Spirits of the Earth

Flashback Threads => Flashback Threads => Everywhere Else => Topic started by: Ethereal-Star on August 04, 2015, 04:47:53 AM

Title: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 04, 2015, 04:47:53 AM

Light shone through the stained glass windows of the Temple of Epona, colorful rays cascading onto the marble floor inside. It was a fairly moderate-sized temple, not too large but not overly small either. An altar with ever burning candles lit on it danced a fiery warmth, their heated glow illuminating a certain unicorn who was praying at this altar.

Stardust prayed for a little girl she had met while visiting the mortal realm several layers down from this reality, her home plane of Kalona, the twilight realm. Lovely songbirds sang their tunes at these times, the periods of dusk and dawn. Moonflowers also only opened up their petals then, before closing back up once the morning or night rolled around in full. It was truly a beautiful, magical time then, these twilit hours, more so than usual. Magic was said to be strongest at these times of day, good magic that is. Prayers were more likely to be heard and answered then too.

The silver unicorn finished her praying and stood up on all fours, stretching out her limbs, tail swishing back and forth as she left an offering of a white gem, dropping it from her mouth in the basket by the base of the altar. Bowing her head at the statue of Epona, Stardust took her leave then and left the temple. She hoped the little girl would find a family to adopt her soon, as she had been an orphan at her birth. Emalu was her name, a sweet little human child of five years. She deserved a loving family, one who would both love and cherish her until the end of her mortal days.

A star blinked in the night sky then, along with the last notes of a songbird sounding as it was already dark when Stardust emerged from the temple. It was a sure sign her prayer was on its way to being answered and soon. The unicorn smiled and bowed at the twinkling star in gratitude before continuing on her way. She wished to travel again to the lands below, the world of Earth it was called. Stardust had been there many times before and she wanted to do so again, as well as see who else she could help to guide them forth to a better life.

Enacting her Plane-Walking ability, the unicorn soon faded from sight and reappeared next to a small pond with colorful flowers growing nearby it, a duck swimming in its not so still waters as its feathery movement rippled the smooth surface. This was one of her two favorite places to visit here, and so she settled down near the water and relaxed, just enjoying being. Tomorrow she would check on the little girl and see how things were going at the orphanage she stayed at. Stardust wished to give the little girl a blessing as she began a fresh start at her new home. For now, the unicorn of light would rest a bit.

Closing her eyes she began to drift off into a soft slumber, the night sky a black palette of celestial beauty with the many stars shining above, just like it was back home. It was a tranquil time for her and she was happy. Little did she know her world would soon shatter to pieces, taking her down a dark and dreary path from which she might not ever return from.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 04, 2015, 05:01:12 AM
It was soon that the calm winds lay down. Only to blow into an opposite direction afterwards. A man approaced but when he saw Stardust he stopped. He looked weary and his clothes had seen better days. His skin a strange pale ish grey and eyes sunken away deep. Empty. He was not sick or dying. But something did seem to plague him. Right now he seemed broken.

He smiled at Stardust for a while and only the Gods knew what his smile meant back then. The winds then grew fiercer. ''No... not again...'' he said panicing. Looking around. The grass around him dried and died. The trees losing their leaves slowly too as if all life drained away from it. It was dark magic. A surely powerful one at that. He started to beg for it to stop but it did not work. Everything within five meters of his form was dead. ''Please... Help me...'' he begged to Stardust who was out of his range. ''It... it will not stop. Never does it stop...''
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 04, 2015, 01:25:14 PM
Stardust awoke quickly as the taint of something dark assaulted her senses. Standing up, she looked around seeing all the dead life around her before her silver-white eyes then locked onto the sickly-looking elven man standing there, pleading. Pleading to make it stop. He couldn't help what he was doing, it wasn't his fault. And Stardust took it upon herself at that moment to do whatever she could to aid him.

Walking up to him as fast as her legs could manage, the unicorn's eyes were filled with such immense compassion as she gazed at him sadly, a pain in her heart. The sheer intensity of it present in Stardust's entire being spoke volumes of how much she wished to help lead him onto the correct path, and ease his struggles.

"There, there now. Everything's going to be alright. Tell me what I can do to be of service."
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 04, 2015, 10:11:01 PM
''My magic it... controls me. It destroys most of what I touch and see... magic blockers only made it worse'' he looked at his hands. I do not want to be a monster... I am a disgrace. I... need help to control this darkness running through my veins like poison...'' Erian replied.

''I could do it... at first but the power grew more and faster then I did...''
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 05, 2015, 01:21:21 AM
"I can help you." Stardust told him softly, trying her best to make him feel better.

Gesturing with her horn to a spot near the pond, she beckoned him to sit with her for awhile. Trotting over there, she asked, "Can you tell me more about what plagues you? I'll do whatever I can to help." Of course, not having any sort of clue as to his actual motives behind the false facade he wore.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 05, 2015, 01:53:21 AM
''Something once manifested itself so deeply into my very existence it can not be removed. I tried everything. But nothing worked. It takes life from all around me. From the flowers till animals... it is... even dangerous to be around you for sure...'' he spoke as he sat down and let his face rest in his hands. ''Even death just makes the effects worse. It draws everything from around me and adds it to my own wether I want to or not.''

It seemed true, he seemed a bit healthier then before. ''I do not know when it happened. At one time I was happy... was just wedded to a lovely woman. And then at the feast... the food started to rot and the guests died one by one. My wife too. I just... feel so... lost. I'm am abomation''
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 05, 2015, 02:25:38 PM
Stardust listened to his words, her full attention on him and his plight. While the silver unicorn had dealt with exorcising possessions before in people, it had only been a handful of times. She concentrated a bit and enacted a protection spell in the form of a golden glow surrounding her being. It was a powerful spell, one that drew upon many divine forces in the universe, which included angelic magic, light magic, star magic, and the Golden Flower of Light all in one powerful, potent package. It would last only about five minutes or so, just enough to help the poor man out and protect herself in the process from any accidental harm.

Focusing on the half-elf before her, Stardust got a glimpse of the dark energies that swirled around and through him. They were strong indeed, but her magic should be stronger. Reciting a prayer of protection to weave around the both of them, its white pure energy added on to the previous spell's overall strength. The unicorn then got ready to do the next step, and she told the elven man exactly what she was going to do. This spell would only work on a possessed person, and it would take lots of effort to perform it.

"I am going to attempt to draw the malicious spirit out of you." she told him, looking him straight in the eye so he would not have any reason to distrust her. "All you need do is hold perfectly still, while I do my magic. The protections have already been placed around us, there is no need to fear. We are safe as long as the protections hold, and they will."

