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Blood and Roses. [open/PM to join!]

Started by Rhindeer, September 11, 2017, 11:25:19 AM

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You know a hare won't be enough, the voice whispered in Sadb's ear, lover-close, as she pulled the dead rabbit free of the thorny vines that had entangled it, the vines shifting and uncoiling like a living thing by her command. Sadb grit her teeth. The fae didn't have to remind her. It had been months since a person had visited her house of thorns, and she could feel the fae growing restless, dissatisfied with animal tributes and her own meager blood offerings. The thorns were growing thirsty.

"You said animal was enough."

I did, the fae answered, but I've grown bored.

Sadb felt like throwing the rabbit, if there was anything to throw it at--and if it wouldn't damage the pelt. Instead, she just held it by the ears and headed, stiff-backed, outside, the vines parting as she walked to allow her passage as she traveled through the labyrinth of her creation. "Bored, hm?"

Yes. You're boring. You've been very boring lately. Sometimes, it was easy to forget the fae was ancient and dangerous when she took such a petulant tone. You haven't visited any villages in aaages! And no one's come to visit us! Animal just isn't the same. It's not as rich. If you don't snare a human soon, you may soon be snared instead.

And the vines closed in around Sadb then, swinging down to block her passage and pressing in until she could feel the prick of thorns through her clothes. And though Sadb's breath caught, her heart leaping as a chill went through her, she swallowed down her fear and made a point of rolling her eyes. Fae were like animals; they smelled fear.

"Don't be so dramatic. I get it, trust me," she said, and with a flick of her hand the vines receded and she ducked on through the passage and into the bright light of day. "You need to learn a little patience, you know."

I've been patient, and it's been months, the fae pouted. I want human this month. And this month I will get it. And then, just like that, Sadb felt it as the fae receded from her mind and went off to wherever it was she went, leaving her, for a moment at least, in peace.

With a relieved sigh, to have her mind to herself, Sadb went to her fire pit--which was empty--and sat down beside it where she could work on gutting and skinning and cooking the rabbit. Its fur had gotten a little too damaged from the thorns to be worth salvaging, she found, but its meat would still be good. About the one good thing about the fae was she never hungered; her thorns sprouted blossoms, and the sweet smell attracted animals. There was never a shortage of beasts killed in the vines.

And as she worked, she found the rabbit was, like all other creatures killed there, bloodless.

Even though she had grown accustomed to it, it was still as eerie as the first time she'd realized it.

With the animal skinned and gutted, Sadb rose to her feet and walked the short distance to the stream to clean her knife and hands, her fingers growing numb against the cold water.  It was a beautiful day, the wind constant but not so biting, the sun warm, the land rich and green. And yet, here she was. Just another day nursing a bloodthirsty fae.

Just another day both hoping for another person to come on by, and wishing they would stay away.
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It was a beautiful day in the valley- and yet, Gwendolyn Mittermeyer didn't want to be there. She was there on church business of course, and that usually meant that she was needed to kill something or other. This time was no different- rumors from a nearby village spoke of a violent beast in the mountains that snared unsuspecting travelers. As nobody had ever seen this beast and lived to tell about it, it was anyone's guess as to what it actually was.

"It's probably just a bear." Gwendolyn mused.

As she hiked through the forest, Gwendolyn kept her eyes out for signs of anything out of the ordinary. She was no tracker however, and the clinking noise her chain mail made as she walked would probably alert any beast- bear or otherwise- to her presence.

After a while, Gwendolyn came across a stream. To her surprise, she could see another person a ways away- a young woman, dressed in furs. A hunter, perhaps? Gwendolyn wasn't sure. The woman was washing her hands in the river when Gwendolyn approached her, shield at her side.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" Gwendolyn said, her voice a sharp contrast to her appearance. "I'm with the church. Could I ask you a few questions? It won't take long, I promise."


Be careful what you wish for, was the lesson here.

Sadb just about jumped out of her skin. She was used to the fae's voice, spoken inside her head. It had been a long time since she had actually heard a human voice that wasn't her own.

With her head bowed to the stream and her back turned, she hadn't seen her visitor, much less heard her. But the instant she heard that voice, small as it was, her head snapped up and her spine went ramrod straight, the knife splashing into the stream as she fumbled it. She snatched it back up in a flash, though, and spun around into a crouch, blade clutched in a white-knuckled grip.

Her face went paler than her fingers when her eyes landed on her "guest".


For someone so soft-spoken, the woman was imposing, and not only that...but she was very, very armed. Sadb's eyes landed on the massive shield, then slid to the sword, took in all the details of her armor and--oh fuck.

A soldier. This was a soldier. A fact only hammered home by her announcement that she was with the church.

Panic shot through her, made her breath catch, for a moment made it hard to think as her first thought was that she'd been caught and this woman had come to kill her, that she'd stayed in one place for two long and it had finally caught up with her. But then the more rational side of her brain kicked in and pointed out that the woman had only asked if she could question her, and the tightness in her chest loosened.

She...didn't know...?

