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Messages - DragonSong

Hyoite / River Longfang, Bounty Hunter
October 29, 2015, 09:05:06 AM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name River Longfang
Age 28
Gender Female
Species Wolf Shifter
Ethnicity Unclear
Height 5'8"
Sexuality Heterosexual
Occupation A huntress born and bred, both for survival and profit
Residence Kilanthro Mts, occasionally; pretty much wherever her job takes her

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
In her human form River has black hair, cut in choppy layers to frame her face and hang about midway between her chin and shoulders, and hazel eyes. Her skin is olive, marked on her left cheek by a long, thin scar (the most visible of her collection). She is tall and lean, muscles well trained for cross country and hand-to-hand brawls, with a modest bit of curve. Well accustomed to cold, harsh winters, she tends to favor heavier clothing, but it has to be something she can move in.

In wolf form River has thick black fur and hazel eyes; she's bigger than a true wolf, about waist height on an average sized human at the shoulder.

River likes other people well enough, but she's a lone wolf at heart. Being in crowded cities makes her twitchy, so she prefers to roam the mountains and foothills for her job. She's a good team player and always somehow manages to click with whoever circumstance may force her to work with, but she doesn't open up easily.

No magic to speak of other than her ability to change forms. River prefers to use her hands (or, more accurately, claws) in a fight, and she's very good at it.

Family: River is the eldest of a litter of five, with three younger brothers (Storm, Shadow, and Ash) and a little sister (Sky). Both of her parents are still living, and she now has a gaggle of nieces and nephews from her sister (two sets of twins) and her second-youngest brother (triplets).

Parents: Elise and Lake Longfang

The siblings and niblings:
Storm and his mate Akina
Shadow and his mate Nora
 - parents of Minna, Callum, and Forest (5yr)
Ash (currently a bachelor)
Sky and her mate Elwyn
- parents of Sorren and Rain (7yr), and Lila and Teerin "Twig" (2yr)

Partner: Kahroan

The quintuplets were raised by their parents in a smallish cottage just across the Kilanthro Mountains from Connlaoth. While for most people with a bit of wolf in them pack life is desirable, River always felt a little suffocated. She left as soon as she could, but she visits often, usually with presents and stories for her family.

Recently, the eldest of her nephews has begun calling her "crazy Aunt River who sometimes lives at home"...

Unfortunately, River has a dark chapter in her past, a year of her life from the ages of nineteen to twenty. She was courted by another wolf shifter in the very loosely tied community that lives in or around the Kilanthro mountains. For the first month or two she knew Thorn he was sweet, charming, and attentive.

That changed though, gradually at first, then all at once. It started with a few fits of temper, a general surliness, then suddenly exploded into bouts of violence. River collected bruises and cuts on almost a daily basis.

With only the loving relationships of her parents and her siblings and their mates to compare to, River assumed that whatever had gone wrong in the relationship was her fault. She tried to hide the marks Thorn left on her, ashamed but too afraid to leave him.

Then she started to suspect she was pregnant, and things changed. She knew she couldn't raise a pup with Thorn for a father, and she told him she was leaving. This resulted in the worst beating she'd ever received, and caused her to miscarry the baby. Utterly heartbroken and out of options, she went to her parents for help.

When Thorn's actions came to light, he was shunned by their community and eventually sort of faded away from River's life, but the scars he inflicted remained. She never told anyone about the baby, not even her family, and she still blames herself for what happened, wishing she'd had the strength to leave sooner.
__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads
Kiara shivered and hunkered down into the curve of Kit's body. The black dragon was reclining in a tight crescent, his back to the dune, surrounding both her and their small fire; he held one wing slightly away from his body to form a sort of tent over her. He made a clucking sound in the back of his throat and curved his head around to rest it in her lap- as much as he could anyway, his head was over half the size of her whole body.
"I'm alright," she assured him, smiling as she scratched at his brow ridge. Kit closed his eyes and crooned in contentment. "Gods it gets cold fast out here though, doesn't it?" The dragon made a rumbling sound of agreement. "So I guess we check 'desert' off our list of retirement homes," the girl went on, scooping a handful of untamed curls away from her face. "Well, as long as we can get room and board once we get to Essyrn, I guess I can't really compl-"
Suddenly, Kit's nostrils flared. He jerked his head away from her, snapping it up on his long, sinuous neck to peer over his shoulder into the darkness. Instantly Kiara was on alert. She drew her twin daggers from their sheaths and rose into a defensive crouch. "What is it?" she hissed. She could see almost nothing in this blackness, their flickering shadows thrown against the dune by the light of the fire distorting her vision further. She drew in a deep breath through her nose- a rather pointless gesture,but a habit picked up from Kit- and cocked her head to the side.
Listening. Waiting.
Wanderers and Independents / Tara, Bard
October 29, 2015, 01:14:09 AM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Tara (TAH-rah)
Age 20
Gender Female
Species Human (??)
Ethnicity Serenian
Height 5'2"
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Bard
Residence Nomadic

Credit: my awkward sketchbook

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Tara, like most Serenians, is finely featured- and a bit on the small side; however her physicality is deceiving. She's by no means a heavy weight champ, but her slight frame belies lean muscle.  Her eyes are a strange shade of indigo and her skin is fair- actually pale might be a better word (a detail that irks her). Her silvery blond hair is almost always kept in a long braid down her back, often adorned with ribbons or flowers or anything else that strikes her fancy. Tara favors loose, flowing skirts and snug bodices that tend to highlight her curves. She's also a fan of bangles and arm cuffs, has multiple piercing in each ear, and often has on a necklace or two, but she almost never wears rings.

