Spirits of the Earth

Flashback Threads => Flashback Threads => Everywhere Else => Topic started by: visualspice on February 11, 2014, 12:09:33 PM

Title: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on February 11, 2014, 12:09:33 PM
Tall trees, lavish gardens, and mysterious jungles all thrived in lush quantities on the Island Kingdom of Windevher. So many various floral and fauna types grew here that in the heart of the island tropics the pollen floated around in the air like glowing balls of fairy dust. And some believed it to be so- that the dust was that, enchanted- and was said to be sparkling bits of their child Goddess, Evra and that these bits, it could be heard- whispered her responses to your prayers.

That's why, if one were to venture into the jungles, even deep within they would find an ivory statue every so many miles of Evra- with only one gem residing in the center of the child's forehead- which was an offering from the island nation to their Saint.

Temples and shrines were everywhere, hidden in just about every beach corner and forest, and one primary church built in the center of the city of O'ffick, the island's capital. It was set upon a hills side over looking a cliff where one could see across the entire island and right on the veranda was the largest statue of their goddess. She was always sitting, with a casual stature about her and her head held high and her eyes- timeless as the chiseled stone. She had a sweet innocence about her, which one could even claim all the Evherien race possessed, for even the prince seemed to hold eyes like that of the child goddess, and he was well into his marriageable age.

But here it was, sweeping across a wide valley and intermingled between green and purple ferns, lush trees and tall grasses as well as a tall set of water falls (that fell in and through the tall, crystaline tower where the royal family lived)- was the grand city of a people the world would have yet to forget.

More than just cogs and gears worked here, but ancient magics that made things like canons and guns (which were only crude in their makings far to the west...), seem like infantile dreams. Here, this place really was a dream to those blessed enough to set foot upon it- for the Windevher Islands were so far out at sea it took only the strongest vessels to navigate, and even then, the dangerous rocks that scattered and jutted out from the ocean bottom made porting nearly impossible. Naturally, the Evheriens intimately knew their sea, so when they docked on other kingdom's ports, the tradesman lit up and were ready with just about any price for the fine silks and exotic goods these people had always offered.

And it was this wealth and secrecy in trade that caught the attentions of those jealous of anyone better than their own, and these would become known as a race of dogs...

But that darkness always lurked too far away and was always outshined by the jovial and open nature of the Evherien's. So trade went on as usual- until one day, the trade ships had not returned. But The people of Windevhr seemed hardly phased- simply blaming the weather as the week went on, with only some extra efforts in prayer. They could not conceive anything wrong could have happened....

Until it did.

And that's when the nation woke up to terror....
to find their own ships and weapons used against them- it was madness. Who cold have done this? How could it have happened? And while the people int he streets ran wild with chaos, the entire island began to shake.

Earlier that week....
On a hammock the red haired man slept, a lazy breeze swinging the equally lazy prince- his red staff at his side, his blue scarf resting across his hip, and his equally blue eyes closed. It was a peaceful and lazy day. Life could not be more perfect for the prince.

Life in Windevher was good.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on February 14, 2014, 04:27:07 PM
In the shade of another tree several feet away from the lounging prince stood a young woman letting the breeze play with her long hair. There was a playful look in her watchful eyes and the corners of her lips. Aurora was up to something and that did not usually bode well for her intended target.

Carefully picking where she stepped, she danced over the warm earth until she was standing beside Gherrick. Holding her breath for fear of alerting to her presence, she leaned down, hands outstretched to grab hold of the hammock's edge. At any moment her dear friend was going to find himself face first in the dirt if he still did not realize his impending doom. It was all Aurora could do to keep from giggling at his misfortune.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on February 14, 2014, 07:57:37 PM
Clever girl, clever step- but he heard just the faintest crush of sand beneath her sandals and smiled with his eyes closed.

"Hello Aurora."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on February 14, 2014, 08:08:08 PM
Aurora squeaked in surprise, her eyes widening as she fell forward. Her fingers tangled in the hammock pushing one side down as she went causing it to flip on her side. At the last moment she face-planted into the sand, groaning in anticipation of the jesting to come at her expense. As her hands released it, the hammock was free to swing back in the other direction, no longer balanced by her additional weight.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on February 14, 2014, 08:31:39 PM
Woman down, the hammock swung around and a moment later there was a compromisable thud and grunt of surprise and pain. The red haired man lay int he sands for a moment before lifting his head up, red bangs wearing a skin of sand (as was most of his face and shirt) as he spat out what was coating his tongue.

"I think we really need to work on a new way of saying hello," he told her, and flashed the sneaky girl a grin. "So what brings you to my hammock?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on February 14, 2014, 08:40:33 PM
"What's wrong with it?" She snorted, propping her equally sandy chin up with her arms and letting her legs bend up at the knee. "Maybe my whole purpose for coming over was to make sure you get your daily serving of sand. Is it so wrong for a concerned friend to worry over your health?"

Aurora feigned a concerned expression, her brow furrowing as her lips pouted. "And since when is it your hammock? I don't see your name listed on it anywhere."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on February 15, 2014, 07:16:41 AM
"Oh you don't, do you?" he said, eyes sparkling at the challenge. "See how there are seven loops and seven rungs on the hammock? Well, everyone knows my favorite number is seven, so who could question this prince when he makes his claims?"

OOC: He's totally making this up- probably is more than seven of what he's talking about, too XD
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on February 15, 2014, 10:20:41 AM
Aurora rolled her eyes playfully. "Of course! Because you're the only one on this island whose favorite number could possibly be seven correct?" She watched lazily as the sun filtered through the hammock above them and left patterned shadows upon their skin.

Looking up caused her to note something though that had her offering a wry smile. "You know my prince I do believe you are in need of returning to your studies. It seems you have forgotten how to count. Must have been all your days lazing about in the hot sun, it melted what was left of your brain," she teased, sticking out her tongue.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on February 15, 2014, 08:17:15 PM
"You know, you're probably right," he said, resting both his cheeks into balled fists as he grinned.
"But you know what will fix it?" And at his question, his eyes sparkled with a dangerous sort of playfulness.
"Sand monkeys."
And before she could stop him, Gherrick leaped to his feet, hunched his shoulders forward and let his arms dangle down like that of a prime ape. He even included ridiculous monkey noises as he began to make chase after Aurora around his princely hammock, hands occasionally swinging out to grab her-
but lest she get caught- shed' fear the tickling wrath of the...

Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on February 15, 2014, 09:15:23 PM
"What's that?" she replied moments before her eyes widened and she was scrambling to her feet in realization. "Oh no you don't!" Aurora was laughing and squealing as she raced around and around the hammock, hopping over fallen branches and rocks as she went.

Her smile reached from ear to ear as the thrill of youth flooded her veins. At the last moment as his hands reached for her nearly catching her, Aurora dropped to her knees curling her body in, in hopes of causing Gherrick to trip over her and become the perfect target for her own offensive attack.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on February 16, 2014, 06:50:35 PM
It was the perfect counter, and the crazed 'sand monkey' tripped over his friend in an unsuspecting jumble. Though he was quick on his feet and with the grace of a dancer- he rolled away to dodge and roll off the blow-
but did so right into a tree, face first.

Groaning, he cupped his now bleeding nose.
"I think you just killed the sand monkey."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on February 17, 2014, 02:35:02 PM
Aurora looked up just in time to see her friend barrel headfirst into a tree. The resounding thud made her wince and move to kneel beside him to make sure Gherrick was okay. Hearing that the "sand monkey" was dead though caused her to laugh despite the sight of his bleeding nose.

"Well then I suppose there is nothing left to do but turn him back into a prince." She suddenly threw her arms around him and promptly gave him a big kiss to the cheek, laughing as she pulled away. "Gotcha!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on February 17, 2014, 03:30:55 PM
Gherrick laughed at her retort, blushing a little at the kiss- even though he was certain it was nothing but playful.
"You would kiss a bleeding sand monkey," he lamented, though it was obviously false dramatics.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on February 17, 2014, 06:06:41 PM
"Only to turn him back into the prince I love to torment," she teased back good-naturedly. Aurora giggled as she ruffled his hair and leaned in closer to try and get a better look at his face. "You didn't go and break it now, did you? Move your hands," she tried pulling his hands away from his face, "let me see."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on February 18, 2014, 09:02:31 PM
Gherrick winced at the hair being ruffled, keeping one eye closed as his red hair splayed across his face. Once she was done, he blinked and peered up at her. But at her suggestion, he kept his hand sealed over his nose as a muffled, "No," came through his fingers.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on February 18, 2014, 09:23:38 PM
She rolled her eyes and tried some more to see his injury. "Quit being a baby and let me see. I'm not the one that gave you a smack in the nose, you can thank your new friend Leafy for that. Come on Gherrick," Aurora cajoled.

