Spirits of the Earth

Joining and Plotting => Lore Submissions => Topic started by: Lilly Blackwood on September 17, 2019, 04:42:53 AM

Title: El'aren
Post by: Lilly Blackwood on September 17, 2019, 04:42:53 AM

0. Scientific Name Cervolis
The name is derived from the word Deer and the word Elf, in Latin, this is what others would see them as, with the bottom half as a deer and the upper as an elf.

1. Racial Description
At first glance they may be mistaken for a centaur and at a second glance they may notice that their bottom half is a deer and upper half looks like that of an elf. Males average height lies around 170 Lbs and females around 115, their height can be anything within 5 to 7 feet tall with males averaging around the higher number and females around the lower number. Of course this is just average numbers and one may vary from it, just like any other species, just not too extremely. They have a lean build, not to muscular but there is definitely some definition, which aside from their deer part sets them apart from other elves though the El'aren doesn't see themselves as elves, they are something different entirely. What they do share from elves though is short pointy ears and being tall. Hair can have any natural colors and it's length is decided by the individual, though most prefer to have it long, some like it flowing wild in the wind, others like to braid it and others prefer to decorate it with a natural ornament. They are often tanned as they are creatures who enjoy being outside in the sun and in the wonder of nature, as for their fur coat, it can be in any color and pattern natural to any deer. Like deer's, males sport a set of antler on their head no longer then their heads length however females doesn't, they do have a rare chance that can grow small protrusions on their heads. Next up comes what sets them further apart from centaurs, they grow a natural object, such as leaves, which cover their upper body. Think of it like hair or perhaps the fur on animals, it grow thick in the winters and whiter of in the summers to regulate the heat of the body.

2. Society
First of is tribes, these are based on their leaves, they are essentially a big clan, all blood related and therefore they all share the same leaf type. Every tribe lives apart from another and they each have a shaman, a listener of the winds and spirit whisperer, through which they commune with other shamans to set a time and place. A date when most of their young ones are of age and the location, a sacred place. Once gathered there is a festival that last for a week, a great feast and a dance and the dance is quite special. The dance is a tool to search for a partner, though it isn't unusual to not find any for the first few years (remember, meeting once a year, otherwise they only see their own family/clan). To take the lead one would only need to find someone of interest, kneel with the front hooves, take the hand of another and rise. If accepted the dance can now begin, they lean their front hooves onto each other, with knee on knee, embracing each other firstly as a way to balance but also as a sign that they are interested, from there on they dance round and round.

Each tribe have a council of their own, the most wise and trusted to lead their clan and on events that should concern all of the El'aren then each clan vote for one of their council to represent their clan in a higher council.

Sacred lands is best described with death. When an El'aren die they place they are buried in will grow nature of the same kind as their leaves, but when an El'aren who has performed a great deed for all of his species dies, well the same thing happens however the El'aren considers that place sacred.

3. Names
They don't have a first name as they know each other by their looks, like how a Zebra mother recognizes her child because of their stripes, they may however adopt a name they find fitting in order to accommodate other species introduction customs. Their last name however is decided by their leaves color combined with what the name of the leave is. Ex Greenmaple, Redwillow. If they have one or more siblings who share the same color they can use derivative words such as wood if their leaves comes from a tree. Ex. Redwood.

4. Gender and Sexuality
There are two views on this, those who have lived in more "civilized" populations are more open due to exposure however most are brought up to think that it is a shame, not taboo but looked down upon unless it is for reproducing.

5. Diet They don't hunt, so their diet is regional, if they live in the wilds then they are most likely growing their own food, if however they live in more civilized places they may eat meat meat and fish and whatnot.

6. Views on Magic
They are magical creatures for they can grow leaves, listen to the whispers of the wind, communicate with the spirits and use herbs to create benevolent potions and alter their physique to a two legged creature, for a time. Their views? it is good and should be used as such.

7. Style
Read "1. Racial Description"

8. Religion
Mother earth is who they revere, it is told from parent to child that a terrible Elven hunter once redeemed himself by saving a young deer at his last breath and to honor him, Mother earth created El'aren in his and the deer's image and many believe this to be the truth to this day.