Tara is, for lack of a better word, bubbly. She's bright and cheerful and friendly and always willing to lend a hand.

And then she can turn around and stab you in the back with a smile on her face.

Honestly, it's hard to tell which side of her is faked...

Bard Song: Through her music, singing or playing*, Tara can accomplish a range of feats. She can bewitch an audience into a comatose stupor, bolster a comrade's courage, etc.
*She can play a variety of instruments, but the two she almost always has with her are a lyre and a delicately carved wooden flute.

Elemental Magic: This ability is still tied into her music, but a little more "free form" if you will. Tara has a minor degree of control over all the elements through her songs; wind and water come most naturally, earth she can work with, and fire is a pain in the butt.

Weapons: Tara knows magic isn't always reliable, so she uses a bow for more practical matters. And she's not half bad with a knife.

No family or friends to speak of

For as long as she can remember, Tara has been a traveler. She was found by a nomadic camp of people living at the edge of Draconi Forest that borders Serendipity as a baby, tucked into a simple wicker basket and nestled in the roots of a tree. The nomads took her in and raised her, teaching her to sing, play, hunt, and defend herself. For a while, she was happy.

But when she was sixteen, something happened. She doesn't like to talk about it... Anyway, now she's on her own.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads
A Dish Best Served Cold
A Little Bird Told Me
A Little Night Music
Old Wounds, New Strengths

Complete Threads
Wants and Limits / DragonSong's Wants and Limits
October 29, 2015, 12:42:16 AM

What types of plots are you interested in playing?
I'm game for basically anything!

What types of plots are you not interested in playing?
You know what, I'll try anything once :)

I have tried a thing that I did not enjoy! Which was combat-only. Not a fan. In depth fight scenes are definitely fun to write, but I'd love to have them happen inside of a larger plot please!

How often can you reply to any given thread?
Once a day, usually. Very very rarely I will have a day where I am too busy to post, but I'll try to be polite and always let you know!

Update: Life is crazy! I'll still try my darnedest to do once-a-day posts, but if it takes me a few days I ask that you be patient, I promise I'm trying ^.^

A further update!! Life is still crazy and sometimes writing is really difficult for me for Silly Brain Reasons (super fun!). I'll really really try for once a week or so—some days may be better than others, but I will always try to let you know if I need an extra long break.

What is the longest you're willing to wait for a reply to a thread?
As long as you need!  Some notification would be nice if it's gonna be a while though. If it's been longer than two weeks I may ask what's up, but if I know a reply is coming I'll wait pretty much indefinitely.

Are you open to RPing over instant messengers? If so, what's the best way to contact you and what times are you generally available?
Not really into this, sorry folks. If necessary PM and we can try to work something out.

Are you open to post volleying?
If you catch me online, have at it! Or hey, if you're real determined, PM and let's work out a specific time :)

Anything else?
Communication is key!!!
...But seriously, you do you, I'm flexible :)


What are you limits regarding powerplay/godmoding?
Powerplay: As long as no serious injuries/death/transformation (i.e. vamps, werewolves, etc.) happens without asking me first. Other than that have at it!
Godmoding: Please do not.

What are your limits in regards to romantic situations?
I'm not a fan of love triangles as a rule, but if you're really itching for one just talk to me about it. Age doesn't really bother me if it's reasonable (like, no more than 10-12ish years apart. Max. If both participants are adults. Unless they're immortal beings/super long-lived or whatever, I'm more flexible there). Other than that I'll try anything once!

What are your limits in regards to sex?
Ah, no super in-depth descriptions please. That's pretty much my only limit. Write the whole scene if you want, just don't be graphic please. Of course implication, fade to black, pre/post scenes are all fine. I'm totally willing to go there if that happens though!

There should be some reason for it, not just "because they can".

A quick note: the more comfortable I am with another writer, the more likely I am to be about playing this kinda stuff out a bit more if that's what my thread partner is looking for.

Another note: I have grown as a writer since making this! I am now comfortable writing out these scenes, if that's what my partner wants, but I do ask that you don't just jump right in there with no warning for me, and I will also say that consent once does not mean consent forever. If I'm not feeling writing a scene out, I'll let you know and we can do some implication/fade-out ^.^

What are your limits in regards to pregnancy within plots?
(Are you okay with pregnancy in plots? Miscarriages? Loss?)
I feel like all of these things are situation-based. Talk to me about it, we'll see what happens.