"You're worrying me! If we need to get you to a healer, I'd like to do it before you pass out and I have to drag you around."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on February 19, 2014, 07:17:42 PM
"No," he replied stubbornly, and then laughed at her worry. "I'm not going to die from a bloody nose. Beside, did you forget?" And here, he wriggled his fingers and showed her his exposed wrist. "The Goddess blessed me with her magic. Soooooo.." he went on, grinning, "Unless she intended for me to get killed by a tree, then I'm pretty sure I can just pray for this little bump on the nose to go away."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on February 19, 2014, 09:32:30 PM
"Just because the Goddess blessed you does not mean you go and waste her gift with stupid things like this. If you expect her to heal every little bump and bruise on a whim of a prayer than you are only taking her for granted. If it really is only just a bump then perhaps she should let you suffer with it."

Aurora gave up on looking and got to her feet. She chose to ignore Gherrick, grumpy with him for making her worry and acting like a child in her mind. In a huff, the young woman flopped onto the vacated hammock, enjoying the way it swung side to side beneath her. Lazily she let her eyes fall closed and her ears listen to the sweet call of the island birds.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on February 26, 2014, 03:37:47 AM
Gherrick had wiped off most of the blood- thankfully the bloodied nose hadn't lasted long, but just in case, he did a most silly thing- and unwrapped the blue silk wrap from his forehead and used it to tie around his nose before he flopped onto the hammock beside her and leisurely leaned into her side while he peered up through the palm throngs to the blue skies.

"Have you ever wondered what the other nations are like, Aurora?" he asked her, blue eyes remaining skyward. "To see other people's mountains, other people's seas?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on February 27, 2014, 10:33:25 PM
She did her best to pretend he was not there even as Gherrick launched himself into the hammock and settled in beside her. Aurora hummed softly in thought. His closeness did not bother her but on the contrary was comfortable.

"I'm sure the same sky is above us and the same sea below us, Gherrick. But, aye I do on occasion wonder as to what it would be like to stand on different ground and breathe foreign air, to experience a new world. It doesn't last long though. You?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on February 27, 2014, 10:41:04 PM
With one sandal on the ground, he began to lightly rock the hammock they now shared.
"It comes and goes, like the tides," he murmured thoughtfully, eyes still towards the skies. "I don't know- call me crazy, but I like the idea of traveling places far beyond our own. Windevher is so..." He made a face as his lips grew taunt. "We don't get a lot of foreigners.."
The waters were, after all, difficult to navigate. Only the Evheriens knew where the sharp rocks were hidden in the sea.. and not many were granted permission by his father, the King, to do trading.
Windevher island was- after all, seemingly the world's best kept secret, who only traded with the world in whispers and winds of the sea.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on February 27, 2014, 10:49:33 PM
Aurora shifted to lay on her side, her head propped up by her hand so that she could watch him. "I do wish to see the world, to be a stranger in a strange land. I want to learn new things, meet new people, yet realistically, I don't think it could ever be a possibility, not for me at least. My place is here. My family is here, but oh what I would give to weather a storm and see the horizon from a far off shore

"Oh Gherrick," she sighed, "can you imagine? It must be beautiful out there. A world of possibilities with no one to tell us no or where to go. Where would you even go? Where would you start if you could go anywhere?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 01, 2014, 01:51:50 PM
Gherrick chuckled at her enthusiasm, at her dreams.
"I don't know. I've learned all about the other lands, but only through drawings and pictures. It's hard to imagine what a pine tree looks like, or even a land full of snow. Sure our mountains get snow at the peaks, but it seems so... so strange, but wonderful. I don't think I could pick just one place. But hey- I've got an idea!"

And he sat up suddenly, eyes shimmering.
"Why don't we see it all?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 01, 2014, 02:35:10 PM
She laughed and shook her head. "That would take an awfully long time I think. We might be missed. Besides," Aurora said sadly, "you're a prince, Gherrick. You can't leave your people." Her expression quickly turned from melancholy to mischievous though as she smiled shyly up at him.

"Guess that means I'll just have to go without you then!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 01, 2014, 02:37:36 PM
"You would leave your prince behind! Shame on you, Aurora! But oh.. wait, if I'm your prince..." and here he gave his chin a thoughtful rub. "That means you'd have to obey me if I commanded you to stay on this island- forever!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 01, 2014, 02:57:38 PM
"Well," she weedled, laying and placing her arms behind her head. "If I went against my orders and left, there would be no point in returning. I guess I would just forever roam the world wide. That doesn't seem so bad. Besides, I doubt your father, the king would agree with your decree my prince."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 02, 2014, 09:13:13 AM
Gherrick sat up straighter.
"But of course he would. He would never want such a fine young lady to wander of all alone into trouble!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 02, 2014, 09:31:51 AM
Aurora snorted and shook her head. "Whoever said anything about my being alone? I'm sure I could find some strong, handsome man willing to travel the world with me. Know any that might be available?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 03, 2014, 07:21:34 AM
"Old man Rehkit might be up to the task. I could see him and his silver beard soaring like a flag in the sea breeze! Plus you'd never be bored with someone like him to accompany you. And I'm sure he's got a few good years left in him to weather the travel!" Gherrick said, giving her a toothy grin.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 04, 2014, 12:35:29 AM
"Mmm," Aurora hummed back, a dreamy smile on her lips. "Excellent choice. You know me well Gherrick. I do so love older men," she sighed, watching him from the corner of her eye. "He certainly would know how to show a girl a good time at sea."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 04, 2014, 11:36:39 AM
"Older men?" Gherrick gave a boyish laugh and a shake of his head. "Is that why you're friends with me then? Cause I'm older?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 04, 2014, 11:41:04 AM
She snorted and shook her head. "As if, you're still a boy." Aurora waved a hand in his direction dismissively, fighting to keep her laughter to herself.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 04, 2014, 12:12:17 PM
"A boy?" Gherrick erected his posture and gave Aurora the best incredulous stare he could. But he too was having trouble keeping a straight face. "You would dare accuse your prince of being anything but a man?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 04, 2014, 12:14:31 PM
"He's not king yet, so why not? You should not take such insult my prince. You are someone's son, therefore someone who has still much growing to do. Give it a few more years, although I'm betting on decades you'll be old enough for the likes of me."

Aurora winked and wiggled her brows in jest.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 04, 2014, 03:53:04 PM
"Aurora, you wound me so!" Gherrick lamented as he placed a hand to his chest, as if his very heart might be paining him. "And here I had believed that one day you would have ruled at my side as my wife. But now to find it shall never be..." He dramatically drape a hand across his forehead. "I do not think I could remain on our shared hammock anymore! "And though it appeared as if he were about to throw himself off of it, he tipped it over so he'd throw her off, instead.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 04, 2014, 06:03:45 PM
Aurora's laughter died on her lips as a blush warmed her cheeks. As much as she loved to tease Gherrick about relationships, she was just as shy at times when it came to the talk of them. Even the mere jest, for surely it could not be more, of being his queen had frozen her like stone.

It was for this reason that she was completely unprepared for his change of tactics that sent her sprawling once more. Her wrist tangled in the hammock though as she fell for she tried and failed to catch herself causing her wrench it painfully as her upper torso was help up by it.

"Off! I'm stuck, you idiot!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 07, 2014, 09:12:13 AM
Well that wasn't expected. He was hoping Aurora to get a face full of sand. Stepping off the hammock quickly, he made quick work to help untangle her wrangled limb through a muttering of apologies. But once the last meshy piece of hammock had been removed, he gave her a lop-sided grin and a shrug.

"So I guess this means if you ever were to be my queen, no hammocks in the castle?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 08, 2014, 03:59:15 PM
She blushed darker but her eyes were alight with fire. Aurora was going to make him pay for his comment with one of her own. "Well I would say that perhaps it would be best to have two, my prince. I would hate to repeat this because we were forced to share. Perhaps though we could have one giant one."

