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The Makings of a Crew [Closed for Now]

Started by Incognus, November 15, 2016, 01:37:40 PM

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Author's Note
The start of this RP will begin on the larger, southern most Necromantian isle, in the providence of Thanatos (map). At the beginning, Naomi is going to be looking for a crew at one of the nearby coastal towns. Having just lost her vessel and all it's sailors, she will be in the market to scrape together whatever ship and personnel she can muster. Whether your character can be bought with coin, is looking for an adventure, or needs passage to another isle, Naomi will meet you somewhere around the area and work something out. After a crew is gathered, the story's events are as open as the waters.

The town of Armanyr is a medium sized one with a large port and a shady culture. It is located on the eastern side of the island. Many criminals dwell here but that does not mean there are no Thanati guards from the kingdom, as there are several stationed to keep the peace and protect the port city. If you know your way around though, there are quite a few under the table services that can be bought and sold, including the blind eye of the soldiers. Being so far from the main island, the culture is a more lax, although that's not to say the caste system isn't in place. The area mainly consists of those in skilled trade and commerce, with a fair amount of the lower two classes; few from the temple are present in this area however.

This is going to be a thread of several adventures dealing with the theme of piracy and I'd like the various tales to include the same reoccurring crew (generally). Depending on how long each adventure is, I may have each be it's own thread with the same RPers. If you want to join or leave at any time in the plot, PM me so we can talk. I'd imagine the crew might change a bit between each port landing and this will allow new people to jump on board, while keeping those who are already in the story from getting trapped if they lose interest.

Like I said, PM me if you want in on this or if you have any ideas for future voyages. Since my character is the Captain she will have final say on whether or not the crew embarks on a journey. This is in place so I can organize what is going on with the plot, and not to keep you guys from having a say in the direction of the RP. Things tend to get more confusing when lots of characters are in a thread and I'm just attempting to mitigate this. I'm very open to where this can go and I also need ideas, so don't hesitate!

I'll start off this thread in a reply once I get a few people to PM me about being in the crew  ;D


It was just past noon. The sun shone down on the town of Armanyr and heated the air while the constant ocean breeze swept between the buildings, keeping the temperature cool and crisp. Men and woman walked about tending to their daily tasks. Commoners bought and sold supplies at the dockside market place, sailors secured the ships in port and moved their cargo, and scattered soldiers kept a watchful eye over the area in case any trouble arose. The sweet smell of salt water filled Naomi's lungs as she leaned against a building, watching the townsfolk with a bottle of rum in hand. She was facing the port and looking at the ships that were tied there. The vessels ranged from big to small, quite a few that were unique and caught her eye, but there was one that stood out like a gem.

The Coral Star was it's name, and what a beautiful boat she was. It stood to be a fairly large vessel, with two main masts and 10 portholes to be fit with cannons on either side. Turquoise-blue paint and gold trim augmented the black hull, giving the ship a beautiful look. It was curious that an apparent navy vessel was not flying the royal Thanti flag, and even more so that cargo got unloaded from the boat that morning. So, intrigued, Naomi hit the bars. It didn't take long at all for the woman to get some news about the brig, flaunting herself as she did. Men always seemed to open up with a belly full of rum and a woman on their lap. Getting a little inside info was simple.

From what the former crew member told her, the ship had docked last night. It was apparently a merchant vessel, and a formidable one at that. Rumor was the Coral Star was purchased and refitted to carry goods, it's cannons allowed it to transport more valuable items while keeping them out of the hands of pirates. Captained by a man named Arden Knottley, the ship made lots of coin, but little of this was seen by its crew. The man was 'a stink' she was told, 'a copper pinchin greedy lil stink who hoards dem profits jus so he ken shove em up his dirty bumhole'. It was clear the crew didn't favor the man. Many left his company because of this, figuring they could find more profitable work elsewhere. This in turned caused Mr. Knottley to start hiring more privateers, needing fresh hands to fill the rather large gap.

And so Naomi leaned against the wall soaking in the beautiful weather. She drank from her bottle watching, and thinking, and planning. She had two full days before the ship was to leave port, that's what the first mate told her when she signed on, so she had some time on her hands. Not that she would be wasting it, of course.


