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Dark Confessions of a Night Gone Wrong - (Blue) - R

Started by Anonymous, August 31, 2006, 09:34:13 PM

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Hayate turned as the warm water was splashed onto him. Was that a snort? Fai didn’t look too happy; then again…it was what he wanted. Right? And at actually accomplishing his vow, he felt suddenly empty and cold, and a little bit depressed, the food laying heavy and oily inside his stomach.

“Useless huh?� Hayate said staring down at the water as Fai left him.

I have my answer. Fai would only laugh at me if I told him I loved him.

“It’s for the best,� Hayate whispered to himself. “After all, I'm just some whore, right? What more can a whore like myself want from you?�

“Are you talking to me?�

A strange woman’s voice made Hayate start suddenly. He looked up as an older woman peered down at his sulky face and smiled to herself. “I’m a bit lost lad, I can’t find my room. Could you help me out?�

“Um…I have no idea where we are at, sorry.�

She laughed and Hayate was glad to see she wasn’t upset with him either. “Don’t worry,� she said reaching out to take his hand. “Maybe we can find our way back together?�

Hayate chuckled as he got out of the water and walked her over to a dressing room. “I’ll be right back,� Hayate said looking at his wet clothes. “Don’t move a muscle!�

In thirty seconds flat Hayate was in and out of his dressing room, new robe throne over his now dry body and his hair combed and drying as well in the warm breeze.

“Didn’t keep you waiting, did I?�

“No,� she said putting her arm into his. “Did I hear right?� she said as she began walking with him down the long wide walkway.

“About what?�

“Are you and your companion really prostitutes?�

Hayate turned to look at her, not really startled, but grinning slightly. “Why, is there something you want?�

“My girlfriends and I are a little bit lonely tonight, could you set your friend and yourself up for a few private parties?�

Hayate stopped and looked at her. Oh, Fai would kill him if Hayate turned the tables and actually sold Fai instead. It would be about the worse thing he could do to permanently keep Fai away from him. To make Fai loathe him, want to hit him or something.

And destroy my heart, he thought with a slight sigh.

You're just a whore...nothing else but a whore...

“I’ll do it!� Hayate said laughing.

“Good!� she said kissing him on the cheek. “I was sort of lying earlier,� she said blushing prettily. “I saw your friend and simply had to have him. I’m so happy to find out he’s just a whore like yourself.�

Hayate winced and patted her arm, smiling a fake sort of smile. “No problem.�

“Oh good, here come my friends now,� she said waving them over.

Laugher rang through the resort as the group of women and the one blonde boy wedged in the middle of the curvy girls made their way back to the warm waters. Each were carrying something for their private little affair: bottles of booze, some snacks, a little oil for hot massages.

Yes, Hayate thought as they turned the corner bursting out in song and laughing till their voices cracked. They sure were drunk, but they were here at last. He wrapped an arm around the blonde to his left and a similar arm around the redhead to his right, pulling the lovely ladies close to his body.

“His room should be this way,� the boy said leading the way. “Got the money?�

“Sure thing master Hayate,� a small freckled raven-haired girl said handing him a sack full of coin.

Hayate slipped the bag into his mouth, growled at their amusement and set off again.

The girls continued singing happily, all the way up to the top step when Hayate threw Fai’s door wide opened and nearly toppled into the room with the two girls dragging him down. They laughed and blushed seeing the handsome older man turned to face them, one of them cooing slightly.

“You were right master Hayate, the man is pleasing to look at. We sure are paying good money for him. Pretty thing that he is.�

Hayate took the bag out of his mouth laughed as the blonde kissed him, and he tossed it by the foot of Fai’s bed. “Oh, just a little work. I found some girls who were interested in a little private party with you Fai. Thought you could use the company of one or two in your bed tonight.�

The girls burst out laughing and Hayate felt himself poked and prodded a little from behind. “Ladies,� he said arching his back slightly. “I’m not going to leave you empty handed. There’s enough to go around.�

“Ah, but Hayate,� the blonde said running her hand down his chest, opening his robe a little as she toyed with his nipple. “I want to be with you too, even though you sold me your friend. What ever am I going to do?�

“I’ll be waiting once you’re finished with him,� Hayate said giving her a little peck on the cheek. “I’m a whore after all, right? Right Fai?� Hayate said turning to the older man, his eyes once full of life suddenly darkened.


It seemed harder than he would have thought to get his mind off of Hayate and the words that he had said. Fai could find nothing to distract his mind. He had dried himself off already, done some vigorous exercises to kill his excess energy, taken a shower and dressed.
Now he was trying to read, but the words on the page simply passed by his eyes without really sinking in, forcing him to reread the same lines over and over again.

Propped up on the pillows, Fai's long legs were stretched out ahead of him on the bed, crossed at the ankles. He wore soft cotten pants and a loose shirt, both white. He hadn't bothered to fully button up his shirt, so flawless v of dark skin could be seen as he sat and read. All that silky blue hair was about his shoulders, a few strands falling into his face, to contrast with the gray strip across his eyes.

Dammit, this wasn't working! The battle between his heart and mind kept tearing about within him, and nothing he did could seem to stop it. On one hand, he knew Hayate was trying to distance himself from him, and he was trying his best to obey that wish. But with Hayate's lack of willpower every time they got close...his heart kept wanting to betray his sense of duty.
Ugh, no wonder he always tried to avoid becoming attatched to others!

The loud, off-key singing soon echoed to him from further in the resort, which only added to his frustration and annoyance. He stared harder at the book, but the singing simply got louder and louder, until...
...It burst into his room.
Blinking over the edge of the book, he couldn't decide just what the scene before him made him feel.
That quickly changed as the girls spoke, his red-brown eyes going dark. He could feel a dark, cold ball swell up in his stomach as he watched them, and was suddenly overcome by disgust.
They were disgusting.

His flat gaze flickered to Hayate and the bag that landed at the foot of his bed.
So now Hayate felt that he could sell him did he...?
Something snapped then, something cold and hateful. His heart cried out and his mind jumbled with anger and pain and sorrow.
Damn him...damn him!

"Why yes would seem that you are a whore."
A searing pain flashed across his back and the coldness in his eyes was replaced by fury. The book closed with a snap, and Fai flung it across the room as he lunged up from the bed, his feet sinking into the mattress as he stood.
His wings tore free of the shirt, their amberlite glow suddenly fierce and jagged as they spread out behind him, his emotions unchecked and unbrideled.
"Yes, yes it would seem you are a whore Hayate! A whore!!"
His flashing gaze was on the women then, the air in the room suddenly opressive and heavy and crackling with energy that washed off of Fai in waves.
"All of you, get out! You disgust me! OUT!" He roared, and a mirror shattered as that darkness ate his anger yet again and lashed out with power.

