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Kunata / The Shadow In The Flames [Private]
September 30, 2020, 07:25:40 PM
The brilliant orange glow of the village lit up the tropical night as the moon rose high above the clouds. It cast its white light down on the island, clashing with the colors of the burning coastal village. Among the sounds of burning timber and crashing scaffolding the choir of human distress hovered across the destruction. There were people everywhere, though none could bear to stand! They yelled and screamed in pain as they tried to crawl through the mud, the flames searing their skin and cooking their blood! Among the shadows of the flames a single figure stood, draped in darkness and glowing with a multi colored gaze. The long black hair flowed violently in the windswept smoke as the fire climbed higher and higher into the night. Her coat of darkness let the wind guide it as well, tempting the flames with its tattered edges. She just stood there, in the middle of the destruction and chaos, her form unchanged by the heat while others burned beside her. Her expression dark and her brows furrowed, she turned her head towards her left foot, seeing a young man, mid teens, clutching to it in pain.

"This is the price for your ignorance, fool!" She growled, leaning down to grab the teenager's neck. Her black steel gauntlets tightened around his throat and elevated him off the ground, the sound of their joints echoing above the fires. He choked and gagged, flailing his weak arms towards the woman, but she did not relent. Only her eyes got darker, and her hand tightened more. "Killing you would be a mercy for what you made me do... No, you shall be made to suffer the loss of everyone you have ever known... Every single person in this village will die. Except you." She told him coldly as he watched her in horror. "Next time rumors float around your village about a sacred magical tome... Make sure they're verified, less you have people like me travel across the entire world to find... Nothing." The woman growled before dropping the man. He landed on his knees, coughing and panting while the woman walked past, straight through the flames, and into the night...

Hyoite / Edith Lockmyre, The Blood Wolf
September 30, 2020, 10:14:10 AM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Edith Lockmyre
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Species Vampire (formerly human)
Ethnicity Unknown
Height 5'8''
Occupation Wanderer
Residence Castle Dreadmoore

"When the town is naught but ashes and the bodies of its inhabitants are being feasted upon by hellish abominations... The Blood Wolf howls."

[Disclaimer! Dark Themes Ahead!]

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
On the surface Edith appears to be a regular human with some minor deviations. She stands a little taller than average for a human female and has quite the muscular build. Her skin is white as snow, as per the usual with any vampire, however unlike other vampires her left eye is almost golden in hue with a black marking surrounding it while the other remains a blood red. She has very long messy black hair that looks like it hasn't been cared for in a very long time (which probably isn't far from the truth), and no shirt. Instead Edith prefers to sport a very long black trench coat that contains tattered and frayed edges, suggesting it is a fairly old piece of clothing. Edith likes to keep the coat open, using white bandages that wrap around her chest and back to cover her breasts. She also wears dark reddish brown pants that lead into black boots. Lastly, Edith also uses a pair of gold rimmed steel gauntlets and shoulder pads she keeps on her at almost all times.


(This was a commission made for me!)

There was a time long ago when Edith was known to others as kind hearted and loving. However, endless years of blood, death, and unimaginable mental torture soon changed her. Something inside the woman snapped and she descended into madness, becoming extremely cold hearted and cruel. For the most part Edith keeps to herself. While it is true she is a wanderer, the woman still prefers to keep her distance as much as possible when it comes to interacting with others. She doesn't enjoy small talk and is never looking for friends, and as a result spends most of her days in the wilderness, far from civilization. She is quite moody and sullen most of the time, being easily annoyed and hard to approach. Because of this, Edith rarely talks at all.

However, in the rare cases that Edith does not resent conversation she can be quite barbaric. She has no love for the people of this world, and has no problem communicating that. Those that annoy her she is sooner ready to curse at the first chance she gets, or let loose a horde of her monsters to massacre their village. In the end their lives mean little, as they are nothing but tools for her to use and manipulate in an effort to bring about her end goal... Death.


Mark of the Blood Wolf
Edith carries the blood of a long dead demon in her veins. This demon was once very powerful, and chose to take on the form of a monstrous wolf when it displayed itself to mortals. Because of the blood she carries, Edith is now cursed for eternity. If she tastes or drinks the blood of another, she undergoes a horrific transformation that turns her body into the Blood Wolf as well. She has no thoughts or control while in this form, and as a result she rampages around and kills any in her path. This process puts extreme mental and physical stress on the woman and she absolutely resents the curse for it. Not only that, but the more she transforms the longer she stays a wolf every time. Edith fears that this curse will eventually consume her, and she will become the Blood Wolf permanently. Another side effect of the curse also torments Edith as well. The stories say that no matter where the Blood Wolf goes, she brings sadness and death to those around her... And this also includes anyone she forms a bond with. None can evade the curse, and as a result Edith has seen every person she has gotten close to die in some tragic and horrific way before her.

Edith is a vampire, and as such she has many things attributed to vampires. Pale skin, hatred of sunlight, and the overwhelming hunger for blood. Because of the nature of Edith's curse, becoming a vampire was a stroke of extremely bad luck. She cannot survive without drinking the blood of the living, but every time she does the curse of the Blood Wolf is triggered and she transforms. Because of these results, Edith tries her hardest to starve herself for as long as she possibly can before consuming blood, but she has found it increasingly harder and harder to do as the years pass. However, there are still a few perks that come with being a vampire. Edith's speed and strength have increased ten fold and she has the ability to manipulate the shadows to her liking.

Curse Casting
Due to the nature of Edith's condition, she had become obsessed a long time ago with curses. Desperately looking for a way to end hers, Edith sought out every piece of knowledge she could. She wandered the continent, learning and studying the effects of different curses from across all cultures and magics. As a result, Edith became quite capable at casting curses herself. She has mastered all manner of hexes in an effort to destroy her own, but she is often more than willing to use her knowledge against her enemies as well.

Demon Craft
In addition to learning curses, Edith also became quite interested in the demonic plain. Hoping she could find a being powerful enough to either end her curse or her life, she relentlessly studied this field as well. However, as she learned more and more about the nature of demons, Edith discovered something quite fascinating... The building blocks of demonhood. With this newfound knowledge Edith has been able to create her very own demons and monsters. Over the years she mastered the lost art, and is capable of creating fully sentient and extremely powerful demons by corrupting mortals. She calls them "Fallen Barons". The Barons were originally created with the purpose of being used against her. She wanted to create something stronger than herself so that she could finally end the curse that had plagued her existence for so long. However, to this day none of her creations have succeeded and Edith locks the failures away inside magical objects and tosses them aside. Many of her creations now lay scattered across Le'ranna, waiting to be found by others.

Edith is immortal. Her vampirism keeps her looking youthful while the curse of the blood wolf makes her immune to death entirely. That may sound like a boon, but given the amount of time Edith has been alive for she sees it as nothing more than a cruel curse.

The Black Weapons of the Blood Wolf
Throughout Edith’s many long journeys across the continent she came into the habit of creating powerful magical objects in addition to her demons in an effort to find a way to break her curse. These cursed objects can be anything from a legendary sword to a dark amulet, all possessing extreme magical power of some sort or another. However, due to the nature of their origins (all are an extension of the Blood Wolf’s power) They almost all have some sort of dark side effect that effects the user in some form. Similar to the demons of the Blood Wolf, when the Black Weapons failed to prove their worth to Edith she quickly abandoned them and left them to the hands of fate. To this day an unknown amount of Black Weapons still lay scattered around Le’ranna, corrupting their surroundings with their dark power, waiting to be found...


