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Damien, Revenant

Started by DragonSong, November 10, 2015, 03:35:03 PM

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__________________QUICK STATS
Name Damien Zarov
Age 27 when he died
Gender Male
Species Human once, now a revenant
Ethnicity Unclear, probably a Serenian/Connlaothian mix
Height 5'11"
Orientation Heterosexual...maybe...(probably not, but he's not really given it much thought)
Occupation Uh...trying not to eat people...
Residence The ruins of Fell, for the most part

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
In life, Damien had skin tanned from work in the sun, sandy blond hair, and bright green eyes. Nowadays, his skin has a pasty deathlike pallor to it and his eyes have dulled to a sort of grayish color. Though tall, he's not particularly bulky, his build leaning more toward "lithe" than "muscled" (this is deceiving, as he's abnormally strong).

Damien was a scholar and an explorer, naturally curious and good with people. He was a free spirit, and more than a bit of a flirt- which as it turns out, can be a dangerous combination. Since his death however, he's turned into a recluse, avoiding people as much as possible. It's also nearly impossible for his old passions to surface; he's listless and uninterested in just about everything.

Aside from a quick wit, Damien had no particular skills worth mentioning when living.

As a revenant though, he has inhuman strength and speed, as well as the nifty ability to absorb the memories of people he consumes (which he has to do at least once a month to avoid turning into a completely mindless killing machine).

Parents, probably. Somewhere.

Damien had a pretty normal life (for an explorer) up until he met a very pretty woman at a bar in a dead end town at the age of twenty-five. There was talking, drinking, flirting, and- well, what usually happens after drinking and flirting. And Damien, being the free spirit that his is, skipped out before she even woke up the next morning.

Which was a big mistake. It turns out the pretty girl was a very powerful sorceress. Furious at being jilted, she placed a curse on Damien... And nothing happened.

For two years, nothing happened. Then one day, Damien was killed in a freak carriage accident. When he woke up about an hour later, he caused a bit of stir. Mostly because he attacked the man who had been assigned to take care of his body, tearing his throat out with his bare teeth.

So the curse was revealed: neither living nor dead, Damien is forced to wander aimlessly in a hellish limbo. He can keep his humanity- mostly- if he eats living flesh at least once per cycle of the moon. In an attempt to avoid harming innocents, he mostly stays in or near Fell, only venturing out when he needs to feed. He does his best to track down "baddies" to eat, which can occasionally backfire as he absorbs their memories and some of their personality for a short time.

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