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Started by Rhindeer, November 20, 2005, 11:14:42 PM

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Empathy is a good thing. The ability to put yourself in another's shoes, to imagine what they must feel in a given is a useful skill, one that the whole of the world could do to possess. If more people could attempt to understand what those around them feel and experience, if more people could recognize that, no matter how different, culturally, physically, and mentally one person is from the other, they are all feeling, emotional entities with the same basic desires, fears and dreams...if more people could do that, the world would probably be a better place for it. There would probably be less wars, fewer arguments, and fewer divisions, because instead of just whipping out a sword when a conflict came up, people would attempt to view the issue from all angles and work it out that way. After all, sometimes, a whole war could be the result of a simple misunderstanding or cultural difference.

Yet, Jeya's problem was not due to too little empathy, but way too much of it.

Laying in bed with a pillow over his head, Jeya had his eyes clenched shut as he attempted to will away the headache that had spawned. He'd been dismissed from class early today after...a lesson in magic gone wrong. Knowing that his main weakness was his ability as an Empath, one of his instructors had been working with him to set up a block that would at least shield him from the constant bombardment of foreign emotions. Indeed, while being an Empath was also a great strength, it was the fact that he couldn't yet control the ability that was problematic. He picked up on the emotions of anyone that was nearby, and while for the most part he was used to the constant swirl and hum of feelings, and had learned to differentiate between what he was feeling and what someone else felt, and while this meant he could, under normal circumstances, ignore the other emotions...some instances could be hell on him.

He dreaded crowds. A few people at a time could be dealt with, but a swarm of people could be downright intolerable and overwhelming. And give him a killer headache. Or make him sick to his stomach or just plain depressed if the people around him were feeling all weepy or stressed. It was a real mood killer at times.

So, that was what he needed to work on. A lot. He needed to learn how to filter the emotions of other people, and then learn how to identify which emotion belonged to who. Right now, he could do neither. Well, sometimes he could identify individual emotions if only a few people were around him...

Most of the time, he tried to ignore the emotions, though. It always felt like he was invading their privacy, and sometimes, he didn't like what he felt.

In any case, today the instructor, a fellow Empath though obviously far more advanced in her ability than he was, had tried to help him set up a block and, of course, after setting it up, they had to test it out. Bad idea. Jeya sucked at holding the block, and the wave of emotions she lashed out at him with crippled him. She'd chosen a dizzying medley of emotions ranging from insanely happy to suicidally depressed and everything in between. Not a fun combination.

He had to be helped back to his room by a fellow student, head reeling, temples pounding and nausea threatening to solidify into something even less pleasant.

And, that's where he'd been for the last hour and a half, waiting for his senses to return and the ickiness to die down. Thank goodness it was starting to ebb now.

It was a good twenty minutes more before he could finally lower the pillow away from his face and sit up, still a little woozy, but one hell of a lot better than he had been. But what was worse was the embarrassment. Even at seventeen he was praised for the skill he displayed during spars, for he seemed a natural when it came to handling a weapon. And yet, a simple, invisible attack, a strong surge of emotion, could turn his world upside-down and disorient him--or, in this particular demonstration, send him spasming on the ground like an epileptic.

In fact, he'd been the poster child for what not to do and what could happen if you lowered your guard. There were other Empaths in the class, but they seemed to have no problem whatsoever with erecting a mental block and keeping their emotions safe and separate. It just came naturally.

His ability was simply too strong. He didn't know how to control it, and it was a source of constant frustration for his professor. And himself.

He could weild a sword and hit a moving target dead-on with an arrow, but what good were any of those skills if it came down to actually using them in a real battle? He'd be useless as a soldier. He'd be crippled by his opponents fear, stress, hatred, exhileration...or any combination of them. And in a battle...those emotions would be multiplied by the hundreds. Emotions ran strong when lives were on the line.

Scooting slowly to the edge of the bed, sweat-dampened, red-streaked black hair hanging dully in his scarlet eyes, Jeya sighed and rubbed along his forehead. He'd get it...eventually.

