Spirits of the Earth

Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: Ethereal-Star on April 29, 2015, 02:46:22 PM

Title: Drawing, Love It Or Hate It?
Post by: Ethereal-Star on April 29, 2015, 02:46:22 PM
OK peeps, this here is a thread to express all your drawing joys and frustrations. Whether you can draw like a pro or think you can't draw worth squat, post whatever thoughts and vents on the topic of drawing here! Traditional and digital art both included, whether you use Photoshop or some other program or just regular pencil and paper, it's all art. Feel free to rant and rave about your latest drawing mishap/failure or flaunt your latest drawing achievement/success.

As for me, I right now kind of have a love/hate relationship with drawing. I am nowhere near the level of let's say @visualspice for instance, so sometimes I can get too frustrated with myself over trying to draw something that looks remotely like a character of mine. And then I say to heck with it, I'm looking for a picture on the internet instead! Ever have one of those moments? Not to mention knowing how to draw different types of faces so they don't all look the same-o same-o, and don't even get me started on the actual body! Knowing where a kneecap goes or how long the arms are supposed to be, etc. etc. Don't get me wrong I have art instruction books that can help but sometimes my impatience gets the better of me and I pay for it later.

On the other hand, drawing is an absolutely FAB thing, as you can virtually draw whatever the heck you want, your imagination having free reign. As long as you have the concept in mind and the skills in which to do it, anything goes! Obviously I am not there yet, or I'd be making money off selling my artwork.  8)  :(

So for me as well as anyone, it is a real learning process, and sometimes I just want to give up but then I later cool off and try again, hoping to have better results next time. Drawing is a challenge for a lot of people, so again I encourage everyone with an interest (or not!) in drawing to post your woes and happys regarding your own love/hate relationship with drawing and illustrating.
Title: Re: Drawing, Love It Or Hate It?
Post by: Rhindeer on April 29, 2015, 03:00:45 PM
I'm an artist, I draw, aaaaand...

I actually hate it. |:

I like the culmination of my work, but I hate the actual PROCESS of drawing. xD It's FRUSTRATING. I get angry! I just channel my anger into BEATING MY DRAWING INTO SUBMISSION AND MAKING IT WORK. D8< But man I get pissed at my art. I get so frustrated when I can't make a thing look like the thing I see in my head, or that no matter how many times I draw and redraw something it never looks right, like, WHY IS MY HAND DISOBEYING ME HRRRRRGH. And then I get all angsty looking at really awesome art. |: I have to ban myself from looking at art sometimes.


I enjoy the success and victory and satisfaction of getting a piece done and being like, "Wow, I created this thing." It's kind of amazing! *___* And I love having the ability to like...draw my own characters exactly how I see them. It's very freeing! I also love watching my progress. Nothing is more awesome than finally figuring out how to draw something that challenged you before, or learning a new technique, or stumbling upon some happy accident that works. It makes me feel accomplished.

I also like to draw so I can color. >_> When I feel like coloring, I'll draw something JUST so I can color it with copics. <_< Coloring is my favorite paaart!

I am also a very, very lazy digital artist. When I draw traditionally, I will put time and effort into copics pieces and watercolors and stuff, because THAT SHIT HAS NO UNDO BUTTON. When I do digital art, my stuff often comes out sloppy and unrefined. Sometimes I make an effort, but man, it takes a lot of convincing to get me to stick with a piece and see it through to the end. xD So it can take me a long time, because doing clean lineart digitally is a huge, tedious challenge for me. But inking stuff traditionally is really relaxing to me, and a lot easier to do clean linework.
Title: Re: Drawing, Love It Or Hate It?
Post by: Looshi on April 29, 2015, 03:19:17 PM
Drawing is hard. Any sort of art is hard. That being said...

