Spirits of the Earth

Essyrn => Essyrn => Topic started by: visualspice on April 14, 2024, 04:37:49 PM

Title: An Apple A Day
Post by: visualspice on April 14, 2024, 04:37:49 PM
The cloaked figure stood out, not only because the hijab he wore curled around his form like a fluorescent sky, but an even brighter pink one was looped up and over his broad shoulders, - the blue, however, accenting the vibrant color of his eyes. Most in the cities either wore muted tones, near the color of sand- or had gem encrusted fabrics that rivaled the colors of a cut gem stone. But this man? Even he was drawing attention as he sauntered through the lively fruit stalls in the market.

He shouldn't have been in the city that day, but as always- Ayden Bayne never listened. Sure, sometimes he obeyed the ruling of his father- but today he wanted to breath. He knew he'd get more lashings- might as well add it to the scars already lining his backside. He had been sleeping too comfortably lately anyway. The concept of moving of his free will....
Those days are what kept him going, rather than festering within the confinding labyrinth of sandstone seclusion where his father's band of thieves kept their base.

Most whom served his father were surprised the the son wasn't flayed alive- in truth, Ayden wondered how he hadn't been killed already- but perhaps the front that his son was his legacy.. when in truth, his son bear no shared blood with their leader....

Yes.. it was a wonder how Ayden Bayne remained without a proper cage. 
At times his father would use shackles, but given time- the man always found his way out. Which is why he wore the unique choice of attire...

Not many on thr market would notice the iron shackles tight around his wrists.. nor even the one secured against his throat. No... those bonds only lasted a good part of the day. His father never understood how his 'son' had gotten so good at becoming an escape artist...

Yet each time he attempted freedom...
Within the week his father would find him and bring him home- one way or another.

This time the damn shackles were a pain in the ass to get through. His father had started using magic infused metal now. That made it a lot more tricky- but eventually Ayden found creative ways to counter the spell. 

The ones he wore now.. however... he was able to gain freedom from them but their magic still thrummed within, irritating him and threatening to strike him were he too step too far away from his fathers 'place '.

So in a sense, Ayden- this time around- wasn't truly 'free' as he strolled through the vendors. He was calculating the length the metal had against him- testing the limits and so far- it seemed he could remain within most of the city until.. well.. the 'shock' was released and Ayden found himself unconscious. 

His father had yet to fetch him. He likely figured he had sometime before Ayden would figure out a way to thwart the shock bracers he now wore that kept him confined to the city, so for now- he considered his options within the city- and paused a moment beside an apple stand, tossing a coin to the vendor and enjoying a nice munch on the sweet fruit. Apples were hardly native to these lands so he enjoyed the northern fruit all the more. It reminded him of hid youth.. of his family his current father had 'killed' in too many life times ago.