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Topics - Rhindeer

Reajh / Hittin' the town, Mordecai style. Or...something.
February 06, 2006, 10:15:11 AM
[Guh...forgive any errors or weirdness. XD I'm sick and feel quite loopy right now. Blaaargh. *dies*]

"This is Reajh," Beatrid explained as she lead Hek through the city streets, releasing her hold on his wrist only after they had made their way through several crowds and down several random sidestreets. She didn't want to lose him, because, well, that would kind of suck. He'd probably never find his way back to the palace on his own, and then she'd be the one blamed for losing the newbie Mordecai...which would be a pretty sucky thing to have on her record. Or maybe someone would think she'd murdered him; she was pretty well-known for yelling death threats at her other fellow Mordecai--even while within the palace--those bastards, so you never knew, someone might think she finally snapped and tossed the body in the nearest bog.

Nah...she wouldn't do that to Hek. He was her ally! Sure, he had a habit of talking to her breasts and all--Beatrid was not <I>even going to acknowledge the breast-grabbing saga...nooo, that was nonexistant to her now!--but who else made fun of her arch-nemesises right alongside her and who else could she have a stupid water fight with? Uh huh. No one else. Drones and Sunshine--or, well, their real names were Yones and Kuro--hell no! She wouldn't touch Sunshine with a really, really long stick and Yones? He was just a bastard. With his damned...rumor...and...and...grr. Though at least Drones had a personality, and at least they were both open with one another anout their mutual hatred. In fact, Yones was kind of like herself...kind of. Maybe that was why they rubbed each other the wrong way, he was a bastard, she was a bitch--and proud of it!--and that combination just...did not work. Sunshine, on the other hand...he had about as much personality as a lump of coal, and he drove her crazy...that stalker.

In fact, as she had been leading Hek through some crowds, she had been glancing over her shoulder every now and then, her eyes peeled for any signs of suspicious activity. Suspicious activity which, in most cases, would involve looking out for any potential mages and whatnot--people who seemed affected by her passing--but in this case meant looking for any signs of being stalked by Kuro. Wherever she went, he was usually there. She didn't know what was with that, but she wished to hell it would stop. It was creepy. She couldn't help being a little paranoid!

But after traversing the streets, and without so much of a sign of anyone following her, Beatrid gradually relaxed and slowed her pace to walk side-by-side with Hek. Phew. Home free...which meant that, for now, she didn't have to think about anything. No stupid Kuro, no bastardly Yones, no bloody damned rumor...just that she was outside, out of that confining palace, and out in the city.

She could breathe easy for now...because there would be hell to pay when she returned!

"Reajh is Connlaoth's capital...but there are villages and whatnot beyond here, even some bordering along Reajh. We're in the nice part of the city right now. I'll show you the part that was blown apart by mages later's not pretty, but maybe it'll give you an idea of why we do what we do," she continued, giving Hek a sidelong look. Hopefully she'd be able to change his mind. But if he didn't come from Connlaoth...maybe he had <I>known mages before. If he came from one of those places where magic was accepted...hoo boy. It would probably take a bit of effort to convince him of how vile and dangerous they really were, convince him that those mages he may have thought of as friends and neighbors were really just deceiving him, trying to get him caught up in their lies. That's all mages did. Or maybe he'd never even seen a mage before...and didn't think of them as a threat because he'd never seen what they could do.

He'd have a tough time being a Mordecai if he couldn't see otherwise.

But, that would come later.

"But that'll come later...for now, well..." She blinked, and glanced at Hek fully then. "I know this city like the back of my hand, I've seen everything, there anything you're looking for or wanna do--not including me," she added quickly, giving him a sharp look as she anticipated the innuendo. "...Wait. Clothes. Did you bring any street clothes with you? We could go get you don't have to wear a uniform all the time, y'know."

[I apologize muchly for teh suck. XD]
Arca / Dinner time!
January 31, 2006, 06:02:22 PM
The sun had long since set before Kujin set out to "hunt"--though it could hardly be called a hunt, and he really didn't have to wait for the sun to set to go about his business. Nah, he wasn't strong enough to hunt in the true sense of the word, but yet unlike his sister, he wasn't graceful or patient enough to seduce a victim. It took too much time, and it just wasn't his style. No...he just liked to think of it as...borrowing. He just wandered around until he found a victim, someone who was alone, someone who looked weak enough that he could subdue them, a young woman or an even younger boy. He didn't kill them; that was why it wasn't a true hunt, because the intention was only to take a little, only to take the bare minimum of what he needed to function. He had to be careful enough on adults, and the younger the victim, the more care that had to be taken.

