Spirits of the Earth

Joining and Plotting => Le'raanian Characters => Character Registration and Directory => Zantaric => Topic started by: DragonSong on October 26, 2016, 09:52:23 AM

Title: Della Lavellyan
Post by: DragonSong on October 26, 2016, 09:52:23 AM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Deloria Lavellyan (Dell or Della)
Age 33
Gender Female
Species Undetermined
Height 5'8"
Orientation Heterosexual
Occupation Surviving
Residence Zantaric, but can be really anywhere

Credit: my awkward sketchbook

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Della's skin is a pale, pale blue that really seems almost white, her eyes solid silver with black sclera. Two horns start just before her hairline and curve back over her head before flaring slightly to the side, ribbed curves of silvery bone. Her hair is long and matte black, often kept pinned back out of her face.

For the most part her shape is fairly human, save for a set of sharp fangs and the claws that tip her fingers- and the prehensile tail that sprouts from the base of her spine. She tends to favor loose robes and hoods that hide most of her more unusual features, though she really dresses more for practicality's sake than anything else.

Deloria has a tongue sharp enough to match her teeth, paired with a rapier wit and an apparent failure to actually take anything seriously, even her own life. She seems friendly enough on the surface, but maintains a careful distance from those around her, mostly through her biting humor.

She'd never claim to be a lady in much of any sense of the word, her sharp tongue killing that idea rather effectively. She also has a sort of dangerous air about her, something in her stance that speaks to being constantly on edge, ready to spring into action to either fight or flee.

Della has sharper sense than a human, as well as moderately increased strength and speed.

As far as magic is concerned, she has a rather specific elemental connection- lightning. She can perform simple spells from a book or create potions without too much effort, but her real strength lies in controlling electricity.

A few contacts in Zantaric and scattered across the mainland.

Della was raised in a small house in the Draconi Forest by a human mother and a distinctly not human father, from whom she inherited most of her rather interesting looks. Her mother never really got a straight answer from her mate as to what exactly he was, but then she never really seemed to ask.

For most of her childhood Della was happy. Sure, they never really interacted with anyone outside of their own little family, but she was only rarely lonely because of it, preferring to spend her time in her own head rather than attempting to make the odd friend once every few years. Her mother taught her to read and write, to draw, and to control her magic, while her father taught her basic survival and tracking skills as well as how to use a bow and hunting knife.

When she was fifteen the quiet, peaceful life came to an abrupt halt with the death of her father. He went out hunting one day and just didn't come back, prompting her mother to go looking for him.

She never came back either.

Left to fend for herself, Della honed her hunting skills, but it was difficult to get by on that alone. Eventually she began venturing out to nearby villages to sell her game or perform the odd bit of magic for coin.

Gradually, the nearby residents became used to her and she even started to form a few loose friendships. The most significant of which was with Adrien, a fellow orphan apprenticed to a blacksmith in the village closest to her forest home. Their friendship grew slowly, then suddenly took a sharp turn into romance when he gave her a kiss as a present for her seventeenth birthday.

From there, the relationship developed steadily until, when she was nineteen and Adrien was twenty-one, they married. Della agreed to live in the village with her new husband, for the first time truly leaving her forest. And for a time they too were happy, although the villagers still treated her- and by extension Adrien- with a cool distance. For two years they managed to eke out a living through her husband's skill as a smith and her own talent for hunting. She rarely used magic, unwilling to show her power out of fear that the villagers would just become more wary.

Unfortunately the uneasy peace didn't last long. One year the harvest was weak, the animals were sick, even the weather seemed to bring one bad omen after another. Angry and fearful, the village called for help from anywhere they could think: one piece of aid came from a traveling sorcerer, who took one look at Della and declared she was demon-spawn, that all the village's misfortune stemmed from her presence.

It didn't take much to turn the people against her. She and Adrien decided to leave, but they weren't fast enough. Their home was attacked, the young husband and wife dragged to a pyre in the square. Both fought, but even under threat of death Della was unwilling to use her magic against those she saw as confused innocents. She begged for Adrien to be let go, that they could do whatever they pleased with her as long as they let him live. Even as she was tied to the stake she called for mercy, and it seemed they were willing to let Adrien go as long as she died.

But he refused to go quietly. Rather than accepting his wife's fate, he fought back, severely injuring several villagers in his attempt to free himself and Della. Incensed, one of the villagers grabbed a scythe and drove the blade through Adrien's back just as the pyre was lit. Della watched him die, screaming.

And the fire had no effect. Her clothes were burned away, but the mage herself remained untouched. Driven mad with grief, barely conscious, her magic exploded out of her in a storm of lightning and fire that decimated the village.

She woke up amid the charred remains of what had been her home. She found what was left of her husband and buried him, then left the blackened earth behind, for the first time really believing what the villagers seemed to have believed all along.

She was a monster.

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