Spirits of the Earth

Joining and Plotting => Events Plotting => Adela Territories Plotting => Topic started by: nephero on March 08, 2024, 04:46:25 PM

Title: Cortla
Post by: nephero on March 08, 2024, 04:46:25 PM
-Vigilance Walking the Thread-


Territory Name:


Ruling Entity:
The Governorship; Cortla employs a non-dynastic form of leadership in place of noble houses. The official leader of Cortla is the Governor, who is elected by trials and expected to pay fealty to the King of Adela. The Governor is supported by a Council composed of eight elder members of the Cortlan people.

Jadon of Cortla was a fierce warrior with a strong sense of right and wrong. It was he who was responsible for pulling the rest of the Cortlans from where they hid in the canyons in order to fight alongside Ysaryk for a unified Adela. It was his belief that Ysaryk was an agent of Grandmother Spider attempting to rebalance the world, and thus an agent of the creator goddess herself, and so could not be ignored.

Originally, the council (who previously made all decisions by committee) was not convinced, believing that patience and waiting out the skirmishes between Serendipity and the other territories was the best course of action. When Jadon continued to argue, it was decided he would undergo various trials to prove what he said held merit. These eight trials (one from each of the council members) would prove his worthiness in mind, body and spirit. After their completion, Jadon was given the Governorship of Cortla.

To the fight for Adela, Jadon brought with him the ambush tactics and guerrilla warfare that had kept Cortla safe for millenia. After Ysaryk banded Adela together, Jadon stepped down from his Governorship role, establishing Cortla's method of choosing and changing leadership to this day.

Territory Motto:
"Vigilance Walking the Thread"

Territory Crest:
A black spider made of geometric shapes on an alternating cream and rust-red field.

Territory Colors:
Black, white, and red
Title: Re: Cortla
Post by: nephero on March 08, 2024, 05:01:00 PM
Geographic Information

Geographic Location:
Southcentral Adela

Terrin Mountains to the south, Talu to the east, Wayuhina to the north and Atloke to the west. Cortla oversees a pass that leads down into the Serha plains, which they are fiercely protective of.

Shrub-steppe, rocky badlands and cliffs, rolling into shrubland hills dotted with mesas before turning into more solid plains to the far north of the territory.

Common plants in non-cultivated areas include sagebrush, tumbleweeds, ricegrass, wild rye, wheatgrass and rabbitbrush, as well as other woody plant species that do well in rocky, semi-arid climates.

Common animals include hawks, magpies, jackrabbits, ground squirrels, rattlesnakes, mice, badgers and coyotes, burrowing owls and toads.

Caught in the rainshadow of the Terrin mountains, Cortla gets very little in the way of rainfall for the majority of the territory, instead relying on melted snow from further south into the mountains to provide fresh drinking water. The days are hot and dry, especially during the summer months, with cold nights. Winter sees the most in the way of precipitation, blanketing the area in what snow makes it past the mountain range or down from the northern territories.

Aside from the natural geography, there are several man-made points. Cortla maintains several easily-travelled roads that lead into other territories as a display of good faith, but assumes no responsibility for those who decide to wander off into the wilds. Dotted across the landscape are several pitfalls used for both hunting as well as combat, and quite a few of these pits have very ominous tunnels connecting them. As the main roads are lined with thin red thread tied between posts and strung with hanging charms, it's very difficult to pretend you just "lost your way" and Cortla shows very little sympathy for someone who gets injured by going where they shouldn't.
Title: Re: Cortla
Post by: nephero on March 08, 2024, 05:01:10 PM
People and Culture

As Cortla has established settlements and nomadic shifts are rare (except for Trapdoor squadrons), towns and cities become bustling with different people and occupations.

Many "jobs'' are divided amongst the four main organizations in Cortlan society: The Funnel, Trapdoors, Webwalkers, and Shepherds. Other careers, of course, exist, but typically will fall under the main "guilds" in terms of who you want to speak to in the government concerning such matters. While these are careers, Cortlan society does not operate in a capitalistic sense like we would be used to, and any citizen is able to access the care and necessities they need on principle. Trading is done primarily on a "want" level, rather than ever on any kind of "need". So long as the individual living within Cortla is Cortlan, as in they have assimilated into the culture and partake in Cortlan society, they have access to living necessities.