After the dark spirit had been captured in a bubble of binding light, Stardust would send it back to the void from which it came. She had done it before and would gladly do so again for the poor soul before her who desperately needed her help now. "Are you ready?" she asked him in a comforting voice. Once he gave the okay, she would perform the needed ritual.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 05, 2015, 10:21:49 PM
The man looked up at her. ''You can do that?...'' he asked. He sounded amazed and grateful. And he smiled. ''I am ready'' he said and closed his eyes.

Of course, there was something to be removed. Something small and powerful but it was something he controlled rather then the other way around. It would get casted out. And then the fun was going to begin then.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 06, 2015, 02:38:29 PM
Nodding her head, the silver unicorn prepared to do the exorcism needed to drive away the evil force inside the poor man.

Chanting the needed words of power and gathering the energy required to accomplish the task at hand, Stardust was about halfway done with the ritual when a sudden unknown force knocked her completely on her back. Stunned at what could have happened as all the necessary precautions had been taken, she got up on all fours and tried to think of what could have gone wrong. Stardust other than being knocked back, suffered no ill effects from the failed exorcism. Her divine magics saw to that.

Shaking her head and mane in bewilderment, she looked at the elven man before her, concerned and afraid that something bad could have happened to him. Stardust still didn't know what to make of this, but she would continue to try. She had to.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 07, 2015, 02:26:59 AM
''Are you alright?..'' He asked before he doubled over his hands on his chest. ''I... feel it... it is... scared'' blood dripped from his nose. ''It just wont... let go...'' he released an agonising grunt.

True, the thing he had in him was strong but his body would not be damaged to much.

''It is alright...many tried.'' he wiped his nose.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 07, 2015, 02:58:20 PM
"Never mind me. Are you alright?" Stardust was much more concerned with the man before her, as she had more protections surrounding her than he did at the moment, placing his safety above hers in importance. Although the five minutes were almost up, the protections were already starting to dwindle in their effectiveness.

Seeing his bloody nose and hearing his agonized grunts, she trotted back over to him and said to him, "Please, allow me to heal that for you. It is of no trouble." Her horn already began to glow with the healing magics contained within it.

"I will have to return home to try and figure out what the problem could have been. However do not despair, I will be back tomorrow on the morn. I give you my word as a unicorn that I shall." And Stardust had every intent to do exactly that, the virtuous and noble unicorn that she is. "Hopefully I will return with favorable news as well. Either way, I will be here tomorrow when the sun rises, just look for me here in this same spot. I will not let you down."

While Stardust would no doubt, hold up her end of the bargain, she had no idea as to the nefarious plans of the very one she was trying to help. The elf before her was really good at covering up his true colors, and when the time came for him to reveal himself as to what he actually was and wanted from her, Stardust would be in quite the predicament, that was for certain. That time was drawing ever so closer with each minute that passed.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 08, 2015, 01:44:58 AM
''I... I thank you.'' Erian spoke. ''I would not blame you however if you bail... everyone else did. But... I will wait for you.'' he assured her.

''In the meantime I shall try to contain whatever is inside of me.''
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 09, 2015, 09:00:43 AM
After healing him, the silver unicorn prepared to go back to her home plane of Kalona. Fading from sight, she ended up back at the temple, in order to peruse some heavy books that were on a shelf there. She browsed them all thoroughly, hoping to find something of use there. It would likely take her all night to do so. But Stardust didn't mind one bit. It was her duty after all to be of whatever aid she could.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 09, 2015, 11:55:23 AM
'Erian that frikkin hurt.' a voice sounded in Erian's head.
'Likewise' Erian replied to the demon he spoke with.
'You truely think this is going to work? Just take a random unicorn or something.'
'A random one will not be good enough. Just let go tomorrow. You do your part, I do mine. You got your reward in advance for the most part.'
A deep sigh sounded in his head. 'Nothing is ever enough is it. You have mroe women that fit in your beds, various rare beasts and now this.' the voice and its source retreated.

Erian looked at the pond. If this all went well, he would have an addition to his collection. And Stardust would be his grand top piece.

He had planned this. Heard rumors and tales. And after searching he had finally found her and Gods she was a magnificent being.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 09, 2015, 03:10:25 PM
Blearily, Stardust closed the last book with a sigh. The books themselves were enchanted so her kind could browse them by simply expressing their desire, whether silently or aloud, the pages moving to do the rest. Yet there had been nothing she could find to indicate what the problem could have been. Still, the great unicorn refused to give up. Giving up was not her style. Not when it came to the life of someone who needed her help.

It was already morning out, birds chirped and a soft breeze blew, rustling some leaves outside in their multi-colored glory. In the twilight realm of Kalona, leaves could be found in any color, any time of the year. The same was true for the trees, flowers and animals that resided here too. Stardust was incredibly tired, yet she had made a promise. And she would uphold it, this promise taking precedence over her personal health and comfort level.

So with that in mind, she trudged onward, outside the temple before activating her Plane-Walking ability, to return back to the pond in the mortal plane. The silver unicorn looked around for the elven man, hoping he hadn't given up on her. She most certainly hadn't.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 09, 2015, 10:34:42 PM
Erian was sleeping but away from the pond. He shivered and looked feverish and where he lay everything that had been alive was dead although in a less large radius then before. Other then feverish his body did look more healthy as it had taken in the life from around him. The animals were scared. A few had been to curious and lay dead and far decayed near him.

''Shh he is sleeping.'' Erian was not alone as a black shadow came out of him but still seemed attached. ''Nice excorsism. You dealt quite of a heavy blow. But I will not let go of this man. No. I have great plans for him. He already had dark magic since he was small and he controlled it. Not even using it. I thought it was a waste so I amplified it all.'' he said with a smile. The fiend had no real form but it was easy to say he was humanoid.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 09, 2015, 11:03:46 PM
When the black shadow appeared out of Erian's body, Stardust quickly enacted another divine spell, this time not just around her but around the whole area for a diameter of thirty feet. The shield of protection would also prevent the fiend from doing any kind of harm. At least while the spell lasted. Being tired, Stardust's energy was flagging and that included the strength of her magic so it may only last about half of what it did the last time. Two to three minutes or less. Any animals still alive within the sphere would also be safe during this time. However the silver unicorn of light told them to stay away from here, as danger was afoot. And they obliged and left the vicinity.

"You shall not have him. I will find a way to drive you out of him." Stardust held her head high, doing her best to be as prepared as she could for whatever else may occur.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 09, 2015, 11:18:44 PM
The demon laughed. ''You are worn out already. I had not expected your strenght so I was a bit off guard last night but I would love to see you try. Fights between Light and Dark have been occuring since the universe started. Light may be able to cast away most of the darkness. But there is darkness that absorbs light as well. Let's make it a game. But I know this. Next time I will maybe give the man more then a nosebleed. I will not kill him of course. He is the prize. If you win he is yours. If I win, you're both mine. But I suppose I should let you rest for a bit. It is no fun if you try things at half strength. People or you could get hurt'' he have her a wave before fading again.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 11, 2015, 02:56:36 AM
Staring at where the shadowy fiend had been, Stardust regained her composure soon enough. Already the magics around the area were fading. In another minute they would be gone completely. Of course the unicorn would not play its game. Too much was at stake here, and everyone knew one did not ever trust a demon.

