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Topics - nephero



art (wip) by meeee



Just Paja


Female, homosexual

Orc, from the Thunderblack Mountain Tribe


Cattle herder

The Thunderblack mountain range, most of the year. Otherwise can be found down in the Serha plains.


  • She's a brick... HOUSE!; Paja is mighty. Tall, muscled, with broad shoulders and thighs strengthened by a lifetime of riding horses, it'll take more than a little bit of effort to knock her down.
  • Scarred, but like, on purpose; One of the key traditions amongst her tribe is the practice of scarification. Small cuts are made, and often with the intention of raising them through the insertion of tiny stones or simply by purposely causing the skin to puff up while healing. It's a painful process, but a "proper" orc won't flinch— to have a scar be askew means a permanent mark of weakness.
  • Definitely does not hold to human propriety any; Like the rest of her tribe, Paja favors hide breeches and shoes, with a few decorative armbands and necklaces made from woven wool and leather. Shirts are not a thing.

  • Irreverent; Paja pushes the boundaries of everything that is "proper", either because her speech is too bawdy or her tone is too casual when decorum might be wiser..
  • Smooth-talker; Paja knows how to flirt. She knows how to flirt good. She goes up the mountain so much they've named a brand of hiking boots after her.
  • But ultimately, has a heart of gold; Paja might not be the bleeding heart like her best friend, and she might gripe endlessly about it, but if you're hungry, she'll give you the last of her travel rations. If you're cold, she'll give you the only blanket. She's a giver, through and through, no matter how much she might pretend not to be.

Fun Facts!:
  • Hates being caught in the rain. Haaaates it.
  • Is super vain about her hair. She brushes it with care and will easily trade everything for some nice oils to put in it.
  • Really likes the idea of seeing a little more of the world, but where would she even go?
  • Worst. Wingman. Ever.

Super strong, and super good at wrangling gigantic cows.

Kojo, her best friend!

She's an oddball orc who became besties with another oddball orc and so they tend to make completely disastrous oddball decisions together.

It's just a little tumble. It's still good. *M* [Secondary Character]



art by meeee

*They call me devil
My heart is empty
They call me devil
Just try and tempt me
I'll take your soul
I'll eat you whole
Aint no other way
They call me devil
And you should be afraid*

Xande Reid Veyn

"Captain Veyn", "XV", "Captain Fifteen"

Mmmdunno, maybe around his thirties?

His sexuality is "always".

Human, most likely some kind of Serenian based on coloration alone.

Weirdly long, with lean muscle.

Self proclaimed pirate king, slaver, generally a bad egg.

The Hybris, a large, pitch black and incredibly ornate pirate battleship he plunders the seas with, scooping up enslaved crew as he goes.


Tall and trim; XV is long and lean, and mostly leg. He has a good bit of musculature, but the agile sort that makes for much easier close-quarters combat.

The life aquatic; You'd think a life on the open seas would result in some kind of tan. You'd be wrong. Xande is intensely pale. His skin is a light porcelain, to where you would almost swear it starts to turn gray-blue. Two darker grey dots sit beneath each eye, which are a vivid jade-teal. His hair is similarly oddly colored, a pale grey-green mass that moves as if suspended in water. He usually keeps it in a low tail to cut down on muss.

Suitably edgy; Everything Xande does is in black and in leather. Everything. Any jewelry he wears is usually simple, like a series of silver rings and thick leather cuffs.

He's possibly most well known by his enemies for his weapon— a sword made of a strange, jade-colored material.

Analytical; Xande does not let things go idly. Everything he encounters he puts to the same scrutiny as anything else, and he relishes in picking apart puzzles to get to the base components behind every action.

Hedonistic; He is not a shy man about what he wants. He consumes everything he can get his hands on with an animal vigor, hard drugs, hard drinks, hard lays. He wants everything life has to offer, and he wants it all now.

Chaotic Good; At the end of the day, he wants everyone to reach their full potential. There is no higher vocation than pushing people to the limits of their self-imposed chains, and watching them finally break free of their tethers. But you have to do it for yourself, and if that means he has to play villain for you to achieve it, well. He can play villain.

Fun Facts!:
  • At any given moment, he is either high, drunk, or both.
  • If he's not on his ship, he's probably in a brothel. It's the safest bet you'll ever make.
  • Rivals his brother Rajah in sheer number of progeny produced. Sometimes they try to take a tally of it and see who's winning but get distracted before they can finish.
  • Plays the violin with a vengeance.






Xande Reid Veyn
The Devil, The Fifteenth Scion, The Pirate Prince
"He who lives in those who would break their own chains"



Addiction; bondage; true freedom; animal nature; obsession


Always and Never

«Species, Ethnicity»...

Eldritch extradimensional demigod. Sometimes he appears as a man. Sometimes he appears as a gigantic, bio-luminescent eel.


«Special Abilities»...

Can transport instantly from shadow to shadow, or water to water, and can move other objects through the same. He can also manipulate the shadows around him into rudimentary "crew" for his pirate ship to help keep the place running.


His mother, the lesser outer goddess Cade Hest Eratia, and 21 other siblings.

Whatever crew he's happened to press-gang into service this century.


Gifted the aspect of the adversary, Xande is here to see how long it takes you to realize those chains aren't locked...



(all grown up, probs nearer to 30 here)
Greenclaw event appearance (current timeline)
art by meeeee


Private Sincuvo Fleet

"Babyface" - a nickname that no one is allowed to speak to his face without severe repercussions.
It's honestly easier to call him "Sincuvo" because it gets his attention quicker than "Private Fleet".


Male. He's not sure about his sexuality though.

Human, Adelan

5'10", archer's build

Bowman in the army, with the rest of the Greenclaws.



  • Hunter; Sincuvo's been using a bow and arrow ever since he was big enough to draw one. As such, his shoulders are strong and sure, and the rest of him agile enough to maneuver through trees as needed. His gait is quiet, near-silent, and he's especially talented at sneaking up out of nowhere.
  • Soft; Despite being a trained soldier, Sincuvo unfortunately retains total babyface syndrome. With high cheekbones, soft full lips, and beautifully angled blue eyes, Sincuvo looks like someone who should have been making his living posing for paintings.
  • Definitely needs a pedicure; Sincuvo prefers to go barefoot more often than not. If he can get away with being out of uniform, the first thing to go is his boots. It doesn't matter if he's moving through the castle halls or across a cobbled street or deep in the woods, he will always be more comfortable with being barefoot. Which means he has some distinct callouses, and the bottoms of his feet are almost perpetually dirty. Added to the callouses on his hands from years of archery, there's no way anyone could mistake him for nobility. ...Which would be inaccurate.
  • Totally not used to short hair; He fidgets with his close-cropped hairstyle all the time, and can't wait until he's veteran enough to be allowed to grow it out again. Though rubbing at the back of his head just right is amazingly soothing to him.