Aurora stretched her arms out wide to demonstrate what she meant before lunging forward to wrap them around him. "Thank you sweet prince for rescuing me! How can I ever repay you?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 10, 2014, 11:00:57 PM
Catching him quite off guard, Gherrick found himself hitting the dirt with an 'oof' and a girl on top. He was seeing stars a moment- and his face, becoming as equally red as hers. But it was in that moment that his body jolted suddenly with a laugh, and he laughed and laughed beneath her.

"I think we'd kill ourselves with one! Even a giant one!" And he was laughing so much he had tears in his eyes.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 10, 2014, 11:12:56 PM
Aurora laughed as well, kissing Gherrick's cheek before rolling off him. Her own chest heaved with the need for air from laughing so hard as she lay in the warm sand beside him. "Oh dear," she cried, starting to laugh all over again while gripping her belly.

"Can you imagine the poor children? They'd be disasters thanks to us," she wheezed between giggles.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 10, 2014, 11:41:37 PM
Children? The very idea of it had him more than just pink as he turned to his friend while a floppy lot of red bangs fell over one eye.
"Children? I don't think there'd ever be! We'd die before conception!" he reminded with a good laugh as he got to his feet, dusted off his pants and offered her down a hand with a grin.

"Come, I bet my mother has those delicious coconut drinks you so love much. ANd maybe some roasted fish and bread and that coconut dipping oil for it!" Just the thought of it made him salivate.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 11, 2014, 07:59:20 AM
"At least I would survive to the bedroom. Can't say the same for you," she quipped, accepting his hand to get back on her feet. Her own outfit was quickly brushed off and her hair was rearranged to be more presentable.

The idea of her favorite sweet drink and good food left her squealing in excitement. She had his hand in hers in no time and was eagerly tugging him off towards home. Today was a good day.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 11, 2014, 11:08:57 AM
Gherrick's face went red, even a bit sheepish as he swept red hair from his face. This was not exactly what he had planned on joking with Aurora about but- it was what it was. Following after her along the trail, it quickly turned from something flat and sandy- to something more on an incline that angled up and up towards the craggy mountains of his palace home. ANd just as the force of the incline could be felt in their legs, Gherrick shot off suddenly in front of her.

"RACE YOU TO THE CASTLE!" he said with a laugh, a laughter which carried away as carefree as the winds.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 11, 2014, 12:10:07 PM
Aurora had been picking her way carefully when Gherrick suddenly shot away with her, challenging her to a race. A gasp escaped her lips before she was taking off behind him, laughing and shouting at him for cheating and giving her an unfair start.

"You cheat! Just wait until I catch you Gherrick! Last one there's a rotten fish!"

Laughter danced in her eyes as she took the climb slower but in her opinion smarter. Aurora sought the easiest path that avoided the areas most likely to suddenly give out underfoot. The last thing she needed in this race was to reach near the top and tumble to the bottom because hardened sand had given way.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 11, 2014, 12:20:00 PM
"Then I guess I'll be calling you a rotten fish!" he called back playfully, his voice carrying down the trail as he swerved through the man made paths cut out of the rock while the palace began to loom on the horizon.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 11, 2014, 02:17:14 PM
"We'll see about that!" she howled, pushing herself harder and feeling the burn in her legs as she did so. Aurora could just see the castle looming ahead proud and tall along the horizon. If she did not hurry she most certainly would be the rotten fish and it was not a place she relished being in.

Deciding to take matters into her own hands, the woman with one eye on her galloping prince, scooped up a handful of rocks. Then with well practiced aim she let them loose overhead one by one. They tore through the leaves of trees up ahead before falling to the ground harmlessly. But, as she had hoped a coconut or two was also dislodged and dropped into Gherrick's path just about the same time he reached it.

'Nothing like evening the odds out a bit,' she chuckled to herself as she raced alongside him.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 12, 2014, 10:55:48 AM

That was the sound the coconut made as it dropped from the tree and bounced along the canopy of trees beneath it. The sound came fast and sharp and was enough to draw Gherrick's attention as he ran- but just as he looked up, the coconut came down, and landing just a few inches along the path and not even seconds later, his sandaled feet were tripping over the fallen coconut in his path and he was soon eating sand and wondering just how this had come to be.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 12, 2014, 11:04:35 AM
Tinkling laughter rose up and danced upon the wind as Aurora watched with growing closeness, Gherrick's fate unfold. She saw the way he looked up but it was too late as he was sent sprawling. Mere moments later she was racing past him a taunt on her lips as she did.

"Who's the rotten fish now, birdseed!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 12, 2014, 11:26:13 AM
There was one thing that could be said about Gherrick. He was quick. And even he didn't know how it had come to be or was even possible, but just as Aurora was racing past and laughign over his misfortune- he found himself throwing his strewn form at her as his arms awkwardly entangled around her limbs and sealed around her running legs, something that fated her to share in with him his fall to the dirt.

"Bird seed?"
He spit out the sand from his lips. "If anything, you could call me a bird- and watch as I swiftly fly off to the palace without you!" And before she could stop him, the dirt covered prince rolled away from her then up to his feet- and was sprinting off down the path, his laughter echoing spiritedly behind him.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 12, 2014, 11:44:49 AM
She twisted to not hit the ground so hard, yet still landed with a resounding thud, sand and leaves tangling in her long hair. "We'll see what kind of bird you are when I clip your wings princeling," she called, grappling and missing to catch him on his retreat.

Aurora was back on her own feet, tearing after him, finally gaining on him now that the incline had decreased significantly. Feeling ever so competitive she pushed herself to run faster, reveling in the burn that filled her calves and lungs. Then, once she felt she was close enough, Aurora sprung, intent on tackling Gherrick to the ground like a mighty jungle cat.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 12, 2014, 08:53:36 PM
Gherrick had hoped to outrun her, but her lithe legs made the young woman quite fast and before he knew it, her arms were sealed around his legs and he was down in the dirt, eating sands again. And through a muffled voice (that was still face planted into the ground) he asked her, "I hope you're happy my butt just saved your face." For they landed in quite a precarious position where their bodies were in some awkward line formation, and her- with her face planted over his royal behind.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 12, 2014, 09:02:03 PM
Down again, Aurora was beginning to wonder if getting up was really worth it or if she could win simply by crawling. Her consolation at least was that she had successfully managed to bring Gherrick down with her. The problem was how they landed.

With her face gently pillowed by his rear and arms pinned beneath his thighs she was not about to be racing off anywhere unless they both worked to get up. Having him bring attention to it only made her want to thunk her head down before she remembered exactly what she would have been burying it further into.

"You break wind now Gherrick and I swear to the Goddess I'll break you. Now roll over."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 12, 2014, 10:49:36 PM
Gherrick propped his head up and peered back at her curiously.
"But what if I already did?"
But even he knew better than to mess with Lady Aurora as he obeyed, rolling on over so their poor tangled could well... untangle.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 13, 2014, 06:32:36 AM
A smack on the rear and a roll of the eyes was her answer as she was finally able to separate herself from him. Aurora made a big show of the effort as if it had left her slow and tired but in a moment she would be bounding up again and racing the last few meters to the castle. It was already so close. Just a matter of ensuring Gherrick did not get there first.

"You done yet?" she pretended to gripe as she settled her feet beneath her skirt.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 13, 2014, 02:34:33 PM
Once Gherrick was on his feet, he took his sweet old time dusting himself off- and just as the words of inquiry slipped from Aurora's lips, he tossed her a quick, toothed grin and took off.
"Not until I beat you to the palace!" he called after her through a laugh.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 13, 2014, 03:16:39 PM
"We'll see about that!" Aurora growled and shot off the ground, her feet flying across the ground until she was abreast with Gherrick. Running as if she was not tiring and was simply going for a leisurely stroll she offered him a friendly smile.

"Feeling your age yet old man? Wind not quite in your sails anymore? Need me to race ahead and call you a healer?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 14, 2014, 01:38:20 PM
Gherrick turned to her, eyes sparkling in surprise and amusement.
"Old man? Are you trying to tell me I'm old Aurora? I've only begun to put up my sails- or is it that you'd prefer me older since you tend to like your men more wrinkled?" he chortled, keeping his eyes distracted upon her that he didn't catch the low lying limb in his path and whack.