Sometimes, he had to pass potential targets up, ones that didn't look like they'd be able to handle the stress.

Night was the best time to do this. It was easiest to find someone alone and vulnerable this time, especially since there were so many homeless people out here in the slums. There were also a lot of drunkards stumbling about, but he wouldn't go for them--people with alcohol in their blood was bad news for someone who's only bodily fluids consisted of blood and what could be derived from blood. Even the smallest amount went straight to his head, and that...was not fun. That had been one of his first lessons--which, unfortunately, he learned on his own--and he had never forgotten it. The hangover had been a nightmare. That didn't mean he hadn't made the same mistake after that experience, with varying results--he was lucky if he just got tipsy--because, well, unless you could smell the alcohol on a victim, it was easy to make mistakes.

Which was why he now steered clear of the taverns and pubs. His thinking was that, hopefully, any intoxicated folk wouldn't be able to make it this far, so he'd be relatively safe. Of course, he still didn't really know the city, but hey, his thinking had worked in other cities before!

Hands in his pockets and black-haired head bowed as he walked the streets, he looked just like anyone else, but unlike most of the other people who also walked with their heads bowed and coats bundled around them, he didn't feel the frosty cold. That was just for show, as temperature became sort of irrelevent for his kind. But unlike any of the few others that walked the streets, they probably weren't looking at their fellow citizens like he was looking at the wine portion of a dinner menu, judging each one by their age and blush.

So to speak.

Arghh...Kujin winced internally. Noo, can't think like that! Other people were not dinner. He just...had to borrow blood every now and then to function. That was all. Ahem. Besides, he didn't even like the taste of blood. He hated it! His body, on the other hand, loved it...and his tongue thought it tasted pretty good. But it was really pretty nasty! Ugh.

He'd just keep telling himself that. If his sister was around, she'd probably mock his lingering humanity. Screw her.

Sighing, his breath showing in the night air as a puff of white, he slowed his pace as he walked toward the more deserted part of the slums, the alleys where, if nothing else, he was sure to find some bum, and watched. It may take a few hours until he finally sighted the perfect target, someone alone and vulnerable, but he had all the time in the world.
Art / Niaaki...a partly-colored work-in-progress! XD
January 27, 2006, 11:53:44 PM
Click it to see it bigger, because it's shrunk and looks all squiggly now. XD

<img src="" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">

Ooookay...'tis Niaaki, and 'tis a work-in-progress. XD This is one of the first drawings I did of him (the second, to be exact) and I started coloring it, and...yeah. XD I wanted to just basically show off his magic-scars and get their design down. Errrm...please ignore them for now. XD They SUCK, because I suck at such designs, and I'm currently redoing them! They're gonna be thinner with a different design and stuff. Oh yeah, and they're also gonna be bloody! >:D I was feeling morbid when I drew it's supposed to be a "what happens when he uses too much magic, ouch, pain :D" picture, heh. I'm mean.

So, yesh. Very much in progress. So much touching up and coloring I still have to do...his nipplee is bad XD...and it's going sloooow because my mouse sucks and is very...jerky. Makes doing smooth lines hard. ;__; Which is also why doing the purply magic scars is really, really driving me insane.

And his hair is silver. XD I just have a fetish for doing silver hair with a slight purply tone. Just like I like coloring white hair with a blueish tone. >.> Or maybe I'm just color blind.

Tada! Meet the girly boy! *gets stabbed*

Figured I might as well show it off now, because who knows WHEN I'll get my butt in gear and finish it. XD I have a load of unfinished colored drawings piling up... >.>
News and Updates / Yay! Done!
January 26, 2006, 12:44:57 PM
XD SotE is now thoroughly updated! Check out the new Connlaoth and Necromantia information! And all the Independent Civilizations are done! Booyah! Also, I got some info up in the Bestiary and Races section under "Overview". If you'd like to submit any humanoid or animal species, go for it! Same for if you have any ideas for religions or plants (maybe a plant that is used as a drug, or to heal, or to poison...or perhaps it's just really bizarre in some way XD). All the criteria for submitting stuff like that can be found under "Contacts". ^_^

Let's see...what else...

