Spirits of the Earth

Community => General Discussion => Games => Topic started by: Anonymous on September 12, 2011, 03:33:53 PM

Title: The Lyric Game!
Post by: Anonymous on September 12, 2011, 03:33:53 PM
Here's how you play:

The first person belts out some lyrics, be it a verse, a stanza, whatever. But it has to be enough for people to actually be able to recognize it, so not just a few words. Like so:

Doom doom doom doom doom doom dooom doom

That's enough for you to recgonize, right? Then the next person will state the name of the band/artist and the song name.

The Doom Song -Gir

If the song is sung by different people (such as a cover), any of the artists would be correct. The songs must be in English, and any non-mild curse word should be cencered. You can have damn, for example, but not f***. And, though picking out obscure songs can be fun, don't get something we can't have heard, like your brother's garage band, or some such. Remember, we have people from all over the world.

If no one figures out who the song is by by the end of a week, someone can start anew.

The one who has currently labeled the most songs can put the title in their sig.

The title being: I'm the Lyric Game Champ!

And whatever you want to add to it. If you've taken the title from someone, you can mention that, in case they don't notice, and leave it in their signature.

Right! *rubs hands together* I think that's everything, though I might change the rules later, so keep an eye on these rules! The first lyric is:

Everybody's going to the party/ have a real good time./ Dancing in the desert/ blowing up the sunshine.