... he ran straight into it.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 14, 2014, 01:46:24 PM
She could not contain her laughter as he was suddenly stopped in his tracks. Aurora turned so that she could jog backwards and taunt him further. "You are old! Going blind now too or so it seems! Don't worry my prince, I'll still love you when you're too stiff to crawl out of your bed."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 14, 2014, 02:07:58 PM
He laughed through a fake scowl and grabbed onto her wrist and pushed her away while he stumbled forward in attempts to take the lead again in the race.
"Ha! Goes to show you! I shall never become so old and stiff, but I'll die young and handsome or-"
And this part, he laughed out, "I shall live forever!" and his voice carried carefreely int he winds as he continued to race down the path. The palace was soon coming into view and it seemed that sooner rather than later- one of them had to win the race!
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 14, 2014, 02:16:58 PM
Using the momentum of his shove, Aurora made an about-face and tiredly began running in earnest once more. They were so close but already between all their antics to stop each other, she was becoming tired out. With a great deal more effort than she had the first time, she pulled up beside Gherrick.

Once there a quick shove into his tender side just as another tree was looming up was all she felt she needed to give her the advantage to pull ahead. Just a few more steps and she would win. "We'll see about forever you rotten fish!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 16, 2014, 09:21:15 AM
Lucky for Gherrick, he was quick and stumbled through a laugh as he barely was able to dodge the tree.
"Are you trying to kill me, Aurora?" he shouted through a laugh. "This is no way to treat your prince!"

Gherrick knew she was mere inches ahead of him now- just mere seconds away from out running him as they passed into the castle yard and were making it for the great stone wall.
"Guess we'll find out! Whoever touches the palace wall, wins!" And as the pair rounded the corner and rushed inside the front gates, the massive towering palace of ivory and gold shimmered before them in all of it's glory. The building was made of so many interesting resources, from ivory colored stones, to the gold that gilded and capped the towers in filagree and Ehverien designs. But the main structure held within the cavity of stone were the glimmering, sparkling, mulit-colored glowing crystals that made the island famous. And it was said these crystals were forged from their child goddess Evra herself.

The palace was constructed on holy grounds so the royal family knew their Goddess approved, and as Gherrick was making a run fro the nearest crystal wall that shined before them like an iridescent rock- a fuzzy white blur plowed into him as Gherrick was suddenly pinned to the ground as a hot pink tongue lapped at his face.

"We-We-Wesleton!" Gherrick gasped through giggles as the large fluffy dog continued to lick at his face. "Come on now, you're going to make me lose-"
And as he sat up, barely able to push the fluffy beast aside, he noticed Aurora just a leap away from the palace wall. "The race."

Well, it looked like he lost this one as he gave Aurora a shake of his head as he ruffled Wesleton's fur.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 16, 2014, 01:06:00 PM
Aurora slammed into the nearest wall, gasping for breath as she let out an enthusiastic cheer. "WINNER!" Bent nearly double to calm back down with hands on her knees she looked back to see Gherrick beside a recognizable ball of white fluffy.

"Good boy Wesleton! Such a good baby," she baby-talked to the adorable furball. "Mommy's so proud of you! Yes she is! Come on slowpoke, you still have food to serve me," Aurora further said to Gherrick in her normal voice.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 17, 2014, 09:34:55 AM
Gherrick flopped onto his back, groaning as he realized it was too late. But Wesleton was none the wiser as he continued to lick at Gherrick's face, causing the prince to giggle.
"Alright, alright, you big, silly dog," he said, catching the dog's furry cheeks in his hands and ruffling it- and purposely ignoring the victorious Aurora. "You won't be punished this time, but I think the rotten fish title ought to go to you. What do you think of that?" Gherrick said, in baby-speak as well as the dog's tail began to wag happily. "Yes, who's a good, rotten fish pups? WHO IS!? YOU ARE! YES YOU ARE!" and he ruffled the dogs fur over his eyes as the dog panted happily, his tail still swishing about within the air.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 17, 2014, 01:23:49 PM
She skipped happily back to where the pair sat on the ground. Once she reached them, Aurora made sure to pat both their heads, ruffling fur and hair alike. "My good boys, even if you do both smell like fish." Aurora stuck her tongue out before offering Gherrick a hand up. "Food my prince! It calls my name!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 17, 2014, 10:38:17 PM
Gherrick groaned, and took her arm, but remained on the ground as dead weight.
"I don't think I can walk anymore," he lamented, draping his other free arm over his face. "You might need to carry me!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 18, 2014, 12:28:14 AM
Her lips pursed together in displeasure before she let loose a heavy sigh. "If I must, I must. Anything for my prince." Aurora then moved as if to try and lift him before heaving and beginning to drag Gherrick toward the entrance, uncaring if his head bumped along. Despite her attitude though she did mind his arm that she did not rip it out of the socket or injure him as she had her bit of fun.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 18, 2014, 08:24:35 AM
And as she dragged him along, Gherrick laughed and laughed, that of which only made Weselton all the more excited as his long, fluffy white tail began to wag more furiously as he pounced onto the ground nearest the prince and barked.

"Bark! Bark!" ANd he let his tongue loll out as he did it again. "Bark!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 18, 2014, 10:57:21 AM
"Enjoying yourself?" she laughed as she continued to pull him along. They had almost made it there when Aurora suddenly dropped his arm with a thump. "You're getting fat Gherrick." Huffing and puffing for added effect she looked down at him with crossed arms. "I think I'm going to have to sacrifice and eat your portion of the treats so that this doesn't become a serious concern."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 18, 2014, 11:07:40 AM
"What? I'm not getting fat!" And he grabbed what little fat he had on his belly and gave it a shake. But that only elicited another happy bark and lick to his face from the dog.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 18, 2014, 11:17:23 AM
"Yes you are! A thin prince wouldn't have that kind of pudge! I'm only looking out for your best interest and that of the people my friend. It is my duty as a concerned citizen after all to ensure the safety and good health of the heir of the throne. It is quite the responsibility but I believe myself strong enough to stand up and take on this heavy burden." Aurora nodded solemnly.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 18, 2014, 11:01:23 PM
"Heavy burden!" Gherrick gave a playful laugh, then a partial squeal when his dog came back and began to slobber on his face with happy dog kisses.
"Ok, ok! I'll walk myself the rest of the way!" he said, picking himself up and wiping off his face on the back of his arm. HE shook his head and gave Aurora a shrug.

"How about we do a rein check on those treats nad I just find another hammock to finish my nap? I do recall a certain friend who ruined my nap from earlier," he jested.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 31, 2014, 10:44:27 AM
Aurora gasped before sticking out to land a punch to Gherrick's upper arm. "How dare you deny a winner her treats! And didn't I just get done saying you needed to work off some of your concerning pudge? Lazing about in a hock certainly isn't going to fix that!" She cried outraged at him with her fists on her hips. "Don't make me talk to your mother!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on April 02, 2014, 12:00:08 PM
Gherrick laughed, but then defended himself with his arms.
"No! Not my mother! Anything but that!"
And his dog gave a playful bark and laugh, but speaking of the devil...
it was here his mother actually did show up.

"Gherrick Windevhr.." she said, folding her arms across her chest and standing rather regally upon the steps leading up towards his palace home. "What on earth are you doing? Are you teasing poor Aurora again?" Because she knew the two were sweet on one another, as childhood friends tended to be, she still gave a shake of her head at them.
"And I hope you were not talking about me.."

ANd Gherrick looked sheepishly back to his mother and gave a scratch to the tip of his nose.
"Well no... not.. not really.." And with a shake of his head, he informed her. "Besides, it was Aurora's fault! I said LAST ONE IN THE CASTLE IS A ROTTEN EGG!" ANd he took off, rushing past his mother, dog barking in a frenzy, leaving both his mother and Aurora behind as he laughed.

And his mother turned to Aurora and gestured, "You'd best be running yourself. You don't want to be a rotten egg."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on April 10, 2014, 05:42:34 PM
"He was indeed my lady," Aurora readily replied, bowing her head respectfully and looking every bit the part of a sad young woman. "He said some of the most unthinkable things I've ever heard!" Her tiny smile though gave away how unaffected she was and how much of a game it was to Aurora and Gherrick both.

The moment Gherrick shot off, she was gasping and staring after him. A pixie's smile graced her features as she did not need telling twice, the red-haired woman was racing after her prince. "No fair you cheater! You're already a rotten egg for not making it to the wall!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on April 24, 2014, 12:01:46 AM
"I thought I was a rotten fish!" he called back in a laugh, still running furiously to keep ahead of the red haired woman as he leaped over a grouping of stairs and continued on his path, seeming to all but ignore his mother's call.