Stardust gazed at the sleeping man as he lay there resting, a temporary reprieve from his conscious worries. She cast another spell on him so that no nightmares would trouble him as he slept, a dreamless slumber he would have for the time being. While she would like to help him further, her tiredness was indeed catching up to her, and deciding there was nothing else to do at this time, Stardust allowed herself to sit down and close her eyes for a few moments.

Soon she was asleep too, her back slowly rising and falling as her energies slowly restored themselves back to full strength. Dreams of home soon permeated her consciousness, a peaceful expression on her silvery equine features.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 11, 2015, 11:13:03 AM
Several hours after Stardust had her interaction with the demon, Erian woke up. He was tired but at the least the demon had its mouth shut. It was nice and all. Playing this game but the game was not free. Not his soul however. This demon wanted something else. But if it all worked the price was very much worth it.

He had slept without dreams which was something new to him and he figured that the silver unicorn was behind it. He sat up and closed his eyes again. Thinking of all the steps he now would have to take. He had never dealt with a being this pure before after all.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 11, 2015, 12:13:13 PM
It was also about the same time that Stardust herself awoke, blinking her eyes of any remainder of sleep from them. Seeing that Erian was up and about, she moved over to him, concern shining in her bright eyes as she queried him on his well-being. "How are you today?" she questioned him softly.

Casting her eyes down in regret, she looked back up at him then. "You must forgive me for not arriving sooner than I did. The search had taken longer than expected, yet I found naught to explain the problem at hand." Stardust did not mention her unfortunate meeting with the demonic presence inside the half-elf as she wished not to further worry him or cause any more alarm than he was already feeling. It was not something he needed at this time, as it might lower his morale that much more. If the time came to inform him, then she would. But not now.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 11, 2015, 02:23:33 PM
''It is alright.'' Erian replied calmly. ''I would not expect the answer to be easy. Whatever has attached itself to me... I am sure it is old. And strong. And with a purpose.'' he said before taking a deep breath.

''But I slept well. The best since years.'' he spoke.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 11, 2015, 04:01:23 PM
The silver unicorn smiled at his words, relieved that he was not upset with her. At the mention of the spirit being old and strong, that familiar frown found its way back to her face as she contemplated what this could mean. It certainly seemed like it had a purpose when it had appeared to her and mocked her. However she would find a way. This was simply a test of her abilities and purity, a test of the gods themselves. And she would not disappoint them. Or herself for that matter.

Motioning with her head towards a dead patch of brown grass, Stardust indicated the two should sit for awhile and converse. After all she aimed to help him in any way she could, even simple conversation would do as it let the poor elf know he was not alone in this. "Let us sit and merely talk, try to get your mind off of such dark matters. Perhaps it will give us more insight on what to do to conquer this vile creature and how to banish it once and for all."
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 12, 2015, 11:58:40 PM
Erian nodded and joined her although he did look at the grass and flowers around. Stardust had a good influence on the surroundings and whatever had died by his doing would slowly return to life. ''What is it you'd like to talk about?'' he asked as he sat down.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 14, 2015, 10:15:08 PM
Stardust settled down on her haunches and thought for a moment or two. She decided it would be best for him to focus on happy memories of his life, in order to raise his mood. "What do you remember about your life from before?" she asked him, silver mane trailing over an equally silver coat. "Any happy memory can help to ease one's worries if you just let it."

Focusing on the ground around her, the unicorn channeled a bit of her divine magic into the dead grass and tainted soil, with the intent to first cleanse it of the darkness which permeated the area. White light soon glowed in a soft energy around them, as it began the process of restoration.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 16, 2015, 02:31:04 AM
''I was wealthy born with a great mother and father. I had no siblings but some of the servants had children whom I played with when I was not studdying. Everything seemed so... simple back then. Education. Learning to control what I had magic wise went well. I did not even mind the marriage that was arranged between me and a half elven girl since we were both young. I hope that those simple days will come back eventually. When I was happy with everything I had.'' he spoke.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 16, 2015, 11:41:55 AM
Listening intently to every word, Stardust nodded in understanding. "On my honor, I will do what I am able to in order to bring back those happy days you speak of. One way or another, you will have that life again. It is only a matter of time."

And the silver unicorn truly believed this as she had great faith in her abilities and the forces of good in general. They would not allow a young man to suffer forever. It just wasn't right.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 17, 2015, 12:46:49 AM
Erian did not lie about those happy days. But what she offered was something she would most likely regret. There were only a small amount of things that made Erian happy these days. And that was owning others. Every time when he had something new he felt happier. But still never fullfilled. Maybe though adding her to his collection would. That was what he thought when he first heard about Stardust. He researched a lot and it most likely payed off. But he would play this a little longer.

But indeed. Only a matter of time it was. And it was on her honor, that he would feel it all again. Which meant too she would have to regardless of the outcome now.

''What makes you happy.'' he asked.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 17, 2015, 11:58:16 PM
Stardust smiled gently at the question. "Mostly making others happy. Helping them find their purpose in life and fulfilling their dreams. I have done so many times, and it always warms my heart to see their joy. Their relief and gratitude."

The unicorn thought some more on the question. "The wind blowing through the trees. Leaves twirling in the air by a summer's breeze. Flowers blooming in wondrous colors. The laugh and happiness of a child as they receive a new toy. The sun's rays shining down upon the land, filling it with life and warmth."

She smiled again. "Yes, they are simple things but I thoroughly enjoy them for all the bliss and comfort they bring. Knowing that I am making a difference in other people's lives, whether they be humanoid or more like me."

Channeling a little more divine magic into the dead grass, she then gave it a rest for now. The restoration would take time and she shouldn't rush things too much. Everything would eventually heal though. Stardust was simply helping to speed up the process.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 18, 2015, 12:14:00 AM
''Such simple things... mother always said that the most simple things should make people the happiest. But people always seem to want more and more. It is good to have someone so selfless in the world. Someone who is willing to help others no matter what. Are you not afraid people might abuse it?'' Erian asked.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 18, 2015, 10:16:02 AM
"That is not something I worry about much, no." Stardust replied. "I believe in the goodness of people overall and that every single one of them is worth helping. In the case of unscrupulous types though, perhaps they simply need a reminder to be redirected onto the right path. Then the rest will follow."

And it was indeed not something Stardust had thought about much, whether someone would abuse her aid so cruelly. In that way her naivete shone through, and she was soon to get a shocking realization on the matter that some people really just wanted to see someone else suffer and for no reason other than that they could.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 18, 2015, 12:22:53 PM
This would be most likely easier then he thought. Still he had to remain cautious.

