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A Change of Scenery [Haze!]

Started by Juno, December 03, 2011, 06:08:19 PM

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He wasn't. He wasn't, was he? Oh, he was. It ground at her to no end that he was just...ignoring her! Huffing, she hugged her cub against her chest and stood to take her back to their camp, thinking it a smidge creepy that they'd still been sitting by the carcass.

Two could play at this game. "Oh, something cute. Like, say..., Dearest Dorian, or maybe something a bit lighter. Like..., Foolish, Childish, Arrogant, or, my personal favorites, Stupid, Stubborn, or maybe even Mule! You like any of those?" her voice was overly flowery and sweet, but her eyes seared with frustration.


"Oh, something cute. Like, say..., Dearest Dorian, or maybe something a bit lighter. Like..., Foolish, Childish, Arrogant, or, my personal favorites, Stupid, Stubborn, or maybe even Mule! You like any of those?"

"I like Dearest Dorian." He replied with a grin, getting up gingerly, cradling his cub in his arms, close to his chest. It seemed to like that, and gave a little contented snuffle. As they got closer to the campfire, Dorian set himself down again, being careful not to disturb either his ribs, or the cub.

With a smile across at Dacia he said "I think I'll call mine Clarity." He snatched at the blanket he'd set out earlier, and tossed it over to Dacia. He didn't mind the cool air. "It suits her. It means... she is what she is. No pretences. She has a kindness to her."

His eyes trailed over to Dacia, to gauge her reaction. He wasn't being terribly subtle, but neither was he being unkind. He had a real sincerity to his voice. With a soft sigh, he tore his gaze away from Dacia, not without difficulty, and stared up at the sky. The setting sun was causing shadows to fall through the trees, with the sky a hazy blue-pink.

"So... Dacia. Where do you think we'll find someone to take these little ones on?"


She'd already sat down with her cub once she heard his response, which illicit another huff, sigh, and roll of the eyes. "Oh, gee," she sighed, shaking her head as she watched him sit and the care with which he held the cub in his arms. She didn't want to smile at that, but it was cute and she couldn't help a slight half-smile. She didn't realize what he was referring to, but she did like the name nonetheless. "'s nice. Simple. I like it."

The blanket made her a bit uncomfortable, as she didn't really have anything for herself. Instead of taking it for herself, she laid it out beside her and set the cub down on it. "Honestly, I was thinking...maybe something to match. They are twins after all. How about...Constance, do you like that? Too long, maybe?"

She raised an eyebrow at his sighing but didn't think much of it, assuming he was just getting tired after his day of breaking bones and killing a bear. "Well, perhaps somewhere in Ketra. The only problem will be weeding out collectors or anyone who just wants them for their fur. But, well, with them to worry about now it'll probably take us quite a bit longer to reach the city. I can carry them both, it'll be easier on you." Wait. Offering help? What was wrong with her? She couldn't take it back now, but Dacia bit her tongue when she realized what she'd done and hoped he wouldn't take note of it, what with the way he'd be acting.


Maybe I should call it Dense, instead, Dorian thought with a shake of his head Cause she's thick as mud! How can she not see?

He watched as she gave the blanket to the cub with a wry smile. Kind indeed. And then she named the bear. Constance.

"Constance?" He tested the name on his tounge, and nodded slightly. "Yeah, I like it. Constance and Clarity. Steady and True. Very nice." He gave another little nod, and inclined his head to listen.

"Ketra sounds good." He answered in reply. "Don't worry - we'll make sure we find them a good home." With that he lifted Clarity to his face, and snuffled his into her soft fur. He began to hum softly, mummering inbetween "I wont let anyone hurt you. You'll be safe."

There was a tenderness to his voice that even he didn't really understand.

"No, it's okay." He mumbled, absently. "She's not heavy. I can carry her." He glanced up over the bear, with a smirk, recalling hoisting her up from the ground just a little earlier. "She's certainly not as heavy as some others."

He knew she was being kind, but just couldn't help himself. She was just too easy.


Observing Dorian snuggle with the cub was, to say the least, adorable. Her expression softened a bit as he talked to the bear. Dacia was glad he seemed to care even a little for the small creature. When she realized he was talking about her weight, though, everything disappeared. "Brat," she muttered.

"How can you even say that? So rude...see if I help you again," she complained, pouting a bit as she reached over to pet Constance.

