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Prison Escape [Open]

Started by PotatoLion, January 24, 2017, 10:30:37 AM

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Well, this was just great. How could she be so stupid as to end up in this mess? Kasa questioned to herself as she stared through the bars of her mini prison. The cry's, woops, and howls of other critters surrounded her in other cages of various shapes and sizes as well. A man dressed in leather armor and sporting the furs of animals he's conquered stood tall and proud; shouting in a boisterous voice to try and gain the attention of anyone who may have the gold to afford buying one of these exotic, or not-so-exotic creature.

Kasa had been hunting around in the forests near the large town, later at night. Thinking she was being so careful to avoid the usual traps that hunters lay while she sniffed out a quick meal as a coyote. When snap! She triggered a trap that led to her being ensnared in some sort of

counter weight trap. Her legs tangled in a way that if she were to shift back, she might injure herself...And so she waited for the captors to arrive.

"This won't be so bad." She'd think. Herself and the trap spinning softly this way and that way. "If who ever set this trap truly wanted me dead, they would have used some other sort of trap." She'd think optimistically. Still occasionally trying to struggle for freedom before letting herself go limp, not wanting to exhaust herself, it wouldn't be long into the night, however, that she dozed off to sleep...

She woke up when she hit the floor she scrambled to a stand and looked around, growling. "Huh, Tha's weird...Wha's up with yer eyes?" The Creature Seller would mumble as he stared down at coyote Kasa. Her eyes still bright grey, even when shifted into an animal. "Ye might be worth something then, more than a meal for that alone." He'd say with a wide smirk. "Maybeh not much. But coin is coin." He continued to talk to the Skin-Walker as if she was human, slipping on some thick leather gloves to protect his hands and arms while he reached into the netting to wrangle the small beast and toss her in a cage he had at the ready. Which took some time to do due to Kasa's furious wiggling and growling for freedom.

Now here she was, trapped in a cage. Peering around for an opportunity to break free. Which most likely wouldn't happen till late at night when she could shift. She sat in the cage, watching the people walk around more like a guard dog then an anxious wild animal like the other beasts that gnawed at the bars of their cage. This was gonna be a long, boring wait...


The time: Sometime in the afternoon.  The place: An unspecified building that sells animals.  The situation: One of these things is not like the others...

The field of vision from the cage Kasa was in was fairly-limited, given all the other animals that were in cage rows and such, but her other senses would tell tales.  As is known, wolves and coyotes have a highly-developed sense of smell and hearing.  Their noses can track a scent for days, following a trail that could have been left a very long time ago.  They can hear the slightest snap of the twig, rustle of leaves, and indeed the breathing of living creatures.  As such, in this place, that was a bit of a trade-off, though.  She could hear and smell everything, but unfortunately alot of what it was...was the angered outcry of so many captured animals and their stench...which would wear on the patience of someone as aware as her.

However, there was more to it than that.  She could hear people, customers.  Every now and then, the owner of the place would be conversing with someone interested in his wares.  After some time, there would be the greeting of someone who seemed to speak eloquently enough, but as he was lead into the shop...did not exactly look so, and something smelled wrong.  What came into her field of vision along with the owner was a funny little man in leather traveler gear and a wide-brimmed hat.  He had a face that seemed a bit stretched out and big ears, and there was something wrong with his eyes.  Also, he smelled like a goblin, not a human being.

"I'm not entirely sure what I want.  My dear friend is feeling a bit under the weather and I thought a few animals would perk her right up."


Kasa let out a quiet and drawn out growl, she could feel her head spinning from the onslaught of smells and sounds. There was so much to take in in such a small space. She reached up to paw at her face, scrunching her nose to try and lessen the intake, but it didn't do much for her. She set her paw down and laid down like a lazy, but alert dog. Eyes staying forward, her tail twitched as she felt it pawed at by one of the other creatures next to her.

