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Ever have one of those days...?

Started by Rhindeer, March 26, 2006, 01:24:34 AM

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Well...if this wasn't turning out to be a crappy day.

Huffing irritably, Kyran stalked down a side street from the inn he'd stayed the night in, hands shoved moodily into the pockets of his breeches. He pointedly ignored the occassional odd glance he got, though occassionally he shot a rather scathing glare their way if they looked the slightest bit amused, even if they were particularly cute. He just wasn't in the mood right now.

Which was probably really no big surprise with the bruise that was darkening his right left cheek prettily, accompanied by a nice set of bloody claw marks--a pattern which repeated itself along the torn fabric of his sleeves, even on the leg of his pants. Bah. It wasn't like he was angry about the scratches or bruises in and of themselves--he didn't mind playing rough...for God's sake, a little scratching and biting and hiting, even, was a turn on!--but he was sort of pissed that his prey managed to get away. Even more than that, he was also pretty pissed that the guy turned out to be a bloody shapeshifter. Erm. Yeah. Nothing was a bigger turn off than to find you were suddenly smooching on the muzzle of a damned leopard...which had only minutes before been a nice, sensuous human mouth.

Argh. Just...ARGH.

Kyran gave a convulsive shudder at the memory of the event that had happened only minutes ago, and he repressed the sudden urge to gag, though he was only half successful. He swallowed the bile down quickly and cleared his throat.  Well. That certainly worked better than a cold bath--though he hated cold baths, anyway, because he rather enjoyed the company of his hormones (they were fun), and besides, hot baths were better, and he liked baths! It was an unspoken rule that he had to have one at least once a day for twenty minutes--anything less just wouldn't do. A bonus was it it was with company, but, sadly, he'd been going solo for a while, now. How lonely.

So it sucked even worse that this incident had made him miss out on that bath. Truth be told, he'd been hoping to lure the guy in to help him with that. Ahem. After did take more than one person to draw the water! Really! Okay, not really. Right. Anyway, so now he was still dirty as a result. And bloody. Bah.

The inn staff could have told him the bellhop was a shapeshifter, though! Bastards. Hopefully he wouldn't get worms or something from the thing...erm, right, stopping that train of thought right now!

He really needed to wash his mouth out with something...and brush his tongue thoroughly...

Heh, of course Kyran would be worried more about getting leopard cooties than, you know, the actual bleeding scratches that currently decorated him.

Or the fact that, you know, he'd gotten his stuff stolen earlier by a damned street urchin or something. He hadn't even seen the person that had snatched his bag when he'd set it down for a second so he could clutch his stomach and fight off the urge to hurl into the bushes right then and there the second he'd gotten out of the inn. With that distracting him, along with the fact that his eyes were horribly light sensitive, it just really didn't help much. He was more of a nocturnal sort of guy, and it seemed to be in his genes; his night vision was excellent, but during the day? Ouch. It took a while for his eyes to adjust, and even then he couldn't see as well as a normal human could. But at night? He was in his prime.

In more than one way, if he'd had an especially productive day!

Which he hadn't.

Bastardly shapeshifter, stealing his thunder.

Brushing some light brown hair from his face as it had been sticking annoyingly to the wound on his cheek, he finally paused when he turned down another side street and the ocean came into view, along with the docks. A new ship had arrived, from the looks of it, and people were unloading from it. For a few moments, Kyran watched the scene progress, leaning boredly against the side of a building and just...letting his anger and disgust cool down.


Watching also gave him an idea.

One word: sailors.

A slow smirk spread across his lips as he watched, scanning the crowd. Of course, it did dampen his mood a little when he remembered his sort of...scratched up state. But, eh, that could be remedied, because it didn't really matter; he was in the mood for hunting now, anyway, and he'd never played a hunting game (or "hide and go seek" as he lovingly called it) with a sailor.

Hey, he needed to vent somehow.

[haha, sorry, it bites. XD But I'm wired with sugar and been up late, too! BWAHAH!]
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


Lunes day had been pretty damn good so far, he wasn’t hungry, he was rested up and he managed to find that stuff he always used yet-never-bothered-to-remember-the-name-of to put his shocking pink hair into a Mohawk. His eyebrows were brown though, which lead to the conclusion that no, pink is not his natural hair colour. Lune was quiet the looker, and he knew it, which was why he strutted. His nose, which was a bit better than most human noses, picked up the scent of blood from a ways away and, since Lune had nothing better to do with his time he followed it. Since Lune wasn’t looking at where he was going he stuck to the scent, because he knew he’d eventually bump into the person, and then he can pretend it was an accident and then go ‘oh, I need to find my way to blah…blah…blah.’ If he didn’t like whom he ended up running into.

Then, the overwhelming scent of fresh bread caught his attention and he stood staring inside a window for about two minutes before remembering the scent of the blood. There wasn’t any distinct other scent, like… horse… or Man… Or even Female or, Lunes nose just couldn’t do that. Like his mismatched eyes couldn’t pick up colour, something that he’s had before he became a werewolf. Huffing slightly and shrugging his shoulders so his neckline was back were it was supposed to be and no chocking him, he took off after that scent again. Booooring. It was, it really was. Did he have nothing better to do? Look for a job? Visit those chickens he’s been bothering and even named? Nah, the chickens were probably dead by now, and Lune didn’t need a job to get anything… Just show off your fangs and they treat you like a king, unless you had money… Then you paid like a normal good person.  Not that Lune was a normal good person, but sometimes he liked pretending he was.

Water? Why would the scent of blood lead to water? There were sharks in the water and they followed the blood to eat whatever was leaking it. Lune just wanted to see what the victim of their own stupidity did. From the sight of this one, who was coming into view… He looked like he got mauled by a big kitty. A really big kitty… Not bigger than him while he was in his ‘raawr! I’m eight feet tall and eat rocks!’ form, but, big for a kitty. Lune stopped and looked at the back of the persons head… What the hell was he doing so close to an animal? Sure, Lune wasn’t into bestiality or anything (unless he couldn’t help it and was one himself, but that’s another story no living creature will ever know…) but, dude! You didn’t get clawed up like that unless you were doin’ something to the kitty! Poor kitty… Probably scared for life. Silently, Lune walked over to the cat-guy and blinked at him for a moment before wafting away something from his nose. Look looked ‘down’ at him, he was about two inches taller, and if the Mohawk was counted, he’d be five.

Lune stood beside the scratched up creature and side looked at him before turning towards him completely and looking from him to the sailors. What were those marks on his cheeks? Doodles? Did the poor guy get doodled on in his sleep? Maybe they were ancient ruin markings that held the secrets to the universe, and if they’re erased the entire existence of everything would collapse and everything would end. BLAM! Blinking his mismatched blue and brown eyes, Lune, once again, looked from him to the sailors. Yup, he was staring at the sailors. Lune could see why… Being a werewolf, he tending to look at people to see if they’d taste stringy or just right… Most of these sailors would taste just right if he decided to sink his ‘growlie’ fangs into them, which he wouldn’t… Any time soon. The pink Mohawk didn’t move a millimeter despite the strong gust of wind that came from the ocean, ah, the smell of the ocean it was lovely.

�I love the smell of the ocean, too bad I can’t go in it or I’d smell like wet dog…� Lunes own hands were put into his breeches pockets before he gave his bleeding companion a once over. “You’re staring at the sailors like they’re walking pieces of meat… You don’t eat people, do you..?�

If the fellow beside him said ‘yes’ Lune wouldn’t be against picking off one if he was hungry enough but he’d move his ‘short’ friend towards the chickens and the cow that he had named the day before. If the fellow beside him said ‘no’ he’d ask what he was doing then. Perfect plan of action, learn two things at the same time and ask another question… it was like an Endless loop. Who knows, maybe one day they’d learn one another’s names and exchange calling cards… So they could… Call upon one another for, what those cards were used for.  Lune blinked, and looked at the fellow beside him, smiled slightly, unfortunately giving the person a flash of his fangs before he slouched and looked at he feet for a moment. Then, he just looked at the guys face markings… Which he had to ask about or his head would implode, not that that was a bad thing.

�…What are those markings for?�

Lune had a few markings himself, five claw like marks over his left (the brown one) eye, which were blue, and three on each inner thigh, also blue… Not many people saw those ones.

((OOC: YAY! 8D It won't make ANY sense, but... >.> yeah... enjoy! if you need a quick summary of what happened.. just tell me XD))


Kyran was distracted from his study of the sailors--well, it was less of a study, actually, and more of a sizing them up, looking for a nice target, and figuring out a game plan and mode of attack that would be appropriate to successfully sever one of them from the rest of the herd, so to speak; but, see, "study" was a less wordy and more innocent way of saying all that, and Kyran did have his own unique definitions for certain words--by the tell-tale feeling you tended to get when someone was watching you. For a few moments, he ignored it. Well, of course people would stare; he was sort of bleeding. That tended to draw attention. What else would? After all, for the most part he looked human. His shoulder-length hair tended to keep his pointed ears covered, and unless he opened his mouth, his fangs were hidden, as well. Claws? He had those, but they were retractable. And as for the markings beneath his eyes? Well, some humans got tattoos. Nothing unusual.

Granted, his eyes were a bit more feral in shape, tilted more prominantly at the edges, but it still wasn't anything that would draw a lot of attention, he didn't think.

With a sigh, he tore his eyes away from the group of working sailors and glanced off toward his side, looking out of the corner of his eye...and then raised an eyebrow. Why, whaddya know. There was someone watching him...and pretty openly, too. And close by. Turning his head as the other spoke, he hardly caught the first part of what he said because his attention had zoomed in onto the guy's hair. Which was pink. Pink. And stood on end.

Kyran did catch the part about smelling like a wet dog--that was random--and he finally averted his eyes from the guy's hair and looked at his face...just in time to catch him giving him the once over. Hmm...he smirked as the other man continued on. Heh. What a loaded question. Smirk broadening into a grin, he turned his head so he could smile smugly up--bah, yes, up; stupid people that were taller than him, even if it was only a few inches, and he was already tall!--at the pink-haired man with his...strange fan of hair. "Depends on what you mean by 'eat'," he said slowly, chuckling and looking him up and down, slowly and obviously. Walking pieces of meat? Not far from the truth.