Yeah! That's about it! Stuff has been updated and all is well! Now...I just need to get on that Members' page... XD

EDIT: The rules have also been updated! Again, nothing drastic and scary, just a precautionary update in regards to the war rule. ^_^ It should help clear stuff up.
News and Updates / Updates, updates, updates!
January 23, 2006, 01:19:19 PM
All the informational sections are almost complete! XD Many, many thanks to Nightcandle and Quantum Shaman for all their work on Connlaoth and Necromantia respectively! ^__^ Which also means those two areas have loads of new information on them, information that is quite thoroughly awesome!

Also, we have a quotes page and a wanted characters page if you haven't noticed those already. ^_^ The section previously known as "Legends and Lore" has been transformed into "Overview", and it has tons of nifty information there which I'm still working on. And don't be shy about submitting a species or religion. Go wild. ^_~ I'm working on a few myself.

What else...ah, updates the Rules and Regulations a little, just to be clear about some stuff that was being asked about, primarilly in regards to NPCs. It's just one small precaution so that no one builds an NPC army and goes crazy. XP

The "Independent Civilizations" area is almost complete. I just have to write up the stuff about Essyrn, Hyoite, and Yoreiq, which shouldn't be too difficult, because the independent areas aren't nearly as in-depth as the kingdoms by their very nature. ^_~

Aaand...I believe that's about it! Check it out! I'll post any new updates as they come!

Peace out! And if you have any suggestions or 'em here!
#586 looked like she'd lost him.

Humming happily to herself as she made her way to her room--ah, being a Mordecai definitely had its perks; they got rooms in the palace itself!--she couldn't help the all-too-pleased grin that spread across her face, an expression of victory. The day's mission was complete, and to top it off there were no signs of that blasted man, Kuro, anywhere. Instead of his usual flashy bullshit, there was peace and quiet! Servants scurried from room to room, tending to chores, but other than that the palace halls were silent save for the soft thud of her boots against the polished floor. Nowhere in Kuro. That always made her happy.

...And if he decided to do some stupid ninja move and suddenly, BAM, be there right when she got back to the Mordecai quarters, she would bloody scream. And leave for somewhere Kuro-less.

It wasn't that she hated him that much...he was useful as a soldier. He just rubbed her the wrong way, that was all. Treating her like a damsel when she could handle herself just as well as any male soldier--and had the scars to prove it! That, and he almost got himself killed over her! Idiot. Wounding yourself trying to protect someone else from a worse injury was fine...but what he'd done by protecting her had been to wound himself more than she would have been wounded in the first place! That was just counter-productive. And anyway, she didn't join this operation to be coddled. Hell, she was one of those few Mordecai that actually turned themselves in voluntarilly, and even if she hadn't been a Mordecai, she would have wanted to work for the military, anyway. It was something of a family tradition.

And then there was Kuro, flashy and annoying and doing his damnedest to show her up and make her look like an incompetant ninny.

At least, that was how it made her feel...then again, she couldn't help it if she was competitive...

To her great relief, the Mordecai quarters were blessedly Kuro-less! So, beaming even brighter and looking forward to some downtime, she opened the door to her room and, closing it, plopped down on her bed, yanked off her boots, and, too lazy to change fully out of her uniform, simply unbuttoned her shirt, slipped it off her shoulders, and started to undo the cloth strips that circled her chest. If she was gonna lay around like a blob for a while, she'd better get comfortable, and there was no way she could easily do that with the tight bindings there. Yes...she wrapped her chest. Couldn't let certain bumps get in the way, and it hurt like a bitch if she got hit in the chest without any protection.

Finally...peace. Maybe she'd go visit the library and read something for a while. Or nap. She hadn't gotten much sleep these past few days; her schedule had been pretty busy.

Whatever the case, she was going to eat up these few minutes of free time.

She swore she would stab anyone who wrecked this...

Setting the bindings aside in a nice, neat, rolled-up pile, she buttoned her shirt back up and plopped backwards onto her bed with her arms folded behind her head, stretched out and sighing. What was the sound? Nothing!

