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Idris Lemaea

Started by Goldie, November 03, 2023, 07:02:05 AM

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__________________QUICK STATS
Idris Lemaeal



Human with fae ancestry



Apprentice blacksmith - shoes horses mostly


__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Idris is very lithe and sinewy, which is indicative of his fae heritage. He has black hair that looks like a deep blue in the sunlight. In contrast, his eyes are an extremely light violet that will change on occasion to a deep stormy gray for no apparent reason. Despite his appearance, he is not a weak person and he does have a good amount of muscles from his time apprenticing as a blacksmith.

Idris is a bit of a hot head. Not in an outwardly aggressive way, but he is very prideful and gets extremely angry when his opinions aren't valued. He tends to have big sweeping emotions in all directions but has learned to keep them bottled up for the most part. That doesn't always work, however, and he does have some explosions after things have bottled up for awhile.

Idris can imbue light into pure stones. If they are cut and faceted they will hold light longer than raw materials. It is extremely helpful for his employer because he can light the entire workshop without adding extra heat from lamps or other light sources.

Herald - Blacksmith master. Has been apprenticing with him for the past decade. By all means, Idris has the ability to be his own smith at this point, but Herald has not approved his promotion yet - this is a point of contention between the two.

Marigold - A young noblewoman who stops by the smithy on occasion to request intricate trinkets with some light-gems included. She always asks for Idris and is always a bit friendlier towards him than one would expect from a customer-artisan relationship.

Has been working at the Smith with Herald since he was 15 years old. He has started delving into more jewelry type smithy work, but his employer prefers him to stick to shoeing horses because it brings in the most amount of money.

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