"Do be careful! They've recently washed the front steps!"

But Gherrick would find that out soon enough as his foot touched down on the slick floor, and soon he was gliding forward, arms pinwheeling frantically about at his sides.
"Woah- woah- woah!" And there was nothing that could stop the poor boy as he fell, directly onto his back, and lay there on the ground, spread out much like  starfish.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on May 23, 2014, 06:29:34 AM
"Rotten egg, rotten fish, rotten apple, ROTTEN TO THE CORE IF YOU ASK ME!" Aurora shouted after him. She had but a moment to catch herself before she followed Gherrick's mistake but even so she too was pinwheeling her arms to keep from falling face-first onto the steps.

Once she caught herself though, the red-haired woman was able to daintily pick her way up the steps until she was crouching down to look at the prince upside down. "What's the matter sweetheart? Get a bit winded there, Windevher?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on May 25, 2014, 03:08:34 PM
Groaning, he peered up at Aurora who was smirking down at his form.
"Something like that," he moaned, but just when he realized what a predicament he was in compared to her, he suddenly shot a hand out and yanked her down to the ground, and in a whirl, he was over top of her, pinning her down.

"You save my spot here and I'll..."
And here, he shot up from the ground and headed towards the castle, "Beat you to the castle! Have fun enjoying the freshly polished floors, rotten feet!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on May 26, 2014, 06:48:32 PM
She should have known he would pull such an antic. Yet in a matter of seconds, Aurora was flat on her back and Gherrick was racing off again. "Of for the love of," she sputtered, struggling to her feet. "You're horrible Gherrick! Absolutely horrible! Haven't you had enough of being rotten?"

Sighing, she jogged after him albeit not with her usual speed. She was tiring out and did not fancy having him knock her over again or the like. 'Let him win,' she thought to herself, 'we all know who the real winner would have been.'
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on June 23, 2014, 10:01:15 AM
Prince Gherrick laughed back at Aurora's quip.
"Hardly! It's part of my princely training!" he told her, his laughter echoing all around as he still ran, though when he noticed she wasn't as eagerly following after, he waited for her as he caught his breath, gesturing for her to come on, and imploring her with more play, his blue eyes sparkling playfully, but also peering at her with just the hint of concern. He hadn't hurt her had he?
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on July 08, 2014, 11:31:06 AM
Aurora continued her slower job, refusing to look at him lest she be dared back into play, though the faintest of smiles touched her lips. It was nearly impossible to be mad at the young prince for long as his laughter and his mirth were both equally contagious. She sighed as she lifted her head to stare forward, wishing to portray a sense of dignity and grace all the while trying to ignore the leaves and sand dusting hair and clothes alike.

"And you call yourself a prince," she growled at him once she finally caught up, "leaving a lady all by herself."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on July 15, 2014, 07:52:13 PM
"Perhaps I'd be more concerned," he told her through a laugh. "If there was any chance of danger. But last time I checked, this city is the safest in the world!" And that much was true! Never had a great war or outside attack ever set foot on their sands,a nd for it- the Island nation remained untouched and lasting in it's generations of rulers beneath the Windevhr royal family.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on July 16, 2014, 10:59:07 AM
His words did nothing to soothe her anger. Instead it only caused her to glare fiercely at him with arms crossed about her chest. "You are the biggest idiot I've ever met! There is more than one way to get hurt you useless dolt and I hope you find that out firsthand," she hissed even as she stomped off to brush past him, miffed that he was so naive.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on July 16, 2014, 11:40:28 AM
Gherrick laughed and made chase after her.
"Come on, Aurora. You can't be that angry with me!" he protested, a hand reaching out for hers.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on July 16, 2014, 11:59:20 AM
The look she shot him said everything words could not. She most certainly was that angry. Her lips were pressed into a thin white line and her eyes flashed moments before her hand came out to try and box his ears.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on July 16, 2014, 12:03:42 PM
The prince gave a yelp,a nd was quick to cover his poor stinging ears.
"Aurora!" he said, giving her a pout. "You know I hadn't meant to hurt you! It was all just in good fun."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on July 16, 2014, 12:52:46 PM
"Doesn't matter if you meant to or not you still did! And then you have the nerve, the nerve Gherrick to say there was no way I could be hurt? And what's worse is, your excuse is fun. Use your head! One day you will lead our people Gherrick. Fun is good in its own right but you need to think about others. And before someone does get hurt."

Aurora sighed heavily, already the heat of her anger extinguished. Now she only felt tired and a bit sad. She did not like yelling at her friend, he was the best one she had after all. But, sometimes she really did wish he would remember who he was and think of that.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on July 21, 2014, 12:21:04 PM
Gherrick kept his head low, and if he had a tail, it would be well hung between his legs.
"Aurora..." his voice implored, a hand reaching out for hers. "Honestly, you know how I am. I would never intentionally hurt you." And once his hand found hers, it's warmth engulfed it. "One day, as you put it," he went on, blue eyes seeking hers, "I will lead our people. And I would not be so foolish. I just..." and here, he sighed and simply lowered his head, then got to his knees befre her and did a very unprincely thing-
he groveled.

Arms secured around her legs and he buried his face against them.
"Oh, Aurora, can you ever forgive me for my foolishness? I did not mean to hurt you."
In one way or another.
"Let me beg my forgiveness, as your humble prince and friend. However can I make it up to you?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on July 21, 2014, 01:48:16 PM
She stared down at him wide-eyed as the young prince, clung to her skirts like a lost babe. "Gherrick what are you do-GET UP!" Aurora barked, pulling him to his feet but allowing her hands to linger about his arms. "Monkey tails you're an idiot," she breathed with a heavy sigh. But a light was now dancing in her eyes again even if her lips were still set into a thin line.

"You want to make it up to me?" There was a pause as she let the moment linger as if pondering a perfect punishment. "Fine!" A small hand shot out to point further towards their destination "You can start by carrying me to the kitchens and then we'll see where that leaves us." It was such an effort for her not to break out into a smirk even as she stared fiercely at him, daring him to protest.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on July 21, 2014, 07:36:54 PM
Gherrick blinked at he stared at her.
"You... want me to carry you..... all the way... there?"
Gherrick blinked again, peering over at his friend skeptically.
"But what if you're too heavy for me to carry? What if my arms fall off halfway there?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on July 21, 2014, 07:52:11 PM
Her eyes narrowed to as thin of a line as her lips were pursed together. "Are you saying that the Prince, the hope of our people, and our future king is not strong enough to carry one little woman a few measly steps? Why I'm sure I could carry you, twice as far as that! And after hurting me you're going to complain about the little retribution I ask for, that you begged for?" Scoffing, she shoved at his chest and turned to stomp away from castle.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on July 23, 2014, 06:45:12 PM
Gherrick blinked and watched her storm off.
"Does that mean you're offering to carry me?" He called after her, voice echoing.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on July 23, 2014, 07:03:45 PM
She wanted to stayed at him, she really did but it was nigh impossible with the way he behaved. He was just too much of a lovable dork to ignore. Aurora turned slowly before giving him a long look and a heavy sigh.

"Is that what you want Gherrick?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on July 23, 2014, 07:06:56 PM
Gherrick breathed a sigh of relief when she turned around. But then his face twisted into a smile, those blue eyes dazzling as he asked, "Why, are you actually offering?" He even eagerly leaned forward a bit, awaiting such a response with abated breath.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on July 23, 2014, 07:15:37 PM
Aurora crossed her arms over her chest and tapped one foot impatiently. "That is not an answer Gherrick. Besides what happened to begging for my forgiveness? Or did you find your punishment unfitting of the crime? Shall I choose another?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on July 24, 2014, 03:53:05 PM
"Oh, I'm still begging," her told her through a smile. "I just.. have other methods of achieving it?" Though at the way his voice rose in question at the end of that statement proved that even the prince was uncertain of his decision, or rather- methods in dealing with his friends displeasure.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on July 24, 2014, 04:13:37 PM
For several moments Aurora just blinked quietly at Gherrick before shaking her head. "I don't think I understand a word of what you just said but if you hurry up and get your butt over here I just might forgive you," she informed him, her arms opening in welcome and the faintest of smiles lighting up her features.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on July 31, 2014, 08:02:02 PM
Gherrick beamed and accepted those arms before she could retract the offer, and suddenly he was taking her by the arms and spinning, and she'd soon find herself suddenly dancing with the prince!
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on July 31, 2014, 09:00:15 PM
Aurora reveled in their brief hug moments before he was suddenly whisking her off her feet temporarily before beginning to dance with her. "Gherrick you idiot," she laughed playfully, "cut it out!"