Her nose twitched again when she smelt something out of this already out-of-the-ordinary experience. "I'm not entirely sure what I want.  My dear friend is feeling a bit under the weather and I thought a few animals would perk her right up." She could hear the voice of someone who sounded fancy and articulate. She perked her head up, but promptly tilted her head. "A goblin?" She thought to herself. She let out a strange low howling noise, as she attempt to laugh at how what she expected was completely opposite of what she saw in front of her! She quickly shut her mouth and watched the goblin with curiosity, having never actually seen one up close like this.


Yes...well...about that.  This was indeed a goblin, but the man in charge of the place didn't know that.  Being an Adelan man, it was perfectly easy for the guy to be fooled into this was an ugly little human from the north, a guy that was kind of small, but kind of bright, and kind of interested in buying some animals.  This wasn't what he really looked like, and Kasa would be able to smell that...or dear.  The 'face' was tanned and molded animal flesh.  Fortunately, that was the only thing he'd done like that.  However, as the frankly-not-blinking 'eyes' turned her way, there was a yellow glint and - as he'd been pointing out a few animals he thought his 'friend' would like - he stopped and asked the owner.

"What about that wolf, there?"

Coyote, not wolf, per se.  However, the fact was that he was pointing right at her, and either he'd heard hew howl or noticed something else about her, because he now seemed quite interested in buying.  Oh, today just got worse, didn't it?


She felt a shiver run up her spine as the non-human creature turned to look at her. Her head went low and her eyes narrowed as she stared at the small being. Her stomach turned and flopped, not seeming to like how she was picked so fast...Did she do something interesting? Did she looked too trained? What ever the case maybe she tried to make herself seem less of an appealing buy by baring her teeth at him with a growl. The Owner followed the point to where Kasa was locked away. "Oh, that? Tha's too small to be a wolf. She's a coyote. Pretty common things, but dis one had such strange eyes and temperament that I couldn' let it slip away. Ye interested in 'er?"  He'd ask in a gruff tone, stepping closer to the cage, reaching for the tough leather gloves in case he'd need them.

Kasa's eyes shifted back and forth between the man, the hackles down her back raising. She did not want to be manhandled by that brute of a shopkeep. She let out another warning growl as the shopkeep reached down to pat the top of the cage. "Compared to me other critters, this one is fairly cheap. 100 gold. It's in good health, odd an' rare traits, female. It's like I'm given 'er away!"


Just giving them away, he says.  That's a laugh.

The goblin's funny little thoughts were kept to himself, of course, as he - or at least his mask - continued smiling.  He might put this place on The List, but that was for later, perhaps.  After all, robbery in Adela was hard enough, what with the local militia being so strong.  And without the aid of his 'friend', it would be even harder, most assuredly.  However, as he was in disguise, it was perfectly plausible to walk around in broad daylight without so much as a glance...except to note just how ugly he looked as a human.  Well, no matter.  He pulled out the necessary gold - which he might be seeing again, none too soon - and asked that his items be put on his little pull-cart outside.

"It's good to know that I can count upon such skilled men of sale, even here."

Because Adela was a bit funny in the head about some of their religious taboos.  One thing that was definitely not for sale here or anywhere in the country...was cats.  Cats were very important to them.  If you did the wrong thing around a cat, or if it - in turn - did the right thing at the right moment, there could be great luck or great disaster.  Sadly, he had not versed himself in the exactly wording of the belief system.  He just sort of...hoped they'd let him slide, as a foreigner.  So, Kasa would be moved to a cart now, and was going on a bit of a trip.  Ah, but to where?  To where?


The man would grin as he was given the amount of gold he asked for, wishing he had asked for more at how easily the gross little human had just handed it over. He'd take the gold. Moving around behind a counter to secure it in a lock box. "Excellent choice, sir! Good luck with yer new lil pet, a'right?" He'd say in his naturally loud and boisterous voice.

