Spirits of the Earth

Joining and Plotting => Le'raanian Characters => Character Registration and Directory => Connlaoth => Topic started by: glorilyss on June 23, 2022, 05:06:57 AM

Title: Margaery Grey, heiress to Barony Groby
Post by: glorilyss on June 23, 2022, 05:06:57 AM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Margaery Grey
Age 21 years
Gender Female
Species Human
Ethnicity Connlaothian
Height 5'1"
Occupation Daughter of a Baron
Residence Barony Groby

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description Despite her father's barrel-chested figure and mother's voluptious hourglass-shape, Margaery has never been much more than "pretty" in physical appearance. Though both her mother and father have pale blonde hair, Margaery stands out with a mop of flame-colored curls that fall down to the middle of her back, though they're typically tucked under a kertch or veil in a hint of respectability. Her skin is milk-white with the faintest of freckles across the bridge of her nose and cheeks, set over amber-hazel eyes. Her figure is quite unsatisfactory to her mother's eye, with a slight chest, though a generous curve of waist; even still, she's often forced into the tightest of stays in an effort to give her the prized, curved figure of Connlaoth ladies. Her height makes her little more than a fairy, as her mother says; the image is often enhanced by her slight shape and the willowy curve of arm and leg.


image (https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/016/920/235/large/cris-ortega-02image221.jpg?1553976783) by Cris Ortega (http://www.crisortega.com/)
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- FAQ (https://crisortega.com/shop/en/content/10-faq)

Personality Despite the delicacy of her physical size, Margaery shares no similar shortcomings in personality. Though outwardly she shows every indication of being the perfect daughter (gentleness, a bitten tongue in cases of verbal disagreement, and the polite interest that long-married women show their husbands), the mind within shares no such similarities. While Margaery is truly a kind-hearted soul, tending toward gentleness when she can, her heart often strays toward cunning and calculation. She has a soft spot for the weak and down-trodden, but she's more likely to take the path that will carry everyone out alive, regardless of comfort. Considered cruel by some, she merely takes a logical approach to most problems, taking the road that causes the least overall pain - though whether that pain is borne by herself or her tenants merely depends on the situation.

Despite the fact that she's merely a girl, she often studies with her father at his accounts and the hearings of petitions for justice from the tenants, as she will one day have to show her husband how to do the very same thing. She is the pet of her father, and therefore not a little stubborn and spoiled; when set upon an idea, she typically holds true to her course. Due to the remoteness of her location, Margaery has been allowed a degree of closeness to her servants that many nobles aren't given, which has also given her a wider view of life, and the acknowledgement that not everyone is given the same choices that she has been. Still, she demands a certain amount of respect, whether she treats her chambermaids as friends or not.

Mentally, Margaery is quite acute, with a particular penchant for chess and other games of strategy. She has one of those rare grasps of the future that allows her to see past personal insult, though she's quick to avenge anyone who speaks ill of her land or her family, while still keeping the prestige of the barony in the forefront. While she has no issue revenging insults upon her family, she prefers to play the long game, playing deception against instant gratification.

She has worked recently to master her temper in such situations, though it still flares out - as her mother would say, a testament to the ginger-cinnamon color of her hair. Even her father would say that she has a mind as fine as any man - and knowing her position as the eldest daughter of a household with no sons, Margaery knows enough not to bridle at such a compliment.

However, it is the knowledge of that position exactly that leaves her slightly unsettled; so long as she remains unmarried - and her father has certainly left it late - the wild mountain passes that she loves will pass out of her father's direct line and into the junior line of descent. Despite her slight sense of aloofness from those ranked below her, she has a deep love for the harsh crags and brittle way of life that comes with living in the mountains. Her lack of marriage is also a spot of contention between her father and herself; while he certainly wants her to make a good marriage, he's torn between the desire to find her someone of no consequence, so she won't leave, and also to make a good match. While Margaery doesn't particularly want to be married, she does want to secure her inheritance.

Magic/Abilities Like most Connlaothians, she possesses no magic herself. Her abilities, if they may be called that, live in her sense of discernment, and a fine mind for planning how to manipulate people.

Relationships Both her mother and father are alive, and while she treats them with gentle affection, there's always the slightest hint of exasperation, too. Of her two younger sisters, she tries her best not to think at all; girls aged 9 and 12 are often of little interest to young women.

Lady Ethalind Shanley, Viscountess of Rothan is a first cousin through her father.

History Margaery's history is quite similar to many noble girls of her age, differing only in the fact that she's as of yet unmarried, and also daughter of a small barony that controls a mountain pass into Serendipity. Despite the relative importance of holding such a pass, on the occasions that Margaery has been invited to higher-class parties of Connlaoth, she has been made more than aware of the vague titterings and slight depredations of her "back-country" origins. Regardless of such whispers, her life has been more than comfortable, whether or not she's been up to date on the latest fashions, and she has ambitions far loftier than the small mountain citadel that she is entitled to.

Regarding the Barony Due to the patriarchal system of Connlaoth, while Margaery isn't technically the heiress of Barony Groby, her father has always made it known that, provided no male issue is born from his own marriage, he would entitle her future husband with the barony and surrounding lands. This means that, while unable to hold the lands in her own right, she makes a particularly good catch for anyone with an eye to the military and trade implications of the barony in the mountain passes.

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