  • Quick and resourceful; Sin's reaction time is through the roof, and he has a learning curve to be terrified of. He knows to follow his instincts, when to stalk and when to strike, and how to use his surroundings to his advantage. And you can be sure that if he fails, it will not happen again.
  • Superstitious; There's a thousand and one things that Sincuvo considers bad luck, and half of his fellow recruits have a little game of how long it'll take before Sin says "that's bad luck, you know".
  • Does not understand sarcasm; Or tone. Or reading people in general. Sin takes absolutely everything at face value— he believes you when you tell him something's true, and he doesn't understand when someone's making a bluff or a threat. He responds to both with absolute sincerity, and he genuinely feels hurt if he finds out the whole matter had been just a joke. Jokes are also hard for him to understand, and it might take him a few extra moments of explanation to "get it".
  • Littlest brother; With three older sisters, and a massive extended family of considerable influence, Sin is used to being at the bottom of the food chain. But he doesn't mind it— in fact, he much prefers to be on the receiving end of orders than being the one to give them. He can follow through with directions, and that's where he's most comfortable.

Fun Facts!:
  • Sand is The Worst. He hates it, hates how it feels, hates walking in it, touching it, and hates that it never fully leaves your skin until you scrub it away with water. Sin just really, really hates sand.
  • Carries a worry charm made out of bone. Or rather, he did— since being abducted by bandits and subsequently losing his personal effects, he's been without this comfort from home for several days now.
  • Is firmly averse to unsolicited touching. He didn't like it before he and his comrades were abducted, but he especially hates it now. Hugs absolutely must be prefaced by at least a kind of warning first, but the most polite thing to do is ask. He makes an exception for very few people.
  • Really likes dancing, though finds it hard to join in without having to touch folks. Fiddling is a good middle-ground— he can get away with solo dancing while he plays and people rarely get into the personal bubble of someone sliding around a stick like you do.

He shoots arrows gewd.

His fellow Greenclaws. :D
And like three older sisters.

Sincuvo never really imagined himself joining the army. He figured he would just be a hunter in his tribe's home territory forever, providing for his family and his Family. But hey, when your cousin the Little Archon says you need to go to Ketra, you go to Ketra. It hasn't been all bad, though having to deal with the hustle and bustle of the city was a struggle-- Sincuvo's made plenty of friends during training.

Or at least plenty before half of them were killed and he and two others were taken captive by bandits.


Adela / Anastolyr Rael, Envoy and Wordsmith
June 15, 2018, 06:35:02 AM


art by meeeee


Anastolyr Rael



Male, hypermonogamistic pansexual

Starstrider elf - House Procyon

6'1", slight

Diplomat as needed
Official Starstrider Envoy

Presently, Ketra in Adela


Super pretty, super tall, and super slender. Ana is as if someone took a pearl and made it into a people, right down to a near iridescent sort of shimmer to his skin.

He tends to favor layers of simple cloth rather than the armor of his kin, with the sleeves bound tight by strips of cloth to best keep out of his way while he's handling papers and books.

He's never without his satchel, which contains specialized writing instruments and magic-infused inks with which he practices his magecraft.

  • Stressed, like, 24/7; Anastolyr is under a lot of pressure. Chosen to be the key go-between for the Starstriders and the rest of Le'raana, there is a lot riding on Ana getting things right. And it shows. He spends ninety percent of his time freaking out about local customs and manners and what is or isn't polite, because that's his job. And while he's travelled south for the same reasons as the rest of his kind, it's with the idea that his job isn't done until the rest of their party is settled in. He's very anxious to get on with seeking his Resonance, but until everyone else is taken care of, he feels he can't.
  • A natural-born mediator;  Open, honest, and with a distinct care for the effect of his words, Ana is made to talk, and talk pretty. The rest of his companions consider him a little stuffy for how much he picks and chooses at his words, but if the alternative is offering offense, well. Consider him stuffy.
  • That learning curve, though; Ana is a very quick study. He's had to be, coming down from the north and encountering folks from Hyoite, Connlaoth, Serendipity, and now Adela. He's quick to pick up on mannerisms and local customs, and makes it a point to take in all he can as quickly as possible.
  • Not-so-armchair anthropologist; While books are handy and Ana is an avid reader, the best experience is first-hand experience. He much prefers to be out and in the thick of it, surrounded by other people. He loves taverns and other similar public houses, and marketplaces, because that's where you really get a good sample of the general population.

Fun Facts!:
  • The tattoo on his bottom lip is a mark of his particular order of magecraft.
  • Loves fish, especially raw.
  • Is a bit fussy about personal hygiene.
  • Is horribly allergic to all this pollen everywhere and suffers mightily when he gets near any gardens.

Wordsmith; Ana is a mage of a very particular sort. His order studied putting words to power, using both written and spoken words to generate desired effects. This can range anywhere from a hex (telling a wheel on a cart to break) to a powerful ward (writing special runes on an article of clothing to cloak the user).

Rhosiris - Weirdly enough, his bodyguard. The shift in dynamic from back home still wigs Ana out sometimes, but the two get on easily enough.
Valys - Also his bodyguard. Ana gets into spats with Valys more than he does with Rhosiris and vice versa, but he doesn't dislike the guy. Ana's just too stressed to handle Valys' devil may care attitude on the regular.

Moving is hard.


Adela / Rhosiris Nyth, bodyguard of a sort.
June 14, 2018, 06:59:04 AM

art by meee


Rhosiris Nyth

High Prince Rhosiris Nyth, abdicated


Male, hypermonogamistic pansexual.

Starstrider Elf, House Phaeton

6'11", slender.

Bodyguard (previously)
Probably gonna join the central Adelan military at this rate.

Presently, Ketra. It's complicated.


  • Golden boy; Rho is of the House Phaeton, and thus, he is super sunshiney in hue. With golden-brown skin and unnaturally yellow hair, all the way down to his eyelashes, which frame bright, almost glowing eyes, it's hard not to pick him out of a crowd. Even his insides pack the same hue— with literally golden blood, his gums and tongue are less pink and more a kind of daffodil hue, in contrast to his teeth which are almost pearlescent. Genuinely, nothing about Rho is unlike looking directly at the sun itself.
  • Inked; While the brown ink might not hold much contrast against his skin, there's no mistaking the tattoos that sit just beneath his eyes and on his throat, a series of symbols from his homeland denoting his lineage, for as much as that actually matters now. (Spoiler: it doesn't.)
  • Armored; Rho doesn't often go out in less than his usual gear. He prefers his leathers and furs to anything else, feeling a bit naked if he's only got simple clothes on. That being said, nothing of what he owns in terms of armor is really that remarkable. It's dark and weathered, worn over scores of years and scores of altercations, if all the little nicks and grooves are anything to go by.

  • Pointed; One might go so far as to call Rho "snarky", but that might not be entirely accurate. He doesn't care much for hemming and hawing and sparing feelings when it's not necessary. Far from going out of his way to be mean, or purposely trying to get a rise out of people, Rho just doesn't see the point in honeying his words for no reason.
  • Graceful; Despite his age and despite his ability, Rho's not a showoff. If he has something to say for himself, it's because it has relevance. You might call it humility, but honestly it's because he's just too tired to go around blowing hot air.
  • Fierce is a nice way of saying stubborn; Rho sticks to his guns. When he makes up his mind, it's very difficult to get him to change it, especially when he thinks his decision is 'for the best'.
  • Tired, like, all the time.

