had found him worthy, and was branding him as his servant. Krenth felt a surge of power, but also weakness as his life force was drained to complete the ritual. He, Oernt, and Althrin survived, but the other two dropped dead. Krenth fell unconscious, weakened but alive. Soon after Krenth recovered, the cult was raided and his new home burnt to the ground. Only a few of the members survived, and all of them are in hiding now. Krenth now spends his days wandering the lands, working to restore his order to its former "glory."
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Plotting Center / Plot ahoy!
April 14, 2021, 09:48:44 AM
Hey, uh...I am Counterfeit Fish, and I am looking to roleplay with anybody who is available! If you are interested, just send a pm my way or reply here!

What are your favorite kinds of plots and relationships to play?
I really enjoy things such as action, adventures, and combat(think arena-type combat) plots. I do enjoy the occasional slice-of-life plot or a more relaxed thread.

What are your least favorite kinds of plots and relationships to play?
EDIT:This has changed! Bring on the edge, angst, gritty darkness, whatever ya want. I just want to write, my friends.

What are your favorite character types to play?
EDIT: A friend on the discord server described this PERFECTLY. I enjoy being dead, but also not-dead. Expect a lot of undead, dark magic or generally eeeevil(ish) characters from me.

Are you a planner or a pantser? Do you prefer to pre-plan and stick to a script when posting, or do you prefer to surprise and be surprised?
EDIT: Mild planner, major pantser. I like to plot out general stuff(or specific things if the thread starts to stagnate), but beyond that? Surprise me.

How do you feel about group threads?
I mostly prefer one-on-one threads because my rp schedule can change at any moment, but I don't mind doing a group thread.

How often can you reply to any given thread? How long should a partner wait before nudging you for a post?
EDIT: My posts will likely be a bit slow, but feel free to ping, poke or otherwise contact me if I don't respond soon.

What is the longest you're willing to wait for a reply to a thread?
EDIT: Until I get a response! Irl stuff comes first, always.

How do you feel about instant messenger RP?
I enjoy it, but I try and stay away so I don't leave people hanging.

Ho do you feel about post volleying/rapidfire RP?
(Where you and another player post rapidly back and forth in a thread with each other.)
If I have the time and energy, I am all for it!

What's your preferred posting style? Long posts? Short posts? Anything and everything?
Any and all posts, as long as there is enough material to post off of.

Any RP styles/habits that you love?

Any RP styles/habits that you avoid?
Not much, really.


What are you limits regarding powerplay/godmoding?
Just don't be extreme, and have a valid reason if it is. If my character is, say, knocked down already or unconscious, then go wild(short of killing), but besides that...just take it easy.

What are your limits in regards to romantic situations?
EDIT: I don't care what the pairing is, most relationships are fine with me. I don't mind if it is pre-planned or organic. In terms of age differences, make sure that each character is considered an adult in their respective species. Common sense is a roleplayer's best friend :D

What are your limits with regards to graphic content such as sex, violence, drug use, sexual assault, etc? What is your comfort level?
All are okay, just no acting out sexual assault. Fade to black is okay if it HAS to happen for whatever reason, but I am not okay with any of my characters doing it or having it happen to them IRP.

What are your limits in regards to pregnancy within plots?
EDIT: Pregnancy? Sure, that's alright. Miscarriages? No. BIG no on this one, at least in terms of a thread between our characters. I'm not gonna mess with anyone's backstory or anything, but please, not in our threads. Thank you.

What about healing?
EDIT: Go ahead! Though, if a certain wound or flaw is integral to a character of mine, expect for something to go wrong, the healing to be interrupted, or for it to outright fail. If ya have something like this in mind, message me and we can discuss it.

What about characters being transformed against their will?
This I am fine with.