"Damn you Hayate, damn you! My body is my own, my heart and my feelings are my own!! How dare you think you can toy with either of them!? My emotions dammit!"
He stepped down from the bed and literally stalked up on Hayate, other fragile things in the room shattering with energy as he just barely managed to keep the crackling force from striking Hayate.
"Love me or hate me, but make up your mind! Be a man for once Hayate and stand firmly by what you choose! I'm sick of this chidlishness! I can only bend back so far for you! Your inability to decide on all of this annoys me to no end, and your flaunting these women about disgusts me! I did not bring you here to work, I brought you here to heal! If you wish to work so badly I can ship you back to the brothel right now! Your stubborness is appalling! Do not test me further Hayate, my patience wears thin just in your very presence!"

A long fingered hand grabbed the front of Hayate's robe, his very nearness allowing Hayate to physically feel the energy that bubbled around his form, danced along his skin.
"I have been a prostitute all my life. Never a whore! I am a person, I am me! Fai! I am not a goddamn thing! I have feelings and a soul! I am not an object Hayate! If you ever call me a whore again you will regret it, but not so badly as if you ever refer to yourself in such a way again! I beat that man bloody for uttering such dirty words, and I should do the same to you!"
Hissing with annoyance, Fai tossed Hayate away, his wings so tense on his back it hurt.
He turned, baring that sea of sharp points to the boy as he crossed his arms over his chest and stared hard at the shards of the mirror he had inadvertantly broke.
"Get out of my sight Hayate. I do not wish to look upon you right now. Get out."


Hayate could only watch in horror as he felt himself nearly lifted off the floor. It seemed as if he went deaf just then, his eyes fixed on the shadows of Fai’s face. What in the world was going on? He had never before felt this type of anger from the man. The only thing that came to his mind was run, run away Hayate. You’ve gone too far. While another side wanted Fai to hit him, then maybe he could really start hating him for real and turn into some evil monster who didn’t feel, who only devoured other people’s emotions and feelings without remorse.

Then Fai let him go, and Hayate stared at his back for some time, being told to get out. He took a timid step backwards, looking at Fai one last time. He didn’t look scared, or thrilled. Just, aloof. Relieved? No, he didn’t feel that or pain. He didn’t know what to feel. It was like someone had cut the thread that bonded them two together, forever. And with doing so, he lost all feeling, as if emotion and love and laughter never existed for him. He knew he’d never recover and it didn’t bother him the slightest if he just turned into some uncaring, cold being who walked the earth and didn’t give a damn anymore about himself or other people.

Sighing to himself, face not showing any sign of emotion he walked out alone and into the cool early evening air. Then his steps quickened, faster and faster until he found himself running, avoiding trees and people as he tried to make sense of what was going on inside him. And when at last he thought he couldn’t stand the confusion trashing around in his head he fell to his knees crying out, slamming his fists into the ground.

“Why?!� he whispered slamming them until they bled. “Why? Why did it have to be this way?�

A startled whisper shook him from his revere. Onlookers looked away almost bored by this boy’s foolish tantrum. It didn’t bother him.

Tonight seemed like some sort of night for celebration as people gathered in a great hall with banners and drinks and streamers. A few drunken souls lingered by an open door singing merrily and Hayate stopped in his slow walk around the resort to watch mindlessly the attention people were drawing to themselves.

He stepped inside, and faltered in the silence and darkness that engulfed him.

Those gaudy women were making eyes at him again. Even out here away from the brothel he was still just someone’s trinket to be used and discarded. They gawked at him, undressing him with their eyes. He found himself alone in a corner barely catching what was happening around him. Shoved aside. Poked at. Obnoxious laughter burned in his ear.

A smile that said all he needed to know. Their pockets full of money. Money that could buy a cheap thrill.

That’s all he was to them.

A cheap thrill.

There was one point in his life he thought that thrill was everything. And now it meant nothing to him. It felt hollow. It felt dead to him. Like a large black mass of disease inside his soul.

He felt dirty.

Just like the night he had been raped.

Then he found himself walking again, leaving the party. He walked along his hands in his pocket, and he knew he should feel triumph at freeing himself at last from his feelings. But he didn’t feel free. No he felt the complete opposite as if someone had run a knife right through his heart and every step he took, the blood wouldn’t stop flowing.

He stopped somewhere along the walkway, little lightning bugs coming out to play, dancing around him. The night was coming. And the sun set across the horizon, taking with it any hope he may ever have of finding what he truly wanted.

He sat down in the middle of the path, drew his knees up to his chest and hid his face between them.

Someone was touching him. Her girlish laughter ringing in his ears.

He looked up and a ghost from his past vanished. He was alone.

A child was crying inside. That was him. He was that child. He was crying.

Please don’t touch me, just don’t touch me…just please don’t touch me anymore…

They called him pretty and wanted to see what he looked like undressed.

They tugged at his clothing, yet Hayate remained unmoved.

Don’t touch me…please…stop…

He looked up again. No, he was alone.

His insides twisted inside out. His skin crawled. And for the first time in his life his past present and future, the idea of selling himself to someone else came crashing down like a wave, pulling bits and pieces of himself and who he was and throwing them out to sea.

Is this all I am?

Will no one see more to me than this?

Fai was the only one, and you destroyed both him and yourself at the same time.

What a fool I am.

What a fool I’ve been.

He almost laughed as realization sunk in. Special huh? What was so special about him? It seemed his lot in life was to cause the love of his life pain. And Fai was waiting for him. Well at least he was waiting for him all this time. And he blew it. But maybe there was still hope. Maybe if he came out and stopped lying to the both of them, told Fai the truth. It sounded foolish, but a flicker of hope welled up inside the boy. It was the only thing he could think of doing.

The agony suddenly reached down to the pits of his soul tearing him apart. He had felt that. That pain. That hope, that despair, the misery of never loving Fai again.

What had he done to poor Fai? Oh gods, he hurt him, and hurt him bad!

Hayate looked up down that empty walkway as a figure approached him, the man’s small steps echoing in the corners of his mind.

The boy looked up at the man, the reflection, and the boy reached out to him. “I’m ready,� he said grasping his twin’s hand. “I’m ready to make my decision.�

He couldn’t do it anymore. He hated it. Hated the pretty little women who glance his way, the flirting, and the teasing of girls who were tired with their husbands. Was tired of being touched like he as a toy and nothing else. A puppet. Someone to be played with because he was pretty.

