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Greetings, salutations, and all that jazz.

Started by Anonymous, June 21, 2007, 02:47:54 PM

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Hola, bonjour, ciao, hälsningar, γειά σου! I go by a few different names, but here I think you all can call me James. My friend Aiobhan encouraged me to join this site. :]

I've been roleplaying for nearly eight years (although how old I am I'll leave you to guess), and while I'm a pretty good writer, I'm preeetty rusty as far as extended forum roleplays go. So we'll see how it goes here. Medieval fantasy is where I started my roleplaying career, and it looks like that's where I've come around to again, fancy that.

Outside of the Internet, I ballroom dance (waltz is my favourite), read historical fiction, act in Shakespeare's plays, watch the Daily Show and the Colbert Report, and very much enjoy the company of animals. I take public transportation occasionally into San Francisco. My favourite flavour of ice cream is lavender, which I tasted last summer in southern France. I love Les Miserables, the book and the show equally (although who agrees that Javert was horribly mistreated in the musical?). I enjoy debating politics but lately have gotten tired of the incessant number of US presidential candidates. Hell, I'LL run for president, too.

I like meeting new people, so hopefully once I sort out the six or seven characters I already want to create, I'll get to meet all of you on the roleplay boards. C:


Hello! Nice to see people dragging their friends into the game (heaven knows I've done it with at least three of them). I'm Aubrey. I'm bouncing around here on and off most of the day lately, being on summer break and all, so chances are you'll see me a lot.

...Lavender ice cream? Like the flower? That sounds interesting...


Hey! I'm Lee--one of the ones that got dragged in.  And I'm also on summer break, though soon to be gone for about a week, but I'm such an internet addict that unless my muse dies (as it currently has) I should be around quite a bit.  Nice to know there's guys around, really--I remember days when all the RPers I knew of were girls. And that made for frightening things sometimes...

Lavender, huh? I think I've had lavender something before... have you ever had violet candies? They make them in Toulouse, so you might've had it--they're really good.  ...Come to think of it, I think that's where I had the lavender icecream...

Also.... *GLOMPS on!* YEY! Shakespeare and Daily Show and Colbert Report! *Is totally a Colbertfangirl, hi.* *Actually more of a Jon Stewart fangirl and a Report addict, but.*  Mind if I ask what roles you've had in Shakespeare? I got to play Puck about a year ago.  mmm, fun.

...Also, I'm known for rambling. And so I will shut up now.


Nice to meet you, Aubrey! Forcing friends to join is the best way to get new members for any site, really. And she knows that I like roleplaying and don't like half-literate Mary Sues.

Yeah, it tasted exactly the way you'd imagine lavender would taste - except that it doesn't really taste like that, it just tastes like plant. But yes. Lavender ice cream. Amazingly good stuff. I tried rose ice cream somewhere else, too, but the lavender was better. *nodnod*

ETA: Hallo Lee. No, I can't say I ever tried any violet candies...

I'm so loyal to Jon Stewart. Stephen Colbert is really genius, but Jon is my one true love. <3 And as far as Shakespeare goes, well, I've only been in one so far. I was the duke in Othello. But as soon as I get back from the family vacation I'm on at this very moment, I'll be starting Richard III. So yes. Should be fun!


Oh, so you must be the friend that might be joining our drug addict thread, right? :o I'm one of the other people involved. Nice to meet you!

So far this place kicks ass and the quality of writers here is, overall, pretty phenomenal.


Yeah, I've already got a character half-built who should fit into that quite nicely. Nice to meet you as well!

So I've noticed, really. I've been reading through some stuff and not only does the elaborateness of the overall site impress me, but I'm also pleased with the writing quality. Everyone seems to be really good yay!



Why hey there sexy. ;D