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Pirates at sea (Open)

Started by Anonymous, March 27, 2007, 04:50:52 AM

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(see topic "Anyone want to rp? I'm bored" to sign up, or talk ooc)

The sunny western port of the Le'rannian territories, gulls swooping overheard crying out their food-obessive screeches. Having walked through the small and busy port-town, vulpes' orbs gazed across the neverending horizon, holding in his right a piece of parment. Making sure he was certainly in the right place, he looked down to it, reading once more quickly out of suspicion. "Crew wanted, All species considered" it read, with a picture of the captain and ship in background. Vulpes knew very little about large ships, but he was nimble, quick, had good eyes and could get high within a single jump, not to mention as a canine, he was somewhat entune to nature, and thus could predict certain patterns - which could proove useful at sea, where the storms can magik from nowwhere and move on within the same minute.

His eyes, once more scanning the busy port, spotted the ship on the flier, before beginning to walk on, down the long steps and around the dockside to the suspected vessel. Being as small as he is, and humans occasionally stupid, he was constantly avoiding being tripped over by large men, carrying things, large crates, cannon pieces, ammo, and the like. The upstanding fox looked across the dockside, spying upon a small shop, curiously, he wandered over. The ship seemed to be captainless for now, so he wouldn't be long. A few minutes later, outstepped a radically different fox, the base of his tail had a small green sash wrapped around it, decoritive. With little money, he had to trade in his leather holsters, getting a green sash to which he tied around his sheath and loosely propped his weapon, finally a green bandanna, with ear holes, completed the look. He had the option of having an earing too, but decided on taking the money he had gotten from the holsters, since they were of unusual design and rare quality. Once more, he looked onto the large ship, if it was big to a human, it was huge to this one.

(i'll leave all the naming and such to the captain - whoever has him, not sure.)


Earlier that day, Aracelis had procured a flyer from one of the taverns. Since she had no job, it seemed a good idea to become a pirate. After all, everybody knew that pirates found treasure and usually managed to retire young. Besides, the tavern talk said that pirate crews were rather democratic. Now, as she walked across the deck, it didn't seem such a good idea. Those boats seemed awfully big, and they were probably hard to steer. She was a harpy, not a siren. Those ships looked as though they would take years to master. She didn't have any experience with the sea, and tavern gossip really wasn't something to risk her life on. Still, she moved on. After all, she was already here, and surely piracy would be better than begging.

Pausing in front of a ship, she checked to make sure that it was the one that she was looking for. It seemed to be so, but looks were deceiving, and anyways, most of the ships looked the same to her. They all had sails, hulls and figureheads; the one in the picture was no different. She hadn't bothered to dress for the interview. Her twin daggers were, as usual, in plain sight, with a few more throwing knives hidden around her person. She was dressed simply in pants and a shirt. Slits had been made in the back of her shirt for her wings, which she kept folded against her side. She wore no jewelry except a wooden ring, which was almost worthless-the only reason she had kept it.


Turel held the flier in his large, slender hands. "Crew wanted", it said, "All species considered"  He read over the paper several times, as if looking to find hidden text between the lines. He sighed, then looked to Pegasus, who hovered behind him like a second shadow. "Are you sure about this, Peg?" he said, one eyebrow raised in suspicion, "I'm not so keen on the idea of joining a pirate ship. I know nothing about this."

"I thought you liked privateering." Pegasus's fluid voice purred. Sii smiled seductively and clasped ser hands together, "I thought it would make you happy. I know how much you like ships."

"Yes, yes. I like traveling. . . but I don't like getting on vessels that I know nothing about." Turel said, placing a hand under his chin in thought.

"We need the money. Any we can get." Pegasus remarked.

"And the bounty on us. We can't stay here."