He finally let his eyes settle back on the guy's face. "In some cases, yes. In others, no. I'm not a cannibal, if that helps narrow it down some," he added wryly, though the part about not being a cannibal probably wasn't all that convincing with his long, sharp incisors clearly visible. And...well...technically it wouldn't be cannibalism for him to eat a human, anyway! Because he wasn't a human. But, hey, that was a less-complicated answer! Besides, he was sure human flesh tasted it was cut up and cooked and stuff. Because he didn't mind the taste normally, but he didn't actually eat people...not in the true sense of the word.

More like...bit and nibbled and...stuff. But that was fun! And no one got hurt unless they were into that!

Of course, he wouldn't go on into detail about that, not that he minded blabbing on about all the intimate details of his life (home life, family life, sex life, unorthodox views on everyday things, unpleasant experiences, yadda yadda)  if encouraged and asked. He just didn't get embarrassed about all that stuff that humans tended to view as so sacred or private or whatever, nor did he find it to be that big of a deal. But, that was just how he was.

And it seemed like the guy had no problem being pretty blunt himself.

But Kyran wasn't easily offended. He glanced lazily up at him, the sailors by now long since forgotten. Nah, he wouldn't bother with them--not when he had a more interesting, closer target! Way interesting. What made him even more interesting was that Kyran thought he'd caught a glimpse of fangs when the guy smiled...which meant he likely wasn't human.

Even better.

"Hm? Oh...well...actually, that's a kind of a secret. If I tell anyone, I lose my soul," he said seriously before rolling his eyes and chortling. "Nah, actually, I don't know to be honest. They're just...there. Born with them and all," he drawled, poking absently at the place where he knew the markings were, and also poking the bruise on his cheek, which spread outward from the scratches, in the process. Quite deliberately, too. Because poking bruises was kind of fun in some weird way, especially when you had nothing better to do. Sure, he hadn't gotten his battle wounds in the most ideal way (guh, not going there!), but they were still fun to play with! So maybe he was a bit masochistic...

"I guess that means it's my turn to ask what's up with the fake scratches and pink hair," he went on amiably, and almost immedietely regretted the question. Argh. No. Bad idea, asking about fake scratches. Because then the guy would probably ask about his very real scratches.

Ah, hell, he'd probably ask about them anyway. But like hell he'd tell him. He'd, uh, just make something up. Because, really, that leopard thing? It was one of the many "unholy-Goddess-what-the-hell-was-I-thinking?!" moments that he wanted to kind of erase from his short term and long term memory. He had a lot of those moments, too.
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


It took the person he was standing beside a moment to notice him, which was all fine’n’dandy because that meant he got to look over him some more. Lune couldn’t tell what colour anything was, and since he was colour blind, when the guy turned around, only then did he notice it was actual a bruise and Lune resisted the urge to run his hand over it. Sheesh, Pink-Haired-Wonder was being possessive and he’d been talking to the pointy eyed guy for less than three minutes… That was a record. It usually took him at least ten before he wanted a ‘pet’. This guy had claws though, from the looks of his nails, and claws were no fun, at least not for him because they’d usually get pushed into his back. Lune didn’t like the smell of his own blood, it was too… Familiar.  Smirking slightly, and, once again, resisted the urge to pull away the guys hand from poking his bruised cheek, he listened and smirked.

�I’ve never eaten any looking like this… But I heard they taste like Pork.� Lune’s mismatched eyes squished and he stuck out his tongue to show his distaste for it. “I don’t like pork. And don’t go into detail with the other version of ‘eating them’ please, I think I have a good idea of what you mean.�

A glance was given to the sailors who were still going about their daily thing, and Lune looked back to his new friend. He was grinning, was that supposed to make him think something horribly bad was going to happen? Ah well, if Lune really needed to get away pronto, he’d just jump on a roof and run across those, then jump into some trees and then he’d be ‘home free’ unless Mr. Bruised Cheek could pick up scents like him. That’d be bad. Lune didn’t take a step back or anything, because that meant, in a round about way, he was submitting and proclaiming the other guy the ‘leader’ at the moment, and Lune wasn’t about to do that. Though, this was probably all in Lunes head, and the other guy would probably just think he’s scared and that was bad, too. Lune’s eyes flicked from the guys’ torso, which the mismatched eyed werewolf hadn’t noticed he was staring at, to his colourless eyes, well; they were at least colourless to him.

�The fake scratches and my hair? Well, I can tell you about the fake scratched, but I’m afraid the hair is confidential.� Truth is, he doesn’t really know either, “The scratches are tattoos, a… A sign of leadership among my… People.� People was a nice word for it… Not.

The truth, Lune was a werewolf, and until a few weeks ago, he’d been the leader of a powerful pack of them, unfortunately, five or six other werewolves, non of them mutt coloured or having a pink Mohawk, picked him up and threw him over the side of a cliff into the ocean. Jerks. He lived, obviously, and was just staying here because it was beside the beach he washed up on, and the pack of his was far away enough that he could give them time to ‘get a new leader’ before he busted in there and took the big seat again, unless they managed to get someone more powerful than him. Ha. Lune knew though, he wasn’t that powerful compared to some werewolves, but, he had a trump card… They all thought he was a weak puppy because of his pink Mohawk, which wasn’t true. Yay! Trump cards! Lune loved those.

Since the two of them were playing a ‘game’ Lune decided to moved closer to him and duck his head down an inch or two and smirk. Once again, his smirk flashed a bit of his ‘canine’ fang, which looked very animalistic instead of vampiric, which was good and bad. Lune pressed his hand beside the guys head and leaned, his other hand still in his pants pocket.

�Since we’re playing twenty questions, I guess it’s my turn… I want two.� Lune leaned in real close, to the other guys’ ear and whispered a growl on his voice… Probably because he remembered about his pack and felt like ripping up a house, and this guy was the closest thing, and if Lune could get him to run away, it’d be perfect because that meant he won. “ What’s your name… and what’s with your bleeding scratches?�

Once Lune was done asking his questions, you’d expect him to move away and looked at him. Did he? No. He just stood there, one arm on the opposite side of the fellows head while his mouth was barely a centimeter away from the lobe of the guys’ ear. Lune wasn’t about to lick the guy, even if he had a pink Mohawk didn’t mean he gave his ‘favours’ often and to everyone, though, he did try and intimidate them, which didn’t seem to be working on this one.

This game of theirs was pretty fun, though, everyone would notice a pink mohawked thing and a guy that was bleeding. They stood out like teenage boys at a eight year old girls birthday party, though, Lune and the demon-boy weren’t standing there to creep people out on purpose, if that happened it was all an accident. Hopefully, mothers would see them and drag away their children before they started playing something else.

Lune, whose mouth was still only maybe a centimeter away for the other guys ear, smirked and huffed a hot breath. Now, the problem was, would he like it or tell him to piss off?


Kyran wasn't a big fan of blood in general...except under some circumstances, he didn't mind it so much! Mainly, he wasn't a fan of large quantities of blood. A few scratches, eh, it was fine. Excessive bleeding? Very much not cool. Because generally that meant someone was dying or something, and that wasn't fun--especially if it was his own blood, which made it even less fun, but he'd never admit that, nor would he ever admit that the smell turned his stomach, too; he had a very sensitive nose because, indeed, as a predator himself his senses were appropriately heightened. It had its perks and its drawbacks, like anything. But, of course, he was a demon, and that sort of thing wasn't supposed to bother demons!

Which meant he'd act like it didn't! Even though he still couldn't see the point of killing people or torturing people...but, what could he say, he got off on making people enjoy themselves more than anything... which...did that mean other demons got off on blood and killing? Necrophilia...ick.

Right! Ending that train of thought, as well (corpses! Gah! All that bacteria...), Kyran dropped his hand back down at his side when he was finished poking at his bruise. "Well, then it's good I'm not a cannibal. I hate pork, too," he said, glancing back over toward the sailors and shifting his shoulder blades along the wall to get more comfortable. Which was true. Pork was just...way too fatty. He preferred chicken. It was one of his favorite foods, truth be told! He did have to quirk another eyebrow at the guy, though, and then smirk. The guy spoke like he'd eaten human before, though from the look of those fangs, it wasn't surprising. "Though, I would have imagined them to taste more salty, personally."

And Lune could take that any way he wanted to. Kyran only gave a smug grin and watched the guy calmly, not at all attempting to hide his open study of him.

Aw, was he uncomfortable with the details? That only made him chuckle more, though he refrained from going further in depth. Kyran didn't mind those types at all; in fact, the more modest sorts were lots of fun, probably mostly because Kyran himself didn't really blush all that much, as it took a lot of effort to get him to, which meant he found it all kinds of levels of amusing to make other people turn red. He certainly wasn't shy, so that was probably why he had a tendency to gravitate toward those types. They amused him. Granted, those were the only types he could ever get to play because the more assertive, strong-willed types took a lot more convincing and most times escaped, but...

Yep. Kyran was making a big mistake in assuming that Lune was one of those meeker types. In fact, he was already fully involved in concocting a game plan of sorts to get him--having already long since forgotten about hunting or seducing sailors; he'd save that for another day. He was bored, his earlier attempt had been miserably thwarted...time to pick himself back up and go for it again! And hope to hell the guy wasn't a bloody shapeshifter. Because that? Would piss him off. A lot. He was a fairly tolerant sort of guy and could roll with the punches, but when it happened repeatedly? No, he was not a happy camper. With his luck, this place would turn out to be a shapeshifter's haven...which would be sad. He'd come here to get away from the city and get some fresh air, and yet already he'd been robbed and mauled.

He'd never live that down.