He'd slip on those worn, but still tough leather gloves and grasp the cage. Kasa immediately turning to try and dig her fangs into his fingers. But this would only feel like a rough pinch to the man who was probably used to being bit, scratched and spit on by animals. Kasa would be growling, turning to look at her buyer, curious to why she was so quickly bought.

The shopkeep set the cage down on the little pull cart. Taking some rope to tie down the cage securely so it wouldn't go anywhere if it were to hit a particularly nasty bump in the road. "Good doin' business with ya sir. Ye take care now." He'd say before retreating back into his shop. Kasa kept her eyes locked on the Goblin-in-disguise. Her head seeming to follow where he went...

"Well this was something I wasn't expecting." She'd think to herself as she stared at the back of his head. Being pulled down the road to an unknown destination. She kept a look out for anything to get her bearings along the trip. Taking in deep breaths of the scents that surrounded her to help her make some sort of rough mind-map for if she were to escape this cage.

She hopped she just didn't fall into a lot of trouble.


Bearings...  Yes, much did she know about Adela?  Perhaps of how the people of this land were all dark-skinned, or that they had an impressive military and dragon riders?  What about the highly-forested areas around the city of Ketra, where they were?  It was a very large place, lots of activity, and in the middle of it...her little buyer had decided to amble along and look insane.

"Weee, waggah, booga, boom-boom, bawaaah, heeeeep!"

This had the effect of people not wanting to be around him, and in fact to try their damnedest to ignore him.  So far, so good.  Of course, at the edge of town, there was a very clear "Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh..." as he dropped the act and began to whistle a tune.  They were a bit along a path when he decided to stop and turn to the cage with the coyote in it.  There, in a completely sane and even possibly gentlemanly voice, he spoke directly to Kasa.

"You're probably wondering how it is I spotted you so easily.  Well, the truth is, in the same manner in which an animal's sense of smell shows them things that no one other may know, I can see things that others cannot.  For instance, the aura of a magical being."

And as one who shapeshifts from human form into an animal form, Kasa had an aura different from a normal person.  She stood out to whatever sort of sight this guy made use of.  The goblin-in-disguise grinned and there were teeth there that no human being would have, most definitely.

"You're probably wondering just what it is I'm up to.  Well, you see, I'm-"

"Hey, you!"

"...apparently needed, at the moment."

Two men were coming out of the brush.  They were armed with blades.

"Lookit 'im, talking to a wolf like that."


"Whatever.  We saw you in town, wandering about."

"Oh? Can I do you something, good sirs?"

"Oh yeah, certainly.  I'll be having that money on yer belt, and the cart, and everything in the cart.  Just drop it an' run like a good little dwarf."

The goblin shook his head, hands at his hips.

"Oh, dear.  A robbery.  But you're doing all wrong."

He reached up and pulled the mask off as he tossed the hat away, revealing a dark-skinned creature with yellow-glowing eyes and a highwayman's black mask!

"The line is Stand And Deliver!"

In a swift motion, he reached into his clothes and pulled out two curved daggers leapt at whichever man was more surprised by his appearance.  It would be then that Kasa might notice...that her cage was unlocked!  When did that happen?  Had he really moved his hands so quickly?  Who was this guy?


Kasa would probably be able to pick out certain landmarks of the land. A statue, a particular building, but the forest and wilds were her true element. The city was like a big maze. And there was so many smells to complicate things. She gave a small huff and turned to look at her crazy little driver. Making strange noises and calls that people were disturbed out of the way. She'd remain quiet, jostled softly as the cart was pulled.

Sometime later he would turn to look at her and spoke, as if he knew she wasn't some coyote...Turns out that was exactly the case. He knew that she was something else. She lowered her head somewhat and her pointed ears pivoted forward to listen...There must have been something he wanted if he went through the trouble of buying her. He seemed to pick up on her confusion on this and grinned, showing his teeth. She felt a shiver go up her spine, unsure if this was just how he smiled or if there was something devious behind it. But he started to explain...However he was promptly interrupted by some human humans who were hiding out in the brush. She brought her attention to them as they tried to get the creature to surrender his belongings.