Hayate found himself standing all alone on the middle of a sidewalk, not sure how much time had passed or when he had left the party. Goodnight, he couldn’t have been that out of it to just forget where he had been minutes ago? He was alone now, just him and his desperate thoughts. He had to find Fai, he had to go tell him before it was too late, if it wasn’t already!

They had reached the point where their relationship had to be resolved. And with that Hayate ran back the way he came to find Fai, hoping with all his heart the man hadn’t left him behind.

Oh, please don’t let me be too late, Hayate thought his heart racing inside his chest.

Jumping over a small kid in the middle of the walkway Hayate took off, finding himself lost suddenly and cursing loudly.

He stopped, spun around in a circle and screaming, “FAIVISH! FAIVISH!� at the top of his lungs.

The water nearby rippled and his attention was pulled to that same damn pool he had almost drowned in. Hope set his eyes on fire.

Hope, yes that’s all he had.

Faith, he had to have faith.

Faith was the thing hoped for, the things not seen, but the things that could be. He had to have faith that this love was real, have faith in Fai to forgive him!

Then he spotted Fai’s room and not bothering to wait, not even considering Fai might still be angry with him Hayate ran up to the door, flung it open and nearly doubled over as his heart beat wildly inside his chest. Oh gods, he felt like he was going to be sick from all the running. He felt dizzy but stood his ground. Fai might throw him out, but like a loyal dog he'd keep coming back no matter how many times Fai might reject him.

“Fai!� Hayate said looked up at the man. “Please Fai…I need to…I need to talk to you. I need to tell you…�


That was the single most horrid thing he felt he had ever done.

As soon as that door closed, Fai felt his heart burst, felt his body tremble with sudden weakness. His chest filled with the dirt of his words, so much dirt, so much filth that he thought he might pop.
On a sob Fai collapsed to his knees, his wings tinkling around him to lay in pieces on the floor, as shattered as his heart was.
Tipping his head back, Fai let his eyes cry out all his pain, sobs wracking his body, making him shudder. Arms were limp at his sides, all that blue hair hanging down as he stared blurry-eyed at the ceiling.

Just damn it all!!

Fai had no desire to try calling his wings back into his body. He left those pieces there, hearing them crackle beneath his bare feet as he stood and walked away from them, away from that semi-circle of golden glass.
He felt tired, incredibly so, and let his worn form tumble into bed.
He did not sleep.
He simply let the darkness behind his lids take him away.
So incredibly cold, these there was nothing left...

The decision had already been made. He was leaving Peaches n Cream. All his life he had been a prostitute, putting his one sellable point out on the market, his body. But he had never lost sight of his sense of self. He had done everything necessary to make it to the top, to be able to put away money for this day.
The day when he would no longer be a pretty little half-human for sale.
Once a guiding light to his life, this goal suddenly seemed hollow. It had lost its luster in the face of love. He wanted to take Hayate with him...
But now he couldn't.
He had said things...things that couldn't be taken back now. He had destroyed it...

Clenching his eyes, Fai suddenly felt disgusted with himself. Since when did he become so self-pitying?? He had said what he felt in his anger, through all that frustration. It was Hayate's turn to decide.
Fai knew how he felt. Fai knew what he wanted to do.
Now it was up to Hayate to decide.
So he damn well wasn't going to lay around here and cry himself to sleep!

Sitting up, Fai swung his legs off the bed and stood, using this sudden determination as a crutch. His room was dark now, the open windows letting in the cool air from outside, all manner of night-sounds meeting his ears.
It was peaceful, serene, yet eerily calm too.
Faint light came from beneath his door, from the illuminated springs not so very far away.
Brow furrowed, Fai knelt down and began to scoop up the remains of his wings. His heart still felt so cold, so empty, the glass-like pieces of his wings heavy and chilled against his palms.
How could he ever begin to rebuild this? These intricate structures? The feelings in his crushing heart...?

His door swung open without pause, spilling a rectangle of light into his dark room, illuminating Fai's kneeling form. He blinked blankly at the dark figure standing there for a moment, his hands still at the shards of his broken wings, as he tried to make out the details of the stranger's face.
And then his wounded heart flip-flopped weakly, and he knew who it was before they even spoke.
His head snapped down, a cold, tight-lipped look coming over his handsome face as he concentrated, oh, tried so hard to concentrate on scooping up those amber bits.
He had to ignore that pleading voice...
He...he wasn't ready just yet...
So much pain still ripped at him...

Removing the tattered remains of his shirt, he finished buttoning up the front, though the back was completely shredded and gone. This he used as a makeshift sling, piling up what was once his proud wings into the cloth.
Standing, he carefully set the shirt and its contents down on the foot of the bed. His eyes caught sight of that bag of money...
"I thought I told you to go away."
His voice so cold...gods how he struggled to keep it free of any emotion...


Hayate froze as he watched the man he thought he knew so well kneeling on the floor with the broken pieces of those precious wings. What had he done to them? How did this happen? Had Fai been...crying?

Just speak to him. That's all you can do now...

Hayate stayed silent for a moment, not the child anymore, but a much older person coming to take a few steps behind Fai, hands at his side, breathing hard, his face wild with emotion. He could still feel the open door behind him. He slowly and gently closed it, staying quiet as he gathered every feeling, every emotion inside himself to the surface of his voice.

“No, I’m not leaving Fai," he said softly. "I need to say this. You can’t make me leave. You’ll have to kill me to make me leave your side. And I understand now that you won’t. You wouldn’t hurt me,� he said shaking his head. “You never have."


“You’re right. You’ve always been right. I understand what you were trying to say to me. I’ve been stupid. I didn’t understand until now…that you didn’t see me that way. I was fighting with this image of you I had inside my head that you didn’t care. I was confused. I didn’t know how to deal with all these feelings I’ve never had before!

“Truth is…I’m a liar. I’ve lied to you. To myself. I’ve been trying everything imaginable to stop feeling this way, but I can’t. I thought if I could forget the way I feel about you I could move on. But I was wrong. I thought there can never be anything between us because of I thought I was nothing to anyone, I thought I was just a whore, who didn’t have the right to feel. No, I see now that I’m not. I don’t want that life anymore! I thought I could destroy my feelings. But by doing so I’ve hurt you instead.

“I know that nowâ€"that I was wrong…that’s why I tried to forget everything, tried to forget you, make you hate me…but it wasn’t working. I know tomorrow will come but…

“I can’t take it anymore. I don’t want to be with anyone else. Not when the thought of you drives me crazy. I can’t stand it…can’t stand the idea of someone else being with you, touching you…it makes me sick to my stomach to think some stranger is in your bed. And they’re not loving you. And it’s not me,â€? he whispered forcing himself to keep eye contact. “It’s not me. I didn’t want anyone else getting close to youâ€"I don’t want anyone else getting close to you! I’d rather die than live another day of my life feeling this way if I can’t have you…â€?


