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Started by Koga, March 28, 2015, 08:00:25 PM

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"Come on!" Wildfire whined childishly. "You'll love it! It's not so scary." He said before gazing down at the clouds below. The thought of free falling once again popped into his head, but he decided against it. He could've spent the whole day falling through the sky if he wanted to, but unfortunately he had things to do and he definitely wanted to reach the village by nightfall. However, he was more than willing to let Erynies try should she decide to. Part of him really wanted someone to share in his bliss, but another part of him understood that not everyone could handle falling from such distances the same way he could. The first time he rode Fia he was absolutely terrified, and though that was so long ago he could still remember the feeling of absolute terror. Regardless, he kept practicing and practicing, and over time he just got used to it.

Fia turned right swiftly as Erynies pulled on the reigns, cutting straight through the wind with her giant wings. She spread them out wide as she turned, and began to fly sideways. At this point Wildfire gripped onto Erynie's shoulders for support. He looked over his right shoulder and saw the ground below. He felt so giant from all the way up here, all the trees that once towered over him now looked like little twigs. He smiled as his hair blew across his face. "Hey look there's the Cyclops!" Wildfire shouted as he pointed toward the ground below where the Cyclops walked through the trees. He tried to get a look at his eye, but couldn't get a good enough look from all the way up in the clouds. He sighed to himself, now regretting what he had done to the beast; hopefully he was going to be okay.


"Don't worry," said the elf,"Cyclops' eyes are tough. Just a small fire like that wouldn't really affect it. Though you did blind him temporarily..." She then looked down. The clouds were mere blurs of white as they passed. The thought of free-falling suddenly came to mind once again. Though common sense told her not to try, her curiosity begged her to give it a go.

In the end, she decided to swallow her fear and go for it. At least Wildfire will be with her, he seems to have enough experience to keep them both safe.

Shutting her eyes, she spoke.

"Actually... let me try free falling."

Deep down she was sure she was going to regret this.

(sorry for the late reply TnT I was busy)


Wildfire sighed out of relief upon hearing that the Cyclops would be okay. "Well that's a relief." He smiled, as he stared down into the clouds below. The world looked so beautiful from up so high, he could see miles and miles of vibrant green forestry, and in the distance he could see the sparkling blue sea. It was then that he decided that he really liked the Niahi woods. Everything here was so untouched by man; to sleep in, traverse, and breathe in this land felt so liberating. There was also a very strong magical force coming from somewhere within the woods. This made Koda feel safe. This was an area of magic, where mages can cast spells at whim with little fear of persecution. He decided he would stay in the area for a few more days before departing. However, today he was going to check out that village.

Then Erynies mentioned free-falling. Wildfire smiled from ear to ear, "Alright then.." Suddenly he gripped onto the Elf's shoulders and leaned back slowly, "Lets FLY!" The two of them fell off the Firebird, soaring headfirst down through the clouds.

((Yeah me too, just got back from vacation))


This had to be one of the not-so good decisions she's made so far in her life.

The elf screamed at the top of her lungs as they fell, rushing through the clouds as gravity took over. Blurs of white rushed past, and she couldn't tell how close they were to solid ground.

Her heart beated so fast she could practically hear it in her head, as adrenaline raced through her body like never before.

Then again, she did get to experience what it feels like to fly now. A part of her actually felt great about making this decision.

(Well... mid-terms just killed me TnT)

As she started to calm down, she began to laugh at the thought. A small chuckle escaped her lips, before she spoke.

"I... actually kind of like this!" she said. Though that may only be because she's not alone here.


"WHAT" Wildfire shouted, being unable to hear Erynies over the sound of the rushing wind. However, he was able to tell that she was laughing, and to that Wildfire chuckled back at her. He held onto the Girls' arms as they fell closer and closer to the ground. Soon, the treetops beneath them became visible through the clouds, and the ground approaching began to seem more real. Wildfire smirked at the sight, plotting something to himself.

The two of them fell closer and closer to the trees, but Wildfire made no move to stop them. In fact, he kept them falling through the air until the passed the first treetop. Wildfire whistled loudly, as they fell through the forest. Now the two of them could easily see the grassy forest ground, it was approaching quickly, as the two of them moved closer and closer and closer...


Then, out of nowhere, Fia swept up beneath them, and lifted them into the air -- a mere 15 feet above the ground. The three of them soared through the forest, narrowly dodging trees and forestry.

((I feel you man haha, finals are next week for me.))


As they were falling, Erynies couldn't help but notice that Wildfire made no move top them.

Soon they were jusy above the treetops.

Then they went past said treetops.

Now they were practically plummeting to their doom, and still Wildfire made no move to stop them.

By now, Erynies' face was pale as the whitest sheet.

"Wildfire!" She grabbed hold of the boy with both her arms, and as she did, she could see a smirk playing on his lips.

Then came the whistle.

A little while later, Fia came swooping down, catching them both as they nearly hit the ground. Soon, they were soaring through the skies again.

All Erynies did was cling onto Wildfire and take heavy gulps of air to calm herself, her face still practically white.

((Sorry fpr being dead XD I was working on a comic *sshamelesspromotion*))


((hey no problem, I've been so busy lately too, hardly have any time to post, but oh yeah? Is there a way I can read it??))

Laughter filled the air. Wildfire screamed, his body was fille with adrenaline. The Firebird took them all through the forest, and the three of them barely avoided incoming trees. The flew low to the ground, eventually reaching a large lake. Fia turned on her side as they flew over, the very tips of her feathers dipped into the water. Yellow eyes reflected into the rippling waves. An awe-inspired Wildfire too dipped his finger into the water and felt its cool touch travel through his body. A smiled formed on his face, as he watched the water dance around his finger tips. Before long, he pulled up on the reigns. Fia flew up, and now the village was economy visible in the distance. The bird darted toward it. All the while, Wildfires' screams travelled throughout the whole forest.


Thank god. The village!

With still trembling hands, Erynies took over the reigns and landed close to the village entrance. Slipping from the saddle, Erynies felt her knees nearly buckle under her, still weak from the otherwise near death experience she had.

Part of her really wanted to shout at Wildfire right now. Another wanted to physically hurt him somehow.

...Yet she restrained herself. Or rather couldn't bring herself to do it.

"H... Here's the entrance..."

((here's the link; . *flops like a dead fish*))