Almost nothing is known about the Blood Wolf. She has been around for many many years, and as a result legends and stories about her existence have popped up all across the continent in some form or another. She is a being of hatred and cruelty, bringing about misery and death wherever she goes... Or so the legends say.

Edith Lockmyre was a kind girl. In the town she grew up in she was known to everyone as a carefree, happy child. Innocent and untouched by the cruelty of the outside world. That did not last. On one fateful day the girl was taken from her home by a vampire lord. He came in the dead of night and kidnapped the young girl from her home, bringing her to his coven in the dark fortress Dreadmoore in northern Hyoite. It was there the effects of her curse soon became apparent. The vampire lord saw potential in the young woman and wanted to craft her into a loyal servant of his coven, so he turned her. The transition was painful and all of Edith's innocence died in that castle...

It was in those dark dungeons the woman spent a good portion of her life. The vampire lord who turned her wanted to break Edith's mind so that she would be more easily controlled, and as a result he starved her of blood for many years. She got just enough to survive, but was left chained and isolated for the rest. Over time her fragile mind began to crack, and Edith descended into madness as her overwhelming thirst for blood caused her to go completely feral. She spent many nights in her cell screaming and clawing at her own skin, trying anything she could to end her suffering but nothing worked. Eventually, the vampire lord thought she was ready to become completely submissive to him, and offered her blood in exchange for her servitude. A cruel joke, as Edith had broken long ago and would have taken the offer long before this point.

All thoughts of kindness and benevolence within the woman had all but vanished completely. When a human prisoner was dumped into her cell she didn't even think twice before tearing them apart and drinking their blood! However, when she did so Edith felt a much more sinister presence stir within her body... The Blood Wolf had awakened. An overwhelming dark presence enveloped the woman in a cloud of shadow, and the pain in her body became unbearable! The vampire lord looked on in horror as her screams of pain soon morphed and changed into monstrous howls of rage! She had become the Blood Wolf, a massive beast with bright yellow eyes and uncontrollable anger.

What followed was a massacre. Every single vampire in the castle tried to stop the Blood Wolf, but nothing worked. She slaughtered every single one of them, her corruption seeping into the walls of the old fort as the monster raged. Eventually the screams and sounds of battle faded and the Blood Wolf was all that remained within the castle. After Edith awoke she soon pieced together what had happened and became terrified of herself. She left the castle behind and made her way south, hoping to find help in civilization...

The follies of this plan were soon discovered. Edith became more and more hungry for blood, and when she could no longer resist her feral instincts took over and she murdered anybody she came across if they carried blood in their veins. What soon followed was another transformation into the Blood Wolf and Edith eventually came to accept this was the cycle of her fate. Sadness and depression washed over the woman and she vowed she would find a way to break the chains of her curse. Hardening her heart she set off on her new quest, traveling the world searching for a way to break her curse... Or die.

Edith eventually returned to Castle Dreadmoore. The old fort had remained untouched since she left it many years ago, and the dark north kept it perpetually veiled in shadow. Though the memories of the place were horrific, Edith decided she would use it as the epicenter for her power. Cursing the lands around the castle, Edith caused the region to become infested with dangerous monsters and demonic creatures so all the knowledge she had gathered over the years could be stored deep within the dark and windless halls of Dreadmoore...

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

The Shadow In The Flames

Complete Threads
Absences/Returns / The Ghoster Returns (My Apology)
September 25, 2020, 08:47:48 PM
Hey all.

Not sure how many of you remember me, but I thought I'd make a thread confirming my return. For those that do know me and may have mixed feelings about my flaky behaviour I understand and apologize. I know me coming back to the site isn't exactly a surprise, seeing as I've left and returned several times in the past and now I'm here again. And each time I did leave I gave zero notice or warning or explanation to those who I was involved with. This was completely unfair and extremely rude on my part and I completely understand if you don't have an interest in being my roleplaying partner because of my lack of reliance to stay on board. There was really no excuse for the choices I made and I will be eternally sorry for that.

I would like to say that I'm back and here to stay (even though I know that might be hard to believe due to my past of ghosting this site) and if anyone is still interest in sharing their character's stories with me, my door is open.
Hivan Ocean / Wicked Minds Think Alike [M] [Savage]
March 31, 2019, 10:40:00 PM
They said it all. Everything she needed to know. Not one bit of information was held back. Mythica was sure of it. The fidgeting of their arms, the slouches of their backs, and of course the constant tapping of a nervous man's foot. A smile formed upon her lip. She had them.

"Fuck'et! I fold!" One man said, dropping his cards on the table. "Aye..." Another soon followed. Now there was only one left, and he sat directly across from the white haired pirate. He stared at her with a calculating expression. Mythica on the other hand couldn't help herself but smile a bit and tilt her head. Her cards in a neat fold within her hands, blocked from everyone's view. "So...? What'cha goin' to do there, bud?" She questioned with a somewhat innocent tone, but with just enough venom underlying it to give everyone the hints for what she was really thinking. It wasn't any mystery after all. They were all pirates, weren't they? Finally, after a few more moments of silence the man dropped his cards on the table face up for everyone to see. "I ain't pussying out like these two! I'm going all in there, honey!" He laughed confidently. And by taking one look at his cards, it wasn't a wonder why. He had what many considered to be a clean winning combo. Two golden serpents and a Kraken. Mythica's eyes grew slightly wider when she saw the combo before her, and the man continued to chuckle after noticing her reaction. "T'is safe ta assume I can just take your things then, right?" He said through a yellow smile, shifting his large tattooed arms around the pile of loot that lay directly in the middle of the table.

Mythica sighed and shook her head. "Well, I guess it looks like you win." She said, and the man laughed again before he started to pull the loot towards him. "But." She said again and everyone stopped to look at her. "Looks can be deceiving." She said with a sinister grin. Within the sleeve of her jacket a gold rimmed card silently slipped out and into her hands. The action was so subtle nobody noticed. Especially since she had redirected their attention to her face. Perks of having wind magic. Mythica then lifted her hands and dropped the cards on the table. "That my friends is the white-gold leviathan. Combined that with the three golden serpents in my hand I take the round... And the loot!" Mythica laughed. They all looked at her in disbelief for a second before the two men who had folded earlier quickly burst into a cackle while the third man who had just challenged the girl slowly slumped back into his chair, his face red with anger.

Mythica leaned back in her chair and gave the man a mocking frown. "Awe, don't look so mad about it. T'is just a game! And, well... Your gold as well." She chuckled. Mythica then quickly grabbed her mug and downed it all in one gulp before slamming it on the table. "O- Oi! Take this shiet back to the ship!" She yelled snapping her fingers. Without warning two much larger pirates got up from a table near Mythica's and walked past her before grabbing all of her winnings and walking out of the tavern. "Better luck next time there, friend." The girl sneered, standing up and flicking a coin in his direction before tipping her hat and turning around.

By the gods she had missed this. The atmosphere of the tavern never got old. Before her was a rather large tavern. The air was thick with tobacco smoke and music from a few instruments droned out most of the laughing and swearing. Mythica walked her way through the crowded room towards the barkeep. Carefully stepping over a few knocked out sailors and making sure to avoid the drunk ones who were currently brawling over a mug of ale. She took a free stool and sat with her back to the bartender, leaning against the counter and observing the room.