"Ah, you'll lose your soul, too, if you tell anyone. Gotcha," Kyran said with a smile and a nod of feigned understanding. In truth, he really didn't care, of course...the hair was unusual. And thick. And stood up. All the better for gripping! And as for the tattoos...a leader, huh? So what was he doing way out her by his lonesome?


Kyran was tempted to trace a finger along those "scratches" where they extended just below his eye and onto his cheek, and...oh, hell, for him "tempted" meant he just went ahead and did it. Though after his experience with the amazing shapeshifter of DOOM, Kyran was treading a bit more cautiously than he normally did. Under most circumstances, when someone he was interested in got this close to him, he had no qualms about simply shutting up whoever he was talking to with a hand knotted in their hair and his lips against theirs--he was too direct for his own good, which of course got him into trouble, but he always liked a struggle--and yet, alas, he wasn't into beastiality so he decided to be more subtle and slow.

His mistake.

Because that was when the other guy decided to randomly swoop in, leaning in close and pressing one hand near his head by the wall. Kyran didn't flinch of anything, though he did blink in surprise and glance sideways at the other guy's arm before returning his gaze to a face that was suddenly pretty damned close to his own. Eh? For a second his own smirk faded, replaced by a look of mild surprise, but he soon remedied that quickly and continued to meet the pink-mohawk man's eyes steadily. If that was a challenge, well, he was not one to back down. At all. He didn't even tense as the guy leaned in even closer to speak directly into his ear in a voice that...well, damn. Kyran repressed a slight shiver at the softly growled voice, though at the same time he marveled at the guy's ability to make the most utterly unsexy question scream scandal.

"Kyran. Name's Kyran," he answered calmly. "As for the scratches..." Hur hur, a cat scratched me! Right. That didn't sound very clever. Or smart. Though, granted, Kyran did have trouble with cats in general. See, he really liked them as pets. They were awesome! However, cats didn't seem to like him. He had quite a few faded scars all over just from getting mauled by innocent kitties when he was trying to pet them. But he never let that stop him! Well, anyway, it sounded stupid. "Hm...use your imagination."

That didn't sound too much better, but it at least sounded better than the truth!

And just in case the other guy had any doubts as to whether or not he was intimidated or whether or not he was enjoying this, he reached a hand up to firmly grip the wrist that was positioned next to his head and turned just slightly so he could lightly nip the man's jaw, right below his ear, and lave warmly but briefly at the hollow there with his tongue. It was easy to do, really, with the way he was leaning close to his own ear.

"Guess that makes it my turn, right?" he asked softly, allowing his own breath to puff against his ear and the now damp spot just bellow. He was tempted to continue with the nibbling, as well, but managed to resist...mainly because he didn't want to get mauled, so it was a good idea to find out where any boundaries lay, or if he was a shapeshifter, in advance. "What's your name? And..."

He trailed off suddenly, his eyes abruptly looking past Lune. "...And it seems we have an audience," he informed Lune amusedly.
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


A husky breath and a light laugh was gasped into Kyrans ear, this would turn out more interesting than originally intended. Not that it was really intended in the first place, more like a pot of good at the end of the rainbow. Or, the guy at the end of the blood scent trail. Either works. Though, this guy wasn’t exactly gold, he was kind of bloody, but that could be cleaned up just fine. Since Lune wasn’t used to such forward creatures… The nip and lick made him gasp again and give an odd look to Kyrans head, before doing the same to him, just for payback. Lune always gave what was freely given, unless it was something he’d rather not return, because then he didn’t.  Simple-simple. Lune blinked and smirked while looking over his shoulder to the viewers of their little show, ah, so they wanted entertainment, eh?

â€?Mmm, I’ll do that, and the name is Lune… and,â€?  Lunes fang grazed Kyrans chin, as a sign of dominance, not that Kyran would know that and glanced at the people obviously wanting to see them do something, “I absolutely love spectators…â€?

Lune backed his head away and gave Kyran a quick friendly kiss on the lips before wrenching his wrist free of the demons grip. Not that Lune knew he was a demon, but it was assumed with the fangs and everything. Poor Kyran, he’d be so devastated if he finds out why Lune would smell like wet dog when he jumps around in the ocean, luckily, he usually only jumps around in the ocean when he’s really dirty and in furry werewolf form. When he’s skin and not-fur Lune smells like a normal human depending on the soap. The lavender soap should go to hell and burn. That stuff made him sneeze. Lune didn’t like sneezing, it hurt his nose. Lune stood back and put his hands back in his pockets and smiled at Kyran like he was a stranger passing on the street.

That wasn’t true of course; Lune had grazed his chin with his fang, which meant Kyran was going to be his ‘pet’ for as long as Lune could keep him. Kyran of course wouldn’t know this until he gave him a pet name. Lune laughed evilly in his mind before looking at the viewers for a moment and then pushed Kyran up off of the wall and put his hand to his new friends lower back and began carting him towards ‘his chickens’. Lune liked the chickens, they weren’t actually his, but he’d named them so they were now his ‘pets’ too. Though, Kyran would be a more interesting one than clucking chickens who pecked at the ground they pooped on.


It took a few minutes of walking, and Lune looked at his pounced upon buddy’ol’pal and lead him to the fence that held the chickens behind it. Okay, so this wasn’t the best place to ‘proclaim what is yours’  but the place he’d been staying didn’t like him already, and taking a pretty demon-boy with him would only make them snarl more. Lightly, yet forcefully, Lune pushed Kyran against the wall beside the pen of clucking chickens and held his head straight. Lightly, Lune traced a finger down Kyrans neck, then ran it over his collar bone, then, he made another scratch. He didn’t have to do the next part, but he did because it just added to the ‘claiming’ he bent and licked it up. If Kyran asked what he was doing, Lune would give him the cold hard truth. He was a werewolf, and Kyran was now his ‘pet’ until Lune died, Kyran died or he just got annoying and pushed out. It would probably be the last one but that wouldn’t happen for a while unless Kyran proved to be a pain in the butt in more ways than one. Lune winced at that though and looked towards the chickens, pointed and spoke.

�That one is Bing.�

And then he lowered his arm, and smiled at Kyran.


Bwaha...Kyran couldn't help but grin triumphantly against the side of Lune's next, trying hard not to laugh at the response as Mister Mohawk gasped. Well, wasn't somebody sensiti--gah! As the same favor was returned to him, he shivered subtly in response. He couldn't help it! That always felt nice, and besides, he was sort of ticklish anyway. But shh! Anyway, it was true, today had finally begun to take a turn for the better. He got mauled and screwed over, but what was this? A strange, but hot, mohawk guy who was oddly giving as much as he was receiving? Score. It was better than grabbing a sailor off the streets and playing odd hunting games with him. Besides, he wasn't sure how he'd manage that, anyway, with so many people around. Bah.

It was a bit odd, though, and Kyran was still a bit unsure what to think about him. Well, not him, but his behavior. Hm. Another dominant guy. This was something new.

Of course, he was completely oblivious to the whole "graze chin with fangs equals show of dominance!" thing because he wasn't a wolf; he just figured Lune was being kinky or something, and with a smirk, he decided to also pay him back by nibbling Lune's chin before he could pull back all the way, letting his own fangs graze along the skin teasingly. Hey, like he said (er, thought) he didn't mind the use of teeth and fangs! They were wonderful things! Well...most of the time. In some places, not so much. Ahem. And he really had no idea that what he was doing was werewolf language for "I am alpha dog, rawr!", but if he ever found that out, he'd sure as hell make sure to use that maneuver more often after this.

"Heh...nice to meet you, Lune," Kyran said wryly against his chin--you know, because they'd been nibbling at least other even before they bloody knew each other's names, which was really nothing unusual for him--and grinning a little, not really caring about the spectators, either. If anything, they just entertained him more. Certainly wasn't like public groping embarrassed him; he really had no shame. Hell, he'd even been about ready to slyly suggest they give their little audience something to spectate over, but that was when Lune backed away and pecked him on the lips. It was far too short and quick for his liking--damned tease--but it was nonetheless a start, and if anything he was surprised that it was someone else who made the first move for a change. In fact, this whole thing had been initiated by someone else...which...hadn't happened often in his life.

Very odd...but, hey, change was also good, right? He only arched an eyebrow when Lune wrenched his arm away.

He didn't have long to be puzzled, anyway, because before he could do anything more than that, the two-inches taller guy (not fair) pushed him away from the wall and started herding him along the road. Which was something else new, because he was used to doing the leading (or dragging, whichever you wanted to call it, semantics and all, heh). However, he didn't complain; obviously, there was something the guy wanted to see or somewhere he wanted to take him, and since he obviously didn't know what it was, he could lead away! For now.

Though, as the sounds of chickens clucking began to fill the air...

...The hell?

Kyran wrinkled his nose, the smell of chicken mess filling the air in a most unpleasant way to his sensitive nose, but even to a human nose it was pretty gross, he was sure. Birds. They were like the single most messy animals around...feathers everywhere, walking around in their own...stuff. Kyran could feel his lip curling in disgust as the pen came into view. Chickens. What? Right, when Kyran had said he liked chickens, he'd meant strictly to eat. They were tasty when they were beheaded and plucked and gutted and cooked. Yum.

The demon was still staring at the chicken pen in horror, distracted utterly by the smell and...mess...and...that was just wrong and disgusting. Didn't anyone bloody clean up after the things? Anyway, he was so distracted by them that he was easily pushed up against the nearby wall. Right beside the chicken pen. Which stank. This wasn't cool. Kyran squirmed a little in discomfort, then began to pull away--he was sure he could find some place better than this area, that smelled good and didn't have crap all over--but Lune held his head straight and began to trace a clawed finger down his neck. Huffing slightly--and nearly choking at the smell, but wisely managing not to--he stared into Lune's face moodily and was about ready to outright suggest they head somewhere else (because, really, nothing was a bigger mood killer than those damned birds) when Lune suddenly scratched his collar bone, drawing blood.

And then licked it up.

Which would have been awesome (hey, what was another scratch? Besides, getting cleaned up that way was fun!) if they weren't right next to a chicken pen.