I love every part of it. I love the mistakes, because it shows that I can and will learn to do it better, and that I am human. It gives me something to strive for, something that is attainable. I've stopped comparing myself to other people because I'm not them. Everyone has a different journey. And unfortunately, no artist is going to end up where they want to be. They will always be reaching for something more. But that doesn't make their art bad and not worthy of respect from themselves. At least, that's how I see it.
Title: Re: Drawing, Love It Or Hate It?
Post by: Ethereal-Star on April 29, 2015, 03:20:45 PM
You hit the nail on the head there Rhi! I totally and completely agree with everything you said although I have yet to even attempt my hand at digital art. I have Open Office Draw and GIMP but I barely know how to use them, especially the former. And I'm not sure if you can use GIMP to actually create art from scratch or if it's just photo editing.

But yeah, the end result if I can manage it is a great feeling, just the getting there is the most aggravating part. Grrrrrrr!!!!!
Title: Re: Drawing, Love It Or Hate It?
Post by: Ethereal-Star on April 29, 2015, 03:27:14 PM
I appreciate your input Looshi. Unfortunately, I just have trouble seeing it that way right now. I see all this awesome art and think 'I wish I could do that too.' Sigh. But yes, it is a journey and a tough one at that. I'll keep trying though, but I can't keep myself from getting frustrated about it either.
Title: Re: Drawing, Love It Or Hate It?
Post by: Draconian on April 29, 2015, 04:04:08 PM
I love and hate drawing.

I hate that I'm not nearly as patient as I could be to make some super awesome stuff. I'm fine with waiting but patience for the actual doing of things? Nuh uh.

But I love looking at stuff I did when I was a kid of characters I still have.

The whole... Seeing yourself improve thing is always super cool.
Title: Re: Drawing, Love It Or Hate It?
Post by: Ethereal-Star on April 30, 2015, 10:58:27 PM
I recently finished a picture of my character Elowen, which I'll post in my art thread in a bit. It almost didn't get finished as I was inclined to tear it up and toss it, but glad I didn't and stuck with it. It's okay I think, not perfect but it'll do. I also sketched a new character over at Remnants too that came out okay as well, but for a simple sketch it took longer to finish than I would have liked. But it's done and posted on the character profile over there.

But yeah, sometimes I love drawing and other times I despise it and think I'll never get there. Should really sit down with the drawing books more often and peruse them for more info. My patience sorely needs work, just as much as my technique perhaps more so.
Title: Re: Drawing, Love It Or Hate It?
Post by: visualspice on May 01, 2015, 02:12:01 AM
I agree with the love/ hate relationship with drawing, but in the end, you should do it if it's something you enjoy. And the more you do it, the better you'll get :)
Title: Re: Drawing, Love It Or Hate It?
Post by: Ethereal-Star on May 01, 2015, 02:17:06 AM
I do like it. Sometimes. It is nice to be able to sketch things as I see them, characters and anything else I want. Just that what I see in my head versus what comes out on paper isn't necessarily the same thing. Argh. Oh well, keep trying I guess.
Title: Re: Drawing, Love It Or Hate It?
Post by: JackieCat on May 07, 2015, 10:46:29 PM
I looooooooooove drawing.  The process, the finish, everything.  Tough that's not to say I'm really good at drawing.  Just because I love it doesn't mean I'm great at it!  I usually just draw on paper, I don't use a computer program too much.  I use pencils while drawing.  Sometimes I outline them in pen and then color them in with colored pencils.

Overall, I love drawing!!!!   ;D :o
Title: Re: Drawing, Love It Or Hate It?
Post by: Valo on May 19, 2015, 03:44:02 AM
I often think that I'm the only one in rpg's who CAN'T DRAW.
So, last christmas my sis bought me a sketchbook, and at first I actually drew every day for 4-8 hours. I stayed up until 4, just drawing. I hated and loved it at the same time, because I always had a great vision and I knew what I wanted, but I couldn't draw it, even if I tried an tried again.

Then the school started and I said good bye to my sketches. But now the summer holiday (aka work holiday) begins, so maybe I have time for it.  I have so many ideas in my head, and I can't even explain them to others, because they are so complicated. So I have to practice more, so that one day I might be able to draw them :3

Try, try again, they said...