Anything else?
One thing. If you don't know my stance on anything, feel free to ask! I don't mind!
Wanderers and Independents / Ashton Seldvros
April 13, 2021, 09:52:24 AM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Ashton Seldvros
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Species: Va'Skree (Subspecies of vampire. May or may not make a lore submission for it later.)
Ethnicity: N/A
Height: 5' 2"
Occupation: Wanderer
Residence: A small, seemingly-empty village in the middle of nowhere.

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description: Behold, a picture below! Also, quick note, the art is mine but the design isn't. Basically, think of it like a sheet of stickers. I put it all on a sheet of paper, but I didn't make the design of them. Hope that helps. Credit goes to Panda_Courtney.

Personality: Ashton is a rather friendly fellow, willing to interact with nearly anybody. While he doesn't mind talking to people he doesn't know, he rarely opens up about his personal life. At least, not until he knows then better. Ashton may seem mostly polite and calm to the average bystander, it is a completely different story once he warms up to someone. He is very loud and very excitable. Curses and insults are plentiful whenever he talks, as well. Once you gain his trust, you won't ever lose it. As a member of the Va'Skree race, he does occasionally feel the hunger for flesh and the thirst for blood, but as long as he is safe and healthy, he is able to repress those urges. For a while, at least. Ashton may seem like a decent guy, but he has his flaws. He is vain and prideful, and will always try to avoid things that mess up his appearance.

Magic/Abilities: Ashton has access to a familiar, which takes the form of a large crow. He calls it Kaeth. He uses it for reconnaissance, a companion, and a friend. While it cannot be harmed by anyone, it cannot attack, either. It pretty much just phases through anybody(except Ashton) that it touches. While Ashton has no magical abilities outside of his familiar, he does of course have the abilities granted to him by his vampiric stature. They consist of  increased strength and speed, razor-sharp teeth, increased lifespan, and most poisons are less potent when used on him.

Weaknesses: Though he may not have as many weaknesses as the old-blooded vampires, he still has plenty of them. He is not as strong or fast as a true vampire, and he lacks their poison immunity. Along with that, he is not immortal like regular vampires. Typically the lifespan of a Va'Skree vampire is around 200 years. It may be a long time, but it surely isn't immortal. He isn't completely immune to the sun. While he may not die instantly, about 10 minutes of continuous exposure will kill him, or at least very close to it. Finally, he has a small allergy to garlic.

Mardra- An old vampire, and one of the Elders. She taught Ashton about the history of his species. Relk- A middle-aged member of the Va'Skree race. Taught Ashton how to fight.

Ashton Seldvros is a vampire. To be specific, he is Va'Skree, a subspecies of vampire that is somewhat different from the average bloodsucker. Firstly, they require the flesh as well as the blood, which prevents them from turning anybody. However, unlike regular vampires, they have the ability to reproduce. They are alive, and their hearts beat with the vigor of any other living being. A prideful race, they quickly separated themselves from their undead brethren and began living anywhere they could, whether it be in a serene forest, an abandoned castle, or a slaughtered village. While they tend to stay away from larger settlements, occasionally a small hamlet will suddenly become devoid of life, not even any bones left behind. But, enough about the species, this is about Ashton. Now, where was I...ah, yes, I remember. Ashton was born into the Seldvros family, a somewhat-important family in the community he lives in. Because of that, Ashton had a lot to live up to. His mother and father nearly abandoned him after he was about a year old, as is customary for the Va'Skree race. Not to say he was left to die, no, far from it. He was left in the care of the other Va'Skree, and everyone worked together to take care of him, along with a few other children. He was taught everything he needed to know. From the elders of his race, he learned about the Va'Skree people. From the soldiers, he learned warfare. From the teachers, he learned things like reading. They all did what they could to ensure their survival. Occasionally he would even go out with the warriors and assasins and study them as they preyed upon the thing they all needed to survive: Humans. Ashton himself even had a few kills to his name. This continued on for some time, until Ashton turned sixteen. At that point, he had learned all he could from the Va'Skree that he lived with, and it was time for him to venture out of his home and into the world. Saying goodbye to everybody he knew, he packed up his few belongings and began to travel the continent.

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