Spirits of the Earth

Joining and Plotting => Events Plotting => Topic started by: Vais on December 20, 2016, 02:46:17 PM

Title: The War of the end Times!/The Black Death Rebellion arises! OPEN TO ALL, OFFICAL
Post by: Vais on December 20, 2016, 02:46:17 PM

NOOBIE FRIENDLY! you don't necessary have to be a warrior, you can be a sorcerer or a messenger, hell you can even just watch you want from afar or watch the battle from within one of the ruined towns on the map as a trapped peasant or traveler.

If you signed up in the unoffical thread, you don't have to post here if you want to.

Non Canon - Meaning this will happen out of the main timeline hence it won't exist, This battle will be happening in alternate time.
Type: This will be a Grand Plot with large battles with tactical maps with stats that act only as a guideline to show how experienced and how powerful a character or entity is. The First Arc will be similar to the Yellow Turban Rebellion from China with other Arc building upto the Romance of the Three Kingdoms Era until only country remains as the victor.

Plot Summary: From the shadows of this world, a psychologically damaged madman named Zeng Xia had acquired the power of god and arose a kingdom of his own from the work of the dead while the living were soon enslaved and bred like mice to fight as fanatical beasts as he now stands a threat to humanity and to all sentient races on this mortal plane. If it wasn't bad enough, this mad man had somehow made a blood pact with the deamon lords of oblivion which shortly afterward the foundation of his kingdom arose gates to oblivion itself where countless deamons flood out ready to spill mortal blood. Upon seeing this, Three countries have put aside their differences and have created an alliance to counter this threat. This grand battle, this war would later be called the War of End and as the Black Death Rebellion.

Year: unknown
Location: Northern Northwatch
map: (https://s26.postimg.org/xup2yl2z9/BDRM2.png) (https://postimg.org/image/xup2yl2z9/)
Maps Colors:
Light Green- Plains/grasslands
Dark Green- Forests, provide cover
light blue- water/shallow enough rivers to cross on foot or horseback
Grey-barren wastelands
Grey with trees(You have to zoom in)- barren wastelands with what remains of tree, some cover but expect to hide for very long
Brown- Dirt Roads,1+ Movement while on dirt roads tiles
Brownish orange- mountains 1- Movement while on Mountain tiles
White towrs on tiles- Keeps/outpost, provide cover, recover 500 wounded/dead troops to unit every turn, Recover 25 HP and MP every turn within tile,
Ruins- provide some cover, 50% chance of finding peasants, 50% they will join your unit

Level System: As stated above everyone that partakes in this plot, everyone's character will have level to simply show how powerful your character is. It is your preference of course but be realistic and honest, a LVL 5 traveler for example would never best a LVL 50 knight in single combat head on unless you play dirty or have some magic to aid you and even still, Higher LVL characters can dish out more powerful attacks and take more hits than a low LVL. That still doesn't mean low level can't win and your character can level up as you go.

Guidelines for levels

LVL 1- Peasant, children, elderly
LVL 10- Town Guard, bandits, raiders
LVL 25- Professional Soldier, Mercenaries, mid-size animals like bears, Giant snakes etc, deamon corrupted warriors, Lesser deamons
LVL 50- Knights, regular deamons,
LVL 75- Highly powerful knights, Paladins, Deamon Princes, Wyverns
LVL 100- Demi Gods, Greater Deamons

Character Rules

Don't worry these are simple and shouldn't hurt your head or confuse, If they do, you can ask Uncle Vais anything *puts a creepy smile on* lol

Characters get one 1A(Attack) during their turn when attacking an enemy unit. In your actual RP Post, you can write how many times your characters swings at enemies in that unit. It just there so your not attacking every enemy unit near.  As such you can only Attack an enemy who's in a tile next to you if you are a melee oriented character(meaning you use blades, close combat weapons), If your using Archery, siege equipment or magic, then you can attack an enemy unit up to two tiles away.