Ethnic Diversity by Percentage
85% Adelan, 10% Spiderpeople, 5% Other

This percentage varies by quite a bit, however, as Cortlan hostilities towards Serenian influence often leads to debate as to what counts as being Adelan. Who one Cortlan would call Adelan, another might call Serenian. This same attitude, however, does not apply to the considerable Essyrni genetic influences in Cortla, and those exhibiting Essyrni phenotypes, such as curly hair and dark skin, are simply considered Adelan without question.

General Appearance:

The "perfect citizen" of Cortla would demonstrate all of these traits-- reflection, balance, tenacity, endurance, patience, strength, pride, wisdom. Those who are considered very strongly attuned to one of these traits may be selected to take the matching seat on the Council, becoming specialized in matters of the state in regards to their particular 'virtue'-- Councilmember of Endurance and so on.

When babies are born, an informal but complex series of decisions are made regarding naming. Both parents are aware of the child in most cases, and there's then the decision as to which "family" the child will be named for. Surnames are often the given name of an important ancestor, with their family and progeny "webbing out" until one makes a name for themselves to justify being at the center of their own family tree. Similar surnames are common, and most Cortlans are well-versed in their lineage to tell you exactly how far out from the "center" they are.

 As an example, Jadon of Cortla is a key ancestral figure. Thus, his children and their descendents all have the surname of "Jadon", such as Bob Jadon. If Bob Jadon lives a story of equal legendary status, then his children would take the surname of "Bob". His daughter may then be named Angela Bob, and on until the next important life story.
Given names follow a pattern for being two-syllables for the most part, with some exceptions, and are broadly unisex in their assignment. 

Examples of given names are: Aike, Enke, Sikke, Waman, Jadon, Notah.

Most important, however, is the child's middle name. The middle name is given by the child's birth parent, and the only two people who know this name are said parent and child. Middle names are often less 'names' and more 'characteristics', typically characteristics that the birth parent hopes their child will grow up to demonstrate some day. Very common ones are those that have to do with the eight core virtues of Cortlan society: reflection, balance, tenacity, endurance, patience, strength, pride, and wisdom

For instance, Aike's middle name is Mercy, a fact known only to them, and so would be written out as Aike (Mercy) Jadon.

Interclan Relations:

Cortlans do not possess slaves of any variety. They often must fight off slavers from the south, and have developed a distinct distaste for the practice as a result.

Hair and Dress:
Still very traditional, with very little tolerance or trust for things that are "too" Serenian. They maintain more traditional forms of dress, with only slight differences over the years, and often employ weblike crochet elements in order to make "foreign fashions" their own. They favor light, breathable cloth shendyt in the summer, layers of thick, woven ponchos and breeches in the winter, and carefully woven spidersilk armor. Almost any variant involves tall boots for maneuvering the rocky terrain and supporting their ankles, and protecting their legs from any local varmints like rattlesnakes.

Tattoos and piercings are common, and often done so to invoke their spider "heritage", such as facial markings in a series of eights, banding patterns on their limbs, and so on. All these are done in a stick and poke style, as the pain is seen as a kind of "payment" for the mark. Magically created tattoos are considered cowardly.

 Hair is worn long for all genders. As with anything else, Cortlans favor ornate braiding, and will do complex updo's for special occasions. Otherwise, hair is left uncut. Cutting hair only takes place during periods of mourning, where the amount of hair lost is a signal of how deeply the grief is felt. This is the only time their braid will be cut as well, signaling a new life after the loss. Some Cortlans, rather than braiding back their hair, will protect it from the canyon winds by using headscarves.

Trade with Essyrn has also imparted certain fashions which may be partially adopted into general Cortlan wear. Shendyt-like loincloths are one major contribution, though Cortlans have long since adapted it into their own style and weave. Kohl is another contribution from the south, and painting around the eyes is very common, especially for members of the territory who are out in the direct sun more often than not. Essyrni jewelry is also fairly popular, and since there has been considerable intermarrying with peoples from south of the Thunderblack mountains, many Cortlans have family heirlooms from their Essyrni ancestors. It's not uncommon to see someone wearing a thick jewel who might otherwise have never been able to afford trading with Essyrni merchants for it. The jewelry is not often considered valuable for monetary purposes, but rather because it is a part of the Cortlan's personal history, and it is very rare that they will ever trade the item away.

