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"Little" prisoner (Winter!)

Started by thehiddenbeast13, June 13, 2015, 10:39:46 AM

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Inigo bit his tongue a little at the question of how he could help and quickly said,"I could try to create shields around the boat. That's not much else that I'm skilled with on a ship."


That perked Chris' interest. They could always do with extra defense on the ship.
Just how efficent though, he wondered.
And the kid DID have the gull to steal from a ship, even though he had no idea what real danger he was in, clearly. Niave, and foolish, Chris didn't have much time for himself or anyone else to baby sit, but the boy did look like he needed some meat on his bones.
Damnit you've gone soft, he thought. 
"You'll do as a scullary boy for now," Chris said with a hard  edge to his voice. "You could do with some manners."
In neat script he wrote "Inigo Roschmann - scullary (trial)" on a piece of paper and pointed to the ship.
"Get your things and report in the evening," he instructed. "By  eight o clock tonight, or I'm not letting you on board. We'll see how you last the week before we dump you at the next port."


Inigo nodded and said,"Well I don't have anything...and it's barely in the afternoon." He shrugged and plumped himself down onto the ground, killing time by sketching into the sand.


Chris watched the boy just sit to the ground and doodle in the sand in dumb confusion.
"What are you doing?" he asked, his face turning red.
He didn't want to be a babysitter!
What have I done? he thought,  already starting to regreat his decision. Not to mention the boy had that ghost latched onto him.
I'll have to spin it so that the crew will find it favorable, he thought.

"To your feet, boy," Chris commanded. "If you've nothing better to do, as you say, than I don't see any reason why not to put you to work! On deck you'll find a blue haired lad named Rouge. He thinks he's clever."
It was at that point Chris realizing he hadn't introduced himself.
"You best tell him the watchkeeper, Cateye sent you," he instructed. "That's Mr. Chris Walker to you, mind."
Half the crew seemed to have forgotten THAT, Chris thought to himself.


Inigo nodded as he got up and went up to the deck and found the blue haired lad and asked,"Uh, watchkeeper, sent me? So, what's my first task?"


"Ol' Cateye, ya say?" the young man replied. He was short and thin, his dark brown skin shiny in sweat from the sun. A very visible scar ran from his left shoulder towards his left nipple.
"Name's Rouge," the youth said as he pulled his hair back from his face. "I don't got  a surname. Gave that up before this ship. You don't look like much, so I'll be guessin' you don't have much to leave behind. That's good. Makes it easier, for this life. Here."
He thrusted out his left hand, which held a long, dull knife.
"Come with me to port side. There's still a few barnicles to scrape off, and Capt'n said we ain't leaving until this ship's in top shape.  You excited?"
He chuckled at his little joke.


Inigo took up the knife and as a response to Rouge's question he said (with a obvious hint of sarcasm),"I'm absolutely thrilled to dig a knife into the side of a ship!" He then looked over the side of the ship and forced himself to pry one of the suckers off, it was hard work just to get one off! He then began to slowly lower himself from a rope as he continued prying them off one by one, occasionally murmuring,"You couldn't of given me anything longer? Or sharpened for that matter?"


As the sun started to sink, about to kiss the sea horizon as the tide began to rise, the captain gave the order to prepare to take for departure. Rogue tugged gently on Inigo's rope.
"Hey," he said with a smile. "I've got you some food and drink. She's looking beautiful."
He held up a flask of rum to show he wasn't lying.
"Finish up, now," he advised. "I'm going to pull you up. The Cap'n wants the recruits all lined up!"


Inigo finally finished getting rid of those horrid barnacles. He looked upwards and shouted,"Alright, you can pull me up now Rogue." He silently cursed at himself for hanging for so long just to pull some barnacles off the side of a ship. He only hated it more that he could of sworn that the sun had cooked him a bright shade of red.


OOC: sorry it took me a month ^^; finals and then graduation and then i vacayed for a bit. im still vacay-ing but i have a little time now hahaha

"Aye!" Rogue replied cheerfuly and hullled away.  Once he pulld the rope all the way up, he skillfully reached for Inigo and helped him back on board the ship. On deck, veterins of the ship were preparing to launch from the harbor. Chris himself was half way up the crow's nest ladder shouting orders before using a rope to slide down and greet the recruits.
"Now," he said, "As most of you- all of you- should know, this is a pirate's vessal. If anyone has any qualms about it speak your piece now and we shall drop you off at the next town over. Without your memories, of course. We like to cover our trail neatly, thank you."


Inigo was happy to be back on the ship and tossed the dull knife onto the wooden ground before walking over to where everyone was. He rolled his eyes at Chris' statement about this being a pirate vessle and didn't really care. He just needed something to do to make a living, somewhere to sleep instead of alleyways or low life taverns.
((OOC: Don't worry, real life is way more important))


As Chris suspected, all the men knew what they were in for. Spotting Inigo and his inattentive behavior casted an inkling of annoyance within him, but Chris tried to ignore it. He continued on with his speech before dismissing the recruits to enjoy the evening. The moment he was through, the cook howled at everyone to get in line for food. On his way to the line, Chris paused by Inigo.
"You'll report to me tomorrow afternoon immedately after lunch,"  he instructed.


Inigo was about to go get something to eat until he heard Chris tell him to meet him in the morning "Aye sir," said Inigo, clearly trying to copy some of the "pirate speak" he's heard before. He then headed towards the line and stopped as he waited for the rest of the crew to get their meal. The line was slow moving, but who would decline free food! Normally Inigo would have to beg, or steal to get food, this was the dream to Inigo.