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Kiss From A Rose

Started by Ethereal-Star, January 25, 2015, 05:03:52 PM

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In a small clearing on the very edges of La'marri, a flower nymph could be seen in her flowery domain just relaxing amongst the foliage and colorful specimens of nature. Blodwen sat back in the grass, a floral outfit adorned her curves as the nymph proceeded to entwine more flowers into her light pink tresses, singing a soft tune as she did. Springtime was after all, a beautiful time of year.

It wasn't too often that travelers wandered by her home, as it was somewhat secluded from the village it lay near. Nonetheless, those who passed by would surely see the nymph as Blodwen couldn't leave her home at any time. She was bound to the flowers here after all. The nymph finished fixing her floral head gear and set to the task of nurturing the flowers once more, drawing upon her innate magics to do this. Soft colored light could be seen dancing from her outstretched hands as the flower maiden put forth nurturing energies into her aromatic friends, and healing those who were slightly damaged from past winds which blew through the area from time to time. Blodwen was at this for some time, going from flower to flower and patch of grass as she performed her duties to her home. The day stretched on into afternoon, another quiet day or so it seemed.

Once Blodwen completed her tasks, she went over to the trees' edges situated near the clearing her home resided in and let out a soft sigh. She could do with some excitement around her. Blodwen had yet to meet any others like her for she was a young nymph and had not been around as long as some others of her kind she was certain. Still the flower nymph could do with a little fun today... Two squirrels scampered by, their chit chit chit sounds amusing to Blodwen. One scrambled up a tree, with the other one soon following as they played amongst the branches, knocking leaves and acorns alike down to the ground.

Blodwen picked up one of the acorns and that alerted one of the squirrels as it jumped down from a low branch after scaling down the tree trunk and positioned itself in front of her, begging for the tasty treat. "Oh, you want this, hmm?" the nymph teased the little furry creature then bent down to hand the acorn to the grateful fur ball. It immediately grabbed the acorn from her and she patted its head affectionately. She heard a silent 'thank you' from the squirrel in her head as it happily munched on the yummy nut. The other one soon decided it wanted in on the action and pounced playfully on the other squirrel, the acorn went flying then as they chittered back and forth. Mine! No, it's mine! Nuh-uh! the banter went on as they ran around, grabbing the treasured prize out of each others' mouths as they frolicked.

Blodwen shook her head in amusement before looking towards the other side of the clearing. She could have sworn she saw something, something that was not an animal there. Not paying any further attention to the squirrels she ran over to the largest patch of flowers and promptly shape shifted into a large white rose, the size of which was about two feet tall. Rather obvious it was not a natural flower to anyone who wandered by to take a look. She sat still in flower form, and waited to see who or what would pass by into her home. Friend or foe, she did not know. Perhaps the nymph could have a bit of fun after all...



Swarm always did like meadows. They were at home in meadows. So many sources of ample nutrition, so many possibilities for assimilation. Many new members resided here, yes! Swarm could grow, bolstered by the colorful denizens of the flowery jungles.

He stepped out into the clearing, looking around. Swarm took in the scent. Sweet, succulent pollen awaited them all. They extended a hand, a honeybee crawled out of the folds on their palm, and buzzed out into the maze of flowers to scope the place out.

Then, they spotted it. The large white flower caught their many eyes, and they started to carefully step towards it, trying to avoid stepping on any flowers on the way.


When Blodwen saw what was coming her way, she had to say she was surprised, yet curious. Never before had she seen a creature of this nature, comprised of every kind of bug imaginable. And since bugs are a part of nature, she deemed it to be no threat to her or her home and so at that point, she shape shifted back into her natural form before greeting the strange walking hive of insects.

"Greetings traveler. What brings you to my humble and beautiful home amidst the flowers?"


Normally, Swarm would have taken the sudden appearance of a woman more seriously, but many of them were drawn to her. She was a spirit of nature, thus a natural friend of Swarm. There were others, however, who were still cautious.

They carefully considered their answer, before speaking.

"Many of us rely on the pollen for nutrition. Swarm came to the conclusion that stopping at this meadow would benefit its entirety, so we have come to draw sustenance from the flowers."


"By all means." Blodwen gestured to all the colorful blooms around her. "I myself sometimes like to drink of the delicious nectar from my aromatic friends as they love to share. It makes a most succulent treat to partake of."

She sat down on the grass and stretched out her legs. "All I ask is that you are careful with your feedings. With my help, there are always plenty more that grow and flourish here, as I am the caretaker of this clearing." Blodwen responded, smiling. "My name is Blodwen, a flower nymph. Might I know yours unique being?"


