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Started by Anonymous, June 21, 2007, 07:24:44 PM

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I wanted to be called Vetiver, but it was already taken. How lame is that? Pretty lame, I'll tell you. I mean, how many people want to be called Vetiver?

James made me join. His post is probably under mine. But yes, he made me join. He said that this site was very intricate and detailed and interesting... so here I am. Even though I rather suck at board roleplaying... despite kind of owning a slash roleplaying site.

So... I've been roleplaying about nine years. Eight. Eight or nine years. Something like that. I started out in Neopets, though (argh!) doing Med/Fant, so it's interesting going back to my roots.

Lesseee, I like Neil Gaiman. Lots and lots. I saw Peter Gabriel in concert the other night. My name is Michael. I currently have eight puppies. Want one?


I want one of your puppies. D: Still.


Really weird that you wanted to be called Vetiver and it was already taken. Not exactly a common name...

Yay, a Neil Gaiman fan! One of my favorite authors.

And I would love a puppy, but sadly, I won't have an apartment for a while. Also, probably not the best idea if these puppies are going to get very big, considering I live in the city. Though... puppies, eeh. I miss having dogs since I've been in college - can you tell?


I too love Neil Gaiman! Esp Neverwhere and American Gods. Actually, the rest of his books and his short stories I liked but wasn't blown away by -- but I think by then, I had grown out of him. I move on really fast from most things. o.O Are you a Sandman fan, too? OH and what about that British TV series of Neverwhere? That was so cool.

Anyway, yeah, the vetiver thing is weird. I think he/she only joined a little while ago, too. You snooze you lose ;)


My favorite Gaiman book is Neverwhere. ...I think Good Omens would beat it, except that that's Terry Pratchett too, so it doesn't really count.

I still haven't seen the TV series of Neverwhere, though I've been trying to get my hands on it. I did find a really cool graphic novel version in the bookstore a couple weeks ago - it was absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately, I couldn't afford it. *Sulk*


Neverwhere is my favourite! I'm totally into Sandman, too, yeah. And I liked his short stories lots and lots.

I'm like a big kid, really. I like graphic novels and stuff. I wanna get hold of the Books of Magic!

Nice to meet you, by the way. xD


Both Vetiver and Ars Moridendi are very reminiscent of BPAL.

Teehee. I made James join. This is all my doing, folks.

;D Welcome to SotE. I'm already addicted.


...yeah, okay, that's kinda scary 'cos that's where I got those names from. That and the poem in my sig. Okay then. -Stares- Of all random obscure things to recognise...


I'm a BPAL addict, what can I say. ^^

(cept I don't particularly enjoy how vetiver smells. I'm an amber/musk/dragon's blood girl.)