Fun Facts!:
  • Likes sewing, especially when he's upset.
  • Cheese is the best invention ever.
  • Hates the hot weather of southern summers. Just kill him now pls.
  • Strongly carnivorous, like the rest of his kind.

Standard elf things; heightened senses of sight and hearing, rapid reflexes, quick movements, agility, etc.
A little over 200 years of practice with fighting, no big whoop. He strongly prefers spears, if he has a choice. Makes for handy hunting in the wilderness.

A bibi and an opo, and a few siblings in between.

Sometimes you just gotta follow your heart. Even if that means giving up everything you've ever known and heading off into completely uncharted territory populated by those weird human folk.

Political Chatter.[Secondary character]

A Failing Façade
. [Secondary character]
Taking Ground Warning: Mature thread

Essyrn / Nakhti Hyakinthos - Sellsword
June 11, 2018, 01:43:06 PM




Nakhti Hyakinthos

"Barebones" for the tendency in his youth to collect butcher's scraps and gnaw at the bones for what was left.

Who knooows. He hasn't quite gotten any lasting wrinkles yet, so probably close to his thirties, give or take.

Male, yes please.

Some kinda shapeshifter. Not a were, in that his transformations are entirely by his own volition and mood.

5'8", lean and lethal

  • Mercenary
  • Guard
  • Escort of the stabby variety
  • Hired thug
  • Panty thief B]



  • Short for a Neph character; But don't let that fool you any. While no one would ever describe Nakhti has hulking, there is no mistaking the power beneath his armor. His arms are muscled from years of swinging a sword, and his legs are built for running. Perfect for chasing down whatever quarry needs chasing.
  • Marks of a life (not so) well lived; Nakhti's got quite a few nicks and cuts from a long career of scraping and fighting for a living, scars across his arms and chest just as you'd expect. A few markings were of his own design though, black tattooing across his wrists and over the tops of his hands, as well as a few symbols etched along his biceps and shoulders.
  • Wild animal; Both in mannerism as well as appearance. Nakhti's hair has the coloration of fur, and the wiry thickness of it in places as well. Pair that with a sharp set of teeth, and you have a very efficient "angry snarl" face.
  • Could probably use a bath that doesn't involve just rolling around in the river mud.

  • Flirt; Nakhti has energy to spare, and he often uses it to lay on the charm, chatting and joking and flirting with anyone and everyone if he thinks there's something to be gained from it.
  • Opportunist; Amazingly perceptive, Nakhti doesn't let the details just pass him by. He makes note of his surroundings as a rule, from the make of the stone to the pottery to who's between him and any potential windows. He knows how to make the most of a situation, and will improvise readily and with great vigor.
  • Gallows humor; Nakhti handles hurt and fear and all the other nasty aspects of life in the only way he knows how: by making fun of it. Rather than mope or cry, he much prefers to shake it off with a joke, and he'll be damned if he'll let anyone see when something actually bothers him.

Fun Facts!:
  • Has a serious substance habit. It depends on his mood and how much coin he has to spare, but he tends to favor anything that can help him relax and forget the world for a little while. Blue lotus is always a good time.
  • Suffers from nasty headaches, about the only time where he stops being such a jovial prick.
  • Bit of a scavenger! He likes collecting weird things, but never more than he can carry at any one time.
  • Reading is boring and forever taking and libraries make him sneeze.

Shapeshifter - Nakhti turns into a coyote whenever the mood strikes. Good for slinking about and snapping up food when he doesn't have the coin to actually buy it.

While he's not a woof woof, he still maintains some aspects of his other nature, including an excellent sense of hearing and smell and a tendency to bark-laugh more than anything.

No family to speak of, certainly not this far into the desert. He's not originally Essyrni as anyone can tell from his coloration, but heck if he actually knows since he's been on his own for as long as he can remember.

Bad dog.


Adela / Ekida Dragonbound, Dragonrider
June 06, 2018, 05:47:07 PM



*baby you're a firework*

Ekida Dragonbound

Ekida, Owlet of Swift Talon
Ekida Wind Watcher
Ekida Outwalker



Human, Adelan

6'1", well-muscled.


Ketra, Adela (for the most part).


  • Linebacker;  Ekida is built for agility, and has the power to back it up. He's not the size of a house, but he's certainly not going to be knocked over by a strong breeze any time this century. He eats like it, too.
  • Tattoos Are Important; Ekida sports a few tattoos, most of which aren't visible beneath his armor and uniform. Except for the line across his cheeks and nose just beneath his eyes, which is a tradition amongst his home territory.
  • Warm; both literally and figuratively. He carries himself with an easy kind of confidence that's almost impossible not to relax around. He's also literally warm, and tends to forgo clothing as much as is socially acceptable just to beat the heat some days.

  • Extroverted; Ekida is a presence. He just exudes an energy, warm and welcoming and genuinely friendly. He prefers to be in the company of people rather than to be alone, even if it means just being in the same room and doing separate tasks. He's not loud or overly boisterous, though he can get a little... excitable.
  • Kind-hearted; Despite loving attention, Ekida doesn't jealously guard it for himself. He's quick to reach out to someone he sees isn't doing nearly so well, whether that be a kind word on a bad day or a helping hand up after a fall.
  • Committed; Ekida takes his duties very seriously. He knows what it means to be a man of the military, and holds others to the same accountability he sets for himself. When he gives his word, he gives it with the full intention of doing his absolute damnedest to see his promise kept.
  • A bit... emotional; Ekida is very expressive. When he's happy, it's easy to tell that he's happy, and when he's sad, it's easy to tell that he's sad. He wears his stress and his heart on his sleeve, and while he will do his best to keep from acting irresponsibly, it's very clear when he's upset about something. On the flip side, he's almost painfully aware of the emotions of others around him, and there is nothing more stressful to him than being faced with someone he can't 'read'.

Fun Facts!:
  • Is boisterously clumsy. He just gets excited and then ends up dropping mugs and plates as a result. Like a big happy labrador knocking things off a coffee table.
  • Has a "lucky charm" that he absolutely does not go anywhere without. If he has to remove it for any reason, he becomes very anxious to get the talisman back on.
  • Everyone he's friends with is his ~*~best friend!!~*~. Every. Single. One.
  • Really likes saccharine romantic stories. The warm and fluffy feeling is Intense.
  • So, there's this one 'statue' of a defeated enemy that he always has to high-five whenever he walks past it. He started doing this as a recruit, but grew so fond of the dead man he feels bad if he doesn't always acknowledge him.

Beastspeaker; can communicate telepathically with his dragon.
Also seems to have a handy knack for sensing out how other people are feeling, in a very broad-strokes kind of way.

TBD, but there's a dragon in there he's bonded with.

He never quite fit in back home, so now he's here!




art by meee

*won't you fly high free bird*

Notah Shrike
Pssst. His middle name is "Constance". Don't tell anyone.