God, she loved this...

[edited because I realized I forgot a very important part...d'oh.]
Art / Niaaki and Beatrid artses.
January 15, 2006, 06:18:04 PM

Whoo, Niaaki! Just a simple pic...

Image hosted by
Niaaki again. And the answer to that question is: Rhi sucks at drawing clothing, and Rhi was way too tired when drawing this to try, thus, nekkid Niaaki. Or something. I don't even know, I just wanted to try drawing a side-view.

Image hosted by
Beatrid, Connlaoth's female Mordecai.
Plotting Center / Site-wide plot idea: virus
January 13, 2006, 06:30:28 PM
Just an idea that's been floating around in my head for a year or so...I don't have it all worked out at all, just a basic idea, but if a lot of people are interested, we can all work out the details together of course! ^_~

Okay, the idea:

Say a group of Connlaothian researchers happened to somehow develop a virus that targeted possessors of magic. The virus could act like a flu, not showing actual symptoms until about two weeks after being contracted (from my research on viruses, viruses tend to be the most contagious in that period of time before there are actual symptoms) which, of course, allows plenty of time for it to spread. Symptoms and all that can be bad...survivable if you're really tough, but especially harsh on the weaker and younger, and mortality rates can be high or moderate...again, this can all be hashed out. XD And of course no one has to kill off their PCs unless they want to, though there can be lotsa NPC death!

Anyway, this sort of plot is the type that could unite the whole of the site, even the remote reaches of the world, like the isles (for instance, if an infected person travels abroad...since signs wouldn't start showing until later, it would be easy to infect such areas). Yet, at the same time, those who aren't interested in a site-wide plot can easily avoid involvement. ^_^ Just stick to your own plots and don't go around sick people! XD

I can see a lot of different possibilities and side-plots and the like spawning as a result...even international drama and suspicion and the like (I doubt Connlaoth would be very open about any involvement XD).

Heck, for a twist it doesn't even have to be Connlaoth that is the source of the issue, but Connlaoth could be a scapegoat. That's an idea of course, though!

Aaand...I'm rambling.

Anyway, this would by no means be an insta-plot. There would of course be lots of preparation time before the virus was developed/released, and then of course a period of time before any effects would actually start showing. All the details need to be worked out, as well, like how it would be created, who would do it, what the effects would be...

And then of course there would be all the plots involving how to solve the issue...

Just an idea!

Ideas? Comments? like? No like?

W00t! That's right! Part one of SotE's facelift is finished! That means there are lots of new areas, and I rearranged the layout of SotE's boards into regions. Hopefully this gives everyone a much better idea of what the continent of Le'raana's landscape is like, and where everything is in relation to everything else. ^__^ Similarly, like I said, there are lots of new areas to be explored now, lots of new cities, towns, and environments--even a new island chain. XD Go ahead and start inhabiting any of the new boards if they strike your fancy. ^_~

Next up: updating the rest of the site to reflect these changes. Again, bear with me. This may take a few days though I'm hoping to have it finished by the end of today. *workaholic*

Anyway! Enjoy! And remember: even though the "animal territories" are gone, you may still create your own packs and herds and the like on the boards. I'll be updating the informational "Beasts" section to give more information and tips for doing so, but don't wait on me if you already have ideas for doing so!

Cheers and enjoy!
News and Updates / Where'd my thread go?
January 08, 2006, 10:11:25 PM
Heh heh...I'm doing a major, site-wide overhaul of SotE right now. What this means is that I got rid of all the animal packs and herds, since they weren't being used anyway (no worries, you can still join and play as animals and even create your own packs and herds for them! The only thing that's changed is that there are no designated boards, so this basically means you can play these characters where you like!) and got rid of The Hidden Mansion and Meeting Place. This also means I am adding new boards and areas.

