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Song of the Sea [Juno]

Started by DragonSong, March 22, 2016, 04:58:26 PM

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Her eyes widened slightly as his lips pressed against hers and for a moment she was frozen. For some reason, she hadn't actually expected him to initiate such contact.

Then a soft sigh escaped her and her eyes fluttered closed, her arms drifting up to twine lazily around his neck. She tilted her head slightly, letting her bottom lip slant across his as she pressed closer. Her heart was pounding against her breastbone, breath hitching slightly.

After several long moments she pulled away, breathing a little heavily, and blinked up at him. "That, um..." She smiled almost sheepishly. "Wow."


Somehow it had been even better the second time, his whole body feeling warm and his skin tingling pleasantly everywhere they'd touched. When she pulled away he was left panting lightly, a slow smile tugging at his lips as he watched her through half-lidded eyes.

"Ash... We should do that more often," he suggested bashfully once he'd caught his breath a bit, cheeks going a bit red as he continued to talk, "If it doesn't bother you. Or if you like it. Well...hopefully both?"


She was nodding even before he'd finished speaking. "Yes! I mean...I-I like it. A lot." She glaihed and ducked her eyes with another bashful smile. "We, um— we should definitely do that more."

Her eyes flickered passed him to the entrance of the cave, where the sky was growing ever lighter, and she sighed reluctantly. "Later. We should...probably get moving."

Contrary to her own words, she didn't remove her arms from around his neck. In fact she made no move to separate herself from him at all.


Yan turned his head briefly to follow her eyes and nodded, though he was reluctant to let her go. His hands remained at her waist as he took a shaky breath to steel himself. Leaning down once more he pressed his forehead affectionately to her own with a soft hum of acknowledgement.

"Will these keep you warm enough?" he asked softly, fingers plucking gently at the fabric enveloping her.


Ash took a breath in an attempt to steady herself some and nodded. "Yeah, they're great, thank you." She bit her lip, then leaned up on her toes to steal one more kiss before she finally managed to force herself back, cheeks rather pink.

"Okay, um... Should we go?"


Yan eyed her in amusement, still surprised she was being so openly affectionate but not at all opposed to it. He nodded at her question, slowly slipping his hands away from her to take a few steps back. He was a little sad for the loss, but he was back in his natural form before he could really linger on it.

Gently butting his muzzle against her shoulder he stepped out towards the mouth of the cave, not even flinching at the way the wind howled against the cliffs just beyond. 'I suppose we're looking for seals more than people?' he guessed, turning his head this way and that trying to decide which side of the island to search first.


Ash quickly scurried after him, once again marveling silently at the ease with which he changed form. She nodded as she reached him, hunkering down against his shoulder to block some of the wind. "Yeah, I'd think so. I didn't see any fires or anything when you were gone, so I don't they camp out in the island in human form much."


Noticing the way she huddled against him Yan gently unfurled a wing to loosely shield around her as he chose a side and went left down the cold rocks towards the beach.

'Let's make a loop and see if we can find any. If they aren't here maybe they'll be easier to find on the smaller islands,' he pointed out, gesturing with his head towards the vague greys and greens on the horizon that made up the chain they'd flown over the previous day. 'Maybe there's a cove somewhere they call home,' he added hopefully.


Ash nodded quickly and started climbing up onto his back, her foot slipping on his scales slightly in her hurry, making her blush and give an awkward cough. "Alright."

She took a breath. "Let's do this."


Yan paused once he felt her start to climb, a startled noise of surprise escaping him as he felt her slip. He curled his neck to the side to give her foot a steadying nudge, eyeing her critically once she was settled on his back. He felt bad for not offering himself as her mount automatically, though he supposed it was fair to assume after so much time together. The rocks were cold anyway, he could not fault her for wanting to be off of them.

'I'll stay on the ground for now,' he offered, righting himself and stepping out to keep walking at a quick clip. Perhaps she would spot something from a higher perch that he wouldn't think to look for about selkies. He made short work of walking a path along the edge of the chill waters, his whole body relaxing with relief once they had the hills behind them and shielding from the strongest winds.


Ash froze as she realized she'd started to climb onto her friend-- was that still the appropriate word?-- without actually asking permission.

But...he didn't really seem to mind. He even gave her a steadying nudge, which made her smile and stroke his shoulder in gratitude as she settled herself. "Yeah, thanks," she murmured, leaning low over his neck. "My eyes aren't as good as yours, I don't think I could spot what we're looking for from the air."


The dragon rumbled a soft chuckle, tossing his head lightly in amusement. Her small warmth against his scales was a comfort as he moved down the rocky beach, eyes scanning from the shallows to the rocky slopes above.

The island was much bigger than he'd originally thought, a deceptively long stretch of land tucking in behind the sheltered face he'd brought Ash to the previous night. Abruptly he reached the end of the rocky shallows, nearly half his body dipping into the water as he pushed onward to get around the high wall of rock that still stretched out. He'd thought they might round the tip of the island and find themselves back on land on the other side. His eyes widened as he rounded the end to find a narrow channel of even deeper water running a shadowed path right through the rocks.