"We can leave early tomorrow, if you'd like, but....don't talk to me anymore, Dorian. I'm done, you're so rude...such a rude, stupid man." Truthfully, she was just hiding behind her words. She didn't mean it, she just didn't like feeling insulted and wanted him to feel at least a little bad...hopefully.


I think I'm going to change my name. Idiot. Stupid, brain dead idiot. Why the hell do you keep insulting her!

"...don't talk to me anymore, Dorian. I'm done, you're so rude...such a rude, stupid man."

Dorian grimaced with the truth of her words, and lowered his eyes back down to Clarity. The bear was sleeping soundly, and very carefully, without a word, he stood up. His feet moved silently across the ground, the few steps it took him to settle Clarity beside her sister.

The cubs nestled sleepily together, and Dorian eyed them with envy. His body was aching all over, not to mention his head. He straightened up, headed to his bag, took out his jacket and shrugged it on over his shoulders. If she wasn't going to accept the blanket, she wasn't going to accept the jacket. Fine. She could freeze then. See if he cared.

He walked to the edge of their camp, facing the road. Setting himself down, his keen ears listened for a moment. Both the road and the forest were quiet. There was nothing to fear just yet. He wrapped both arms around his middle, in a useless attempt to dull his aches, and sighed as he prepared to watch for the night.


Dacia glared as he brought the cub over, thinking he was going to confront her as well. When he didn't, she was surprised. She watched as he moved about the camp and looked puzzled when he sat himself down so far away from the fire.

The truth hurt. She'd thought he might've continued to blabber on, but he, for whatever reason, was respecting her words. Still, it stung to watch him just, well, ignore her.

It was getting darker now. She wasn't sure if she should say something or not, but it was getting terribly cold and she was glad she had the fire just a couple of feet away for some small source of warmth. Sighing with regret, Dacia finally pulled her gaze away from Dorian and pulled her pack over to serve as her pillow as she curled up in the grass for the night.


Dorian hardly slept all night. Every now again he dozed off, but the drooping of his head always jolted him out of any sleep he may have got. A few times he got up to patrol, hand on the hilt of his sword as he stepped lightly around the camp's perimeters, and occasionally quietly dropping more wood onto the fire. He always gave Dacia a wide berth. Constantly, his mind was playing through the days events, and how he could, or should have done things better.

In the early hours of the morning, on one pass, Dorian finally shrugged off his jacket. He hated seeing the woman curled up without a blanket. As softly as he could, he moved to her, and laid his coat over the length of her. She look peaceful, sleeping. Much less likely to bite his head off. He snorted quietly, and made his way back to the road. He leaned back on the stump of a tree nearby, and he too, finally fell asleep.

An unearthly gray shade dulled his face, pain and fatigue finally taking their toll.


Dacia had a hard time getting to sleep, what with the cold and the occasional breeze biting at exposed skin. Even with the fire she woke a couple of times in a shiver before drifting off again. Mysteriously to her, though, she was finally able to sleep through until morning.

As the sun was beginning to rise, her eyes fluttered open. Her first reaction was to make sure the cubs were even still around, which they were, right where she'd last seen them, but something was different. It took her a moment to realize she had a jacket draped over herself, as it had slipped down a bit in the night. She knew it wasn't hers, but vaguely remembered Dorian wearing it before she'd gone to bed. She smiled with a softness about her as she rose, hugging herself into the coat as she yawned and stretched her limbs.

She noticed the fire was all but dead and that Dorian was gone. His pack was still where he'd left it, though, so she assumed he wasn't gone. Even so, she knew not where he'd gone or if he'd even be back soon.

The cubs still dozing, Dacia scooped them up in the blanket, grabbed her pack, and set off for the creek. Setting the twins down along the bank, her bag beside them, she proceeded to strip down to the stand only in the thin binding wrap around her chest. Shivering but sorely needing to feel clean, she stepped into the cold water after grabbing the soap bar from her pack.


Dorian woke with a jerk that immediately made him groan in pain. At sometime during the small time he slept, the bindings around his cracked ribs had come undone. It certainly felt worse than it had yesterday. He wiped a little drool from the corner of his mouth, and the held a hand up to his head. It felt like lead. He groaned, and raked a hand through the strands of hair falling into his eyes. He'd have to redo that binding too.

Using one hand as leverage, Dorian hoisted himself up of the ground. He didn't realise he'd strayed so far from the camp, and he hurried to where he'd last left Dacia.

The campsite was empty. Dacia was gone. Her pack was gone. The cubs were gone.