However, he quickly sprung into action, the movement of him pushing away from the cart brought her attention to the fact her cage was unlocked, the door swinging open with small creak. Her head perked up at this, using her nose to nudge the door open and slink out, she hopped down to the ground, glad to feel the earth beneath her feet again...She looked to the thief that the Goblin didn't jump and dashed to him while he was distracted by the fact his friend had been attacked and leaped up to bite down on his dagger arm, pulling his arm down with a rough yank before flinging her head back and forth like a dog with a new toy. Bringing a pained cry from the one man, causing him to drop his weapon.


Dort and Zuruck were in good form today, though their talents were wasted on these under-talented humans.  His daggers were really for use against magical beings and deflecting nasty spells.  Still, they were his trusty short-blades, and quite good at tearing open things, like human flesh.  He had jumped at the first guy and, thanks to his surprise, managed to propel him to the ground as his chest was slashed open.  Just lacerations, thus far, but he was honestly debating killing him for being an extra kind of stupid.

During this bit of excitement, the not-a-coyote had decided to help out by disarming the other guy, who was currently screaming and trying to get his arm back, sans weapon.  The goblin himself had, meanwhile, forced the man he stood upon to drop his own weapon.  And then, a funny thing happened.  A strange yellow light emanated from the true rogue's eyes, and the man was suddenly looking green around the gills, disoriented, and alot less energetic.  As the goblin stepped off of him, he turned and barfed, leaving the masked shorty to address the coyote-afflicted thug.

"Don't ruin both of his arms.  Otherwise, he'll have naught to throw down whatever paltry sum he and his pal are carrying."

" bastard! Argh!  Lemme go!"

"Bastard?  Yes, yes...  They do call me that.  A magnificent bastard, can call me Mr. Blight."

Now, it isn't certain whether or not Kasa remains in towns long enough to reall hear rumors circulating, or indeed funny stories...but among some of the tales of thieves and rogues, highwaymen and tricky robbers, she might have heard the name, Gary Blight.  If not, then no harm done.  If so, however, then it explained a few things.  Like, for instance...  Why the mask, and...the other mask?  Actually, maybe it didn't...


Kasa stopped playing with her new toy, which tasted terrible this human really needed to sit in a river and clean himself up. She spat out their arm and trotted over to stand next to the goblin; her expression equivalent to that of when a dog is given peanut butter, and the keep licking at their chops even when it seems like all the peanut butter is gone. This is what she was doing, but, more so out of disgust of the taste of the human's arm.

She'd pause to look up towards the goblin. She thought she did hear some things while being dragged into the city. Whispers and chatter about a little green rogue who was running around. She couldn't remember the name that was tossed around, often being pulled just out of range when they were getting to that bit. But she felt it was safe to assume that the one she heard in the rumors was the same as the thief she was standing next to...Oh Spirits, what was she getting mixed into?

She waited patiently by the goblins side while he did the talking with human. Since she could not speak as a coyote any way.


Gary had figured that the coyote couldn't converse some time ago, as she had had ample opportunity to do so and maybe get herself out of the jam she had been, otherwise.  He didn'tt know precisely what he was dealing with, only that the coyote was either not normal or not really a coyote, though he was assuming the latter because she'd seemed quite a bit more aware.  Funnily enough, she seemed to be in a playful mood, as she let go of the thug and trotted on over.

"Now that that's handled, you may relieve yourself and your friend of your valuables, so that you can drag him off to whatever means of help you can beg off to for your injuries."

"How the hell is anyone gonna help us without money, you slimy git?"

"That's not really my problem, now is it?  As far as Adela's concerned, I haven't even broken the law yet, just foiled a sorry attempt at what I do far more expertly.  Now, out with what you've got, then."