"We have no individual name."

With that, a veritable swarm of pollen feeding insects took off from under his wrappings, off to collect the essential pollen. Butterflies, bees, wasps, hornets, and more!

"As a collective, we are Swarm."


The flower nymph watched amazed as part of the creature began to come apart from the whole of it, many different insects coming to collect the needed pollen. There were more types than she had ever seen before! Most insects around here were butterflies, moths, bees and some hornets, but there were some specimens Blodwen could honestly say she had not ever laid eyes on before. It was for sure a new experience.

"Well Swarm, it is a pleasure. Make yourself at home here."

Blodwen watched the myriad of insects as they buzzed and flitted around her and the flowers, drinking up what they wanted. "I must say though, I have never before seen a creature such as yourself. From where do you hail? Are there others like you?" she twirled a lock of her hair, while still watching the display before her. Blodwen had little worry of any damage being done to her friends, for she sensed the creature was taking great care in its pursuits.


"Sadly, although we are a great collective, we are alone in our oneness."

His height diminished as the many pollen-eating insects all dispersed from his body, leaving him at a solid 6'5 rather than his usual 6'9. His wrappings also appeared slightly looser.

"We were formed when a wizard named Jython died. He was buried incorrectly, his magic was allowed to stew. Our first members were the maggots and flies borne from his rotting flesh. His magic blood gave us sentience, and it is upon his skeleton that we built our frame."

Swarm extended a hand, and the wrappings came away. Under it, was a perfectly shaped human hand, although it was comprised of countless writhing and crawling insects.


"That is a most interesting story." Blodwen commented. "While somewhat sad in its telling, it just goes to show that nature always finds a way to continue on, in whatever form it may take. The body may die, but the soul in a sense lives on. The flowers may wither and die in winter, but in spring they start to come back, fully blooming and vibrant in summer, and during the autumn season, they start to wilt, before succumbing to the quiet stillness of winter. And the cycle continues. It is the way of nature, and will always be that way."

Blodwen paused to smell a fragrant yellow flower, enjoying the richness of its aroma before she looked up again at the creature named Swarm. "So, if I may ask, what do you do with your time now? I imagine it would be an isolated existence for one like you."

As she spoke, a couple honey bees came forth from another direction that were not part of the being called Swarm, and buzzed over to a patch of white flowers nearby Blodwen. They soon became aware of Swarm's collective presence and sat there on the flowers, drinking contentedly of the nectar that the flowers contained, while eying the many insects that made up Swarm with as much curiosity as bees could show.


"We are not isolated. We are many, acting as one. We are not Wizard Jython, he does not live through us."

Swarm crossed their arms, head directed towards the few honeybees watching them. Swarm didn't really understand the analogies Blodwen was putting out, but he got a general sense of what she was trying to say.

"Swarm is always occupied. Individually, we tend for each other. Predators and their prey live in harmony within Swarm, all lending their skills to the survival of the collective. As one, we roam the many lands. We are always growing, searching for a place to make our hive. Stationary hive deemed most efficient way of settling down the hive."


As Blodwen thought about what Swarm was telling her, she had to admit it was rather different than what she had been accustomed to in her short life so far. Nature Herself could be seen as a collective, sentient being, as all nymphs in their own way honored Nature and all those who dwelt within Her arms. Mother Nature had given all of them life and that was to be cherished, something to be grateful for and humble about. Insects being a part of this whole, although they didn't normally run together as a seemingly single being with many conscious minds that referred to itself as many.

Some of the insects the nymph observed looked to her as though some could quite easily eat some of the others as a snack, but they did not. They all roamed together obediently and cordially within this walking mass that once was a living person. And Blodwen wasn't entirely sure what to think now. It was something she had never come across before. Regardless, the creature of bugs was friendly and amiable and so she treated it mutually. Whether or not it was a completely natural occurrence didn't seem to matter much here. It was doing no harm and so she continued to converse with it/they.

"I see. Well, it is nice to talk with others as not many pass by here. Some do, and then they leave again. I cannot wander as I please, for I am connected to the flowers here, the life that they hold. When winter comes and they wilt away, I too have to undergo a kind of hibernation period until they live and grow once again. I am their guardian as well as their soul." Blodwen explained. "I'm curious though. What's the world like beyond this clearing? I'd guess you have seen much more than I and have many stories to tell."


Swarm nodded their head.