"Damn it all," grumbled Kino Vanden, setting her cards down on the worn wooden table. "I'll fold."

The man across from her grinned as he reached his hairy arms out to collect the winnings piled on the table. Kino noticed just how yellow and crooked his teeth were. Raising her signature "plague doctor's" mask up past her lips, she took a swig of the bitter brown liquid in her mug, then slammed it on the table. "Are your wagers always as large as your gut, y'scurvy son of a kobold?" she playfully intoned. The rest of the table snorted and guffawed in assent.

The man had been bluffing, of course. Over the past few nights, Kino had noticed two or three distinct tells of his. She had also noticed his propensity for flaunting his wealth with a round of drinks for the table when 'ere he won. Besides, she herself had already won several games this evening, and attracting undue attention was never a good thing when one was trying to gather information.

The wandering alchemist had been lodging in Armanyr for nigh on five days in search of a suitable vessel to charter passage back to Jin'ta on. A vessel with a captain morally flexible enough to turn a blind eye to a small-time ambermoss hustler would be good. A vessel with a captain principled enough to not hand said hustler over to the port authorities upon arrival would be essential. The isle's indigenous ambermoss was rare, difficult to gather, possessed of a myriad of alchemic uses and very, very heavily regulated. Kino was a free spirit who didn't particularly believe in tariffs or harvesting fees. Nor did she believe in being sent to the gallows for such minor trespass, but thus was life.

As she gathered the cards from round the table and began to shuffle them, Kino inquired about the eye-catching blue-and-turquoise ship which had docked this morning.


"phhhh," one of the men sitting two seats to the left of Kino waved his hand as if he were swatting a fly. "That there pretty lookin boat be called the Coral Star. And I says damn it to the depths of the Hivian Ocean!" he said none too quietly, the liquor obviously affecting his mannerisms.

"Aye!" called another, sitting between Kino and the man who spoke, "Me n Georgey ere just got off that damn vessel. But I says damn the captn instead! He the real reason that boat be a shit bucket! Damn scoundrel will do anythin for a bit o coin. Biggest cheap I ever seen!"

"Fuck Knottley!" Georgey took a long gulp of his ale before slamming the mug back to the table. He looked at Kino, "Did yer know we worked there on her fer almost 3 months and didn't get but two weeks wortha pay?! Hubert n I left with jus bouts half the crew! Figured we could make more coin elsewhere. Hell I's making a better livin ere at this table and I's LOSIN!" The card players cracked up at this, their hearty laughs bouncing off the dusty walls.

Hubert spoke up again pointing a finger at all those playing cards, "I wouldn't be workin under his ass if I were you, trust me on that one, you'd do better cleanin the barnacles off every boat that docks in port if ya ask me." A few chuckles arose from the group and Hubert turned to the masked lady beside him, "Well you gunna take all day tuh deal those cards? Hurry it on up so I can win all yer coin!"


"Settle your salty arse down and enjoy what time you've left with your coin," replied Kino. "This round, momma's gonna be taking it all."

As she began to swiftly and deftly deal the cards 'round the table, she thought about what the seamen had said. A captain with principles could work, but avarice would suffice in a pinch. Should he catch wind of her contraband, she'd slip him double or triple the bounty for ambermoss smugglers and be off the vessel before he could tip off the constabulary, still having paid far less than the outrageous harvesting fees. And in the case of a more 'confrontational' double-cross, well, she could fight. And swim.

Yes, it would definitely be worth paying this Knottley fellow a visit...


"Ye bloody cunt!" Eli swore under his breath. Brow furrowed and lips tight, he scowled and the lines that adorned his brown skin deepened. Resting his hands on the table in defeat, he sighed, and collected his solitaire deck to reshuffle. "I ne'er win a' this game."