"Connie", "Seabird"


Male, Bisexual

Human, Adelan

6'2", strong


A small village in I'ka, when he's not out at sea


  • Sturdy; Connie has spent most of his young adult life on one ship or another, and it shows. His shoulders are broad and his arms are strong, and you wouldn't necessarily bet against him in a fistfight. He's built for climbing, and can scale the ropes faster than anyone else he knows. He's got the balance to match, too— the only time he's close to clumsy is when he's drunk on solid land.
  • Ink for days; Connie is heavily tattooed. Quite a few seem to be from his homeland, with geometric banding around his throat and shoulders, and several bands along his arms and legs. He has a *very* friendly mermaid on the inside of his right bicep, a compass rose with crossed cutlasses for the counter-points over his chest, and an hourglass shape on his abdomen just beneath his bellybutton. 
  • Piercings can be dangerous, dude; Connie has several piercings, but this is less than what he used to have. There's several parts of him that are scarred from where things were ripped out or otherwise tore lose, including his lower lip and over his right brow. Doesn't stop him from wearing jewelry though, with several studs in either ear and a bridge piercing between his eyes. Aside from these simple metal studs, he wears several rings on his fingers, only one of which seems to be of any real value.
  • Usually wears his thick black hair long and loose, save for a single beaded braid against his left temple. The beads themselves are made of different material, some painted vibrant colors and some simple stone, but all of them have specific meaning to Connie, and he has no trouble rebraiding them all back in order again. Occasionally he'll keep his hair out of his face with a dark blue bandana.

  • Playboy; Connie is a huge flirt, and is not shy at all about it. He loves charming people, finding the sweet talk and flattery to be half the pleasure of the evening. He's not picky, either, and often terribly greedy. The only thing worth going into port for, after all, is the people. It's not uncommon to see him headed straight for the local brothels whenever he's on land.
  • Honestly dishonest; Connie lies and cheats and steals and all the other little nasty things that comes with an occupation centered around robbing people of their wealth, but he's very open about it. He will be the first to remind you that he's not a good person, and will often laugh uproariously at the mere notion of it. Him? An honorable sort? Come now...
  • Commitment Issues; Connie likes his freedom, and is loathe to accept any situation that would mean he's "stuck" somewhere. He's jumped crews several times, and has never held any kind of long-term lodgings or land, and has zero interest in anything close to "settling down". The concept of a house and a farm and a family absolutely horrifies him, and not just because it would take him away from the sea.
  • Not quite loyal, but close enough; Not innately back-stabby, Connie doesn't connive and conspire every hour of the day just because he can. That would be *way* too much work and way too exhausting, and so it's easier to just be a part of the group he's latched onto for the time being.

Fun Facts!:
  • Sings! He loves to sing, especially when he's working the ropes or trying to woo some poor soul.
  • Languages are *fascinating*, and he always tries to pick up a few words here and there wherever he ends up.
  • Loves apples, and can be easily Scooby-Snack bribed with them.
  • Petting or brushing his hair is a surefire way to put him to sleep in next to no time at all. Complete with intense cuddling and a little bit of snoring.

Sometimes he gets intense headaches when working with ropes, and sometimes those headaches tell him when ropes are ready to go bad or break unexpectedly at a later date. Even if it didn't come to pass, better safe than sorry, isn't it?

A mother who had some seriously high hopes in giving him the middle name "Constance". A father, who took him to see the ocean for the first time. Countless siblings and half-siblings, but he hasn't been home since he was 14, so he couldn't really tell you what any of them are up to these days.

Ka'deed - a sweet man who surprised Connie by marrying him

Every bead he wears has a story behind it. And god help me, I'll have to write all 23 of them.




Ru Imrosit Frae

The First Teacher
The Shepherd
The Lord of Pain
The Keeper of Knowledge


Male, dedication

A minor god of Rulastinia

6', athletic

To encourage the people of the world to pursue knowledge, at all costs

Here, there, everywhere


Build; Ru Imrosit Frae stands tall, with a strong build that gives the impression he is not your average bookworm nerd.

Color; He prefers the form of a Rulastinian man, and so possesses thick, straight black hair and lightly tanned skin. His eyes are a deep, bloody red hue.

Alterations; Ru takes the form of an Anathanati, and so his ears are slightly pointed. Besides that, he mostly just resembles any other human.

Modifications; None

Dress; Ru prefers to dress in artful, colorful layers, favoring deep rich jewel colors for the outer layers and violent reds underneath. He loves complex embroidery, and will happily take up new patterns as he sees them. He is almost always carrying a satchel with several books inside.

Driven, patient, bookish, curious, adventurous, and you get the deeply uncomfortable feeling that him smiling is as bad an omen as him frowning.

Fun Facts!:
  • Knows a lot of things he probably shouldn't.
  • Despite being a god himself, he's rather irreverent of other deities.
  • Will absolutely lend a helping hand wherever there is need.
  • But you have to learn something from the experience, first.

If we were to begin applying the classical model where it doesn't belong, Ru Imrosit Frae would be characterized as a god of war, of knowledge, of frenzy, death, and blood.

Shea Ru - His most beloved and devoted servant and priest.

Would you like to know more?

   Third watch always went on forever.

   You’d think that it being ass-o-clock in the evening that there’d be more to do, but it seemed even the scum of the earth liked to keep regular sleep schedules. Even the drunks had long since shuffled off home or had otherwise been shoved someplace they could sleep it off. Liminessa pulled her helm off— a simple yet effective leather affair that was great for taking hits to the skull but was shit for breathing in— and took a moment to pull back the dark jade flyaways that had come loose from her bun.

   A wipe of her brow to get rid of the sweat the unseasonably warm weather had brought on, and Nessa pushed her helm back on, cudgel in hand as she continued her patrol down the quiet, dark city streets. The worst part of it all was that she was only halfway into the shift, and the city bells seemed to be perfectly content to ring few and far between. No end to the evening in sight, and not even a skeevy pickpocket to make the night interesting.

   At this point, Liminessa would have taken the drunks back. Even dodging poorly hidden attempts at copping a feel was better than being bored out of her damn mind. And at least some of those same drunks liked to sing. In the dark of the night, Maestoso was as silent as the grave, and that had to be the absolute worst part about it all.

   Rubbing at her eyes beneath the faceplate of her helm, Nessa took a moment to pinch her cheeks and get some kind of feeling of alertness back as she stepped across the plaza, past the babbling water fountain in the center of the square, and down yet another city street as part of her designated patrol for the evening. Her squad each had their own patterns to follow, rattling hanging silver bells at street corners to signal that, as usual, all was well.

   Gooooods, but third watch went on forever. Liminessa reached up, grabbed one such bellrope, and gave the device a quick ring to signal her own check complete. It made keeping in contact easy, required less overlap, and the soft ringing of the bells in the night was more than a little bit of a comfort to those good, decent civilians wrapped in bed. Liminessa wished this had been standard procedure when she was small— more than one night she had spent huddled in her bed with the covers pulled over her head, head full of some nasty tale courtesy of the kitchen staff and her own morbid curiosity.

   That was years and several provinces away, now. But if this meant other little girls slept a little bit better, she’d go on ringing those bells. Or beating the absolute shit out of anyone who decided to make trouble. Speaking of…

   Something moved in the shadows, far down at the other end of the street, and Nessa scowled as she gripped her cudgel tighter. Endless planning and repetition guaranteed that whatever was down there was not one of her own, and she gave a sharp whistle into the night air as her meandering pace was suddenly infused with a sense of purpose.