He had to.
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


Artemis gazed down the hallway she was enjoying the stroll in the Academy. The students were so lively and so skilled it was to be admired. She had watched a sword fight through one of the windows, the students were amazingly resourceful on top of being talented. Their mock battle raged on until the instructor interveined. Smiling she started again down the halls. Later in her meandering a class was discovered, they seemed to be doing a mental exercise something Artemis was most interested in, she would of tried to gleam some thoughts off one of the students but knew she would be discovered, if not by the student themself the teacher would of definitely felt her mental energy. She was toying with the idea of enrolling, just to hone her own skills. Her shoes made a soft clunk along the wooden floors of the complex that was followed by a louder bang as her staff hit the floor in stride with her steps. The academy was as lovely as it was famous and she noticed that she was now in a residence area. She stopped using her staff as a walking stick to quiet herself. After all a disruptive guest was never a welcome one. She untied a red ribbon from the end of her staff and used it to tie up her long auburn hair. The hallways come to a junction and it was time again to make a desicion, to pick a path and see it through. The thought scared her. She had never stayed in one place for long and the thought of settling here for more than a week or two unnerved her. She took a left and continued strolling along, not minding at all being lost, it gave her more time to think about possibly staying. Her telepathy could really improve her as well as her staff handling. THe other hand was that this was a military academy, and she was a pacifist and always chose non-violent methods, unless no other option was visible. She hummed softly to herslef an elegant tune when she spyed a young man sitting on his bed. She took a deep breathe and decided she would not of been so impressed with the place had she no intent to stay. Walking to the mans doorway she nervously wiped away nonexsistant dirt from her black pants, and readjusted her shirt. She knocked lightly and waited, scared her wondering would be put to an end and excited for it at the same time.


Jeya had his eyes closed and was holding his head in his hands when a knock on the doorframe made him raise his head with a jerk. He winced a little at the sudden movement, because he still felt a little hungover, so to speak--that was the only way he could describe the aftermath of that attack--and that hadn't helped his head any. Luckily, though, he was coming out of it and starting to feel better; he could hardly remember much of what happened after that little episode, except for a lot of stumbling, and the sour aftertaste in his mouth told him he must have thrown up, too. Yeah, he probably looked perky right about now.

He'd been expecting to see another trainee standing in the doorway, probably sent over here to check if he was well enough yet to return. What he didn't expect to see was a girl who...most definitely was not another student, instructor, soldier, or anyone who looked like they lived or trained here. She wasn't wearing any sort of uniform, that was for sure.

Jeya jumped again and lowered his hands to grip the edge of his bed, staring up at her with scarlet eyes, currently narrowed slightly. His red and black hair hung around his face, reaching down to his jawline, straight but with a somewhat feathered, wild texture, though now it was a bit matted and clingy where it had touched his face; he had been sweating a lot. Not taking his eyes off of the girl, he shifted a little, uncomfortably. Who...?

While he had learned to ignore the emotions of a small group of people--or, at least, they didn't bother him as much as large crowds did; they were simply a constant hum in the back of his mind, and just like you could hear your own heartbeat if you listened hard enough, but otherwise ignore it, he could do the same with that constant hum. But this time he chose to listen, and what he felt was uncertainty and nervousness, and an odd sort of...torn feeling. Normally he didn't like to listen; normally he tried not to, because sometimes...well, sometimes the truth wasn't pretty and it was more pleasant to be oblivious. Besides, emotions were a private sort of thing, and to invade someone's innermost feelings, even was like accidentally walking in on a couple making love. The only true haven anyone had was their mind, and for someone to entrust their feelings to another was by far one of the most intimate acts that could be performed.

He wouldn't like someone invading his head, rooting out what he was feeling, so...he did often feel uncomfortable when he did that to someone else.

But this certainly did demonstrate one of the ways in which empathy was useful. By searching out her emotions, he could learn something of her intentions. Maybe. If she had been feeling anger or hate or something dangerously negative...that would have been his sign that she most likely meant him harm for whatever reason, and since he didn't recognize her as anyone from the academy, he had to use caution. Who knew who she was...

The emotions he felt, though...he didn't know what to make of them, and he blinked, relaxing slightly. Nothing that seemed threatening...but he had no idea what they meant. And that right there was one of the problems with empathy--it was a far cry from mind-reading, and sometimes, people could be so good at deceiving and acting that they could actually feel the emotion they were trying to portray.