"I'll take the Adelan red." She said promptly. The bartender quickly fumbled about and made sure to get what she asked before sliding a mug across the counter towards the captain. These breaks were nice, and Mythica didn't allow herself enough of them. She knew her crew appreciated it at least. She was just glad nobody here knew who they really were. Her ship had quite the bounty after all, and the waters were filled with many who'd skin your hide if they could make a single copper off it.
Essyrn / Zakram Nylack, Aspiring Desert Architect
October 24, 2018, 05:24:30 PM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Zakram Nylack
Age 26
Gender Male
Species Human
Ethnicity Essyrini
Height 5'8''
Occupation Architect and self proclaimed scientist
Residence Capital city of Essyrn

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Standing at just over five feet and eight inches, Zakram is of average height and build with dark Essyrini skin and hair. Not much stands out about Zakram from the crowd aside from his unusual white tattoos on both his arms and hands. He normally has his hair tied into a small pony tail on the top of his head and wears a pair of cracked golden rimmed glasses over his dark brown eyes. Zakram also has a single piercing on his left ear in which a golden earring hangs.

Generally speaking, Zakram is a pretty level headed dude and quite laid back. Unlike a lot of his people, Zakram is not motivated by wealth or fame and actually harbors a strong distaste for many of the practices and traditions of his people. While still young, Zakram is surprisingly compassionate and bold.. But this normally gets him in a lot of trouble. Truth be told Zakram thinks that if wasn't for his father's reputation he'd probably be dead by this point in his life for constantly standing up for the helpless, despite having no battle or magical experience of his own. Zakram is also in a constant struggle with his father's expectations versus his own morality. He hates his father because he is cruel and unforgiving, but only stays near to protect his much more timid mother who is always under threat from domestic abuse. Because of this, Zakram is motivated entirely on finding a way to bypass the barbaric traditions and rules of Essyinri society that give people like his father power, and hopefully build a place free from their influence. Despite his families immense wealth, Zakram normally refuses to be served by any slave and hopes to master his studies in both architecture and alchemy so that he can one day cut himself off from his oppressive and brutal parent, and take his mother somewhere safe before it's too late.

Zakram is not known for magical skill or combat prowess in the slightest. He knows nothing about holding a sword or spear, and has never once attempted at practicing magic. No, Zakram's worth comes entirely from his mind. Due to his family's wealth he was able to get an excellent education from an early age. Over the years, studying the natural laws of this world became a hobby for him, and soon enough he dedicated his life to it. Thanks to this, Zakram has been able to build all sorts of contraptions without the help of magic due to his architectural studies.

While not considered an expert by any means, Zakram has also dabbled a bit in alchemy. Creating a few useful potions from old recipes, he has committed them to his memory in case the need arises.


Zakram was born to a wealthy couple of Essyrini nobles who lived a full life of luxury. However, from an early age Zakram had experienced the horrors of his father's work and had enough time to develop a hatred for it. Zakram's father, Kellok, was the owner of many slaves and that worked a brutal mine in the desert. For entertainment he would sometimes pick random slaves and have them fight in the arenas. This was not uncommon in Essyrn, but Zakram's hatred for his father began when he picked a slave that didn't work in the mines, but rather his own estate. Zakram was only 8 at the time, but he had manged to make friends with a few of the slave servant's children that normally worked in the kitchens or the gardens. Zakram's parents would obviously disapprove of this kind of relationship, so Zakram limited his time to a single kid. Her name was Mina. For generations her family had been slaves, and she worked closely with her mother who served in the kitchens of Zakram's villa. The two formed a special bond over time and Zakram found himself visiting Mina in secret more and more during the night hours. However, their relationship was soon compromised when a guard caught them sitting on the estate's walls one night. By now Zakram was 13, Mina was 12, and both were in a heap of trouble.

The morning after Kellok brought his son to the arenas but kept the purpose a secret. It was the start of the fighting season, so Zakram assumed that he was being forced to watch the games like he had always been. However, this time it was different. He was surprised to see his friend Mina chained to a post in the center of the arena. The following minutes were the worst of Zakram's life. His father grabbed him by the collar and forced him to watch the screaming girl get mauled by the arena's beasts, all the while claiming that Mina was an animal, not a person, along with the rest of the slaves in Essyrn. And that his son would never be seen with a savage animal. It was from that day forward that Zakram's fear for his father turned into a boiling hatred. He never forgot Mina's face.. Nor her screams as the monsters tore her apart... Nor the cheer of the crowd as they did so. Every detail of that morning stuck in his head for the rest of his life.

Knowing there was nothing Zakram could do to his father without putting his own life and his mother's in danger, the kid pretended to get over the death of his only friend. Over the next few years Zakram returned to his studies and became a prodigy in mathematics, chemistry, and engineering. Now Zakram is 26 years old and makes many trips across Essyrn, making a living off of his architectural skills across the desert rather than relying on his family's wealth to get by.  However, Zakram's hatred for his father never went away. He still vows to one day build a city far more beautiful than anything his father had, without the blood of slaves. And hopefully avenge the murder of his dear friend... Even if he needs to turn into a murderer himself to do so.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads
Draconi Forest / Bone and Sword [Eckhart]
September 18, 2017, 04:22:09 PM
The tree snapped in half with the furious strike of the beast's spined tail. Seeing this, Laina wasted no time rolling out of the way just as the large trunk slammed into the earth, dirt erupting around it to enforce the already convincing reality that this creature was not screwing around. Grunting, her head turned back towards the large lizard. The monster was a towering 20 foot beast with massive long jaws akin to a crocodile. It's body was nearly twice its height in length, and was covered in sharp spines and vibrant colored feathers. It roared at her, lunging forward for another bite. Raising her arm just in time, her tower shield halted the beast's mouth around her. Struggling to hold it there, she gave a furious yell before stabbing her blade through the creature's gums! It gave a furious painful screech, jerking back. Seeing the opportunity, Laina quickly rolled underneath the monster's legs, spinning and slashing at its ankles. Her strikes were fast and deadly, causing deep cuts in both that made the monster hiss in pain, swinging its tail to strike her! Taken by surprise from the beast's sudden speed, she only had time to raise her shield before taking the full force of the blow! The impact sent Laina flying backwards several feet before skidding on the ground. Her blade left her hands, and her head trickling blood over her eye. Her body ached with pain and her lungs struggled to breath without stinging... But she knew this was life or death.

Slowly turning her body over, her arm gripped the shield tightly just as the monster stood over her, prepared to finish the girl off. With a powerful lunge it bit down on the metal object hard as she sturggled to hold it still. Realizing she wasn't going to let go, the creature instead lifted it off the ground, Laina with it, and hurled it around throwing it against a tree. She was flung through the air, and was hit with the unwelcomed force of a strong tree trunk. She fell to the ground at the tree's base, still holding onto her trusty shield. Her head looked up to see the monster's large feet lumbering towards her. SHe needed to think of something.. FAST! And that's when she got an idea. As soon as the monster broke into a charge, Laina stood on her feet and grabbed a broken branch! Raising her shield once more, the monster locked its jaws around it and pushed her back into the tree! Struggling to hold it there, she could see the wet saliva mixed with blood dripping off the monster's teeth onto her shield. Seeing the opportunity, she flipped the branch over to the broken side, and plunged it into the bottom half of the creatures neck! It roared in pain and quickly let go of her shield! Seizing the opportunity, Laina swung it as hard as she could into the monster's face. Several smaller teeth broke from its skull and flew out of its mouth, but before the beast could react, another blow from her shield came in the form of an uppercut! And finally she ended it all with a quick jab from above, slamming the sharp bottom side of the shield straight into the monster's exposed skull...

