Spirits of the Earth

Serendipity => Serendipity Riverlands => Arca => Topic started by: Rhindeer on May 27, 2015, 12:49:45 PM

Title: Let's get dangerous! [Dracooo!]
Post by: Rhindeer on May 27, 2015, 12:49:45 PM
So, this was a new one for Owl!

Owl normally dealt with people. Criminals and the like. During the day, living her usual noblewoman life, she liked to keep an ear open to pick up any rumors or gossip about fresh criminal activity--and then check it out at night. But the day before, she'd picked up something different, talk about a strange, hulking beast that prowled the woods and preyed on children, snatching them up in its jaws and gobbling them up.

It sounded like a tale mothers told their children, but the guards she'd overheard chatting about it even seemed a bit nervous. Werewolf, one had said. A job for the Order of the Moon, another had said, and definitely not something a normal person wanted to mess with. They were horribly hard to kill. An older guard standing watch with the younger two had laughed at them for being all spooked, but he'd also admitted to hearing the rumors, too, and that while they were no doubt exaggerated as rumors were (where were all the bereaved mothers?), there was probably some truth to it.

Probably just some mangy mutt that had eaten someone's pet and been turned into a cautionary tale.

It was still worth investigating, though, and since it was a slow night with no fresh news of illicit activities, Owl took to the woods.

It was probably a stupid, stupid idea, going to the woods alone. Varian could be there with his horror show. Or Smed with his gang. Alone she was vulnerable--but wasn't she always? Varian had proven before that he could visit her mind, even in a room full of people, and Smed? Gods. She couldn't go her entire life hiding and living in fear.

She told herself that as she slipped out the city gates and to the thin woods beyond to do her own investigating. She had to be brave. She had to train herself to be bold and fearless again, because the world was full of horrors, and all she could do was make herself stronger. Face her fears head on and learn how to deal with them, not stay in her room cowering. In the end, she could only rely on herself, right?

And this was as good of a test as any of how much she'd learned.

Crouching down by a patch of recently disturbed earth, Owl checked for prints--and thought she could just barely make out a large paw print. Maybe it was her imagination--she was still learning how to track--but...hmm...

She tilted her head, studying it a bit longer, and then continued onward in the direction it was facing, moving silently as she could, her training with the Shadow Wolves coming to play now.

It was probably just a big wolf, she told herself.
Title: Re: Let's get dangerous! [Dracooo!]
Post by: Draconian on May 28, 2015, 02:30:19 AM
It wasn't just a big wolf.

Though, a bit more odd looking. This wolf was large, the back was easily the same height as a grown adults ribcage. The limbs were too long looking, too skinny. Everything about this beast was just off. The pale antlers poking up beside her ears didn't help. The cloak wrapped around it's neck was also a little odd. Still, the beast chased various critters around, at one point her paws were scratching at a tree, trying to get a frightened rat out of a knot hole. No luck.

With her tail dropped down and her head down, Gardenia wuffed quietly at the hole in the tree and trudged on her way. The fur was more like hair, the way it draped down her back, the way it made the beasts tail a banner in the wind. Black as night the only thing that wasn't off were her eyes. One a brilliant blue and the other a lovely gold. An easy tell for anyone who knew who she was during the day, if they'd the mind to believe it.

Was that?

Gardenia had her wet nose to the ground a moment after, a familiar scent on the cool night breeze.  That was. Her head popped up, her ears perked and she felt her tongue loll out of her mouth. That was Einin! Gardenia liked Einin. It was familiar and Gardenia felt herself rumble in her throat. She was getting so bored and lonely out in the forest. It was entirely by accident this happened anyway, she was supposed to be home.

A mix up with the coach had caused her to stay a day later and now... Now she was in the forest, bein' beastie for the night. It was an unfortunate situation. Maybe Einin would like to play? Gardenia followed her nose, pausing upon seeing someone that was not Einin but still smelled like Einin and then something else. Something past Not Einin.

Something that had left those foot prints that wasn't Gardenia.

It smelled wrong.