Pegasus nodded, and Turel sighed with resignation. He folded the flier and put it into a pocket on his breeches and looked to the sea-faring vessel. He had very little with him, only a bag on his back that carried a few spare items of clothing, and rations, and some jewelry. On his waist he wore a holster for his pistol and the decorated scabbard of his rapier. Other then that were the clothes on his back: the simple white blouse and black cotton breeches, and leather boots tailored to fit his uniquely shaped feet. Pegasus carried even less. Sii was not carrying any obvious item of worth, only a bag that was even smaller then Turel's, with only two pairs of clothing within. Sii appeared feminine today, wearing a long violet dress. To the casual onlooker, sii would be a massive pudgy and flat-chested woman. Together they made an unusual sight, as both were uncommon species, and both unusually tall. They walked up to the dock, and looked around for the captain, ready to sign their lives away to the ship.


Stupid critter, thought you were gonna go on the ship!

Caniley thought grumpily as she flumped on a pile of old sacks the mistress of a rag shop had thrown out into the alley just moments ago. She had been following the weird fox for awhile, curious at the paper in his hands that he had been muttering at early, though now she was stuck in this odd town without anything to eat. Of course, having nothing better to do and hungry to boot, she decided randomly she would follow him.

"Such a great fun this was."

She muttered. The odd part, the bitterness that was in her voice was no where on her face or in the burnt dull orange eyes she used to gaze around the busy market place. Infact, she had no emotion on her face at all, just a calm sense of... Nothingness. You see, Caniley was a young girl, around 10, far too skinny and wearing a dull mud colored shirt and a rag-like shirt. She was a beggar girl that made the occasional copper or so by scribing for people, bringing in a wind on a hot day, chasing off dogs that ate farmers stock with lightening, and selling the occasional stuff she nicked.

But today, she had nothing to do, having been following the fox so causally that she hadn't noticed the several hours that had gone by. She had caught a glimpse of the flier before he snatched it up, and watched now the ship that he had eyed before disappearing into the shop. They wouldn't accept a ten year old girl, even if she looked like a boy, which she didn't; her face was too angular, cheekbones too high, sun burnt face holding a feminine grace that she would grow into as she got older. But then how to get on? They wouldn't, most likely, even give her a chance to explain that she was a weather witch, no matter how oddly the power came to her. So what?


The word came unbidden to her mind, and she rose, liking the idea and having no other at hand. But how to sneak on? The anchor... But first... A water proof bag was to be in order... She turned to rummage through the rags the mistress had thrown out; pulling a large piece and one that had threads already unraveling. Her luck, she had been sitting on a pin that had been thrown out by mistake, and so, after getting a flash of small lightening to melt the small metal ball on top and pierce a hole through it, she began to quickly and efficiently make a bag that was large enough to fit a few more scraps of clothe for a new shirt, the Hag's book on magick, and a few knick-knacks she had picked up on the way.

Now... She figured she could ask a wind to spin around it fast enough so that water wouldn't leak in, and then she was ready, striding out to watch the fox stride out, now in elaborate green. Suppressing a bought of laughter that made the sun want to beat down harder and sunnier until she controlled it, Cani walked along the dock until she saw what she had been looking for; a sewage pipe. Making sure that she had not attracted notice, she slipped down, and once out of view of other people, yanked off her skirt and shirt, leaving her in an undershirt and undergarments.

Now for the wind... Yanking on one of the winds that continuously followed her, she looped it around her finger, tongue poking out of her mouth in an effort to keep it from escaping as she began to wind it around the bag, until the wind got the idea and started to spin on it’s own. Pleased with her handiwork, Cani started to wade out until about her shoulders, then she began to doggy paddle the rest of the way to her boat, trying hard to avoid any notice. Her luck holding, for the moment, she arrived at the boat and treaded water, looking at the chains on the anchor and feeling her lips start to turn blue from the coldness of the water.

Ah, well, better get this over with, she thought remorsefully, and holding her bag in her teeth, began to clamber hand over hand up it, until she could slide in the room that held the chain, with what seemed like miles and miles of the metal all coiled together. After pulling the dry clothes out of the bag and releasing the wind, she pulled them on her shivering body and looked around. Where was the door… Ah, there it was! Cani slipped out, praying the Captain was busy, and no other crew members were around, and began to explore, trying to let herself dry. Finally, she found the kitchen, and after nicking a loaf of bread, curled up under the large table that was nailed to the floor with a sack of rags under her, figuring she’d live here until someone found her, or they stopped next. She liked being a stowaway already!


