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Moved from The Jungle: A long wolf.

Started by Anonymous, May 02, 2005, 03:22:53 PM

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Unregistered User
(12/16/03 3:05 pm)
Reply   A lone wolf.

 Smooth and swift motions carried the wild man through the trees, his body well defined in excellant health and sinew muscles that laced his arms and legs. His earthen toned green hair blended perfectly with the trees leaves, his wine coloured eyes always alert. He moved in an awkward manor for a man, but though he was a man he held none of their formalities. He was wild and walked, for the most part, on his knucles and feet like an animal. He woreno shirt and only a pair of partically tattered pants that were ripped into shreds from the knee down. The pants were brown and matched his soft golden skin tone.

He stopped as he landed on a thick branch and put a hand against the trunk of the tree. His head rose up and he inhaled the smell around him before looking down at the jungle floor. Nothing. Perfect solitude.

Since the slaughter of his tribe, one that could have mostly resembled that of a wolf pack through the hierarchy, he had become a lone wolf. He had always hunted for himself, but now he was very strict when encountering those he did not know. Usually he would draw his weapons and fight--there were very few matches he could not win against.

On his back, sheathed in an "X" pattern were two beautiful katana swords.Their featherlike weight and exquisite form made them ideal for this hunter. The only other weapon he carried was an oddly shaped dagger which was sheathed at his leg and used mostly to do common tasks on his journeys and never in battle.

Seeing no one around he leapt from the branch and onto the jungle floor, slowly rising up on two legs like a man as he looked to check if anyone was around before he returned to his usual stance of four legs like an animal and slowly made his way through the jungle, looking for any possible prey...

[OOC: the picture he was based off of from Elfwood is at ^_^]
SotE addict
Posts: 73
(12/18/03 6:58 am)
Reply   Continued from 'Home Sweet Home' in the Mountains...

 Deeper in the jungle, where the trees were scarcer yet the canopy cast foreboding shadows over the ground, stood a dark and unholy figure, who's filth-infested wings shed clouds of dust and pestilence with every slight twitch...
The humid atmosphere pleased Pazuzu greatly, and he reveled in the sensation of the stinking sweat that covered his ebony skin. His breath was hoarse and heavy, his chest heaved, not necessarily from fatigue, though he had been flying for quite a while. No, it was merely the rush and exhilaration of being in his own form, temporarily freed from the boundries between this world and his. The demon had not been expecting such a gift so early in the game, though he knew that he was still bound to his unwilling host, who lay unconcious far away in the Mountains...
But one thought still made the demon wonder. What could he do, to make to most of this limited time he had been granted...
Unregistered User
(12/19/03 6:17 pm)
Reply   flight.

 As the sound of the heavy breathing Nikao's body flew into the air with lightning speed as he once again ascended onto the branch of a tree. His catlike motions made his prowess as a hunter radiate. He stood on the balls of his feet and gripped the branch of which he stood on carefully as he moved from branch to branch, tree to tree.

He saw the beast below him and contemplated a match. Ofcourse, this tresspasser in his territory greatly angered him, but at the moment he felt that it would not be a fair match. The creature looked... Strange. It looked as if it was full of malice and anger that was not derrived from a life on earth--then what from?

Losing interest Nikao continued onward and left this strange beast behind him, though now carrying more caution in his search...
SotE addict
Posts: 76
(12/22/03 8:08 am)
Reply   Re: flight.

 The demon blinked his bulging eyes and glanced up to see Nikao leap past swiftly and away into the canopy. Pazuzu watched the wolf-man until he was out of sight, but did not appear to be in the mood for pursuing random strangers. The demon's wings started to beat in the strange 'mexican wave' rythym of a dragonfly. He took flight, the branches of the trees above him withering from the diseased clouds, allowing the King of Evil Winds easy path into the open sky...
Unregistered User
(12/23/03 12:02 pm)
Reply   Rumble in the Jungle....hehehe

 This was not his place, definetly not his place at all! Damn Mina for making him come, damn her to every feasible hell that would take her. The kelpie scrambled through the underbrush, equine hooves crushing dry leaves to ashes. The blood-red kelpie snorted as his path was interrupted by a rather large tree with troublesome roots.