Finally, as Lune pointed, he took that as his chance to slip out of his grip and take a few steps back and away from the pen, holding his hand over his nose. How Lune could stand the scent, he had no idea.

"Really. That's nice. Hi Bing." The guy named chickens? Were they his? How, uh...nice. "Great. Bye, now, Bing. It was nice meeting you," he said from behind his hand, hinting as he took another step back and grabbed Lune's wrist pointedly to tug him away from it.

"By the way, what was that about?" he asked, rubbing at his collar bone with his free hand. He didn't mind it, he was just curious. After all, he had plenty of other scratches already in existence that the guy could have licked if he was into that.
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


Lune laughed and grinned at Kyran when he was done licking up the blood and saying the chickens’ name. Truth be told, he hated the smell of them but they were so cute! Lune could understand why Kyran didn’t like it, but why he was acting like a sissy girl about was still sort of new to him. Maybe he didn’t like messes? At least he said Hi to Bing, so that was nice of him. Lune was tugged away from the chickens and he grinned at Kyran, when he asked why he’d clawed his neck. Should he tell him? Lune took a few steps past him and smiled his pink Mohawk still very pink and still standing on edge.

The werewolf kept walking, his wrist still in Kyrans grasp so he dragged Kyran behind him until the scent of the chickens was just a memory… A bit of a bad memory, but it was just a memory, so it’d be fine. Now, Lune would tell him. He’d only ever had one pet before, another werewolf who was pretty cute in normal person form, which was the way Lune liked him, but, he had gotten boring because he never did anything and just rolled over and submitted. This one, this creature with the secrets to the universe written on his cheeks would be just perfect company. Being a pet won’t sit well with this one, and Lune couldn’t help the grin on his face. Pushing his hands into his pockets, Lune moved his fingers around and licked his lips before giving Kyran a once over before opening his mouth.

�Well, I’m a werewolf and I’ve claimed you as my pet. It’s a sign of dominance.�

Lune nodded smiled and leaned against a building, waiting for kyrans reaction. It’d probably be most entertaining, because they usually were when they didn’t know that’s what it was. Lune knew Kyran would do everything to show dominance over Lune, and that’s what’s going to make it fun.  In packs, there was one leader and the only way that leader could be brought down was by killing him or getting rid of him via a cliff, which was what his pack did. Lune didn’t even know what he did to deserve getting thrown over the cliff, but it must have been bad. Lune wasn’t a block head or anything, just underestimated and bad at picking hair colours. Mismatched eyes closed for a minute before opening them again and looking down. His arms were crossed over his chest and his feet were crossed, too. Quickly they flicked to Kyran.

If he assumed correctly, Kyran would flip out and try to eat him. Of course, Lune would taste like dog meat instead of human meat, he didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing for Kyran. Probably bad… Who’d want to eat a dog unless they were starved and it had just … New train of thought, please. Lune put a hand to his mouth and yawned widely, showing off his “impressiveâ€? fangs before recrossing his arms waiting for the much wanted reaction. Which would be worse? Lune being a werewolf or Kyran being a pet or.... Kyran being the pet of a werewolf…  Lune liked them both just fine, but, then again, he was himself, so that made that unfair.

((OOC: Gyaaah, so short! Sowwies! XD))


[ooc: you lie! XP]

Kyran did not complain as they made their way away from the chicken coup, even if he was basically dragged away--he could forgive that, as long as he could breathe normally again!--and he only lowered his hand from his nose when he was sure that he wouldn't be able to smell the things anymore. If he could hear Lune's thoughts concerning him being a sissy girl, he probably wouldn't be too pleased about that. It wasn't his fault his sense of smell was so accute and the scent was overwhelming! And really, was it a bad thing that he didn't like the smell of chicken crap? It'd be a bit more worriesome and disturbing  if he actually liked it...

He was also pretty relieved that Lune didn't decide to explain until after the chickens were way in the background and the air was fresh and clean again, but he made sure not to make a big deal about wheezing and gasping for air like he'd been starved for it. He simply breathed normally, though he did sigh in relief. The salty, moist ocean air filled his nostrils again, and he finally released Lune's wrist to walk beside him the rest of the way.

Then, Lune put his hands in his pockets, and Kyran waited patiently but curiously.

Erm...needless to say, Lune's explanation was not really the sort of explanation he'd been digging for. Of all the possibilities...that, right there? That answer was so far outside the sphere of Kyran's perception of reality that it didn't register for a few moments. Indeed, the phrases "claimed you as my pet" and "sign of dominance" took a really long time to compute. Kyran stared blankly at Lune, hazel eyes glazing over and going a bit cross-eyed as he ran the words over and over again in his mind. He even went so far as to tilt his head, much like a dog does when a human says a command that's far too many syllables long. Eh? Pet? Claimed? Uh...him?

Then, finally blinking and losing the temporarilly glazed look, he even went so far as to glance over his shoulder, as though making sure that Lune wasn't talking to someone else that was magically standing behind him or some reason. But, alas, no one was there! Er...

Slowly turning back around, he blinked blandly at Lune for a few more moments as the werewolf leaned against a building, grinning and then yawning widely to show off his own canines. The corner of Kyran's lip twitched upwards until he was smiling crookedly. Was this guy serious? That guy...showing him dominance? Seriously? Kyran's lip twitched a little higher...and then before he could help it he burst out laughing hard, light-hearted, mirthful laughter that even doubled him over helplessly and, eventually, made him crumple down until he was crouching on the ground as he struggled to get a hold on himself. Clutching his stomach, which was starting to hurt, he wheezed a little as he tried to rein in his amusement, finally managing to gasp out between chuckles and deep breaths, "A...are you fucking serious?!"

He didn't sound at all like he believed Lune. Nope. And he honestly didn't, because holy hells, but that was the most hilarious thing he'd ever heard in his entire life! Hahaha! Oh God...that...yeah. That was way too much. Him? A pet? HAHA! Ahem. Yeah, right.

"Hahaha...very funny. Nice one. Heh heh. Seriously. That...that was classic right there. You're a funny guy, Lune. I like you." He'd finally managed to calm himself down, though he was still sniggering and still too weak to attempt to rise, yet. There were tears in the corners of his eyes, even, which he wiped away. Dear Gods. That was just great... "Heh, no, really. What was that about, again?"
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


A curt brisk nod was obviously missed while Kyran was doppled over laughing. This was certainly a new reaction, which was both a good at bad thing if it didn’t bruise his ego. Lune looked at Kyran with a bored look and then decided to show him. He didn’t have anything fancy to prove it with, except maybe snapping Kyrans neck, which would end badly for both of them. Mostly for Kyran though, since that’d mean he’d be dead, and dead people are no fun. Lune crouched down and tilted his head to look at Kyran before smiling brightly, okay, Lune supposed this reaction was okay, too. He just met the guy and already he’s going to be Lunes, or, Lune hopped. He needed a new pack and this fellow was an okay choice, he supposed.

So, since Kyran was such a great choice, Lune decided to ‘pounce’ on him, which consisted of Lune putting his hands on Kyrans shoulders, pushing him back and sitting on his waist. They were getting looks from just about everyone, but, Lune didn’t care and he was almost positive Kyran didn’t either. Which was all dandy and good, because Lune was going to try and bite his neck after talking.

Now, Kyran, if they chose to meet up every again, would probably laugh at Lune at every opportunity he got, which would be bad for Lune. Opening his mouth, Lune latched his teeth onto Kyrans shoulder, and bit. Not hard enough to puncture skin, but, hard enough to notice it. And from experiences before, the weirdo liked getting chewed on. Weirdo. Lune then opened his mouth and licked up Kyrans neck before stopping at his ear, nibbled on the lobe for a moment or two before purring the carefully chosen words out.

â€?Aww, come now Kyran…  Don’t tell me you don’t like, “ A lick to the tip of Kyrans ear was given, and a hot puff of breath, “being the pet once in a while?â€?

Hmm, maybe he responded better to ‘seduction’ Lune wasn’t a certified seducer, but, he managed to get a few things by sweet-talking, and with the licking added it was just that much better. Because of the way his newfound friend reacted earlier, Lune was almost positive on how to make him aggress to ‘his terms’. They weren’t much, Kyran would only have to travel to the old pack grounds then high tail it out of there if Lune got brutally murdered, didn’t sound too bad, did it? Lune, being a wolf of the…were…type didn’t think his decapitation in front of people was all that bad as long as he died with a fight and that fight was for the position of Alpha. It would be better if he won, and it’d be twice as better if they didn’t throw him over that blasted cliff again.

Lune, being distracted with his thoughts, had lifted his head and was looking at Kyrans eyes. His own blue and brown ones blinked owlishly before he smiled. Would Kyran run away? Hopefully not, he was fun.


Indeed, Kyran had missed the nod, and he'd also missed seeing the warning signs that would have alerted him ahead of time to the fact that he was about to be pounced. Still chuckling softly--he still couldn't believe the guy was serious...oh man--and balanced, crouching, on the balls of his feet (or boots, rather), it turned out to be quite easy to topple him over, as he'd been in a position that wasn't really the most secure when it came to balance. With a grunt of surprise as his shoulders were shoved backward, the world suddenly began to tilt, and the next thing he knew he was laying on his back with a firm weight settled on his hips.

Really, for all Kyran cared about looky-loos, the other people in the town might as well not have existed. Hell, if anything, putting on a little show for a crowd of onlookers, while probably illegal and likely to get their asses thrown in a cell for public indecency, would only amuse him all the more. Then again, he also had a very different view on a lot of things than humans did and didn't see what the big deal with nudity or anything was. Silly humans with their sticks up their arses.

And anyway, right now he was just sort of surprised to find that, hoo boy, Lune hadn't been joking. He really was trying to be...heh...alpha dog. He'd said he was a werewolf, right? Haha. Oh man. He was serious...

Well, guess that just meant he'd have to put him in his pla--

And, that was when his thoughts sort of skipped and went on hold for a moment, because that happened to be the moment that Lune decided to clamp his teeth onto his shoulder.