However, though her words said "stop" her actions said otherwise as the young woman moved her arms up around his shoulders and joined him effortlessly in their twirling. "I don't know what I would do without you," she informed him before spontaneously leaning in to kiss his cheek.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on August 03, 2014, 07:26:38 AM
Gherrick's expression was one of surprise when she kissed his cheek. And although surprised, he smiled through his blush and gave her a 'princely' grin.
"So I take you're not angry with me? I mean, you did just kiss me!" He said with an airy laugh as they continued to dance.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on August 03, 2014, 08:08:22 AM
She hummed softly while pretending to think about before breaking out into a broad smile and shaking her head. "I suppose I'm not. You're impossible to hate or be cross with Gherrick." Aurora gave him a warm hug while beaming up at him.

"Just don't go thinking that you're completely forgiven. A girl can really get used to this kind of spoiling," she informed him conspiratorially.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on August 08, 2014, 08:54:58 AM
Gherrick gave her a laugh.
"I'm also a prince, don't you forget! One day I'll have the power to force you to forgive me! Then I won't have to grovel and dance!" he teased.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on August 08, 2014, 09:14:45 AM
"What makes you think you could bend me to your will? Perhaps I would rather chose death first to submission." The twinkle in her eyes indicated though how unserious she was being. "Don't know why you're complaining anyway," Aurora continued. "We both know you enjoy it."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on August 08, 2014, 09:29:20 AM
"Death?" Gherrick laughed. "But certainly you'd know I'd imprison you and torture you forever," he continued with his teasings. "And torturing.." he went on, fingers wriggling about in a threatening manner. "By hours full of tickling!!!!!" And without much more warning, his wriggling fingers snapped out like a viper, aiming for all of her vulnerable spots.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on August 08, 2014, 12:00:46 PM
Aurora rolled her eyes already guessing at what her prescribed torture would be before he even mentioned it.  She had a half a heartbeat to attempt to recoil from the prince before he was lunging at her and effectively catching her in all her most ticklish spots.

"Gherrick no!" She screamed through her laughter. "You can't do this. Noooooooo!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on August 08, 2014, 12:05:54 PM
"Oh, but I can, I can!" the man cackled playfully. "No one escapes the wrath of the Prince!"

"Oh, no one?" came a familiar voice, as Gherrick halted suddenly and jerked his head away from Aurora.

"Mom!" And he took a step back, dawning a sheepish smile. "It's not what it looks like..."

"Oh?" she asked, calmly strolling towards the pair of them, giving her son a coy smile. "Then what was it?"

"It... was.... um..." the prince went on, blue eyes searching about before he pointed to Aurora suddenly, "She started it!" And he put his hands up, affirmatively. "I did the tickling in self defense!"

With a raising of her brows, she looked unconvincingly from her son over to Aurora.
"And what's your take on this story, Aurora?" she asked, still smiling, but keeping her cool.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on August 15, 2014, 09:54:42 AM
A sigh of relief escaped her as the young woman was able to compose herself and once more catch her breath. She took great delight in seeing her friend so cowed though on the outside she expressed nothing but shock and surprise.

"On the contrary," she declared, "it was I whose feelings were as bruised as my knees. He begged my forgiveness but refused to pay the price. Just when I was starting to bend and accept his apology he attacked me further and now has the audacity to blame me when it was quite obvious there was no means by which I could fend off such an onslaught. Forgive me Queen Mother but do not let the little prince lead you astray with such falsehoods!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on August 15, 2014, 12:03:06 PM
Turning her cool gaze from Aurora, she looked over at Gherrick and raised a single brow.

"And what does my Prince have to say for himself?" she went on, arms folded over her chest.

Gherrick was still at a lose of words, staring at both his mother and friend before a grin twisted upon his face.
"Guilty as charged?" And he hoped his boyish grin might sway his mother, but suddenly her sharp finger nipped and took hold of his ear.
"OUCH! OWE! MOOOooOOoOM!" Gherrick wailed, grabbing for her hand but not daring to pull it away- for fear she might actually yank his ear clean off!

"Princes do not act like uncivilized apes, Gherrick. I think it's best time you come inside. Clearly being out int he sun all day has made rotten your brains and manners." And she tsked as her son groaned and wriggled beneath her ear pinch.
It was then the Queen looked back to Aurora.

"Is there anything I can have my son do to make it up to you? After all, a prince without humility would be a terrible prince for all."

And Gherrick peered over at his friend, wincing as his ear hurt ever so much from the pinching hold that it was actually bringing some tears to the young prince's eyes.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on August 30, 2014, 08:19:27 PM
"I believe you are quite right in that our young prince here does indeed need to relearn some humility. Perhaps if you find it a fitting punishment Queen Mother might I suggest a day of serving? If that is too much than maybe this evening at the very least? I believe it would do him some good to not only work for once but to understand how his work affects others so that in the future he will before mindful of how he treats those below him whom he is meant to serve as their future king."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on October 05, 2014, 01:59:15 PM
"I agree. Gherrick is too rambunctious for his own good! Very well, then it is decided..." And the queen turned to her son with a smirk.
"From now on until the sun has set, you must help your friend out no matter the cost, understand?"

Gherrick just stared at his mother, before laughing through a sigh.
"Until the sun sets?" He raised his brows. "Really?" He glanced over at Aurora, and shook his head. "But what about her? She ruined my nap..."

"Napping are we? Perhaps I should extend this servitude until the morning?" his mother went on, staring down her nose at her son as Gherrick shook his head.

"No, no! I... I think just this evening, is enough!" And he turned to Aurora and saluted. "So I am at your disposal, my lady." And he bowed to her. "What is it that you desire?" And he tried to sound OH so suave when he delivered that line.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on October 06, 2014, 09:19:27 AM
Aurora's eyes lit up with the mischievousness of youth that always meant someone was in for some of her brand of trouble. She knew Gherrick would recognize it and let him sweat a bit before moving a step closer to him and lifting her arms.

"Up now if you please," came her sweet request that did not match the cat-ate-the-canary grin that quickly spread across her face.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on October 07, 2014, 04:13:53 PM
Her grin wasn't without the matching pair that was tugging across Gherrick's lips, but the prince tried to keep it back before he murmured, "As you wish."

And before she could protest, he suddenly hefted her up bridal style and began to walk off with her.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on November 18, 2014, 01:04:27 PM
His smile though faint, did not go unnoticed. Aurora laughed lightly while wrapping her arms about the prince's neck. She swung her legs about gleefully while giving him a light squeeze. "To the kitchen, if you will," she directed him as if a wagon driver. "I do believe you promised me some treats, now."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on November 21, 2014, 03:32:22 PM
"Whatever the maiden wishes," he said, trying to sound oh so 'princely' as he whisked her away, through the halls and to the kitchen, where, partially out of breath, he stood wth her still in his arms and shifted her weight about.

"Here... you are... my lady," he said between pants. "What is it that you desire now? Some cake? Tart-pudding? Kiss-kiss cookies?" And the last part he had to throw in there, just to add the icing tot he cake and to be shamefully flirtatious- since 'kiss-kiss cookies' were normally baked in honor of lovers.

But hey- as a prince, he could have (or try to make.. as the case may be) whatever he wanted! Or well... er... whatever she wanted, as he suddenly found himself with a 'ball and chain'.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on February 14, 2015, 04:15:52 AM
While the mention of such a treat made her blush, Aurora was determined not to be one-upped. Leaning in, she placed a soft kiss to Gherrick's cheek before whispering teasingly in his ear. "Is there something you're wanting to tell me princeling?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on February 25, 2015, 03:26:55 PM
Gherrick tensed at the unexpected kiss. And his face went beet red. Leave it to Aurora to make the prince all riled up.