Jeya shifted again, but this time he removed his hands from the bed and placed them in his lap. "Who are you?" he asked. "You're not from here, are you? What are you doing here?" She looked harmless, and she felt harmless, and he had no idea how she could have gotten past all the soldiers and trainees and instructors if she wasn't supposed to be here. But you could never be too sure.

And though Jeya didn't have a weapon currently, that didn't mean he couldn't defend himself.

But...maybe he was just being too suspicious...

He couldn't help it; it was his nature...and he'd always had a hard time connecting with people.

Funny, wasn't it? Empathy was supposed to make you understand other people better, and had only caused Jeya to emotionally distance himself from others.
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Artemis gazed at the boy, he was drained clearly and now she was intruding when he seemed not to want anyone around. She nervously ran a soft hand through her auburn hair. Her hazel eyes scanned the boys room as they darted back and forth, then they rested on him, his hair so unique his face so innocent yet determined. She smiled while gazing into his eyes and started to speak, then she felt a small buzz skim over hermind. Her smile faded and became a look of concern, she couldnt help it she had never felt such a thing before and clearly he was in her mind somehow for the moment the bizzing lasted. She wondered what he was doing in there. Then her thoughts carried her to wonder if she caused the same feeling in others when she read their thoughts and if it hurt them. No one ever seemed to notice it though, perhaps she was just more in tune with her own mind than the average person is with their own. She couldnt dwell on these things now, she was worried her mind was no longer safe, but still she felt exactly the same. She took a deep calming breath and relaxed. Her fears about staying in this place vanished only felt calm, she stopped her thoughts from flowing freely as they normally do as a precaution, unaware of what the boys actual talent was. Returning her smile to her face she gave the student a curtious bow

"I am very sorry for disturbing you. My name is Artemis, I sort of ..well lets say I sliped in the back entrance. Anyway the reason for my intrusion was simply to ask you who was in charge, and again my apologies for being disruptive."

She laughed to herself remembering her mother and how she was taught to be respectful to everyone and always to mind her manners, though now she felt she had went slightly over the top.


Jeya couldn't help but blink in surprise as he watched her facial expression change when he read her emotions. What? It was an effort to keep his own expression neutral, but some of the surprise must have shown in his crimson eyes. Wait...she...she could feel that? Her smile had faded to a look of concern the moment he'd opened himself to feel her emotions, and...that...that was really weird...

She shouldn't have been able to feel or notice anything. It wasn't like he was reaching out with his mind toward hers, no, nothing like that. All he had to do was simply listen. The best analogy Jeya could ever think of was...emotions were to an Empath like speech was to the ears. For an Empath like himself, walking into a silent, but crowded, classroom was like walking right into the middle of a raucous party--the emotions of people projected outward from them as clearly as speech, and just like one could try and ignore a conversation, so could the Empath try and ignore the emotions felt.

Jeya didn't have to do anything at all but open his ears, so to speak. That's what made the ability so wasn't something he tried to do. It was just something that happened.

That's why the ability caused him so much trouble...

So, nonetheless, it confused Jeya that the girl should be able to notice anything at all! Damn...that must mean she had some sort of psychic ability..., couldn't think too hard on it right now, though. His mind was still kind of woozy.

And then his eyes flew open when she said she "slipped in through the back entrance".

"You what?!" he sputtered, going rigid, and his own suddenly loud voice made his head give a mighty throb, as though to tell him to shut up and get some rest. "You snuck in? How'd you do that? There're guards!" Oh man...that wasn't good! So much for high security! "Does anyone know you're here? Look...Artemis, was it? Look, you could get in trouble if someone finds out you snuck in here when you don't belong here." Not to mention he could also get busted if he let a stranger go wandering off...

With a grimace, he pushed up from the bed and forced himself to stand. The world around him tilted and swayed a little unsteadily, and he gripped the nightstand next to him to steady himself, though his stomach squirmed a little. wouldn't be eating anything for a bit yet...

"I'll take you to the people that're in charge, alright? Like I said, it'll be bad if they find you wandering around alone; it's better if you're with me. What do you want them for, anyway?" he told her as he straightened, topping off at an even six feet tall.