Somehow, he managed to squeeze his bulk through, snagging his mane of seaweed and marsh grass upon a low-slung branch, Letting out a nicker of pain, he wrenched himself free- leaving a bit of him behind.

Shaking his regal dial, high-stepping over roots- he found himself in an area where he could stand without fear of murderous tree limbs.

Now- what was it Mina had asked for? She said something in his head about a warrior of some sort. That was all, and he had no premonition of why she had even sent him anyway. Perhaps there wasen't even a warrior here at all!

Damn her, he thought again.

Yet, something about the way her amber eyes had gazed upon him knew there was something out here. Something that Mina had seen...though however she had seen it, he didn't know.

Damn her, damn her magery, damn her would just be very well if she was thrown into the pits of hell. Yes, the kelpie was not in a great mood. Not since Mina had deserted for a month or so. Now, she seemed rather insane...and it wasen't helping her reputation with the way that oaf Nakaris followed her around like a love-sick puppy.

It would be better if someone else took control, Foxfire thought stubbornly.

Excpecially with her sending him off to look for some the hell would he know it when he saw it?
Unregistered User
(12/23/03 3:27 pm)
Reply   Fight.

 Nikao stopped and gazed down from the branch he crouched upon high in the treetops. What was that thing? Whatever it was it was disturbing Nikao's claimed home. Nikao was carefully hidden, his prowess as a hunter having toned his abilities for both stealth, silence and power. His eyes gaze around the creature, making sure it indeed had come alone.

Nikao's form suddenly came gliding from behind Foxfire, his legs out stretched in a jump kick as he landed on Foxfire's neck intentionally to startled the beast and enforce it to stumble. Nikao was not there long for the moment impact was made he was once again int he treetops and hidden from view, his oddly shaped dagger in one hand and the tree vine he'd used to hurdle himself towards the intruder in the other. He watched Foxfire closely, wondering if he would stand there and fight or if Nikao's warning proved just.
Unregistered User
(12/27/03 1:53 pm)
Reply   Jungle Madness

 The kelpie reared, his hindquarters lashing out in a kick that never got near the target. Whatever that target was!
He looked upwards at the beastly man, "Warrior?" he asked hopefully, wondering for the thousadnth time what he was doing here.
Unregistered User
(12/27/03 2:38 pm)
Reply   Animal Instincts.

 From the cover of the trees Nikao looked down at the beast, his eyes unblinking. Through the silence his breathing became more dominant to the point where it seemed as if he was growling--a horse rumble, intentional to sound stronger and more intimidating. The tree vine suddenly swooped down, just dangling without a carrier upon it.

The jungle was absolutely quiet as Nikao's movement could rival that of a ghost. His toes gripped the rough bark, his target in sight and the element of surprise once again presented. With his oddly shaped dagger in hand he leapt silently from the trees, landing to the side of the beast yet staying low and on all fours like an animal. As he was landing the dagger's blade came in contact with the kelpie. Nikao, once again, did not stay around. As soon as contact to the ground was made he leapt away, a great distance away as he presented himself to the beast at a distance.

He never stood up, but remained crouching. He showed his teeth almost as a wolf would. The dagger, with a thin spread of blood on it's blade, in his hand. His eyes were menacing, wild. He slowly backed up even more, presenting a great deal of space between them to ensure the beast could not have a free attack.

Nikao's english was horrible. The word "warrior" meant nothing to him. Aside from that, he did not want this tresspasser in his land or even speaking. Trying to be dominant, perhaps? Nikao was the king of this realm, if Foxfire wanted to test that he'd encounter a wild fury neverbefore seen...

[OOC: heh.. I dunno.. I don't think this meeting will prove successful... ^_^; Nikao's kinda ticked, if ya didn't catch that  Ya... I'm just finding out about him as I RP him though.. He's such a coolie! LOL!]
Unregistered User
(12/30/03 12:46 pm)
Reply   Jungle Madness

 Foxfire screeched and bolted to the side, crashing broadside into a tree as he did so. Cursing savagely he called Mina in his mind, but retrieved no response from her. "Damnable little beasty!" he snapped at the wild man, "Now don't make me take you down. I en't that sort to let someone cut me like that...I don't know if you understand me, but I'm gonna talk anyway and you'd better listen. I was sent 'ere to find some man, probably you..figuring your the only man 'round, 'cause Mina wants to speak with you..or him, whatever. She's a leader of a army...evil sorts. And for some reason she sent me to find you."

