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Many Things of Craft (Open)

Started by Hoggsi, February 05, 2014, 04:03:44 PM

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"I'll be right on it." Agraison said as he left to head to the loot room, by following Skully as he still had no idea where everything was. After filling the satchel, he started investigating all the new materials. After making a note of all the different materials, he set out on organising the loot room, gold based objects in one area, gems and jewels colour co-ordinated and put into the order of predicted value, interesting materials put to one side. He probably should have gotten permission, but he couldn't help it. It would make things a lot easier for him. He turned to Skully.
"Better don't you think?"


"Looks nice." Skully said patting Agraison on the shoulder. "Ashtal will probably give you some extra gold for this." He stated. "Meow." said the cat in agreement as he walked in, he then noticed a loose thread on Agraison's clothing and pounced, jumping on Agraison and sinking his claws in.


"The extra gold would be nice. But that's not why I did this, it's just more convenient." Agraison said . He winced a little as the cats claws dug into him. But then let out a little smile and moved his arm to supports the cats weight to try to stop the cat tearing his clothes. Whilst trying to stroke it with the other hand.


Suddenly there was a loud crash. "All hands on deck! We're under fire!" Ashtal yelled from above deck.


Agraison placed the cat on the floor and ran up to the deck. The sight of a second ship intimidated him, more so once he considered the fact that it was firing at them. He spotted Ashtel.
"What can I do?" He shouted.


"Man a cannon, aim for the sails!" Ashtal yelled turning the ship 180 degrees to protect the loot and provisions.


Agraison studied a cannon ball intensely for a while. Working out the balance of the elements in it. After working it out he loaded the cannon and fired. As the cannonball was in the air, Agraison used his powers to manipulate it's course so it directly collided with the main mast, breaking a cannonball sized chunk out of its side. Agraison stumbled a bit. After working on the onyx he probably couldn't do this many more times.


Skully was exited, he hadn't fought in some time so he was exited to finally brawl again, with undead adrenaline rushing through his marrow, he lit his skull on fire and threw it at the attacking ship once Skully's head was aboard he hopped over to a barrel of gunpowder. There was a bang as Skully's head flew back over to the Jabber Jaw screaming. Ropes with hooks on the end were shot, and the enemy ship was pulled to the Jabber Jaw. "Board!" Ashtal yelled unsheathing two rapiers and jumping onto the attacking ship.


Agraison was shocked by the explosion and was surprised by the sudden command to board. Agraison unsheathed a short sword and clambered onto the ship. He was shaking and blatantly no well trained in combat.


"As Agraison landed on the ship he was surprised to be met by a blunderbuss in the face. "Night Night." His shooter said, as he pulled  the trigger a zombie fell out of the sky taking the cartridge. "Zombie Jim! NOOOOOOOOO." Skully yelled as he rushed to the side of his undead companion. This sudden out burst startled the rest of the attacking crew, allowing Ashtal and the rest of his shipmates to slaughter them all. "Stay with me Jim." Skully pleaded.
"Wait can't you just bring him back again?" Agrasion asked Ashtal in a hushed voice.
"I will later, just let Skully have his moment." Ashtal explained.


Agraison looked around at the massacre of the attacking ships deck. He wasn't a fan of this, but it was kill or be killed. "What happens next?" He asked Ashtal.


"I dunno It's Skully's call, do you want Jim to stay dead Skully?" Ashtal asked.
"He-He died a hero, Jim wouldn't wouldn't have it any other way." Skully sobbed.
"Okay, we'll bury him tomorrow." Ashtal assured. "Agraison you have weird elemental powers right? I need you to go take the crew to look for precious materials and gunpowder, don't get rations." Ashtal commanded.


Agraison set off to find out if there were any precious metals on the ship, after finding the gunpowder storage. Whilst the rest of the crew started to transport the gunpowder, he started to snoop about in the other rooms. He found a few nautical charts which he picked up, as well as some good iron, some gold and silver and a few gem like stones that would require him to study a bit more, he took it all with him anyway. But overall, there wasn't very much of worth. He returned to Ashtal and reported what he found.


"Good work." Ashtal said to Agraison. The rest of the crew cut the ropes tied to the abandoned ship Ashtal instructed the crew to leave one barrel of gunpowder. As they pulled away, Ashtal took out one of his flintlock pistols and shot the gunpowder, blowing up the ship. About an hour later they had reached the island Ashtal had mentioned, as the rest of the crew walked off the ship Ashtal pulled Agraison away.
"What is it?" Agraison asked.
"We need to get you some pistols, a pirate without a set of pistols is well, no pirate at all." Ashtal said leading Agraison into a weapons shop. "So, which one of these sets do you like?" Ashtal asked showing Agraison the large variety of pistols.


Agraison looked at the pistols. The all looked so different, surely they all worked the same anyway. He picked up one and studied it's make up. It would be a long time until he could make something like this, it required mechanisms he had never seen before. He put down the pistol and looked at the selection again and chose the long barrelled one.
"Is this ok?" He said showing it to Ashtal.


"It's fine." Ashtal said. As they exited the shop the sun was setting, "Well, better get some rest." Ashtal advised.


Agraison headed back to his room, investigated the pistol a bit more and then continued a little more on the onyx, managing to finish one rapier before getting some shut eye.


Ashtal stood on the deck of his ship, there was a loud shout and the startled Ashtal fell into the water.


The loud shout woke Agraison up. He heard a splash and got up to investigate. He saw Ashtal in the water and panicked a little. "Hang on!" he shouted down, before throwing a rope down and tying the other end to the ship. "Can you reach it?"


"Thanks mate." Ashtal said as Agraison pulled him up. "I wonder what that scream was?" Ashtal pondered.