[ahh, sucky post, sorry!]
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


She smiled when he spoke. He was clearly confused about something, she was not sure what. She thought for a moment careful of her mind so he would not gleam anything off of it, not that she was sure of what she felt. A moment later she came to a realization and a smile emerged on her face. She had come to the conclusion his confusion was in how she manahed to get into the school in the first place. Then as he questioned her on it she had to use great self control to hold back her laughter.

"I didn't hurt anyone I never would dream of it. I also didnt think that this place was so strict, I mean I suppose the guards would of tipped me off. But listen I dont think you should be going anywhere, you seem sick." She smiled at him and gazed up at him he was a good half foot taller than she and his eyes matched her hair perfectly, she was awed.

She placed a gentle hand on his arm and her hazel eyes met his crimson ones. Such beautifully colored eyes, she had only seen the like once before. Such sweet and horrible memories came back to her. She shook her head sofly and then returned her gaze to the student, smiling sweetly she spoke  "Come on now, you relax and I will worry about myself. Besides I could never forgive myself if you became worse on my account." Her voice rang out almost melodic had she sang her words to him. She tried to lead him back to his bed to make sure he rested himself. Her worries now shifted from wondering if she would be welcome to hoping this boy was alright, he seemed wiped out, "Please is there anything I can do for you?"

((It was a lovely post dont worry about it))


(OOC: Hope you guys don't mind if I join in.)

Rend wiped the back of his hand across his glistening brow. It had been one of the hardest workouts his instructor had put him through. He closed his eyes for the briefest of moments as he moved through the corridors, eager to get back to his quarters so he could change.
As it was, his clothes were covered in sweat, the red of his uniform had become so dark that it nearly faded into the black background upon which it was set. His arms felt weak, as though their very fibres had turned to liquid. Rend was beat. Even the sword that hung from the scabbard slung about his waist possessed the weight of one hundred stones.

The blonde youth rounded one of the many corners in the corridors of the Academy and opened his eyes to catch a fleeting glance of a woman entering a room to his right about twenty paces from where he was. He stopped where he stood and frowned. Hers was not a face with which he was familiar. His trained eyes had seen all that they had needed to from the glimpse he had been afforded. It was not that she appeared dangerous, in spite of her large staff. It was more the fact that Rend did not know her that led him to move toward the door, but at a far more cautious pace.

And so he moved to, and stopped in the doorway of Jeya's room. His left, and preferred, hand rested on his belt, ready to clasp his weapon should the need arise. He hoped it would not. His right he placed on the frame of the door, and leaned into the room ever so slightly. His eyes of pale azure darted about the room and took in all that they could in the time available.

He saw the woman. And he saw...

He knew the other. But not by name. He had seen him around the grounds. He was proficient, of that Rend was aware. Good with a blade, fantastic with an arrow. Rend liked to keep aware of those with skill. But it was not the lad's physical prowess that gave him pause for concern. It was his other endeavours. Rend knew the youth to associate with those of the magical inclination. He felt a pang of anger rush through him, and in the same moment it was gone.

Replaced with an akward feeling of intrusion. He raised his eyebrows and offered a sheepish smile, his high cheek bones causing his eyes to squint slighlty.

"Sorry to intrude... I, thought there might be a problem. I can move on if you would prefer. Just making sure everything is ok." His voice was soft and without rasp, yet possessed an underlying strength common to those of noble birth.


[Don't mind at all! Welcomies!]

Jeya certainly didn't see the girl as a threat, but she was sure making him more and more confused by the second, and confusion never felt too swell when you were wiped out. Jeya didn't laugh as she laughed. He only quirked a slender eyebrow, and for one of the few times in his life, he actually felt frustrated that her emotions had suddenly become so...guarded. So she really had caught she'd done it, how she'd even known to begin with, he really had no idea, but it was somewhat unnerving. And a bit disheartening. It seemed everyone and their mother could guard their mind but him.

"'s strict...this is sort of a military academy..." Jeya muttered as he absently brushed off his crumpled trainee uniform as he waited for his head to stop throbbing. Straightening abruptly like that hadn't been too smart; these attacks really were like condensed migraines--instead of lasting twelve hours, it lasted one or two, and just like real migraines the attack was followed up by a "hungover" sort of feeling, too! Now he was in the latter phase of the attack--he no longer felt like his head was being split by an ax or like his stomach was being pulled out through his throat by plyers, but it was still pretty obvious that he felt like crap.