He sat a booth away from the gamble, and listened intently as he stacked the cards upon eachother. He'd been looking for work, an' even shit pay was better than no pay. He mentally tucked away the name ignored the boat, and resolved to see this captain later. It had been quite some time since he'd sailed. Perhaps it was time again. He drank deeply from his mug, filled with a special favourite of his, cane sugar soda mixed with rum. What they came up with now, astounded Eli.


Richy sat in a chair behind several boxes stacked up to desk height. He was on the dock in front of the boarding ramp to the Coral Star signing on new sailors. The day had been going decently well, he had gotten a lot more signups than he expected to get. Usually they would be dwindling on deck hands after the crew left the ship, and this happened every so often due to the way Captain Knottley handled their pay, but who was he to complain? The captain always gave him a fat cut due to his first mate status, and he wasn't about to talk some sense into the man because that would most definitely lead to a smaller paycheck. Richy looked up to group of four men approaching the makeshift table, their personal affects in tow.

"Ey Richy, we changed our mind, we're goin back on deck," the man in front called out.

"Hey, not so fast now Balton," Richy stood and the men halted in front of the boxes, "Last I recall, you said you never wanted to see this ere blasted ship again. Now that don't sit well with me n the capn. Why should I let you back on?"

"Cuz Balton jus said we bloody changed our minds, yeh baffoon," another man from the group called out. Richy narrowed his eyes but Balton held up his hand.

"Apologies for Georgy he be a bit drunk, but the way I see it you still need hands on deck to get this ere boat sailin. Let us back on board, and we'll be willin to renegotiate our pay. Hows that fer a deal?"

Richy couldn't believe his ears. Balton wants back on the ship? He was the most vocal about not getting paid enough, and now he was back agreeing to a smaller paycheck? "Ye do realize you aint gunna be making as much as you were before.. right?" Richy asked.

"Aye, we realize. Now let us on board already damnit, I'm tired a luggin my things around." Balton growled.

Richy eyed the men for a moment longer before jerking his head toward the ship. "We sail in two days." he told them as they walked onto the ramp. Richy shook his head, These sailors must be stupider than I thought.

When Balton reached the deck of the ship he turned to look out across the dock. His eyes found a female figure leaning against a wall and holding a bottle of rum. Balton knew she had been watching them, making sure the group didn't tip off the first mate about what she had discussed with him earlier that day. Not that he would. Balton didn't give a damn about the captain and his officers. He reached up and tipped his hat in the woman's direction before turning and walking across the deck. He smiled. In two days time he would have a real job. Well, maybe not a real job, but at least he would actually be getting paid.


Eli had packed up his cards and drained another mug by the time he swung the door to the bar open and sauntered out into the busying road. The cobbles were hard under the thin leather of his sandals, and his vision had the haze he had become accustomed to. Still, he walked straight enough, only showing his tipsiness in the slightest. Back in Parliman, public drunkenness was frowned on, and so he learned to hide it.

He stood just in front of the open doorway, and took in the whole sight of the docks. Among the various ships, was a larger vessel that matched the doctor's description, colour an' all. She was by no means a war vessel, lord no, and still a pip next to some of the ships Eli had been on, but she'd do very well for some quick mercantile work. He also noticed a woman with a bottle in hand eyeing the ship, maliciously he'd say, but perhaps that was just her face. His gut told him otherwise. He slung the small sack that held his sparse equipment over a shoulder and made for the coddled looking fellow behind the rickety looking table in front of the Coral Star.

The man had a smugness to him, at least from the observer's eye, and if you were to ask Eli, he'd tell you the boy hadn't done a lick a work in his life, or none a the work he should'a bin doin', at least. Calling to the desk man, Eli in his gravelly timbre, "Oi, Chub! Lemme onta this floatin' bucket of a boat, an' I'll repay it with more years a sailin' experience than you've been alive!"


Richy looked up at the old gruffy fellow approaching him. "Well hello. You saying yer lookin for some work?" Richy leaned on the table with both of his hands and inspected the old man standing before him. He says he has experience, I don't doubt it, Richy thought, the man looked to be three times his age and his personality almost screamed sailor.