Kyran made a small sound of surprise deep in the back of his throat--yes, maybe he was a freak, but he did enjoy being bitten--and that was also when Lune decided to be especially evil and lick along his neck. Bastard. Kyran froze for a moment save to lean his head back reflexively to give Lune better access to his neck, and a jolt rant through him as the wolf sank especially low, going for the ear! Gah! He shivered, a good sort of shiver as his earlobe was nibbled...and it seemed Lune was especially on a roll and determined to prove his alpha-ness, because the words he purred into his ear were pure sex. DIdn't help that he decided to accentuate them with some more ear teasing.


His question wasn't too far from the truth, granted. Honestly, Kyran didn't mind sitting back and letting someone else take control of the reins for a while--it could be fun!--but he was also part incubus. Dilluted as that side of him was, it still played a pretty strong role in his life, naturally, and it did make it rather difficult to relinquish control. He enjoyed being in control. If there was one thing he got out of being an incubus in addition to a gift of illusions and a permanent case of sexual frustration, it was an overwhelming desire to please others. He may not be able to feed off people's energies like a pureblood, but he still got off on that more than the act itself, half the time.

Kyran stared up into Lune's eyes for a moment, meeting them steadily in a sort of challenge. No...Lune wasn't wrong...

But he also wasn't quite right, either! Because Kyran was a stubborn bastard.

Which was why a sudden, mischievous grin spread across his lips as he looked up into Lune's face, which probably should have served as the werewolf's warning. "Sure I do," he murmured warmly, sliding his hands slowly up the guy's arms and over his shoulders, massaging the muscles there firmly before more softly stroking along his back. That same smug smile was on his face as he finally let the fingers of one hand ghost across the back of Lune's neck, traveling upward. "Every once in a while, but..." Suddenly, he let his hand fist hard in the first clump of hair he found, and he firmly drew Lune's head down toward him. "...You're gonna have to try harder before we get to that point, pup."

In other words...Kyran wouldn't be giving in that easily.

With that said, he pressed their mouths roughly together and, hoping that would take him off guard enough to use to his advantage, wasted no time in rolling in order to flip Lune beneath him, and only then did he break the kiss, and only so he could adjust his position enough to ensure the werewolf was firmly pinned. One hand still knotted in his hair and the other planted firmly beside Lune's head, he straddled his hips and beamed down at him triumphantly. "What about you? Don't you enjoy being the pet every now and then?" he teased.
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


((OOC: Enter the ebbil Nickname of Doom.))

The feel of hands on the back of his neck made him move his head down and close his eyes slightly. Ah, neck pets, even if it was a ghost of a touch, Lune still loved having the back of his neck petted. Probably the dog thing in him, that started once he was turned, he started liking the pets, before, when his wife (yes, he was married a long time ago) ran her hands through his once brown hair, he’d shrug it off kiss her hands and ask her to stop because it gave him goose bumps. The voice below him ripped Lune out his memory and he smirked evilly when Kyran called him pup, and was about to bark at him before a set of lips meshed roughly with his own, just like Kyran wasn’t used to assertiveness, Lune certainly wasn’t and getting a smooch made her just stare for a moment before he gasped and was on the bottom.

Looking blankly up for a moment Lune cursed and grinned. Damn, he got… Got! Lune wiggled and pushed his hips up while glaring playfully at his ‘captor’. Needless to say, him being sat on didn’t happen too often, which Lune liked just fine. When Kyran spoke his words back to Lune, Lune grinned ran his hands up Kyrans arm then let them rest on the demons hips. Lunes fingers digging in because he didn’t like being on his back and it felt like he was going to fall into the sky. The hand that was knotted in his pink hair got the full weight of his head and the other got a quick swipe with his tongue before he grinned up at Kyran.

�Well, I’d have to think on that one…� Really, he did. “Since I’ve never been the <I>pet</I>, so after your turn, I’ll get back to you on that one… But, unfortunately…�

Lune trailed off, looking over at something on a building and, quick as he could, Lune grabbed Kyrans chin and pulled him down for a smooch before managing, somehow, to stand up with Kyran still attached at his waist.  His hand that was digging into Kyrans hips was now planted under his butt, keeping him up. This of course, would look very funny because Kyran was only two inches shorter than him, and he could easily just stand with Lunes hand on his ass. Of course, Lune was still just ‘kissing’ him, not slip of the tongue or nothing and then Lune pulled back and grinned. Upside to being a werewolf, he had ‘unnatural’ strength, and, the fangs… The fact they were sexy helped him a bunch, they were also scary and useful when you wanted to eat meat things that just don’t like the non-pointy teeth.

�Unfortunately…� Lune repeated “ It’s my turn first, Pookie�

That wasn’t quiet true, since they had been playing that back and forth game, it was actually Kyrans turn… Or was it? Either way, he’d gotten him back for calling him ‘Pup’ and he wasn’t nice about it. What grown man with the secrets to the universe written on his face like the nickname ‘Pookie’? Not at all, exactly. Which was why Lune thought of it, he was such a fly fox… er... dog. Lune moved his hand and tilted his head slightly to look at Kyran, whose butt was still on his hand. Not that he minded, it was a nice butt and Lune flexed his hand. The other hand, was petting the bruise on Kyrans cheek lightly, feeling protective of what was ‘his’. Another unfortunate even for Kyran, even if he didn’t like Lune’s ‘claim’ on him, He was now part of Lunes ‘pack’ which meant that the pink mohawked, mismatched eyed creature was going to protect him from the evil monsters.

But, first things first.

Who was going to let go first? Lune could still feel the hand knotted in his hair and he grinned for a moment, his eyes flicking to the people who took quick glances of them while pretending they weren’t. Ah, Lune loved spectators, it made the competition that much sweeter for the winner.


[ooc: *cracks up* Best. Nickname. Evar.]

The look on the "pup's" face was priceless! Granted, he probably hadn't looked much better when he'd gotten tackled (well, not really tackled, but pushed over when he'd been laughing and helpless! He'd been taken advantage of, damnit!), but it was always more funny when it was happening to someone else, of course! Kyran shook his head and chuckled as Lune cursed, for a few moments there simply enjoying his victory. What could he say, he was competitive, and he wasn't above gloating about it, either...though, he wasn't sure if Lune realized it or not, but the "pup" was being pretty evil himself with his wiggling and his hips motions...which really wasn't helping. No, he probably knew it good and well; after all he was grinning, now, and pressing his fingers into Kyran's hips.

With a low, soft growl in the back of his throat and an evil smirk of his own, he pressed back lightly but deliberately with his own hips and lowered his lips to Lune's throat in an open-mouthed kiss, sucking gently on the skin for a second or two before pulling away. "Careful, pup," he whispered the warning in his ear, lips almost touching it. Yeah, he thought liked that nickname. Call it revenge for, uh...calling him a pet. Hah! And they both started with the same letter, too! Er, right. "Don't wanna start something you can't finish..." Though, granted, they were sort of out in the middle of everything, rolling around and getting odd looks.

Then, finally, Lune answered his question, and he laughed out loud at the answer. Hah! So, they were apparently both in the same boat (Kyran maybe a little less, given he was a bit more flexible, no pun intended; he'd never been a "pet" and didn't plan on it, though). Well, that was great! It would be fun to tame a guy that was apparently trying to tame him, and without much success, he'd like to add! Because, what was this? Was Lune admitting defeat? Already? Jeez. Well, he wasn't about to complain! Flashing his fangs triumphantly as Lune, indeed, gave up, he'd started to raise his free hand, ready to caress his cheek and tell him playfully not to think too hard on it, but...

Well, let's just say he wasn't immune to old tricks, much as would like to say he was.

Blinking as Lune trailed off and abruptly looked at something beyond him, he started to raise his head and turn--stupid mistake, but for all he knew it could be somebody coming over here to break them up, in which case he would have politely told said person to screw off--and that was when Lune grabbed his chin and pulled him down. Kyran only had time for a startled "mmph?" as, lips locked, Lune began to stand before Kyran had really gotten his bearings and was still thoroughly focused on what was happening to his mouth. Stand. With him still on him. Gah! His eyes widened and the hand that had originally been about to stroke Lune's cheek instead latched onto his shoulder tightly for balance and support, and his other hand was still firmly tangled in the werewolf's pink hair.

And then he felt Lune's hand on his bottom, holding him up.


Really, the smart, easy, and logical thing to do in this situation was to simply stand. After all, the guy only had two inches on him, so it would be easy. Voila! Problem solved, and he could do it all while rolling his eyes just to show how ridiculous that little maneuver was. Besides, they probably looked really weird right about now, and granted it took him a few moments to realize that, yes, he could stand (because, really, he was the one always doing the hauling--never the other way around--so this felt really, really strange). Besides, standing would make it easier on them both. Especially Lune. Kyran really didn't imagine he was all that light; it wasn't like he was positively ripped, but he did have enough toned muscle where, if he allowed himself to go limp...that could probably pose a problem. And while Lune was doing a good job holding him up one-handedly now, how long would he be able to keep that up before his muscles started to cramp? Bwahah...

So, instead of taking the easy route, Kyran instead wrapped his legs around Lune's waist, locking them at the ankles, and decided he might as well get comfortable. Besides, now he had Lune trapped! He thought. Ah, well, he wasn't really sure who had who at the moment, now. Perhaps it was a stalemate?

Whatever the case may be, he wasn't really complaining about the hand on his ass.

Nibbling on Lune's bottom lip once before the kiss was broken, he grinned back at Lune haughtily to match the pup's own grin. Hah. What now? He let himself relax quite deliberately and flexed his fingers in Lune's hair absently.

Then abruptly froze and nearly choked at the next set of words that left his mouth.