What are your limits in regards to violent scenes?
(Are you comfortable with violent scenes? Do you prefer to imply it, fade to black, or play it out? Is there anything you won't write?)
Violence is fine, as long as there's no like amputation without prior discussion. And no unnecessary gore please. Necessary gore is fine, it's great! Unnecessary gore irks me.

NOTE: I'm not really a fan of threads that exist solely for the purpose of combat. It's great if you like them, that's just not really what I like to read or write. Of course combat scenes to spice up the story and propel an adventure along are great, I just ask that you don't try to make a thread with me just about a long, drawn-out fight.

What are your limits in regards to abuse/rape in plots?
Basically, communicate with me. Some things I might be interested in exploring, some things I'm more comfortable implying, and some I just won't do. That said, if it's part of a character's history, and not something we are actively writing, go for it.

AN UPDATE: HI! I do not want to write out a detailed rape scene. Just don't. Please don't ask. If it's that important to you, I'm not the best RP partner.

Are you okay with characters being transformed against their will?
(Think vampires and werewolves. Should a player ask before attempting to turn your character?)
Yeah, please ask. Again, this seems like a case-by-case thing to me. Against my character's will is fine, against my will...not so much.

What about healing?
Ask me first please :)

Anything else?
Let's go adventuring!
Hey, so I've only got one character at the mo and I'm new enough that I'm not really sure what to do with her. She can kinda be anywhere doing anything haha. Would you be interested?
Welcome Wagon / Re: Well...Uh...Hi?
October 28, 2015, 10:53:24 PM
Thanks so much!
Welcome Wagon / Re: Well...Uh...Hi?
October 28, 2015, 10:34:34 PM
Thanks! I'm reading everything I can (insomnia, finally you work in my favor!).
It's so cool how welcoming everyone is here :)
Er...probably a dumb question, but I don't suppose someone could tell me how to link my character to my profile signature? I seem to be having issues  :-\
Adela / Kiara, wandering dragonrider, and Kit
October 28, 2015, 10:27:17 PM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Kiara
Age 20
Gender Female
Race Mixed blood, half human half fae
Ethnicity Her mother was Adelan, her father is fae.
Sexuality Bisexual
Height 5'6"
Occupation "Pest Control". She takes on odd jobs, anything that will pay- because she has a dragon companion, these jobs usually involve ridding individuals or places of "nuisances"
Residence Kiara is a wanderer, her only real home the open sky

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Due to her mixed blood, she doesn't exactly fit the typical Adelan image: she has olive-copper skin and a mess of curly, dark brown hair with deep red undertones. Her eyes are large and slightly shimmering in dim light, showing her fae heritage (as do her slightly pointed ears), and a shade of green so dark they usually appear to be black. She also has a tattoo between her shoulder blades depicting a dragon arising from a ring of flame.

Not tall but not short, she's very comfortable in her body and isn't afraid to show off a bi should the occasion call for it—though usually she favors practicality over fashion in her dress. She's pretty enough, but she's usually covered in some form of travel-dust which obscures this fact.

Kiara is a bit...standoffish. Her father is a very free spirit, he left her and her mother when she was very young, so as a rule she doesn't trust people without good reason. However she usually keeps people at a distance through biting humor rather than crankiness, which makes her strangely likable. She's a solitary person by habit, but she also adjusts easily to new environments and people.

A fire elemental magic user, though not super powerful. Basically she uses magic to manipulate Kit, her dragon's, fire in battle to give herself a bit of an edge.

Her preferred fighting style involves throwing knives, a pair of long daggers, and pretty much anything else sharp that she can get her hands on. She's very quick and light on her feet, so she plays more to that than to her physical strength.

Kittsareyn, or Kit as she affectionately calls him, is a still growing (read: about nine feet at the shoulder), black scaled dragon with golden eyes; each of his scales is lined thinly with silver, though the markings are so faint they're really only visible in the light (quite striking actually), and his wing membrane is shot through with faint strands of silver and gold. Though he does possess human speech, he rarely deigns to use it with anyone but Kiara. He's her oldest and best friend: her mother, also a dragonrider, gave her his egg a few days after her third birthday, and he hatched a week later (all awkward and gangly and not at all what one would imagine a dragon to be). And they've been together ever since.

Kiara has an...interesting relationship with her father, Aeolthaine. A relationship that is further complicated by the fact that he happens to be the current Crown Prince of the Autumn Court.

Kiara was very close with her mother, who died of illness when the girl was twelve. After that she was taken to live with her father, who meant well, really—but he was never cut out to be a parent. Not to mention Kiara just wasn't built for the delicate machinations of life in a faerie court. When she was fourteen, she decided it would be best for everyone if she struck out on her own (well, with Kit of course).

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads
Out of the Desert
A Chance Discovery in the Desert
The Journey Continues!
Welcome to my Home
Welcome Wagon / Well...Uh...Hi?
October 28, 2015, 09:28:21 PM
So hey!
I'm a awkward noob. To this site and to RP in general. Hoping to practice my writing and have some fun, excited to meet some cool new people/characters/whatever! Thanks for existing, SotE, here's to the start of something awesome  :)