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Blood, sweat and even more sweat [M]

Started by Medievarad, April 29, 2016, 12:25:41 AM

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A soft and cute giggle came from Quicksilver as he exeggerated his words. "It's a concotion of my own," she explained, "alchemy isn't too difficult. And they feel amazing." She twisted the knife in her leg slightly. "See? I don't feel anything."


"Wow." He grimaced as she twisted the dagger into her leg, blood staining the sands beside her feet. "You're pretty enthusiastic, sweetheart." Zaryn held a finger up to his chin, thoughtfully examining the woman in front of her. "Ya know what, darling, you seem to have a real talent." A sly smirk crossed his face as he spoke. "With my help, you can probably make a small fortune." His smirk broke out into a grin, baring his large, ivory colored canines. "I'll even supply you with a unique type of venom never worked with before by human-kind. Whaddya say?"


She pulled the knife from her leg and flicked the blood off, sheathing it at her belt again. "I'd have to get the compounds down.. What would this venom be?"


"My own." He gave the woman a wink as he licked his teeth. "How generous of me," he mused.


"That is some creepy euphemism," she quirked an eyebrow. "Or are you serious?"


"What?? Ooooh...." Zaryn's eyes widened at his sudden realization of his unintentional  euphemism. He chuckled to himself and shook his head. "No, no. I'm actually being serious... for once. You see, right in here..." he paused and pointed to the roof of his mouth. "Are venom sacks." Zaryn licked his finger and held it out in front of the woman. A viscous yellow liquid dripped down his digit, leaving a visible trail behind. "All X'zyri are venomous. It makes it a hell of a lot easier to survive in swampland filled with creatures eager to swallow you whole." He wiped his finger off on his pants and crossed his arms. "It's unique to the individual and packs a hell of a punch."


"Charming," Quicksilver replied as she saw the sacs on the roof of his mouth. An eyebrow arching slightly. "What would I be able to with it?"


"I dunno." He shrugged. "Make it into a poison, sell it, that sort of stuff. I'd bet it'd sell for more than that scaly sack of shit." He pointed a thumb at the serpentine carcass. "I'll even make sure it sells for extra."


"My brewing is for personal use," Quicksilver replied with a soft chuckle. "They're attuned to me for the best effects."


"Are ya sure you don't wanna try something new, sweetheart?" Zaryn said with his hands open in an inviting stance. "You could potentially make a lot of money." He gave her a charming smile. Of course, he was in it for the cash as well. If he couldn't get away with the serpent's fang as a trophy, maybe he can try his luck in other ventures. "Not only can I provide the base for this poison, but I can be quite the charming salesman." He gave her a wink and added, "what do ya say?"


Quicksilver smirked softly as she started to saw right at the fangs, blood spluttering over her face. "I'm not the type of girl to make deals when I'm stoned like this," she replied with a soft chuckle.


"Aww really? Some of the best deals I've ever made were when I was high out of my fucking mind." Zaryn chuckled and shook his head. "Although, I suppose half of them weren't even real. I suppose I'll just have to wait until you sober up then."


"That's a good idea," she replied, licking her lips before spitting the blood out. "I don't even know where I am."


"Why dontcha ask the dragon behind you?" Zaryn teased as he looked directly past the woman.


Quicksilver arched an eyebrow. "I might be stoned as fuck, but that doesn't mean I don't hear shit coming," she snorted with a soft giggle, pulling the massive fang out with a disgusting ripping sound.


"Dang! Guess it didn't work!"

Zaryn watched as she ripped the fang from the carcass, blood spattering everywhere. "So," he said as he gestured to the fangs. "What are ya planning on doing with them anyway?"


"Making poison," Usagi replied, snorting softly.


"Just that? Just poisons?" Zaryn eyed the fangs, then eyed the girl. "And you're not gonna sell those poisons either, are ya?" He shook his head. "How do you even make money, my dear?"


"A bare minimum," Quicksilver replied with a soft giggle. "I live for the hunt of killing monsters like these."


"Aah, what a simple life!" Zaryn mused as he stretched his arms. "So I guess trading you for those fangs is off the table then, huh?"