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.:Bloody Chaos:. (Nightcandle!)

Started by Anonymous, January 12, 2005, 11:47:36 PM

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Blue the Traumatized
Spork Master!!
Posts: 668
(10/15/04 6:37 pm)
Reply   .:Bloody Chaos:. (Nightcandle!!)
 Well, here it was. Serendipity village. And boy did it reek of humans.
Blade, the demonic wolf, slowed his trot to a steady walk. He was huge, his head easily coming up to the chest of an average sized human. His pelt was very thick, and the purest of whites. Ironic, as he was a demon from hell, with blood red eyes and a deadly set of jaws. His body was littered with thick black scars, which completely obliterated the hair that had been there, making them visible to others.
Just little sacrifices for getting out of hell alive.

His tail, unnaturally long and tapering off into a whip-like end, was covered in silver metal that was serrated on both edges like a blade. However, it was not that which gave him his name. It was the dagger-shaped scare on his forehead, which he was somehow born with, that caused him to be dubbed 'Blade'.
Glancing back, he sought to find Mal still following. Being pregnant, he didn't expect her to be keeping up all that well after a walk like that. "Hey Mal, I can smell Shadow. She's definitely been here."

Satanized for your protection
Posts: 1189
(10/15/04 11:06 pm)
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   No more exercise for me XD
 Luckily, Mal was a fairly athletic gal so Blade didn't leave her that far behind. Her condition caught up with her once she slowed down and she panted a bit, scowled and swept the ends of her light brown hair off her shoulders, the links on her black mail clinking. "Good," she growled. No more running today, she didn't want to be dragged back to her quarters like she had during the raid...

Her belly wasn't too visible now. She noticed it was beginning to swell a little, but it wasn't to the point where it would give away her condition at thirty paces. The child hadn't enjoyed the running much, and was now pounding the walls of its home. Mal, who was over the novelty of feeling the child kick seconds after it kicked her the first time, crossed her arms and tapped a clawed finger against her mail.
Blue the Traumatized
Spork Master!!
Posts: 681
(10/16/04 12:30 pm)
Reply   .:Bloody Chaos:.
 (Muaha, I'm so evil to my charries!)

Blade chuckled as Mal began to pant, a broad smirk stretching out his black canine lips and showing all his deadly teeth to their best advantage. "You look pretty damn tuckered out. And the kid doesn't seem to have enjoyed it much."
He could all but see that little sucker beating the crap out of Mal's insides.

A few deep sniffs were taken. "Well, Shadow's here. I..."
Suddenly, and completely out of the blue, Blade began glowing. Eyes widening, Blade snarled as the light and warmth permeated into his body. "The hell..!?"
The light rose to blinding levels, and then slowly dissipated.

Blade blinked crimson eyes, which were set in a very different face. "Bloody hell..." He promptly fell back onto his rump, totally off balance. You would be too, if you had just gone from a four legged critter to a two legged one. Well, a near-human two legged creature that is.
A very disgruntled looking Blade was now human in appearance. His eyes were still an unnatural blood red, but everything else had basically changed. Thick hair, white as his coat had been, fell to about his shoulders. His build was tall and muscular, as he had been in wolf form. Scars still covered his flesh, though they were no longer black and didn't rest in a sea of fur, but on tanned skin.
And...he was naked?

"What the F*CK!?! I'm HUMAN!!??" He could have fainted just then, but shock was keeping him wide awake. How the...what the....???
Oh man...

Satanized for your protection
Posts: 1201
(10/17/04 9:33 pm)
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   All hail evil plots, heh heh
 Mal wasn't quite sure what was happening when Blade started glowing. First, she stared, thinking it was just an odd trick of the light. That thought didn't last long, it couldn't be a trick of the light if Blade knew it was happening too. It had to be another type of trick, a magic trick.

She drew her sword and looked around, trying to find a culprit to blame Blade's sudden glow on. As the glow intensified she stopped looking around and raised her other arm up to her eyes, finally closing them when it got too bright.

Blade said 'bloody hell' and something hit the ground. Damn, that was probably Blade, any magic that manifested with big obnoxious glows couldn't be healthy. She lowered her arm, opened her eyes, and shook her head to focus them a little.

And...stared. This was odd, strange, unexpected, weird, sudden... Mal blinked, completely and utterly stunned by the sudden transformation.
Blue the Traumatized
Spork Master!!
Posts: 698
(10/18/04 7:16 pm)
Reply   ~Bloody Chaos~
 Blade could do little but blink in complete befuddlement as he sat on the ground, without clothing, and human. However, the 'naked' fact didn't bother him since he had never worn clothing in his life.
But hell...human!?!

And there was another small problem. He had no idea how to get up, let alone keep his balance long enough to stand.
Glancing at Mal with a rather shocked expression, he let words tumble from his oddly formed mouth.
"I uh, sorta need help getting up..."
This would be embarassing if he wasn't so damn bewildered.

