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Monsters Inside [Archive]

Started by DragonSong, November 11, 2016, 03:39:47 PM

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She shrugged. "I'm following your lead here." Her eyes were sharp and wary, constantly alert for any sign of danger from there surroundings.

The place seemed innocuous enough, as far as she could tell. She didn't let down her guard though, making sure her hood was secured and her tail was wrapped safely around one of her legs.


"Where do you put your tail when you do that?" Bolion asked, dismounting Orrin to lead him by hand, "The sway that gives it away kinda just goes away, so you must tuck it somewhere right?"


"Hm?" She was actually kind of surprised by the question, though she knew she probably shouldn't be at this point. "Oh. Here."

She chuckled a bit and opened her cloak a bit, pulling it up over her hip so he could see her tail curled around her thigh. She dropped the fabric back into place and shrugged. "Not always super comfortable, but it usually avoids unwanted attention."


"Huh. Tricksy of you." Bolion remarked, genuinely surprised.

He walked Orrin up to the outer stable-rack, and secured his reins on a post. The door of the Blue Monarch was made of the same dry dark Oak that the Southern Adela forestry was known for. He slowly pushed the door open, preparing himself for the onslaught of alcohol smells. It wasn't as bad as Zantaric's Tavern, but it was still overpowering, filling his nostrils, and so strong that he could taste it.

He grimaced, but walked quickly to the counter. The smell got worse the closer he got, but he needed to buy a room, so onward he went. "Lassar!" He called, "I'm back again!"

The Essyrni man who ran the bar, a tall and thick fellow with a penchant for well oiled mustachios, turned around and smiled ear to ear. "Boli! How's the road been?" his eyes focused on Della, just behind Bolion, and asked, "And who is this little lady?"

Bolion chuckled and replied, "She's just a travelling companion, for now."

"Oh." Lassar, winked and wagged a finger at him, "So a room for two, then."

"Not that kind of companion Laz," Bolion grinned, "But you can still put me down for that room. Coin is short up north and the last run didn't pay too well."


Della chuckled and trailed behind Bolion as he led them into the building. She crinkled her nose a bit, she'd never been a fan of the way sweat an alcohol scents combined in places like this, but it wasn't as though she wasn't used to it.

She quirked an eyebrow at the proprietor's apparent familiarity with her companion, then snorted. "Little lady?" she muttered wryly. For gods' sakes, she towered over most men she met, let alone the tiny women that could actually be called such.

A very faint, uncharacteristic blush dusted her cheeks when the man seemed to assume their relationship was more than just professional. She ducked her head and muttered something to herself about leaping to conclusions, but didn't argue with him, allowing Bolion to pay for the room in silence.


Bolion slid the silver coins across the smooth oak countertop and thanked Lassar. He beckoned Della forward and made for the staircase.

An old man, greyed hair whitening at the temples and just under his chin, grabbed Bolion's arm and pulled him into an embrace. Bolion grabbed him in return and clapped him on the back. Smiling widely, he exchanged a few words under his breath, and the Older man glanced towards Della curiously. Another few whispered words and he sat back down, waving Bolion on his way.

Bolion laughed, and began to walk up to the sleeping quarters, then called back to Della, "Come on, the room is just up the stairs!"


She blinked, startled by the sudden exchange. Casual affection had never really been a part of her life, not like that at least- Adrien was the only person who might have tried it, and even he knew how skittish she could be about being grabbed unexpectedly.

"Who was that?" she asked curiously as she followed Bolion, still tense and wary but making an effort to seem more relaxed.


"Gaerden," he answered briefly, then elaborated, "An old friend from a long time ago."

He opened the first door after the landing, into a small room with one large window and a twin bed. He laid out his bedroll next to the bed, which was little more than a mattress on legs. Sitting crosslegged on the bedroll, he took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and sighed.

"Home sweet home," he said quietly, to himself, "Take the bed," he told Della, "The floor is mine. You can let your tail go, by the way, and your hood, if you want. The people here are friends of mine. It's a... safe place, if you will."


"Hmph." She waffled, then relented and sat on the bed, shucking her cloak. "I really don't mind taking the floor," she murmured as she folded the cloak and shoved it toward the foot of the bed.

Without the extra fabric, it was clear that while she was tall perhaps the "little lady" comment hadn't been entirely out of place; she was lean and slender, her now freed tail waving gently back and forth behind her like a mildly irritated cat.

"Just warn me before someone comes in," she muttered, wrapping her arms around herself and hunching her shoulders a bit.


"No, you're taking the bed. I'll not be the big bad mercenary who takes what he wants and thinks about no one else." He said, "I don't do this for me, I do it for them." He motioned towards the open door, and down to the common room. His eyes hardened again, and muttered more to himself than to Della, "We're the good guys."

He looked up at Della properly, taking in the sight of her without her cloak for the first time. "You would be picked up and sold so fast. I'm not even joking." After he said the words, he quickly added, "In Essyrn I mean. You're alright here."