The Thief's Guild has been moved to Serendipity Kingdom and Hidden Mansion posts have been moved to the guild instead. Also, any posts that were in the packs/herds/flocks and Meeting Place have been moved to Uncharted Territory. ^_^ I also changed the name of The Afterlife to something better and broader, "Worlds Beyond", so other world and realms entirely are also open to play! ^_^

In any case...expect a lot of fun new areas. And expect a lot of rearranging. XD It might get confusing, but just try and bear with me and if you have any questions, just ask!
News and Updates / Upcoming stuff!
January 06, 2006, 10:45:28 PM
W00t! I'm currently in the process of creating SotE's next layout. Heh heh...I've been craving one with more organization and the like, plus I have some new ideas I want to write up! It was supposed to be a secret, really, but I've never been good with those. It's not gonna be put up for a while, though...if I'm lucky, maybe in the next week, but I doubt that! Feel free to pester me to keep me on track. XP

On this vein, I updated the Legends and Lore section, namely in regards to the Earth's cycle. Similarly, if I may direct your attention to this thread concerning the animal areas...heh heh, I really want some feedback. ^_~

Also, as a reminder if you didn't get my e-mail...activity check! Do it if you haven't already! It's officially over, but you still have plenty of time to respond. ^_~

Well, that's basically it! I shall be working away like a busy little bee in the meantime! And also...HAPPY NEW YEAR! Kinda belated, but the meaning is the same! XD
Art / Hatame and Sakkata art. XD
December 15, 2005, 09:13:52 AM
<img src="" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">

Hatame. Laughing over who knows what. This was basically just a warm-up piece.


<img src="" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">

Hatame giving Sakkata a piggyback ride. XD Heehee, this one was fun to do. XD Even if I had no references and had never drawn anything like it before, so some stuff is screwy, but oh well!
News and Updates / Happy Birthday! <3
December 13, 2005, 12:40:32 AM
SotE is officially five years old now! The big f-i-v-e! Crazy-ness, huh? Like I've said probably about five-gazillion times in the past...I never would have imagined SotE would ever turn out the way it has. It has exceeded every single expectation I have ever had for it, and it only continues to do so.

And, of course, it's all thanks to you guys. To put it bluntly: you guys KICK ASS! Figuratively and literally.

Seriously. A webmistress could have never asked for a better, more creative and innovative group. You guys are amazing, and I find myself constantly being surprised and awed by all the wonderful creativity and dedication I've seen over the years. I couldn't imagine it any other way, and I'm so grateful for it. It gives me all sorts of nice, warm fuzzies, heh!

So, really, thank you. Thank you all for so many great years and awesomeness, and not to mention all the close friendships that have blossomed as a result! And here's to many, many more years of zany, shocking, mushy, and just plain kickass plots, characters, straight-jackets, and friendships!

Cheers, luvs! *GROUP GLOMP!!*


And, as a sort of sidenote...many apologies if this post makes absolutely no sense. XD I am very sleep-deprived from college all-nighters, heh heh. XP But rest-assured, though possibly nonsensical, every word of this comes from the bottom of my twisted widdle heart. <3

Lastly, as a sort of non-related plug, I draw your attention to this idea, as posed by Rend De'Lacor. I find it to be a positively kickass idea, so check it out!

Welp, that's all for now! Peace, yo! And, once again...thank you, luvvies, for being so spamtabulous! <3
News and Updates / Fixing stuff...
December 08, 2005, 04:14:59 PM
Well, I just got Mozilla Firefox for my computer, and...SotE's layout is kinf of screwy on it. ^^;; Some of the words don't align right and whatnot, and the bottom border image is off alignment. Erk. So, I'm currently aiming to fix that now, especially since I also recently discovered that this same error rears its head in Netscape browsers. Bah! So, we'll see what I can do!
Plotting Center / Jack of all trades for hire. XD
December 07, 2005, 12:19:30 PM
Since I think the old thread he was in is dead, or at least on hiatus, and I want to play him...I'm puttin' him up for hire again! Of course, if the old thread picks up again he'll still be available there, but right now he needs to see some gameplay! XD

Anyhoo! The character is my boy <a href= target"K">Keina</a>, a sixteen-year-old (or maybe he was seventeen? O.o It's been a while...) jack of all trades. His specialty is stealing stuff (whether it be people or objects, eh heh), but he'll do pretty much anything if it'll make him a buck, whether it be stealing stuff, kidnapping someone, bedding down with someone, etc. He comes across as cheerful and light-hearted, but in truth he'd pretty apathetic and bitter--that's just the mask he wears. He's had a tough life, and in truth he's pretty emotionally distant from people; that's why he can do the things he does. He just doesn't really care anymore. Or, at least, that's what he tells himself, heh.