Characters on foot can move 4 tiles per turn
Characters on regular mounts(Horses) can move 6 turns per turn
Characters on exotic mounts(wolfs,Rhino's, Raptors etc) move either 7 tiles or less then 6 tiles depending on mount
Characters on flying mounts can move 8 tiles per turn

Every character has  HP, how much? It relies on your level X 10 = HP limit
Reaches 0? you die lol

LVL 1-  10HP
LVL 10- 100HP
LVL 25-  250HP
LVL 50-  500HP
LVL 75-  750HP
LVL 100- 1,000HP

Every character has MP, how much? It relies on your level X 3 = MP limit
reaches 0? you can't use magic anymore

LVL 1-  3MP
LVL 10- 30MP
LVL 25- 75MP
LVL 50- 150MP 
LVL 75- 225MP 
LVL 100- 300MP

How much damage you takr and how much MP you consume is entirely up to you


Three Country Alliance List
-The Kingdom of Chu ruled by Empress Sun located in Tsou Chiou
Army will be led by the Imperial Dragon Commander
LVL 75


(https://s26.postimg.org/ks85naes5/Suzettta.png) (https://postimg.org/image/ks85naes5/)
LVL 70

Xiao Wa
(https://s26.postimg.org/wstlo0m6t/000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/wstlo0m6t/)
LVL 45

Guang Val
(https://s26.postimg.org/y5bapwjmd/e_van01_01.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/y5bapwjmd/)
(https://s26.postimg.org/4rfkabgwl/Vanessa_Cromwell_from_Demonion_Maou_no_Chika_Yo.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/4rfkabgwl/)
LVL 70

100,000 Chu Infantry(Sword and shields, spears, bows etc.), LVL 25
10,000 Chu Cavalry( Guan dao's), LVL 25
(https://s26.postimg.org/vtyjdr6tx/Dragon_Guard1.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/vtyjdr6tx/)
1,000 Long zhanshì Shock Troopers(Dragon Warriors/Dragon Guard, on foot uses two handed Kai Ma Daos, on horseback, lances, two handed Kai Ma Daos and bows, Are the equivalent of Greece Spartans), LVL 75
1,000 Sun Priestess( no weapons, only staffs, white mages), LVL 25
Total= 112,000

-Bùyī Coalition
Army will be led by Janne
LVL 80

LVL 83

LVL ???
HP ???
MP ???

50,000 guardmen soldiers, Level 40
70,000 peasants militia, LVL 15
Total= 120,000

- Kingdom of Pars ruled by King Arisalan of Pars
army will be led by
Calvary Captain Nas 
LVL 75

-55,500 foot soldiers, LVL 25
-20,500 Horsemen LVL 25
-10,000 Immortal(Persian immortals) Elite soldiers, LVL 50
total= 85,000


The Dark Kingdom(YES you can join the bad guys if you want!) ruled by Zeng Xia
Army will be led by
Zeng Xia(NPC played by me unless someone wants to play a truely evil character)
LVL 75

Officers-(These will be NPC's unless people want to play as them)
*Turuxihr- Chaos Dragon/Deamon Dragon, also acts as Zeng Xia's Mount when he takes to the field
LVL 90 -

*Khorne- Greater Deamon-A Frontline Commander that will be in the thickest of fighting
LVL 100

*Kaxuhn- Deamon Knight-
LVL 50-

*Currihn- Deamon Knight- LVL 50-
LVL 50-

*Kharn- Deamon Knight Champion-If he is not defeated, he will transform into a Deamon Prince/Greater Deamon
LVL 75

200,000 Undead,(Zombies, Skeletons) LVL 10
75,000 fanatical warriors corrupted by demons and lesser deamons, LVL 25
20,000 regular deamons, LVL 50
10,000 Chosen fanatical warriors corrupted by demons
Total= 305,000

Neutral parties

Mysterious Unit:
Commander: Méiyou Xīwàng (Although no one knows her name.)
Level: ? ? ?

Unit Info:
Homunculus: Pale black armored soldiers equipped with a variety of weapons and armor, some with their own mounts. Have a extremely high combat level for such a small force. They only make grunts when attacking and seem to lack speech. Only able to follow orders of their commander.
Size: 9001
Level of Skill: 75
Special Ability: Reanimate - Unless they are literally incinerated or killed by spiritual Yang energy. They will revive. Causing the unit to self heal over time. Restores troop numbers by a quarter of those killed per round of turns.