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Kyoko, Rogue Dragon Rider

Started by DragonSong, March 08, 2017, 06:02:21 PM

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__________________QUICK STATS
Name Kyoko
Age 25
Gender Female
Species Human
Ethnicity Thanati/Adelan (?)
Height 5'5"
Orientation ?????
Occupation Runaway
Residence Adela, mostly

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Matte black hair falls to Kyoko's waist, normally kept in an interesting half-braided style, and her watchful eyes are a blue so deep as to be almost black, set above sharp cheekbones and a rather delicate mouth. Her face is round and soft, giving the impression of a gentler personality than she really possesses. Her skin is tanned, both naturally and from long days of working in the sun.

Strong willed and clever, Kyoko has never been one to conform, despite her servile upbringing. She is adaptable at her core, but will not sacrifice who she is at any cost.

Kyoko has no strong magical gift, other than a mild beastspeaking ability. She can technically communicate with all animals, but canines, dragons, and- oddly enough- songbirds tend to be easier for her to have lengthy conversations with.

Se'zeh (Seh-zay): a young female dragon colored in shades of deep blue with gold markings around her eyes down her neck, and down the contour of her sides and wings to wrap around her legs.

Perhaps Kyoko was born in slavery, she doesn't really remember. All she knows is she has served the Adelan military as a grunt slave for as long as she can really remember. Cleaning barracks, serving soldiers, she was expected to just be a part of a background, a useful bit of scenery.

For the most part, she played her role well. Sure, a few small rebellions- washing pots slowly, talking back to her masters- but she was always quickly punished and the matter would be put in the past.

At least until she was eighteen and she found a rejected dragon egg, cast off from the nest of an Adelan knight's dragon. Knowing the infant dragon would die without help, as the mother had intended when she rejected the runt, Kyoko took the egg and hid it.

Se'zeh hatched within a month, and Kyoko made it her mission to prove that even a slave could care for a proper dragon. Despite being a runt, the little dragoness grew quickly, and Kyoko was constantly sneaking extra food for her. Sometimes she would be caught, and beaten, but it was all worth it. She loved the little creature from the moment she first tumbled from her egg, all gangly limbs and cheeping little cries.

When Se'zeh was seven years old, she was nearly big enough to ride. She would probably never be quite as large as most dragons of her breed, but she was still a dragon, a fearsome creature in her own right. Kyoko began sneaking her away from the abandoned barracks where she'd been keeping her so they could learn to fly together.

Unfortunately, it was these late night flights that spelled their undoing. A group of trainees intended to drink and cut loose a little one day after their training, and they came to the old field where Kyoko and Se'zeh worked. Kyoko was almost immediately arrest for "dragon theft", and Se'zeh was taken away from her, to be properly "rehabilitated" and given to a trained rider.

The dragon was having none of it. Not expecting a slave-raised runt to put up much of a fight, the soldiers who'd been sent to subdue her were overwhelmed when she fought back, and Kyoko used the distraction to slip away from her own captors.

Woman and dragon took to the sky and left Ketra behind. They are both hunted, but they have kept to the wilds, staying alive by staying hidden.

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