Art, Music, and Dance:
Artworks are typically found in the form of weaving, embroidery and braiding, with complex geometric patterns woven into tapestries. The more detailed and delicate, the more impressive, and the best works will tell a story all their own. Popular tapestry subjects include how Grandmother helped shape mankind, or another important historical event.

 Music in Cortla tends to involve very few instruments, relying on vocals and percussive beats created by stomping and clapping. Guitars are rarer, given the lack of reliable wood sources, but have found their way into much of the Cortlan musical culture regardless.

Dancing usually involves a lot of swift footwork, with emphasis on precision and grace. Dancing with a partner doesn't typically have any one "lead", with both pulling the lead role back and forth from one another.

One special dance is done between potential romantic partners. Cortlans don't typically marry, but there's an emphasis on being truthful about your actions. Thus, when one Cortlan wishes to 'court' another, they engage in a dance where everyone can see their intentions. If the feelings are reciprocated, the other Cortlan will dance back. There's no set steps, with the understanding that if you're going to understand your partner, you'll figure out the rhythm of the dance as you go.

Cortlan cuisine is heavily protein based, with peppers for spice, and a key staple of their diet involves cooking up locusts, which they cultivate as a food source. Other food sources are from hunting, clearing trapdoor pits, and trade.

 Some typical Cortlan food:

Cortla has established settlements, all carved from the stone of defendable cliffsides, mesas or canyons. Clusters of "apartments" are often centered around overhangs, which serve as common areas for those who live there. Much of their architecture is, thus, partially underground. These cities are very carefully planned, not only to preserve the integrity of the mountains and cliffsides upon which they are built, but also to provide ample means for comfort and sanitation. Water from the mountains is channelled down so there is continual fresh access to water, as well as providing a sewage system to prevent the lingering of contamination and disease.

 These homes are very ornately built, with carved and painted walls for decoration. Doorways are more often than not left completely open, though some may hang tapestries over them for warmth in the winter or privacy reasons. These tapestry doors may vary in appearance based on the meaning they are meant to convey. For instance, if the resident Cortlan is on a nocturnal sleep schedule, they may hang up thick blackout tapestries to both prevent daylight from seeping in, as well as to communicate to other Cortlans that they are not to be disturbed.

Bathing is often communal. While there is access to running water in the apartments, there is even easier access to natural hotsprings in the mountains. As such, most cities have communal bathhouses where Cortlans will carry their personal hygiene items like brushes and soaps, scrub off the day and then soak in the hot springs to relax.

Sexuality, Gender, Marriage, and Divorce:
Cortlans as a whole view gender as more of a wide, wild spectrum than any set binary. They have many people who identify as either, both, or a completely separate gender from men and women, and easily accept changes in how a person presents themselves. The position of their braid negates any awkwardness, as a Cortlan will automatically know how to refer to another Cortlan by which side the braid is on. If they are speaking to an outsider, their devotion to speaking the truth extends there as well, and they will ask if they're unsure.

 Going along with this general concept is their equally free concept of sexuality. With no set gender roles or even binary system, sexuality varies as widely as gender does in Cortla culture. Marriages as we understand them don't exist in Cortla. Rather than a one-time ceremony meant to last a whole lifetime, Cortlans will instead perform their courtship dance regularly, almost daily, in order to display their mutual continued interest with their partner.

They value honest communication as with anything else, however, and while relationships can be very open or casual in nature, Cortlans are very strict about making sure all parties involved understand what that relationship involves and agree to the nature of that relationship wholly.

The Cortlans are very spiritual as a general rule; they believe very strongly in the link between the spirit world and the mundane world, and that to favor one over the other is a sure path to destruction. Words and stories echo creation, and spiritual vibrations are warnings to be minded with great care. Stories of ghosts or contact with spirits are common, and in many cases, completely true.