"No," she snapped without thinking, before she sucked in a breath. " Look, I'm sorry. You startled me. I'd rather not. I'm busy and--I'm just busy." She cringed at her own excuse, but soldiered on, rising to her feet, sheathing her blade, and drying her hands on her breeches. "I've got work to do. And I reckon you've got better things to do, too."

Just leave, just leave, just leave. The fae may have demanded human flesh, and fate may have just delivered her salvation on a silver platter by sending one her way, but...a soldier? From the church? God, no, that was far too risky. And someone who hadn't even shown ill intent? Even worse. She might be a monster's slave, but she hadn't become a monster herself.

She hoped.
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The first sign of trouble was the woman's reaction. Gwendolyn had spooked her, it would seem-  the woman fumbled about in the stream for a second, then turned to face the White Lily in an odd, defensive crouch. The woman had a knife in her hands as well, although it was unlikely it'd be much use against somebody in chain mail.

The second sign of trouble was the woman's reply. There was a tinge of fear in her voice from the get-go, and combined with her ridiculously flimsy excuse gave away that the woman knew more than she was letting on.

Gwendolyn had, of course, seen it all before- sixteen years as a White Lily had taught her what to look for in suspected mages. "There are two possibilities." she thought. "She either knows what is behind the disappearances and wants to protect it or she is behind them." Gwendolyn's eyes narrowed. "If she herself isn't responsible, then arresting her here would be unwise. Let's see if I can't slip her up.

Gwendolyn shook her head. "I'm afraid I can't do that, ma'am. There have been reports of some kind of beast in this forest, and I can't let you stay out here by yourself." She gave the woman a kind look. "May I at least escort you to a safer location than this? To the nearest town, maybe?"



Sadb's heart sank. How could she say no to a soldier? Especially one that had got it in her mind that she was in some sort of danger. Now she definitely wouldn't leave her alone, and resisting too much after being warned of some beast--ha--would look fishy. But a village?

Bad, bad idea.

"I...I would really rather not," Sadb said weakly, running low on viable excuses. Think, think! How could she get this woman to leave her the hell alone? "I'm fine out here. Really! I am! The only beast I'm worried about is the one in the village."

And then she winced as though she hadn't meant to say that, and balled her hands up in her dress.
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Gwendolyn struggled to mask her amusement as the woman gave her excuse. "The monster in the village?" she thought as she suppressed the urge to grin. "I should probably just arrest her now, she obviously knows what's causing the disappearances... But lets get her to keep going instead. This is kind of fun!"

Clearing her throat, Gwendolyn gave the woman a concerned look. "In the village?" she repeated. "Ma'am, you'll need to elaborate on that for me. Where in the village? What does it look like?" She frowned. "Has it attacked you? Is that why you're out here?"


"Oh...ah..." Sadb shifted uncomfortably and twisted her hands in her dress. She didn't have to fake anxiety; it was vey real, just for different reasons than stated.

"It''s not an 'it', it's a 'he', and..." She grimaced, knuckles going white as she gripped the fabric tighter. "God. Please don't repeat any of this. It''s my husband."

She looked over at the woman then and took a deep breath, as though it took a great struggle to force the words out. "I was married about a week ago, and...and he..." Another deep breath. She dropped her eyes to the ground. "He hurt me, a-and...I got scared I...I ran away."
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To say Gwendolyn was blindsided by the girl's response would be an understatement. The White Lily merely stared at the girl, an expression of guilt plastered onto her face. Finally, the soldier opened her mouth. "I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't realize... she said, voice even softer than normal. Issues like this weren't Gwendolyn's strong suit- not by a long shot- but she still felt obligated to help the woman somehow. And there was still an actual monster that had to be dealt with...

Gwendolyn shook her head slowly. "I'm really sorry... But I still can't let you stay out here." she said. "Not when there's a danger of you losing your life if I do." Giving the woman a compassionate look, Gwendolyn would attempt to put her hand on the girl's shoulder. "Why don't I take you to the village's church? I'm sure if you explained your situation to the priests there, they would give you safe refuge. Ansgar always protects those in need, what better place for you to stay than His house?"


It felt terrible to lie, especially about something so real for so many women. But in Sadb's mind, that's what made the lie so realistic, especially when delivered to another woman. Surely this soldier would understand and leave her the hell alone already! So it was with sick satisfaction, and no small amount of relief, that she watched the realization dawn in that woman's eyes.

The victory was short-lived.

Sadb jerked in surprise when the woman touched her shoulder--she hadn't had human contact in so long--but she didn't pull away and forced herself to just stand there stiffly as the woman just...blatantly ignored the goddamned hint! Oh, of course she'd be an annoying bleeding heart sort! Honestly, the world could use more people like her in it, but--but why did this woman have to find her? Why couldn't she find someone who actually could use the help?

Sadb's face fell and her jaw with it, and for a moment she didn't know what to say to that. But when she could finally muster up a response, she shook her head hard and took a step back.