''Should I show you my home? What is left of it anyway? Nothing and nobody has been there through since the... well. Outburst of power so to say though so it will most likely not be a pleasant place to see...''
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 25, 2015, 09:36:00 AM
Stardust smiled a genuine smile. "I would love to see your home." she told him honestly. "The old saying of 'home is where the heart is' applies even to this day. I'm sure you have many happy memories that took place there." Getting up, she made to follow Erian to his childhood home.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 25, 2015, 12:05:59 PM
''I'm sure it is nothing but a shadow of what it was... and the sight might be very grim but... maybe... just maybe there is a clue of how I came to be like this...'' he said. ''It will take a few weeks of travel to get there though.''
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 25, 2015, 04:19:51 PM
"Regardless, I would still love to see it. As for traveling there, I can help with that. I am able to teleport wherever I'd like, but unless I've been there before or know what the area looks like, my entrance might be slightly off. Still we can utilize this method to get there in very little time. All you need to do is touch my back and we can go."

Stardust looked at Erian for his permission before she would do so. The silver unicorn had made him a promise and she fully intended to follow through on that. She had faith things would turn out as they were meant to.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 25, 2015, 11:20:31 PM
Erian thought for a moment. ''There is a statue of white marble about twice your size of a winged unicorn in the garden in a fountain. The fountain most likely no longer works though. The fountain is on a round square... Paths going North, East, South and West. In between the paths are rose bushes. If we can arrive in the garden then it should be fine.'' he said and reached out hesitantly to Stardust. He seemed frightened but calmed himself down before gently placing his hand on her back. His eyes closed. Whatever thoughts ran through his head then were certainly not the kind he wanted to share.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 29, 2015, 04:24:29 PM
With that description in mind, Stardust was fairly certain they would arrive where needed. After Erian placed his hand upon her back, she activated her ability then, and they soon faded out and reappeared in said garden, off to the side just a tad. Stardust looked around and smiled. "Here we are then."
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 30, 2015, 12:34:24 AM
The mansion along with everything around it was all but pleasant looking. The water from the fountain reeked of death and fishbones lay on the muddy bottem. The statue once white was mossy and grey instead of white.

The plants were deadand in overal there was a very deep, dark emptyness in this place. One that easily could slip into a person's soul. Maybe this was where the first seed of darkness had been planted in Stardust too. Erian took a few steps, his eyes falling on the bones of several children that had been playing here. Their once new and expensive clothes decayed with the passage of time. This, was nothing more then a foul place. Drenched with dark and powerful magics.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 30, 2015, 11:16:35 AM
After taking a more careful look around the area, that was when Stardust felt the brunt of all the despair and darkness evident here. It literally choked the very air around it, the life force that was once present here was now nothing more than a deep haunting emptiness that sucked all the light and life away. It was so strong, this foulness and decay of everything good and precious that the silver unicorn collapsed then from the sheer pressure of it all. It was also when the first doubts about Erian came to her mind then, and with wide eyes she looked back at him, the beginnings of uncertainty present in those bright orbs.

So much death...So much pain and hurt...So much evil...

"This...this was your home?" Stardust managed to choke out in utter disbelief.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 30, 2015, 11:21:46 AM
Erian nodded weakly. He knelt beside her looking worried but did not touch her. ''The thing overloaded the magic I had managed to keep at bay for so long. It killed everyone and everything. It has never been so strong since that moment however. I tried to counter it... attempted to use magic of time to reverse all of it but nothing.''

He appeared sincere and even cried. ''Whatever is inside me though enjoyed it to the fullest..''
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 30, 2015, 12:20:13 PM
Managing to get her bearings somewhat, Stardust stood up on shaky legs and gave Erian a weak smile. "Then we will counter this darkness together then."

With great sorrow, she looked around again, noting all the dead corpses, and withered plants. The grey fountain statue and awful smelling water. The way the sun didn't seem to penetrate the place anymore, a heavy darkness that hung over everything with dark shadowy shrouds of vileness. It was horrible to say the least. Taking a few deep breaths, Stardust managed to gain most of her composure back. "I promise you, we will defeat this."
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 30, 2015, 12:24:29 PM
Erian nodded. ''I may never be able to restore the lives lost and I have no ability to make this right to the families who lost their loved ones here but maybe if this place can be restored... I could at the least try to make ammends.'' he paused.

''I understand if you wish to leave this place for now... it is affecting you isn't it.'' Erian asked. ''I could investigate on my own a bit too... maybe there is something in the house that gives a clue what had happened.''
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on August 30, 2015, 01:52:52 PM
Stardust shook her head no. "No, I promised to help you, and help you I shall. I just need...a moment is all." Taking a few more deep breaths, she finally straightened up to her full majestic glory and with a look of determination in her eyes, she said, "I feel I am ready now to venture inside. I will do my best, Erian."

While the environment was in fact making her sick, the silver unicorn would not let that stop her. A promise was a promise after all. Casting a spell of light and comfort around the both of them, she made to continue towards the interior grounds. Trying to not let the grisly sight bother her too much, the dead corpses seeming to stare at her as though pleading for her help to save them from some unknown fate. Whatever happened here was ghastly indeed, the thick heaviness in the air could not be denied or ignored.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on August 30, 2015, 02:12:21 PM
Inside of the house it was not better; there were more corpses only they seemed to have been neatly lined up and a cloth, most likely once a curtain had been placed on them. And Gods there were many.

This was also where the source of it seemed to be though. A hauntingly feeling as if they were not alone as the very halls were seeped with the torment of the decay and death that happened here.

Erian excused himself briefly even as it 'became to much' for him.

Everything inside was covered in dust. From the plates and bowls that held the feastly wedding dinner to the windows. Scattered on the once smooth floor.

''I... damned this place didn't I...'' Erian asked when he returned a few minutes later.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on September 01, 2015, 06:53:58 PM
Here the feeling was much much worse. Again, Stardust felt ill, but this time it took longer for her to recover. So much torment... she thought, looking around with saddened eyes. While the holy spell helped some with the effects, it was not enough and as a result the unicorn was barely aware of Erian returning from wherever he had been.

Taking another deep breath, Stardust shuddered but answered his question truthfully. "This place...it may be lost to the darkness that festers here, but we will find a way to cleanse it. It will take quite some time though."

The silver unicorn needed several minutes to recover before she would try to enact her magic again. It would most certainly be a slow process, if it could be done at all. Despite the strength of Stardust's connection to the divine powers, even this would prove to be quite the challenge, the energies were so thick and harmful here... But she had to try.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on September 01, 2015, 11:15:25 PM
Erian nodded. ''I do not think we find anything here in the ballroom... also this is where the magic was unleashed so also the strongest. We should not linger here.''