"What kinda experience you gots exactly? What else you done and who else you worked with before? And just ta say, if I were your age I don't know if I'd be goin back out on the water. Doncha think yer gettin a little old fer this back breakin labor?" Richy wouldn't mind an experienced sailor on the boat, but at the same time all the inexperienced hands seemed to work out just fine. And typically they agreed to get paid less.


Eli only raised an eyebrow at the mention toward his age, but answered all the rest;
"I've sailed on fifty two different vessels, the longest for fifteen years and the shortest for a week, rankin' in size from a pontoon to a ship o' the line. Done all works from swabbin' the boards to givin' the orders, an' I've worked as a Merchant Privateer for the Royal Thanati Navy. That was my last work at sea," he leaned down towards the table, and lowered his voice so that any passerby wouldn't hear, "Between you an' me, the work is only backbreakin' if you're doing it wrong, otherwise you should be getting someone else to do it for ye!"

He straightened back up, and took it at a different angle, "If that don't be enough of a run for ye, I can tell ye just by lookin' that you could carry another tenth a cargo if you cut a few deckhands, and still work this little lady jus' fine," At this he paused, and wiggled his moustache, something he did when thinking, and advised, "I'd pay your crew a tad more, Chub. That last set you just let on, the ones who was spittin' on ye name in that there bar," he flicked a thumb behind him, "just tipped a hat to a lass who's been starin' down yer boat a tad greedily, if my old eyes are treating me well. Might just be me, but that doesn't seem all too right."

At this Eli shrugged, and shifted topics from insinuation to business, "But that's just me opinion, and take the word of an old sailor as ye will. So am I on this fishin' boat or what?"


Richy nodded at the man's experience, and let out out a laugh at his joke. He looked the old chap over once more as he talked, listening intently. I could definitely use a man with his experience, he'd fit practically anywhere. When his tone lowered and the subject turned to Balton and his men, Richy leaned forward. He looked over in the direction of the bar the sailor had pointed out and scanned the area. He wasn't surprised at the fact Balton and the others were spitting shit. Hell, him and Hubert practically did that in front of his face, but this lass they were talkin to was a little suspicious. I'll have to look into this.

"Alright mate, yer welcome ta come aboard with us. Ye gots the experience," he turned back to the aged man, "I'm gonna need your name, we be leaving in two days time. Take any affects you got and find a hammock down ins the crew quarters. As for yer place, what's ye say about steerin the ship? Can ya do that?"


"I can do that for ye sir, an' Eli Blumun be my name. Nice meetin' you, Mister..." he paused at this and extended a hand, eyebrow raised.

"I'll be in her quarters if ye need me." He finished, and re-slung the pack on his shoulder. He walked up the gangplank, taking in a deep breath of the salted air and listening to the shouts of seamen preparing the cargo for a voyage. Good to be back. He then stepped out onto the deck and made off for the belowdecks.


Richy shook the Eli's hand before he walked off, and then turned to look back over the docks. tipped a hat to a lass who's been starin' down yer boat, the man's words played in his mind. The first mate's sharp eyes swept the area, looking for any sign of a woman who might be perched and watching the boat. But he found nothing and twisted back in his seat, resting his elbow on the table with his head in hand. Perhaps I should talk to Balton, he wondered. But he knew the man wouldn't spill anything if he was plotting something against them. No, I'll just double the guard on our cargo these next two nights. The goods his boat carried tended to be valuable, and it wouldn't be unlikely for some thieves to try and steal it. He would have to thank Eli when they caught the bastards, the old sailor deserved some extra coin for the tip. You reward loyalty Knottley. That's one thing you've never understood.

Naomi watched as Balton, Georgy, Hubert, and Finnick walked up the ramp and onto the vessel, giving Balton a nod back when he tipped his hat. She noticed the old geezer that passed her earlier walking up to the makeshift table. He was drunk, the man held himself well but her keen eyes caught the slight wobble in his step. That ol bastard don't stand a chance gettin on that boat, she thought. But the fact that there were other sailors trying to sign onto the vessel made Naomi slightly worried. I oughta get back to work. She shifted her weight off of the wall and turned to walk down the dirt covered street. She would go hit up an old tavern that was known to attract the shadier townsfolk, finish her pint and hopefully meet a few more candidates. The pirate had already talked 7 men into rejoining the Coral Star's crew for her cause, and 6 others she had grown acquaintance with over the past few days had signed on as well. 13's a good start, but I be needin more en that if I want a chance. 10 cannons an' 3 men each makes 30, Naomi ran through the numbers in her head as she walked, Bout 15 more and that'll make a sailin crew. 45's the number. I ken do with 60% or so, the others will likely follow suit.

