Spirits of the Earth

Serendipity => Serendipity Riverlands => Arca => Topic started by: Anonymous on August 12, 2007, 08:29:23 PM

Title: boredom affects most.
Post by: Anonymous on August 12, 2007, 08:29:23 PM
In all twenty-three years of her life, she had never thought that she could ever be as devastatingly bored as she was. Devi had been creative, resourceful even, in how she went about her days, usually it involved working, which was, surprisingly, one of her favorite things to do. Working bore fruits, it had results, which was expected, but gratifying. And then there were a few personal problems which she solved, with some time, patience and some actual thought. They were over. So what was she left to do now? Working was good -but at that particular moment, her job was done for the day. All there was left to do would be to go home to her awaiting family -here, she smiled at the thought- which was great. Really. She loved them more than she could ever manage to verbalize, but there were moments when even she felt like she'd rather be somewhere else. Not for any particular reason, but she felt a little miserable without having a goal. Without having something to work towards, she felt as she was coming undone at the seams. But that was okay. Devi was sure she'd figure something out, sooner or later in her nights of insomnia.

At five foot, and looking as if she could pass for a child, not many saw her as advantageous hire. But beneath all the soft childishness was hard muscle, toned by years of nonstop manual labor. With a soft sigh she rubbed her fingers through her short black hair, crossing her arms over her chest and walking. That was it? Walking? Walking and not doing something left room for thinking, and as old as she was, thinking and her had never gotten along as companionably as her sister would have liked. Thinking required thoughts and they were almost always tied into some kind of emotion or tied to some memories that were often best left to rest.

So, Devi did what she did best. She twirled around, closing her eyes momentarily, grinning childishly with a touch of innocence as a person eyed her suspiciously -as if she was affected by some horrible disease simply for spinning. It didn't bother her, what people thought. Because she couldn't stop it, there was nothing she could do about what they thought and that was simply that.

With a sigh she threw herself down onto a patch of grass off to the side of the city. It was growing quiet, still faintly bustling, as people headed home for dinner. Devi stretched out her legs and leaned back on her elbows, head tilted as she watched curiously. People fascinated her. They always did.

[ahaha, sorry, i wasn't sure what she should be doing, Mona. XD]