"What the hell?" was the first thing that left his own mouth. "Pookie? Did you...pookie? What the fuck is that?" he snapped, tightening his hand in Lune's hair to the point of pulling it a little as though warning him. His tilted eyes had grown ridiculously large, as though out of everything that had happened so far, that was the biggest surprise. Nope. It wasn't being swept off his feet (how romantic), or told that it was the wolf's turn first, or smooching on a bloody leopard accidentally, or...or...anything. No. It was what he thought he'd just been called that was the biggest surprise.

"If you just called me what I think you called me, don't ever call me that again," he hissed, flashing his long fangs, though the effect of the threat was sort of lost given he was currently clinging to the guy, with his butt propped up by the man's hand. No. It was positively impossible to look threatening and scary when you were in that sort of, erm, position. It was an even more difficult facade to maintain when your bruised cheek was being stroked and that other hand was flexing teasingly against your ass.

Kyran wriggled a little at that and huffed, since the guy was really making it hard for him to stay pissed. "Brat..." he grumbled.

He wasn't letting go, though. Nope.

And yes...he would be rather amused when he found out that Lune was bent on "protecting" him from all the "evil monsters". Given that, you know, Kyran was one of the evil monsters (yeah, right). And as for Lune being a werewolf...well that was sure better than a shapeshifter! At least he knew the guy only turned hairy once a month, as opposed to spontaneously.
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


[*finally* posted! 8D]

Now, as usual, Lune was expecting many things, but Kyran wrapping his legs around his waist wasn’t the top thing on his head. Nope, no siree. Okay, that was a lie. Lune had been hoping for his reaction, just not expecting it. This also meant that he wasn’t giving up, which just made Lune roll his eyes skyward, Lune was obviously going to win or, be the one panting and bleeding from a fatal wound on the ground before admitting defeat. Maybe not really bleeding from a fatal wound, pretending is okay, but not actual bleeding, bleeding meant pain and Lune wasn’t too keen on bleeding painful wounds. That was beside the point at the moment, because he had a very pretty demon boy sitting on his hand and getting comfortable, and from the way He was relaxing, Lune had a pretty good Idea what he was up to. The cheater.

When Kyran finally heard his new nickname, Lune threw back his head and laughed. Ah, this was also not a reaction he was expecting and he loved this one more. It was apparent that Kyran wasn’t used to weird pet names, but Lune didn’t like ‘Pup’ too much either, did Kyran even know that, for werewolf’s, it was an endearing comment to one that was younger than you? Ah, Lune wasn’t about to tell him that, it’d ruin the surprise when, and if, they got to his pack and Kyran was still calling him Pup. Ah, that would be too funny for words and the pink mohawked werewolf couldn’t want to see the look on his demon friends face. What kind of demon was he, anyway? Lune couldn’t think of any particular demons at the moment, which was all well because he probably didn’t really want to know anyway.

Poor Kyran, he’d expect Lune to have trouble keeping him up. Once in his life, he was rather glad he was a werewolf which made him have more ‘stamina’ and able to hold heavy objects for a longer amount of time… Though, an hour was pushing it, hopefully they’d come to a mutual agreement before his arms fell off at the shoulders. At least Kyran would have a back scratcher, and, to go with his thoughts, Lune squeezed the object in his hand and smiled innocently. Though, Lune really wanted to know what Kyran meant by asking what it was… Did he mean, “What the fuck was a Pookie,� or “what the fuck did you call me.�

�Well, I’m going to assume a Pookie is a name an old lady names her dog that looks like in ran into a wall at a very young age, and I’m calling you that because you call me Pup. Pay back, Pookie.�

Since it was becoming a weird ‘after everything you say, you lick’ kind of thing, Lune bent his head and licked a scratch Kyran had gotten from the big kitty. Or, what Lune assumed to be a big kitty. Little did Lune know it was a big kitty bellhop boy, and, since Lune was a dog, he had an instant dislike for felines. Lunes hand was still stroking Kyrans cheek, and he looked at it.  He Couldn’t see if it was yellow around the edges, which would have made him more twitchy if it was, and he could, so he only pet it again for a moment or two before putting his other hand under Kyrans butt. Giving the other hand a rest but it was still on Kyrans butt for the moment, before it slid up his back and into his hair.

�Ha, it’s going to be a stale mate, Pookie, Just give up, please before you embarrass yourself.�

If anything, Lune would be the first to make a fool of himself, I mean, he <I>did</I> have pink hair, in a now messed up mohawk. Just to make Kyran squirm, Lune leaned his head back to watch his demons face while his hand ran through the brown hair that was so unlike the spiky pink stuff on the top of his head. That, and the odd pat for the bottom that matched the light scratch across Kyrans scalp. Lune wouldn’t lose, nope, no way. Nuh uh. It didn’t matter how long he stood there with a guy who was two inches shorter than him around his waist, no matter how many people looked at them, scoffed then walked off in a huff talking about damn sexually frustrated hooligans. To make his position that much better, Lune pretended to lose grin on Kyran, then bounced him back up, repositioning him higher on his hips.

�So… How do you like it up here?�

They were seeing eye to eye and Lune winked his left brown here for good measure.


Lune throwing his head back and laughing wasn't really making things any better, and Kyran narrowed his eyes in annoyance and curled his lip, baring a fang. Ha ha. Yes. That was just freaking hilarious. Pookie. Hah. Though, wait, if Lune was laughing like that, it probably meant that he was just joking. Kyran liked that idea a lot better, so instead of biting Lune's exposed throat in retribution like he'd been considering--and by biting in this sense, it would be in a far less friendly way; fun and sexy and amazing as sharp teeth were, you could indeed do some amazing things with them...but you could also rip out someone's throat if you pleased, too! Not that Kyran would do that, because he rather liked Lune and hated blood and death and whatnot, but he could still shut him up and leave a lovely bite mark! Anyway, instead of doing that, he laughed right along with Lune.

He could take a joke! Yep. He could forgive Lune for that. Heh. Whoops. Seemed he'd fallen for that one. But, hey, no, he wasn't used to being called by weird pet names. He'd been called a lot of things, but he was proud to say that "Pookie" was not on that list. And he liked it like that.

Kyran also knew good and well what "Pookie" meant, and he didn't like it. His question had been addressing the "what the fuck did you call me?!" issue, but...well...what was a Pookie, anyway? Perhaps it was best not to know.

Poor Kyran didn't have that luxery.

One hand gripping Lune's shoulder and the other still firmly holding onto his hair--honestly, he'd just forgotten to let go--he allowed himself to relax again as his laughter died down, once more becoming heavy in Lune's arms. Which...currently didn't seem to be affecting hi--gah! Kyran gave a jolt and straightened with a quiet gasp as, indeed, his ass had been squeezed. Which was nice! He just hadn't been expecting it, as he'd sort of forgotten in the heat of his irritation that he was, indeed, sitting on Lune's hand. That was as good of a reminder as any!

Meeting Lune's innocent look with a wry smirk of his own, he finally released his grip on the werewolf's hair and stroked his fingers along the back of his neck gently before tracing up along the line of his jaw. He also allowed himself to relax again, though it was impossible to go completely limp because, well, that wouldn't be fun. Because going completely limp would mean he couldn't move, and he rather liked the feel of the "pup's" skin, he realized, tracing his fingers up and down the arch of the other's throat and over the place where the pulse was strongest. In fact, he'd also been about ready to lean in to taste his neck, as opposed to chomp on it like he'd been about to do when he'd been pissed, but that was when Lune opened his big mouth and went on about the whole Pookie thing.

Which he probably shouldn't have.

Oh God. He was serious.

Kyran stiffened. "...I hate you," he grumbled, mouth dangerously close to Lune's neck. The hell? Wow. That was nice. Kyran wasn't a big fan of dogs to begin with (wolf's didn't count, or at least Lune didn't most days out of the month, he guessed...he was human now, anyway!) and being called a deformed, smashed faced one wasn't really the biggest compliment he'd gotten, either. He didn't like it. Of course, he didn't hate Lune, but it was fun to say, anyway!

Eyes narrowing, he was fully ready to bite Lune for revenge, but then Lune went and licked his cut cheek. Aw. How cute. Kyran made a soft growling sound in response, still slightly miffed, but he got a certain sort of sadistic pleasure out of noting that Lune's arm seemed to be getting a bit tired, because he shifted his other hand down to help support his rear. Hah! So, maybe he wouldn't bite him. He'd just wait it out patiently until Lune couldn't hold him up anymore and cried uncle...

...Or dropped him. Whichever came first.

But either way, Lune's arms would probably be dead by the time this was through, and then he'd be an easy target! The plan was perfect!

Sort of.

Of course, that was also when Lune said it was going to be a stalemate. And that he should give up. And called him Pookie. All in the same sentence.

Ooo...big mistake. Never underestimate the Pookie.

Kyran did indeed grin, perhaps far too sweetly, as Lune ran his hand through his hair, and indeed he even allowed his eyes to briefly close, enjoying the sensation of fingers trailing through his hair and against his scalp, accompanied by a pat on his bottom. Kyran also did squirm a little...but, contrary to popular belief, it wasn't all out of enjoyment. Oh, no. He had something more sinister in mind, so his shifting, while partially out of pleasure, was also partially so that he could shift his legs and adjust his position.

An effort which was foiled momentarilly when Lune decided to nearly drop him.

Kyran gasped and dropped both hands to the werewolf's shoulders to hold on, and Lune was very lucky he didn't get his shoulders gouged as a result, because Kyran had a tendency to unsheath his claws out of reflex when he was startled. But then he was bounced back up and repositioned even higher up...

Which worked out even better, unbeknownst to his poor victim.

Shifting around a little, Kyran loosened his grip on Lune's shoulders so his hands were resting lightly there, one hand even trailing down his back to draw lazy circles between his shoulder blades. "Mm? I like it just fine up here, thanks, I always did like the top," he said while smiling sweetly...even if he was showing off his fangs in the process. "So it's a good thing you apparently like the bottom, because, well...sorry, I'm not giving up, pup."