According to Cortlan cosmology, there is a web that runs through every facet of existence, from animals to plants to rocks and water. This web connects everything not only in the physical world, but also the spiritual world. This foundational web is based on the words of the creator Goddess, and so to tell a lie is to begin physically undoing creation itself. As such, when a Cortlan must be less than truthful with their words (as in with a joke or due to sarcasm), they will twist their wrist a few times in a gesture that physically rectifies the damage done to the web.
Title: Re: Cortla
Post by: nephero on March 08, 2024, 05:01:21 PM

Key Cultural Figures:
 A benevolent patron spirit who came to the earth in the shape of a giant spider under the direction of the Goddess, in order to facilitate balance between the spiritual and the profane. Grandmother taught her humans how to be patient, how to endure, to strike when it was necessary, and to remember that nothing is permanent. Grandmother is credited with showing the Cortlans how to weave, how to speak to other spiders, and how to read webs and interpret vibrations in the cosmic tapestry.

Like Grandmother is an agent of the Goddess, the Cortlans see Ysaryk as having been an agent of Grandmother. It was Ysaryk, after all, who pulled the territories together from all their infighting in order to drive away the Serenian interlopers. To the Cortlans, Ysaryk is the symbol of balance between being a member of your territory and being Adelan, part of the one and part of the whole.

Mythologically speaking, the Cortlans view the Spiderpeople as the descendants of those who gave up their humanity to become more spiritually connected to Grandmother, and are now physically changed to match. Cortlans view the Spiderpeople as their own kin. The historical origins of the Spiderpeople is unknown, except that there was at one point a migration from the Draconi Forest. These massive spiderlike humanoids operate as any other Cortlan in their society, with some variations based on size and temperament.

Dragon Riders
Cortlans are fiercely patriotic Adelans. As such, being chosen by a Dragon and to join the dragon riders at the capital is a huge honor. There is nothing that could possibly make them happier and more a "part of the whole."

Schools, Guilds, and Other Organizations:
The Funnel: The Funnel was the result of long-standing trade up from Essyrn, specifically Essyrn's famous Coliseum. A means to help the Taran-Tula Spiderpeople get some of their more aggressive energies out, Cortla has created a pit fighting organization set into the ground level of major settlements. 

A way to prove martial prowess in times of peace as well as a means for otherwise convicted criminals to "earn" a second chance and avoid execution, victory in the Funnel is nothing to be taken lightly. Comprises the Councilmembers of Strength and Endurance. Typical jobs for someone affiliated with the Funnel are

Trapdoors: The standing military, Trapdoors are groups of highly skilled soldiers who will go out in small numbers to protect their borders and reset traps that may have gone off in the wilderness. Because of their small numbers, they are easily deployed, and form very close friendships with one another. "Brothers in arms" does not even begin to touch the depth of their bonds once they become full fledged squadron members.

Comprises the Councilmembers of Tenacity and Pride. Unlike the rest of the organizations, Trapdoors rarely stay within city walls; they will instead occupy small forts and bases built around the territory, and otherwise spend their entire adult careers roaming the wilds protecting the border between Cortla and other territories. If Trapdoors are stationed within a city, it's typically as part of a security detail. Typical jobs for someone affiliated with the Trapdoors are

Webwalkers: Comprises the Councilmembers of Reflection and Wisdom. The Webwalkers are those citizens who are most strongly attuned to the magical side of the world, either having talents for talking to spirits both human and not, or divining fortunes through meditation. Spirit-work and divination is often done in ritualistic weaving.

Webwalkers are all very heavily tattooed with banding and patterns to resemble spider markings, down to making lines to "segment" their fingers. Many even use alternating ink colors to make the similarity more stark, and often will tattoo "extra eyes'' to mimic the spider they most resonate with. Typical jobs for someone affiliated with the Webwalkers are

Shepherds: Those who keep and look after all the spiders that are kept for agricultural purposes. They are the most talented beastspeakers in the Territory, as they often have to organize the movements of hundreds of spiders at a time. 