   “Who goes there!” It was a silly call, but then, she never really expected lowlifes to respond to it. It was more for the benefit of her squad, though if she had her way this would end up with a vigorous foot chase and her knee in someone’s belly. “Identify yourself, now!”

   Gritting her teeth and trying not to be too pleased when the shadowy something took off running in the opposite direction, Nessa bolted hard down the cobbled road, her boots thudding loudly in the otherwise pristine night air.

   “Hold! Gods damn you, you son of a bitch, I am going to make you eat the dirt from my soles.” That last part was more a breathless mutter, but the sentiment was real nonetheless, muscles burning by the time she made it down the street and around the corner the shadow had turned, only to find that same side street completely empty. Cussing loudly, Nessa looked up towards the rooftops, trying to spot where the little skulky shit might have vanished off to.

   Not that she got much a chance to really look— the bells were ringing then, and not in the short, even strokes that meant everything was fine, but rather in the loud frantic rolling that summoned everyone within earshot to the ringer’s location. Cussing in a way that would have horrified her mother to hear, Liminessa took off running again, back down the original street and across another, where the rest of her squad was quickly gathering around bright torchlight and splintered wood.

   “What is it?” She asked, stepping up to the front door of an apothecary’s shop— or rather, what was left of it. An odd choice for an invasion, most being rather keen on keeping a lower profile than this.

   “Robbery, ma’am.” Said another guard, moving away from the shop owner and holding something small pinched between two gloved fingers. A closer look saw a shimmering string, ghostly pale and almost translucent in the right light. “Door was kicked in and a couple jars taken. Yarrow, nightweed, and…”

   “Banshee thread,” the apothecary said, huffily, and Nessa narrowed her eyes at such a tone.

   “Funny collection you’ve got, there. You have any reason to be stocking banshee thread, sir? It doesn’t strike me as having many viable applications an upstanding gentleman such as yourself would be interested in.”

   “I’m sorry, am I under arrest, or am I the one who got robbed, here?” he shot back, gesturing at the remains of his shop door. “Look at this!”

   “I see it. What else do we have?” Nessa asked of the other guard, waving the apothecary to the side and leaving him sputtering in indignation for it.

   “Not much, ma’am. No witnesses, just a crash and then nothing.”

   “I saw someone skulking about just three blocks south. Take a detail and comb the area, anyone out and about I want brought in for questioning, no exceptions. Wake first shift if you have to. I’ll be down to the jails shortly.”


   “This is the third time this month. I’m going to check in on some of our old friends and see who’s back to causing trouble. If I’m not back by dawn, check the northside canals. That’s probably where I’ll wash up.” Nessa grimaced behind her helm, the gallows humor seemingly doing nothing to help the general mood. But, thankfully, no one argued, and so she was able to walk away from the crime scene, leaving her squad to keep examining evidence as well as start setting up the sweep of the streets.

   She, however, had much bigger fish to fry. Tenderize and batter and fry. In that order. And with any real luck, she’d find her shadowy little friend out of breath and looking perfectly, smackably guilty. But that required finding him first, and if Nessa knew Quinlan Duirne, that’d be the real trick of the evening.


art done by meeeeee

*Hey, brother, what you thinking? Leave that old record spinning
You feel the rhythm, going (They call it lonely digging)*

Liminessa Marchand

Sgt. or Miss Marchand, thank you very much. (But also Nessa)


Female, unknown

Human, Serenian

5'10", a little higher if she's wearing her boots at the time. Slim but strong.

Sergeant in the Maestoso City Guard, Criminal Investigator

Maestoso, Tirial Province, Serendipity


Tall and slender, but should never be mistaken for delicate. Beneath silky-smooth deeply tanned skin (a rarity in Tirial), there is a fine layer of lean muscle from endless training and breaking up street fights. Her hair is a dark jade-green, which she wears long past her shoulders. On-duty she keeps the whole of it bound up into a tight bun, but otherwise she lets it hang loose or only partially done up.

Doe-eyed and with full, soft lips, you'd expect her to seem perpetually demure. This is far from the case, as all of that beauty is often paired with tense shoulders, a ramrod straight posture, and a stare that could make a sailor peel apart from his own shame.

On duty, she wears the usual city guard uniform, kept in pristine condition and with carefully polished boots. Off duty she favors loose, flowing shirts in seafoam greens and blues, with woolen vests and form-fitting pants tucked into equally carefully polished boots.

  • Stern; she makes no allowances for anyone, and trying to sweet-talk your way out of trouble is only ever going to be met with a cold glare.
  • Will 1000% suplex you into the sun; she is not skittish, and she is not above putting a troublemaker into a headlock and dropping their ass to the ground.
  • Just; Nessa is even-handed in her dealings. She never punishes beyond the crime, and never grants special favors based on class. Everyone deserves the same attention, in her opinion, and she will work to seek justice for anyone.
  • Shy; While she gives off an air of being robustly confident in her skills, Nessa genuinely hates having attention drawn to her, and will vehemently avoid public praise.
  • Closet nerd; Nessa lives for storytelling, especially ones of high sweeping fantasies and whirlwind romances. She knows quite a few tales by heart, though she often gets so excited about them that her pacing and vocalization kinda... sucks. So she just focuses on listening.

Fun Facts!:
  • Wino! Nessa loves loves loves the local wines, and spends many an evening with a bottle in lieu of dinner.
  • Not nearly as Fae as her Provincial countrymen, Nessa is still quite allergic to iron, and prolonged contact with such will have her breaking out in hives.
  • Want to see her in a gibbering, nonsensical mess? Hand her a tiny kitten, she cannot possible function like a normal person around them. She often takes in strays when the weather is particularly bad, and makes a habit of rehoming older cats out in the countryside as mousers.
  • Loves Thanati imports, finds them aesthetically pleasing and will usually barter heavily to acquire something that catches her eye. She loves burning incense, in particular, which is hard to get as far inland as Maestoso. This, of course, is worthy of quite a few rumors and local gossip.
  • One hell of a singer; she often sings to herself in her home, but will clam up if she knows there's an audience.

Nessa isn't a mage in any full sense of the word, but she does have some minor talents, specifically in terms of warding. While not completely preventative, she is talented in setting up barriers that "dissuade" unwelcome guests, giving them a distinct feeling of unease unless she vocally invites them into her home.

Other talents lie in personal warding, twisting thread into braided chains to ward off unfriendly spells. And also too-friendly spells.

The fourth child of a very minor noble house, Nessa has a pretty extensive family full of siblings, nieces and nephews and various in-laws of increasingly tenuous relation.

...As such, Nessa's choices in life were go off and make it on her own, or wait to be married off to another minor noble house. However, a series of terrible decisions and considerable scandal rendered her marriage prospects moot, so she moved on and out into the world with a borrowed name, eventually landing her in Tirial where she barely makes any contact with her estranged family. Any of her family.

Stuff happened, complicated stuff. So much stuff.


[It's murder mystery time! So warnings concerning blood and death and all the foul language you'd expect when faced with these kindsa things.]   