"Shit Damn!" Dorian swore loud, and vehemently, a fist forming around the hilt of his sword.

She's taken the cubs.

She's left without me.

You really screwed up.


Wait - I fell asleep.


I fell asleep.

I didn't hear them.

Bandits. It must have been.


Dorian wasted no more time, ignoring the jabbing pain in his side, his eyes wide with panic, he drew his sword and crashed through the trees. He didn't know where the creek was, had no idea that was where Dacia was.



Dacia had no idea the commotion she'd caused back at their camp.

The cubs were beginning to wake now, which she watched from her spot in the water. Sighing, she smiled and watched with adoration as the little things yawned and stretched and innocently rolled into a play-fight session. Then, a yell broke the silence. Alarmed, Dacia turned toward the sound when she realized it was her name being Dorian. Oops, I guess he's back...

Slinking into the deepest part of the creek, which left the water level just below her belly button, she hastily covered what she could of herself with her free hand before calling back, "Dorian? Over here! I...Oh, just get over here!"


He was so panicked he almost didn't hear the reply that came from his right. Then it registered. She was calling back to him. He charged through the clearing, chest heaving. His breath was coming shorter and shorter. In fact, he was almost gasping. His face was covered in sweat, as was the rest of him. It was cold and clammy

Still not thinking straight, he burst onto the banks of the creek, his sword raised and swinging. He spun around, his keen eyes looking for the bandits. He saw nothing.

And then he saw her.

"Oh god." As quickly as he had burst onto the scene, he spun around so that his back was to her. She was in the river. Mostly naked. He felt a tremble start in his hand, and he clenched the sword even tighter, and cleared his throat. With the panic of losing her almost subsiding, and new panic crept in. What the hell am I supposed to do?

On any other day he would have bounded in. But not today. Not with her. She was different. He cleared his throat again, and said in a tight, strained voice "My uh... bindings need to be redone."


As Dorian came crashing in, sword slashing, she yelped and her eyes widened as she stood paralyzed in temporary fear. "Why do you have that out?! Are you crazy?! You're going to hurt the cubs! Or yourself! Now put that away!" she scolded, but realized her words were probably falling on deaf ears as he turned away from her.

Sighing, shaking her head at his somewhat crazed antics, she crossed her arms and stared up at him. "Your...bindings?" she asked, puzzled. He was yelling for me just for that? What a baby. "Um, are you...okay? You look kind of pale." She eyed the sword, glancing between it and the cubs, frowning. "Did something happen? Why were you screaming? And, uh, just let me finish up and I'll help you in a bit." With that she turned a bit so that her side was angled at him instead. Splashing water to rinse as she needed, Dacia proceeded to bathe.


Her scolding did indeed fall on deaf ears. All he could hear in his head was

She's in the river. She's mostly naked. And you can't look at her! What is wrong with you!

He did however, sheath his sword, arching an eyebrow at both his ragged breathing, and shaking hands. It was all too much. This woman was going to be the death of him.

"Yes, my bindings." He said, still not looking at her. "They've come loose. It hurts. You need to fix it." He ignored her statement about being pale. He felt like he was going to throw up.

 "Did something happen? Why were you screaming? And, uh, just let me finish up and I'll help you in a bit."

He listened in pained silence, eyes clenched shut. He could hear the water splashing as she bathed. Dorian swallowed heavily, and with determination, strode over to the cubs. Refusing to answer why he had in fact been screaming, he knelt down. He looked like he was maybe playing with the two little balls of fur, but he was actually catching his breath, calming himself down.

She's okay. She's okay.


She felt a bit bad that he was in pain for the bindings coming loose. She thought she'd secured it well enough the day before. "Okay, okay, I'll fix it, no need to get demanding," she teased.

When he didn't answer her real question, though, she watched him quizzically, eyes narrowed as he chose to play with the cubs instead of say anything. That's fine...maybe it hurts too much to talk, she assumed.

Once she'd finished bathing most of her body, she carefully unwound the wrap around her chest and leaned over to set the fabric on top of the rest of her clothes at the bank. While she was at it she took her hair down as well, setting the leather tie to the side. Humming softly to herself, Dacia finished up with her body and then wet her hair to wash last.

"Do you think you need them any tighter? Or am I just going to have to redo it every morning? And...are you going to answer me? Did something happen back there?'


