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Adelaide, Trapeze Artist

Started by DragonSong, September 24, 2018, 09:32:19 AM

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__________________QUICK STATS
Name Adelaide "Addie" Alamoch
Age 17
Gender Female
Species Human
Height 5'5"
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Trapeze artist
Residence Cirque du Fantasma

Credit: MegS-ILS

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Addie is a slight thing, with a build molded by her years of practicing trapeze and tumbling. Her eyes are large and blue in a round face, with a smattering of freckles across her nose, light enough as to be almost invisible on her fair skin. Her hair is a deep, blue-raven black, often pulled back into a braid or bun (or some combination of the two).

When not performing, she prefers loose, practical clothes, typically a simple set of breeches and blouse. During shows however, she has a variety of costumes to wear, typically done in blacks, crimsons, and cobalt or indigo. She often wears a mask when performing as well, though no one is quite sure why, as it does very little to hide her identity.

Considering who her foster father is, it's probably just done for the aesthetic. 

Out of costume, Addie is shy and soft-spoken, with an easy smile that is often accompanied by a blush that highlights her freckles. She genuinely likes people, though she is more an observer than a participant in most conversations.

When performing, however, she seems to transform. All shyness falls away to be replaced with shining confidence and a shining smile that lures the audience in as she twirls and twists through the air. Occasionally, after an intense performance, this burst of confidence will last her for a few hours after the show, though it always fades eventually, and she'll be back to her usual self.

As a trapeze artist, Adelaide is of course incredibly flexible, and stronger than her slight frame may lead one to believe.

As far as magic goes, while she has no particular, strictly magical gift herself, she does possess the Sight. The seventh daughter of a seventh daughter, it was an inevitability for the poor thing.

A loosely defined gift, the Sight offers Addie a few very specific perks and/or disadvantages:
 -- She can see if other people have magic; it appears like a sort of colorful haze around them
 -- She can see lingering ghosts
 -- Occasionally she will get glimpses of potential, immediate futures (for example, if an audience member is about to fall over, she will see it happen several seconds before it actually occurs); while interesting, she doesn't feel this is particularly useful
 -- fae and demonic glamours have no effect on her, unless they are incredibly strong and/or augmented with specific types of magic

(Additionally, the mask she typically wears while performing is actually enchanted to block her Sight, so she won't get distracted while on trapeze.)

The Ringmaster's adopted daughter, Adelaide is typically well beloved by the members of the carnival. Snake in particular has a protective impulse around her, and they have viewed each other much like siblings since she was found and taken in by Vis.

With six older siblings, three younger, and another on the way, Adelaide was often overlooked in her rather large family. So overlooked, in fact, that she was often left behind in marketplaces or out in the woods, once even at a stables where her father was working.

By the time she was seven she realized these were not accidental happenings; her Sight was off-putting to staunchly devout Connlaothian parents, and while they didn't want to abandon their child outright, it was fairly clear they didn't really want much to do with her either.

So she ran away.

Luckily, after only a few days on her own, the Cirque du Fantasma rolled through her village and she was scooped up by the Ringmaster, who more or less claimed her and raised her as his own.

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