Only 45? A menacing male voice rumbled in her head, That seems like a downgrade, wasn't it 64 poor souls on your last ship? If I counted correctly when each one got squashed that is.

This be an upgrade from the point ye put me in, now shut it ya filty cunt.

The voice growled. I'd call it even for what you've done to me but... Oh it's far from that.

I told ya to fuckin shut it. Naomi pushed the presence deep into the back of her mind, silencing it. She looked down at a set of stairs leading to a doorway, the top of which was just above the ground. She was here at the inn and would probably be staying until dark, mingling with whatever sailors the woman could find, and hopefully meet a few of her other acquaintances. She took a swig of her pint, it's warm buzz filling her head, then walked down the steps and through the doorway.


Revvil wasn't particularly busy at the moment.

It wasn't that he didn't want a job, but he wasn't in a rush.  He'd basically been living in this shabby barroom the past few days, drinking and keeping a sharp ear out for any word of a sailing job.  Hopefully a shady one.

He was hunched at the bar, a drink in hand.  The draconian wasn't very large, but his scaly skin and sharp teeth and claws had most people staying away from him.  With the exception of a few drunks who backed away as soon as those shiny teeth snapped at them.  The draconian wasn't very large, but his scaly skin and sharp teeth and claws.

He'd been drinking almost constantly the past few days, but he had stayed mostly sober, due to the dragon blood that coursed through his veins, though hardly any real dragon would deign to admit that they were related to Draconians in any way.  After all, the creatures were mutations of real dragonkind, and many dragons saw them as a plague to the race, and attempted to kill them on sight.

But Revvil wasn't bothered by that, he knew that it was impossible to make everyone love you, so he didn't try.

He hissed, and the bartender looked over as the reptilian pushed his mug away from himself, signaling that he needed another drink.  The bartender dropped what he was doing and got the drink.  Fast.  Revvil wasn't the kind to get into a full-on fight, but his race's reputation was enough to scare the bartender into thinking he might.

Sipping his drink, he looked up and around as he heard someone enter the inn.  It was a woman, and while she wasn't particularly old or well-dressed, she had an air of command, and she looked like she was on a mission.

He turned back to his drink, but he continued to listen to the woman's movements.  Perhaps she was a captain, and had work for him, but whoever she was, she seemed to demand attention, at least to the draconian.  And something about her resonated with a part of Revvil, the magic part, the dragon part.  It sensed it, but he didn't know what to make of it.
My Open Threads!
None currently, but if you want to thread, don't hesitate to PM me!

My Characters!
Kirl Moonharber---Lorin--- The Feari --- Akhe---Kilarhas---Naarilash---Kinn---Jiminie---Faelis---Karishk---Cirick---Sieera---Kornos--- Ariznim--- Dergan---Meerior---Zier'ik'shalsalimigarizdeniime---Keyne---Seridin---Elliot---Healin---Warn Danish---Revvil---Kashka---Ishka---Nox---Skiffiles---Jlyyth---

For summaries of my characters, JackieCat's Characters!

Some people live more in twenty years than others do in eighty.  It's not the time that matters, it's the person.
~The Doctor


Naomi's eyes fell on the Draconian almost immediately, his species tended to stick out among the crowds and the fact that most people were staying away from him only highlighted his presence that much more. She turned her gaze away as he looked up and began to turn. Naomi scanned the room, and quickly laid eyes on Grinich, a mole of a man, sitting a few seats to the right of the Draconian. He was half dwarf and half goblin, and just as ugly as one might imagine. He was talking to a burly man on his right, a fat cigar jutting from his lips and a full but trimmed beard covering his face. She walked over and set her drink beside the half goblin loudly, making him jump and snap towards her.