He does care about money, though! It's one of the few constants in his life. Well, that and himself. He's quite selfish.

He has some mysogenistic tendencies, though it rears its head in the form of womanizing rather than hatred, per se. He's the love 'em and leave 'em type, so women beware! XD

So, yesh. I'm open to any plots. XD Any takers?
News and Updates / Activity Check and new board, w00t!
December 07, 2005, 12:03:07 AM
Heh heh, y'all are probably gonna hate me. XD

Yeeep, it's that time again: Activity Check time! Thrilling, huh? ^^;; So, yes, post your characters there and be sure to read the sticky; it explains everything! And if you have any questions about it, be sure to ask! It ends January 6th. And this time around the Members' pages will get updated! *sweatdrop*

Also, I did some minor updates, like added a board for the Organizations. So, instead of me updating the organizations all the time, I'm leaving it up to your guys! ^_~ Makes it easier all around and gives you more freedom, too. So have fun!

Let's see...I'm also in the process of updating Connlaoth's information, since Nightcandle reminded me of some information about it that she'd given me, which I had forgotten about. Eep.

Aaaand...the military academies need more lovin'! So give them some love! <3

Lastly...SotE turns five next week on the 13th of this month! O.O Can ya believe it? I sure can't! XD

And I think that about does it for tonight! Or, morning now, actually, heh. Peace out!
Activity Checks / Check #3: Nomads
December 06, 2005, 11:56:51 PM
(Please read the sticky first!!)

This check covers all Nomadic characters. So, if you have any such characters, post 'em here!

Just post the following, and you're done!

+ Name
+ Species
+ Gender
+ Location
+ Rank (if applicable)
+ Link to stats page (if applicable)
(Please read the sticky first!)

This check covers all of the kingdoms and independent civilizations (Serendipity, Adela, Connlaoth, Necromantia, Thief's Guild, Orphanage, Sirena Island, Zantaric, La'marri). So, if you have any characters that dwell in those areas, post 'em! Nomads are not included in this check; there's a separate check just for them! ^_^

So, just post the following, and you're done!

+ Name
+ Species
+ Gender
+ Location
+ Rank (if applicable)
+ Link to stats page (if applicable)
Activity Checks / Check # 1: Beasts and Neutral Ground
December 06, 2005, 11:55:12 PM
(Please read the forum stickyt first!)

This check covers the Wolf Packs, Herds and Flocks, Gryphon Eyries, and Untamed. So, if you have any characters that dwell in those areas, post 'em! Nomads are not included in this check; there's a separate check just for them! ^_^

So, just post the following, and you're done!

+ Name
+ Species
+ Gender
+ Location
+ Rank (if applicable)
+ Link to stats page (if applicable)
Guilds / Information and template! [read]
December 06, 2005, 11:29:59 PM
Throughout SotE, in addition to the established kingdoms, guilds, factions, and other such groups, some inhabitants have been known to create their own secret (or not-so secret) organizations in support of specific causes they feel strongly about or, perhaps, just to cause trouble and stir controversy.

If you have created an organization and would like to have it listed here, post an information/recruitment/plotting topic on this board!  Anyone may make a guild or faction, or any other kind of group you'd like!  Some info you might want to include in your post are things like:

1. Name of the organization (please title your thread with the organization's name)
2. Objective/goal of the organization
3. Who may join
4. Where the organization can be found (so that characters interested in it can travel there)
5. A list of members and ranks if applicable
6. Any additional information you want (ideas include keeping tabs on the group's history or even any goals the group has accomplished).

It's up to you, the creator and/or any members of the organization, to update your organization's information as you see fit. ^_~

A template you may use if you like:

[b]1. Organization Name[/b]
Insert name here
[b]2. Objective[/b]
Write about the objective here.
[b]3. Who may join?[/b]
Write stuff here.
[b]4. Organization Location[/b]
Write stuff!
[b]5. Current Members and Ranks[/b]
Write stuff here!
[b]6. Additional Information[/b]
Blah blah blah!

Well, that's about it! Feel free to be creative in the layout of your organization's thread, the information you include, and all that jazz. You can add to that template as you see fit or manipulate it however you like. ^_~ Happy posting!