They're usually easy to spot, because they're surrounded or covered in several spiders at once. They also have forked staves that have bells on either prong so people can be aware a flood of spiders may be scuttling by. Comprises the Councilmembers of Patience and Balance. Typical jobs for someone affiliated with the Shepherds are

Local Laws:

Notable Locations:
Skythread City - the capital of Cortla, where much of the population lives on a permanent/semi-permanent basis. It's situated within a segment of canyon that gets regular meltwater streams from higher up in the mountains, resulting in small lakes that supply the city with fresh water. The city itself is well above ground level, with homes and tunnels carved into the canyon walls or set on overhangs, and each end connected by a vast network of rope bridges and ladders. At the ground level lies the Funnel, a massive roped-off arena surrounded by carved out 'cells' for their more unwilling participants. Despite being in a somewhat remote location like this, Skythread City is well established, with bustling trade up from Essyrn and the Duhjari.

Notable Residents:

Major Sources of Income:
Trade, fabrics, tailoring

Tobacco, pepper, spidersilk thread, animal hides

The Cortlan economy within the territory operates largely on a "I'll get you next time" basis. In this respect, no Cortlan citizen is expected to make an income to be able to trade and survive, but rather they are provided for, and in turn use their own skills to help provide for others. If a Cortlan were in need of a new set of shoes, they could ask for them, and later on they may return the favor of the shoemaker with a woven blanket or cooked meals. The use of money and direct bartering is a trait that was picked up from Essyrni merchants from the south, and is typically reserved for outsiders to the territory, while the Cortlans themselves take care of their own.

Woven textiles

Important Events:
The Proving:
Every eight years, the Governor is expected to step down and either give up leadership of Cortla, or else go through the trials once more to cement their favor from Grandmother Spider. Essentially election year, where potential leaders seek to prove themselves worthy of leading the territory.

New Web Moon:
The first new moon of every month is a time to reorient yourself, meditate on your past and present actions, and consider the paths available ahead. It's a time to strengthen your 'threads' (your resolve, your relationships, whatever it is that is most important to who you are as a person) or otherwise prune them to prevent the whole tapestry from unravelling. The city more or less shuts down for three days, and the monthly event typically involves heavy fasting.

Coming of Age:
At eight years old, Cortlans begin their braid: a segment of their hair that they will decorate with beads and never significantly cut except in periods of mourning. Each bead represents a key event or deed from that year. It's expected of any Cortlan to be able to point to each specific bead and tell you the story of how they got it. Which side of the head the braid is on also denotes gender, as clothing styles are unisex. Wearing a braid in front of your right ear denotes a woman, in front of your left ear denotes a man, with one on either side denoting someone who is both or neither. As a Cortlan ages, they may require starting a new braid behind their first, with the eldest members of society having several on one side of their head.

The meaning behind the bead colors varies, as it's more the story behind the bead that matters, and the Cortlan in question is expected to remember the significance of each one.

At sixteen, a Cortlan is expected to start apprenticing to fulfill the job role they want. Those who are talented beastspeakers will learn under a Shepherd, someone who has a proclivity for contacting spirits will learn under the Webwalkers, and so on. This time is often dangerous and brutal; Cortlans are expected to weather many struggles and walk many lines, some of which are more deadly than others. This is especially true of apprentice Trapdoors, who often spend months out in the wilderness far away from the comforts of the city.

First Knot:
Not a set holiday, but on every Cortlan's eighth birthday, they begin their braid of their life, with their very first bead added. Usually they're encouraged to do something good to warrant a story, but a lot of the time the first bead is something silly like "This year I caught a lizard with my bare hands".

Eighth Knot:
Similar to First Knot, the Eighth Knot happens during a child's 15th year, just before they turn sixteen and make the change from child to adult. Eighth Knot is when they'll meditate and consider just where their place in the tapestry of the world is, and start settling into a suitable apprenticeship.

Funeral Rites:
The dead body is covered in oils and herbs before being tightly wrapped in layers of cloth, with a final layer of dyed blanketing robes. The bodies are then brought to the high mesas, where a pyre is set up to burn the corpses along with a few treasured personal items.

The general idea is that by wrapping the body like a spider wraps its prey, and then burning it, they are offering their dead to Grandmother as food. The fire allows their spirits to break free of the body, and so the person themselves is not consumed, but rather the shell for which they no longer have any use.


Title: Re: Cortla
Post by: nephero on March 08, 2024, 05:01:33 PM
Available Ranks

Current Governor:
Aike (Mercy) Jadon (http://www.spiritsoftheearth.net/smf/index.php?topic=27520.msg407722#msg407722)

Council: [8 ranks Available]