Painfully obvious, apparently.

His crimson eyes blinked rapidly in surprise as, before he was fully able to comprehend what was going on, he found himself being mothered by this new girl. She had her hand on his arm and was trying to lead him back to his bed, telling him he looked sick, that he should rest, and some other stuff along that same vein. Wait, what?! Yeah, if there was one thing he wasn't used to, it was being mothered, and the girl's directness threw him off. He took a couple of steps backwards toward his bed before he could fully understand what was happening, or maybe he'd taken a few more than just a couple, because before he could come back to himself the backs of his knees hit something and he found himself seated unceremoniously back on his bed, grimacing as his head swam woozily. Yeah...he was still out of seemed his reflexes and reaction times were way off...

It was her voice that brought him back to himself as she asked if there was anything she could do to help. He blinked blankly up at her for a second before giving a start and tugging his arm free of her grip.

"No, I'm fi--wait, what are you doing? Did you hear me? You could get in trouble if--" He cut himself off and just sighed, running one hand through his hair, which was dry now but oily where his sweat had dampened the hair. It was true. He did feel like shit. And now that the pain was gone, his body was craving real rest. Of course, there was simply no way he could rest while she was here, a complete stranger standing around in his room who had snuck in here which...overall just wasn't good.

Not to mention she was a his room...and he was on his bed...

Ugh, not that he thought anything like that about this girl, but the suggestion was still there, he was still a guy with hormones and stuff, and it was still an awkward thought. Not that he actually enjoyed that...quite the contrary. Perhaps if he was able to shield his mind it would be great, but his one and only adventure in that area had been...uncomfortable and distracting.

He sighed again and ran his hand from his hair to his face. "Alright...let me put this to you simply," he began, speaking through his fingers. "I'm not really in the mood for this. I already got my ass kicked by an instructor today, hence the 'sickness', and if I don't help you get this mess cleaned up, and someone discovers a complete stranger snuck in here and I did nothing about it, I'll get my ass kicked again. It's a security thing. Get it?" Blunt, as always. That was his way. It sounded harsh...but that was just how he was. And his bluntness tended to keep people at a distance...which was a nice added side-effect.

Jeya had just lowered his hands back down to the bed and was starting to push himself back up to his feet tiredly when another voice, a masculine one, rang in his ears. Jeya had been so focused on the woman that he hadn't even seen the soldier stop in his doorway, but he just about jumped out of his skin then. Which also meant he plopped right back down onto his bed.

Flicking his eyes up and past Artemis, they quickly located the voice's source. A soldier. He immediately recognized the uniform and something of the man's face, though he'd only seen him in passing. He gave another little jolt and his attitude sobered up respectfully. After all, trainees like him were on the bottom of the food chain, so this soldier was thus his superior. And then there was this his room...who had snuck in...

Some of his wariness did fade a little as he took in the man's smile, but he still couldn't help but gaze up at the man with the classic deer in the headlights expression on his face.

"Ah...yeah...everything's okay..." His gaze flicked helplessly over to the woman. Ugh...he was so not in the mood for this...
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


Artemis smiled as Jeya sat on his bed. She genuinely wanted to help him, it was her way. Always had she put others before herself and she noticed that Jeya was not accustomed to being treated like this. Maybe she made him uncomfortable just by being a girl, or maybe the fact that she was able to sneak in unnoticed was unnerving to him. Maybe it was both but even though she wanted to be sure he was alright, it was clear the best way to help him was to leave him alone.

"Please you dont need to worry about me, I know the trouble I may be in but that is not your concern. I promise my presence will no longer affect you in anyway. I thank you for your concern."

She glanced up at him and removed her hand from his arm. She was about to say a final something when the student jumped up from his bed and stood at rigid attention, she spun around quickly and saw another soldier, seemingly Jeya's superior by the wya he was reacting. Fearful he may be in severe trouble she thought quickly.

"Dont be alarmed sir everything is fine" She saluted the incoming soldier respectfully. "He was injured badly during lessons today and I was sent to make sure he was alright. My name is Artemis, the head medical officer said I could be like a shadow today. I am really interested in healing people."

