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The Spamtabulously Super Awards <3

Started by Rhindeer, December 26, 2007, 01:19:53 PM

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A quick shout out to Cleoni, because I love playing with Nykui, Hatshepsut, and Gideon. One of the best RPers I've had a chance to play with, and definitely one who can play guys and girls equally well. :)


Thank you!! I really really appreciate it. *hugs*

Now I give a shout out to Joelle for giving me such a sweet Lady to defend and such an interesting knight to play dress up for. ^_^


*Pops in*

I must give a shout-out to Choco, and especially Rhi, for being so bloody patient! *Gives them huggles and cookies and sparkly things*

2 years? 2 years?? >_< You are both amazing! (And I'm sorry again Rhi, for freezing all your brain babies in so many threads for so long!)

That is all!  :heart:  *Toddles off to rummage through her old charries*


RIC!! :D He's so awesome his RP posts give me goose bumps ;_;

He should become writer or something!! D<
It's such a wasted talent to leave his writings unpaid..



Im not sex. Not yet, only the subject of solo person masturbation.

Anyhow, didnt know this topic existed Oo. Where did you find it?

Id like to give my thanks to the admins and old schooler's that manage to live on with me jumping around the board of sote like a bunny.


It was here all along??? O_o


and LAWL, well you're not a virgin right?



<3 Chailyn and Fenway and they're awesome. And I should post. D= Sorry I'm so sloooow.


>8V Go see those head doctors!


Because you told me not to <3 you're getting so much better since you started and had me read everything you wrote before you post it.


hehehe, yaaaay thank you Draco!!!!

I send one BACK to you! DRACO!!!: For being awesome and miraculously allowing me to be less melodramatic in my posts and get some humor out! Never before have my characters mistaken someone for a deer, or mentally freaked out because they woke up to some hot naked boobs. WE SHOULD USE THIS POST TO GET YOU UP TO THE 10 PAGE BADGE!

Rhi!!!: I haven't sent one out to you yet *stares aghast* don't know how, but it is unacceptable. For all of those awesome two sentence posts back from 2002 and for the times when we use to have "post-wars" and get about 10 posts out in an hour. While fun, I am glad that we have both matured and became better writers!!! xDD Also, for loving to beat up both yours and my characters as much as I do. SADISM R US! And also for getting a 2500 word post out of me xDDDD

Shizmeister: because you're awesome and skype rules. *bows to*


Well, I've given out uh...shout outs before to people, but I have to give out a new one! A good one! To the best!

Goldypants: You are the best girl! You're a devious mind, you've some good taste in movies and music, plus, you love skype, and you like to talk to me! Which is great! Much love to Goldy!


Yay! I just found this thread 8D

Tebby: You're awesome! Our roleplays have been pretty interesting, and I like your writing style a lot ^^

Dris: You put up with my laziness and we have roleplays that I find very interesting! I like your characters!



I need to do this puppy again 8D So many people I gots to be all awesome at.

Rhi - Cause you put up with me  :heart: And you play with all my super weirdo characters

Tal - You make the most wonderful to mess with characters. And we have such a good theme going xD

Shizzy - You probably get the biggest award. I wouldn't have stayed and kept playing here if it weren't for you ^__^ No one else liked me much at first xD But you played with me and that kept me here

Draco-pants - I love how easy it is to play my characters off yours ^__^

Quills - I love Sethunya. So much xD She's so funny

There are more peoples, but I'm gonna stop for now xD Cause I am lazy!


A shout out goes out to Prythian and Cork for this thread here!

xD I loved reading what's written so far; it got a good laugh out of me. <3
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


This one is squishy and sentimental, I think.

Every Member gets a gold star for putting up with me. XD

Rhi-Rhi - For being as slow as I am! <3 Thank you for not letting our threads die. Even if it took us a good three years to finish our first thread together ever with only like... 101 posts? Either way, it took a loooong loooong time and I still love it. I love your characters so much! They're always so interesting and just... Ah 8D!

Tally - I would wait a year for one of your posts( I probably have already xD ). I loooove your writing, more so when it's a reply for me, it's less exciting when it's for other people but that's obvious I should hope. I know you poof sometimes but I <3 you anyway because you're always full of brilliant ideas and brilliant characters.

Rina - Bein' awesome. (: I know you know that I didn't care for you too much at one point (I think it was the first few points) but thank you for letting me have chance after chance to get to know you. I love RPin' with you and how our characters tend to bounce off of one another so wonderfully ( Vic and Val ) and you play the only other freaky-demon besides me ( noodles, of course ). And you put up with my terrible posting habbits and only whine once in a blue moon about it.