"I can talk for myself, thank you, Foxfire." A shimmering Sending appeared. Mina's form, fairly translucent, stepped toward Nikao- raising both hands, palm-outward to show she carried no weapon on her. She turned her head slightly toward her steed, "I don't believe he likes you, Khar, return home. I don't believe I should have sent you..."

Foxfire snorted, and turned- muttering obscentities about his mistress as he exited the clearing and took off at a gallop.

Mina turned back to Nikao and smiled, "Speak? Words?" Yes, she was much better at this then her blood-red accomplice. If she just figured out what language he spoke, communication might occur better.
She had no fear of him, she was but a Sending. If he touched her, his hand would go straight through.
Unregistered User
(12/30/03 9:51 pm)
Reply   Tricks...

 (OOC: EZBoard ate my post.. so here's the shortened version.. -_-

Nikao stayed in his crouching position, looking almost as if he was an animal trapped inside a human's body as it seemed he had to intention of standing tall on two legs. His dagger was loosely in his hand as he watched the hologram of Mina appear and the beast leave. He watched Mina closely, not understanding the meaning of how she appeared but just the same angered by another tresspasser.

The dagged was stabbed into the earth and in almost the same action Nikao's body flew through the air in an air-roll. His body still very close to the ground was he did a summersault in the air, his hands deftly reaching and unsheathing the swords crossed at his back to the point where when he landed inches before Mina and as his feet landed flatly on the ground both blades came gliding towards Mina as they were stil held by Nikao. The katana in his right hand sliced through Mina's neck, severing the head and the second in his left hand and sliced the stomach--a fatal wound incase he missed at the neck. But he did not miss his mark, or atleast wouldn't have. But his swords went clear through Mina.

The katana's were quickly sheathed and Nikao leapt up, but did not land on the ground. In one graceful and powerful leap he was once again in the trees and looked down upon Mina with a very angered look--moreso than before.

"Tricks." He said through gritted teeth. He knew very little english, but had been taught a bit of the language as a child. This trickery greatly displeased Nikao, for he valued honesty and truth when being confronted. Tricks and lies would not get Mina anywhere...
Unregistered User
(12/31/03 6:29 pm)
Reply   Trickery is my game

 "Magic," she replied softly, "I'm a Magi." Her glimmering amber eyes met his, "I could not come as a whole. I'm sorry for appearing like a- a...ghost." She muttered in the language of magic, and a sword -very real- appeared in her translucent hand. She smiled and set it down, backing away, "Gift."
Unregistered User
(1/1/04 8:39 am)
Reply   No.

 Nikao watched her closely. He then just dropped from the branch a foot behind where he'd thrust his dagger into the ground and pulled it out and sheathed it on the sheath on his ankle. He watched the sword, then back to Mina.

"No." He said plainly and clearly before vanishing into the trees and leaving that area. For one reason, he didn't trust her. She was defeitful--tricking him with her.. what was it? Magics? Aside from that, he hadn't understood most of what she'd said, but the word gift was not exactly one he liked. A gift meant something was expected in return, it always meant that. Nikao had no intentions of doing anything for anyone else aside from himself.
Unregistered User
(1/6/04 3:09 pm)
Reply   Crimson Mage

 (OOC)  P.I.M.P! WEEEE! lol. Insanity...

The Archmage smirked, and impaled the sword into the earth, leaving it there for the wild man. He would come in time, she knew it...just like she knew a lot of things. Her form tricked into oblivion...sending her entire form to the Dark Mage Village again.

Unregistered User
(1/10/04 6:47 pm)
Reply   no interest

 The sword left there by Mina evoked no interest in Nikao and once the illusion was gone he continued onward through the tree tops, his two katana's and dagger all sheathed in their rightful sheathes as he began his hunt. He needed food and before so many interruptions he had been tracking a doe. Though now she could be far away and his meal tonight would be whatever he could find.

Nikao had no interest in Mina or whatever it was she said. He heard the word gift and that was reason enough to forget her and her lies completely.