And to make everything just so much better, Blade was getting some very, ah, interesting looks. More like considering looks, if the onlooker happened to be female.
Yeah, that just helped the situation along nicely...

Satanized for your protection
Posts: 1213
(10/19/04 10:59 pm)
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 Mal partially snapped back into focus when Blade turned to her and asked for help up. And then she didn't know whether to stand there in shock or laugh at the strangeness of hearing that from Blade. There was always the third option, helping him up and then thinking about whether to be amused or stunned. "Yeah, yeah, alright," she droned.

Seeing the expressions of passersby brought her firmly back to reality. They were reacting differently. Blade usually caused others to back off, looking frightened or slightly curious or whatnot. She'd never seen any humanoid being size him up...

Mal stalked over to Blade, glowering at the people staring, and put a hand on each of his biceps to drag him up to his feet.
Blue the Traumatized
Spork Master!!
Posts: 716
(10/22/04 8:15 pm)
Reply   .:Bloody Chaos:.
 This was just waaaaaay too weird. But at least Mal was being civil and helping him up. Well, trying to anyway.
Blade struggled with his two legs, wondering just how bipedal creatures even managed to stand up let alone walk. He ended up leaning heavily on Mal and grumbling quite colorfully in his natural lupine tongue.
Basically, he was growling and snarling.

"You know, this is really f*cked up..." He muttered, still trying to find his new center of gravity and stand on his own. So far it wasn't working.
And he was beginning to notice the stares.
"What the hell are they all staring at?" He muttered, those same crimson eyes narrowing in suspicion. Most people stared in fear and moved away. Those were definately not the stares he was getting now...

Satanized for your protection
Posts: 1230
(10/24/04 11:56 pm)
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   Humanoid idiosyncrasies 101
 Mal ground the balls of her feet into the ground while Blade fought for control over his legs. Not only did he need a steady support, but if she was to fall and he was to fall on top of her... it'd get them some even richer stares.

"Mmm-hmmm," Mal agreed.

If only there was a café somewhere nearby, or a building with drapes. Then Blade could get his bearings straight without people gaping at him like they'd never seen a naked person. Some of the kids might not have seen another naked person, but most of the older ones and the adults, the men in particular, had no reason to gawk. And now she had to explain why he was the center of so much attention.

"Your naked ass," she quipped. "People don't usually walk around naked outside, unless they're at an outdoor spring or somethin'."
Blue the Traumatized
Spork Master!!
Posts: 750
(10/25/04 7:46 pm)
Reply   ~Bloody Chaos~
 Blade snorted and shut his eyes as she spoke. Well damn...
"Great, now I'm being checked out by humans...ugh..."
He had finally gotten a relatively stable grip on his center of balance. However, he wasn't quite sure walking would be all that easy.
"How many more stares do you think I'd get if I went back to all fours for a minute?" He asked, smirking in twisted amusement.

As if it were any more humiliating than right now, leaning on Mal and so wobbly-legged he couldn't take one step. Freaking hell, he would find out who did this and seriously kick there ass!!  

Satanized for your protection
Posts: 1242
(10/28/04 2:27 am)
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   Hmm subject line, subject line...
 "Get used to it," Mal said dryly. "Even if you start wearing clothes people will still openly lust after you."

Clothes would probably be a good idea. Blade wouldn't want some fool thinking he was a whore... If only she wore her arming coat; then she could either lend him the coat or the jacket of her guard uniform.

Oh hell, it wouldn't hurt her any to lend Blade her jacket. At least then he wouldn't be the center of attention. She snaked a hand under her chain mail and began pulling the jacket's buttons open.

Blade's suggestion made her smirk. "You might start scaring people again if you did that... well, you might excite some of them even more."

Blue the Traumatized
Spork Master!!
Posts: 759
(10/30/04 8:36 pm)
Reply   ~Bloody Chaos~
 Blade smirked, and fortunately Mal couldn't see it.
"I choose to take that as a compliment." He responded with a chuckle that felt foreign in his humanistic throat. Well, at least his twisted personality was intact.

He felt Mal shift a bit, apparently doing something with one of her hands. However, he wasn't content to wait and find out. The stares were getting unnerving. Though, her comment earned a laugh.
"Then screw that idea."
Convincing his legs to stop wobbling, Blade got a firmer hold on his balance. Alright, time for phase two.
"Do you think you can help get me into a building of some kind? I might be able to stumble along with some success."
Damn this was embarassing...  

Satanized for your protection
Posts: 1264
(11/1/04 11:44 pm)
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   Moving to cover...
 "Sure," she pulled her hand free of her armor and looked around. Most open buildings would probably be occupied at this time. The best place to duck and hide for a while would be in a shadowed alleyway, or one that had boxes to hide behind. She abandoned the search for a building, figuring that looking for an alley would be best to try first. If there were no alleys she could resume looking for a building.