Taking careful steps towards it, everything protective in her welled up for this person that smelled like her Sometimes Friend and she felt a rumble in her throat, a low growl. It was directed at the wrong smell and before she knew it she walked past Not Einin, looking over her shoulder with a decent amount of eye contact before pointedly looking at the foot prints giving a quiet wuff (which totally meant 'you should stay here and be careful' ) and walking towards that scent.

Maybe there was a reason she had to stay tonight. What would get a wolfbeast better than another, bigger, weirder looking wolfbeast?
Title: Re: Let's get dangerous! [Dracooo!]
Post by: Rhindeer on May 28, 2015, 08:05:02 PM
Owl hadn't gotten far when a low, deep rumble made her blood go cold.

She whirled around, hand going to her sword--

And just about gave up the ghost right then and there as her heart stopped and her stomach dropped.


"WAH!" she yelped, stumbling backwards and drawing her sword with a metallic hiss--as the beast went loping right on past. All casual and docile-like. As murder-beasts do. Still she held her saber ready even as she stared at it, and for one chilling moment she even met its eyes before it sniffed at the print she'd just been inspecting.

What. What the fuck. What...was that...but it had antlers! And a...human...ish...shape. And those paws looked somehow bigger than the print. Were there multiple ones?!

Sweet Kia's titties.

Not about to lose her nerve, even though it looked like some nightmare creation Varian would unleash, she planted her feet as she took on a defensive stance, ready for the fight she had come out here prepared to give. And yet, even so, she hesitated. Something felt...off. Wrong. This beast didn't fit the description of, well...rabid murder-beast. It seemed almost tame.

"You! Wolfbeast!" she snapped, and took a step closer. "Turn around and face me!"

For some reason it just kind of felt wrong to try to stab it in the back? A stupid thought, she knew, and yet something held her back.
Title: Re: Let's get dangerous! [Dracooo!]
Post by: Draconian on May 30, 2015, 12:44:29 AM
Gardenia's head jerked up and she quickly lifted it to turn away, her tail gave a tick-tock motion and she turned towards NotEinin. A few big blinks, her tongue lolled out of her mouth and she set her mismatched eyes on the EininThatWasn'tEinin. A few big blinks, she sniffed at the girl and then stood up from her seated position and turned away again, looking into the forest.

A few exaggerated looks towards the over there Gardenia gave a few more tick-tocks of her tail and waited for this person to get the idea that they should go over there because that was were the real monster was.
Title: Re: Let's get dangerous! [Dracooo!]
Post by: Rhindeer on June 02, 2015, 10:55:21 PM
Was it...was it trying to get her to follow it?

Owl stood frozen in sheer bafflement. This was not what she'd expected! She'd come out ready to slay some wicked beast, and this beast wasn't acting like a monster, but was behaving more like...like...a dog. It was acting like her uncle's hounds when they tried to get her to notice that there was a ball over there that had gotten stuck in the bushes, complete with wagging tail. And dogs didn't wag their tails like that, all relaxed and panting, unless they were being friendly. It was the stiff tail wagging and growling that was a bad sign.

"You...uh, you want me to follow you?" she said, feeling kind of dumb because could it even understand her?
Title: Re: Let's get dangerous! [Dracooo!]
Post by: Draconian on June 04, 2015, 02:40:44 AM

Gardenia gave a bark and gave an attempt at some intense eye contact. This NotEinin would surely notice the odd eyes. While she was human, Gardenia didn't want anyone knowing this about her, but now? Now she wanted all the friends and she wanted to play and she wanted to hunt the bad smells.  That were getting closer.

A few tick-tocks of her tail, she stood up. Still on all fours though there was something off about it. A few steps...

And then, from the trees. Teeth. Sharp teeth and nasty smells. Gardenia yelped when she felt the teeth clamp around her neck, pain made her cry out in a way that no animal could. Her clawed paw hand smashed into the wolf's neck and threw it away, a yelp from the wolf - far larger than a normal wolf, though still smaller than whatever Gardenia was - was all that was heard until silence. Gardenia bleeding from the bite at her neck and...