“I can’t live like this.�

There was a touch of panic to his voice.

“Please Fai believe me…

“I love you Fai,� he said as tears fell from his eyes and onto the floor. “I’m scared. Scared to tell you, scared that when I look into your eyes after telling you, everything will have changed, scared that you will go away and I’ll never get the chance to be near you again. I don’t want that to happen. I love you,� he said shaking his head back and forth. “I love you. I love you… Fai, I love you. I’ll say it and keep on saying it until the day I die.

“I love you.�


“I don’t care if you don’t love me backâ€"just let me be with you tonight. Make love to me.â€? He was surprised at his own words just then and felt his body jerk against the door, frightened. “I just don’t want to leave your side…I fear I might have destroyed what little we had, and you’ll hate me now. But I promise to spend the rest of my life making it up to you! Without any more lies. To give you everything I have. It’s yours. I’ve made mistakes I know. I’m stupid, I know. Just…just…â€?

Just when it seemed Hayate wasn’t going to finish his sentence he took a step towards Fai, a different person from before. Not the child anymore, still the boy, but much more than a man. His eyes pleaded, wet with tears as he whispered, “I love you.�


A slight bit of surprise, just enough to make Fai turn and face Hayate. He wasn't going to leave...? Just like that. Simple as could be.
He had refused.
That cold mask crumbled away as Hayate spoke, and Fai could only stare in wonder at the sudden...courage Hayate had. That wounded heart twisted.
You wouldn't hurt me. You never have.
Was that true...?
Despite his inability to act normally around Hayate all that time, despite all the hell he caused that boy...
He had never truly hurt him?

All those words tumbled forth from the gates of Hayate's heart. They couldn't take it any more, they had to open and let Fai hear for himself how things truly were. Those emotions...things that couldn't be abolished no matter how hard one tried. Ones that could leave you bereft of any hope, empty and cold and hollow for the rest of your days.
Love. Such a warm thing, but when scorned, when pushed away, when slashed and beaten and stabbed could wound you to the soul, make you a shell of the person you once were.
It all simply had to get out, to be released into the quiet night air.
Air that fell silent after Hayate was finished speaking those last words.
I love you...

"I..." Fai's voice faltered, broke. Breath was stolen from him, and he could only stare at Hayate with large eyes that were suddenly so defenseless.
I love you
With a tinkling chime, a soft glow started up from the foot of the bed, casting a faint golden light on Fai as his eyes watched Hayate's, unable to look away.
I love you
All those shards of amber glass floated daintily into the air, twinkling in a way they never had before, each of them glowing with an inner light, like a jewel.
I love you
They swirled about him, casting their glow upon his face and bare chest, his silky hair. Flitting about as though they were faeries, and lighting him up like a great halo.
I love you
Finally they came together again, with that same characterstic tinkling, like wind chimes. His gorgeous wings fanned out behind him, suddenly completed once again. They were the physical link to his emotions, and three silly little words had mended them again. Just like they had mended his heart...mended his ability to feel...
Glowing still, those great amber pieces formed what looked like stained glass butterfly wings. And then they changed, even as a smile finally came to Fai's face, heedless tears quietly running down his face. Soft blue swirled into the gold from the tips of his wings, trickling in but a little bit, just staining those edges with color.
I love you....

Fai was overcome with an inexplicable feeling of happiness. He couldn't contain it, could do nothing for the smile on his face or the tears at his eyes. was so strange. He just wanted to laugh and cry at the same time, to hold and hug and kiss Hayate, giddy with this feeling.
Finally, he allowed himself to laugh softly for a brief moment before words once again found their way out.
"Don't say such stupid things Hayate." He spoke softly, quietly.
"There's a definite difference between love making and actual love Hayate, you should know that. Don't worry...I plan on taking you in good time...but, for now..."
He sighed, his smile bright but tired.
"Just come here, I want to hold you..."

He did not wait for Hayate, striding across the room with those glittering wings at his back to grab Hayate and hold him against his warm, trembling body. His arms wrapped tightly around Hayate in an embrace that he didn't ever want to stop, not now. He just wanted to feel the solidity of Hayate's body, know for sure he was really there, that he had truly said those things, that he was surely going to be with him now.
Now, and always, right...?
He laughed softly and smiled, pressing his lips to the top of Hayate's head as he wrapped himself around this precious thing, this love of his.
"I love you...Hayate."
This boy was bound to put him in an early grave...
...But at least he'd die happy.


It happened even as he said the words he realized he was longing to say, and he said those words as much as he could, and then there was light. He forced himself not to take his eyes from Fai, even as his wings lit the room with bright fire and power. He did not stop. And when they found their way to his back once more, standing erect and twinkling like little stars, he said those three little words again, wanting to say them until he could say them no more. He only had eyes for Fai; his words only meant for the man before him who looked as frightened and helpless as Hayate felt. And when at last he had finished telling Fai how much he loved him and needed his forgiveness, Hayate found himself unsure of what to do and what to say next, unsure of where they would go from here, and he stared down at the floor for whatever to follow to come at last.

“Stupid?� Hayate looked up, but then his eyes softened to the sound of Fai’s voice, his face stained brightly with red ink.

Fai’s next words made him jump start back to life. It couldn’t be possible. Bright light blinded Hayate for a moment, and then there was Fai looking at him, standing there back from the dead as if he had come back to life again. Like some fallen angel picking himself up from the shattered pieces of his heart.

What happened next shook Hayate to the core. He stood there blank, amazed, and very shaken as the man closed the gap between them and held him. Take him in good time? Did Hayate hear him right? This wasn’t exactly the way he imagined this going. He thought it was going to end up much, much worse with Fai finding this tirade of his amusing. Yet Fai wasn’t that man anymore, the one that for a very long time was without tender emotions, feelings. Yet Hayate had found out tonight Fai very much felt, very much was flesh and blood just like Hayate.

Trembling with a mixture of relief, joy, and passion Hayate couldn’t stop himself from enjoying the embrace, wrapping his own arms around Fai’s waist tenderly. “This is too good to be true.â€? Hayate’s smile was as intimate as a kiss as he looked up at Fai. “This is happening, right?â€?  

I love you...Hayate.

Hayate held his breath, willing his body to breathe again. Then he threw his head against Fai’s deep chest, breathing in his heavy scent, tears of pleasure finding their way to his eyes. Tonight there were no shadows across his heart. Just the intense fragrance of love in the air. It tingled in the air, surrounding them in its glowing vibrancy as both Fai and he brought it to life.

