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Of Getting Lost & Yetis [Take 2] [Wicked Basket]

Started by Ethereal-Star, April 05, 2015, 08:10:47 PM

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The ice mage was once again awed at his display of power but quickly refocused her attention to the matter of escape. "Yes, let's." she agreed.

Stepping through the large opening in the wall, but not before taking her torch that was wedged into the ground, she emerged in what appeared to be a tunnel, going from left to right in front of them. She looked back and forth pondering which direction to go in. Both ways seemed to end in darkness so not much help there. She just didn't want to go the wrong way not when time was so critical to them getting out of here.

Wicked Basket

Cryce looked back and forth down each tunnel. Looking down each direction and seeing nothing, he headed right.


With that decision made, Adelaide followed him keeping her torch aloft, it casting shadows along the tunnel walls as they looked for a way out. The tunnel turned to the left as they walked and the ice mage thought she spotted the outline of a door up ahead. Quickening her pace, she began to hurry up to it, anxious to see what lay beyond it.

Wicked Basket

When they arrived at the door Cryce didn't bother to check if it was locked. He froze the doorknob and kicked it open ready to start blasting whoever or whatever was inside with his powerful cryomancy.


The only thing that greeted them was a small room furnished with a desk, rug and chair, no one inside its cramped interior. The room appeared to be some sort of study. Adelaide looked around at it, then looked at Cryce who seemed more than ready to start blasting whatever to bits and then headed over to the desk to see what was inside. Perhaps there would be something there to help them out.

The desk drawer was slightly ajar and the ice mage saw a piece of parchment sticking out from the edges of it, slightly yellowed at the corners with age. She pulled it out and began to read the words on the page.

Wicked Basket

Cryce was disappointed that there was nothing there for him to take his anger out on, but it looked like Adelaide had already found something. He came up beside her and looked at the paper.

"What is it," he asked.


Reading the words scrawled across the yellowed parchment, Adelaide frowned at what she saw there.

Day 4 of the Fifth Month:

Subject 1:
"My first test subject was a human male, aged 22, with the abilities of water magic. An expert at his craft, he made a fine start to my quest to gain more power. Powers that will eventually make me a god, or at the very least, a demigod. This young male will be just the first of many whose powers I will harvest for my own purposes. Ah, the wonder and thrill of it all... But I digress. The ritual was a complete success and as his life and magic drained out of him and into me, I felt the power that he wielded keenly as well as his life force added onto mine. That moment I felt as though I could live forever, having almost double the human lifespan now. But my journey has only just begun. I must look for new victims to ever add to the pot of glory. For now I end this entry with a job well done and now I am off to procure more ingredients to power the ceremony for the next unfortunate whelp to cross my path. It is a joyous day indeed."

-Entreris "The White", on his quest to aspire to godhood

That last part was signed with a flourish of a curly cue of sorts as though he were extremely proud of this accomplishment, which no doubt he was. Adelaide's grip tightened on the paper yet she went on to read the next entry, not having heard Cryce's query. The hint of dread was beginning to form in her stomach, a deep black pit of dread that would destroy if not tamed...

Wicked Basket

Cryce sighed after he did not receive an answer. He then started reading over Adelaide's shoulder. As he read, he began to scowl. This man was a monster.

"He's definitely a dead man now," Cryce said.


Holding the parchment in her hands, she turned it over and continued reading.

Day 3 of the Sixth Month

Subject 2:
"Wondrous is the day! As luck would have it, another pawn has indeed crossed my path. A Light Mage this time. This one a young female elf, her abilities at the advanced level. After capturing and subduing her, which was fairly easy I might add, I gathered the components I needed and performed the ritual again. The results were even more of a boon, as the extreme longevity of the elf's lifespan was added to mine. Her screams as she died were quite loud, however I had no fear of anyone overhearing, being underground and in a secluded cavern no less. In fact, I think after that ritual I looked at least twenty years younger! Imagine that! Fine days ahead, indeed. I am mightily looking forward to them."

It was signed again in a flourish with the same name. Adelaide started to feel sick to her stomach. This man was both crazy and evil. His ambition seemed to know no bounds. Despite her queasiness, she glanced at the other pieces of parchment strewn about in the desk drawer, but did not bother to read them fully. A quick look revealed four more ghastly rituals being done on mages with the powers of ice, divination, air and earth, and in that order too. This had all taken place within the span of five years, the last entry was dated exactly one year ago. Adelaide couldn't help the chill that ran down her spine at this small detail. One thing was for sure. They needed to get out of here! She put the papers down with disgust and began to make her way out the door.

