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You Have A Dragon? [Draconian]

Started by TheHopeseeker, January 30, 2017, 03:35:28 PM

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Ignis nodded, placing his utensils down and standing from the table. "Thanks for the meal." He murmured shyly in the direction of Luna parents, before quickly nodding to her offer, "That'd be cool." He grinned, eyes shining with anticipation.


A bright smile and Luna nodded to her parents before she escorted the boy away from the room, closing the door to the dining room and tilting her head. "If you're tired," She started half way up the stairs, glancing over her shoulder, "You can go right to sleep." She stopped at the top of the stairs and pulled the hairclip from her head, letting it down from it's ponytail.

Having never been fond of cutting it, Luna's hair easily reached her hips in a long pale curtain of white. Still, she smiled, looking a little hesitant "We can talk tomorrow after you've slept."


Ignis followed her back up the stairs quietly, keeping his hand tucked into the fabric of his tunic. He smiled a little when she let her long, beautiful hair flow freely, taking heart from the fact that maybe he wasn't so different from everybody after all.

"Yea," he murmured, shifting his gaze from her hair to her eyes before dropping them to the floor, seemingly suddenly bashful as a feather light blush spread over his tanned cheeks. "T..thank you f-for helping me."


Luna smiled at Ignis, reaching a hand out and placing it on his head.

"How old are you, Ignis?" she asked softly, curious. He didn't look much older than her, younger even, though that might just be his general lack of care and nourishment. Luna meandered over to the door to the guest room and opened it, the bed was turned down and there was a few candles lit. She said nothing about the blush, instead smiling and taking a step into the room, "Hmm, we'll have to find you some night clothes," And she looked to the dresser with her lips pursed.


"Um," he frowned, his embarrassment swiftly forgotten as they stepped back into the room and his eyes raked over the lovely, soft looking bed. He bit his lower lip slightly as he tried to recall the knowledge he knew he should have, searching his mind frantically to come up with the answer, "Fif..fifteen? Fifteen!" He grinned brightly, then, shyness momentarily forgotten in the light of his victory against his missing memories.


Luna perked up, smiling at him while she rifled through the drawers to find something suitable. Ah, there it was. A plain grey sleeping shirt and she wandered over to Ignis, reaching forward to his neckline for the buttons to help him out of the shirt. "Really?" She said, looking him up and down, "You look much younger, I'm only two years older than you," Another smile and she plucked at the buttons, leaving it open before she pulled the night shirt over his head, "I'm sure you can get undressed on your own, hmm? Would you like me to read while you fall asleep?" She teased softly, smiling again, eyes flicking to the hand he tried to keep hidden.

Maybe he'd explain in due time.



Ignis shrugged at that, not really paying much attention as he slipped out of the tunic and started pulling on the night shirt, revealing his right arm in all its glory as he spoke, "I dunno, I don't really remember a lot else. Just...flashes of stuff sometimes." He explained, almost talking to himself more than her. At her kind offer, a smiled a little, a sparkle entering bright blue eyes, "Could you tell me more about the dragons?" He chirped brightly


Luna tilted her head for a moment, looking at his arm, curious. "I could," she stated, reaching slowly for his right arm before she gently took it in her hand, kneeling in front of him now while she examined it. Perhaps looking to make sure it wasn't an infection or a wound of some kind, "What would you like to know? There's a lot, so I imagine it would be easier if you just ask me  some questions, hmm?" She smiled up at him, tilting her head.


Ignis stiffened as soon as her hand touched his arm, muscles tensing all the way up his side. The arm was cool to the touch, but not so much so as to be uncomfortable. It's surface was coarse to the touch, the plates slipping together perfectly to form a smooth contour. A swath of pale scars wrapped around the shoulder just above where the red started, tales of a gruesome injury in the past. Some of the scars almost looked..fresh.

It took a little while, but eventually the albino haired teen relaxed again, seeming to trust her a lot more than most. Frowning in thought for a little while, he stayed patiently still while she examined his arm, "Uh, well, how do you know which dragon is yours?"


A curious look to the scar on his shoulder, her fingers trailed along his arm and she tilted her head, pursing her lips. It wasn't easily identified, maybe if she brought him to a doctor? Luna licked her lips before she took both his hands, smiled up at him and swung their hands together while she thought of his questions.

"I don't know yet," She smiled, "But I'm told it sort of just... Clicks. Like a best friend.  And then you get to go through the grueling training of becoming of Rider." Luna laughed before she stood up again, ruffling Ignis's hair and gently pushing him towards his bed. "I wouldn't be home. Have to stay in the barracks," Luna rubbed her arm and remembered the night dress before she opened that and pulled it over his head to cover up his torso, "Breakfast is ... Well, the maids will wake you up if you ever sleep," She stated.

"Anything else, Ignis? More questions?" She crossed her arms over her chest and gave him her best 'mom' look, "I will only answer them once you climb into bed."


Ignis grinned slightly at that, practically bouncing over to the bed and sitting down on it with what could only be described as an awe-struck expression. Laying back on it gingerly, he tensed up for a minute before melting into the soft cushions, a sigh of complete relaxation leaving his lips before bright eyes snapped open again, "Is it true dragons can talk? How long does your training take? When do you get to fly?"