   The worst of the season was upon them. Even the forest of architectural wonder that was Reajh could do little to quell the sheer violence of nature that rattled shutters and whipped banners, the dull thud of rocking signs barely discernable over the cracking of thunder. Early into the evening though it was, most had taken to their homes or otherwise hunkered down in the nearest ale house, content to call the rest of the day a wash and keep where it was warm and dry.

   Of course, this didn't really mean much if you lived where you worked, and all your duties were indoors anyway. It just meant that you had to deal with entirely bored children at the same time, and for a young maid like Petra with absolutely zero maternal instincts to speak of, this was a punishment far worse than a few wet clothes.

   The bombardment of rain gave the air a kind of ethereal gloom, and coupled with the kind of cold, quiet politeness of an upperclass home, every room felt downright spooky. Like they were full of ghosts lingering in dark corners and waiting to strike. Not that Petra was afraid of ghosts— or at least, not here. The Wartenbergs were good, decent people, and while this home had been in the family for generations, Petra couldn't see any one of them doing something so... unsavory like haunting a house.

   Ghosts, after all, belonged to those without direction or purpose. And everyone in the Wartenberg manor had both in spades. A little bubble of pride welled in Petra's chest, and she set her candle down on the long bureau with the kind of finality that, if there were any ghosts (which of course there weren't), they would surely see in her body language that she simply did not have the time for nonsense, and if they were so keen on frightening someone they'd best take their ghostly business elsewhere.

   She had windows to clean, after all, and the Wartenberg manor was a very large home indeed. Petra shook out the curtains, thick and perfect for keeping out winter chills, brushed them free of dust and, somehow still, evidence of fluffy ginger cats that had not lived in the home since the days of Mr Wartenberg's great aunt. Petra and the other maids often complained that they'd each be old crones by the time they finally cleared the place of fur, and considering Mr Wartenberg's great aunt had at least ten of the spoiled creatures, that complaint seemed to be very realistic indeed.

   Tying the curtains back once more, Petra took up her rag and set to gently and methodically wiping each individual pane, pressing her thumb in just so as she ran it along the circular grooves in one. Streaks were not acceptable, and so she took her time,squinting against the constant storm of raindrops on the other side of the cold glass. It was always a little more difficult to tell if the glass was truly clean like this, but as this was one of many guest rooms that hadn't seen use in the past week or so, Petra was secure in the belief it would turn out spotless.

   A particularly noisy gust of wind blew up and rattled the panes, and somewhere down on the city road something toppled over with a splintering crack. It was loud enough that even Petra heard it on the second floor, and she squinted out the window to see if she could spy just what had taken a fall.

   It looked, at first, just like some poor bastard caught in the rain. But something didn't seem right. Too tall, too shadowy, and too keen on kicking a foot free of a wooden bucket, Petra squinted harder as the figure finally got loose and took off down the gloom of the street, movements hurried and quick and a bag clutched tight to their chest.

   Well, whatever that was about, it was none of Petra's business. She'd done enough daydreaming, and so ran her cloth along the bottom edge of the window to finish it off. Another gust of wind, and then, mercifully it seemed, it died down to a low lull. Those were always the strangest moments in the storm, when it got so quiet it almost felt too quiet, and Petra was struck again with the sensation of lingering ghosts. She looked out the window, watched the flicker of rain in the dim light, and settled on the manor across the way. It belonged to a new family, not the original owners by even a mile. Petra had heard the older servants gossiping about the brewing magnate and his young wife and their newborn child. Sudden, new wealth and an unknown lineage tended to bring about nastier rumors than usual, but that was usually just pointless vindictiveness from those who felt envy too close in their hearts.

   Still, reputations were reputations, and Petra had heard enough of those rumors to be very glad indeed that she worked for the Wartenbergs and not these... Brandts. And wherever their sudden influx of fortune came from. Petra certainly didn't know anyone who had gone to work in that house, either, but every now and again they could see shadows moving beyond the windowpanes, unknown servants going about unknown work for a relatively unknown man— which was just as unsettling as anything else. She squinted even further still, with some thought of maybe trying to catch sight of one of these shadowy housekeepers going about their potentially nefarious business.

   It was a far sight more likely than ghosts, after all.

   But the rain was still such that it was hard to see much of anything at all, and the dim candlelight from the Brandt estate's windows didn't do much to alleviate that problem. Petra was about to give up and go home, when a sudden peal of lightning struck high and loud in the sky, illuminating everything in a bright white-blue wash of elemental fury.

   It was in this brief moment that Petra saw it. Her eyes widened, her heartbeat drummed fast, and her breath caught in her throat. But no, it couldn't be, that wasn't—

   Another crack of lightning and boom of thunder, and this time when the light dimmed, it was to a long shriek of horror, Petra's finger pointing wildly out the window even as her screams drew every other member of the household to the guest bedroom. At first there was only confusion, peppered with annoyance at a young girl letting the weather and her imagination get the best of her.

   But the weather and her imagination weren't responsible for the violent vibrant splatter of red against the third upper window of the Brandts' home, thick and far too plentiful to mean anything good. Suddenly, everyone was moving, boots thudding against the hard wooden floors as Mr Wartenberg and his teenage son ran down and across the street in the rain: suddenly there was movement everywhere, even in the Brandt estate, as the doors opened to confused servants and shouted words were lost to the stormy winds.

   It was only after Petra had been pulled away from the window and down into the kitchens, and only after her third mug of hot tea that they got the news:

   Martin Brandt had been murdered.



art by meee

*So come right in 'cause everybody sins
Welcome to the scene of the crime*

Azhke Vel



Thus far he's just so thoroughly disgusted by people in general he hasn't really "dwelled" on his sexuality much.

Starstrider Elf, House Horizon

6'2", triangular shaped

Lockpick, burglar, and a few other things that may or may not be true depending on who's asking and why.
But really, he's just a ratcatcher, he promises.

Reajh, Connlaoth


A tall and muscular man, it's clear that Azhke has led a hard life. While still possessing the ethereal sort of beauty of his kind, his skin is rough and marked, with callouses on his hands and several scars across his knuckles and torso. His skin is a dark grey, and his hair is a deep, deep black that reflects no light at all. The most striking part of him is his eyes, a vibrant blue purple with paler pupils and blue sclera.

He tends to favor dark, simple clothing with no real baubles to speak of, mostly because it hides dirt a lot better. In addition to the leather bracers common in Connlaothian fashion, he also wraps thin fabric around his hands and knuckles to serve as rudimentary gloves, and his prized possession is a piece of fur he wears over his shoulders in cold weather.

Snarky, sneaky, dishonest, with a very "looking out for number one" attitude. He doesn't hold much loyalty to... anyone, and the only real line he stands for is the bottom one.

Fun Facts!:
  • Likes making small firecrackers out of paper and black powder. Also handy distraction tools if you stick them all in a bucket and run.
  • Can't read. He recognizes some markings and all, but aside from simple words he's lost.
  • Don't ask him where he got his jerky from.
  • Seriously, you don't want to know.

He's so sneaky. So, so sneaky. Dude just appears out of nowhere sometimes, I swear.
Also has standard elven sensory abilities, enhanced sight and hearing and the ability to see some distance in the dark with no light to aid him.