"Well, yeah!" he went on with a laugh. "You sure weigh a lot. Maybe we should reconsider these treats and put you on a diet?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on February 25, 2015, 03:37:37 PM
She cuffed him grumpily upside his head, letting her fists rain down upon his back and shoulders as an outraged howl escaped her throat. "Gherrick! Aren't you in enough trouble already?! Perhaps my servant is in need of some punishment given his unruly attitude."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on February 25, 2015, 03:53:20 PM
At that response, the young prince beamed.
"Trouble? Can a young man really be in too much trouble?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on February 25, 2015, 03:58:23 PM
"He can with such big ears," Aurora teased even as she ceased her smacks and turned to tugging on said ears, albeit gently enough not to cause him too much pain and suffering. "Food, my servant! I have not forgotten the task set to you!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on February 25, 2015, 04:19:04 PM
"Hey!" he gave her a puppy dog pout. "My ears aren't that big!" And at her reminder, his beaming smile returned.
"Yes, food, but you never did answer my question, My lady! For there are many choices of food to be had!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on February 28, 2015, 03:00:56 PM
Aurora nodded her head sagely. "You're right. They're bigger! But, first things first you can put me down gently on the stool right there while I have a think. As tempting as kiss-kiss cookies are I think I would prefer something richer and fuller tasting. Then again, perhaps that is asking too much of my little servant. I would hate to see the kitchen set on fire."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 07, 2015, 07:05:14 PM
Gherrick gave a small smile. Well, she won on that remark. He'd let her bask in her victory. But at the second burn, his grin only grew.
"Set things on fire?" And he bowed his head sagely. "Only if it is the will of the Goddess," he reminded. "I am but a humble servant. And no task is too big for a King to be!"

Bring on the challenge!
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 31, 2015, 08:20:12 AM
"Cake," Aurora finally declared after a long think. "I would like an edible and delicious cake. Bonus to you if actually looks those things as well. But then I'm not sure you're capable really. Would require quite a bit of patience after all."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 31, 2015, 05:12:40 PM
Gherrick's blue eyes shot to her's. A cake?
"Surely my humble mistress would want something more worthy of a challenge... But if a cake is what she desires.." he went on, moving her so that he could then take her hand and bring it to his lips, where he kissed the top of it softly. "Then cake you shall have."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on May 13, 2015, 01:13:51 PM
Aurora's eyes lit up with a mischievous light as her face took on an infuriated expression and her voice playfully lowered warningly. "You dare question my choices cur? I should have you flogged for such cheek," she teased even as she slipped her hand from his and rapped her knuckles against his forehead. "Well, get moving then. The cake won't just bake itself while your eyes remain glued to my," Aurora paused to preen, "perfect figure."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on May 19, 2015, 03:45:02 PM
Gherrick tried his best so suppress a laugh, but it came out as a snort anyway. Once she was situated in a chair in the kitchen that he dubbed her 'throne', he bowed to her most regally.
"Of course, my Queen. I will strive to make a cake as wonderful as your perfection!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on May 19, 2015, 03:56:33 PM
"Queen?! Why such cheek you have! I would not dare insult the true queen so as to assume her position. Nay, slave if you wish to flatter your mistress then you best learn to curb your tongue more appropriately or it may be more than a flogging you get," she teased with that knowing look in her eyes. Aurora knew all it would take was a kiss on the cheek to send Gherrick into a blushing mess.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on May 19, 2015, 04:05:28 PM
"My lady, my life!" he exclaimed, dropping to his knees. "Can you ever forgive this poor creature groveling beneath you for such insolence?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on May 19, 2015, 04:08:26 PM
Aurora looked down her nose at him, fighting not to laugh at his displays. "Grovel some more and maybe I'll consider it," she ordered him, nudging at him with the toe of her sandaled foot. "I don't think you're truly feeling repentant after all.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on May 19, 2015, 04:35:38 PM
And it was that sandaled foot he grabbed and brought to rest against his forehead.
"Oh, but I don't feel worthy of even asking such a thing of dire beauty and might!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on May 20, 2015, 04:55:35 PM
"Whether you feel worthy or not is not for you but me to determine. Tsk, tsk, honestly you'd think you'd know better by now. Besides, weren't you supposed to be doing something right now that would later result in a full belly for me? You really are easily distracted Gherrick. It's a wonder you haven't gotten yourself killed with such a short-term memory."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on May 21, 2015, 02:18:04 PM
"But my Queen... MY QUEEN!" he went on, voice growing higher and more screechy. "I am but a knave, a simply servant and a humble man beneath your wings. Surely you can find a place and a means and a way to forgive such a man!" And he was still holding onto her foot, as his theatrics never once ceased!
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on May 21, 2015, 02:59:36 PM
Aurora narrowed her eyes and tried to extract her foot from her prince's hands by giving it a sharp shake. "Unhand me fool and get baking before I give you a real reason to beg forgiveness. Mockery is not going to get your off your mother's punishment any time soon you big oaf." She smiled slightly as she finished with a tease, not truly angry with him as it was impossible to stay mad at him for very long. His heart was just too open and beautiful to willingly desire it being crushed and tainted with hatred.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on May 21, 2015, 03:10:46 PM
"Yes, my Queen! YES!" he went on, with his over acting dramatics as he 'let' her foot be shaken out from his grasp, only for him to grovel up and down like a worm.
"This lowly worm of a man will make a cake fit for the Queen's King!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on May 21, 2015, 03:38:48 PM
"Oh and just who might be my king then Gherrick? You? Come on seriously get up," she urged, nudging him with her foot in the shoulder. "I'm hungry! You're not going to let me starve now are you? You promised me a treat forever ago. Please?" Aurora looked at him with large watery eyes hoping to win him over with the threat of tears as nothing seemed to be working in her favor.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on May 21, 2015, 03:43:03 PM
"Me? A King?" Though he was still in all out jest mode, his face turned as red as his hair. But he was soon laughing. "Alright, my Queen." He got off the floor and gave her a look. He knew those were crocodile tears! But even still....

"One delicious cake coming right up!" But just as he was turning around, Wesleton was there to greet him in all of his fluffy glory.

"Just in time, Wessie!" he went on, ruffling the dog's white fur. "You can help me bake the Queen's cake!" And as Gherrick dashed off towards where the flour and other ingredients were kept, the dog followed at his heels, more than happy to help sniff around at the ingredients while Gherrick began to stack them in a sloppy mess upon a counter top he had designated as his work space.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on May 29, 2015, 04:33:11 PM
'One day,' she found herself thinking in the back of her mind with a soft smile. One day Gherrick would indeed be her king and she would ever be there at his side as a friend for as long as he would have her.

Her deep thoughts however were quickly broken as her favorite puppy bounded into the room. With a high-pitched squeal, Aurora vaulted out of her seat to scoop the dog up from his tailing Gherrick and bestow upon him a thousand kisses and ear scratches. "Such a good boy!" she declared as she buried her face in his soft fur and returned to her seat with him in her arms.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on June 04, 2015, 02:41:37 PM
Though Weseleton was no small dog, he wasn't a behemoth either, and it was obvious Aurora was used to such handling, as was the dog, and he loved it! Now basically consuming her arms and legs, his tongue lulled out as he gave happy pants and licks to her, that of which distracted Gherrick easily from his work as he peered over at the two.

"You know, he's supposed to be my helper, my Queen."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on June 04, 2015, 02:44:50 PM
"You don't need help being a menace," she teased, sticking out her tongue before receiving many enthusiastic licks from the dog. "Besides," Aurora giggled, "he can help correct you just as well from over here in my dainty little lap as he can from underfoot. At least this way he won't get trod on."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on June 04, 2015, 02:47:31 PM
"Trod on?" he laughed. "Do you think I'm going to use my feet to mix this cake?"
And at the idea... he gave a thoughtful rub to his chin. "You know.. I never made feet cake before..."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on June 04, 2015, 02:50:20 PM
Aurora shrugged, clearly as amused with the idea of it as he was. "Maybe we can let Wessie mix it for us," she gleefully declared. "Puppy mix cake!" She cast covert glances to either side of the kitchen before leaning in close over the island counter and whispering. "How much trouble do you think we'll be in if we get caught?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on June 04, 2015, 03:09:03 PM
"Probably loads," he told her, speaking barely over a whisper. "But I think the real Queen might not take it as good natured as we- plus.. could we really betray his trust?" Gherrick went on, dropping to his knees and picking up Wessie and hugging him and smooshing his cheek to the dog's cheek.
"Look at him! LOOK AT HIIIIIIIIIIIM. Do you think he'd be all that happy with sticky, icky chocolate cake mix all over his perfect white fur?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on June 04, 2015, 03:12:55 PM
"Knowing him, oh yes he would," she laughed petting dog and human's heads alike. "But then maybe we just don't get caught?" Aurora grinned impishly as she continued to lean towards them, her hand sneaking towards the pot of flour to the side before grabbing a handful and dumping it on the prince's head.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on June 04, 2015, 03:19:39 PM
Gherrick choked through the flour, surprised at her as she shook his head.
"He-hey!" he went on, coughing and laughing as he tried to dust the flour out of his hair and onto her. "I thought we were talking about Wessie getting messy! Not me! I like my red hair! I don't need white hairs! I'm too young for this and I'm not gonna turn into a white, poofy dog!"
And after that, he grabbed a handful of flour and threw it at her shirt.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on June 04, 2015, 04:59:52 PM
Aurora squealed as flour came flying at her and did her best to duck behind Wessleton's larger form. The dog barked with delight at their merriment before scrambling his way from her lap to dance at their heels.