Then, he had a thought and smiled.

"And your pants.  Yes, let's bring that humiliation up-front, shall we?"

The would-be robber was livid and swore a blue streak at this, but a raise of the daggers and a grin of teeth brought his anger to an end.  So, reluctantly, he handed over a small amount of coin, their short swords, and one pair of pants.  Gary had a thought that it might be necessary, though he did not know for sure.  The half-naked man began to drag off the other man, who was still feeling sick, and hopefully they'd never be heard from again.  Once Gary saw that they were out of it, he turned to collect his discarded disguise and put it on the cart.

"I really hate doing this without Conncord."

He was preparing to pull it again, in case those guys somehow got soldiers after him.

"And I want a word with you, my animalistic friend.  I have done you a favor, and before the day is gone, I will figure out how it should be paid.  So, assuming you have the means to speak, I suggest you find your words and ready them for a bit of discussion."


Kasa watched the exchange with amusement, giving a strange yapping, howling laugh...or at least the closest thing to a laugh a coyote can produce as the thief relinquished his items. Including his pants and tried to drag himself and his comrade away from the Goblin and Not-Coyote.

She started to follow along next to him as he pulled the cart, expressing a desire to get her to repay a favor and she frowned softly at this. Of course she wouldn't be getting out of this easily. So she paused her trailing so she could switch her form and actually speak.

The coyote seemed to stand on its hind legs, it's bones could be heard cranching and snapping as they rearranged into something more humanoid. The furrowing and skin pulling back and away till it was just a simple pelt, resting on her back. Kasa followed next to the Goblin again, arms crossed over her chest and the fringes that trailed down the outer seam of her pants swayed back and forth with each stride.

"So, this not done from kindness of heart? What is favor that Usdi-Itsei wish to speak of?" She would ask in broken common. Seeming to have a limited understanding of it as she spoke. She tried to keep a neutral expression as she listened but she could feel a nervousness bubbling in her stomach.


As soon as the coyote dropped back, Gary's pointed ears picked out a sound that...frankly...did not seem to be without discomfort.  Wince-worthy, some might say, but it seemed to bare out that the person he was with was not simply an enchanted coyote, actual person.  Once she had caught up, the first thing he noticed - apart from her being tall and either human or elf-like - was...

"Oh, so you have pants.  No matter."

He might find a use for them, maybe.  She seemed to understand the situation, although there was something off about her use of Common.  Not her first language, like he.  In fact, Gary did not speak another language apart from Goblinspeak, the private and gnarling words of his people.  First and foremost, though, he had to wonder...what the heck was 'Usdi-Itsei'?  Hopefully, it meant 'Dashing Rogue' and not 'Small, Creepy Thing'.

"Well, I haven't thought of it yet.  As you may have gathered, I am a thief and rogue of many talents.  Indeed, I am a highly-successful one, at that.  What you do not know is that what I do, I do for the goblin way, and perhaps all hated unnaturals.  I had been wondering if you were such, but it seems not to be the case.  No matter.  I have put you in debt, and you must pay that back.  Now...what exactly was that form-changing talent which seemed to get you into this mess?  And do you have any others?"


She gave a small and amused snort of laughter when the first thing to come from his mouth was that she was wearing pants. "This one would not have been so willing to change if she was not wearing pants." She would say, her tone still amused and lips pulling in a smirk.

Kasa was fairly short for something that appeared human or elf like. She was 5 feet tall and almost matched the height of the Goblin. She was a lithe thing that seemed more built for speed and dexterity rather than running into battle. She had tan skin and dark hair, similar to the Adelans, but her eyes were some sort of bright grey color, something unusual to these lands. 

The Skin-walker kept pace with the Goblin, listening to what she do fondly referred to as "Usdi-Itsei", 'Little Green' in her tongue. At least it wasn't ugly.