"Oh-! Well ello there miss Vayne," he greeted her in a scratchy smoker's voice, "Fancy seeing you around this establishment eh? Who woulda guessed?" Grinich chuckled and turned towards the burly figure as Naomi sat down. "I'll get back to ya bout that one." The man nodded and walked off. "So!" Grinich spoke and turned back to Naomi, "What could I possibly do for a pretty lil lady like yourself?"

"Cut the taurus shit Grinich, I be ere on business not ta flirt," she bit out.

Oh, I don't know, he seems to be your type... The voice rumbled with a chuckle.

She ignored him and continued, lowering her voice, "When I met ye you said you knew lots o folk in town, I need ye ta call 'pon any sailor who might be lookin fer a bountiful opportunity."

Grinich leaned closer, obviously intrigued. "And what might this bountiful opportunity entail?" he croaked.

"Lets jus say I finally found what I been in the market for."

His eyes lit up and he took a large dwarf sized gulp from the mug of ale in his hand. "Say! Capn Naomi Vayne be settin out to sail the Hivian Ocean again!" He let out a raspy laugh.

Naomi grabbed the side of his shirt and pulled him towards her discretely. "Shut it ya fool, Now ye gonna do this fer me or not?"

Naomi let go and Grinich smoothed out his apparel. "Course I will," he paused and looked up at the woman, "But what are ya gonna pay me for it?"

The captain scowled and bit back a retort. She was hoping he would just spread the word for her to his contacts, but of course the greasy grinch wouldn't do anything without some personal gain. "Tell ye what," she whispered, "Ye get the word to any n all sailors I ken trust, and I'll leave ye 5 percent of whatever be on that vessel."

"20 percent," Grinich countered.

"10 percent," Naomi replied, "An that's a mighty fine offer with what be gettin hauled on this ere boat."

The half goblin thought for a moment and then nodded his head, "Fine, but how you planning on getting this to me may I ask?"

"I'll be leavin it in a few cargo crates some'ere on the dock, 'fore we set sail. Don't worry bout it jus get me them sailors. I gots two days n I'll let ye know."

Grinich grunted and finished his drink before jumping off the stool. "You better hold your end miss Vayne, I know more people then you may think," he threatened before heading away and out of the inn. Naomi sat there and took another swig of rum thinking. Getting this payment to that little grime would make things more difficult, provided she would actually pay him. This plan needed more thought.


"Poster boy, bully boy, sing us a song,
Sing to us, sing to us, don't you dare sing it wrong,
About the lady of the sea and the sky, her love,
The man in the moon, shiny old man,
And the little love notes they sent by dove!"

Eli sang to himself a song he'd learned many years before, a sailor's song to be sung at work. Sure it perturbed him a tad to be singing it when lounging, but other than the wooden carving of an owl he'd been working on, and the burnt out pipe in his mouth, he'd little to do in the belly of the boat.

Setting down the half finished owl in his hanging cot, he stood, stretched, and walked to the upper decks. Oh, his joints needed some grease, the stairs were killing him so. A few weeks at sea would fix that problem. Only they didn't leave for a day and a half from now. He saw no point in spending that time afloat in the glorified bucket, so he made for the bar again. A game of free cell would do him well at this hour. On his way off, he nodded to Richy, and noted the woman's absence from the wall. He'd only been gone a short while, but gone nonetheless, and he honestly didn't expect her to wait for him.

He creaked open the Bar door's hinges, and slipped in among the rabble, the smell of alcohol one to put him in a mood for the night. Until he saw the very same woman, speaking to a downright ugly little man. Something was off about her, he felt. Screwing up his face, he slid into a booth, and pulled out his card deck.


Revvil, of course, listened in on the whole conversation between the woman and dwaf-goblin hybrid.  They spoke of a vessel, and it didn't sound like either of them were the owner.  Though the woman seemed to want what was on the ship.  Revvil didn't particularly care if she was going to buy the items on this ship or steal them, but whatever she was planning to do, it sounded interesting.  And like it involved a considerable amount of coin.