Shizzy - Well, poking me and poking me and making me feel all special about wanting to RP. 83 and now we have one and I'm such a slaaaaaaaaaaacker. It's nice to have you back and I totally just noticed there's a bus stop outside my building o_o. Anyway, special 8D!! yaay!

Gold - For being Gold. <3 For letting me make Taich and for playing Fenway, who's really coo'! We didn't really talk much at all before that and to be honest you were unknown scariness! Now you're awesome <3

Lion - o_o longest thread/character interaction ever. I didn't even know I could do that let alone get such a long thread in under a year. You get big squishes for poking my interest and keeping it. You make really neat characters too! Like Grave and that freaky metal-making faceless one! And your writing is fun to read, 'specially when it's for me! 8D

Crono - For being so awesome. 8D And good at waiting! For helping me with some dragon stuff. And being as slow as I am! And you've been here for a really really long time, too!

Xphy - You have neat characters too! And thanks for RPing with me with Tarlaka, I've had her since I was twelve or so and because of how slow Adela's castle tends to be she never really got the chance for much interaction. (:  

Members! (a.k.a: too many to name) - Thank you for making SotE what it is. (: It's so neat that the game can practically run its self 'cause of you guys. We know it's sort of messy here and we're still trying to iron things out, so thank you for being so patient too!

P: I know I'm a bit of a pain but <3 to you who put up with me. <_< I know I wouldn't.


Well, everyone's given all their love to me, so it's time I give love back!

Tebby - What to say about the ever strange and lovely Tebby? Thank you so much for role playing with me, it has been an absolute ball of a time giggling over the silliness of our role plays. Also thanks for putting up with me when I go all weird, as well as the fun chats that you and I have had!

Sinedra - I don't know much about you, but you want to read my favourite book series and your friends think you're close to one of the characters so that makes me just <3. So far I've been quite enjoying our little role play, and I can't wait to see how it develops! Can't wait to see what other characters you develop as well!

Rina - What can I say about you that hasn't already been said? I'm glad we've gotten to role play together, and I'm glad we still get to role play! I can't wait for some of our role plays to move along, and I hope that we can have many more! You also are usually quite a fast poster, so I'm glad I don't have to go Shizzinsane on you and poke you to death.

Rhi Rhi - Hah hah, what's there to say poppet? Absolutely love our role plays together, I love our character interactions, I love the plots, and I love the absolute hilarity and trouble we can get our characters into. They're always fun, and despite your slowness in posting, I still love each and every one of them. You've always been a great friend, and you always will be! I can't wait to see what we get our characters into now, I bet it'll be nothing but hilarious fun!

Gold - Oh we do have a lot of fun don't we? I really like role playing with you, and I love talking with you. I just wish you wouldn't pile so much on your plate at one time. But it's alright because you still post and you still talk to me when you can, and for that you are just plain super awesome! <3

- Thank you for FINAAAAAAALLY wanting to role play with me. I told you that I would finally make a character that interested you didn't I? I really do love role playing with you, and I wish you were just more open to it! However, I've got some with you going now, and I couldn't be happier. You really are an excellent role player, and I love your reactions to some posts. I'm really glad I finally was able to bully you into playing with me, despite how difficult I can be sometimes. Don't stop being awesome, and start posting more! But just for me! Cause you know. <3.

Xphy - We only have one role play together, but I do enjoy it immensely. Thanks for role playing with me, and putting up with me pestering you once in a while for posts! I know you get to them eventually! Keep being awesome, and keep making such fun characters!

Crono - You may be slow, but you're still quite fun to role play with! I love you writing and I love your posts, I just wish it'd be more often! There's always hilarity and fun to be had with you though, and it great stuff!

Quills - I know you aren't around now, but you'll be back I hope when you get internet again. I absolutely love your role plays though, and I enjoy our hilarious characters when they get together. And Spektrox will win against her you know. Ahem. I do so enjoy your writing style, and I love how you just go along with things no matter how silly they are sometimes! I can't wait for your return, because really, you have the longest role play with me in the history of SotE, RotE, and all the other places I have role played on!

Angel - You're a very energetic role player and poster, I absolutely love playing Paenloch, and I'm glad that you have such a fun Dragon Knight to play against. There is a certain charm you bring to your posts! I hope you don't leave us and poof mysteriously!