Emer sighed as her eyes scanned the sheet of parchment in her hand for what seemed to be the thousandth time. "Crew Wanted. All species considered." Also on the parchment was the name and image of a large ship. Raising the image upwards, Emer compared it to the massive ship docked nearby. Yep, this was the one, and a fine vessel she was from what Emer could tell from this distance.

But her turquoise eyes wandered back to the line "All species considered." What the heck did that mean? Was the poster implying that the crew would comprise of more than just humans? She read it over again, as if trying to discern a hidden meaning, an invisible message, fine print - anything! When there was none, she bit her lip and twisted her gold and aquamarine ring on her left ring finger. What was she getting herself into?

Not that she was surprised at the idea that there were other non-human species out there. She had heard of them plenty of times. Never before, though, had she really come into close contact with them. Her parents, aristocrats in Arca, had given her a sheltered life, away from most commoners. Emer was suddenly gripped by her curiosity, and she wondered vaguely what they were like.

She shook her head. No! What if they were dangerous? What if they tore her apart and ate her, limb by limb? Or maybe they were peaceful but had strange powers? Or what if they spoke a different language? What if...?

She shook her head again. It didn't do to wonder about things she would never get answers to unless she sought them out herself. Besides, her coin purse was rapidly becoming lighter and lighter. She had made sure to bring plenty of gold with her before she left home, but that had been months ago. Without any income, Emer would be in trouble within a couple of weeks. She would have no means of buying food, shelter, or new clothes (if she needed them). She needed money and soon, and perhaps by joining a crew, she'd be able to get it. After all, wasn't she looking for adventure? And she had the necessary skills to help navigate. Surely they'd take her, right?

With the prospect of bankruptcy looming in her mind, Emer's mouth became a determined line on her slightly tanned face as she shouldered her satchel and rammed her hat onto her head. She quickly gave herself a once-over to check her appearance. Her clothes were finely made, a red and gold jacket with white and teal sleeves overtop a black sleeveless top and black trousers. Her clothes hid whatever figure she had, not that it was much in the first place. She had always been skinny and flat, even though she had matured quite a while ago, and combined with her generic hairstyle (a simple, low ponytail) and boyish face, most mistook her for an adolescent boy. Not that she particularly minded. She tended to get more respect that way.

And respect she would demand, even in the face of the unknown. That's what she had set out to do, after all, she told herself resolutely. She shouldered her satchel, straightened her jacket, and marched up to the docks to meet the ship and the captain who Emer hoped to impress.

Waving the advertisement in the air, Emer called upwards, "Ho there! Is the captain on board? I wish to join his crew! I don't suppose you need a navigator or a cartographer, do you?"


Kain took a deep breath of salty air and smiled. His eyes were alight with pride as he gazed upon his ship. Before him, moving only slightly with the shifting waters, a large galleon floated. He gently stroked his hand over the lacquered redcedar hull, and exhaled. He took a few steps back to take a better look at the vessel, and placed his fists on his hips as he admired the ship's long beak and mizzenmasts. Along the side of the hull the word "Amaranth" was carved into the wood in gold Old English letters. Kain could have stood in place for hours, and probably would have, if the boatswain hadn't tapped him on the shoulder gently. Kain started, then turned his head and looked up at the larger man.

"Yes? Well what is it Jaedin?"

"I wanted to inform you that there seem to be quite a few young men that have found our flier, and I think it best that ye come and take a look at yer prospective crew, Captain." The taller creature asked, and ran his fingers though the long white fur that grew along his cheeks. His pointed ears twitched in the breeze.

"Ah yes, lets have a look-see shall we?" Kain's smile widened and he turned around sharply, marching steadily back towards the center of the docks, where Karmilto the Quartermaster sat, examining the young men who waited in line, hoping to gain access to the pirate ship.