When the two finally finished their conversation and little man left, Revvil glanced over at the woman.

"So, you're looking for sailors?" he asked, quietly enough to avoid being heard by any of the other patrons in the bar. "People who be looking for a profitable venture?"  His eyes glinted as he smiled, and it would have been quite a fearful sight for some, as it appeared to be a snarl more than a smile, his scaly lip pulling back to reveal rows of razor sharp teeth. "I may happen to know someone who'd be interested."
My Open Threads!
None currently, but if you want to thread, don't hesitate to PM me!

My Characters!
Kirl Moonharber---Lorin--- The Feari --- Akhe---Kilarhas---Naarilash---Kinn---Jiminie---Faelis---Karishk---Cirick---Sieera---Kornos--- Ariznim--- Dergan---Meerior---Zier'ik'shalsalimigarizdeniime---Keyne---Seridin---Elliot---Healin---Warn Danish---Revvil---Kashka---Ishka---Nox---Skiffiles---Jlyyth---

For summaries of my characters, JackieCat's Characters!

Some people live more in twenty years than others do in eighty.  It's not the time that matters, it's the person.
~The Doctor


Naomi looked over at the Draconian, his face would have put fear in her heart, but she had seen far worse. Things that scared the hardiest sailors shitless and haunted your dreams for eternity. So her face didn't waver when she locked eyes with the beast. "Aye I am," she said back in a quiet tone, "But I be warnin ya now its bad luck listenin in on private conversations. Tends ta get one in trouble." She paused for a moment and glanced back towards the old sailor that had sat next to her right before Grinich left. She got up from her seat and walked over to the half dragon, leaning on the bar beside him. "But on that note there, who it be thats lookin fer a job round here?"


"The King of Hearts goes there, and then the Queen of Spades.... No! Gah! I needed that elsewhere!" Eli swore, under his breath, "Ah, so be it. These must be trick cards or some such."

Drinking deeply from the tankard he'd ordered not a minute before,  he peered over the rim at a conversation taking place across him. Hushed voices ensured he heard nothing, but if posture and decent lip reading served him, the Dragonborn wanted in on the job, or some such request. That the same woman who'd been spying on the boat not an hour earlier was in here stirring up the riff rubbed Eli the wrong way. Perhaps Chub should know about this. Perhaps not. No stranger to being mutinied against, as this increasingly seemed to be pointing towards, he knew that to side too heavily with the brass could kill you faster than a hungry snake. He'd seen the loyalties towards a Bo'sun switch faster than some of the knives used to kill him. No good, this would be. Served him right, staying away from the sea for so long. She was punishing him. Snorting into his ale, Eli thought, Let it come. I'm not leaving this earth until vengeance is mine. If I have to survive a mutiny to do so, so be it.


"Me, of course," the draconian smiled again at the woman. "I've been sailin' his whole life, and I don't mind taking on the less savory parts of the job."

He assumed, from her conversation with the goblin dwarf and the fact that she was even in this bar, that she wasn't in the most honest of businesses, but he still wanted to play it safe.  What if she were a soldier undercover?  So therefor, he chose his words carefully, after all, 'less savory jobs' could mean swabbing the deck or cleaning out the bilge.

"So what kind of jobs do you have in mind?" he asked. "I mean, are you a merchant, a passenger ship. . ?"
My Open Threads!
None currently, but if you want to thread, don't hesitate to PM me!

My Characters!
Kirl Moonharber---Lorin--- The Feari --- Akhe---Kilarhas---Naarilash---Kinn---Jiminie---Faelis---Karishk---Cirick---Sieera---Kornos--- Ariznim--- Dergan---Meerior---Zier'ik'shalsalimigarizdeniime---Keyne---Seridin---Elliot---Healin---Warn Danish---Revvil---Kashka---Ishka---Nox---Skiffiles---Jlyyth---

For summaries of my characters, JackieCat's Characters!

Some people live more in twenty years than others do in eighty.  It's not the time that matters, it's the person.
~The Doctor