"I never said you were," Della murmured, "but you paid for the room, seems fair you should get the bed." She didn't seem all that invested in arguing the point though.

His comment made her head snap up and she frowned. "They're welcome to try," she growled as she sprawled out on her side and propped herself up on her elbow. Lean she may have been, but without the cloak her breeches and worn tunic did little to hide a distinctly feminine shape.

Huffing, she rolled onto her back and muttered, "Wake me when we have to leave."


Bolion laid back, mirroring her position, except on the floor. "So, you have a sweetheart back in 'Northern Adela'?" He asked, stretching out on his little mat.


Della's face shut down, her eyes going cold. "No," she said bluntly, in a tone that certainly didn't invite further questioning.

After a moment of silence though, she muttered, "...You? In Essyrn or wherever?"


"The last woman I cared about in Essyrn was my mother," he said matter-of-factly, but the sadness in his eyes told a different story, "And she died twenty years ago. My uncles too. We'll actually be passing the old cattle ranch I used to live in on our way to Essyrn City."


"...I'm sorry." She rolled onto her side, facing away from him.

"Mine too." She cleared her throat. "I mean- my mother. My parents. Died a while back." She chuckled and tried to joke, "Guess it's a pretty common story for people like us though, huh."


"Naw, some of us have families intact. Rare oddities, those ones are. My actual mom was an elf, hence the pretty boy face," he snickered a little bit at that, "but she dropped me outside of the old ranch, and I was raised by a slave woman, who was more my mother than that elf woman ever was."


Della shrugged. "We're lucky, I guess. Some people don't even get this much."

The words tasted bad as they slipped over her tongue. Lucky. Yes, she was lucky, compared to the rest of her village.

It certainly didn't feel like it though.


"Luck has nothing to do with it." Bolion said grimly, his eyes hard and lips tight. He then turned over, away from the bed. "Goodnight Dell."


"Night." She closed her eyes, but it took a long time for her to fall asleep, and once she had her dreams kept her restless, tossing and turning in the small bed. At one point, her tail flicked out, then lashed wildly from side to side so vigorously it knocked her pack off the end of the bed.


A dull thud ripped Bolion out of sleep, his many experiences with violence in the night ensuring he was a light sleeper. His breath faltered once, but then resumed it's slow, sleeplike pattern. His eyes however, were wide open. In his sleep, he had shifted onto his belly, facing towards the bed. It only took him a few seconds to see the pack half strewn across the floor and Della's restless movements, and put two and two together.

He stood up groggily, faltering for only a second as the blood rushed back into his legs. He quickly gathered Della's various items without paying them much attention, and replaced them in her bag. He set it at the foot of the bed so that it wouldn't fall again. It was then that he approached Deloria, and after only a second's deliberation, gently took her head in his hands. He proceeded to very lightly rub her temples, and held her in place as she fought the motion in her sleep. Several minutes later, seemingly with no success he released her, and decided to leave the room. Tired, but awake, he came down the stairs to the now much less alcoholic common room. Lassar was stewing something in a large brass pot. "Well hello there! I thought you were going to sleep through the whole day!"

Bolion belatedly replied, for he was still groggy, "That was the plan, but Dell is restless and I can't sleep, so here I am."

Lassar stopped his stirring and leaned on his elbow, for all the world looking like a renaissance painting. He stared off thoughtfully, then after some time asked, "Is she allergic to oregano oil?"

"I've no clue." Bolion said truthfully. He hadn't the foggiest idea about Della's allergies, or preferences, or anything really. He only knew what she told him, and that was very little.

"Well in any case," Lassar continued, "Try some of it." He beckoned Bolion over to the counter, and passed him a small bottle of golden liquid. "Temples, eyelids, and jaw muscles."

"Jaw muscles?" Bolion inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes towards the ear, the bunches of muscles that control when you bite. Usually bad dreams and stress induce clenching." Lassar said knowledgeably.

Bolion smiled slightly, and thanked him, adding, "When did you become the botanist-physician aficionado?"

Lassar smiled, a wide and happy smile, saying, "You've been gone quite some time Bolion. I've had time to hone some skills other than stirring and yelling at drunken patrons you know."

Bolion made to go back upstairs, but was stopped by Lassar, who had clasped his arm in one of his large hands. Bolion looked up at the mustachioed man, a questioning look in his eye. Lassar's voice, deep and rumbling, came surprisingly softly.

"Welcome home, lad. I know you've been avoiding this place for a while, but... it's good to see you again." Lassar let Bolion's arm go and went back to his pot,  but Bolion paused, before returning to the stairs. When he came to the door, he eased it open slowly, and slipped in, closing it equally slowly and silently. He then looked at the bottle in his hands, and began to think, firstly, if he should even apply the oils, but secondly, how in hell he would even do it if he tried.