She reached her hand up to run her neck which, of he could easily pick up on the small details, he'd notice a scar that ran horizontally along her neck before it was covered with her hand in an idle rub. "She has managed to mostly stay put of trouble. But there are those who see her change and view her as werebeast. Which makes her a target if not careful." She'd explain before he continued, asking her of her abilities. She'don't give a small hum of thought. Thinking of what she could do for the Goblin Rogue. "Well...she can change into what ever she want as long as she has skin of the animal." She'd begin, motioning to the pelt that hung on her back. "She can mimic noises of forest as well...and she has decent knowledge of plants that are in the Adela and Serendipity area."


The scar did not surprise the masked goblin, not really.  There was every likelyhood that one who lives the life of the wild animal may get clawed or bitten.  Suffice to say, he found it most intriguing to know that he was talking to a true shapeshifter, one who takes on many shapes.  Her abilities were limited to animals, but there were many animals out there.  He wondered something...

"And do you ever take the form of more unusual beasts?  The Draconi Forest has Basilisks, for instance, and Adela is known for its dragons, as you know."

He was interested to know whether her acquiring of a skin could really extend to taking the form of something extremely deadly.  He didn't think she'd ever acquired dragon scales, but it made one consider the possibilities.  Right now, though, they at least had the live specimens of a pig, a goat, and several rabbits in the cart.  Pity there were no cats to be found.  Provided that wouldn't offend the hell out of her, Kasa could go around and make the Adelans act very strangely, indeed.


"She imagines she could if she had its skin. But she has yet to be able to get one of these skins first in order to try..." She would bring her stare to the cart where a few of the domestic animal skins were laid out. It seemed that even the most common of pelts grabbed her attention. After a moment of admiring she looked back to the Goblin. "Does Usdi-Itsei plans to use this one's skill for something?" She'd ask with a curious squint. Would he have her use her skills in some sort of thieving act?


The thieving goblin began to chuckle at her question.

"I am considering it, or at least having you lend me a hand or paw in some sort of situation as that.  Hmmm..."

And then, a wild idea struck him, and there was a snicker renewed for a moment.

"My friend is sick right now, so she can't aid me as she normally does, and that is a shame because Adela is well-and-truly tough to deal with.  Not hapless guards, but disciplined soldiers.  Not simply horses, but deadly dragons.  So...let me just get these beasts over to her, and we can get down to business."

Gary appeared to be moving off the beaten path now.  He seemed to know exactly where he was going, though there was no sign of there being anything around here.


She rolled her shoulders anxiously. She never thought she'd get mixed up in some sort of robbery job..maybe it wouldn't be so bad? He seemed to know what he was doing, and as long as she remained as an animal she would be alright. Shifting between multiple forms would give away her position because of how much noise it would make.

Her attention was drawn back to the Goblin as he chuckled. An idea was definitely brewing within that little green head of his. He proceeded to tell her how they'd talk business after they helped his friend. She'd nod in agreement, following alongside him as they wandered off the beaten path. She would breath in the scents around them, seeing what she can pick up in this section of forest.


Many are the scents of the forest, though as they moved along, one scent was starting to register over all others.  It was...different.  The nearest sort of smell she would probably be able to compare it to was spider silk.  Then, after a short while, Gary stopped at a clearing, jumped all around until her heard a hollow thud, then pushed aside a load of dirt and leaves to reveal a hidden burrow that - judging by the size of the sheet of wood on top of the entrance - was actually large enough to accommodate the cart itself. was too steep for that, as there was a ladder leading down.

"Give me a hand with these animals, would you?"

He picked up the pig cage and headed down into the burrow.  As he proceeded further into it, Kasa would hear him shout "Concord, I'm back!".  His friend was called Concord?  Just what sort of friend was this?  Well...if she would care to step down into the place and go down the tunnel a ways...she would find Gary feeding a live pig to a giant red-and-black spider who - despite being fairly menacing - looked down-and-outs at the moment.