How long did it take to bathe? Dorian wondered with an exasperrated sigh. He didn't know how much more he could take. He scratched both cub's bellys, and they grunted in reply and Dorian smiled. Distractions were good. Distractions were very good.

"Uhm ... not tigher." He finally called back, taking every precaution to control his voice. "I just think with all the walking and running yesterday, they came a little loose."

Redo it every morning? Saints save me.

"No no... I don't think that will be necessariy."

"And...are you going to answer me? Did something happen back there?"

He couldn't control himself any longer. A haze drifted over his vision as the startling feelings of shock and panic spun into him all over again. He leaped up from the cubs, and spun around, speaking loudly. "I thought you were gone-" He stopped abruptly, eyes frozen at the sight in front of him. His face paled another shade, if that was at all possibly. She. Was. Beautiful.

His lips were tight, and he clenched his eyes shut. "Would you please hurry up and put some clothes on!?"


A bit startled by his quick movements, Dacia turned to look up at him as he spoke while she combed her fingers through her hair. His comments both flattered and annoyed her. Put some clothes on? I guess I won't have to worry about him making any more passes at me, she thought as she saw him clenching his eyes shut.

"Fine, fine," she muttered giving her hair one last dunk and comb-through. After wringing her hair out as best she could, Dacia replaced her soap bar into its little pouch in her bag. Rummaging around, she pulled out some fresh clothes, including her favorite teal tunic, and dressed before pulling her hair up into a loose, messy bun.

She sat herself down beside the cubs, giving each a scratch on the head, before patting the ground beside her. "Here, come sit down and I'll get you fixed up."


Dorian kept his eyes closed until he felt her go past him, and only then he peeked through one eye to make sure that she was dressed. When he was satisfied, he opened his eyes properly. Just in time to see her pat the ground beside her.

For a moment a trapped look flew through his eyes. He couldn't.

He cleared his throat, and scratched his head, but finally made his way over to her. Before he sat down though, he carefully removed his shirt, and only just caught the ribbons of cloth as the unwound themselves. This sudden movement only caused another shock of pain, and he grimaced before he sat down.

He was bruised quite nicely. Just above his hip, and only just visible above his trousers was a bright purple weal in the shape of his sword hilt. His back was a mottled mess, and his chest?  Where he'd cracked his ribs was puffy, bright purple patches, and some that were nearly black. He looked down at himself sheepishly, and then over at Dacia. "Sorry... I'm not as pretty as I usually am." His sorry attempt at flirtation surprised even him. It was pitiful. There wasn't even any teasing in his voice.

Before she could ask, he sighed a heavy sigh and lifted his arms to shoulder height. There would be no funny business this time. He didn't think he could handle it.


It was clear to Dacia just how much discomfort and pain he was in and, well, she felt bad. Inhaling sharply as he removed his shirt and her old wrapping unwound, she winced as she assessed the damage. "Oh my..."

Before she did anything she took the fabric into her hands and removed it entirely from his body for a moment to observe the damage. "Oh, that must really hurt," she said empathetically, her frown showing her unhappiness about his wounds. "Maybe you should just take it easy, Dorian, you're looking pretty beat up right now, I can't imagine that would feel any good."

She deftly wrapped him back up, as promised, and reached to put his shirt back on for him as well. "Maybe we should get you to a doctor," she suggested, still not smiling. "I'm...kind of worried, it looks pretty bad."


"Oh, that must really hurt..."

If he wasn't mistaken, there was concern in her voice. He attempted to brush is off with a wheezy chuckle. "I'll be fine... promise." As she began to wrap him back up, Dorian sat in silence. This was a very different girl from last night. Still, she'd asked him not to speak to her, and he was going to do his best to oblige her.

She gently helped him back into his shirt, Dorian couldn't help but notice she was really very worried. He shook his head slowly. "Noo... I'll be fine. I'm just - tired. I didn't sleep last night. And I've overdone with with all the running from bears and through the forest cause I thought you were de-"

He hung his head, and the mousy brown hair finally escaped from it's confines. His hair fell about his face as he sighed. Reaching up to his hair he found the leather tie he used, holding on a small amount pulled back. It hurt as he reached his arms back. He probably should have asked Dacia. But he wasn't going to. She'd done enough already. Blanching a little, he combed his hair back, about to try and capture it in it'c confines.

But he just dropped his arms, breathing hard. Still he looked across at Dacia. She wouldn't, would she? "Dacia - I know you want to get on the road, " He said as formally as possible "but I think I need to sleep. Would you mind?"