Score for Luna.

Tucking Ignis in, Luna sat in the chair beside the beside table, hands on her lap and she looked thoughtful for a moment before she got up and spoke, extinguishing all the candles in the room as she went - the fire in the hearth remained happily burning.  "Some can," She nodded, blowing out one last candle before returning to the chair and sitting down, "Training takes at least a decade, you can't be a full Mounted Knight until you're... Decent at everything. I'm a trained guard now, if I don't get chosen by a dragon then I'll just be a palace guard, then maybe a knight."

She looked thoughtful for a moment - imagining herself in the sleek black Adelan armor  and she smiled again "When the dragon can fly. I imagine there are a few that don't even fly," She shrugged, "I don't know the whole thing but.." She smiled and yawned, tired, "You should sleep. You've had a long day and I am also tired."


Ignis listened intently as she answered the torrent of questions, his eyes tracing her around the room before settling when she sat down. He grinned slightly when she yawned, unable to stop his own mirroring of the action. "Okay," he murmured softly, already feeling the first sharp tugs of sleep on his weary mind, the warm, soft bed beneath him drawing him further into the realm of sleep, "Thanks for..everythin'."  And just like that, he was out like the candles Luna had so recently extinguished.


Luna smiled briefly, looking down at sleeping Ignis. Impulsively she reached a hand over his forehead and pushed his pale hair back. "Sweet dreams," she whispered before leaving. Paasively she wondered what had happened to put him in such a state.

The arm. The being an street urchin.

Actively she slightly worried he woud rob them blind.

Still, going to her room she changed into her sleeping wear and went to sleep peacefully. Though she tried her best to sleep light, just incase nightmares plagued the boy.


Mercifully, the night passed peacefully, nary a sound coming from the guest room throughout the twilight hours. The next morning saw Ignis up far earlier than one would have expected, dressed in the oversized clothes he had been given the day before and sitting on the edge of the bed, hands folded in his lap and a worried frown in place.

What if he wasn't supposed to still be here? Luna had said she wanted to help "figure him out", so that meant it was okay for him to stay, right? He had to make sure he was as polite as possible to her parents; she might be kind and accepting of him, but maybe they weren't. He had to be careful if he wanted to stay in this nice place.


Luna rolled over to the feeling of sunlight on her face and slowly she opened her eyes.


That was good. Slowly she stood up, still in her nightgown and she stretched widely before remembering her guest. Right! Ignis!

Slowly, quietly, barefooted and carefully she made her way down the hall. Which wasn't far. Just a door. The only occupants of the upstairs except for the library, Luna knocked on the door softly before opening it up and poking her head into the room.  There he was, dressed and she smiled at his sleeves.

"We'll have to tailor these," She stated in a soft voice, hair still messy and her face puffy from sleep. Again, she was on her knees before Ignis, taking his sleeves and rolling them up over his hands, "Do you feel better today? Rested, fed and clean?"


Ignis jerked from his thoughts when the door slid open, bright eyes snapping up as he tensed, ready to flee, before recognising the smiling face of his new...friend? He offered a small smile in return to her own, sitting quietly as she rolled up his sleeves and commented about getting them tailored to him. He wasn't so sure about that, most people he had met were either scared or disgusted by his right arm, which only led to unpleasantness for him, but he didn't say anything.

In reply to her question, he smiled, nodding slowly in confirmation, not yet trusting his tongue. Last night he had been exhausted, starving, driven by a need for warmth and comfort. This morning he felt he could see the world through wide open eyes for the first time in forever, and somehow he knew the familiar sensation of treading on eggshells.


A sigh and Luna looked up at her newest little companion.

"You seem self conscious of your arm," She stated blunty, "I'm sure you've noticed my colouring - It's not exactly common in Adela." Adela being the country of the tall, dark skinned dark haired beings. Golden eyes. It was a fairly common sight here. Even Luna's parents looked Adela. Luna however, did not. Pale as snow just about everywhere. Her hair, her skin, her eyes had the faintest shade of blue.

"Does it hurt you?" She asked, taking his hand in hers, "Does it make you feel bad?"


He blinked at her words, surprise flickering across his face. It was almost as though she had known what he was thinking, or, close anyway. It wasn't so much that he disliked the arm, it was simply an appendage to him, though one he had yet to learn the meaning of, but that it only drew unwanted attention to him. As such, he shook his head in reply, shifting is shoulders in a half shrug.

"People aren't exactly that fond of a kid walking around with a weird red arm." He replied bluntly, not afraid to confront the facts head on, "So it's better if they just don't see it."


Luna laughed and gave Ignis a look.

"So your sleeves are like my hood," She said simply, tilting her head and smiling, "I don't enjoy being stared at and in this country..." She motioned to herself, pulling her braid over her shoulder. "You gotta learn to live with it though, I guess," Luna smiled and gave Ignis's shoulder a squeeze, "mostly the hood is because the sun hurts my eyes now."