He was wrapped in a silken cocoon of euphoria, basking in the glow of the one who had his heart. The warmth traveled from his spine into his neck and chest and back down to his belly. That felt too real to be a dream. Fai had come to him and had gathered the boy into his arms; just wanting nothing more than to simple be with Hayate, perhaps to touch him without the fear that Hayate wasn’t going to run off. Hayate felt the promise that he meant more to Fai than anything in the world right now. He was going to enjoy this moment because life was a precious thing to be shared and enjoyed for it was as precious and as fragile as this love that simmered between the two of them.

There was a soft affectionate, joyful gleam in the other’s eyes. So deep, rich, and pure they glistened with new hope and life. Hayate stared up at Fai with a dumb, perplexed, child-like face, trying to come to terms with what just happened. He couldn’t wrap his head around that knowledge, but when you loved someone this much, how could you? How could one grasp it?

Fai loves me.

He repeated those words in his head a thousand times until he felt himself lift off, soaring through the open sky and Fai was with him. In his heart he could feel the wind beneath his own fingertips as he soared through the clouds, Fai’s hand in his, the stars twinkling like the new color of his true love’s wings.

A bird fluttered to their window of the room and Hayate started, turned and watched the bird fly off into the open sky, and at last he felt for the first time as if he had come home.

“Fai, I don’t know quite what to say,� Hayate said choking on his words. “You’ve forgiven me?� Hayate said, and he couldn’t hide the relief from his voice. “I hurt you too much…

“Wait, did you just say…you loved me?�

He looked up and found his arms reaching up to wrap around Fai’s neck. There was sudden passion in his eyes, and the hope for things to come. But all he wanted to do right now was stay here, afraid that if he moved this would all end.

“Don’t ever leave me,� he whispered curling up into Fai’s arms. “Never, never.�

He closed his eyes and felt himself suddenly tired as if he was going to at any moment fall asleep. His knees jerked suddenly underneath him and he held onto Fai tighter, willing himself to stay awake. Boy, after everything that had happened, he was exhausted!

(ooc: Severely edited, deleted, and reposted!)


There simply was no way to describe how wonderful this felt, to have Hayate hold him in return, to have his affection suddenly matched. His embrace was tender but strong, wanting to feel Hayate against him and yet somehow convey the gentleness of his feelings through his hold.
It was unlike anything he had felt before.
This had nothing to do with sex or passion. It was such a simple gesture, to hold one another with pure feelings.
He'd never been granted that before.

His smile grew as Hayate spoke, able to take in the fragrance of his hair with his lips pressed so softly against the top of his head.
When he spoke, he could feel his breath shifting the hair beneath his mouth.
"You don't have to say anything..."
He reassured him, perfectly content with only the sound of silence and their two hearts beating. He tipped his head to the side then, resting his cheek there on the crown of Hayate's head.
"There's nothing to wounds were superficial, and they are all mended now. So do not worry about it..."

Those arms of his tightened slightly around Hayate's waist, just reveling in the feeling of all this. Of course, Hayate picked that moment to say something rather entertaining, and Fai lifted his head laughing.
His smile was bright as he looked down at Hayate, feeling the boy's arms circle his neck.
"Yes, that's what I said. I love you."
He rubbed Hayate's back as he curled up, sleeping apparently tugging heavily on his body. Again he spoke softly even as he supported Hayate's sagging form.
"I won't leave you Hayate, I won't..."

Fai waited until Hayate had fallen asleep in his arms before moving him. Quietly, and as gently as he could, he literally carried the sleeping boy to the side of the bed before laying him down on the soft surface. He paused for a moment before deciding to carefully strip Hayate of his shirt before covering him with the sheets.

Throwing the back of his hand over a rather large yawn, Fai made his way over to his own side of the bed, allowed his wings to retreat, and then also laid himself down. As soon as his head hit the pillow, his true fatigue washed over him, and he was out like a light.
The morning light found them both in the same bed, but something was amiss.
Fai's tanned skin was a bit more pale than usual, his forehead hot and clammy. He shifted often in his sleep, uncomfortable in his sickness but not enough to wake himself up as his fever blazed on.
It seemed Fai's exhaustion had finally caught up with him...


Hayate woke abruptly. Blinking his eyes from sleep he stared up at the ceiling before him, his mind trying to recover memories from the night before. In a blur of color and sound everything came back to him as if reliving a recent and very vivid dream.

Wow, so it had happened. Hayate had made his choice. He chose to love Fai with all his heart, had taken a risk in revealing what was deep inside his heart. It was almost like there was this precious box inside him that had been closed, locked away forever, and he had revealed every secret of what was inside that box to Fai. It made him feel complete yet at the same time vulnerable.

Taken by surprise at how he felt, Hayate could only wonder at what would become of them. But he had faith in Fai, that the older man would take good care of him from this day forth. Fai would never let anything happen to him, that he was sure of. It was like his heart just shivered at the thought, at knowing and believing in Fai, seeing at last who Fai was. Trusting in him. That feeling just began to well up inside of him like a spring running over. He had never in all his years of living ever felt this way before, as if he trusted Fai with his very soul.

Oh, how Hayate wanted to share this feeling with Fai, for Fai to at last see that Hayate had given up everything and was willing to follow him to the ends of the earth. Even if he could not express himself with words, Hayate promised that he would by his actions. He would love Fai until the day he died.

Unknown to Fai perhaps, Hayate at last could see something in the other man he had never seen before. And Hayate vowed that he would let no one ever tarnish that side of Fai.

Feeling all at once protective of the man he loved, Hayate turned to Fai and brushed a lock of hair away from Fai’s face. Drinking in every rich detail of his face. Then something inside his gut twisted. Hayate blinked back tears and his heart began to race.

 Something was not right.  

Hayate took a deep breath and came instantly awake when the warmth of the body next to him penetrated his skin. The sheets were moist, Fai looked pale as if his skin was splashed with moonlight. He was running a fever!

“Fai!� Hayate said cupping his face and looking more closely at him.

Then something snapped inside of Hayate and he was up, putting on the robe he wore from last night, and running to the door throwing it open. Instantly he caught sight of a servant and dragged her inside.

“Something is wrong with Fai, he’s…sick!�

“Oh, there is a healer staying here,� the girl said glancing at Fai. “I’ll go get him.�

The girl took off and all Hayate could do was stare at Fai, wracking his brain to do something, to find some way of helping, but he felt slightly helpless. He wasn’t strong enough to carry Fai to the hot springs, and even if he did he’d probably make both of them drown since he couldn’t swim. Why did he have to be born a small weakling he thought angrily. Why couldn’t he do this one thing for Fai and help him?