 She smiled politely as the words flew from her lips, she spoke with such conviction and grace that only the most skilled would be able to pick up her lie. She spun around completely facing Jeya, winked at him and said "I must be going now, please promise me to get a good rest and I am sure you will feel much better."

Turning again to the young soldier she smiled and saluted him once more. "If you gentleman will excuse me I must be on my way." She walked out of the room with as if she belonged there and picked up her staff from the doorway with  a single smooth arm motion. She turned out of the room and headed back down the hallways.


Rend raised his eyebrows slightly, not entirely convinced by Jeya's assurances. Despite his expression to the contrary, Rend was certain the kid was troubled. He did nothing to conceal the slight upward furrow of his brow as he looked the lad over. All the while his hand remained resting on his belt, his years of training making such things near instinctive.

From the trainee to the woman, Rend's eyes did move. Slowly and with purpose. She was foreign to him and he had not seen her before, of that he was certain. He made no secret of tracing his eyes firstly down, then up the length of her body. There was the slightest hint of a smile, the outward indication that he liked what he saw.
Desire pulsed once through his body, from the pit of his stomach. And in the next instant it was gone. His training ensuring his emotional detachment held for at least a few moments longer. He rested his eyes on her own and listened to her words.

Rend was by no means a trainee, nor a rookie. He had spent the last five years emerging himself in the Soldier's lifestyle. But all the same the feeling of being called 'sir' by this woman was for the most part a strange one, though not altogether unpleasant. He straightened his stance slightly and took some of his weight from his arm on the door. His left hand never left its perch on his belt.

Rend may not have been friends with everyone at the Academy, but for the most part he knew all the faces. Hers was not a face he knew. And when she told him why, there was no reason to doubt. What did strike him as odd however, was the readiness with which the girl spilled her entire story. It was as though she thought he might actually give a shit that she was interested in helping people. Rend, did not.

He stood there silently and nodded where it was appropriate to do so, and stepped deftly to the side to allow the girl passage to leave. His well trained eyes darted to her staff as she collected it, and then rested on her legs for the briefest of moments before he turned his attention once more to Jeya.

"Badly injured she said..." His eyes moved over Jeya's position twice before he spoke again.

"Why'd they only send the trainee to you then?"

Rend's face expressed the genuine concern he felt. If one of his brothers in arms was in trouble, it was his duty to ensure their safety. No two ways about it. Even though all he really wanted right now was a hot, long bath.


Artemis smiled to herself when her back was completely turned from the soldier in the doorway. She was afraid the academy might of covered lie detection in their studies.  She was seconds awsy from celebrating silently to herself when the soldier spoke. Her was peicing together her fabrication and something must of been just out of place in his mind. She spun around in a single graceful movement, looking straight into the soldiers eyes. Smiling respectfully she spoke to him.

"They sent me to check up on him, he had already seen and been taken care fo by the doctor. Being put on bed rest the doctor sent me to make sure he remained that way. As you could tell it was a good thing I did for I found him up and about."

She continued to gaze into the soldiers eyes, she had noticed slightly before the way he looked at her, she never came to the conclusion that he was checking her out in anything more than a professional compacity. After all she never had anyone look at her in that way before, so she could not fathom any other reason for him to eye every inch of her. In that sense she was naive, she was careful to note that the soldier did not trust her as his hand never left the hilt of his sword. She stood smiling respectfully looking into the soldiers eyes waiting for his reply, and hoping her fabrication had been suffiecient to get him to move along. She hoped that for Jeya's sake more than her own.


Oh, she would give her name!

If Jeya's head wasn't already hurting, he would have palmed his forehead. The first part of the woman's explanation was fine and dandy, and at this point Jeya was just hoping the soldier would move along so he could try and salvage the situation, sick or not, and save the both of them some unnecessary drama--because Jeya really hated drama; it gave him a headache for more reasons than that it was annoying. But then she had to go and give her name. And he had reason to believe it was her real name, since she'd given it before, but hell, even if it was a psuedonym that was just as bad! Everyone's full name here was recorded and documented, and could thus be easily looked up. Now she'd given a name, and...argh...