There were no animals alive. Mostlikely anything or anyone who tried to enter this foul place would die almost right away. Maybe tehre is something that can amplify your magic of good too.'' after another look around he started to walk up one of the stone stairs.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on September 03, 2015, 04:29:24 PM
Stardust weakly followed him, still weighted down by all the dark energies. She stumbled a bit on the stone steps but regained her balance soon enough. Soon they were at the top where a closed door awaited them. "What is up here?" she asked Erian.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on September 03, 2015, 10:52:18 PM
''The bedrooms. Study's. Libraries. Meeting places... each corner of the mansion has a servant tower.'' Erian spoke. ''Maybe in the library there is something. I do know my grandfather had collected magic books and he had a private section of things others were never allowed to read. Weren't even permitted to set foot in that room.'' He looked around as if remembering where he had to do.

He felt a brushing presence and an eerie echo filled the hall. A ghostly plead asking to be saved. But it was just once before dying out.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on September 06, 2015, 08:44:28 PM
Stardust also felt the ghostly presence and heard the eerie plea that made itself known then. Without knowing more about the lost soul, there was little the silver unicorn could do to help it except to say a quick prayer. "Rest in peace lost soul, may the light soon embrace you in its infinite warmth and comfort."

Feeling her magic start to wane, she reinforced it again before following the man to wherever he was going. Many doors lined the hallways, much of it covered in cobwebs and dust, and even more a palpable darkness hung over everything.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on September 06, 2015, 10:36:12 PM
In the study, and behind most doors in general the magic seemed to be less strong and after entering Erian closed the doors. The air was less thick and there seemed to be a different kind of magic here. ''Be careful for your own wellbeing. Please. I would not want you to get hurt...''

It was cold in the room and with the bit of wood present in the room he made a fire in the fireplace to warm things up a little. There were, a lot of books. But most of them surely would not be of much use.

''Wait here. I will go to the restricted section and gather some things up.''
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on September 10, 2015, 09:38:59 PM
The door was closed to the outside hall and inside the surroundings felt somewhat better. The silver unicorn sat down on a worn and dusty rug after Erian had left, and looked around the room at what she could see. A couple bookcases lined the west wall left to right, all covered in years worth of dust and mildew. One or two spiders even called this place home, their cobwebs prevalent on the ceilings and south wall especially. The south wall had a door there and that was where Erian had gone through it to the restricted section.

Aside from a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, its once sparkly crystal now dulled with age, dust and dirt, the silver tarnished and dulled as well and a painting in between the two bookcases, there was nothing else of interest in here. Stardust waited patiently for the half-elf to return and simply lay her head down on the red and brown rug.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on September 10, 2015, 11:17:46 PM
It took ovoer half an hour but Erian came back with a large tray of books. ''Seems someone in my family was not picky on the magic used or their aftereffects...'' Erian said.

He looked at Stardust with a worried expression. ''How are you feeling?''
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on September 11, 2015, 07:35:42 AM
Stardust looked up as Erian returned from the back. Smiling weakly, she assured him, "Do not worry about me, I am as alright as can be in this particular circumstance. My magic protects me from most of the taint. At least in here though."

Nodding to the stack of books, she said, "Let's see what you found there, perhaps I can be of some assistance."
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on September 12, 2015, 06:14:13 AM
Erian nodded and sat down beside her making two piles of books. One for him and one for Stardust.''I will take the darker ones alright?'' He said and opened the first of his pile.

Some books did gave off a heavy taint and most seemed to be written works of demons. Foul ones at that. Even a book bound in human leather which held the words of Nekron. A high ranked demon who was named a hell god. There were parts one till six of the 7 books made.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on September 13, 2015, 01:05:54 AM
Stardust nodded and opened the first book on top using her horn. The taint was indeed dark and foul, and once again the unicorn felt ill but pressed on nonetheless. She had made a promise and she intended to keep it.

Gruesome illustrations and woodcut drawings filled many of the pages inside, with equally disturbing text to match. Stardust wasn't exactly sure what she should be looking for but decided that anything to do with the corruption of a place might be a good starting point. The fact that Erian seemed to know what he was doing should have concerned her some, but as of now she was trying to get over her discomfort of the books before her and of the place in general. As such, the silver unicorn didn't pay much attention to what the elven man was doing beside her. Or what exactly he was delving into.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on September 13, 2015, 03:55:25 AM
''Nekron... I know I heard it before... a demon so strong it was also refered as a hell God... I do not think though it fits what is going on... despite one book is missing.'' he put the six books aside in a seperate pile and took another before he started to gasp for air and collapsed. Still breathing though but looked completely out of it.

The dark entity that had make itself known earlier the day appearing again.

''Never thought he would come back here.'' it said with a simple smirk and looked at Stardust waving at her nonchalantly.

''Like what we did to the place? If you could see ghosts you would know how many tormented ones are here right now. Their appearance as foul as their current existence. Trapped in eternal agony and pain. I must say this is one of my favourite places to be. Well. The main hall anyway. How are you holding up?'' it teased.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on September 13, 2015, 04:21:24 PM
Alarmed, the silver unicorn got up and went over to him worriedly. "Erian? Is everything alright? Erian?!" Before she could do anything else or conjure a spell that might help in this case, the demon from before showed up again.

Stardust cringed at the dark creature's words. Surely there was some mistake. After all demons were known for their lies and deceptions. Firmly, she held her head high and said to it, "You will not put the blame on this poor man. He was not willingly involved in any of this!"

Yet the darkness present in ever thickening waves had put the first seed of doubt in the unicorn's being that Erian was not as innocent as he claimed to be. Time eventually would reveal all.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on September 14, 2015, 02:23:48 PM
''Why yelling. I said I'd keep quiet today. Magic wise anyway. Then again turning this party into a vulture fest was one of the best things ever! Sucking up all that life... ahhh it felt so good. Still...'' He patted the pile of six books. ''The seventh book was not here which was a bummer. You do not happen to know where it is do you? I'd rather find it before this body absorbes to much life from all around.''

He observed Stardust for a moment. ''Hmmm I wonder if you can save him before the darkness of this place consumes you both. I would not linger to long here though if I were you. Most ghosts here, are angry. And will come after the both of you. And their hatred. Is as strong as the pressure in the grand hall.''
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on September 18, 2015, 01:31:56 AM
Stardust gazed at him head-on. "I will save him. I made a promise to him and it shall be done." Ignoring what he said about the missing book, she continued. "As long as I'm here, I will do my best to relieve Erian's suffering. As well as all these poor souls in this place."