"But you are a big poofy dog Gherrick. Didn't you know that?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on June 05, 2015, 05:20:59 AM
"Oh, I am am I?" He went on with a dangerously playful glint in his eyes as he went to scoop up more flour.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on June 06, 2015, 04:39:48 AM
"Yee-eeeee Gherrick!" An affirmative answer quickly became a squeal as she slid from her perch and hurried to back away, knocking over her seat and nearing falling over herself in her haste. "Noooooo, no, no, no," Aurora rapidly repeated over and over while scuttling about the room. "Think of your mother!" she cried in one last ditch effort to avoid a flouring.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on June 07, 2015, 08:13:51 AM
And he didnt just scoop up more flour, but picked up the entire bowl he had filled and with one last statement of ,"oh yeah?" He leaped at her and emptied the contents into the air over her head.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on June 07, 2015, 08:20:31 AM
Aurora stood frozen for a moment in shock as she sneezed and hurried to wipe flour out of her eyes. Coughs and sputtering quickly turned into giggles as she finally shook her head like a dog and sent powder everywhere. "You didn't have to turn me from queen to fairy godmother you know Gherrick. We both know I'd still look out for your best interests anyway," she teased, clapping hands to her skirts and sending more clouds up into the air around her.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on June 12, 2015, 06:51:47 PM
Gherrick laughed and coughed through the cloud of flour.
"Fairy God Mother? I think you look more like a ghost- or snow monster!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on June 29, 2015, 10:41:57 AM
"So mean to me little prince. So, so mean," she muttered even as she shook her head to try and disperse more of the clinging powder. "Have you no mercy?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on July 14, 2015, 01:11:08 PM
"No mercy?" his blue eyes danced as he grinned. "What's not merciful about it? Now you look like a lovely cloud queen!" But even as he said it, he began to laugh. She was just too silly looking for him not to!
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on September 17, 2015, 08:54:36 AM
Aurora coughed sending clouds flour up around her as she attempted to clear her throat. "A queen you are currently making a complete and utter mockery of if I am not mistaken, Gherrick. What would your mother say? Were you not supposed to be learning a lesson in humility instead of casting humiliation upon other innocents? Should I inform her that your punishment requires more time spent as a lowly servant?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on September 25, 2015, 09:45:10 AM
But he could honestly give no real reply- at least not at first! He was chuckling so hard, however, it began to hurt his belly. He wiped away some tears, though smeared more flour across his face as he smiled at her.

"Innocent?" he looked her over. "Not with this queen," he went on with a poke. "Besides, you now you like it!" he added, cheekily.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on October 21, 2015, 09:18:44 PM
"Be that as it may," she retorted with a fierce glare, "you are still being punished. It wouldn't kill you to actually serve your sentence properly Gherrick." Aurora sighed and shook her head. "I'd leave you here to clean up if I actually knew you would and not cause more trouble. If I left you'd probably blame it all on me anyway you rat."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on November 24, 2015, 05:27:11 PM
"Rat?" Gherrick deflated a bit and gave his friend a pout. "Come on now, you know teasing you is like my life.. right?" And he moved forward, giving her a sudden hug and snuggle of his cheek to hers.
"You won't stay mad at me forever, right?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on January 17, 2016, 07:21:13 PM
Aurora fought to remain stiff and unwavering in her determination to be mad at him. "Well what a sad little life you must have if my suffering is the highlight of it. You're such a pain Gherrick," she huffed, trying to squirm her way out of his arms. "And I can damn well try to if I want to."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on January 22, 2016, 01:24:51 PM
"Yes... but... you'll still have to exert a lot of energy for it," he went on, continuing to snuggle her cheek affectionately. "And I'd feel bad if you fell ill of exhaustion. Then I'd have to nurse you back to health, staying with you by your side, day and night..."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on May 05, 2016, 12:43:01 AM
"My luck you'd poison me with such attention and individualized care. Nay, perhaps it is best I quit while I'm ahead if solely for the sake of my own health and sanity. Honestly Gherrick I don't understand how half the court isn't drunk from trying to drown their princely-caused woes away in the bottom of a tankard." She attempted to wiggle her away further from him still. "Quit your messing around now you goof. We have a mess to clean up, seriously now."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on July 02, 2016, 03:40:15 PM
Gherrick laughed.
"You know what? You're right. And when you're right... I guess that means I'm left?"
His grin grew brighter as he pulled away from her and he moved to pat her on top of her head. "Why don't you leave the cleaning to me? I did get us into this mess.." he went on with a dramatic sigh. "It would be cruel of me to drag you further into it...."
But there as a mischievous glint to his eyes when he said it, but he kept his distance.

FOr now.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on December 30, 2016, 04:25:13 PM
Aurora groaned at his joke, shaking her head as she tried to dislodge the additional flour from her now powdered locks. "Not on your life, my prince. I don't trust you not to drag me into trouble with you the first chance you get. We will be doing this together and before your mother, the queen returns to let loose her fury on you. You're long overdue for a good grounding or something if you asked me," she said with all the grace and poise she could muster though the slight quirk of her lips and twinkle of her eyes shared her true feelings. She quickly took up a broom and attempted to carefully sweep the flour into a pile without creating too much of a white dust cloud.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on February 19, 2017, 02:52:53 PM
While she took to the broom, Gherrick worked on clearing off the table, sweeping up the flour into little, controllable piles. But some of it got a little sticky. He wasn't sure just what it got mixed with but as he fussed over it, he soon had a small dough ball and when Aurora was turned just enough away from him-
he threw the thing playfully at the top of her head and laughed.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on March 08, 2017, 03:26:47 PM
The doughball landed with a solid, squishy thud to the back of her head, nearly sending her off kilter. "Gherrick!" Aurora whined, her voice pitching in exasperation. "You are not helping. How am I even going to get this out of my hair?" She tugged at it, crying out as it pulled at her fiery mane. "I just washed my hair and this is what you do to me? Now I'm never going to be ready and pretty in time for dinner. Quit playing and come help me," she ordered as she dropped what she was doing to try and extricate the stuff.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on March 14, 2017, 09:37:36 PM
But Gherrick was doubled over, barely able to breath and in some sort of laughable pain, for his laughter gripped his stomach so hard it hurt!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Rori I just.." but he was soon laughing again, holding onto what he could as his vision blurred from laughing tears.
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on October 01, 2017, 09:12:58 AM
Aurora did not know whether to laugh or cry. Part of her despaired over her long mane of hair. The other part though could not help but join in on Gherrick's laughter. He was infectious that way and it was certainly unfair. "Gherrick pleaseeeee," she begged between both the tears and the laughter. "You made this mess now please help me fix it. And seriously this time!"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on July 09, 2022, 09:14:41 AM
"Okay.. okay!" he went on with a laugh, moving in nice and close and picking up her hair and examining the mess, laughter still brewing in his eyes.
"Oh, it's not too bad..." he went on, pulling at the doughy bits with surpsingly gentle control from one lock, then another. "You're making such a fuss.. like I dumped glue in your beard or something."
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: GoblinFae on December 29, 2022, 08:40:52 AM
Aurora whipped her head to the side, long hair smacking him in the face some as she turned to glare over her shoulder at him. "Are you saying I have a beard now?"
Title: Re: The Forgotten Sea
Post by: visualspice on January 12, 2023, 11:50:05 AM
"Oof." The hair hit home, but he was still all smiles.
"Well, I was just making statement, but if you do want a beard.." he went on, playfully fetching up her long red locks and pressing them to her cheek and chin as he laughed. "You've got enough hair for it!"