No sooner had he gotten the words out that he tightened his legs around Lune's waist, quite deliberately aiming to crush him with his thighs pressing hard into his sides and his legs locked firmly behind his back, keeping him pinned. Well, maybe not crush him, but at least make him very uncomfortable and, if he was lucky, maybe knock the air out of him a bit. Chuckling softly, Kyran leaned in close and brushed his lips lightly along Lune's, not kissing him, just teasing. While, of course, attempting to crush him. "Nor do I play fair. Come on...losing doesn't hurt, I promise! It can be fun." Smirking, he licked lightly along Lune's bottom lip.

"...And don't call me Pookie."
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


Sultry looks and soft pets just weren’t his forte, and he knew it. Which was why he was doing normal pets and not-sultry-looks. So, Lune looked like a dork and he knew it, and didn’t care. His hair, which was beyond repair now, was very messy in the back, not that Lune knew that, he didn’t have eyes there. Little did he know, he was asking for snarlies and bites that would probably be painful. But, he had an upside, while Kyran had demon fangs for a demon mouth, Lune had dog fangs for a dog bite… And those usually hurt a tad more. Lune had been bitten by another werewolf, the bite mark was still on his side and he could still remember how badly it stuff. Of course, he wasn’t a sexually frustrated guy with another guy clinging to him around the waist. Maybe this time the bite would feel different and he’d like it. Maybe.

After the little hop thing of Lunes, he didn’t appearciate having his waist squeezed. It didn’t feel that bad, just like someone was trying to squeeze the life out of him from around the middle. The tongue on his lip was distracting, so he lightly bit it until Lune pinched the nearest thing to his hands. Which was Kyrans butt, and butt pinches hurt. Lune hadn’t noticed he’d pinched Kyrans bottom until he had let go of it, which was all fine and good until he remembered how bad butt pinches hurt. Then, Lune grinned and gave Kyran an ear lick to make up for it, even if he was trying to squish his torso, then a nice innocent kiss on the cheek. Lune, not wanting to look away from Kyran in fear he may pull another ‘trick’ could only imagine the crowed they’d gathered. The werewolf shifted his arms again, and let the rested one take the full brunt of Kyrans fat ass. Okay, Kyran didn’t have a fat ass, but, he was getting more heavy by the second.

It’d be a lie if Lune told him it didn’t think Kyran was heavy. He was a grown man who had a nice body, it’d be an insult if he said that he was light. Then, to prove his own point Lune thrust his hips up aan quietly growled into Kyrans ear.

�Well, Pookie, from where I’m standing… You may be on the top, but I’m still in the place that counts.�

Lune had a point, really he did. A once alpha werewolf didn’t like losing, specially to a demon boy he just met who seemed to be as competitive as we was.

[Sorry bout the bad spelling! I must flee! waking up for school tomorrow will be a draag I hate highschool ;_;]


"Ow! You ass!" Kyran yelped, going completely rigid as, indeed, his butt was pinched, which indeed didn't feel so hot. He didn't mind scratching and biting, that was fun, but pinching was a no no because his bottom didn't like that too much! It also served as a distraction from his current mission in trying to crush Lune (which, alright, maybe he deserved that because trying to squeeze the life out of the werewolf wasn't exactly, you know, nice, either), but only because he had stopped squishing the werewolf with his legs so he could try and figure out the best way he could kick him, if that was even possible from this angle. As it turned out, no, it unfortunately wasn't physically possible at the moment, so to make up for that he punched Lune in the shoulder. Not hard enough to deaden his arm (heeey...that wasn't a bad idea, even if it would probably be a mood killer...psha, screw the mood, this was all about revenge now!) but hard enough to get the point across.

"No pinching," he growled. And then he happily went back to squishing Lune's torso, even as Lune licked his ear and kissed his cheek. Aw. How sweet. Hah, right! Kyran was fully bent on winning. Because no one got away with calling him a "pet". Not that he'd ever been called a pet before...what the hell was up with that, anyway? And Pookie? No, he'd never get over that one.

Only problem was, after a while of keeping his legs tensed up and pressing hard against Lune's sides, they were starting to cramp up and fatigue. Crap. Maybe that hadn't exactly been the brightest idea...soon he wouldn't be able to walk because his legs would be dead, and Lune wouldn't be able to carry him because his arms would be dead. But Kyran would rather have a complete and total stalemate than to admit defeat. Because he just didn't do that. Now, he might roll over if asked nicely, but if it was an out and out challenge? Oh no. No freaking way. Because then? It was a battle to the death, baby! Or...maybe not death, know.

Which made this all the more entertaining to him! It had been ages since he'd had a good challenge. Or, hell, since he'd been evenly matched, period. This was fun...and utterly random. Really, only about half of Kyran's advances were ever successful (and that was being generous) and the other half tended to involve a long and boring "honeymoon" period that usually involved him trying to seduce the pants off his current know, "convincing" them and all, mostly convincing them that he really wasn't going to skin them alive and use them as fish food. Most of the time, though, he just grew bored with them after a rather short amount of time; maybe he just didn't have the longest attention span, but when it was no longer challenging, it was usually no longer fun, which meant it was time to go seek the next target. Perhaps it was just wanderlust, but he was a free spirit, damnit, and wasn't suited for being tied down!

Or he just had committment issues. Who knows.

Well, anyway, Lune seemed to be having as much fun as he was, which was also a bonus! Didn't help that they were both apparently predators, which made for even more competition. Yep. This looked like the start of something awesome. It was about time he came across someone like this. Hell, he hadn't even been the one to make the first advance this time; Lune beat him to it...and only because he'd been paranoid. He had reason to be, too, and he had the scratches to prove it. Though, currently, neither they nor bathing was on his mind at the moment, even though he needed to because the blood was starting to get crusty where he'd been scratched on the arms and leg, and unwashed cat scratches weren't really all that hygeinic...

Ew. Not going there.

With a soft rumble in his throat, still squeezing Lune--though he'd eased up the pressure a little, because his legs really were starting to get tired--he ducked his head and nipped playfully along Lune's throat with his fangs, a bit harder than was necessary so that he pinched the skin (no, he was not still getting revenge for his pinched ass...really!), then caressed the hurt area gently with his tongue, because, you know, they had a weird bite and lick thing going on, and who was he to break the flow? Besides, with his legs tiring, he needed to think of a new approach. This worked! Smiling slyly, he let one hand trail off of Lune's shoulder to work down the front of his chest, plucking at his shirt thoughtfully.

He didn't get very far on that thought, though, because that was when Lune went especially low. And thrust his hips up against him.


"Damnit, Lune!" Kyran gasped, though whether that was because of the whole Pookie thing or because of what was going on down South was open to interpretation. Probably a combination of the two, because he did indeed relax his legs and he couldn't help but squirm. Fisting his hand in Lune's shirt, his other hand still holding onto his shoulder tightly, he glared openly and levelly at Lune, meeting his mismatched eyes straight on. "Stop calling me that. Fido. And be that as it may, you're only there because I want you there." Wait...erm. That actually kind of came out wrong. Oh well! But the point being? He could stand up if he wanted to and there was nothing Lune could do about it! Nyah, nyah.

"So don't get so cocky, pup," he added with a wry smile, and then quite deliberately wriggled back against him. Firmly.

Um. Yeah. It was surprising they hadn't been arrested yet. But, then again, it was a town of sailors. Guess they couldn't expect much.
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


Biting back a laugh, Lune ran his tongue over his own fangs. Hmm, if one were to ponder his current situation, he’d come to the conclusion he has a grown man around his middle whose slowly squishing his waist. That was okay except for the grown man around his middle. The same grown man who was apparently just as competitive as he was, or, just as un-liking-to-be-the-bitch as he was. That was understandable, Lune supposed… The nip on his neck made him tilt his head back and try to look down at Kyran, which was kind of stupid and probably a dog thing. Look quickly at what ever is biting you instead of hitting it to get away. Ooo, licks. Lune decided, that even if Kyran had pinched his neck with his teeth and licked it, the werewolf wasn’t going to lick the demons ass better. No way. Nuh-uh. Only if it looked really tempting to bite it first… And if he got Kyrans pants off. Lune wasn’t hoping for any thing like that, at least not in the middle of the street.

That would be public nudity and that would get them thrown in jail, and that wouldn’t be much fun. Lune, having been holding Kyran up for at least fifteen minutes by now, grunted softly and switched his base arm again, letting the ‘rested’ one take the brunt of Kyrans weight. While Kyran was licking at his neck, Lune pressed his face into his demons hair, he still smelt like blood, though that scent was drifting away and Kyrans real scent pulled through. Nothing other than ‘musk’ pushed into his brain. Not... the kind of musk that you only get after you have hot sex for hours, but a kind of alluring musk that made you want too. Lune of course ignored it and grinned evilly when his pretty little demon spit out a ‘curse’ though, dammit wasn’t really a curse. Once again, Lune had him where he wanted him, around his waist and sitting on his hands. Licking his lips, Lune looked at Kyran and grinned a grin that could only be described as ‘wolfish’.

�Aww, Kyran then… And, I hope you do know, that you’re only here because <I>I</I> want you up here.�

Even if all Lune had was two inches on him, he could still have Kyran, or Pookie, effectively fall on his butt which would leave yet another bruise for him to groan about. Not that it was the cuts or bruises he was or would be groaning about. Lune switched arms again, at this rate they were going to be numb withing five minutes, well, he had to be amended, he’d only hoisted Kyran up once and he’d been holding him for a while. Lune needed to work out more, being unnaturally strong in werewolf form just didn’t count here, and not with a full-grown man around your middle. Lune leaned in and then pulled back when Kyran wriggled his hips, his eyes closed and he glared at his brown haired demon from hooded eyes.

�You, Kyran, suck… A lot.�

Just for good measure, Lune didn’t do anything for his round. No kisses, no bites, no licks, but, he did start walking to the one place he was staying. Maybe if Lune put him on a chair or a bed or something it didn’t count? He could try. Luckily for them, they didn’t have a little cult following them to wherever they were going, which was rather oblivious to Lune at the moment because he could see around Kyrans big head which was <I>right</I> in front of him, so, with his pretty mismatched eyes, Lune looked at the doors. He remembered where it was slightly, and that there was a bench in front of it. Aaahhh, there it was! Now, if he sat down, the only thing that would go numb would be his legs and his ass, his ass would be a bad thing because that meant it could get touched and he wouldn’t notice, and his legs being numb. Well, better having numb legs and a numb ass than his arms falling off.