So, it wasn't surprising that, instead of looking pleased about Artemis' attempt at covering his ass, Jeya Ayani looked just a little less than pleased by the time she was moseying on out the door.

Out the door...where she could walk around...a complete stranger who had snuck in, who he had not reported. He probably should have told this soldier the truth, and he knew it. Yet his mind was still moving rather sluggishly, and it had only just registered that he should still do something about her after she started concocting that lie. A lie which, from her body language, she was including him in. Not his concern? Argh...yes, this whole thing was of his concern. He was very much concerned...

This was just not his day...

Oh, hell with it! Bluntness was a part of his very nature, and in this situation especially a little bluntness couldn't hurt. Trust was an integral part of being a soldier. Sure, he wasn't a soldier yet, but he was sure as hell training to be one. He wasn't going to start lying now, especially not for some girl he didn't even know. Yet, that was another reason being an Empath with no way to shield the mind sucked--he was too easily guilted into things. Sometimes, it was tough to take a firm stand on things because he never fancied feeling the backlash of negativity that usually resulted. If he had been anyone else, he probably would have given the girl a good tongue-lashing and marched her over to the proper people, yet as it was, even though he put on a facade to keep people at a distance, the truth was...well, duh, he empathized with people far too much...

Good at archery, passable with a sword, but...utterly horrible with social relations and judgment. And a soldier had to have good judgment and discernment. And he couldn't well be a soldier if he could understand and empathize with where the enemy was coming from.

Oh any case, he could tell the man wasn't quite buying the story. It was best to just tell it straight. Lies always started out small, but then they snowballed. It was never fun to be at the foot of the mountain when that happened.

"I'm really not that badly injured, sir, it's just a bit...complicated. But, look, I--" And then the girl returned.

And added to the lie. There it was...already started to roll...

Jeya shook his head firmly as she finished, regretting the motion for the way it made the room spin, and looked pointedly up at the soldier. "No, I'm afraid that's not quite true. She was mothering me all to hell, pardon, but sir, I honestly don't know who she is," he said, and shot a look over at Artemis. It was almost apologetic. "She said she snuck in here. I was going to escort her to the proper people...she's not a danger or anything, but it should still be investigated...either someone was slacking off on their job, or there's a loophole somewhere that has until now gone unnoticed."

There, done. He took a deep breath and massaged his left temple with his fingers.
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


Rend moved his eyes before his head as he turned to face the girl once more. He faced her only with his head however, keeping his body turned very much toward Jeya in his room. What was it now? Couldn't these damn medical types do something and stick to it? It was bad enough they sent an injured trainee away without proper attendance.

Rend watched her eyes as she began to speak once more. And he felt comforted by the fact that the boy had already been attended to by someone who at least knew what they were doing. At that point he looked over at the trainee and searched his form for any sort of injury, still, he could see none. But that concerned him not, not always are the things that trouble us visible to those on the outside.

Once she had finished, Rend looked at her once more, this time turning his body as well and gave an empathetic nod, his eyebrows furrowed upward slightly in a matter-of-fact way.

"Right. Well, that's-"

But Rend did not finish, for Jeya had begun to speak. At that point Rend raised his eyebrows, this time without the slight friendly upward furrow in the middle. He watched Jeya from the corner of his eyes, without turning his body or his face away from Artemis.

When Jeya was done, Rend slowly moved his eyes back to the girl, and brought them to rest on her own. His face, youthful though hardened with experience, was marked with concern. When he spoke, it was not to the girl, but to the trainee.

"Your honesty is appreciated my friend. I shall see to it that it does not go unrewarded. Meet me in the mess hall at dinner tonight, after the meal." At this point he returned his gaze to the trainee and offered an encouraging smile, "There are things I wish to discuss with you." Rend then shifted his full attention to the girl before him,

"As for you..." He paused, then sighed and folded his arms across his chest as he leaned against the door frame once more, this time with his shoulder.

"That's no mean feat, breaking in here. Takes skill. Unless," Rend motioned with a head movement towards Jeya, "As he said, someone was slacking off. Which I do not think was the case, I know most of those men, it would not be in their nature. No, I'm curious, how did you get in? And," At this point Rend offered another, small, smile,

"Whether you really are interested in healing people. As far as I know, the academy is always interested in training healers..."