Pulling himself together Hayate went to Fai and grabbed his hand, looking down at him. “I’m sorry I don’t know what to do.�

“That’s why I am here,� a familiar voice spoke from the door.

Hayate spun on his heel as he came face to face with the old man healer from the brothel.

“Old man!� Hayate said his face lighting up. “How…where…how did you get here so fast?�

“I do have a name you know,� the healer said moving Hayate aside to check Fai’s temperature with the back of his hand. “It’s Geesan, and this old body likes to be reminded to live a little longer so I come up here often. Now move aside, you’re not helping one bit lad.�

"But I must,� Hayate said reaching out and taking hold of the old healer’s hand. They stared at one another for quite some time and finally the old man nodded and understood, barking out orders to the rally of servants who gathered at the door.

“You there young lady, bring me a good pitcher of that healing spring water and a cup, and you fresh sheets and warm blankets, a bowl of warm water, some clean towels, and oh yes a sponge if you have one.�

Turning to Hayate he said, “Boy, get undressed.�

“What?� Hayate said blinking in confusion at the healer.

“I said get undressed. You said you wanted to help your ’friend’ so I suggest you listen to me and do as I say.�

Surprised and caught off guard all of a sudden the healer could only stare in wonder as Hayate actually did what he said without being a smartass about it, stripping himself bare of all clothing and politely covering himself up with his hands. Hayate was glaring at the old man, a look on his face urging the healer to give him some other instructions that weren’t so embarrassing.

“I’m surprised,� Geesan said after a while. “You’ve changed.�

“Shut up,� Hayate said throwing a distasteful look at Geesan. “What next?�

“Get in bed and keep him warm.�


“Just do as I say. Remove his pants as well, and lay on top of him, gently. The heat from your body will help bring Fai’s fever down quicker.�

“Umm, are you sure this will help?� Hayate said shooting the healer a dirty look. His question went ignored and so frowning Hayate did as Geesan asked of him, climbing back into bed, blushing heavily since well they weren’t alone and tugging Fai’s wet pants off of him.

No he wasn’t aroused over this, he was still worried, but he pressed his warm body gentle next to Fai’s, wrapping an arm over Fai’s chest as instructed by the healer and his leg as well until he was partly covering him with his own body. Next thing he knew Geesan had removed the damp sheet off the bed and from Fai and grabbed some ready sheets and heavy blankets from the servant who entered the room, several other girls falling behind. Hayate turned completely red but settled once Geesan threw a new clean sheet over them both and four heavy quilts over that.

“Good, make sure you stay on him lad, he needs your body warmth to stay warm.�

“I don’t see how this is helping.�

“You are,� Geesan said patting Hayate on the head and handing him a small cup with some warm spring water in it. “That’s a good lad, now yes master Faivish will be fine. I’m leaving him in your hands boy. Make him drink the spring water, and keep this wet cloth on his forehead. The fever isn’t bad he’ll be fine especially drinking from the healing waters. And…he has you.�

Hayate smiled at those words and nodded, lying back down against Fai’s warm body. He felt as if Fai and him was one body, a single soul so tightly wound together and at any moment they might melt into one. He pressed gently against Fai, creating a bond of heat between the two men that penetrated Hayate’s own body like fire. Geesan had been right, this would help bring Fai’s fever down and keep the chill away. He took the wet cloth as Geesan instructed and patted Fai’s brow, worry blanketing his eyes. The cup felt unsteady in his hand, or else his hand was shaking too much.

Once they were alone at last with the doors closed, Hayate looked down at Fai said, "Fai, please wake up, you need to drink this."


"Aww, you're always just the cutest little thing Faivish!"


"Do you want some candy?"


"I know you like it. The other children tell me you just love sweets! Here you go Faivish."


It seemed that no matter how much he ignored them, they would just keep doting on him. He couldn't get away from them. All three of the orphanage matrons were nice women, but they treated him like their own little doll. Most of the kids hated him. Because he was inhuman. Because the matrons treated him special.
And nobody would take him home...

"What about little Faivish here?"

"That boy? He's cute, but...what exactly is he?"

"Oh well...we're not really sure..."

"Not sure?? He could be anything! He could be a demon for all you know!"


"I'm sorry Faivish. They didn't want you either..."


He was determined to make his appearance work for him. Fine, if the other kids didn't like him as it was, then he would play up his cuteness. He would milk those matrons for all they had.
Candy, new clothes, new toys, a bigger room...
All he had to do was say and do the right things, and they were his.
Bullies could never make him crack. Every time he was knocked down, he would just get back up, a cold smile on his face.
He learned early on how to make his words hurt worse than any fist, shoe, rock, or stick.

He had become manipulative to survive.

Those horrid places he had worked...
He had entered that first brothel with confidence, had made that ugly grinning manager believe he wanted to work. But his first client, a lovely woman with a thing for young boys, had scared him and shaken his resolve. He had run away from her, and was soundly beaten for it later.
His second client had been a man, and again Fai had lost his nerve and tried to run...
...But that time there had been no escape. His screams went unheard...

Many such incidents had happened to him...many 'rapes'. But as far as his multiple managers were concerned, a whore couldn't be raped. He had been all too glad when he was old enough to be the dominant one, no longer allowing himself to be 'on the bottom'. He had to be tactfully forceful to get what he wanted in this world...
Parentless, friendless, loveless...

...How greatful he was for Hayate...

Groaning slightly, Fai had to force his sore eyelids to open. Oi, he felt horrible! His entire body felt as though it weighed a ton, and his body was at first chilly, and then suddenly very warm.
And he couldn't stop shivering...
Blinking, it took Fai a moment to focus in on Hayate's face.
And as soon as he did, a small, tired smile formed on his face.
"Good morning Hayate..."
Grimacing slightly, he turned his head stiffly and coughed.
"Ah...what seems to be...wrong with my body today...?"

He coughed weakly a few more times before resting his head back against the pillow, and he finally had a moment to make a mental check of his damp body.
He tried to keep his face perfectly calm, though he wanted for all the world to just start grinning.
"Is that your naked body I feel...?"


Hayate stared for some time and ran his eyes down Fai’s body, feeling himself bored as he waited for Fai to wake. Shifting a little he felt something distinctly wet and soft against him and with one raised eyebrow decided to take a small quick peek under the covers, after he could never allow himself such a nice long stare at it when Fai was up and about because he’d be teased relentlessly about it.

After all Fai was asleep, he wouldn’t know…

"Good morning Hayate..."

Hayate dropped the sheet and stuttered, mumbling something incoherent. Then he caught hold of his senses and smiled down at Fai; relieved the guy was finally awake, even if it had come at an awkward moment.