"N-no, please. I was married in that church! If the priest knew, if my parents found out..." She covered her mouth, as if it were too terrible to speak. "No one would believe me..." she mumbled.
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Gwendolyn shook her head adamantly, hand still firmly gripping the woman's shoulder. "Then I'll take you to the church in the next village. Please, you cannot stay in this forest."



It took every ounce of willpower not to facepalm. Why did she have to be so persistent? Why did she care so much about a random stranger? Why couldn't it have been some aggressive idiot stumbling upon her abode and giving her a reason to, erm...tithe them?

Sadb grimaced, her shoulders stiff under the woman's hand. "Why?" she asked, and forced concern into her voice and expression. "What's going on?"

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Gwendolyn's shoulders relaxed, happy that the woman was finally willing to listen to reason. "There have been multiple disappearances over the past four months." she said firmly. "The first human to go missing was an adventurer by the name of Dirk Greenstone, and there's been a steady report of missing livestock since then." Gwendolyn grimaced. "I was called after a young girl from the village went missing."

Gwendolyn looked the shorter woman in the eyes. "Do you understand why I'd feel very uncomfortable leaving you out here alone?"


Livestock? An adventurer? A young girl, too? Sadb's eyebrows rose. None of those rang any bells. She'd caught game animals since being out here, and a few men that had wandered too far from their group, gotten too nosy, too aggressive. None of those sounded like they matched anything she had done.

Especially not a little girl. No, only those that tried to hurt her first.

A chill shivered down her spine at the thought that she might not be the only monster out here. The only question was who should be more afraid of who?

She swallowed and raised her eyes to meet the soldier's. "There are a lot of predators out here. Wolves, bears. It's easy to get lost, too, if you're not used to it." She shrugged, a subtle attempt at dislodging the woman's hand. "Nothing unusual. Really, I'm fine!"
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Gwendolyn rubbed the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Ma'am, I'm going to be frank with you." she said, exasperated. "I'm not giving you a-."


A loud noise came from the forest behind them. Gripping the woman's shoulder even tighter, Gwendolyn spun her head around, instinctively raising her shield...

And saw that a branch had fallen off of a tree. Gwendolyn lowered her shield slowly, taking a deep breath as she did so. She gave the woman an almost sheepish look.

"That certainly won't help my case."


The woman wasn't the only one to startle. Sadb jumped at the crunching sound, even though she knew she had no real reason to fear much. But it occurred to her in that moment with a sinking sort of dread that, maybe, this woman was smart and had brought back up.

Stupid, Sadb, stupid! She should have been paying more attention, should have been more open to signs of treachery and traps.

She stiffened under the woman's tighter hold, her breath held, teetering on the verge of lashing out to try to break free. But then she followed the woman's eyes to the tree, saw she was just as surprised as she was, and she let out a quiet sigh.


Looking back at the woman, she squinted her eyes, expression dry and unimpressed. "Gee, I feel safer already."
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"That was embarrassing." Gwendolyn thought, staring at the girl. Relaxing had never come easy to the White Lily- when you were deployed as often as she was, everything looked like some kind if threat. The woman couldn't even sleep properly most nights, and had taken to using her shield as a sort of large metal blanket so as to prevent night terrors. "Darn it, I need to say something or I'll never get her out of these woods."

Finally, Gwendolyn exhaled. She let go of the girl's shoulder, clearing her throat. The soldier glanced towards where the branch had fallen. "Ah, anyway, you can't stay here." She smiled, attempting to look less embarrassed then she actually was. "I promise, you'll be much safer with me."


"Will I?" Sadb said, arching an eyebrow. "And I'm just supposed to...believe you?"
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Gwendolyn's smile faded, a tired look in her eyes. "Ma'am?" she asked, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Where exactly is the harm in humoring me? What are you afraid will happen?"


Sadb sucked in a slow, even breath, trying hard to contain her rising temper. It wouldn't do to go off on an armed member of the Church, but she was losing her already threadbare patience. Some dark part of her considered letting the thorns have her--but it was only a dark, fleeting thought, and not a reality she could stomach. Didn't this woman have somewhere better to be than butting into the business of someone who wanted to be left alone?! Goddamn bleeding hearts.

But she knew she was fighting a losing battle. If she protested too much, she might incriminate herself.

She exhaled through her teeth.

"I'm afraid of flouncing off with a complete and total stranger who I'm not sure can protect me better than I can protect myself," she muttered, and shot the girl a sharp look. "You're not going to leave me be unless I agree, are you?"
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Gwendolyn sighed. "I'm afraid not, ma'am." she said, equally as exasperated as the girl seemed to be. "It's my job to keep people out of danger."

The knight smiled a bit internally- the girl calling her a stranger meant that she didn't know who Gwendolyn was. It was rare that people didn't at least recognize the soldier's silhouette, making this a refreshing change of pace.

Taking a few steps back in the direction she came, Gwendolyn looked behind her to see if the girl would actually follow. Her eyes narrowed, and she realized there was a part of the girl's story that hadn't been disclosed. "How long have you been living out here?"