Laina sat against the tree trunk, breathing heavily as the large monster's corpse rotted at her feet. That creature was far more difficult to take down then most. That was because it was not the same as most. It was a Dur'avin. A type of beast known to be far larger and more aggressive then regular monsters. However, the thing that set them truly apart from others was the fact that all these creatures were completely resistant to magic. It had no effect on them, thus making them extremely hard to kill. No mage would stand a chance against these beasts, only metal could end them... And that's why Laina was here. She had been hunting them for years now. However, she knew she could no longer do it alone. That battle was too close for her liking, and knew the monster, had it been a tiny bit smarter, could've easily ended her life on multiple occasions. She'd need to find someone just as skilled as her if she intended to continue this line of work. However, she didn't need to think about that now, the beast was dead, and the people of the nearby village were safe... For now at least.

Her body ached and she could feel a few dislocated bones, but other than that, Laina was fine. She'd need to rest for at least a day before she'd be ready for another battle of that magnitude, but she was confident in herself. Leaning over to pick up her leaf covered blade, She'd sheath it and then give her shield arm a few stretches after placing the large towershield on her back. Turning back to the dead monster, what the locals had called "Feather Jaw." She took out a smaller dagger from her waist and leaned down next to the monster's large head. Stabbing its eye, she cut it out in less then a minute. IT oozed with weird reddish yellowish blood, but remained mostly intact. Satisfied, she opened a small bag she had hid before the battle and placed it inside, as well as taking a few feathers. They always needed proof of the creature's death, and here it was.
Plotting Center / DARK TIDINGS
August 16, 2017, 08:16:09 AM

Recently my dear friend @Salzem and I have begun thinking up an interesting plot! And we are looking for people to fill in le roles of said plot!

Two diverse necromancers within the desert of Essyrn have begun to work again. One, a powerful warlord without purpose, and two, a forgotten lady with a dark shadow. Through recent events, these two have teamed up in order to make a vision come true... The vision of a massive city for the undead beneath the sands, where dark mages from around the world are welcome to visit and live to hone their craft.

Now we be looking for people to fill specific roles for this plot, and any who're interested will probably have to make a new char for this plot. To help govern this undead necropolis underneath the sands along with Embalmus , my character, Cerci will have multiple children!

Those family member roles would be the ones we are looking to fill right now. You'd be given complete free reign (because they'd be your character) on almost every aspect of their being, except for the fact that they must be Cerci's son/daughter.

I will be making a thread meant for this city once it's created so everyone can see how it works, and how it is ran! So if you're interested, you can help us create it through the RP.
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Luna, or "Luna O'the Woods"
Age Appears to be 11
Gender Female
Species Vengeful Ghost
Ethnicity Adelan (in life)
Height 4'10
Occupation Acheri Spirit
Residence The forests of Zantarctic

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
In terms of physical appearance, Luna seems to look like a regular young girl, however there are a few notable differences. For one, her skin is a sickly pale, very unnatural. Her eyes also hold a cold, grey emptiness to them. Her hair is long and white, while her clothes appear to be a torn up sundress. She wears no shoes, and her feet always trek blood wherever she walks.

Her spirit form looks similar, the main differences is she is no longer able to physically touch or be touched by anything. And white wisps of ghost essence flows off her body when she moves.

Image removed. Please read our art usage policy. Thank you!

Being the vengeful spirit of a child, Luna's personality is very stagnant. She appears to be cold and emotionless, but she harbors much sadness and hate in her dead heart. She wanders the woods of Zantarctic, cursing those who cross her path, hoping to find the man who murdered her, but she is also very lonely. However, this does not entirely isolate her from interaction with others. The few who can peak the spirit's interests, and manage to get past her hatred, she can be quite friendly too. However, all of that kindness will fade back into sorrow, and then rage when others try to leave her. She only wants a friend, and will cry tears of red on those who resent her.

Not much is known about how much power she holds, but one thing is certain... She is very dangerous. Over the many years, Luna has gained a reputation within Zantarctic as the wraith who stalks the woods, and causes great, uncurable sickness and madness to those unlucky enough to encounter her. The victims will usually return from the woods, driven mad with fear, and the urge to itch themselves. Over the course of a week, large, disgusting rashes will grow on the victim's skin and they will bleed from their eyes quite extensively. Ultimately ending in a painful death. The rashes will begin to feel like hot fire on the victim's skin, and eventually their eyes will melt from their sockets into dark blood. The only upside to this sickness is that it is not contagious... But no medicine or magic can stop it. This disease Luna causes to her victims has been dubbed "Wraithfire" by the people of Zantarctic.


Nobody knows who Luna is or where she came from exactly. Or even if the spirit's true name is Luna. The title "Luna O'the Woods" was given because the girl was described to be as white as the moon. However, those who have lived in Zantactic long enough may have their suspicions as to her origins.

Month prior to her first sighting, a priest came to Zantarctic with a gang of violent fanatics. He claimed he had come to do good, and cure the people of their unclean hearts. With some shifting of coin, he payed off the local gang lord to allow him to preach however he saw fit. As such, he had his followers round up a portion of the village and preached. Those who refused to listen to his teachings were brutally beaten and thrown aside. However, this was not the case for one family. A family of three, a mother, father, and a young daughter were brought before the priest for their attempt to ignore him. As punishment, he would have them flogged and thrown aside just like any other... But then he took notice of the daughter's pale hair. For reasons unknown, he exclaimed the hair was that of a demon, and that this couple had given birth to and raised a devil! As such, he ordered the parents to have their throats slit in front of the girl. They did not stop there however...


The priest then had the girl tied up to a post, and using only a rusty knife, he gouged out both of the girl's eyes before the whole village. Her agonizing screams went on until she was torched like a witch... Dying in fire with blood dripping from the holes of her sockets. Leaving the remains chained to the post, the priest then moved on and left Zantarctic for lands unknown... But the spirits of the dead are not so easily ignored...

Now Luna, the spirit of rage, prowls the woods of Zantarctic looking for the priest. Unable to leave this world until his agonizing pain fills the night, killing anyone in her way without a second thought.

As such, the people of Zantarctic watched and did nothing during her death... And she never forgave... And she never forgot.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads
Hey all! Sorry to say, I'll be gone this summer since I'll be working as staff for a summer camp. I'll be there for several weeks, with limited access to the internet so I'll probably not be able to post very often, probably not at all. Just giving anyone who cares a heads up as to my absence, but I still look forward to continuing any threads when I return!

@Spicyspice @Eckhart_Von_Musel @Salzem @Blink @Cinnabar
(And anyone else I might've forgot.)
Uthlyn / The Ones We Left Behind [Eckhart]
June 20, 2017, 06:38:52 PM
"O- Of course! Right this way, sir!"

The man sniffed with annoyance at the obviously inexperienced librarian. The man hobbled out from behind the desk and grabbed a chain of keys. "Right this way!" He said, pointing towards the long row of bookshelves. With that, he gave a nod to three soldiers situated behind him, and they quickly followed suite. This old man had better been worth all the trouble it took them for tracking him down. It'd been 4 days since they'd been ordered to do so, and the captain knew better than anyone how bad it would be to keep his commander waiting. Especially in the situation they were in now. Luckily for the soldiers behind him, they didn't know just how cruel their battalion commander could be.

"He was gazing over some of these tomes over here." The man sputtered, pointing a wrinkled finger towards the section of books. He nodded at the librarian and placed a hand on his weapon as he walked down the aisle with his soldiers following. Finally turning the corner, they saw a hunched old man with a cane. Assuming this was the person the commander had described, he didn't waste any more time.