Wicked Basket

Cryce had a different plan. He began gathering up every single piece of paper he saw.

"Let's see how well this bastard does without his notes," Cryce growled. "Besides, I'm sure there are a few powerful people who would like to know what's going on here."


Of course, that would be the most logical solution, she thought. Adelaide had overlooked that brilliant idea because she was still disgusted at what she had just read. Seeing Cryce gather the papers together in a bundle made her also realize that this madman would just continue his vile rituals if left to his own devices. It was better to inform someone of this. Perhaps then they could help to dispatch this monster. After that, the tundra would be safe again without the threat of "Entreris the White" breathing down their necks.

Adelaide did a mental check of how much magical energy she still had left after using a lot of it to blast through the cavern wall from earlier. It should hopefully be enough to make their escape and deal with the mad power-hungry mage if she was conservative enough in her usage of it. However she may very well have to let Cryce do most of the damage. And she knew her companion would have zero issues with that. He was just as pissed off as she was. Perhaps even more.

Taking a deep breath, she looked to Cryce and said, "Ready whenever you are."

Wicked Basket

Cryce kept gathering papers until he was certain he had them all.

"Let's go," he said. "If half of what is on these notes actually happened, then we don't stand a chance against him."


Adelaide contemplated his words for a moment, before she nodded in acquiescence. As much as she wanted to blast that mage with shards of ice, she feared even more the results of what could happen should anything go wrong. And if these papers were any indication, which they were, Cryce was right. They didn't stand a chance against the creep.

"Alright, let's hurry." she said, making her way out. Hopefully they would not run into the mage again. Adelaide shuddered at the prospect.

Wicked Basket

The problem with them leaving was that Cryce wasn't sure how. He had no idea where they were or where they needed to go.

"How exactly do we get out of here?"


Stopping short, Adelaide also realized she had no idea where to go either. Pondering for only a second, not looking at Cryce, she responded quietly. "I suppose we just have to take our chances and pick a direction."

The ice mage did not like the words she was saying but there really was no other choice. The chances of running into the devious mage himself were too high considering how they had entered the cavern to begin with. And not knowing any back routes that led out of here, Adelaide very much despised the odds stacked against them. Still there had to be a way. And Adelaide would find it.

Steeling herself for whatever was to come, she exited the room and looked back the way they had come. The corridor they had emerged in from the hole in the ground they were previously trapped in led in the opposite direction from the door to the study. It might lead out and safely away from the mage or it might lead them straight to the vile man himself. This direction appeared to be a dead end however, so there was nothing else to be done here. So that left the unknown path leading into darkness...

Torch aloft, the silvery-white haired woman started to go back the way they had come, hoping against hope that this wouldn't all blow up in their faces. It was too unthinkable, a fate worse than death itself. However there was nothing for it. At least she wasn't alone in this. There was some small comfort in that.

Wicked Basket

With Adelaide leading the way, Cryce was able to focus on a plan should they run into whoever this dastardly mage. The best hope was stalling him out, giving him something to do long enough for them to escape. If it did come down to a fight, Cryce would have to resort to taking advantage of magical saturation. This guy might have control over several elements, but that also means that he can't be particularly powerful in any given element. In theory, Cryce's power over ice should be greater since he focuses solely on ice magic alone. However, Adelaide was not as powerful as Cryce was, so he wasn't sure what she could do. He'd have to work on that next.


Entreris hummed to himself a giddy tune underneath his breath as he rearranged a painting on the wall in his personal chambers. The painting was nothing special, just the overall view of the tundra environment the tunnels and caverns he was in was based in. He had acquired the painting sometime ago and found that he had always liked it. White snow everywhere done in a simple artistic rendition of the frosty region he called home, a lone polar bear in the distance gazing at the viewer from afar.

Turning from the work of art, the blonde-haired mage went to go open a chest nearby containing several spell components and ritual ingredients to power his dastardly rituals to gain more and more power and renown. One day he would reach his goal, it was only a matter of time. Sifting through the materials there, he found he was missing something important. 'Leech Essence' was not here. He must have put it in one of the storage rooms elsewhere in the large cavernous abode. 'Vampire Dust' and 'Black Root' among other ingredients were all accounted for, but it was the Leech Essence that would really make everything else 'pop' to life. He chuckled to himself and carefully closed the chest, locking it with a metal key that he then put back in an inner pocket of his robes. However he had time to procure it as his victims were still trapped in the little hole he had put them in prior. Speaking of, it was time to check on his most 'honored' guests.

