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Mistake (open)

Started by Anonymous, February 15, 2008, 03:36:53 PM

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Long black hair framed the 17-year-old's pale face. Her long, pointed ears poked out of theebony swirl that was her hair.  She was lost, and wouldn't admit it. She saw a busy place, and being the idiot who couldn't read, walked in. She bared her fangs, and looked around with her crimson eyes. Men, women, men. women. Something didn't seem right. Sure, she was short, but she wanted to know what was up. She fingered the hilt of one of her daggers. Her kimono hung slack on her shoulders, revealing them. It reached halfway down her thighs. Her thin leg arched over the other leg. She had a spaced-out-bored look on her face as she looked out a window.


"Come on Felix, do it... Do it..."

"Shut up Patrick."

"Ada, she's being mean to me..."

"Stop whining."

With a huff, the male settled back on the couch, leaving the corner in silence for a few precious moments. Patrick Codex, Ada Venaly, and Felix Yamala were three of the whores that lived in the brothel, and one was hardly ever seen without the other three. Felix, a small, dark fiery girl, Patrick, tall, blond, roguishly handsome, and Ada, willowy, tall, skinny, nothing but legs. They were currently without any customers, and as such, bored.

In one of the corners, Ada was stretched out on the couch, dressed in her normal short skirt and sleeveless shirt, showing more leg than most girls felt comfortable with. Patrick, in nothing but a pair of cotton pants that cut off mid calf and were riding far to low on his stomach, was on the floor, idly throwing a ragged ball back and forth between two hands. Felix had claimed the chair, sitting on it upside down. Her feet where her head would go, and looking comfortable, she showed off a stomach, her long white pants slipping down to her knees. She was drawing nothing in particular, just sketching on a pad with her charcoal stick, and ignoring the whining Patrick.

"Please Felix? Maybe we'll get customers if you belly dance."

"No. The crazy ones always get attracted by me belly dancing, and I just got back from being with a customer. Just because I'm a better screw than you..."

"That guy just liked the fact you were so short."

"Yeah? Well, let me tell you something..."

The sniping continued, and Ada ignored them, as she always did. Like brother and sister, the two fought, Patrick idly taking a sip of the watered down wine that was laid out on every table. Glancing up at the sound of the door opening, she sat up a little more, brushing long golden hair from her eyes.

"Hey, lookit her!"

Patrick glanced over, intrigued, and Felix righted herself on the chair.

"She look's confused."

"I don't care. I'm bored, lets go talk to her."

Patrick bounded over, and the girls, least he got into any mischief, followed him.

"My dear lady, welcome to the Peaches `N Cream Brothel. I am Patrick, and these two fine ladies are Ada and Felix. What has you visiting us on such a fine day, with your exquisite looks and feminine grace?"

"Man, that boy has so many pick-up lines you'd think he actually meant them."

Felix muttered to the blond, who giggled and nodded.

"Mmmhmm. Sorta sad."

Oblivious to the mockery, Pat smiled at the female.

"May your name grace these humble ears? Or am I to be lost forever, denied your voice?"


Crimson eyes blinked in confusion.  These three made an idea form in her mind. The guy's words hurt her head.
All she knew was they weren't wearing enough clothes. Suddenly, a few words made sense.
                      "I think you just asked me my name, it's Evryin."
 Her pale fingers pressed into the hilt of her hidden dagger. A blush misted her face as she looked over the male, he was kind of cute. Her fangs clenched. She was ready for a struggle, she still wasn't sure where she was, or why they talked to her.


All three watched her, amused.

"Yes, O beauty that has yet to grace this earth, I did. Evryin, it is a pleasure."

Ada took pity on her, although Patrick preened under her gaze.

"Love, do you know what you walked into? This is a whore house."

Felix shook her head and grabbed Patrick by the ear, leading him off. This fanged girl wasn't one that would be wanting to much attention, and she looked dazed as it was.

"Come on, lover boy, you can live one day without a customer."

"Of course I can, but I'm bored..."

"Well, then go get us something to eat."

He bounded off, and the shorter, dark girl ran a hand through black tumbled curls and asked her,

"Are you hungry?"

It was in a motherly sense, the words slow and spaced, not Patrick's eager drabble.