"Ludwig Von Musel?"
Connlaoth / Annerith Rivere, The Lawbringer
June 18, 2017, 04:33:13 PM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Annerith Rivere
Age 34
Gender Female
Species Human
Ethnicity Connlaothian
Height 6'3
Occupation Connlaothian Military (Mordecai)
Residence Wherever her missions take her.

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Annerith is a giant among men. Or at least a giant among Connlaothians. She stands at 6 feet, and is always, ALWAYS clad in head to toe with her heavy battle armor. This intricately designed set of equipment is what she is most well known for, as far as physical appearances go. Rarely has anyone seen her face, or any other part of her body for that matter, as she is very persistent to be armored at all times. However, on the occasion that she does take off her masked helmet, Annerith sports a very battle hardened complexion. Her eyes are a steely, cold blue in color, almost silver in tone, while her skin is a fair lighter color. Her hair is rather long, and blonde in hue. Most of the time however, she has it tied in a bun so it doesn't interfere with her helmet. Across her face are multiple scars as well, the largest reaching down across her right eye, lip, and ending on her chin. 

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Annerith is a very, practical, and literal woman. She is almost always stern, and her tone is unwavering. So much so, many who see her face assume she is constantly annoyed. However, this is not usually the case. Years of serving within the army of Connlaoth has morphed Annerith into a soldier at heart, and she takes her job very seriously. The reason behind this is because she has seen firsthand the horrors of war, and tries her best to live up to her family legacy. Both her parents served in the military for the majority of their adulthood years, and Annerith is determined to follow in their footsteps.

While she can be quiet at times, Rivere is far from distant. She is constantly watching her surroundings, and listening to nearly everyone around her. She takes pride in her duty as a mordecai, and made sure to heighten her senses through many years of training. And that may one of the biggest factors about Annerith, her sense of duty. She is known to be brutally honest, and can be quite the cruel woman when the need calls for it. She is not afraid to cut anyone down who poses a threat, and she will not hesitate to end any life... Evident by events in her past.


Rivere is a Mordecai, and possesses no magical power. Her Mordecai field however is wide enough to nullify any magic within a 1 mile and a half radius.

Rivere's weapon of choice is her legendary long Guandao. The weapon sports a very long, staff like shaft with single bladed sword tip. The weapon itself is very large, reaching a height of 5 feet and 8 inches. However, due to Rivere's strength, and many years of practice, she is able to wield this weapon with a single hand almost effortlessly, and with great speed.


Annerith, like many, grew up poor. She was the only daughter to a pair of Connlaothian soldiers who were stationed in Reajh. Her childhood was nothing particularly special, but unlike many of the other children in her part of town, she learned how to quickly wield a weapon. Her father had taken quite a liking to Annerith's interest in combat, and would often train her himself during his time off. As a result, the first chance she got, Annerith joined the Connlaothian military when she was 16.

Her early military service wasn't very exciting, but she was driven by the promise of a greater future with the more loyalty and dedication she showed her country. She had been assigned to be the squire of many Connlaothian knights during these years, but every time she would pick up a thing or two from every knight she was serving. With that, her skills grew until one day Annerith was able to best her own trainer in sword sparring. This feat got the young girl recognized almost instantly, and she had been permitted to receive tougher, and more challenging training. When she was 23, Annerith participated in her first full scale battle... And it was brutal.

"Red Hollow" The battle had been named, was a skirmish between a collection of various Mordecai and a large group of bandits. Her group had been tasked with escorting a military caravan through Matron's Hollow. A traitor in the ranks of the military, however, had tipped off a large bandit clan to the location and time this caravan would be passing through. Annerith and her group fought valiantly, though many of her fellow soldiers died in the battle. She emerged exhausted and bloody as the final survivor of the battle. During the fight, her blade had been lost, so she faced off the remaining 6 bandits alone with a sharp stick... Needless to say, she delivered the caravan to its destination 3 hours later, dragging the horses by their lead, and with a new scar to show for it.

News of this battle had spread around the hollow, and after Annerith had recovered, she was tasked to personally lead the investigation towards the identity of the traitor. Over the next few months, she had hit multiple bandit encampments across the region, rooting for names, dates, and other sensitive information the traitor could've possibly given them. However, she was shocked to finally find the identity of the rebel. It was her own father who had been feeding the bandits information. With her rage outweighing her sentiment, Annerith led a squad of soldiers to storm her father's home in the hollow. There she found him cowering in fear. An older man who once was a great warrior, turned into a rat looking for gold. Without any hesitation, Annerith cut down her father. Ignoring his pleas for mercy... Avenging her fallen comrades in the Red Hallow. In the aftermath of her justice, she found something interesting however. In her father's home, lied multiple stolen weapons and armor, along with schematics and sketches for newer arms. One set in particular caught her eye. A massive set of tower knight armor, along with a razor sharp Guandao to match. Taking the schematics, she had a trusted blacksmith forge her the armor and weapon.

After being promoted to commander over her own battalion of soldiers, the Civil War broke out. Annerith vowed to serve her country though this bloody conflict.  Pouring her loyalty and dedication towards the new Grand Duke...

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads
The winds of the expansive desert continued to whip violently as the sand filled air swirled with anticipation. Nothing could really be seen or heard at this hour other than the chorus of the desert, and the thunderous sounds it made as it claimed its territory. However, it wasn't as barren as it looked...

In the distance, a figure walked through the sand, seemingly unphased by the conditions nature had set about. No.. This figure had a purpose. And nature cannot stop anything that has a purpose. This figure was revealed to be a rather young looking woman, trekking across the dune as the sun's faded glimpse shone down on her through the fog of the storm. She wore very little to protect herself from the harsh sandstorm, except a hood and cloak. The storm, however, would be of little concern for long. She climbed one particular dune to witness what she was looking for not far ahead... Poking out of the sand were various old stone structures, half submerged by the desert. An old tomb. One of many. However, there was something in particular about this one that had caught the woman's interest... And she couldn't help but check it for herself.

After some short inspection, she found a large ruined entrance leading into the depths of the tomb. Some dark power residing deep within. Not showing any fear, the girl stepped inside the old ruins and slowly walked down the steps to its darkness. She could feel the power surging through the ruins, something dark.. Something evil... Something almost akin to her own. She had first felt it when her minions failed to return. They must have stirred something in its slumber. Her hands would trace along the edges of the walls, carefully observing the carvings and trying to piece together who's tomb this was. She wouldn't be curious for much longer, however. Whatever was here, was very close. With the doors to a rather large chamber opened, the woman stepped out in a cloud of black mist enveloping her feet... Waiting for whatever the source of this power was to reveal itself.
Essyrn / Cerci Anicetus, The Gravemother
June 12, 2017, 01:38:57 PM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Cerci Anicetus
Age Too old too remember
Gender Female
Species Human
Ethnicity Essyrni
Height 5'6
Occupation Necromancer
Residence Tomb Of The Wraith

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Cerci appears to be a rather young, slender looking woman with long raven colored hair, and dark, brooding violet eyes. Her skin is pale across her entire body, which is hard not to notice as she wears a long silk suit that is mostly see through, with a dark golden trimmed cape hanging behind her back. Her hair is usually holding golden hairbands to keep in place the intricate style. As well as a crowned crest on her head.
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For the most part, Cerci is a cold and distant woman, preferring not to speak unless forced too. She is constantly watching however, paying attention to every little detail around her, waiting for any opportunities to present themselves for her to exploit. Of course, this is just her usual persona. A lot of the time, Cerci can be found acting rather seductive with a mischief charm to her, as she is forced to tempt men with her body. Even though she is fully capable of acting the part, Cerci dislikes it immensely, but as circumstances permitted by her curse worsen, she is often left with no other choice. She does, however, carry a deep respect and even love for those she has created with necromancy. She dotes over her undead minions like a loving mother, and can be wounded when they are destroyed. As a result, the undead in her service have began to respect and like her as well, often referring to Cerci as their "Mother" when forced to speak about her.