"How goes, Karmilto?" Kain asked as he stepped beside the young man, who was probably a demon by the looks of his reddish skin, but the Captain never cared to ask. The Quartermaster didn't answer, only pointed to the long line of young men. Kain raised a thick black eyebrow and whistled and then chuckled, "I was worried that no one would be crazy enough to want to join my ship! Looks like I was wrong."

"Are you Captain of this ship?" Turel's frustrated voice rang, as he glared at Kain with bright, cat-yellow eyes.

"I be he, yes, but who might you be?" Kain smiled, taking a seat next to Karmilto, then noticed the rather odd looking creature that hovered uncomfortably close behind Turel, ". . .And who might your friend be?"

"Turel Kirol. . . and that. . . thing is Pegasus." Turel sighed, crossing his arms.

"Err. . .I hope that Pegasus isn't planing to accompany you aboard. We do not allow females." Kain said, his violet colored eyes looking Pegasus up and down.

"Don't worry, Pegasus isn't a girl."

"I see, sorry." Kain responded and blushed, looking a little surprised as he nodded in Pegasus's direction. Turel kept silent, feeling that there was no need to announce that Pegasus wasn't  male either. After a moments pause Kain cleared his throat and smiled awkwardly, "Well, have either of you two been on a ship before?"

"We have." Turel answered quickly.

"What positions had you taken aboard ship? Assuming that your time spent aboard ship was not a pleasure cruise, and that you were crew."

"Master Gunner."

"A Master, aye?" Kain said toughtfully, "Not many around here are proficient in gunnery. I'm impressed. . .How about your friend? If I'm to let both of you aboard, I must know that one of you will not hinder my ship in any way."

"I cast spells the last ship I was on." Pegasus said, ser tail wagging slowly.

"Well then, Karmilto, have we accepted any magick-users yet?" The Quartermaster responded with a quick shake of his head. Kain smiled and looked to Turel and Pegasus as he stood up, his hand out ready to shake, "Right then, welcome aboard mates."


"Ho there! Is the captain on board? I wish to join his crew! I don't suppose you need a navigator or a cartographer, do you?"

Kain was still jotting down notes and names of his new crew members when a strange voice shouted, and he lifted his eyes from his paper once he heard. With a sigh he set down his fountain pen and looked about, trying to see whoever had called, "Aye, the Captain is present. Who goes? Speak thy name."


The Bos'n and Quartermaster continued to question and examine the men who wanted to join the ship, turning down any who were too old or lacked any experience. Yet, both of them looked down with surprise as a small fox dressed in green. Jaedin smirked and scratched his short muzzle in wonder, "Eh? who might ye be vix? And how old?"[/i]


The small fox looked up, rather neutrally at their suprised stare, watching the more noisy of the two as he asked a pair of questions.

"Vulpes." he replied slowly, continuing to answer the questions. "Eight, nearly middle-aged." he added, knowing human lifecycles were different, and which everyone seemed to base off of. His tail swished, as his paws remained relaxed on the hilt and grip of his weapons.

Should they ask about his experience, he wouldn't answer with the full truth, even if it was against his nature. Since he had only worked on smaller boats, its the same sort of thing, just bigger.


Having nothing else to post...

She squirmed, and then settled again, glad that she could hear the voices, and get to know the crew. She listened, and then winced when she heard the captain say,

'We do not allow females.'

Well, then lets hope they didn't find her. She looked a little boyish, and if she tried, maybe the ten year old could pass, but right at the moment, she would be screwed if caught. But maybe he'd let her stay on if she told him she was a weather witch? No... Better not get caught then.


Emer nearly breathed a sigh of relief when a man called back to her, but she held it back. Thank goodness! He appeared rather normal - human-like, at least. What had she been expecting? Perhaps an ogre with three eyes, sharp fangs, and six arms. She could feel her heart rate slow down already.

She raised the flier in the air. "Emer's the name. I found your flier and took an interest in joining your crew. I'm a skilled navigator and cartographer and I'm young, fit, and good with a rapier. If you have room on your ship still, I'd gladly join for some decent food and a taste of adventure. What say you?"
