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Dark Wings, Black Feathers ((Juno!))

Started by Anonymous, May 28, 2010, 03:06:33 PM

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A chill wind swept through the streets of Ketra, causing some to shiver. Tristan didn't mind the cold; in fact, the fall chill was welcoming to him. The coat which hid his black wings was becoming uncomfortable. He wanted to fly away, spread his wings, for they had been hidden beneath the stuffy jacket all day. He sighed to himself, his eyes having their usual odd spark to them, the cobalt ring around his iris almost seeming to glow. He ran a hand through his dark hair, the black leather gloves he was wearing making his hand seem to dissapear into the inky darkness of his hair. He looked around himself, casually, then walked into an alley. Tristan continued along until he came to a building with a ladder to the top, which he climbed and sat on the level roof of. He looked up at the sky, the overcast clouds blocking the sun from veiw. He slipped off his jacket, spreading his wings a little before returning them to a folded position on his back as before, but more relaxed. There were slits cut in the back of his shirt to allow him to let his wings out. He mumbled something quietly to himself, a faint smile on his lips.


She was always proud of herself when she had a fairly productive day; it was a necessary, if a bit silly, goal of hers. The skies didn't look so favorable, though, and she was a long walk from camp if the forest would be dark. So, she wandered the streets a bit, taking in the feelings of such a place. She had so much time on her hands, just waiting for the skies to clear up, so she watched random people to occupy her time. Even this, though, got boring after a while and also once people started noticing that she was just walking around staring at others. Stuffing her hands into her coat pockets, she shuffled along to get away from the more crowded areas. Looking to the skies again, she wondered if it might rain.

When she got to a part of town that she didn't know and where she couldn't see any others around, she decided to have a change of scenery if she would be stuck in this place for a while. Walking up to an unlit lamppost, she carefully climbed onto it and then quickly scrambled to the top where she then dropped herself from to a low roof of a building. Sighing, she looked around, unsure of what to do other than sit around and be lazy, and that's exactly what she did, just plopped herself down along the edge of the roof to hang her legs off of it.


Tristan was staring down at the people when he saw a girl walking by, climbing a lamp post to the top onto a building. He knew she couldn't see him, for he was behind her on another roof. He studied this girl. He sighed. It must be so annoying for humans, getting to places up high. After all, wings made things a whole lot easier. He wondered vaguely who she was, out of boredom. Was she a traveler? A theif? Who knows. He traveled to the edge of the roof he was on, crouching and looking across at the girl. She looked just about as bored as he did, so he decided he would talk to her. He calmly walked off the edge of the building, his wings carrying him silently through the air. He landed a few feet behind her, his wings still slightly extended. "Hello there."


Daza sat calmly, just looking across the city and up at the sky. Having no idea that Tristan was there at first, she was startled when he spoke, having not heard him land behind her. Tensing, unsure of what was going to happen, she slowly curled her hands into fists and turned her head to look behind herself as the voice had come from that direction. She stared at him for a long while, uncertain of why he was speaking to her. Was he some sort of demon? Or a devil in disguise? She had no idea.

"What do you want?" she asked, turning a bit but remaining in her sitting position; she didn't want to appear too wary of him. Her eyes darted around, taking in his appearance now that she could see him more easily. She caught sight of his wings and quite frankly they fascinated her, but she didn't want him, a stranger, to know that just yet.


Tristan folded his wings behind him, looking calm. His eyes almost seeming to glow, he looked down at this girl he saw. She seemed wary, but not overly twitchy or frightened. Good, that hadn't been his intention to scare her. Quite honestly, he was just bored. He crouched down so he was on the same level as her. "I don't really want anything in particular, I just saw you sitting there and you looked....well, bored?" He shrugged. "I didn't mean to scare you or anything, so sorry if I did." He nudged her with his hand. "What's your name, girl?"


In a way she was glad when he folded his wings back; it helped, in her mind, to give him a less ominous appearance. She watched him still, unsure of what to do. She wondered if she was on his roof or something, but he didn't seem like he was being confrontational at all. The fighter in her was surprised when he crouched because she felt it made him too vulnerable, but then she remembered that she, too, was in a fairly vulnerable position.