His bibi disappeared as soon as he was born, out of shame. His opo never fessed up to making him. So it was largely other Horizons who looked after his upbringing, but he never quite came to feel much of anything for any of them.

Has a fair network of connections in the seedy underbelly of the city. Nothing major, but he does know who to go to to sell stolen goods and where to get jobs.

It was hard growing up like Azhke did. Born out of Resonance, and thus House Horizon, the elves under no star, Azhke would always be an outcast. Rather than sit around waiting to "prove himself worthy" to his home community, Azhke took off into the southlands at the young, young age of 90 and ended up in Connlaoth. There, with even less of a support network, he was forced to learn to fend for himself, and happily took to the profession of picking locks. And he's been quietly filching  ever since.




collab between myself and Draconian

* And the man in the back said everyone attack
And it turned into a ballroom blitz
And the girl in the corner said boy I want to warn you
It'll turn into a ballroom blitz *

Valys Irethys Dei



Male, Pansexual

Starstrider Elf - House Phaeton

6'7", proportionately lean with some fair upper body musculature.

Personal guard for the Starstrider Envoy to Adela

That's a bit complicated.


Val is *long*. He stands incredibly tall and is proportionately slender all the way through, with an elegant throat and delicate seeming joints. A lean level of muscle wraps around his shoulder and chest, all covered in golden brown skin. Like most members of his House, Val's hair is a vibrant sunshine-blonde, and matched by equally glowing golden eyes with coppery sclera.

Sarcastic, snarky, with a terrible habit of telling you exactly what he thinks. He doesn't tend to mince words, instead seeing it more akin to lying than it is to politeness. He's not all bad mood, though, and has a special fondness for mischief, often at the expense of those who "need to starch their hose far less".

He's also... a bit of a lush, but that's largely due a cultural condition that affects most of his kind. So he drinks to keep from dwelling too much on the chronic sensation of being incomplete.

Fun Facts!:
  • Is a sucker for honey, and by that logic, also mead. Doesn't care for other sweets, though.
  • Likes carving, will make all manner of trinkets. Though his favorite is carving shells.
  • Can juggle, and pretty good, too.
  • Is the type of drunk who will drag you up onto a table to dance with him.

Pyrokinesis - Val is only mildly psychic, and his particular psionic strength lies in the manipulation of fire and heat. He can't generate flame, but he can strengthen or weaken it, and tends to "get heated" in a very literal sense when he's particularly upset.

A bibi and an opo, who he left all the way back home to go on this migration of sorts. He misses them terribly, but doesn't often get a chance to write.
Anastolyr Rael - One of the other Starstriders who journeyed south to find their Resonance. The group's de facto leader, he's often a little too high-strung for Valys' taste, and the pair often butt heads.
Rhosiris Nyth - Another of the Starstrider Envoy, and fellow bodyguard.
Zhirai Ver - Another of the Starstrider party. Probably the only one who's as much an asshole as he is.
Pallaton Valerius - The Regent of Adela, and by some strange twist of fate, Valys' soulmate. It's incredibly complicated.

Valys is from a far northern place, but he left it all behind. Now he runs around terrorizing the Regent and drinking all his whiskey.

Political Chatter. {feat. Rho and Ana}

A Failing Façade
. {ft. Rho and Ana}


art by meee

__________________QUICK STATS

Diarmaid Shaw
Human, for the most bit. His Fae blood looks to run a little stronger than you'd expect for a Serenian.
Mercenary; if the pay is right, he is not above doing anything, and I mean anything. Got the skills to pay them bills.
A tent, usually. Wherever his current "duties" lie.

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Tall, buff and gruff. Diarmaid has bronze skin, which is a patchwork of variously-sourced scars, most of them well-faded. He sports an almost contradictory, softly colored tattoo over his left breast, which winds up near his shoulder and curves down over his left ribs. His hair and eyes are the same shade of blood-bright-red, which tends to lend towards his permanent resting bitch-face. He is almost always chewing sweet grass, and his iron allergy tends to make him sneeze on top of skin irritation.

It's hard to get a bead on Diarmaid. He's almost always scowling, and if he's not scowling then he's simply frowning. He doesn't mince words, and becomes easily annoyed with "fancy talk", which usually puts him at odds with his younger brother Aodhan and his extensive vocabulary.

He's not the sort to come out and say how he feels, and since he's also not terribly keen on open displays of affection it's really difficult to tell where you stand with him. However, his devotion is absolute; once someone has earned a place in his heart, he will do whatever it takes to see that person is kept healthy and happy.

His temper, however, oftentimes gets the best of him, which kind of ruins whatever goodwill he might have attempted to accrue for the sake of those closest to him.

Very minor, but has an affinity for imbuing metals with heat and fire.

His two younger brothers, Aodhan (21) and Rorie (11) Shaw. Diarmaid is utterly devoted to both, and has worked himself to the bone for most of his life just to make sure they're well cared for. Aodhan's scant education is largely due in part to Diarmaid's willingness to do absolutely anything to advance his younger brothers, and while Rorie isn't nearly as bookish as Aodhan, he's certainly more than spoiled in his own right.

Kyrrha, an orphan girl who he and his brothers have taken under their protection. Taking Kyrrha in was absolutely not Diarmaid's idea, but rather Rorie, who took a shine to having someone his own age around. After a while, however, Diarmaid became fond of her, and even took to regarding her as his own sister, and will often introduce the Connlaothian girl as such despite their distinct differences in appearance.

Diarmaid genuinely doesn't talk about himself much, and might consider many inquiries as being overly nosy. However, with some effort and a little gossiping with his brothers, there's a few things that can be gleaned about Diarmaid:

  • He once was in the army, but ended up being kicked out for his temper problems.
  • His whole reason for joining the army in the first place was some kind of ill-conceived tantrum about a girl he liked getting engaged to someone else. Rorie teases him mercilessly about this, despite having only been a toddler at the time.
  • Has worked literally every odd job one can think of with mixed results; he's done bard work and has a fair singing voice that one would not expect from him. He's also done brothel work, but proved to be a bit too rough for most clients' tastes.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads
The Colosseum / Blood is Thicker [M] [Nix]
April 21, 2017, 04:11:59 PM

Blood and sweat.

The cell reeked of it.

Sadir moved to the far side of his cage, to where a small barrel of terribly stale water sat. He scooped up a handful of the dusty fluid, slurped it up, swished it in his mouth, and spat it onto the sandy floor.

The sand was considerably redder than it had been a moment ago.

Not as red as it had been outside, of course. Sadir tongued at the side of his mouth-- still sore from where a blow had caused him to bite into his own cheek. He could still taste copper, but it was a bit less so now. A molar wiggled rather worryingly, however. Seeing no point in hoping it might correct itself, Sadir reached into his mouth and yanked the offending tooth out.

He stared down at the bloodied enamel, turning it in his fingers and scowling. That was aggravating. Less so the loss of the tooth and more so the fact that his opponent had gotten a swing in in the first place. Let alone one hard enough to have sent him to the ground, his helmet knocked off and rolling some far distance away.

His nose had been broken. Again. His protection was several feet away. It hadn't left much room for thought. Which was just how Sadir worked best.