The much darker side of her personality, however, is truly terrifying. If Cerci goes long enough without consuming the mental energy of another sane being, her own sanity will begin to deteriorate rapidly. Being around for thousands of years with only the dead to keep her company has weighed heavily on Cerci's mind, and she MUST consume the mental energy of sane victims in order to keep her own intact. Otherwise, the result would a completely bloodthirsty merciless psychopath.


Cerci is a necromancer. Her magic is very old, but still very very powerful. She has the ability to turn nearly any dead creature into a minion for her army, and with little effort. With this magic, she is able to reconstruct most vital parts of any being's physical form, and completely dominate their mind. The dead are enslaved by her magic, and therefore have no will of their own. They are bound to her and her alone, and will do anything in their power to complete the tasks she has set for them.

A terrifying aspect of Cerci's magic, she is able to hex most beings she comes into contact with if she so wishes. These hexes often curse the target in question in a form that only Cerci can decide, and usually involve black magic. Her curses are quite strong, but they have limits. For one, there is ALWAYS a way to break her curse, but that way may be very difficult to figure out. And none of her curses are capable of taking control the body or mind unless the target is undead.

Cerci is immortal, but not in the way most would think. She had been cursed many years ago, but the curse set upon her soul by Death has kept her body and mind awake for the entire time. Cerci is incapable of leaving her physical form, and is forced to remain trapped within it for eternity. If any damage comes to it, her body will automatically reconstruct itself with the dark magic coming off her curse. While to some this may seem as a gift, Cerci views it as an abomination, and would like nothing more to get rid of her immortal curse and escape the prison of flesh and bone.


Long ago, in a time forgotten, there was a wealthy king among the sands. This king was well known throughout the region, and very cruel. He always had an army of slaves that would work for days on end without any form of mercy upon them. Many would die by exhaustion, and be thrown into the desert to be consumed by the sands. However, the king still had a soft spot in his heart for pretty woman. One woman in particular had caught the king's interest. A young slave girl, who only aged 19 at the time, had shown the king love. The two indeed fell for eachother, and lost themselves in love... But it would not last.

The tyranny of this king did not pass by unnoticed. In fact, is was the spirit of Death who took an interest in his work. The slaves conditioning worsening every year, gave death more and more souls. As a result, the evil spirit took control of the King's body and mind, and turned to his queen. The spirit too could not help but admire this woman's beauty and personality, and soon the king in the possession of the spirit, had a child with her...

This child was named Cerci.

Over the years, Cerci grew up living like a princess in her mothers arms as Death watched contently, but something about the girl was off. An evil aura, one similar to his own, trailed the child wherever she went. That's when he realized, this girl may have been born from the flesh of the king, but her soul was a reflection of Death's... Knowing all too well he could not let this continue.

Death soon found out he could not kill an offspring of his own. If this child died, her spirit would still endure, and he would be incapable of harvesting it due to her being his own child. And soon that spirit would grow in strength to rival his own, and even replace him. To fix this problem, he decided to make sure she could never take on a spiritual form and escape her body. Using Cerci's mother's soul as the sealing power, Death cast a curse on Cerci, imprisoning her inside her body for eternity. Never allowed to escape...

Never allowed to die...

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads
May 12, 2017, 09:12:29 AM

So I've recently created a new character Laina! She's a monster hunter! I was looking for people who're interested in joining forces with her to form the best beast hunting crew in all the land! I'm looking for a maximum of 5 people (including Laina) and have no preference for character race, gender, or ethnicity! As long as they're not bloodthirsty maniacs, Laina would be willing to work with them!

If anyone is interested in creating a plot and joining the crew, just ask here!
Hyoite / Laina Feromere, The Beast Slayer
May 11, 2017, 04:14:36 PM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Laina Feromere
Age 26
Gender Female
Species Human
Ethnicity Hyotian
Height 5'7
Occupation Monster Hunter
Residence Traveling (No Residence)

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Laina is a tall, fair skinned woman with long blonde hair. She has green eyes and a freckle free face. While her stature is somewhat taller, this is mostly because of the heavy armor Laina usually wears wherever she goes. The armor consists of steel outer plating, and a chainmail layer underneath. Attached to her shoulder plates is a long red cloth cape that hangs over her back. While this may seem impractical to most, Laina thinks it can be very useful in her profession. After all, she isn't the most stealthy warrior.

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For the most part, Laina is a very down to earth, serious personality to her. She is always one to think of the future, and how her actions influence it. As a result, the beast hunter is usually careful and kindhearted. Unlike other monster slayers, she cares little for the reward of her hunts, but only for the purpose of helping those around her. Because of this, Laina often refuses contracts if the beast in question poses no threat to the lives of others. She is tough, however, and is definitely NOT someone you want to annoy. She's been known to hold grudges for considerable lengths of time, based on the fact her career was started on one. But if Laina likes you, she can be a very valuable ally.

No known magical powers, however Laina is quite well versed in multiple types of weaponry.

DUSKBREAKER: Laina's legendary blade that came with her armor. It's a 4 foot long broad sword that she usually wields with both her hands. However, many years of training and use with this weapon has allowed her to wield it with one hand if the need arises. It's also been known to exhibit magical abilities, however these instances are rare and Laina has no idea how to trigger them.

TAMER: One of Laina's best defenses is her large tower shield. With almost inhuman strength she is able to wield this item with a single hand. The shield is 5 feet long, and can block all sorts of attacks. The shield is a rusted silver color, with many scratches and claw marks. Suggesting its age... And usefulness.


Laina grew up in the frozen tundras of Hyoite. Her father was a leader of a small, yet happy tribe of nomads that traversed the ice fields and lived off the land. Throughout the years, Laina was taught by her father, an expert hunter, how to combat the many dangerous creatures that roamed the frozen north. As tradition held in her tribe, only the best beast slayers could become the next leader. Lineage mattered not, only your skill and will to survive. As a result, Laina became skilled even at a young age with many types of weaponry, and also became an expert hunter. Often tracking her targets for days on end. However, everything changed when the girl was only 17.

It came in the night. As silent as the wind, and as cold as death itself. With it, a large blizzard enveloped the camp, and then it attacked. To this day, Laina can still remember the screech this unseen terror made as it destroyed her home. She could only remember the shape of the beast in the shadows of the fire and snow, and then silence...

She had awoken an unknown amount of time later, buried underneath the snow and ruins of her home. She found nothing but the frozen remains of her tribe with faces of terror still frozen on their expressions. Somehow, Laina had survived the attack, but whatever creature had done this left no trace of where it went... Only the slow wind echoed with the lost souls of her tribe. That day Laina felt a rage she had never experienced before. The desire for revenge boiled in her veins and heated her body. She wasn't going to let all of their deaths go in vane... No, she would find this monster and avenge her fallen family. Yet she knew she was unprepared and unskilled to take on such a foe. Turning to the south, she knew what she needed to do. Taking nothing but a rusted sword from the debris, Laina trekked towards the southern lands of Le'ranna. She had heard many stories about the monsters down there... And knew exactly what fighting them would prepare her for.

Because when the blizzard howls in the night... The Frozen Terror stalks the tundra...

