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Is it low or was it high...

Started by Alexandras, March 31, 2018, 11:23:09 PM

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Lowin trods peacefully through the marvelous forest he found himself in, the feeling of the soft tree needles under foot made him smile to himself. As he returns to the little cabin he had built off the beaten path of Niahi Woods, the birds and small woodland creatures stop to inspect him but quickly return to their tasks without care, as if they accepted him or barely paid his intrusion any attention. A small chuckle leaves his lips as he watches to birds squabble over a small corner of the thatched roof, the cabin seemed to consist of three rooms in an L shape, and was made simply, out of what appeared to be mud bricks though if one was to strike them they would find them as hard as any stone one could find.

Before entering the small structure, with it's two shuttered windows per room, he stopped and let the vibrations of the forest sink into and then through him, it was there that hum, which had brought him out of near non existence, though it was closer to the settlement he'd have to venture back to at sometime, there wasn't any question a town full of mages and someone, someone was tampering with powers he doubted they could understand, and if they did what was there goal, he had to know.

Without further pause he opened the crude wooden door and entered though as he went to shut it, he remembered a rather charming solid wooden door with an arched window he had seen within the town of magic. The windows changing colors with the amount of light which hit them, with a smirk he ran his palm along the rough door, and with little resistance it glimmered and gave into his desire the very atoms of the door restructuring themselves to his desires.

Lowin closes the door finally and steps away to admire his handy work, the windows a myriad of dark purples as twilight descend upon the forest, home now he set about dinner, though he was sure this form could survive without the meal it was a nice sensation, the feeling of warmth as it flowed through his still rather new digestive tract.

And so Lowin sits stirring a pot of stew, which smells strongly of forest herbs, wild onions, potatoes, and perhaps just a hint of venison, this pot sits over a fire hanging from a tripod system, which seemed to be constructed from the same material as the building itself.

Unbeknownst to him though as he settled into the rhythmic stirring of the stew, he began to hum in time with that distant lure that had eluded him thus far, and as he did the building and the air around it began to glow a most mesmerizing golden hue which could probably be seen as far away as the town itself, drawing attention he most definitely hadn't attended.


"Okay. Well that's just not normal."

Kit huffed and nodded at his rider's observation, banking into a wide circle over the trees. "Astounding skills of deduction as always, Kia," he rumbled.

Kiara slapped his shoulder lightly, leaning out over his neck to get a better look at the source of the light below them. "...C'mon, let's check it out."

Kit's wings stalled as he twisted his neck around to stare at her drolly. "You've finally gone mad," he noted blandly. "That could be anything."

Kiara grinned. "Exactly. Come on!"

Sighing, the dragon muttered, "You're going to get us killed," as he dipped into a shallow dive toward the small cottage, landing with a loud *thud* just outside.


Lowin had started out of his trance like state when the world around him thundered, gems similar to topaz gliding towards the entrance of his humble abode. He stood with no real urgency, casting a single glance at the fire he had stoked moments ago, causing the flames to still and shrink slightly.

With a light step he crossed the small room, to the now overly luxurious door opening it and stepping out side leaving it slightly ajar, as he observed his guests a gentle smiled filled his lips as pushed a silver lock of hair out of his face, "Well, hmm, I suppose a hello is of order?"

As his head shifted to the side for a moment his senses snapped back completely he could feel his own resonance still hanging in the air, and could only ponder at the sight it most have caused, "Sorry if perhaps I startled you friends... I just got lost in thought for a moment."

Lowin was by no means sure he could tangle with this pair if they proved hostile but was rather certain he could abandon this mortal vessel if he had need, as he waited for their response a soft breeze blew past him and his home towards, them, if one's sense of smell was acute they might notice the crisp clean scent of his forest home, the cooking stew, and the strange yet certain fact that he himself had no personal scent to speak off, something no normal creature could claim.


Kiara and Kit exchanges a look.

"Strange magic," the girl commented blithely as she folded her arms and leaned low over the dragon's neck. "What was that all about? Your whole place was lit up like a Beltane bonfire."


Lowin analysed her words with the knowledge he had gleaned from this world since returning to the physical plane, "Yes, I suppose it could of been rather bright," he pondered for a few moments how to best explain himself, "Strange magic, describes it well, I think," a dry chuckle escaped his lips as he looks down toeing the grass at his feet.

"But it is more of a connection to the energy latent in the air, and all things around us, it was mixing with my own essence I believe, but practically harmless," his head tilted to the side as he smiled, "Well honestly I haven't tested it but if I don't mean harm there shouldn't be any certainly..."


"Hm." Kiara tilted her head the other way. "Interesting, I guess. Well!" She leaned back suddenly, bracing her palms on Kit's flank behind her. "Really just wanted to check out what was going on. Never know if something shifty or fascinating will be happening," she said with a quick grin.


Lowin nodded softly before speaking, "Curiousity is a great thing, usually. I wonder, do you often venture into potentially dangerous situations? If so perhaps I have a situation you'd be truly interested in..."

A slight smirk formed on his lips before he continue, "Oh and pardon me, my name is Lowin, it's been sometime since I've dealt with anyone on a personal level." He looked to her and then the dragon again, wondering if either would be able the trouble he had been hunting.


The dragonrider tilted her head from side to side, then abruptly slid down her mount's flank to land lightly at his side. "Well, that depends." She smirked and folded her arms over her chest as she leaned back again's Kit's foreleg. "What's the trouble and how much you paying?"


Lowin's mind reeled again shifting and sorting information as he interprets, what would be an adequate payment for such a task, "Well, honestly I can't say what the trouble is, it's more of a feeling, a deep, dark feeling..." He sighed while spinning his body in a soft circle, the air around them growing dense, and almost electric, as he stopped once again facing her his eyes locked with her's, "But it's there, and it will do unrelenting damage, to this plane of existence."

A small smirk formed on his lips and the atmosphere returned to normal, "Oooor it won't, I will not be one hundred percent sure until I can get close enough to touch it, something is preventing it, " a laugh left his lips, and he approached the dragon slowly, "But I can promise you both, gold, or perhaps physical enhancements, I also believe I should be able to create weapons of outstanding quality... But so far I am alone in this endeavor, and I would like someone to watch my back, so to speak."


Kit and Kiara exchanged a glance. "You paying?" the dragonrider asked bluntly, head tilted slightly to one side.