Although not entirely happy with the situation, Jeya was right. The girl had done no harm. And if in fact she had snuck into the Academy on her own, she may have the potential to be an asset to the Kingdom. Rend studied her face carefully as he attempted to discern what truths he could from her non-verbal reactions.

And still the eyes, somewhere, within, he knew he liked those eyes.


Artemis continued her formal and respectful stance as the solider took in her story. She watched as his eyes moved fomr her to Jeya and back again. His body shifted slightly. When he seemed to be in agreement with her lie, grateful that this coulkd end here and she would be out of Jeya's life and not cause anymore harm than she already did. THen the soldier was cut off and the before the other students voice was head she saw a look he gave her, a kind one. Artemis took in her words and realized he was telling the truth. She never changed her expression or her stance only her mind began racing. She understood were Jeya was coming from, he knew her not and the truth was the right thing to do, when your part of a team the team needs to come first. She undertood the notion although she never had the experience of being part of one herself. She watched as the soldier took in Jeya's words, his reaction would tell her what to do next. Her first choice however was getting out quickly, much the same way as she got in. He merely looked at her his arms folded, for a moment she thought she saw a glint of admiration in his eyes. She pushed that out of her mind quickly, neither of them wanted her here and neither of them should see her again. She wondered if the situation would have gone differently had she known what the building was before she came in. It didnt matter what was done is done, she didnt regret getting to see the place at all. When the soldier asked her how she managed this feat she was taken aback. She much more expected a sword to be drawn. There was still time for that though, after all these were semi-professionals she was dealing with.

Taking a deep breath she began to explain herself, she figured she would go with the whole truth and hope she at least got out of here without any more attention being drawn to herself.
"I was travelling the area for some time, I came to this building, I didnt know what it was. I never expected it to be a place as this one. I wanted to see what was what. I watched from a distance for a small time and noticed there were many young people, such as yourselves, so I didnt think it would be such a strict place. I got closer and saw a guard by one of the doors. It was from that direction I came in" She pointed down the corrider behind her. The way she was going to leave. "I gleamed a slight amount from his mind, and he was daydreaming quite vividly. So I just helped along into a peaceful slumber. I then entered. Once I realized what kind of place this was, I was deeply awed. I was hoping I might of actually found a place to stay for a while. If it is alright with the two of you, I can quickly slip out no one else would ever know I was here and noone needs be in any kind of trouble. I give my word you will never see me on the premises again."

She was glad to be done talking, she was not sure why exactly. She ran a few fingers through her auburn hair and continued to look in the direction of the two students. Wondering what would happen now.


Rend listened to the girl's words with a soldier's attentiveness, his eyes watching her closely for any sign of aggression. Though he did like and admire her physically, there was much about her that was a mystery to him, and she had afterall managed to find her way into the Academy grounds. But there was more that troubled him.

The Academy was situated within the Castle Grounds. Having grown up on these grounds, Rend knew for a fact that utmost effort was taken to ensure the common folk knew their place and kept their business to themselves, outside the hallowed walls of the Castle Grounds. And so it was, to him strange that this girl had investigated the Academy seemingly on a whim, after having found some way to enter the Castle Grounds.

She seemed more and more like an asset Adela needed with each passing moment. Rend, his mind racing, showed no outward sign of this. But as she mentioned that she had used magic to assist her entry to the grounds, Rend found her to be, less than impressive. Any magic user could defeat those mentally frail, but it took a real skill to engage on a physical level. Studying her closely however, he knew Adela's politics to differ from his own, and magic user or no, the girl had shown skill enough to still leave him suitably impressed.

He let her words hang for a moment before swallowing hard, his eyes never leaving her own.

"'Twould be a great shame were you to keep your word M'Lady." He said at length. "For, whether it was your intention or not, today you have shown great promise and potential as a Soldier of the Kingdom. Should you ever consider a traineeship within these walls, I would be more than happy to see it so." Rend did not smile as he spoke, his face ever carrying the same stoic edge.

"If you still wish to leave, you are welcome to. But please consider my proposal to you, healers, if you were indeed speaking truth before, are ever appreciated among our ranks."