It had been a bloodbath after that. He only usually went into deathmatches as a rule-- he didn't play nice in those hoity toity playacting bouts-- but for the low, low price of one crack of a club to Sadir's head, his opponent had earned an agonizing death via the exceptionally gross application of Sadir's thumbs.

Sadir grinned, spat another gob of blood out, and went back to pacing his cell. Now that the adrenaline was flowing, he was getting antsy-- he was tired of being the last resort, just another caged up animal to throw at the dregs of humanity at the bottom of bloodied sands.

"Come on, come on." he muttered, going back to the barrel for another long drought of water.
Draconi Forest / Of a Feather [DragonSong]
April 16, 2017, 10:49:39 PM
There was only wind, and gravity.

The former came like a rushing river current, billowing under his glistening black feathers and making them shudder. The latter pulled from beneath him, tempting him downwards, a siren call that nothing on this physical plane was capable of ignoring.

Not without wings.

Kharon had wings. They were spread wide now, carrying him through the air effortlessly, shifting up and down and forward in a lazy looping eight as he flew. It was, without a doubt, the greatest sensation he had ever known-- in every last minute of every last day of every last year of his two centuries, he had never been as happy as he was when flying.

Kharon let out a cry of joy, and surrendered to the pull from below. He dipped, forward and down, and let the wind rush past him as the earth rose up like a titan eager for its meal. Anthills became mountains, and the carpet of deep emerald green broke into a patchwork of leaves and open ground. The closer he dove to the ground, the darker his shadow became, black and threatening and setting every prey instinct scattering.

Luckily for them, he wasn't interested. His wings spread wide to slow his descent, and with a chatter and grumble he landed on a bare tree branch.

Something cawed in the distance. Kharon cawed back. It was harder to think, in this form; he wasn't incapable of reasonable thought, crows were far too clever for their own good, which was half the reason he loved being them. But there was still the limitations, less a language and more intuition, a flash of memory and color and associations. The caws didn't actually mean anything, and yet they meant so much.

This was bright, the stranger's call said. Yellow. A shiny trinket. Spotting a friend, who had shown you the best places to get the sweetest corn. The feeling of the familiar, the pleasant, the curious.

Kharon tilted his head, hopped a few knots to his left. Spread his wings once more, flapped to an adjacent tree. Tilted his head the other way, and let out a louder caw. Curious, inquisitive, searching, questioning, a soft teal colour, a puzzle of a box that you knew held something interesting inside.

Who's there?

full view (3k pixels)
art by meeeee

Ivo Schwestern

Age (at time of death):


Asexual panromantic

Human in life, 'Shade-stalker' post-mortem




Fausteth, generally Middon

Physical Description:
Like most Faustethens, the first thing that one notices about Ivo is that he's dead. His skin is a dusky shade, what once had been tan is now ashen. His eyes, like most of his kind, are a pale kind of cornflower. He retains several injuries he sustained just before his death, including the bruises from a hangman's noose.

Despite his very unlively physical nature, Ivo is the life of the party. He loves cracking jokes and generally goofing off, much to the chagrin of his brothers, who wish he would take things a bit more seriously. There are certain points where Ivo's demeanour comes off as unnerving-- sometimes his jokes run a little dark, even for those of his kind.

His shade-stalker nature has imbued him with a special kind of umbrakinesis, where he may shift into an incorporeal shadow. He and his brothers often hunt like this, popping up into their corporeal forms only when their prey is at the greatest disadvantage.

His triplet brothers, Mika and Espen. They're never far from one another, so if you find one brother you're likely to be surrounded by the other two.

Ivo was never what you'd call a good egg. He and his brothers made their living pre-death by general banditry, and were not above murder to achieve their ends. They were wanted criminals, and it was only by chance in the chaos of the Faustethen plague that they were even caught at all. They were hung for their crimes, but not before they had been infected, and shortly thereafter they rose again to continue their previous activities.

This time around, however, their miscreant ways are far more forgiven, and they've even been given the task of venturing out into the barony to salvage what they can from abandoned homes and farmsteads. Every now and again, they get special permission to even leave the confines of Fausteth, and seek out other scavenging opportunities far closer to Connlaoth.

Current Threads

Completed Threads
Absences/Returns / And back from exile:
December 20, 2014, 08:29:01 PM
This one is.

Uh, had a little bit of an exile from everything social for a bit. Had an overnight job that basically relegated my life to sleep and work and then sleep again. Switched around my schedule and my work so now I should have more time to NOT sleep and work and actually do social things.

So I should be able to get those much-deserved replies out again.
Image to be added

Lucien Saabi



Human, cursed (lycanthropy)



Gravedigger, graverobber

Matron's Hallow


Physical Description:
Lucien is fairly typical for a Connlaothian, pale with grey eyes and dirty blonde hair, patched with bits of darker brown. He is wrapped in muscle, particularly around his shoulders, arms and upper back, a trait he acquired through his profession of digging graves. He's a pretty hairy dude, with constant stubble no matter how freshly he might've shaved. It's not uncommon for him to simply give up on keeping up, and this can result in a pretty shaggy and unkempt appearance at times.

Lucien is the sort who likes to keep to himself. He doesn't really invite conversation, nor does he go looking for it. For the most part he just wants to do his work, and go home to his daughter. However, this is mostly to avoid what is an incredibly volatile temper, as he has this habit of going completely tunnel-vision when he gets angry. Incredibly pious, he is a regular fixture in his local church, praying to the saints to help alleviate his monthly "problem," as well as to cleanse him of more personal sins.

Lucien is a werewolf in the classic movie-monster sense, in that he has no control over his transformations, which coincide with the phases of the moon. During these points, he becomes a great beast, a fusion of man and wolf with none of the sanity of either. He is capable of great feats of brute strength during these periods, but like his transformations, he has very little control over who he uses this force on.

Wife, deceased
Lily, daughter

Lucien has been a monster for as long as he can remember. Ever since he was a small child, he had to be locked up once a month, which left very little time for him to achieve any real manner of study or even much social interaction. Despite his parents' best efforts to keep his problem a secret, he somehow continued to be found out, and often this resulted in his family having to pack up and move to another town or city. The best rumors concerning his affliction were that he simply crossed another werewolf in the woods or something, and the worst rumors concerning his lycanthropy were that his mother was a witch who treated with a demon of some variety and had him cursed.

He's not sure which rumor is more true.

Still, he grew up without too much incident, and married a lovely young blacksmith. He managed to keep his monthly incidents a secret for some time, long enough for their daughter Lily to be born. However, one month, his wife became curious as to why he regularly disappeared, but only for a week. This had about the same result as one might expect. The official record was that Lucien was not at fault, but he was shunned enough to warrant him packing up and moving away with Lily. They ended up in one of the larger cities within the Matron's Hallow.

Desperate to find any cure for his ailment, he fell to working close to the church, spending much of his time there in prayer when he wasn't performing basic janitorial duties. For his nasty times of the month, he locks himself up in his cellar, in order to avoid causing any lasting harm. These cellar doors have to be regularly replaced, and coupled with the task of raising a young daughter all on his own, on a gravedigger's salary, have led him to far less scrupulous modes of employment, often pilfering valuable objects from fresh graves, or even whole bodies for far shadier purposes.

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