Ah ha! There was one across the street that had a box in it. Wasn't the biggest box or the most shadowed alley but they could duck behind the box for cover. "There," she whispered, pointing to the alleyway. "It's a little far but it's got good cover."

She took a small step forward and looked at Blade to see how he managed.

Blue the Traumatized
Spork Master!!
Posts: 805
(11/7/04 6:48 pm)
Reply   .:Bloody Chaos:.
 Blade nodded, and stumbled along with Mal. However, as soon as he started moving, what hard-won balance he had quickly disintegrated. He was forced to cling to Mal, growling as his legs refused to work they way they were supposed to.
"How the hell do you people walk like this..."
He muttered, slowly making his way with Mal toward the alley.

(Short short short...)  

Satanized for your protection
Posts: 1292
(11/11/04 12:36 am)
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   Damn thinking questions...
 When Blade's legs began failing him Mal wrapped an arm around his shoulders to better support him. Then came his mutterance.

Mal almost stopped in the middle of the road to consider it. That was something she never thought about before. She fought the urge to screech to a halt and walked the rest of the way to the alley, stopping behind the box.

Now she had all the time she needed to think about how two legged creatures walked. Mal glanced upward and put a hand on her chin. It probably had something to do with children. She'd seen little kids try to walk, they fell... a lot. They would get up, take a few shaky steps and fall. And, after falling for the ump-teenth time they finally nailed walking. Then they moved on to running... and that was funny.  
"Um... We fall a lot," she began, taking her hand off her chin and holding up one finger. "See, little kids, when they're first learning how to walk they can barely move an inch at first without falling down. They fall and fall and fall and fall and eventually they get it down and they can walk without falling, most of the time. Tripping still gets people."  

Blue the Traumatized
Spork Master!!
Posts: 819
(11/12/04 6:57 pm)
Reply   .:Bloody Chaos:.
 If Blade had any concept of what being 'naked' really was, then the whole situation would be a heck of alot more akward. However, since he was technically 'naked' all the time (being a wolf all his life and the like) it didn't cross his mind. But it did for others, and they stared at the two of them like they were crazy.
Which they were, but that had nothing to do with this particular situation.

Finally, they made it, and Blade flopped onto the ground as soon as he was able.
"That...was really damn annoying..." He muttered, giving his own two legs a very withering glance.
Mal's response didn't help to bolster his spirits any either.
"Oh, just wonderful. And humans think four-legs are least we can walk right!"
Leaning back against the large crate, Blade sighed.
" in the hell did this happen again??"

Satanized for your protection
Posts: 1330
(11/18/04 12:00 am)
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   The flesh is w--e--a--k
 Seeing Blade slide to a sitting position made Mal's legs clamor for a sit. The child, not wanting to miss out on a nice good ruckus kicked and began shifting to a more comfortable position, for it anyway it's foot was poking Mal's stomach.

Mal snorted and sat, stretching her legs out in front of her. She was ready to offer another bit of insight about the way two legged beings walked when Blade sighed about the cause leading to this decidedly odd effect.

"I don't know," Mal said flatly. "You were all fine and dandy, then you started glowing and poof, you were human... I think." Mal perked an eyebrow and tilted her head to the side, chasing a thought that recently manifested.

" Are you a human? y'know you could just be a human looking demon now."  
Blue the Traumatized
Spork Master!!
Posts: 837
(11/27/04 12:37 pm)
Reply   ..Bloody Chaos..
 Blade shut his eyes for a moment, racking his brain for any reason this would happen to him. It was obviously some sort of spell...But he didn’t remember being near any particularly magickal creatures that could transform him like that.
Of course...there was the...possibility...

Oh hell.

Crimson eyes opened yet again at Mal’s question. “Hmm...dunno. Let’s test it out, shall we?� He smirked, having a perfect idea of how to find out. Taking a deep breath, Blade exhaled with more force than one would normally use. And suddenly, fire shot from his open mouth, scorching the ground before them.
Satisfied, Blade stopped, a smug smirk placed on his new humanisque face.
“Guess I’m not all that human after all, eh?�
Satanized for your protection
Posts: 1372
(11/30/04 8:50 pm)
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   All sources point to 'No'
 "Nope, you've just got a human looking body," Mal glanced upwards and sucked on her bottom lip a bit.

The baby began moving quite a bit, kicking and squirming like it was going through combat training. Mal scowled a little, but kept thinking. "You can rule out anyone that wanted to strip you of your power. Whoever did it might have wanted to humiliate you. Got any old enemies that like so called 'subtle tactics'?"

Mal poked her belly once she was through talking. The baby shifted whatever part of it was under that part of her skin. Mal smirked and poked again.