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads
The streets lit up with the blazing fires of various lamp posts and windows of the buildings lining the cobblestone. The hard 'clack' of horse shoes hitting the stone echoed throughout the rather large plaza. Followed closely by the sound of carriages rolling across the wet cobbled ground. The town was very lively today. Why that was? The answer was simple really. A young new Lord had recently been coronated, and this was his coronation day. Merely hours before, he took his families inheritance, and now this small town belonged to him. News had traveled fast, so much so that the Lords and Ladies along with their followers of the surrounding regions had all come to celebrate his ascendance.

They weren't the only ones...

Standing along the side of the street as people pushed their way forwards to gaze at the passing carriages, Cyn watched carefully with a dark smirk across her lip. The young girl was wearing her casual outfit, as the minister of Shadowfen was reported to be in the capital... Apparently not. At the end of the street was a rather large manor, belonging to the new lord. That's where all the other nobles were headed for a fancy ball. While the girl had no particular interest in the fancy gatherings that took place within these events, she did have an interest in this one.

So without thinking much of it, the eyepatched girl slowly meandered to the edge of the block, where many lords and ladies were being escorted from the road up to the manor's entrance under the torchlight. Spotting a man suddenly, she'd walk up behind him and slip her arm through his. "Follow me handsome." She said quietly and with a rather seductive tone. Slowly walking with him towards the entrance if he did not resist.
The Thunderblacks / The Wings Of Sanity [Cinnabar]
January 15, 2017, 09:57:52 AM
The sun shone high in the sky as the snow lightly fell between the grey clouds overhead. Cyn, the time mage, would be slowly lumbering her way through the thick snow in a long furred coat and hood. Underneath the hood, her face was huddled by the shadow, but one could easily make out the large white eye patch that covered the girl's left eye. She seemed cold and uncomfortable as she trudged up the mountain slope, but she was determined to be sure. She had traveled too far to give up now. Her magic had told her of a certain being within these mountains that could suite her needs greatly. All that was left for her to convince him to see her ways. It'd be nearly a week now since Cyn had recruited three others to her cause, but the team wasn't completed yet. No... There was still one more she needed. Someone with the expertise she desired... And someone considerably large and powerful... A dragon would indeed make a valuable ally.

Cyn finally got to the top of the slope, where she was met the massive opening to a dark cave. Smirking under her hood, she silently walked inside, welcoming the warmer air. The girl would remove her hood to reveal her long raven colored hair and crimson eye, while her left one was still covered by an eye patch. Hopefully the beast was home. It'd be a shame if Cyn came all this way to be met with silence. However, the dark was too vast for the girl to see the entire contents of the cave.

She'd simply stand there with a dark grin, before calling out to the shadows. "Anyone home?"
The Rest of Thanatos / The Fallen Island [M]
January 06, 2017, 10:42:57 PM
This thread is part of an ongoing mini event hosted by me! Anyone who didn't sign up will not be allowed to post in this thread!

For Those Involved:
Posting order will begin with me (obviously) and then be created as people post. Once everyone has posted once, that will be the new order. I MUST NOTE HOWEVER! Me, @Dad 76  and @Whim are all located on the same ship during the start of the plot. So we will each post twice before we wake up on the island. Our 2nd post will have us do so.


When the sun fades, and the shadows stir, he will send out the lure.
When the clouds grow, and the light caves, fate will shift and swallow the strays.
Upon the rocks and sand, the beacons will begin to show. Upon the peak of the sea, the shades will begin to flow.
A conflict of time, as the stars above leave the darkness. The shallows will rise to the depths of their heartless.
To unlock the dark secret of the destined... They will awaken the Fallen Island...

Secret Of The Fallen Island...

Mythica's hand slammed down on the table. "What do you mean the shipment was moved? Ye be trying to swindle me? Aye! IS that it?" She yelled angrily, her violet eyes flaring with rage as she stared at the man at the other end. He was kneeling with chains around both his arms and legs. The whole cabin creaked and groaned with the man's nervousness as the sweat from his bald head began to drip. "N- No! Not all miss Soulsca-"
"Captain Soulscar!" She snapped. "C- Captain Soulscar! I swear I'm telling you the truth! My contacts in Arca assured me the shipment would pass through Kunata!"
"A- And at the last minute... The raven came telling it was headed for Yoreiq instead..."
"Ugh!" Mythica would turn around and face the large expansive windows at the back of the cabin. It was foggy. Not of her doing. "Those fuckin backstabbers! I swear I'll march my way straight to yere city of Arca and kill them myself!" She yelled, pulling out her cutlass and stabbing the table as she let out her rage. The man flinched as she did so. "2 Months of planning for the biggest score of the year, and it all goes down the fucking drain! Just like that! DO you know how hard Shade Salts are to find?!" The man didn't answer as he simply shook in fear. Mythica sighed and nodded her head to the direction of the two larger pirates holding the quivering man on the ground. "To the brig..." She said coldly. They nodded and lifted the man to his feet, shoving him at sword point out the door onto the large expansive deck. This was the Seraph's Requiem. One of the best ships on the Hivan Ocean. Although most who witness its grey sails tended to shake in fear more then gaze in awe.

Mythica, the captain of this legendary vessel was near the stern, next to the wheel. With her arms crossed, she stared ahead at the foggy waters, and then above. The Seraph's tattered flag flowed silently in the soft breeze. It depicted a music note made up of a skull. A fitting visual for the galleon's name. However, she couldn't stare at it forever, she had other things to worry about. "OI! Where's my fucking assistant? I need some rum! And somebody wake up my god awful drunk of a mate and tell him to get his fucking ass in the captain's quarters!" She began to yell, walking down the steps onto the main deck, and slamming open the doors to the captain's cabin once again. Inside she slumped down on the large red chair located behind the expansive desk. And lifted her boots up onto its frayed edges. She leaned her head back for a few moments, closing her eyes trying to calm herself. What was with her bad luck lately? Someone kept feeding her false information, which lead empty raids, which only brought in less coin for her and her crew. Whoever this was would pay dearly for all the trouble Mythica had to go through. Not only with false leads, but fucking ambushes by the Serenian Navy. There's had been a few close calls, and one battle was almost as bad as the Skirmish of Summervale, but not quite. Someone was out to get her however, and she had a few ideas as to who it may be...
Reajh / Old Habits Die Hard [Dad 76][M]
January 02, 2017, 01:10:09 PM
The night was still as the moon began to reach the peak of its climb in the sky above the capital of Connlaoth. Standing still on top of an old church, Fade watched the ground with her blank red eyes, observing... Listening. It was true, the capital was usually busy and filled with life, but up here everything was so much more quiet. Peaceful. The church Fade had been posted at was near the edge of the city, but even here the crowds merged in a large quantity, creating an odd shift on the ground far below her. Tonight was the night. Everything had lead up to this point.

Ever since Fade was a little girl, she had been trained, prepped, and educated for a mission like this. While her band of assassins shared little sympathy for either side of the war, the pay off for this job would be huge. And it would definitely help the freedom fighters in their efforts. Not that Fade cared really, but a job was a job. For weeks the group had been planning for this mission, but Fade had been preparing for years. She was finally being sent to face her own kind. The Mordecai.

"Fade! The caravan's coming!" The girl snapped her attention off the horizon and turned to the shadows of the rooftop. A taller man, dressed in a black cloak, adorned with various straps and buckles to hold his various weapons. He'd simply nod with his head, motioning for her to follow. Creeping under the shadows, the two would stand at the edge of the roof, observing the busy street far below. He'd motion with his hand down below... And she saw him. As the guards pushed aside the crowd, Fade's red gaze narrowed on the man in the front of caravan. Riding his horse was the Grand Mordecai, Artorias. Her target.