She stopped talking and glanced at the elf beside her. "He will eventually be free from the darkness." Her horn shone brightly as a result of her determination, taking with it some of the chill in the air. "Light shall always win."
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on September 18, 2015, 01:41:24 PM
''I believe darkness and light thrive an equal amount of times. One needs to be engulfed in darkness to see the light. And one can only be engulfed in darkness after it knows the darkness.'' the demon said and started to juggle with the six other books.

''You will ease his suffering, one way or another.'' he stopped speaking and smiled at the display Stardust gave. ''Very good.'' he dropped the books again. It was quiet. Way, to quiet. At first though and then the moans and pleads of the ghosts filled the air. They were coming.

''I suggest th what's the word? Plainwalk out of here. Both of you. I like playtoys if they are alive.'' he snapped his fingers and vanished making Erian's body gasp for air as if he had almost drowned.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on September 22, 2015, 12:43:11 AM
Stardust immediately went over to Erian and gently nudged him. "Are you alright?"

The moans and wails of the ghosts were in fact getting louder. But first the unicorn would see to Erian's well-being before doing anything else. The chandelier above them rattled and shook in warning as the spectres quickly approached, a taste of what was to come if they did not hurry...
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on September 23, 2015, 02:22:49 PM
Erian nodded weakly. Damn that demon consumed a lot of energy though. ''W-We need to go.''

Not that he could not handle these ghosts though. And he could not give a damn about wether they would make the place collapse or not. He just could not stand the smell of these restless spirits that his demon friend was promised when getting Stardust was complete.

There was banging against the door and pleadfull moans.

''Creature of the light...''
''save us!''
''Free us!''
''Become one of us...''

It were so many voices, of everyone whom had attended the party when the deadly wave had struck.

''Are you capable of teleporting?'' he asked.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on September 23, 2015, 08:14:32 PM
Looking to the door, the silver unicorn nodded slowly. When she turned back to face Erian, there was such an intense sadness and look of pity in her eyes hearing all those lost souls pleading for her help. And without more information to go on, she could do nothing for them at this time. Giving the door one last mournful look, Stardust steeled herself to move on. She would come back here later if she could to try to free their souls from this unbearable torment even if she had to lose countless nights of sleep in order to do it. They shouldn't have to suffer like that...

To Erian, she said, "Yes, let us leave this place. Though I should like to come back when I have more adequate information to try to help those trapped here. To bring them back to the light again."

Moving closer to Erian, she indicated for him to put his hand on her back so they could then teleport out. "I don't know how far we can go with the first teleport, being as my magic is sorely weakened in this place. Additional teleports may be needed." Indeed the protection spell had faded since she had last cast it, the energy having dissipated some few minutes ago.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on September 24, 2015, 01:21:12 PM
Erian grabbed a few books he had not yet opened and gently placed his hand on Stardust's back.

''When you come back... maybe I should come with. It is my fault they are like this.'' he said.

The doors opened from their locks and a cold air met them like a freezing grasp. Spirits, deformed by their hatred, fear and pain slowly entered the room, crawled into the room. Even the children. All with hollow eyes and empty pleading voices.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on September 24, 2015, 09:33:55 PM
Seeing this made the unicorn hesitate again, once more pity forming in her silvery-white eyes. But she made them a promise before she and Erian would leave. "I will find a way to help you all, I promise you this. I promise. You all will see the light again, no matter how much work that may take from me!" The chilled air even penetrated through Stardust's thick coat and mane, and she shivered a little at the sheer frigidness of it.

Then she and the half-elf teleported out, with Stardust feeling immense guilt in the process. She felt like she had abandoned them and in a way she had, but there wasn't much else she could have done then. They landed by the cursed fountain with its grey dustiness and dead fish bone-ridden waters. The silver unicorn sighed and made to enact her power again as it was definitely weakened here.

Now landing closer to the pond where they had first met, the land there still dead and lifeless but slowly, ever so slowly starting to recover thanks to Stardust's influence, her presence alone being enough to help sow the seeds of healing and restoration. "There we go." she said, still saddened by the suffering of all the ghosts trapped in the palace. Stardust sat down then, as that had taken a lot out of her, and she needed to replenish her energies before doing anything else.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on September 24, 2015, 11:14:42 PM
''I'm sorry...'' Erian said. ''I never should've dragged you into my mess...''

He looked at Stardust's weakened form. Her coat seemed a little duller. He wondered deep inside how much time Stardust would need to be back on full power. Did the unicorn even had enough power to go home?

Still. What he had shown her and made her feel. If she truely was as pure as the stories told him. She would never forget until she had saved those souls.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on September 27, 2015, 02:54:21 PM
Wearily closing her eyes before opening them again, Stardust murmured. "No, do not be. After all this is what I do. I help others. No matter the cost to me. I will save them and you. No matter how long it takes."

Her eyes closed once more and did not reopen for the silver unicorn had fallen asleep, so extremely tired she was. Her back rose and fell in gentle breaths as her body struggled to recover her lost energies. Not knowing the grave danger she was still in, that Erian might choose this moment to turn on her and show his true self. If he did, there would be little she could do to defend herself in her weakened state.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on September 27, 2015, 03:06:33 PM
*What now Erian.* The demon asked. *Let her recover or claim her.*

*I will wait. She can still perform her magics. But the place we created. Surely drains her. Next time we are there, she will not be able to leave.* Erian replied in thought.

*And when she is yours, you give me the seventh book. That was the deal.*

*Oh it still is the deal. You give me power to turn the most beautiful unicorn into my property. And you get the 7th book of Nekron and gain the secrets of his resurrection.*

He sat himself against a tree away from Stardust and would allow the unicorn to recover for now. Knowing though she most likely would not fully recover because of all she had seen and just been through.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on September 27, 2015, 03:28:04 PM
It would be three hours later before Stardust awoke. But she still felt a drain on her energy. The tainted place must have affected her more than she thought. Still, she managed to sit up and look at Erian with a kind smile.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, concerned. The torment of all those ghosts and specters on the castle grounds still made her despair though, and it clearly showed in her eyes.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on September 27, 2015, 11:31:04 PM
''I am alright.'' Erian replied. ''Sort of. The demon kept it's word so far, it did not take new lives. But it pains me to see you like this.''
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on September 28, 2015, 04:10:01 PM
"I appreciate your concern. While I may not be completely hale and whole, given time I will be. But my suffering pales in comparison compared to those souls back at the castle ruins. Such sadness and agony I felt..." The unicorn shook her head sadly, a tear forming in one eye as she remembered it all. "I have to help them, there is no other option."
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on September 29, 2015, 01:09:10 AM
''Regain your strength first. But if it is their hatred for me what binds them would... my death not liberate them?'' he asked.

''I read something once about purifying spirits by salting their bones and then cremate them but I do not know if it works.'' He then looked at the pile of books. ''Get some more rest. I will look into these in the meantime. Or would you like me to get something for you.''
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on September 30, 2015, 06:21:03 PM
Stardust shook her head. "Nothing for me, thank you."