Yan's heart pounded at the sight of it but he very slowly turned his head to eye Aishling. 'I think that...goes inside,'  he offered in explanation. The rocks seemed to continue on into shallows just a little ways further down where he was certain would just round them back to where they'd started. Looking to the high walls of rock before them, though, the sunlight only illuminated the entrance as the slope of the island above sheltered the rest.

Peering inside he did notice a faint glow that seemed shrouded in mist. Perhaps it was another opening he'd missed with the light teasing from the other side, but the dragon was hopeful that it was something more that he'd simply not noticed by the light of the moon when he'd flown them in. Automatically he paddled closer, too curious to not at least explore his find.

The channel was only just wide enough to fit him through with a few wriggles whenever a paw or his tail got stuck on a jutting edge. He was certain most human ships would never be able to navigate it, which only solidified in his mind how it would be a good hiding place.

Only a few lengths further dropped them into darkness, the air thick with the mist he'd noticed from the outside. It was colder, but only just, and the dragon pressed on to let the faint light ahead guide his direction. The low, narrow rocks gradually opened wider as a higher ceiling of rock stretched above them. It was barely visible in the darkness even to Yan, but he felt and heard it as fewer rocks brushed his scales with open water enveloping him instead and the faint sound of splashing echoing around them as he paddled along.

'Do you hear that?' he reached out to her, even his mind's voice quiet as though they should be cautious.


Shivering-- though with more excitement than cold, now-- Ash leaned a little lower over his neck and tried to peer into the cavern.

She heard the splashing as he did and stiffened, a tremor that was equal parts wariness and desperate hope tingling up her spine.

"Yes," she whispered, though despite her best efforts her voice seemed almost unbearably loud. "Can-- can you see anything?"


Yan only gave a thoughtful rumble in reply, pushing on to swim a little faster towards the faint glow he could make out ahead. He realized that some of the sound bouncing off the cavern walls was up ahead, it was impossible for it all to be from his own swimming.

Suddenly he'd made it through the mist, though, and the hazy glow was now very clearly a bright ray of sunlight spilling down through a hole in the rocky ceiling from the mainland of the island above. It illuminated a portion of sandy solid ground towards the rear of the hidden chamber, though the closer he swam the quieter the sounds around him became until deafening silence was only broken by the faint swishing of the water around him.

He paused, allowing his momentum to float them along silently and then turned his head with suspiciously narrowed eyes as he pulled them up onto the warm sand that would give them some light. 'I think they are here... But they hide from me,' he told her, projection faint as though he needed to whisper.


"Ooookay..." Ash swallowed, then very carefully slid down off Yan's back, keeping her hand pressed against his shoulder as her feet touched sand. "Well. I should...introduce myself, yeah?"

Her tone was light enough, but she couldn't seem to make her feet move forward.


Soft, chiming giggles echoed off the walls for her hesitation, drawing a startled snort from the dragon. He unconsciously stepped around to put himself between her and the waters they'd just come in by, unnerved that the sound seemed to have come from where they'd been only minutes before. They had either been followed or her kind had silently circled around to observe their visitors from a distance. He hoped it was the latter.

'She-- We mean no harm,' he offered, a little nervous that he didn't get an immediate response.

There was uncomfortable silence for a time, though it seemed for deliberation. A chorus of "We know," echoed around them and the dragon tensed at the invisible group's answer, not knowing if they were exactly friendly or hostile by that alone. He did not know how many of them were hiding in the darkness but he hoped he had not brought Aishling into trouble.


Ash froze, eyes widening as the voices echoed off the cavern walls. She instinctively shrank back toward Yan again, then took a breath and forced herself to tiptoe toward the edge of the water.

"Um...hello?" She bit her lip and glanced back at the dragon, then looked out to the water again. "I, ah...I'm looking for someone. I was told she might be here?"

There was silence for several long moments, then a soft splashing of water as a few dark shapes moved closer to both girl and dragon. The selkies seemed to have abandoned their seal skins, three lovely young women settling themselves just barely onto the sand.

"Whom do you seek?"


Yan bowed his head as they approached, a warning rumble sounding through his chest until he realized they truly were selkies as they'd been hoping to find. He relaxed some, eyeing them curiously as they revealed their human forms to the pair.

'Her mother,' the young dragon answered automatically, nudging his nose against Ash's shoulder as if pushing her closer for them to see might make her heritage more obvious. Perhaps a name might help or jog their memory. 'Is there one among you with a daughter? Her name is Aishling.'


The three selkies exchanged glances, and Ash hurried to add, "Lyanna. Her name is Lyanna. Please, is she here?"

Another glance passed between them, and they slipped further back toward the water. Ash almost started after them, but stopped herself after a step, afraid she'd scared them off.

" known to us," one of then said after several long moments.


The dragon had to stifle a growl for the way they retreated, instead puffing hot air along Ash's arm as they waited. He was ready to dive after them if they tried to leave, didn't seem necessary as they finally acknowledged the girl standing before them.

'Is she here? Or close by?' he pressed gently, trying to keep his tone calm and gentle.