The wolf made a foamed mouth bound right for the person that wasn't Einin But Smelled Like Einin. Bloodied mouth snarling, matted fur, dirty claws. It leapt for her, mouth open wide and a killer look in it's eyes. If it couldn't get the big beast, it would get the small bird.
Title: Re: Let's get dangerous! [Dracooo!]
Post by: Rhindeer on June 08, 2015, 10:14:51 PM
What the...?

Owl narrowed her eyes when the beast stared at her, the light catching them just the right way so she could see them, see how they were mismatched in a way she'd never seen before except on one person: gold and blue, the exact same eyes, reminding her of a girl her age she sometimes saw at balls and chatted awkwardly with. Gardenia. She'd always liked the girl, but was bad at friendship and never knew what to say, didn't know what topics were safe, and never felt like she could relate when so much of her life was a secret. But in that moment her eyes widened with realization--but she dismissed the ideas as quickly as it came.

It was crazy. It was insane. It...it was probably just a coincidence...


She didn't get to finish the word, because that was when the real murder-wolf flung itself on the beast, and though the beast managed to toss it away, it had clearly been injured and its scream echoed in Owl's ears. Acting fast, Owl drew her sword in a flash and whirled to square off with it as it came back for more. "Guard yourself!" she told the beast, but really she only shouted the words to try to cover up her near slip-up, just in case.

And as the wolf came tearing for her, lunging and snapping those bloody jaws, Owl acted without thinking, her body moving through the learned steps that now came instinctively, and lunged forward and thrust her sword out to try to stab it through its open mouth.
Title: Re: Let's get dangerous! [Dracooo!]
Post by: Draconian on June 11, 2015, 12:28:41 AM
There was blood in her fur and her neck hurt. A wuff and Gardenia was on her feet and chasing after the beast. Which gave a shrill cry and looked a bit like a terrifying horned creature. The sword had gone into it's mouth, and up through it. The blade had stabbed through, cutting in front of it's eyes. But it wasn't dead.

Instead the beast shook it's head violently, whether it was trying to dislodge the sword from it's face or rip it from Owl's hands was unknown but either way one of those was going to happen. Or maybe not.  With her teeth bared and the wolf distracted by the sword, Gardenia had enough time to come up beside it and clamp her jaws around it's neck.

A sickening crunch later and it fell limp.

Gardenia however, didn't stop. Her teeth went through, biting and tearing at flesh until it was beheaded and the wolf head dangling from Owl's blade and the body was left without it. There. Now it was dead. Gardenia turned her eyes to Owl and looked far too pleased with herself, gave a few tick-tocks of her tail and waited for the celebratory pets.
Title: Re: Let's get dangerous! [Dracooo!]
Post by: Rhindeer on June 18, 2015, 10:01:09 AM

With a yell of horror, Owl clung to her sword for dear life as the beast shook it viciously, opening its gaping wound more in the process and flinging blood everywhere. It splattered onto her mask and leather armor, got in her hair, but she didn't care because she knew if she let go of that sword, she was fucked. Her shoulders and arms ached with the strain as she planted her feet and dug in her heels, but her boots scraped over the ground as she started to slip, started to lose her balance, and her muscles burned--



The beast was there, teeth chomping through the monster's neck, and Owl watched in morbid fascination, eyes wide, as those teeth eventually went right through its neck, severing its spine and sending blood fountaining as major arteries were sliced. It was over fast, and suddenly the weight on her sword lifted--and Owl let out a yelp and dropped the blade when she realized that was because the thing was now headless, and its head was still attached!

The sword landed head-first with a squish.

Covering her mouth with both gloved hands, Owl was abruptly stricken by the overpowering urge to vomit. The beast was looking at her, tail waggling like a family pet even as blood dripped from its teeth, and oh gods, oh gods, that was so gross, that was so--!

Owl spun on her heel, dropped to her knees, and vomited into the bushes.
Title: Re: Let's get dangerous! [Dracooo!]
Post by: Draconian on June 19, 2015, 01:20:45 AM

Gardenia's tail stopped it's ticktocking and she stood up, her tail down, her ears down. That wasn't good? She looked at the dead monster, blood still slowly leaking from the... Well... The neck stump. She licked the blood from her face, hoping that maybe that would make NotEinin better. Slowly, she made her way over and she placed one oddly humanoid hand on NotEinin's back, giving it a gentle stroke while making (an attempt at) comforting noises.