At his words about purifying the bones, she nodded sagely. "Salt is a good cleanser. Fire as well. I'm certain such a technique would work but I still need more information. And rest too, dare I say it."

With that, the silver unicorn let out a yawn and settled down before closing her eyes, soon asleep again. Nightmares haunting her slumber of sad, ghostly wails and sorrowful eyes of the dead plaguing her with their haunted gazes and eternal torment they could not escape from.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on October 01, 2015, 01:03:14 AM
*This, my human friend is going easier then I thought. She's exhausted. I'm suprised you just dont claim her now.*

*Easy... she is not the most pure unicorn without a reason.*

*So after you take her horn then what.*

*Depends. Whatever becomes of her, she will be mine in body and soul.*

Erian took one of the books and started reading. It had been a while since he went over these books. Refreshing some of their contends in his head was perhaps not a bad idea.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on October 01, 2015, 10:55:03 AM
Exhausted she was, for the unicorn slept for a few hours more, bad dreams still lingering in her mind after she woke up. Sitting up again, she felt stronger now for the sleep she had undergone but she did not want to waste any more time. All those poor ghosts had was time now and in eternal suffering no less. It was time to find a positive solution for it.

Going over to Erian, she nodded her head at the book he was reading and asked, "Have you found anything of use yet that might help?" Not just referring to the ghosts but also Erian's plight as well, or what Stardust believed to be a plight for him. Not knowing his true intentions just yet.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on October 01, 2015, 11:05:14 AM
''I know the demon's name...'' Erian said as he tapped a book. ''My grandfather who carried the same name as I did, had summoned him. Larzar... is a demon of misfortune, plague and death. Through my gransfather I already had affinity for this magic which Larzar granted him. I am nothing but a playtoy for this thing. As for the ghosts...''

he sighed deeply. ''They blame me. Their hatred is so focussed on me that even killing me is not enough. Unless they are indeed freed they can not leave that wretched place.''
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on October 05, 2015, 04:11:17 PM
"Well, I will make sure they don't have to suffer any longer. I just need to find a way. Unfortunately that place drained me so much I cannot plane-walk back home just yet. So I will have to remain here until I can. In the meantime, is there a book I can look through to help speed things up?"

Going over to stand behind him, Stardust looked over Erian's shoulder to peer at the book he was currently reading, as well as glancing at the pile next to him. The taint from these books was very foul, but the unicorn didn't really have a choice here. Her personal comfort did not matter so much if she could put it aside for a time to help those lost souls, and Erian too.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on October 06, 2015, 12:55:19 AM
''Well... the demon used the magic to suck out their life and give it to me. So basicly I kill by drawing their life out. Something I did not know before either. I thought my presence just killed but appearantly... I suck the life out of things. I had it at bay until the demon showed and since the magic had been dormant, it drained everyone at the party. Maybe it is reverseable and it can restore their life. That is what I am looking for now.''

Regarding the books though, he pointed at a small pile that he had not yet searched through. ''I did not look through those yet.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on October 18, 2015, 12:31:25 AM
It was indeed a disturbing explanation, but Stardust merely nodded her head, eyes still saddened. Looking at the books he indicated, she went over to those and began to nudge the top most one open. Again, the taint of them sickened her but the unicorn pressed onward. She had to help and this seemed to be the best way, if not the only way to do so. Flipping open the book, she began to peruse its contents on the first few mildewed pages.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on October 19, 2015, 06:00:40 AM
Erian said nothing while he read. He eventually closed the book though when dusk started to flow into night. ''Is there... anything in those books?'' he asked as he put his book aside. It became to dark for him to read.

There should be; the books were mainly focused on demonology, contracts and how they could be passed on future generations.

But also something that was described as a purification spell. Something only the purest of creatures could cast. Of course it was anything but that. But if Erian could get Stardust to cast it, she would be his forever.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on November 21, 2015, 05:39:55 PM
As the night fell in full, Stardust made her horn light up with a pure white blinding light, more than enough to illuminate both books being read. Glancing at the pages, the silver unicorn flipped to another chapter instead and found what looked like a purification spell to free possessed persons. But then, something about it also seemed to be not quite right. However, Stardust pushed the concern aside as this looked like their most promising lead. It looked like a way to help Erian!

Perusing the following ceremony, the unicorn eagerly read on and on, growing more optimistic as the seconds ticked on by. In order for the ritual to be a complete success, the caster who had to be pure of heart, and pure of soul had to offer something of theirs, something just as pure as they themselves. Thinking about it a moment, she decided that some magical dust from her horn would suffice. There were few things more pure than a unicorn horn's dust. Stardust could easily scrape her horn on a rock to produce the needed ingredient.

Looking over at the half-elf, she told him her discovery. "I have found a purification ceremony. This looks like it should do." Smiling happily at the knowledge that soon a solution would be brought about for one in need.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on November 22, 2015, 01:35:07 AM
''You did? That is amazing'' Erian said with enthausiasm. In truth deep inside he was laughing. Had she actually bought this?

He took the book like any normal person would and read it. ''But it says you need to offer something... of yourself. Something as pure as yourself. What would you have in mind?''
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on November 22, 2015, 09:06:01 PM
Unaware of his inner glee, Stardust answered him truthfully. "Some dust from my horn will do. The ceremony also requires a half an hour of silent contemplation and then after that, the necessary precautions need to be taken as well."

Standing up, Stardust stretched her neck out, her horn still glowing brilliantly so they could see each other to talk to. "I am ready enough to begin, if you are. All you need do is sit back and be open to the cleansing."

Little did she know that 'purification ceremony' would spell her doom.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on November 23, 2015, 12:13:43 AM
''If you damage your horn it will hurt. You will not be able to planewalk at all until it is restored. I... I will protect you then alright?'' he said and took a deep breath. ''Let's do this then.'' he nodded.

''We do need solid ground, like a rock. It seems to require a circle with a circle inside of it on the edge. so we will need to draw it.''
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on November 23, 2015, 08:10:12 PM
"Not to worry, my horn will not be damaged, the ritual doesn't require much of it to succeed. A pinch of dust should do it."

Stardust nodded at his words and began looking around for a flat area of ground in which to perform the ritual. Walking about a few yards, she found a suitable place and nodded her head again in satisfaction. "This here will do." she told the elven man, looking over at him. "Now what we need now is a writing tool--there." she pointed with her horn at a sharp rock with a triangular point on one end of it.

"While I begin my preparations you can start inscribing the circles needed." The silver unicorn settled down and began to clear her mind of thoughts, focusing only on the purpose of the ceremony about to be had.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on November 24, 2015, 11:58:03 AM
''Right.'' Erian said and started to get to work. He looked forward to this show and worked focussed on the circles and inscriptions.

