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A Real Ladies' Man

Started by miss_sanguine, December 01, 2011, 08:12:15 PM

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Before he knew it, he was being dragged to the ground, back bent forward. He could have easily lifted her--she really wasn't that heavy--but the action might have caused her more pain. He didn't really know; she was being confusing and it alarmed him. This wasn't in his list of experiences.

"Excuse me," came a voice. He looked up to see the bartender standing over them. "Would you mind getting your cat off of the counter? It's highly unsanitary." With a glance at Dorothea, the man added, "And your friend is making the other patrons uncomfortable. Do you need help carrying her out?"

"Uh, no, I--er. . ." Monnayage tried to help Dorothea back onto her feet. "I don't know what's wrong with her. I'm sure Darrak could help."

The man pursed his lips. "Mm. Mr. Darrak is not meant to heal every sick person that comes in here. He'd be quite busy if he did." He looked back at Dorothea. "But I suppose. . . if she really is dying, that it would be unethical and unwise to waste time bringing her to a village healer. I'll go fetch him."

"Ah. . . thanks," Monnayage managed, a little embarrassed by his situation.


Dorothea would have smirked if she weren't concentrating on her pretend when the bartender complained about Menaki. What she'd said earlier had stung him. Oh, people were all the same.

Her fingers dug into Monnayage's bare arms- not hard enough to leave marks- and she looked at him with wide eyes. "I-I'm sorry," she whispered. "J-just help me outside... I'll be okay on my own... You don't need to help if you feel uncomfortable..."


This was getting ridiculous. Now she was acting more like a martyr than a person in dire need of assistance, and for absolutely no reason. And it almost definitely was acting; no one in such supposed pain would deny help when it was so willingly offered. At least he wouldn't.

In spite of his suspicions, he couldn't leave her. His respect for the opposite sex was too ingrained. If there was even the smallest chance that this woman was in pain, he had to do something about it.

"No, my lady, I'm afraid not," he said as he looked down at her grasping fingers. "It would be dishonorable." With one last thought toward what might be appropriate, he simply lifted her up off of the ground, being careful to not agitate her condition further. She was as light as was expected.

Maneki and several unwanted stares followed at his heels as he carried Dorothea to the back room.


Dorothea gasped as he hoisted her up, but stopped fighting against him. She lay her head against his chest and whimpered as he carried her. "Thank you," she said softly to him.


Darrak and the bartender were leaving the room as he approached. One looked genuinely concerned if a bit frustrated, while the other—the bartender—looked somewhat bored.

"What seems to be the problem, Monnayage?" Darrak asked, brushing his long, straggly green hair out of his face to get a better look. Monnayage liked how wild the man looked, yet maintaining an air of sophistication at the same time, which could have been from the tiny glasses that he wore. "Did the lass have too much to drink?"

"Uh, no." He cast his gaze down on his bundle, who was currently pressed against his chest. "She's sick, I think. But not from the drink."

Maneki curled up at his feet and continued to purr. <Sick in the head, more like.>

"Do you think you could take a look at her? Heal her, maybe?"

"Mm." Darrak gave a grunt and hoisted his glasses further up his nose. "My healing powers aren't as potent as the village healer's, but I could give it a shot, I suppose. It really depends on what's wrong with her. Where does it hurt, lass?"

Good old Darrak. Tolerant, lenient. He was beginning to like the man even more.


"My stomach," she whimpered. Dorothea's mind was reeling fast, trying to force her shield to work inside her stomach, to cause a problem. It started as a small burning just at the pit of her stomach, which increased and spread to her back and her chest. She let a cry escape her lips.


Darrak nodded knowingly. "Stomach aches. Common in a pub, though usually for those that are more heavy on the drinks. All right, bring her in." He moved aside and Monnayage stepped past him into the room.

It was spacious as far as offices went, able to hold ten people easily. The first thing that always caught his eye upon entering was the large black banner with an iron-colored sea-gryphon sewn on its front. It hung on the wall behind a medium-sized writing desk whose contents lay scattered all over its surface.

A make-shift bed took up the back left corner--probably where Darrak slept. This was where Monnayage had been asked to sit during his healing, and this is where he set Dorothea.

"Out of the way, Monnayage. Out of the way. Upset stomachs aren't difficult, but you will have to move back."

Seeking a source of reprieve from his frustration and tension, Monnayage scooped Maneki up off the floor and began to pet her as he moved over toward the desk.

<We can leave her here,> Maneki suggested. Then, apparently noticing how bothered he was, batted her head against his hand and added, <Darrak says she'll be fine.>


Monnayage looked up, not realizing he'd been staring at the floor. The bartender stood in the doorway.

"Will you still be wanting those two juices?"


<Tell him yes.>

"Oh, uh. Yes, please." He'd forgotten about the drinks. "Make it one instead of two, though."

When the man stepped out of view, Monnayage looked around.

"Healing doesn't hurt at all," Darrak was saying. "It might tickle a bit, but that's nothing to be worried about. And, as I told Monnayage earlier, you might feel a bit giddy afterward. It'll wear off after a few minutes." He held his hands over Dorothea. "Are you ready?"

This was not how Monnayage had planned his afternoon. In his mind, it had involved more . . . happiness. Less drama. He was beginning to suspect this girl to be a bit crazy, which was just his luck.


Dorothea nodded to let Darrak know she understood. She was curious to see how the healing would help her. The pain in her belly, now real, was so much it turned her pale. She glanced at Monnayage, then turned away, embarrassed.