"Many climates exist beyond this meadow. Some more conducive to efficient survival. Lush jungles, tropical islands, all of these are conducive. However, there are areas that contain nothing but snow, or dry sands. Regardless of climate, humans construct their hives in many locations."

Swarm started pacing back and forth, hands held behind their back. The first of the pollen-collectors sent out were just now returning, laden with their yellow treasure.

"Vast edifices, some of which are large enough to take up this meadow, make up the human hives. They are made of stone and wood, and they all function as a collective. However, the human hive is inefficient. Not all of its members work in unity."


The flower nymph listened intently, amazed at all that she was hearing. It seemed the world was pretty vast, containing much more than her small home ever could. The mention of the people also interested her.

"Are there more humans than any other race? The ones that have come by here included mainly humans but a few of them were from other bloodlines."

Blodwen looked down at the honey bees who were still looking at Swarm as though deciding whether to join them, to become a part of them as well. She looked at Swarm to see what they would do.


"From what we have seen, the humans are the most prevalent, yes."

Swarm looked over to the curious honeybees. Part of what allowed Swarm to attract so many members was the magical pull they exerted. Any insect that landed on their form would be taken in, given sentience and a place amongst them.

Swarm didn't pay the honeybees much attention, however. They'd be welcome, but he had no need of them. Instead, they returned their sight to Blodwen.

Swarm took a few tentative steps towards her, silent for a few moments.

"We smell a great source of pollen within you. However, we are confused. It is not visible..."


Blodwen heard what he said and laughed a little. She supposed she did smell like pollen for she was a flower nymph! Those that had visited her in previous times had said that she smelled of honeysuckle and a myriad of other flowery scents. One would think the aromas would clash with one another, however that was not the case. For Blodwen, to smell like the very flowers she watched over was natural and not something she thought much about. Those that came by loved the scent she gave off, some of them had told her it was rather an aphrodisiac fragrance. And of course, it wasn't hard to imagine what occurred after that.

Smiling, Blodwen told the creature, "Well, as said before I am a flower nymph. I am of the flowers and they are of me. It is just my natural scent." Peering again at Swarm, she added in, "I suppose others like me may smell the same. I wouldn't know. I haven't met any other flower nymphs, to be honest."


[You know, you bringing up the whole thing about her scent being an aphrodisiac got me thinking. Would it actually be possible to romance Swarm? It's a very interesting idea...]


Suddenly, Swarm extended a hand, and touched her shoulder with an outstretched finger. His touch was odd, as the insects underneath the rags were constantly moving. His hand sort of spread out a little against her shoulder, but he retracted it.

"We are wondering...Would you yourself be able to provide pollen? From an individual such as yourself, your pollen must be"


At first, Blodwen was surprised at this question. No one had ever asked her that before! Then she laughed as she thought about it. "I actually do not know." she admitted. "I suppose that if I were to shape shift into a flower, that would be possible." Blodwen shrugged a little at this statement.

"So, I take it all the flowers around here don't suffice?" the flower nymph joked.

In the meanwhile, the two honey bees that were sitting on the flowers nearby collecting their own pollen finished what they were doing. One of them flew off, having lost interest in Swarm while the other zipped right on over and landed on Swarm's arm to become one with them. The honey bee had been looking for a close-knit community and he supposed he wouldn't find a better one than this.


Swarm shook their head.

"They do suffice. However, many possibilities exist for use of a richer pollen. We can strengthen our inner frame, or expand our birthing chambers."

The honeybee that landed on Swarm's arm was quickly ushered into a fold in their wrappings by a couple of small spiders.

"The cloth I'm wrapped in is magical. We've enchanted it so that it holds many more of us than it should appear to. Our true number is so vast, that if we were to spread ourselves over this meadow, we'd be many enough to completely smother the ground."


The flower nymph watched with interest as the honey bee was enveloped into the hive that was Swarm. She thought about what the creature had told her and so decided to help them out with this.

"I can shape shift into a flower if that's what you want. That way, you should be able to get what you need. Will that do?" Blodwen asked, tilting her head slightly to look up at the being of insects, trying to note some kind of reaction from them but all things considered that was a bit difficult to say the least.

Blodwen had to admit this was definitely one of the more interesting meetings she'd had. After all, how often does a creature of this nature come by to collect pollen from her home for their very survival?


Swarm looked away, seemingly in thought. Thousands of different whispering voices came from him, barely audible, as the insects in charge deliberated the decision.

Swarm looked back at Blodwen, nodding.

"We have determined that will be most effective."