Entreris sat down at a small table and took off the protective cloth cover over top of the scrying orb in his chambers. Beginning the command words to activate it, the mists inside began to show him what he wanted to see.

Adelaide and Cryce were headed down the dark corridor, looking for a way out. The hallway seemed to go on for a ways before finally turning into a small antechamber containing two doors on the other side of the gray cave walls. The doors were made simply of wood and gave no indication of where they might lead or which was the correct one to escape this place. Hesitating, the female ice mage picked the door on the right and cautiously opened it, readying her magic if needed.

A storage room greeted them, crates, barrels and boxes galore stacked high and low, the beginnings of cobwebs starting to form on some of them. Staring in disbelief, Adelaide wondered what all these containers had in them. There was only one way to find out she supposed. However, that was not their goal at this time, to go searching for who knows what in this stale, musty room. Looking around for another door inside this particular room and seeing none, Adelaide decided to see what lay behind door number 2 then. She made to head over to the door on the left.

Wicked Basket

Cryce, on the other hand, was not afraid to have a look. He conjured up a prybar made of ice and started opening crates to see what was inside. For all he knew there could have been mages trapped inside these crates waiting to be drained of their power. Perhaps there was something important in these crates that they could sabotage. They might not have been able to fight this guy, but they could certainly mess with his plans.


Adelaide was about to reach for the doorknob but then realized that Cryce wasn't behind her. Going back into the storage room, she found him prying open various boxes and crates. If he wanted to check out the boxes and stuff, it was no big deal to Adelaide. She supposed they could take a few minutes to see what all these storage boxes contained, although she really wanted out of this whole place as quickly as possible. Still, perhaps there was something here they could use against the mad lunatic.

She went over to one of the crates that Cryce had pried open with his ice tool and carefully looked inside, almost afraid of what she might find in there. Inside the musty smelling wooden interior, all lined up together neatly in rows were small bottles and vials of some mysterious liquids. One row contained a line of test tubes, something that an alchemist might use in their laboratory. And in those test tubes was some murky yellow liquid that seemed to fizz inside the clear glass. Adelaide dare not touch it, for all she knew the liquid was highly corrosive and could burn through her skin at the slightest touch or accidental spill.

There was a label on each one and Adelaide bent her head to get a better look at what they said. ''Leech Essence'', she read aloud, frowning at this. What the heck is leech essence? she wondered. It had to be of no good, just like the psycho it likely belonged to. All the yellowish bottles said the same thing, this 'leech essence' it was. Looking at the other vials and thin glass containers of different sizes and shapes, the rest of the bottles contained blue liquids and dark red liquids that Adelaide could have sworn looked like blood. She had no idea what the other bottles were as they weren't labeled.

Two other boxes contained a bunch of moldy, rotting books on various arcane lore and magical formulae, but so far nothing on ice magic she could see. Picking up one of the books, the ice mage saw it was blank, likely a journal of some kind for taking notes in. The spine was starting to fall apart though and hadn't been written in at all. She put it back and looked over to what Cryce was doing.

Peering over his shoulder, the crate he was standing in front of held more of those leech essence bottles, all appropriately labeled and dated. She shook her head at this. He certainly had enough of those. And yet another crate held various kinds of powders, elixirs and black dust-looking stuff. Again, Adelaide had no idea what all of these were, she had never seen this sort of thing before. Labels which read 'Black Root', 'Elixir of Holding', 'Vampire Dust', 'Crushed Pixie Wing' and others filled her with both disgust and dread. True, many mages utilized these sort of things, but this guy they were up against...

If they got out of this alive, Adelaide was going to seriously rethink visiting this section of the tundra again.

Meanwhile, Entreris was not happy with what he saw. Not one bit. His victims had escaped the dark pit, having blasted a hole in the wall to get out. "Arghhhhh!" he yelled, almost knocking over a pile of books sitting in a corner. "Those blasted, sneaky little..." he trailed off, thinking. I suppose I'll have to go after them myself now. Shouldn't be too difficult to find... Looking back at the orb, he waved a hand across the hazy surface, with it revealing a new scene. "Gotcha..." he whispered, lips curving up in a devious smile.

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Cryce picked up one of the bottles of leech essence and examined it.

"This looks important," he observed.

He then threw the vial and smashed it against the wall. Soon he was destroying everything he could by whatever means necessary, be it magic or physical. Whatever this stuff was, it was definitely ingredients to some kind of ritual or spell or something. By the looks of it, it also seemed to be things that were very hard to obtain. This should at the very least slow this psychopath down significantly.