"I wasn't scared," she said plainly, not wanting to give the impression that she was easily frightened or anything. Girl? Why is he calling me girl? That's rude. She pouted a little, not realizing that he had nothing else to call her at the moment. "Uh, Daza. What's your name? And...did you fly over here? I never heard you climb up or anything so..."


He nodded. "Ah, I'm Tristan, no last name." He blew a strand of hair out of his face. "Yeah, I did fly over." He looked at her slightly annoyed expression and wondered if he did anything that would have annoyed her. He guessed it was just the fact that he was there that was annoying. He looked into her eyes, his with a spark of vague interest and curiosity. "Must be weird for you, meeting some guy with wings who almost appeared behind you. But hey, I'm not a demon or anything so you don't need to worry about that." He looked off into the distance, frowning slightly. "So, am I bothering you and should leave, or do you not mind...?"


Hm, Tristan...what an odd name for a boy with wings, she thought, giving him a once-over. He was dead-on, though. She did find it a little weird that he'd just appeared, seemingly out of thin air. Even so, he was here now and how he got there didn't matter so much anymore.

Before she'd thought he was some sort of demon, but his saying he wasn't so straightforwardly gave her the impression that he got that a lot. "Oh, you aren't a demon, then... No, you aren't bothering me, I was just a little surprised," she said. "So, were you bored too?"

ooc: o_o sorry it's so short! And that I took so long :c


Tristan  nodded. "yes, I was just bored. There isn't much for me to do nowadays..." he shrugged. "but I guess having nothing to do is better than having to work..." he walked up and sat about a foot away from her, his legs dangling off the edge. "you know, there was a time when I had someone to talk to, something to work at, but it seems those days are over." he sighed. "now all I have to do is make sure he doesn't get himself into too much trouble." he shook his head, smiling a little. "ah,sorry,i must be rambling.."


What was with this guy? He sounded like an old man! An old man who looked fairly young; that was confusing. Shaking her head a little, she eyed him as he sat down beside her. "Um...who is he?" she wondered aloud. "And you sound like you've given up on something; are you in a slump?" Daza wasn't all that sure what she might be asking, what might be or might not be told to her, but the guy looked like he had a lot on his mind nonetheless. She didn't really mind if it was rude, though, she was used to people thinking she was rude.

ooc: gah, I'm sorry it's so short, Kyuu ):


((oh, it's fine ^^))

Tristan looked surprised at the questions. He hadn't expected them. He had almost been talking to himself near the end of his talking. Turning his face towards her, he said, "This 'he' is my little brother. Well, I rescued him when he was little, and he's allways called me 'brother', so...that's how we see each other. " He shrugged. "Well, given up on something....I...guess you could put it like that. I've realized that I make a terrible older brother, so I left. Nowadays, I just protect him." He glanced into her eyes for a moment. His were very bold, the sharp contrast of silver and blue in them. He said, "We don't talk, he thinks I'm dead." He said it with no sadness. He simply stated it, like a fact.


She knew what that feeling was, to take care of someone, to feel that special sibling connection with someone unrelated by blood. It was easier, then, for her to know what he meant with what he told her. Nodding, she stared at her feet -which she was letting swing freely off the edge of the roof- as he spoke. "Dead?" That surprised her, causing her to glance up for a moment. Her gaze was pensive; it seemed that this boy had a lot more on his plate than he'd initially let on.

"Why...does he think you're dead?" she pried. "Did you get into a fight or something?"


Tristan looked up at the sky for a few moments as if the clouds housed the answers to her questions. He almost seemed to be searching for something there. Shifting his eyes back to the earth, he said, "Well, we both got into a bit of a fight...I realized I wasn't a good enough person to take care of him, so I decided to leave. Right then someone attacked us, and I was wounded....but not fatally. My brother thought I was dead and left. I...well, I haven't seen him since then, but I protect him when he needs it." Pausing for a moment, he frowned a little. "I think he's gotten over my 'death.'"