Kira Yume - It has been a blast playing with you, your posts are so exquisite, so filled and so long. Our characters play together so excellently, they are so much fun to write and read. I do hope you aren't gone for good either. Please just keep running all away, and I hope you're coming back! After all, as we've established, your my other dimension self! So come back and let's continue our grand role plays together!

Xierra - I love your writing, it's so fun and it's so bold, it has such a fluid way to it. I love reading our posts together, and I hope you post more so we can have such excellent fun together! You just have to post more so we can enjoy them all the more! Keep being really awesome Xierra, I love our thread so far, and I can't wait for it to be more! We're gonna have a lot of fun I hope, so don't give up and get bored with me yet!

Everyone of you deserves a medal and a cookie for putting up with my constant oddness, silliness, and sometimes unbelievably bad behaviour. Thank you very much for role playing with me, I appreciate it so much. You are great friends, and always are a treat to talk to!


Shizzy - Thank you for what you said =). I know I don't really talk much in the chat but I'm a little shy when I first join up on things like this, I'm not really sure how to join in the conversations much but I'll get there. And I just wanted to thank you again for helping me out when I joined a few days ago. I would have been so lost XD. And I'm really enjoying our Rp too, I honestly thought I would have taken longer for someone to join.

Morrigan - I wanted to thank you as well, you were the first to start helping out and I thought that I might properly thank you ^-^.

Everyone else - I might not know you yet but I can't wait to make more characters and really to Role playing. Like I said to Shizzy, it may take me awhile before I start to really get out there but you all so funny that you make me laugh when I read the chats XD. Randomness had a permanent place there. So thank you for making me want to join.


So I guess I better post in this thing, huh? ;D

Shizzy! Every thread with you is a gold mine of awesome! Sure we start slow but it always ends up someplace amazing making me crack up or squee or go WAIT WHAT HAPPEN with every post, and I still need to draw something which does any of them justice B| NO CRAPPY DOODLES FOR SESSELAV + HASEA'S EPIC PLATONIC LOVE~ ditto for Spektrox + Roshan's whatever the hell that is

Rina! For hilarity and funtimes, and hopefully loads loads more! Beat some sense into my idiot characters, we both know they need it XD and Keoni's confusedness is D'AWWW and Mikhail is ridiculously entertaining, I thought you should know that

Honourable mention to Lion for being the first person to thread with me when I was a tiny, not-very-good newbie >.>

And everyone else, who I haven't played with anywhere near enough but WE STILL HAVE FOREVER BB NEVER LET GO <3 I'M FAR FROM HAVING LOVED SOTE ENOUGH and now I'm all capslocked out


Rhi-Rhi For putting up with my endless stream of questions and my worry-wort personality. And for making some fun threads(and being quick to suggest we RP together when I posted in the plotting center), and also for making this a very welcoming place. =3  :heart:

Rina For her too putting up with my many questions and bothersome personality. Ans her also making this a very welcoming place to someone like me. And for also RPing with my first true character on this site and making it very very fun.  :D  :heart:

Illy For being awesome and withstanding my many ramblings as we plotted together. May we plot many more times in the future! =D x3  :heart:


To Juno and Haze for their bouncing back and forth to create span such a story in that short a period of time. :D

this had to go here lol


To Juno for being such an amazing threadung partner. I can't believe we are almost at thirty pages all up! For putting up with Dorian and his ridiculousness, and giving us such an epic plot. I bow in awe of your presence!

To Lion for pushing my character development to the limit for both Cairis and Keely. I don't know how you do it, but the twists and turns you throw into threads are amazing!

And toShea, Slight, Goblin, and the rest of my babies ... You all make the cbox TOO much fun! <3<3


Rhi: I can't thank you enough for dealing with me and my constant leaving/joining spree, and the fact that I seem to be a problem magnet. You've been there when I need help every time and I've always felt welcome asking you questions and such. You're not just a great writer but you're kind as well. Thanks.

Draco: For dealing with me when I was a silly little kid when I first got on here. We did my first thread here. I have to admit you have a great sense of humour as well and it comes off in your writing. (: You're awesome.

GoblinFae: It is really fun post-volleying with you! You're very kind as well and you put up with me and my silly puns. You don't ask for much and you appreciate RPs, as well as given me feedback on my writing and making me feel good about it. Thanks for that!

Xphy: For dealing with my failure regarding technology occasionally and always directing me to the right part of the site and whatnot. (: Thanks!

Zat ees all for now.