First he would let it look like all would go well. If he could keep his game up long enough then let it look like it went wrong before he would reveal his true colors; when Stardust litterly would have no way to go. Trapped in the sickle moon circle. He was glad her horn would not damage. It was after all the trophy he wished for.

The horn dust, or even if it had been Stardust manes or hair. It would make it so she would be captured. Ahhh how long he had longed for this.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on December 02, 2015, 03:32:37 PM
Half an hour later, the unicorn's mind sufficiently cleared, the great beast looked over toward the half-elf to see how he had progressed with his part of the preparation stages. A sense of purpose was shown in her steps, focused and entirely intent on helping to rid the man of the dark force which plagued him. Stardust felt confident they would succeed. They had to.

"Is everything ready?" she asked Erian. Her silver-white eyes showed such calm, as though an inner light glowed inside their depths. It was truly the light of peace and purity. Little did Stardust know she was about to forsake all of that in order to help an evil man whom she thought was innocent. This mistake would be the death of her.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on December 03, 2015, 12:16:52 AM
''Ready. I checked everything and should be good to start.'' Erian replied.

He sat down on his spot placing his hands on the ground. ''Let's do this before he knows what we are up to. Would not want to be interfered. When the ritual starts none of us can back out of it though and can not leave until it is completed.'' The wind started to blow softly making the leaves dance in the wind.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on December 04, 2015, 07:10:09 PM
"Yes, I agree. We both need to be at least one step ahead of the evil creature." Stardust proceeded to sit down in the circle as well and got situated.

Casting a sphere of white light around the area that took the form of a shimmering luminescent bubble, the silver unicorn began the first of the incantations, chanting the words in the Celestial tongue. The light began to get brighter with each word spoken, and a feeling of peace descended upon them. It seemed to be working as planned so far...
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on December 06, 2015, 01:42:30 AM
It indeed seemed to work as dark tendrils seemed to grow out of Erian's skin. He looked as if he was hurting. ''T-The demon it knows! Whatever happens do not stop'' he grunted as dark energy seemed to pour out of his body and collected itself in a sphere that looked a lot like tar.

The wind outside of the white sphere though grew colder. So much that the leaves and branches of the trees started to freeze and shatter due to the strong winds that seemed to moan voices. But the voices got louder and more audible while the wind remained the same.

Erian screamed and he seemed to be bleeding. The ritual though could not be stopped. It being one of those things that needed to be finished regardless of what happened.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on December 08, 2015, 10:57:42 AM
Seeing this had the silver unicorn worried, but Stardust did not stop as doing so could be detrimental. She continued to chant in the Celestial tongue, her own voice growing steadily louder to match that of the strong winds which blew through the area. The area inside the protective sphere though was very warm, not cold at all. Soon it would be time to give her offering of horn dust.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on December 10, 2015, 06:37:14 AM
As the ritual progressed it soon started to become clear that the voices were not from the wind but from wraiths. One after another appearing from the bushes and attempting to enter the circle but the barrier stopped them.

From the blood escaping Erian's body and the dark tendrils the demon had started to slowly take form as well and started to become solid. According to the book, all the demon needed was the offering and it would be exorsized out of Erian's body.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on December 10, 2015, 12:19:00 PM
Louder and louder Stardust intoned the chants until the words reached their full crescendo, but even then did not stop the momentum she had going. As the demon took form, the silver unicorn concluded the time was right for the final offering. A pinch of her horn dust. Lightly scraping her horn on a small smooth stone, she deposited the dust in the center of the circle where the runic words for 'offering' had been inscribed on the ground.

After the last bit had been placed there, the white sparkle of horn dust glimmered brightly, her horn none the worse for wear. Now it was done. Now all they had to do was wait for the last stage to commence, for the demon to accept the gift given. Then Erian would be free at last, and this whole nightmare ended.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on December 12, 2015, 01:59:58 AM
After a final scream, Erian's body grew limb. Both the blood and dark tendrils stopped to come out of his body and the demon fully materialised. But despite the ritual was over the circle still stood. Not just that though. The white energies from the outer circle grew grey and then black and the wraiths could enter through the barrier. Ignoring Erian and the demon and made their way to Stardust.

''Well that did not go as planned did it.'' the demon asked as it looked at his hands. He knew Stardust could not leave the circle in whatever way. The clouds were dark and no single God or Goddess or kindred could save her now. ''Matters not though. I had my fun.'' the wraiths that reached Stardust first started to cling on her with their constant moaning voices begging for release.
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: Ethereal-Star on December 12, 2015, 09:06:13 PM
When the demon fully materialized in the mortal realm, Stardust expected it to take the offering given. But it did not. More confusing and worrying than that though, were all the wraiths that still lingered, coming closer and closer to the circle, the protective shield around it starting to flicker wildly, turning grey, then black, before something horrible happened.

It shattered, leaving Stardust defenseless from the wraiths which came closer and closer to her, clinging onto her relentlessly. Begging. Moaning. Crying for freedom and peace. But the true terror came when the unicorn of light realized she could not move. Her body was immobilized completely, she could not even turn her head. That was when the fear started to take hold, more and more of it showing in her gentle equine eyes. Once more she tried moving, to shake off the wraiths but found the results were the same as before. She was trapped. The ritual had gone horribly wrong.

Opening her mouth to speak, Stardust's words came out frantic and utterly puzzled. "What has happened? Erian? Why can I not move?"
Title: Re: The Fall of Stardust [Lunaria]
Post by: SilmeriaElemred on January 07, 2016, 02:46:00 AM
Erian remained still. It was almost as if he was dead. A cold laugh then came from his lips.

''Finally you stopped fooling around. Let's get this over with I want my reward.'' the demon spoke before turning to Stardust. ''Do not worry little naive unicorn. Erian will tell you what kind of a person he truely is. I never posessed him. Well. He permitted me anyway. Making a deal with me to get you.''

''And he is not lying.'' Erian said as he got in his feet. ''You see these wraiths? They are lost souls and I am their master. I am a collector of rare and beautiful things. And I am about to add you to my collection. I used to be satisfied with the smallest things. Seeing a flowerbed in bloom. The sight of a rainbow. But eventually those things were no longer enough. I got gifts of priceless value. It satisfied my desires but not long so I collected more and more. From creatures alive and dead till objects.'' He walked towards Stardust, taking a knife out of his clothing.

''You will understand this will be a win win for you and me when it is over. People always used you for their own gain. Never thinking how much their pains affected you. By taking the rest what you offered you will be free from having to help anyone but me. The last person you will ever need to help. All I want in my life is feeling satisfied again. I do not care what it takes. My previous large pray got away from me. Almost killed me. I suppose owning fire is not as easy. I was certain to make no mistakes with you so I used my wraiths and a binding spell so you can not get away from me.''