“Thank goodness,� Hayate said softly, sitting up and moving the cup of warm water into his left hand so he could touch Fai’s face with his right, his fingers drifting gently across Fai’s brow.

“You had me worried there for a while. You’re running a small fever Fai, but don’t worry I’ll take good care of you, old Geesan has been telling me what to do…�

At hearing his name Hayate’s head perked up. He looked down at Fai lovingly, his body pressing firmly against his lover’s. He could almost feel Fai’s heartbeat pulsating through his own body and something a lot like relief at seeing the man awake finally.

"Is that your naked body I feel...?"

Then he frowned and smacked Fai’s head with a pillow, feeling the heat travel straight up to his face where it remained. He shifted uncomfortably against Fai, blushing even hotter when something soft and moist pressed up against his thigh wrapped around Fai’s torso. That wasn’t good, he didn’t want to give Fai any ideas, but the way he was laying half-draped over Fai really didn’t leave room for the imagination of what was touching what.

“Oh shut up,� Hayate said the hairs at the back of his neck standing on end like a big pussycat’s.

“I was doing what Geesan told me to do, that’s all.� Wait, when had he EVER followed someone else’s instructions? Oh well he was telling the truth. “I wasn’t trying to…molest you or anything, not like I peeked at you,� he said looking away not able to meet Fai’s eyes. Not like he didn’t think of that, so yes he did take a peek, but oh well Fai getting better was his main concern. He sounded like a babbling idiot for some reason, like yeah all reason left him and he couldn’t think straight. Was this how love was? He felt so clueless on what to do or say.

Great, he was probably laughing at him. It would be like Fai to tease him even when he was sick like this.

 â€œHe said something about your body temperature and bringing your fever down, and body heat is the best way. So I did it. You’ve been asleep for a while, but now…â€? he said looking down at Fai with a wicked gleam in his eye.

Subconsciously he was rubbing his hands together pondering the fact that Fai was now in Hayate’s hands for the next couple of days.

“You are in my hands Fai, and you have to follow my instructions. Now,� he looked at the cup thinking it awkward trying to get Fai to drink since he was lying down. So he shrugged, took a big sip and leaned his head down kissing Fai directly on the mouth to send the warm liquid into his mouth. A faint blush still lingered on his cheeks, and he found his eyes misting slightly as they stared into those deep amber depths. What a nice way to give Fai his medicine.


Mmmm, caught in the act. It took all of Fai's willpower to not start grinning or laughing during all of this.
Though, in the end, a small grin managed to stay on his face, the amusement obvious in his eyes.
"A fever, huh...?"
He sighed. It must be due to exhaustion...
To be honest, he really hadn't gotten a good night's sleep in awhile, and with his body having suffered so much physical and emotional strain, it was no wonder he had gotten sick. Fai didn't get sick often. It probably had something to do with his Ssin genes, but he could only remember getting sick maybe two other times in his entire life. That having been said, Fai wasn't terribly worried about this fever.
He had faith in his immune system.
And in Hayate.

Laughter, however quiet, left Fai's chest as he was hit in the head with a pillow, calmly raising one arm to brush it off of his face so that he could grin deviously at Hayate.
"Oh my, has the sky fallen? Has hell frozen over? You, my little hell-child Hayate, actually did as you were told?" He teased, finding that his amusement helped him ignore the discomfort in his own body. Besides, he just felt so incredibly warm and happy with Hayate there with him.
"Oh no, of course you didn't peek at my body that is so suddenly naked and vulnerable and at your complete and utter mercy."
And there it was again, that amused, evil little smirk of his.

That smile only grew a bit at Hayate's own mischievous spark.
In his hands?
Had to listen to his instructions?
Seemed he was going to be the submissive one for awhile...
Blinking, Fai was surprised when Hayate kissed him for once. It wasn't until his lips parted and that warm water washed into his mouth that he realized why Hayate had done that.
Very nice way to get his medicine indeed...
Fai very calmly wrapped his arms around Hayate's body, as if to make sure the boy knew he wasn't allowed to leave his current position.
Breaking the kiss just a few moments after he had swallowed all of the water, Fai was again smiling with amusement.
"It's not very nice of you to tempt me like this Hayate, when my poor sick body can't act on my primal desires..."
It seemed Fai wasn't quite ready to be the quiet, obedient patient just yet...


“Yes, I did what I was told,� Hayate said lifting his mouth from Fai’s, allowing it to hover there for a little while, enjoying the closeness of this moment, even when Fai was obviously sick. He reached over and put the cup down and sighed softly.

“Geesan knows what he is doing, and well…it’s not hard taking care of you. Or so I think,� Hayate said raising an eyebrow at Fai. “Okay so I looked, I wanted to know what the hell I was getting myself into.� Did he just say that outloud? Gee he was digging himself deeper and deeper. That didn’t come out right. “I mean…fine laugh it up fuzz ball.� Hayate turned his head away just then turning a deeper shade of red.

But then again, his eyes softened once more feeling Fai’s arms around him and for the first time Hayate was enjoying the teasing, the banter they shared. When had he ever in his life enjoyed Fai’s teasing? He couldn’t remember. It was sort of nice to have Fai paying all his attention to him, only him, evil or not. But that didn’t mean he have to give in to him.

"It's not very nice of you to tempt me like this Hayate, when my poor sick body can't act on my primal desires..."

“That’s Healer Hayate to you,� Hayate said correcting him.

“Oh, and it’s going to be fun tempting you for once,� he said matching Fai’s grin. “Especially since yes, you can’t do anything about it.�

Hayate slid his body closer to Fai’s just then, leaning on his elbows, and brought his mouth a mere inch from Fai’s lips, mimicking that one moment just recently when Fai had done the same thing back at the brothel, crawling up on that bed to torment Hayate. That had been their first kiss ever. Now, Hayate toyed around with Fai, a wild cat-like gleam in his green eyes, a hand snaking around Fai’s waist in a mock hold down.

Now the tables were turned, oh yes indeed and Hayate was going to enjoy this.

“You can’t do anything about it, can you�? His breath was soft and sweet like honey against Fai’s face. “Just think all this so close, yet so far away.� He wiggled his butt a little just then in glee.

Hayate leaned his face just a little bit closer, his wet mouth parting as if to kiss Fai again. And then, he stopped. A faint victorious smile spread across Hayate’s face as he sat up, untangling himself from Fai so he could get up.

“Hold it right there!� Another voice spoke suddenly.

“You stay where you are boy!� Geesan said raising his finger at the boy. The old man walked into the room, laid a bowl down onto the table and glared at Hayate. “I told you to stay on him, and there you shall stay. Or do you want him getting a chill?�

“I…err…� Hayate stuttered looking up at the old man.