�This isn’t cheating, it’s improvising, just so you know.�

The messed up pink haired wonder proclaimed before sitting on the pretty brown bench, ending with Kyran now on his lap. Why did he feel like a mother? Was this how women felt when they carried children all the time? Hopefully their children weren’t six feet tall and full grown men, but you never know, there were some odd species out there, and Lune wouldn’t put it past some of them. Weird-o’s. Grinning and keeping his hands on Kyrans bottom, he leaned back, groaned and rolled his shoulders, closing his eye for split second to savour the feeling of not holding up a grown male body. Now, just to be annoying, which Lune was good at; he bounced his legs like a father would do to a toddler. Though, Lune suspected Kyran wouldn’t giggle like a little kid but glare and possible bite his chest.


Aw, were the wolf boy's poor little arms getting tired? Kyran couldn't help the pleased grin that tugged at his lips as Lune kept shifting arms. Yep, mister werewolf seemed to really be feeling his weight now if the way he kept shifting him around and switching hands was any indication. Bwaha...wouldn't be long, now. Kind of funny, while Lune might think he had Kyran where he wanted him, Kyran also thought he had Lune right where he wanted him, as well. He also had no idea that he apparently smelled good, especially since, truthfully, he felt kind of gross--or, at least, he would have if he hadn't been so preoccupied with his new "buddy". Anyway, it wasn't like he could sniff, he could, but it wasn't like he noticed his own scent, given it was his own and everything, and if anyone told him he smelled good, he would have just figured it was because he took pains to keep clean.

Apparently, incubi came with their own special, custom, aphrodisiac-like scents!

...Or not. Right, that sounded wrong.

Moving on...

Kyran's malevolent glare gradually transformed into a cool smile when, finally, the wolf actually called him by his name! And not once! But twice in a row! Hah! Did that mean the Pookie phase was over? Gods and Goddesses, he hoped so, because "Pookie" was just not befitting of a big, tough, evil demon, and he was most certainly not anyone's bitch, not even a hot, pink-haired werewolf's...not unless they begged, then he might make an acception, because that was just great and deserved a reward of some sort! Or, of course, if they just somehow managed to one-up him, but that wasn't likely, so hah!

He did have to laugh, though, at the pup's assertion that he was there because Lune wanted him to be...what a copycat! Never mind that, though, because apparently his squirming had had its desired effect, and Kyran's grin turned quite mischievous as he watched Lune's expressions...he only grinned more when Lune told him he sucked.

Chuckling softly, he shook his head. " me, I do a lot more than just that..." he very nearly purred, and for good measure he rolled his hips against Lune's, just because he felt like he'd momentarily gained the upper hand and he rather enjoyed being a tease.

It was his thing. Because, really, he didn't like to rush.

That was when Lune suddenly decided to start moving them both somewhere. Just because he felt sort of unbalanced being carried around like this, he tightened his grip on Lune's shirt and looped one arm around the back of his neck, legs still wrapped tightly around him. You know, despite the fact that his legs were starting to cramp up from holding this position for so long, this really wasn't all that bad. He always thought being carried around would be weird and...not tough...but as it was turning out, it was quite the opposite! It was downright evil, making Lune do all the work, hoisting him around. Hah! By the time Lune was through, he'd be too tired to do anything else, and Kyran would be all rested up!

...Wait, but that wouldn't be too fun if Lune was too tired to do anything. Ah well. Victory was victory.

Kyran also didn't do anything while they were walking, because he was a bit busy with watching where they were going from over his shoulder and making sure Lune didn't trip or something, which would mean they'd both be going down. They probably looked pretty odd walking like that...jeez, how long had he been held up like this for, anyway? A pretty long time. He couldn't wait until he could finally stretch his legs...

Then he realized where their destination was. Aha! A bench! Excellent! So...Lune was getting tired, then? Hah! Kyran was such a genius, he knew his plan with letting Lune go ahead and hold him would work!

"Mhmm, whatever makes you feel better, pup," Kyran chuckled as they sat down, him still positioned in Lune's lap, though he could finally let his legs relax, unhook at the ankles, and rest behind Lune on the bench. hadn't realized how stiff they'd actually gotten! Sighing with relief, he shifted in Lune's lap--partly just to get comfortable, and partly just so he could rub against him more, because he was evil like that--and...the wolf's hands were still on his bottom. Which Kyran most certainly did not mind. The guy had nice hands, when they weren't pinching him.

...And that was when Lune started bouncing him on his knee.

Blinking, Kyran arched a single eyebrow and tilted his head a little. What was that about? No, Kyran wasn't a big fan of children--they were usually all...drooly...and boogery--and his father had most definitely not bounced him on his knee, but he most certainly knew what Lune was doing, and it was simultaneously disturbing and annoying. The hell? It was an effort not to twitch...

So, that was why he took it upon himself to make him knock it off. The only warning he gave Lune was a lightly muttered, "...Freak," before he reached up, grasping Lune's jaw firmly in his fingers and pulling him forward. Not giving him much time to respond, he leaned into him and recaptured his mouth with his own, nibbling on his lip gently with his teeth before running his tongue along his lips, attempting to coax his mouth open. Meanwhile, he let his hands trail down over his chest and across the flat of his stomach, then back up again. Fine. Lune wanted to skip out on his turn? Then he'd just go ahead and take two turns! All the better to stay ahead! Hah!

Besides...if anything, this would get him to stop that toddler bouncing...thing. But, aw, he hadn't bitten him...guess he'd screwed up, broken their little routine they had going. But, what could he say, he wasn't a fan of routine.

...And if he called him Pookie again, he thought he'd spaz. Hopefully, that was the end of that.
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


The end of Pookie was not near, nor would it end. It was just on hold for now to give Kyran a false sense of security. Who knew when it could come back? Like a disease that ate your skin that came from… The air. It could be anywhere, just waiting to nip at your heals, or your eyelids. Either or is fine. But the name Pookie would rest at the back of Lunes head from now until forever, and he’d yell it at the worst possible time he could think of, just to piss him off, or teach him that it was a good word. That probably wouldn’t work since he wasn’t actually a pet and could think for himself, but it was worth a try. At least the knee bouncing annoyed him. That was an upside, and Lune couldn’t help the grin that spread over his face when he was called a freak. Ah, that was funny.  It came from the guy with the secrets to the universe written on his face who made out with random people in the middle of the â€" wait, Lune did that too, minus the secrets to the universe.

�Only if that makes you a freak too.�

Lune purred, his voice doing the sexy growlie thing Kyran seemed to like. If he liked the growlie thing, he’d positively love his voice when he’s changed, might not like the body, it was a bit… furry and big… Very tall, instead of two inches on Kyran, he’d have about two feet. When he was changed, he felt very tall unless he was around his own, then he felt like he stuck out like a sore thumb because of his mutt colourings. Ah well, Lune was a mutt, through and through; even his eyes couldn’t pick one colour to be, stupid bastards. Pulling Lune away from his musings was a hand on his jaw and hands going down to his waist. Little farther… Just a little- aww, they’re coming back up. Lune pouted slightly and was rewarded with Kyrans tongue on his lips, which opened his mouth to receive. Oooo, their fist opened mouth kiss! Hopefully neither of them looked like fish to passer Byers. Someone from a ways away yelled for them to ‘get a room’ so Lune proceeded to flip his middle finger in their general direction. His knee was done moving, but his hips wanted to start moving, but he stopped that before they did anything too drastic, which was what Kyran wanted, he knew it.

Still lightly chewing on Kyrans tongue, Lune ran his hands up Kyrans back and let them rest on his shoulders. Lune was the first to pull away and he licked his lips, gave Kyran a quick soft peck on the lips before plopping him off of him and standing up, dusting off his butt. The pink mohawked werewolf who didn’t look at all intimidating leaned down and pressed his lips to Kyrans ear, his sexy growlie voice present.

�It was lovely meeting you Kyran, but I’m afraid I’ve been up <I>all night long</I> and need my rest before I do anything tonight…�

There was obviously a hint in there the way he said ‘all night long’ which wasn’t true at all, he’d slept like a log the previous night and Lune knew that, but Kyran probably didn’t. Ah well, Kyran was a smart cookie; he’d figure it out sooner or later. Hopefully sooner. Lune didn’t like waiting too much. He wasn’t very patient when it came to waiting on someone to get to somewhere. So, with one last nibble on Kyrans chin, Lune ran his hand through his demons hair before going up the steps to the hotel where he was staying. After he went in, he closed the door, smiled at the lady behind the desk and told her to hold out a key for someone who looked very pissed or flustered and had markings on their cheeks, hoping no one else could have those two specific things. And even if Kyran wasn’t the one that ended up in his room, he could always throw them out… It was easy, or, it would be easy if Lune could lift his arms.

Once Lune was in his room, he pulled a small table from one side of the room, set up a chair across from the bed beside the table, which was also beside the bed. That way, one of them could sit on the bed, and one could sit on the chair. And on the table, Lune placed a game of Chess, putting the white pieces to the side that was closest to the bed, then, Lune looked in his mirror. Bah! His hair was a mess! Getting a small bowl of water, Lune wet his hair down is it flopped on his head, losing his Mohawk, he’d do it again tomorrow.  Then, so he could wait comfortably, Lune sat on the chair and crossed his arms.

Hopefully he wouldn’t have to wait long.

Hopefully he’d been a good judge of character and Kyran would come storming in here pissed because he just <I>left</I>.  Ah, Lune loved days like this… Even though this was the first one like this.

((OOC: o_o Holy crap, written if twenty minutes! Hope it isn’t horrible! ^_^; ))