They sounded more like whining puppy noises or a soft trill. Not the noise from a giant antlered wolf-beast.
Title: Re: Let's get dangerous! [Dracooo!]
Post by: Rhindeer on June 21, 2015, 09:33:55 PM
Owl had just finished upchucking everything she'd eaten that say when she felt a slight pressure against her back, felt the heat of a body close by--and she just about jumped out of her armor, mask and all, when she peeked over her shoulder and saw the beast right there, looming over her and petting her back and...sounding like an overgrown puppy.

"Oh!" she gasped, hand going to her chest before she let her breath out in a rush. "Oh, Kia's toes, you startled me! I, ah..."

Owl wiped her mouth off on the back of her gloved hand, grimaced, and then wiped that off onto the grass. "I...whoa. Okay. Wow. Uh." This was so weird. She was getting comforted by the thing? The thing with the strange two-toned eyes that looked oddly like those of a girl she knew? Who wanted desperately to help her, and had? Was she maybe thinking too deep into this?

Except, Gardenia's eyes were kind of distinct. She'd never seen anyone else with eyes like those--it wasn't like they were dealing with a particular shade of brown that thousands of people shared! Squinting up into the monster's face, Owl scrunched up her face as she examined the longer (and bloody) face before her.

"You're not always a wolf thing, are you?"
Title: Re: Let's get dangerous! [Dracooo!]
Post by: Draconian on June 23, 2015, 01:25:17 PM
Oh, NonEinin got it!

Gardenia gave a few bounces before she walked in a circle and sat back down, her tail wagging widely. Then she threw back her head and howled at the moon, looking down at NotEinin expectantly while she bounced and generally just looked far too excited.

A brief glance over her shoulder towards the dead wolf and she licked at her maw, reeling back to remember there was blood there. So Gardenia took her furry face to the ground, wiping it off in the grass before she nudged at NotEining with the side of her head so that there was no accidentally jabbing with the antlers. A quiet woof at NotEinin before she pulled away and just stared.
Title: Re: Let's get dangerous! [Dracooo!]
Post by: Rhindeer on July 17, 2015, 12:34:40 AM
...Owl was going to take all that prancing and howling as a yes. She didn't speak dogbeast, but the excitement must mean she was onto something! She fought back a wince at all the noise she was creating and darted an uneasy look at the woods around them. All that howling would certainly attract notice--and what if there were more actual monsters around?

Not that MaybeGardenia couldn't handle them. Holy Kia. Could it really be her? Owl's head reeled at the thought, not quite fully processing that, not quite accepting them as the same entity just yet.

This was just too weird.

"Um...maybe I should get you home then, huh?" she said after a brief pause. "Er. Unless you can't be seen? Like this?"
Title: Re: Let's get dangerous! [Dracooo!]
Post by: Draconian on July 22, 2015, 09:50:00 PM
Another tick-tock of her tail, her fingers digging into the dirt. The excitement! NotEinin wasn't afraid! Sort of. When given the first option, Gardenia presented her teeth. The second option got a shake of her head. No, she couldn't be seen like this!  Pressing her muzzle into NotEinin's hands, demanding pets of some sort, there were more puppy noises and she closed her eyes before looking up at NotEinin.

The look on Gardenia's face said 'pet me'. Probably for the whole night, if possible. 
Title: Re: Let's get dangerous! [Dracooo!]
Post by: Rhindeer on July 25, 2015, 10:14:28 AM
...Ohhhh goodness. Okay. So...guess she was just...playing dogbeast babysitter for the night!

Which...was...kind of okay?

Like, this GardeniaBeast wasn't all that scary when she was making whimpery puppy noises at her and nuzzling her hands. Just like a normal family hound! Owl stiffened a little, still unsure, because she was so big and scary looking and also covered in blood and she had hands and antlers but...

She bit the inside of her cheek, hesitating, and then reached out and started giving her scritches behind the ears and antlers. "Alright. Pets it is."