“Lay down on him. You are not to get out of that bed unless you have to relieve yourself. But no other reason until the morning.

“Here boy, grind this up, and spread it on his chest.� He handed Hayate the bowl rather awkwardly stretching over the two and glared at Hayate. He then put a slip of paper down on the table just then. “Here are some instructions if you have any questions. I’m on vacation so if you two boys will excuse me, I have a pretty young girl waiting to give me a nice massage. Good day.�

Hayate frowned and sat there sulking staring down at the bowl that had a mixture of small red seeds and water. “How am I suppose toâ€"I’m not a healerâ€"gah!â€?

He glanced at Fai and shoved the grinding spoon deep into the bowl, thrusting it rather viciously in and out to grind the seeds into some strange pink but flavorful paste that smelled like peppermint. He then reached over to the nightstand near the bed and picked up the water again and handing it to Fai.

“DRINK!� he said thrusting the spoon into the bowl again rather hard. His playful smile was back on his face.

Oh, Hayate didn't know how suggestive he looked at that moment with his hand thrusting that grinding spoon in and out rather...effectively.


Fai grinned and chuckled as Hayate finally confessed.
"Good boy."
He purred, amusement evident in those deepthless auburn eyes. Those eyes then widened at what Hayate said next before rich laughter entered the air.
"Fuzzball...?" He managed, laughing harder despite the tickle it caused in his chest, making him finally end in a fit of coughing.

Finally able to breath properly once again, his arms still comfortably around his Hayate, he grinned up at him.
"Oh, yes of course...Healer Hayate sir."
Both eyebrows arched as Hayate's devilish side really began to appear, though his grin didn't fade. It seemed he had rubbed off on the boy...
And he wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing...

Fai inhaled sharply as Hayate shifted closer to him then, their bodies pressed close as their lips very nearly met.
His intense gaze did nothing to hide the fact that he did indeed desire Hayate, and that he was none too happy about not being able to get it either.
"So cruel..."
He whispered, wishing Hayate would just kiss him instead of teasing him so mercilessly.

But it was not to be, and Fai could only try to cover his frown with a smile as his evil little love got out of bed rather than obey his wishes.
This was both amusing and insufferably torturous.
Luckily for him, however, Geesan had other plans, and Fai could only smile in amusement as Hayate was given a good scolding.

After the real healer had left, Fai calmly folded his hands over his chest and watched Hayate with a deceptively sweet look.
"Did you hear that Hayate? We get to sleep together all night."
Snickering, he took the cup that was thrust at him, drinking its contents carefully and slowly.
But he nearly gagged as his mind clued in on the motion of Hayate's hand.
Living in a brothel had warped his mind...

Quickly finishing off the drink to avoid choking, he set it down on his stomach, watching Hayate with a mixture of amusement and desire.
This had to stop...
"Hayate, I think you've pounded that paste quite well enough."
This was going to be a very interesting evening...


"Did you hear that Hayate? We get to sleep together all night."

“Yeah I heard,� Hayate said looking away his smile gone from his face. He watched Fai out the corner of his eye drink the water, and the strange erotic look coming from Fai at the moment caught Hayate off guard as the spoon missed its aim and hit his wrist. The burning sensation suddenly crept into his skin and Hayate wiped the red liquid on the sheets, suddenly realizing at what the stuff he was mixing was.

Warming liquid…

"Hayate, I think you've pounded that paste quite well enough."

Hayate’s cute smile became a devious sinister grin. He just realized what he was doing looked like; after all he had a little bit of a pervy mind himself.

Oh, so Fai was thinking dirty thoughts was he? He shifted his grin towards Fai, with one eyebrow raised and felt the dominant male power struggle fall in his favor all of a sudden. It went right to his head.

“Well, well,� Hayate said picking up the empty cup from his stomach and leaning over Fai to place it on the table. “Wonder what I need to do with this…?� Hayate said picking up the piece of paper Geesan left and reading the instructions. Hayate became silent as his eyes darted back and forth over the instructions. He crumbled it into a ball suddenly and threw it on the floor.

“So, I need to do that, huh?� he said not telling Fai what he was about to do. "I promise to be...gentle."

After all, he had to obey Geesan’s every instruction, right?

“My, my,� Hayate said taking the sheets and slowly pulling them down to Fai’s torso. The sheets also were down by Hayate's hips as well, his skin gleaming like pale alabaster in the dim light of the room. Hayate paused as his eyes traveled up Fai’s waist and to his chest, eyes like the devil as they took in every detail of that hard dark body. “Hmm. Nice.� Plopping down onto an elbow, he turned towards Fai’s naked body and held the bowl in his left hand, his right drawing circles along that soft skin. He then took his fingers away as if he had been burnt and stuck a finger in his mouth, sucking on it and then taking it out again, wetting his lips.

“Well, I guess I have no choice but to,� Hayate said sighing and rolling his eyes upward.

Then the more lusty side took over and Hayate dipped his fingers into the red liquid, his body shivering in delight at the warming sensation. Then he carefully lapped the hot oil onto Fai’s chest, watching Fai’s face for his reaction. Slowly, erotically, Hayate massaged the clear pink liquid all over Fai’s upper body, moaning slightly at how hot his hand felt against Fai’s skin. It was like he was being burned and he had to control himself or else be lost to his own arousal at how intimate and deep this massage was becoming.

“Do you like that?� Hayate said softly leaning into Fai’s ear. “Does it make you feel…hot? Huh Fai? What does it feel like? My hand touching you like this?� Hayate paused as his hand drifted lower to Fai’s belly tickling the soft hairs where he hand was longing to go, but knew somewhere in the back of his mind he was here to get Fai better, not to get him off.

Hayate moved to his stomach and wiggled his hips a little as the sheets shifted slowly off his backside, revealing the smooth creamy texture of his round buttocks. Oh yes he was blushing slightly himself because it was hard for him to show his naked body to Fai so openly, but he couldn’t resist tempting Fai a little longer. “See anything you like?� he said drawing circles on Fai’s belly, his own eyes falling to Fai’s precious treasure once more. “See anything you want? I know I do. I think my mouth might get a little curious to what it tastes like…

“Maybe you can show me how to give you pleasure down there, with my tongue?� Hayate said his grin curving so seductively at the corners of his mouth.

“Of course when you get better,� Hayate teased sitting up a little and stretching as if he hadn’t said any of that at all. Oh yes teasing a sick Fai who could do nothing at all was way too much fun...

(dude was reading over stuff and thought this needed to be split into two posts so you can respond to it without being overwhelmed, lol)