The healing process went down the same way it had for Monnayage. He watched as Darrak reached down and lightly touched Dorothea's abdomen, watched as the man's eyes closed in concentration. He recalled the tickling sensation that had run up his side where the scratches were, remembered watching as they had disappeared before his very eyes. And then the wonderful happy feeling that had overcome him.

This seemed to be taking a bit longer, though. More than likely because Dorothea's problem was internal.

When Darrak finished, he opened his eyes and stood back, blinking. "There," he said. He turned to Monnayage. "All done. Should be feeling fine now."

Monnayage nodded.


It was amazing, truly. Dorothea's eyes widened as she felt the pressure and pain melt away. She inhaled deeply, her cheeks flushing and a genuine smile from the euphoria spread across her lips. As he finished, she sat up in awe of what had happened. "That... was incredible," she breathed, looking to both Darrak and Monnayage. "Oh wow... I feel great!"


"That's what they all say," Darrak teased, brushing the comment aside with a wave of his hand. "Now, unless you've more injuries that need healing . . ." He walked over to his desk where Monnayage was standing. "I should really return to what I was working on."

"Right. Thanks, Darrak." Still holding Maneki securely, Monnayage looked at Dorothea. "Are you ready to go back out? No more random pain?"


Dorothea grinned at him, her normal self. "Yes, better than every," she said as she jumped up and wrapped her arm around his lower back. "I'll get you a drink; payment for your generosity during that weird spell of mine."


"Ah." His eyes followed her as she approached. There was some discomfort in her touching him this time. She may have been feeling chipper once again, but her little performance had left him feeling sour. There had been no need for it; he'd treated her with affection. Why had she felt the need to embarrass him like that? "I'm afraid I'm not feeling very thirsty anymore."

<My drink should be ready, at least,> Maneki said. She poked her head out from under his stroking hand and sniffed the air eagerly.

With another nod of thanks toward Darrak, who nodded back, he started to walk out of the room.


Dorothea raised an eye brow but shrugged. "Whatever you say," she said, her arm dropping as she headed towards the door. What a freak he was, she thought. Perhaps he was was much closer to than that damn cat than it seemed. Disgusting. Why was he acting this way, now? Because of her pain-even though it had been staged at first? Well, if that was how he wanted it, then she wouldn't fight for him. He was gorgeous, Dorothea gave him that-- but not worth it. She sighed and left the building, sitting outside on the step.


He hadn't expected her to leave the building. That surprised him a little. Even so, he didn't follow her immediately. The bartender was standing over at the counter with his brows raised, a glass of what looked like apple juice in front of him.

After having the guy go through the trouble of getting it for him, he couldn't let it go to waste.

"Do you happen to have a bowl I could pour this in?" he asked when he sat down. "And I don't think I ever got your name . . ."

The barman looked displeased when he retrieved a bowl and set it on the counter, only to have Maneki climb up beside it and start lapping up the contents. "It's Darian," he said. "And again, it's highly unsanita--"

"I know, I know. I'll personally see to cleaning up the counter when she's done," Monnayage interrupted. "She's really quite clean, though. I assure you. Much cleaner than dog--"

"She's an animal. But, so long as you clean up after her . . ." Darian trailed off, then walked away.

So finicky.


Dorothea sighed, not really enjoying herself sitting alone on the doorstep. She wasn't going to go back in, though. She was far too superior to go back. But she was bored!


Monnayage's eyes wandered to the exit of the pub where he'd last seen Dorothea. Had she left for good, or was she simply sitting out there? Her drink was still here on the counter beside Maneki's bowl of juice.

He couldn't imagine what had upset her. She was the one that had acted crazy and then fawned over him afterward as if nothing unusual had happened. The act had put him out immensely.

Apparently feeling his discomfort, Maneki lifted her head from the bowl and looked at him, licking her whiskers to get excess juice off of them. <It tastes funny,> she said.


<This drink. It tastes funny. I don't want it anymore.>

"But I have to pay for that!"

<You should drink it, then.> She turned away from the bowl and started cleaning herself.

"If this is your way of trying to cheer me up, it's not working," he said. He looked at the bowl forlornly. It couldn't be that bad, could it? Maneki pulled stuff like this all the time.

With a sigh, he got up from his stool. "I'll be right back," he said, ignoring the stares he was getting for talking to his cat.

<Hurry back. I'll make sure the bartender doesn't carry away the juice.>

"As long as that doesn't involve hurting him in any way."

- - -

He found Dorothea sitting just outside the door. She appeared upset, as he thought she would. Not his fault.

"Are you coming back in?" he asked in concern. "You didn't finish you drink. It's still on the counter."


Dorothea shook her head, refusing to look at him. "I'm not thirsty anymore," she told him stoically. "Why don't you go have yourself a drink?"


Ha. Throwing his own statement back in his face. Very nice.

"That's all right," he said, sitting himself next to her as if he didn't have a care in the world. "We didn't come here for drinks, anyway. We can just sit here."

The village was quiet this time of day, everyone inside their homes or the bar to keep out of the heat. He didn't find it that hot, personally, but that could have been because he had his shirt off. Not to mention the nice breeze that was still blowing through.

What was he going to do with himself if Dorothea decided to leave?

I guess there's always the option of rolling around in the grass again, he thought. That had been fun. Maybe he could get Maneki to join him this time.

"Was there a reason for the show back there?" he blurted out.


She turned slowly to glare at him and sighed, looking away and shaking her head. "I had stomach pain, stupid," Dorothea said, angrily, "And I don't like taking from others like that. When I feel weak, I'm different. But, what the hell would you know about it, hm?"