"They in position?" Fade would ask coldly, staring down at the caravan of Mordecai. "They should be by now. This will be quick and clean." He'd chuckle. "Well let's get started then." Fade would respond.

Near the caravan, two hooded figures stood, before looking upwards at the roof of the church. Fade would simply nod in their direction before disappearing. The two cloaked men would then fade into the crowd, holding something in the shadows of their cloaks. The first would speed walk through the crowd far in front of the caravan, before ducking into the doors of a small towered house. The second would do the same, but behind. Both of them would take out a large metal object and place it neatly at the base, before using some flint to light a small fire. The objects had tiny fuses on them, so it was quite obvious what their purpose served. All it took was a little spark...

Suddenly, out of no where a large explosion erupted in the crowd! Not far in front of the caravan, the base of a house would be covered in flames before the tower it was connected too creaked and ripped apart, falling into the middle of the street! Citizens ran and panicked before a second explosion appeared, this time behind. The same thing, a wooden tower fell onto the path. The street burst into a terrified panic, as all but a few were running. Coming out of the crowds on each side of the caravan, a large group of cloaked figures would silently push their way through until they stood on both sides. Before long each figure would open their cloaks to reveal various weapons. Until suddenly they all charged the caravan and the guards.

As the battle broke out, Fade was no where to be seen. Not until a shadow flew over the street and landed directly on top of the large wagon in its center. There in the firelight Fade stood, Vairu unsheathed. Her red gaze focused on Artorias... Within an instant, she dashed forwards and jumped off the wagon onto the street where the battle between the assassins and guards were taking place. A few trained their attention on Fade. A spear man yelled and lunged his weapon towards her. She elegantly sidestepped the blow, grabbing the shaft of the spear with her free hand, and causing the guard to stumble as she shoved the handle into his armor, making him let go. She then spun around, spotting the other guard's incoming assault seconds before. Her Katana ripped through his exposed neck, causing his blood to spill as Fade proceeded to jump onto the first one with the spear in hand, driving it straight into his neck as well. Before long she ducked and rolled underneath a blow. Parry, slash, sidestep, roll. The dance went on until Fade's bloody sword sang through the air, aiming straight for Artorias...
Now this was an interesting place wasn't it?

Cyn thought so, otherwise the clock eyed girl wouldn't be skipping her way towards the small settlement. She hummed a silent tune as her shoes clicked against the small stone path leading towards the village. Her face bore a dark grin as it intently stared towards the village's center... A lone clock tower silently ticked on and on through the glorious flow of time! It seemed rather small, but it wasn't sparsely populated. There were many people here of all ages, shapes and sizes. Going through their daily lives, very few noticing Cyn. After all, she did look rather normal in her current outfit. It only consisted of her usual black buttoned top and dark blue skirt. Her hair tied into two even twin tails. The only thing that's took out about her was the fact that half her face was obscured by her bangs.

5 days of traveling had lead the girl here, and she was going to savor these next few moments... After all, when she planned to leave there wasn't going to be anyone left to have any fun with. Maybe some extinct animals, but no people...

Not wasting any time, Cyn strolled up to the large clock tower. Her smile grew ominous as she reached out a hand and ran her palm along its old stone... Looking up at the clock, she looked back down at her hands. Smiling, Cyn turned back around to face the village...

A few moments went by without event... Until suddenly a large explosion occurred! A passing wagon erupted in fire and smoke, and the entire village stopped dead in their tracks to witness the sudden destruction. As the smoke climbed higher, Cyn's giggle could be heard, and standing on top of the caravan, elegantly walking out of the smoke was Cyn, dressed fully in her battle outfit. Her yellow clock eye casting an ominous golden glow as the wreckage creaked under her... "If I can have all of your lovely people's attention! I would like to make an ANNOUNCEMENT!" She yelled to the village, as a small crowd started to gather around the burning caravan as many eyed Cyn with a sense of horror. Her appearance had changed drastically from only a moment before. Now she bore long black laced boots, an orange frilled dress, and an orange bonnet wrapped over her head, the result being two uneven twin tails on each side of her head. Her smile was dark, and it made everyone feel uneasy. 

"Today I'd like to inform you people that every SINGLE one of you are going to be part of a little 'Social Experiment'!" She cackled as the crowd continued to watch her... Some of them shifted silently, as parents gripped their children closer. Sunset began to cast an eerie orange light on the group as the burning wood continued to smoke upwards. "Hehehe... Just like all of you were once born, you now fumble blindly through the current of time!" She told them. However, before Cyn could finish another voice interrupted her speech. She turned her attention to the left side of the crowd as an angry man yelled out to her. "Hey! What do you think you're doing! You just destroyed my brother's wagon!" An furious younger man pushed through the crowd and ran forwards, stopping several feet away from the burning wreckage as his hands balled into fists... His eyes slowly streaming with tears.

"Hehehe. Oh? I'm so sorry. But it seemed like the best way to get all of your eyes focused on me! You see, I'm selfish and I want all the attention on me, all the time! And your brother was getting in the way, so I killed him!" She cackled, stepping off the wreckage and slowly walking up to the man.  "Y- You bitch! I'll kill you!" He yelled angrily, before the glint of steel shone in the sunlight. The man pulled out a rather large knife from his back and sprinted up to Cyn as she silently stood there giggling from his actions... With such speed, she elegantly sidestepped the blow, and grabbed his arm. Lifting it upwards, her foot planted directly into his crotch! He withered in pain for a moment, enough for Cyn to squeeze his wrist, causing him to let go of the knife. Within another instant she caught the blade and directed it straight into his lower rib cage. He quickly coughed up blood before falling to his knees in front of the girl. The crowd let out a shocked gasp as Cyn looked down at her fallen foe with a cruel smile. Before her foot came up again, kicking his head backwards, causing him to fall on his back with a pool of blood spilling underneath him...

"Shame you had to die before I reached the final act, but oh well. None of you will be around much longer anyways." She whispered before looking back up at the village population. She raised an arm, and suddenly a long musket rifle manifested itself in her grasp. "Heheheh! Let me show all of you the way through my time flow!" She laughed maniacally, her yellow clock eye spinning out of control! She then raised it pointing directly upwards. She pulled the trigger of her musket rifle, and a yellow beam shot into the sky. The whole village stared up in fear as it swerved through the air, before changing course completely, crashing directly into the clock tower! A large bell ring was heard as it echoed through the town as the clock suddenly stopped ticking... The face of it began to glow yellow as the hands began spinning backwards! It was slow at first, but it began picking up speed. Suddenly the bell ringing and ticking sounds of the clock tower got louder, and drilled inside the minds of every living creature in the village. Cyn simply laughed manically with her arms outstretched!  The villagers began to scream from the sensation, falling to their knees as they covered their ears. It was useless, none could stop the ringing and ticking from burrowing into their skulls. The hands on the clock spun faster and faster backwards until it abruptly stopped... All hands aligned on the 12... With one final bell ring, a torrent of yellow magic burst from the face of the clock in a shock wave. It consumed the entire area in yellow light...

A few moments the light faded... But there was no people. There were no buildings... In their place was nothing but still trees and grass. The clock tower was the only piece of civilization that remained... Already it was covered in moss and vines as if it had been there for many, Many years... Cyn was on her knees in front of the tower, gazing at the forest she had created... She chuckled silently to herself, breathing heavily. "Now... T-That's the way it's supposed to be..." She giggled before falling backwards, out stretching her arms in the soft grass, letting the orange glow of sunset tickle her skin in front of the withered clock tower...